6 • Thursday, March 19, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES • Clarksville Star • Proceedings Proceedings CLARKSVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Special Meeting March 12, 2015 A special work session was called to order by Board Pres. Chris Backer at 5:36 p.m. in the Community Room. Members present were Chris Backer, Tim Backer, Shelley Maiers, Corey Jacobs and Justin Clark; other present were Business Manager/Board Secretary Shellee Bartlett, Randy Strabala, Dean Meier and principal candidates. Moved by Clark, seconded by Jacobs, to approve the. Carried unanimously. Moved by T. Backer, seconded by Maiers, to enter closed session at 5:37 p.m. as authorized by section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll: Ayes – Clark, C. Backer, Jacobs, Maiers, T. Backer; Nays – None. The board recessed at 6:46 p.m. Moved by Jacobs, seconded by Maiers, to enter closed session at 7:06 p.m. as authorized by section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll: Ayes – Jacobs, C. Backer, Maiers, T. Backer, Clark; Nays – None. Moved by Jacobs, seconded by Maiers to adjourn at 8:14 p.m. Carried unanimously. CS 12-1 CLARKSVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Special Meeting March 13, 2015 A special work session was called to order by Board Pres. Chris Backer at 5:31 p.m. in the Community Room. Members present were Chris Backer, Tim Backer, Shelley Maiers, Corey Jacobs and Justin Clark; other present were Business Manager/Board Secretary Shellee Bartlett, Randy Strabala, Dean Meier and principal candidates. Moved by Jacobs, seconded by T. Backer, to approve the. Carried unanimously. Moved by Jacobs, seconded by Maiers, to enter closed session at 5:31 p.m. as authorized by section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll: Ayes – Maiers, C. Backer, Clark, Jacobs, T. Backer; Nays – None. The board recessed at 6:41 p.m. Moved by Maiers, seconded by T. Backer, to enter closed session at 7:06 p.m. as authorized by section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll: Ayes – T. Backer, Maiers, Clark, C. Backer, Jacobs; Nays – None. The board recessed at 8:50 p.m. Moved by Clark, seconded by Jacobs, to enter closed session at 9:16 p.m. as authorized by section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll: Ayes – C. Backer, Clark, T. Backer, Maiers, Jacobs; Nays – None. Moved by Maiers, seconded by Clark to adjourn at 10:42 p.m. Carried unanimously. CS 12-1 CS 12-1 PUBLIC NOTICES 6 • Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Butler County Tribune-Journal • Public Notice NOTICE OF SALE The contents of Storage Unit #31 Located at: 310 Allan Street, Allison, IA 50602 And rented in the name of: Stephen Carroll Will be sold at public auction sale on: April 7, 2015 at 11:45 a.m. Contents of said unit consist in part of: Household, Personal and Misc. Items MINIMUM BILL WILL HAVE TO BE $500.00 per unit. If the tenant of the above storage unit pays the rent due before the auction, the sale will be canceled without notice. TJ-12-2 Proceedings: N. Butler Official Proceedings: City of Allison CITY OF ALLISON COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 9, 2015 Public Hearing: The Allison City Council held a public hearing on Monday, March 9, 2015. Mayor Henrichs called the public hearing to order at 5:15 P.M. Council members present: Blockhus, Cramer, Davis, Henrichs, Platter. Others present: John Morris, Cindi Johnson, Tim Junker, Mira Schmitt-Cash-Butler County Tribune Journal, Marty Petersen-City Attorney. The Mayor asked for comments for or against the proposed budget as published. The clerk explained that last year’s tax levy was $18.69 and the tax levy for budget year beginning July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 is $19.35 and with that being said the tax increase would be 66 cents per $1,000 of taxable valuation. John Morris was concerned about a tax increase and expressed his concerns in regards to that matter. After discussion, Mayor Henrichs asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Motion by Blockhus and Second by Cramer. