Page 6 | Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | Postville Herald public notice CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE ALLAMAKEE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS March 09, 2015 General Basic Fund Abbott Law Office services.................. 102.00 AcenTek phone....................................... 87.79 Advanced Systems services................ 249.87 Alla Clayton Elec elec.......................... 517.82 Alla Co Historical So museum utilites............................... 598.26 Alla Co Sheriff services......................... 40.00 Alla Housing services.......................... 736.00 Alliant Energy elec............................... 974.82 Big 4 Fair Assoc allocation............... 3,575.00 Black Hawk Co Sheriff services............. 20.56 Black Hills Energy fuel......................... 324.78 Byrnes Landscaping Services services........................................... 375.00 Carquest supplies.................................. 19.99 Caseys fuel........................................... 781.48 CenturyLink phone............................... 210.54 Chief Law Enforcement Supply supplies.......................................... 683.80 City of New Albin water...................... 329.25 City of Waukon sewer & water........... 251.06 Greg Clark services........................... 1,722.12 Clayton Co Sheriff services.................... 79.46 Cole’s Auto Repair services................... 32.00 Co Case Mgmt Service dues................ 330.00 Culligan water........................................ 16.65 Cunningham Hdwe supplies................ 423.13 Division of Labor Service services......... 80.00 Econo Pak supplies................................ 42.66 Fayette Co Sheriff services.................... 45.40 Jason Fish rent..................................... 125.00 Ernest Gavle mtg.................................... 20.00 Hovey LP Gas fuel................................ 126.66 IA State Sheriffs & Dep.Assoc school.............................................. 125.00 Jim’s Full Service fuel............................ 90.25 Nancy Johnson Court Reporter services............................................ 377.00 Kenneth Kerr services............................ 70.00 Jill Kistler mileage................................. 80.70 Klatt Augustine Sayer Treinen services........................................... 180.00 Revelyn Lonning postage....................... 41.31 David Mason Attorney services............. 85.00 Jill Mathis postage................................ 11.75 Mediacom phone................................. 138.32 Mid-America Publishing Corp services........................................... 598.49 NEIT phones & labor......................... 4,345.84 News Publishing services.................... 969.39 Palmer Repair services.......................... 91.40 Todd Passig mtg..................................... 20.00 Positive Promotions supplies............... 224.01 Postmaster stamps............................. 148.00 Practical Applications Inc services...... 450.00 Prosecuting Attorneys Training supplies............................................ 25.00 Terry Quanrude rent............................. 250.00 RICOH USA INC services..................... 167.87 Rileys Inc supplies................................. 77.27 Rite Price Office Supply supplies......... 273.45 River City Paving services.................... 150.00 Schilling Supply Co supplies.................. 15.00 David Schulte mtg.................................. 20.00 Shopko supplies..................................... 93.68 Du Wayne Snitker dogcare.................. 140.00 Storey Kenworthy Co supplies............... 41.80 Sweeney Oil Co fuel............................ 350.37 Tri State Busi Machines services......... 306.40 Jeffrey Tyribakken mtg........................... 20.00 VMH contract.................................... 8,719.33 VMH grant......................................... 8,961.86 Village Farm & Home supplies............. 523.10 Waukon Tire Center services............... 134.30 Weber Paper Co supplies....................... 43.47 General Supplemental Fund Alla Co Sheriff services......................... 91.00 ISACA school....................................... 250.00 Well Grant Fund UPS postage........................................... 24.01 MH-DD Services Fund Caseys fuel............................................... 9.36 NEIT phones......................................... 265.35 RICOH USA INC services..................... 116.66 Rural Services Basic Fund A-Ok Well Service supplies.............. 