Branching processes and stochastic equations

Branching processes and stochastic equations
Zenghu Li, [email protected]
School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, No. 19 Xinjie Kouwai
Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100875, China
Branching process, stochastic equation, strong solution, stochastic ow,
measure-valued process
60J80, 60H10, 60H20
We establish the strong existence of some stochastic ows of continuous-state branching processes. These unify and generalize the treatments of the ows of subordinators
of Bertoin and Le Gall (2003, 2005, 2006). They also provide new perspectives into
the tree-valued Markov processes of Aldous and Pitman (1998) and Abraham and
Delmas (2012). The exploration is based on some general results on pathwise uniqueness and non-negative strong solutions of stochastic equations driven by time-space
white noises and Poisson random measures.
The research was supported by by NSFC and MOSTC.
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III Workshop on Branching Processes and their Applications
April 7-10, 2015
Badajoz (Spain)