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Regular Meeting: Mayor Henrichs opened the regular meeting of the Allison City Council at 5:50 P.M. Council members present: Blockhus, Cramer, Davis, Henrichs, Platter. Others present: Cindi Johnson, Tim Junker, Mira Schmitt-Cash-Butler County Tribune Journal, Marty Petersen-City Attorney. Motion by Blockhus to approve the agenda and second by Davis. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Open Forum: There we no open forum items. Consent Agenda: Motion by Davis and Second by Cramer to approve the consent agenda. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: Approve minutes from meeting on 2/23/2015 Approve Treasurer’s reports Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. New Business: Cindi Johnson, Ambulance President, was present at the meeting. She stated that the State of Iowa is going to medical run sheets that would be submitted electronically. This probably won’t be mandatory for two years but they want to get stated using the tablets and be ready for it when it becomes mandatory and were asking for permission to purchase 2 Microsoft Surface 3 tablets for the two ambulances. They had gotten prices for the tablets from the state but had checked locally with Butler County Computers and he was approximately $400.00 cheaper per tablet then the State. The cost for two tablets, two cases, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 and two keyboards was $2,290.00. She stated that several area cities have gotten together and will share the cost of the computer software to be able to run the program and the cost for the Allison ambulance share will be $322.00. She also brought up the fact that one of their pulse oximeters no longer works and priced a new one at the cost of $585.00. Motion by Platter and second by Davis to purchase the computer equipment, software and pulse oximeter. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Cindi also brought up the fact that after the last snow storm, the ambulance was called out and the snow had not been removed and it was very difficult for the ambulance to get out and back in the building. The City will address this problem. Tim Junker was present at the meeting to inform the City about Allison Little Lambs Daycare that will be opened by mid-summer or early fall. This will be located at 721 Cherry Street and will be owned by Trinity Reformed Church. This will be a non-profit Christian Based childcare center that would be able to facilitate 36 children and employ 7 to 8 people. They will be remodeling the building to the Department of Human Services and Fire Marshall’s specifications. He did inform the City they may need to do some curb cuts to make off street parking for the daycare center. Platter made a motion to approve Resolution # 15-03.1. Second by Davis. This is a resolution adopting the annual budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Henrichs and second by Cramer to approve Resolution # 15-03.2 – Resolution setting the date for consultation with the North Butler Community School District and the Butler County Auditor on the proposed Amendment #2 of the Urban Renewal Policy for March 16, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m. and the public hearing date on the proposed amendment for April 13, 2015 @ 5:15 p.m. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Cramer made a motion and second by Henrichs to approve Resolution # 15-03.3 – Resolution stating City to pay 100 of health premiums in lieu of the 90% being paid now. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. This had been approved at the meeting on 2/23/2015 but needed to be passed with a resolution. Due to the fact that the PER drawn up by Ryken Engineering for our upcoming needed sewer projects did not meet the specifications of the USDA to be able to apply for a grant from them, the USDA also has a grant available that we can apply for in the amount of $30,000 to help draw up the plans needed to meet their specifications. The City will get in contact with the USDA to get the application to apply for this grant to help with the Engineering fees. Job descriptions of City Employees was tabled. The airport hangar rental agreements were reviewed. The only change needed was the rental fees are due on July 1st of each year instead of January 1st so that change will be made before the contracts are mailed out. Motion by Davis and Second by Platter to approve liquor license numbers BC0029993 & LE0002147 for J & C Grocery, Inc. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Dates for Spring Clean Up were set for June 3rd for East of Main Street and June 10th for West of Main Street Old Business: Cramer brought up the repairs needed at the pool and that those items need to be taken care before the pool opens. Cramer, Davis and the pool committee will be meeting together soon. Cramer will be doing some calling on getting bids to paint inside the pool house. Henrichs will check into getting the walls and floor acid washed so the painting can be done. Blockhus made a motion to adjourn at 6:59 p.m. Second by Davis. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Scot Henrichs – Mayor Attest: Glenda Miller – City Clerk AgVantage FS, Inc-Diesel Fuel Shop $652.06 Allan Inc.-UPS Charge For Testing Samples $20.84 Allison Variety-Suppleis $248.58 AMVETS Post 30-US Flags $240.00 Baker & Taylor-Library Books $456.88 Butler County Solid Waste -Diposal Fee $3,344.25 Cardmember City -Credit Card Payments $830.16 Chris Graser-Mileage To Meeting $16.68 City Of Allison-Water Bills $189.73 CJ Cooper-Employee Drug Testing $70.00 Cooley Pumping -Porta Potty’s At Wilder Park $80.00 Cooper Motors -Ambulance & Fire Truck Repairs $1,119.50 Darrin Crow-Library Contract Service $200.00 Data Technologies Inc -Training For Glenda & Chris $170.00 Dralle Plumbing & Heating -Heater Repair City Shop $15.00 Duane Feltz-Misc Supplies For Park $88.00 Dumont Telephone Co -Monthly Phone Bill $494.00 EFTPS-Fed/FICA Tax $3,370.94 Greene Recorder -Subscription To Paper $33.00 Hawkins Inc-Chemicals For Water $252.00 IA Dept Of Public Health -Swimming Pool Registration $70.00 Iowa League Of Cities-Clerk School & Conference Registration $676.00 IPERS-IPERS $2,213.69 J & C Grocery-Supplies $47.23 Jendro Sanitation Svcs -Garbage Collection $4,198.81 Keystone Lab-Water & Wastewater Testing Fees $1,835.70 Merchant-Credit Card Manager -Water, Camping & Ambulance $152.36 Mid American Energy-Gas & Electric $5,120.44 Mid-America Publishing Cr -Publications $377.43 Midwest Breathing Air LLC -Air Quality Test On Air Comp $130.00 Municipal Pipe Tool -Sewer Relining For 2015 $35,118.50 Municipal Supply-Water Meter Parts $534.96 Napa Auto Parts-Auto Repair Parts $20.53 NIACC-Turf Testing $10.00 Odb Company -Street Sweeper Brooms $404.35 On-Site Information Destr -Shredding Services $45.00 Payroll Checks -Total Payroll Checks $11,802.96 Popular Subscription Serv -Library Magazine Subscriptions $1,061.53 Randy Moad-Furniture For Lodge $2,500.00 Ryan Exterminating -Exterminating At Shop $30.00 Ryken Engineering -Engineering Fees For Sewer $11,427.65 Sandry Fire Supply, Llc -Fire