1,566.56 Alla Clayton Elec internet...................... 49.99 Alliant Energy elec............................... 256.12 IA State Univ Extension supplies........... 35.01 Paetec phone........................................... 8.35 Shopko supplies..................................... 36.12 Secondary Road Fund AcenTek phone....................................... 79.85 Alla Clayton Elec elec.......................... 423.52 Alliant Energy elec............................... 345.35 Barco Municipal Products signs.......... 512.00 Black Hills Energy fuel......................... 638.45 Bodensteiner Impl supplies................... 93.36 Bruening Rock Products rock............... 101.18 Carquest parts...................................... 304.14 Culligan services.................................... 24.00 Cunningham Hdwe supplies................ 267.14 Fauser Energy Inc lp.......................... 9,649.15 Flannegan Western parts....................... 69.50 Gary’s Tractor & Impl Repair parts......... 39.98 Hammell Equipment services................ 64.54 Hausladens supplies............................ 106.42 IA DNR services.................................. 175.00 IA State Univ school............................ 450.00 La Crosse Truck Center parts............... 354.66 Rickie Larson clothing allowance........ 220.00 Lawson Products Inc supplies.............. 393.18 MCHS-Franciscan Healthcare services............................................ 158.85 Mediacom internet.............................. 249.13 Monroe Truck Equip supplies............... 331.48 News Publishing services...................... 23.46 NE IA Printers supplies........................ 232.00 Allen Palmer Inc supplies...................... 69.00 Rapids Reproduction supplies............... 75.12 RC Tire services...................................... 65.00 public notice Solutions computers......................... 6,413.04 Storey Kenworthy supplies.................... 35.99 Thompson Truck & Trailers supplies.... 101.45 Truck Country of IA parts...................... 198.48 Waste Mgmt services.......................... 198.62 Ziegler Inc parts................................ 1,143.63 Conservation/Special Proj Fehr Graham services....................... 8,072.43 Emergency Manag/Disaster Alla Clayton Elec internet...................... 49.99 Carquest supplies.................................. 46.34 Internat’l Assoc Em Mgt dues............. 185.00 News Publishing servies...................... 102.23 Paetec phone......................................... 14.80 Quillins supplies..................................... 41.75 Racom Corp supplies............................. 81.40 RDJ Specialties supplies..................... 651.72 Rite Price Office Supply supplies........... 77.56 R W Pladsen services............................ 17.54 Assessor Fund Ann Burckart mileage............................ 56.80 Mid-America Publishing services.......... 76.37 NEIT phones & labor......................... 1,660.00 News Publishing services...................... 76.37 RICOH USA INC services....................... 58.61 Vanguard Appraisals Inc services........ 110.00 E-911 AcenTek phone.................................. 1,762.82 Alla Clayton Elec tower expense........... 58.89 Alla Co Auditor platbk............................ 24.00 Centurytel of Postville phone............... 160.27 DeSoto Fire Dept tower expense......... 124.00 Mid-America Publishing services.......... 66.59 News Publishing services...................... 66.05 Postmaster stamps................................ 49.00 Grand Total.................................... 81,286.19 public notice MINUTES OF THE ALLAMAKEE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 (UNOFFICIAL) Board members present Schellhammer, Koenig and Byrnes. All members voting “AYE” unless noted. Meeting called to order by Schellhammer. 15.099-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to approve minutes from March 2, 2015 and today’s agenda. Motion carried. Present at different times during the meeting: Denise Beyer, Clark Mellick, Maury Gallagher, Jim Janett, Terri Krueger, Rev Lonning, Lori Hesse, Lee Ellickson, Ann Burckart, Brian Ridenour, Deb Winke, Kim Waters, Tom Blake, Heather Homewood, Laurie Moody, Ardie Kuhse, Neil Schraeder, Tony Baxter Public Comment: Maury Gallagher spoke about safety at intersection of Old Stage and Old Highway 9. Sheriff Mellick told the Board the Public Safety Center Committee recommends setting date of May 5, 2015 for Public Safety Center bond referendum election. 15.100-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to hold special election for Public Safety Center bond referendum on May 5, 2015. Motion carried. 