Department Supplies $202.93 Sharon Niehaus-Cleaning Of Library $160.00 Star Graphics-Office Supplies City Hall $105.00 Stirling Lawn Care-Snow Removal $650.00 Stokes Welding-Chainsaw Repairs $24.00 Taylor Rose-City Hall Cleaning $224.00 US Cellular-Cell Phone Bill $203.07 US Post Office -Postage For Water Bills $146.50 Walmart-Library DVDs $225.48 Wellmark-Health Insurance $3,296.24 Wilken Welding -Vehicle Repairs And Misc $1,339.10 Wix Water Works-WT Bottle Rental $19.00 Claims Total $96,264.08 General Fund $23,290.15 Road Use Tax Fund $6,344.59 Employee Benefits Fund $1,865.23 Local Option Sales Tax Fund $35,118.50 Water Fund $6,148.53 Sewer Fund $15,935.72 Landfill/Garbage Fund $7,561.36 REVENUE REPORT General Total 11,532.39 Road Use Tax Total 9,024.07 Employee Benefits Total 247.32 Emergency Fund Total 19.43 Local Option Sales Tax Total 5,134.35 Debt Service Total 384.57 Water Total 8,606.02 Water Reserve Fund Total 8.81 Water Depreciation Total 5.62 Sewer Total 24,354.76 Sewer Reserve Total 3.37 Sewer Depreciation Total 7.87 Landfill/Garbage Total 8,735.28 Total Revenue By Fund 68,063.86 TJ 12-1 NORTH BUTLER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting March 9, 2015 The regular board meeting was called to order by Pres. Eric Bixby at 6:33 p.m. in the Allison Media Center. Board members present were Eric Bixby, Scott Bruns, Gail Arjes, Jon Heuer, Laura Staudt and Kristy Lammers; others present were Superintendent Joel Foster, Business Manager/Board Secretary Shellee Bartlett, Secondary Principal Dan Huff and community members. Board member absent: John Moellers Moved by Staudt, seconded by Heuer, to approve agenda as amended. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Staudt, to approve the minutes from February 12, 2015 meeting. Carried unanimously. Moved by Arjes, seconded by Bruns, to approve February 2015 financial reports and March 2015 bill listing. Carried unanimously. Kip Bouillon addressed the board with the possibility of having another public forum. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Staudt, to approve revised corrective action plan for the SBRC. Carried unanimously. Moved by Heuer, seconded by Arjes, to approve 28E Agreement with Clarksville CSD for shared business manager. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Staudt, to approve 28E Agreement with Clarksville CSD for shared HR Director. Carried unanimously. Moved by Arjes, seconded by Lammers, to set the time and date of the budget hearing – April 13, 2015, @ 6:30 p.m. at Greene High School Media Center. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Staudt, to approve track project bid from Heartland Asphalt (bid item #1 & #2) for $360,227. Carried unanimously. Moved by Heuer, seconded by Bruns, to approve the special education contracts for the 2014-15 school year. Carried unanimously. Moved by Staudt, seconded by Heuer, to approve the agreement with NIACC for emergency medical responder dual-credit course. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Lammers, to approve the purchase of water softener for the high school building from Wix Water Works ($6,595). Carried unanimously. Moved by Staudt, seconded by Bruns, to approve 1:1 quote from Apple ($78,965) for the 7th and 8th grade student for 2015-16 school year purchased with one cent local option sales tax money. Carried unanimously. The Board directed Mr. Foster to acquire quotes for the proposed summer projects. Formal approval of projects will be at a later meeting after quotes are received. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Heuer, to approve the following personnel resignations: Pat Larson, junior high football coach: personnel recommendations: Rebekah Moyer, substitute; Galen Hoodjer, volunteer assistant girls track coach. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Staudt, to approve administrative reports as presented. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Arjes, to adjourn at 7:19 p.m. The tentative date for the next regular board meeting is April 13, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in Greene. Board President Board Secretary North Butler Community School March 2015 Vendor Report AABLE Pest Control-Pest Control $80.00 AEA 267-MacBook Repairs $1,495.60 AFLAC-2/20/15 Payroll $619.58 Ablenet-SPED Supplies $64.90 Accelerated Rehab Center -Sports Medicine Coverage $200.00 Agvantage FS, Inc.-Fuel $2,372.54 Air Fliter Sales & Service-Supplies $280.87 Alliant Energy-Electric $3,355.47 Allison Hardware-Mouse Traps $26.14 Anderson Erickson Dairy Co.-Dairy $3,770.83 Aramark Uniform Services Inc -Cleaning Services $289.22 Avesis Third Party Administrators, Inc. -2/20/15 Payroll $533.60 Black Hills Energy-Energy $1,969.44 Bouillon Lawncare-Snow Removal $605.00 Central Iowa Distributing Inc -Supplies $1,330.57 City Of Allison-Water/Sewer $45.20 City of Greene-Water/Sewer $1,132.00 Collection Services Center -2/20/15 Payroll $237.32 Continuum Retail Energy Services, LLC -Energy $8,279.52 Cooper Motors-Battery $3.99 David Brown-Mileage $158.73 De Lage Landen-Copier Lease $677.30 Delta Dental Of Iowa-2/20/15 Payroll $2,029.35 Des Moines Public Schools $9,683.10 -SPED Tuition Don’s Truck Sales Inc-Supplies $63.69 Dumont Telephone-Telephone $454.80 EMS Detergent Services-Supplies $248.91 Earthgrains Baking Co, Inc.-Bread $1,386.28 Employee Benefit System $1,361.26 -2/20/15 Payroll Engel Law Office-Legal $967.50 Floyd County Extension $340.00 -Ag Class Supplies Freeze Frame Bowl-Concessions $539.00 Greene Lumber Company Inc $307.47 -Shop Supplies Harold’s Repair $1,379.53 -Repairs & Maintenance Harris Cleaning Services, Inc. $2,697.16 -Dehumidifier Hawkeye Community College $225.00 -STOP Course Heartland Paper Co-Copy Paper $1,100.00 Heather Holm $458.08 -Title III Travel/Registration Hermitage Art-Graduation Supplies $25.90 Huber Supply Co, Inc.-Shop Supplies $55.71 Voya Financial-2/20/15 Payroll $6,493.88 IPERS-2/20/15 Payroll $55,675.47 ISEBA-2/20/15 Payroll $36,791.76 Internal Revenue Service $90,614.29 -2/20/15 Payroll Iowa Communications Network $2,236.35 -Internet Iowa Department of Revenue $1,146.79 -2/20/15 Payroll Iowa High School Speech Assoc $176.00 -Speech J&C Grocery-FCS Supplies $76.42 JW Pepper & Sons Inc-Music $398.92 Joe’s Heating, Cooling and Plumbing $927.40 -Water Heater Maintenance John R. Baker, Attorney at Law $1,687.08 -Arbitration Jolene Purdy-Mileage $62.40 Jostens-Yearbooks $5,293.60 Keck Inc-Food $283.13 Kevy’s Appliance Repair-Repairs $348.60 Madison National Life $1,214.82 -2/20/15 Payroll Marriott Courtyard Ankeny $667.52 -WR Cheer Travel Martin Bros Dist Co-Food/Supplies $14,225.55 Mary Junker-Mileage $102.96 Mercy Clinics-DOT Phyiscal $318.25 Mid American Energy-Electric $2,391.02 Mid-American Publishing-Publications $232.07 NAPA Auto Parts - Greene-Supplies $180.73 Neff Company-Supplies $184.31 Net World Sports-Batting Cage $592.99 Networking Solutions-IT Support $1,778.35 North Butler Booster Club $698.00 -Concessions North Butler CSD-Nutrition Payroll $33,037.93 North Butler Educational Association $1,860.01 -2/20/15 Payroll North Butler Nutrition-Concessions $52.02 Northern Tool & Equipment $732.97 -Shop Supplies OmniTel Communications-Telephone $252.00 Overhead Door Co of Mason City $120.00 -Inspection Pepsi Beverages Company $315.10 -MS Pop Machines Pitney Bowes-Postage $338.85 Rack’em Up Promotions-WR Shirts $1,315.25 Rapids-Supplies $38.18 Roffman Band Instrument Service $87.50 -Instrument Repairs Ross Plumbing & Heating Inc-Repairs $57.88 Sandy Moses The Pampered Chef $25.00 -Bearcat Cafe Supplies School Bus Sales-Bus Repairs $207.76 T & M Foods $510.29 -FCS Supplies/Concessions Thomas Bus Sales, Inc.-Supplies $126.93 Treasurer-State of Iowa $15,456.00 -2/20/15 Payroll US Cellular-Cell Phone $59.06 University of Northern Iowa $20.00 -Track Entry Fee VISA-Spec Ed Supplies $311.94 WBC Mechanical-Repairs $1,260.85 Wartburg College $164.50 -Honor Choir/Band Reg. Waste Management-Waste Removal $234.07 Waterloo Community School District $243.36 -SPED Tuition Waverly-Shell Rock School District $13,399.29 -SPED Tuition Waverly-Shell Rock School District $18,363.00 -2nd Qtr Open Enrollment Wix Water Works-Softner Salt $60.00 Report Total: $364,298.96 TJ 12-1 • Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal • COURTHOUSE Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Official Proceedings: Butler County Board of Supervisors MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUTLER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD ON MARCH 3, 2015. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tom Heidenwirth with members Rex Ackerman and Rusty Eddy present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Board approved claims as submitted. Butler County claims paid from February 1, 2015 through February 28, 2015 9,182.50 Aces,Equip Cont/Rcvry/Support Adolphs, Travis,Grand Jury 48.00 Advantage Administrators, Admin Fee/Self Funding 2,551.29 Aflac,Aflac Pmt 116.48 Agility Recovery Solutions,Rcvry 385.00 Agvantage Fs,Maint 328.44 Airgas North Central,Suply/Lbr 517.14 Allan, Marlene,Peo 218.01 Alliant Energy,Util 132.15 Allison Family Dental, Pc,Bd & Care 87.00 Allison Variety Hardware, Suply/Bd & Care 388.55 Allison, City Of,Util 374.47 Answer Plus Inc,Equip Cont 65.00 Aramark, Avs Waterloo Mc Lockbox, Suply 95.68 Armadillo Arts,Upgrades 1,500.00 At&T,Tele 80.67 Atlas Building Maintenance Inc,Suply 412.98 Automatic Door Group Inc.,Rprs 189.50 Beadle, Lisa,Mlge 14.56 Beecher, Field, Walker, Morris, Spec Prosecutor 2,006.50 Beenken, Danny,Rent 200.00 Behnke, Ryan,Grand Jury 39.90 Benskin, John,Grand Jury 40.80 Bertram, Nicole,Mlge 171.81 Black Hawk County Sheriff,Ct Costs 31.61 Black Hills Energy,Util 291.00 Blackstrap, Inc.,Salt 49,560.20 Bliss, John,Perm Imp 3,567.50 Bluhm Electric, Inc.,Lbr 171.00 Bob Barker Company, Inc.,Bd & Care 107.74 Bochmann, Jared,Grand Jury 48.00 Burman, Norma,Peo 102.50 Business Card,Ofc/Med Sup/Ems 399.82 Butler Bremer Communications,Tele 105.35 Butler County Ag Extension,Sch Of Instr 35.00 Butler County Auditor,Tele/Ofc Sup 2,618.40 Butler County Development Corp, Bd Mbr Exp 187.50 Butler County Engineer,Fuel 180.30 Butler County Farm Bureau,Rent 400.00 Butler County Public,Admin Fee/Test 1,238.99 Butler County R.E.C.,Util 944.43 Butler County Solid,Disp Fee 18,203.50 California Contractors,Sfty 294.60 Campbell Supply,Tool 168.00 Cardmember Service,Sch Of Instr 14.96 Carlson Software, Inc.,Comp Srv 412.50 Cdw-G,Comp Equip 570.72 Centec Cast Metal Products, Grave Mrkrs 346.90 Central Iowa Detention,Youth Shltr 299.85 Central Iowa Distr., Sup/Mnr Equip/Ofc Sup 3,637.50 Central Iowa Water Assoc.,Util 20.36 Century Link,Tele 53.11 Chisholm, Robin,Mlge 90.48 Christensen, Timothy,Grand Jury 41.70 Christie Door Company,Shop 1,756.81 Clark, Norma E.,Peo 20.00 Clarksville Lumber Co, Environ Educ/Maint/Suply 131.77 Clarksville, City Of,Util 54.25 Clayton’s Bakery,Environ Educ 34.00 Clikeman Machine,Lbr 20.00 Coast To Coast Solutions,Misc 328.47 Coates, Kari,Grand Jury 48.90 Consolidated Energy Co.,Fuel 29,199.60 Continental Research Corp, Shop Suply-Sr 147.36 Cooper Motor Company, Car Exp/Lbr/Prts 509.03 Cordes, Shirley,Peo 301.53 Crow, Marty,Grand Jury 44.40 Cuvelier, Scott,Grand Jury 41.25 Cvshrm,Sch Of