15.101-Motion Koenig/Second Byrnes to open public hearing for FY16 Allamakee County budget. Motion carried. Levy changes were discussed. 15.102-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to close public hearing for FY16 Allamakee County budget. Motion carried. 15.103-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to adopt the Budget and Certification of Taxes for FY16. Motion carried. 15.104-Motion Koenig/Second Byrnes to reduce the Compensation Board’s recommendation by 25% for elected officials. Motion carried. 15.105-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to increase the percentage each Treasurer’s deputy receives by one percent (1%). Motion carried. 15.106-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to approve a 3% raise for all non-elected department heads and non-union employees, excluding Veterans Affairs Director and Veterans Affairs Secretary. Motion carried. Maynard Johnson not present for his 9:45 agenda item. Discussion was held on allowing the Allamakee County Economic Development employee(s) to be on the Allamakee County group health insurance plan at their expense. No one is hired for new director position yet and current administrative assistant does not need health insurance coverage. 15.107-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig for Allamakee County to allow Allamakee County Economic Development to be added to Allamakee County group health insurance plan at ACED’s expense. Motion carried. Auditor Beyer explained the need for a capital asset policy which determines when a department head needs to notify the Supervisors of a capital asset purchase. This was a recommendation in the FY14 audit by Hacker Nelson. 15.108-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to set limit for capital asset purchases requiring Board of Supervisors approval at $50,000 for Engineer/Secondary Roads and $20,000 for all other departments. Motion carried. Neil Schraeder of Hacker Nelson presented the FY14 audit report. Overall, he stated the County is in good standing. Schraeder also shared the analysis he prepared comparing 4 funding options for the future Public Safety Center project. 15.109-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to sign the CSS Sharing Resolution. Roll call: Schellhammer-aye; Byrnes-aye; Koenig-aye. Motion carried. (Full text of resolution available in Auditor’s office) 15.110-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to set March 30, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. as bid letting for 3 secondary roads projects. Motion carried. 15.111-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to approve liquor license renewal for The Old Rossville Store. Motion carried. The equalization agreement between the City of Waukon and Allamakee County was discussed. Tony Baxter expressed concern about the timing of the equalization payment than what the agreement currently states. 15.112-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to table signing of Equalization Agreement to look at wording of document concerning when timing of loan payments and equalization payments take place. Motion carried. 15.113-Motion Byrnes/Second Koenig to adjourn. Motion carried. Attest: Larry Schellhammer, Chairperson Denise Beyer, Auditor REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF POSTVILLE, IOWA March 9, 2015 1. A regular meeting of the City Council of Postville, Iowa, was held in the Council Chambers at 147 N. Lawler St. on March 9, 2015, beginning at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Leigh Rekow presiding. 2. On call of the roll, the following Council Members were present: Robert Fadness, Mary Engstrom, and Larry Moore. Absent: Mary Straate, and Ross Malcom. 3. Mayor Rekow amended the agenda correcting Resolution #1169-15. Council Member Moore made a motion to approve the agenda as amended by the Mayor. Seconded by Fadness. Carried. 4. A public hearing was held on Budget FY 15/16. No citizen present made comment. The hearing was closed. Council Member Moore made a motion to approve Resolution #1169-15, a resolution adopting the annual budget for fiscal year 2015-2016. Seconded by Engstrom. The roll was called ayes: Fadness, Engstrom and Moore. Nays: None. Carried. 5. A public hearing was held on budget amendment FY 14/15. No citizen present made comment. The hearing was closed. Council Member Engstrom made a motion to adopt resolution #1165-15, a resolution amending the current budget for the fiscal year ending June 2015. Seconded by Moore. The roll was called ayes: Fadness, Engstrom and Moore. Nays: None. Carried. 6. Council Member Moore made a motion to adopt Resolution #1168-15, a request fund for Educational Program from Winneshiek County Solid Waste Agency. Seconded by Fadness. Ayes: Fadness, Engstrom and Moore. Nays: None. Carried. 7. Council Member Fadness made a motion to adopt Resolution #1170-15, a resolution directing publication of notice of hearing on proposed sale of public property 110 S. Lawler, April 13, 2015. Seconded by Moore. The roll was called ayes: Fadness, Engstrom and Moore. Nays: None. Carried. 8. Discussion was held on the Child Care Agreement in regards to snow shoveling and lawn care. The Council was informed by the City Attorney that the current agreement has expired and needs to be addressed. The Child Care Board will be contacted to negotiate the agreement. 9. Discussion was held in regards to the dangerous building code and some properties in Postville. Trevor Seibert representing Nevel Properties discussed repairs to 131 Empire and 117 E. Military. Seibert stated 131 Empire the structure was in good shape. The Council requested clean-up be done at the property removing the trailer on the property, board up the windows, repair or remove the porch and remove the garage door or demolish the garage based on the safety of the structure. The lawn needs to be no more than six inches at any time. In regards to 117 E. Military the windows need to be repaired, remove the garage structure and maintain the outside of the property. It was the understanding that the house would eventually be sold or rehabbed. Council Member Moore made a motion to begin Iowa Code 657A proceedings on the following properties 321 W. Stoneman, 333 W. Stoneman and 507 W. Stoneman. Seconded by Fadness. Carried. 10. Council Member Moore made a motion to approve the subordination agreement of Avitan at 140 E. Greene. Seconded by Engstrom. Carried. 11. Council Member Moore made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Postville Pool Board 2015 Summer hires and managers of Kayla Bucheit and Josh Jacobs. Seconded by Fadness. Carried. 12. Discussion was held on the E-911 addresses in Clayton County. No action was taken. 13. Council Member Engstrom made a motion to approve the consent agenda: a. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of February 9, 2015. b. Departmental reports for the month of February 2015 (1) Treasurer and Clerk (5) Public Works (2) Police (6) Library (3) Swimming Pool (7) Fire Department (4) Zoning Administrator c. Claims and transfers for March 9, 2015. d. Liquor License Renewal Application and Ownership Change Postville Farmers Coop d/b/a Pit Stop Class C Beer Permit, includes Sunday Sales Privileges. e. Reappointment of Dave Palas to the E911 Board for Allamakee and Clayton Co. f. Pay request NE Iowa Home Repair in the amount $9,160, Ortiz, 211E. Military Rd. Owner Occupied Grant. Seconded by Moore. Carried. 14. Council Member Fadness made a motion to approve the resolution for money to pay claims. Seconded by Moore. The roll was called: Ayes: Fadness, Engstrom, and Moore. Nays: None. Carried. CASH RECEIPTS for month of February 2015 GENERAL......................................... 40,114.02 LIBRARY............................................... 415.91 SWIMMING POOL............................... 136.54 RUT.................................................. 19,530.23 T & A.................................................... 939.41 EMERGENCY.......................................... 62.58 LOST................................................ 17,078.04 TIF............................................................... .82 DEBT..................................................... 459.68 CAP IMPROVEMENT............................ 156.47 IND WW................................................... 0.00 WATER............................................ 36,323.53 HEALTH................................................. 210.87 SEWER............................................ 34,620.19 STORM WATER................................. 2,613.07 RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF MONEY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Postville, Iowa, that there is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the City Treasury not otherwise appropriated in payment of all bills and miscellaneous claims this day allowed: GENERAL FUND.............................. 53,010.12 ROAD USE FUND............................ 12,525.80 TRUST & AGENCY FUND.................. 5,431.45 EMERGENCY FUND.......................... 1,908.35 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX FUND.... 9,261.06 HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND................ 700.00 WATER FUND.................................. 32,283.64 SEWER FUND.................................. 28,120.18 TRANSFERS - USDA IND WW- $27,844, Sewer Improvement-$10,000, Dated at Postville, Iowa, this 9th day of March 2015. Attest: Darcy Radloff, Clerk Leigh Rekow, Mayor CLAIMS OF MARCH 9, 2015 ALLAMAKEE-CLAYTON electric service................................ 530.64 ALLIANT ENERGY electric service........................... 14,930.04 BLACK HILLS ENERGY natural gas service....................... 2,363.96 AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE monthly donation............................. 700.00 CENTURY LINK telephone service....... 522.13 CITIZENS STATE BANK-941 FED/FICA tax............................... 10,005.96 CULLIGAN WATER monthly service....... 14.50 ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP transformer repair........................... 332.40 FAUSER OIL CO. vehicle operation supply................. 525.40 HAWKINS INC. chemicals................... 552.25 IPERS police IPERS............................ 6,914.40 KEYSTONE LABORATORIES INC. water testing..................................... 36.00 LOCAL TEAMSTERS UNION union dues....................................... 283.00 TREASURER - STATE OF IOWA state taxes.................................... 1,829.00 OFFICE OF VEHICLE SERVICE vehicle inspections.......................... 110.00 UPPER EXPLORERLAND RPC housing grant-admin.................... 2,066.55 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC. smart points..................................... 152.00 VEENSTRA & KIMM engineering sanitary........................ 468.00 POSTVILLE FARMERS COOP vehicle operation supply.............. 1,328.28 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE utility billing expense...................... 181.07 TREASURER, STATE OF IOWA sales tax....................................... 2,273.00 DAVY LABORATORIES testing WWTP................................. 408.60 ZIEGLER INC. filter-loader...................... 35.02 RITE PRICE OFFICE SUPPLY office supplies................................. 331.83 MICHAEL HALSE police equipment..... 199.94 PETTY CASH-POLICY misc expense....... 67.06 U.S. CELLULAR cell phone service....... 301.56 REKOW LEIGH reimburse mileage......... 44.85 RACOM CORPORATION battery charger................................ 192.50 IAMU membership dues...................... 564.06 DECORAH ELECTRIC scada system.............................. 27,374.46 T & K CAHOON INC. maintenance supply........................ 264.80 SPEE-DEE shipping................................. 67.59 B & K HEATING & PLUMBING plugged sewer-Front St................... 222.50 NORTHEAST IOWA TELEPHONE PFD- internet...................................... 59.99 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS health insurance........................... 7,118.30 AVESIS 3RD PART health insurance.... 141.00 COLLECTION SERVICES garnishment..................................... 300.00 TRANS-IOWA EQUIPMENT INC. training............................................ 150.00 FIDELITY BANK I drive backup renewal.................... 203.45 DARLYNN MOSTAERT cleaning contract............................. 203.00 CENTURYLINK long distance phone service.............. 42.39 BLAKE ELECTRIC florescent bulbs......... 19.40 BASE admin fee/renewal.................... 308.00 ELSBERND PEST CONTROL pest control........................................ 70.00 MIKE’S AUTO CENTER repairs-Crown VIC........................... 453.47 DEARBORN NATIONAL employee health insurance............. 390.12 TOWN & COUNTRY SANITATION garbage collection...................... 15,726.00 COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT training............................................ 166.88 QUILLIN’S safety training supplies........ 12.16 SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER CO. city shop.......................................... 704.26 HECTOR SALINAS fuel reimbursement-ILEA................. 164.46 SEE ELECTRIC fire alarm inspection/test................ 330.00 NORTHEAST IOWA HOME REPAIR owner occupied grant-loan #3..... 9,160.00 MURPHY, SMITH & CO. PLLC audit FY 14/15 - final....................... 475.00 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING legal ads.......................................... 470.49 NESS PUMPING pump manhole-S Maple St............. 175.00 MENDAL STORCH refund unused deposit..................... 207.07 PAYROLL CHECKS 02/20/2015................................. 13,702.24 03/01/2015................................... 2,552.87 03/06/2015................................. 13,741.70 CLAIMS TOTAL........................... 143,240.60 There being no further business on the agenda to come before the Council, Council Member Fadness made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Motion seconded by Moore. Carried unanimously. Adjournment at 8:10 p.m. : Approved LEIGH REKOW, MAYOR DARCY RADLOFF, CITY CLERK CLAIMS OF POSTVILLE SWIMMING POOL FEBRUARY 2015 Bodley Equipment building.................. 493.50 Tri-State Carports Inc. carport building............................ 6,241.50 City of Postville O.T building permits.... 62.04 Mid-America Publish pool ad, claims.... 16.64 Centurylink phone.................................. 16.06 Total.................................................. 6,829.74 public notice Postville Community Schools Board of Education Meeting March 9, 2015 President Jamie Smith called the regular meeting of the Postville Board of Education to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2015, with the following members present: Bard Rekow, JoAnn Jacobs, Jeff Cox. Absent: Staci Malcom. President Smith welcomed the guests present. Motion by Rekow, second by Jacobs to approve the agenda. Carried unanimously. Motion by Cox, second by Jacobs to: a. Approve the minutes of the February 9, 2015, meeting, the February 23, 2015, meeting, and the February 23, 2015, work session b. Approve payment of the monthly bills as reviewed d. Approve hiring Tharin Benson, assistant baseball; Stewart Otting, junior high boys track; Bryan Mueller, May-October weight room supervisor; Luke Steege, November-April weight room supervisor f. Approve the Clinical Field Experience contract with Luther College for 2015-2016 Carried unanimously. Motion by Cox, second by Rekow to approve the early graduation requests of Levi Hansmeier, Yobany Lopez, and Yoselin Perez pending that all graduation requirements are met. Carried unanimously. Motion by Rekow, second by Jacobs to accept the bid submitted by A & S Lawn Care at $398 per mowing and $2,150 yearly for fer- tilizing, pesticides, aerating, and over seeding the lawns for calendar year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion by Rekow, second by Jacobs to terminate the sharing agreement with the Allamakee Community School District for an industrial arts instructor. Carried unanimously. Motion by Rekow, second by Jacobs RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Postville Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2015-2016 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Carried unanimously. Motion by Rekow, second by Cox to file FY16 budget with the secretary. Carried unanimously. Motion by Rekow, second by Cox to set April 13, 2015, at 6:30 for the FY16 budget hearing and publish the budget in the March 24, 2015, issue of the Postville Herald. Carried unanimously. Motion by Jacobs, second by Cox to approve adding one fifth-sixth grade teacher and increasing industrial arts and family consumer science to full-time for the 2015-2016 school year. Carried unanimously. Superintendent Abe Maske presented some preliminary findings presented by Waggoner & Wineinger Architects following a recent facility study. Motion by Cox, second by Rekow to approve offering fall and spring diver education as long as the numbers support it. Carried unanimously. Motion by Cox, second by Rekow to deny the open enrollment requests of Claire and Kelleigh Martins to MFL Mar Mac Community Schools based on not meeting our diversity plan criteria. Carried unanimously. Celebrations: Variety show; K-8 TAG night; Middle school play; Postville has won a $1,000 drawing ($500 scholarship, $500 classroom supplies) in the state financial literacy event. Superintendent Abe Maske reported: YMCA bleacher motors installed; 15-16 school calendar; Signage; Softball – Jamie Smith, Jeff Cox, Abe Maske & Brendan Knudtson will meet with Central Community School representatives. Superintendent Abe Maske handed out Curriculum Director Ryan Zurbriggen’s report highlighting: Science curriculum; First grade rubrics; Newspaper articles; STEM scale-up. Elementary Principal Chad Wahls reported: Scheduling meeting; Has applied for K-4 STEM grant. Junior-Senior High School Principal Brendan Knudtson reported: Has applied for STEM Scale-up grant; Will be applying for HAWC grant; Iowa Assessments completed; Spring sports underway. Motion by Jacobs, second by Cox to adjourn the meeting at 8:03. Carried unanimously. Jamie Smith, President Clara M. Lensing, Secretary
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