Instr 15.00 Davis, Jeanette,Peo 145.87 Davis, Sarah,Peo 139.63 Debner, Lonna,Mlge 208.00 Dell Marketing L.P.,Comp Equip 149.99 Demuth, Kristi,Grand Jury 40.80 Dewitt, Cindy,Mlge 344.24 Dlt Solutions Llc,Comp Srv 997.59 Don’s Truck Sales,Prts 2,651.44 Dumont Harken Lumber Inc.,Shop 68.93 Dumont Telephone Company, Tele/Internet 2,203.82 Eckhoff, Wanita,Grand Jury 36.75 Eclipse News Review,Bd Proc/Publ 1,024.36 Eiklenborg Salvage Inc.,Prts 143.00 Election Systems&Software Inc, Ballot Coding/Layout 1,732.52 Electrical Engineering & Equip, Equip Cont/Gps 1,548.50 Embarkit, Inc.,Mnr Equip 420.00 Escher, Berdyne G,Peo 153.15 Fagre M.D., Lee,Med Exmr 55.00 Fastenal Company,Suply/Ofc Sup 786.47 Fecht Repair,Car Exp 25.90 Figi, Christen,Grand Jury 36.75 Fleshner, Tamara L.,Mlge 31.20 Fm Controls Inc,Maint 1,055.00 Forry, Bonnie Kay,Mlge 417.92 Franklin County Phn,Cont Svcs/Bt 4,163.79 Franklin General Hospital,Bt 787.13 Freesemann, Collin,Sch Of Instr 74.80 Gansen, Joyce,Mlge 5.82 Glick, Margie,Grand Jury 49.80 Graser, Christine,Peo 97.38 Green Canopy, Inc.,Shop 157.00 Greene Recorder, The,Bd Proc/Publ 632.02 Greene, City Of,Util 646.54 Hager, Jean,Row 789.75 Harris, Dale,Grand Jury 40.80 Hawkeye Community College, Sch Of Instr 240.00 Healthcare First,Equip Cont 99.00 Heeren, Kathy,Mlge 415.17 Heidenwirth, Tom,Mlge/Sch Of Instr 425.56 Hendrickson, Cynthia,Peo 92.94 Henricks, Deb,Mlge 350.22 Henry M Adkins & Son Inc,Equip 150,199.00 Herter, Emily,Tob Enforce 280.00 Hewitt, Connie,Peo 86.18 Heyde, Milton,Rent 250.00 Hinders, Mary Ann,Mlge 493.22 Hoppy’s Auto Parts Inc.,Maint 29.15 Hyvee #1872,Bd & Care 190.85 Imwca,Wc Ded 4,852.08 Inrcog,Mktg Match Fy15 1,487.50 Interstate Batteries Of,Prts 631.80 Iowa County Recorders Assoc., Dues/Sch Of Instr 220.00 Iowa Dot,Eng Equip 170.00 Iowa Freedom Of Information,Misc 152.00 Iowa Prison Industries,Jail 131.00 Iowa State University,Reg Fee 180.00 Iowa Weed Commissioners Assc, Sch Of Instr 120.00 Isac,Reg/Sch Of Instr 1,910.00 Isaca,Sch Of Instr 105.00 J & C Grocery,Bd & Care/Sup 1,819.20 Jendro Sanitation Services,Disp Fee 133.23 Jen’s Needleworks,Suply/Prts/Car Exp 513.27 Joe’s Heating,,Perm Imp 87.80 John Deere Financial,Maint/Shop Suply 55.15 Johnson, James,Row 702.00 Jorgenson, Amanda,Grand Jury 40.35 Kammeyer, Cara,Tob Enforce 280.00 Kampman, Dorothea,Claim 1,616.00 Kelm, Donna,Peo 70.13 Kelm, Glenda,Peo 20.00 Kris Engineering, Inc.,Prts 8,539.83 Kroeze, Misty,Mlge 63.18 Kruse, Ann,Grand Jury 34.50 Lebeck, Shawna,Mlge/Ofc Sup 891.40 Leisinger Body Shop,Self Funding 600.00 Lindaman, Dale,Twp Exp 20.00 Litterer, Merlin D. & Linda K.,Row-Sr 1,650.00 Lutheran Services,Youth Shltr 279.90 Mail Services, Llc,Ofc Sup/Pstg 505.30 Majewski’s Tire Service,Tires 221.80 Mansheim, David,Peo 279.53 Mansheim, Sara Faye,Peo 218.01 Marco Inc,Equip Cont 58.82 Marshall, Troy,Grand Jury 34.50 Mcroberts Red Power, Inc,Prts 249.25 Menards,Perm Imp/Sup/Misc 861.29 Mid-America Publishing Corp., Bd Proc/Publ 1,312.36 Midamerican Energy,Util 10,943.70 Miller Building Supplies,Suply/Sign/Tool 596.41 Miller, Billy,Peo 40.00 Miller, Sharlene,Peo 98.38 Miller, Wendale,Twp Exp 20.00 Myers-Cox Co.,Bd & Care 409.69 Nace,Reg 575.00 Napa Auto Parts (P’burg),Prts 1,470.65 Nelsen, Dorothy,Mlge 260.78 Nicolaus, Roxanne,Sch Of Instr 90.48 Niemann Const. Co., Paul,Rock 118.51 Office Depot Inc,Ofc Sup 326.18 Office Elements,Ofc Sup 181.50 Oldenburger, Shane,Tob Enforce 840.00 Onsite Information Destruction,Misc 157.12 Paetec,Tele 762.41 Pathways Behavioral Services, Prof Fees 4,949.63 Pecha, Mindy,Mlge 36.92 Pecoy, Justin,Grand Jury 39.00 Petroblend Corp.,Suply 708.06 Pioneer Telephone,Tele 8.55 Powerplan,Prts/Lbr 24,480.27 Primary Systems,Bldg Maint 180.00 Radiology Consultants Of Iowa, Bd & Care 35.00 Redman-Schwartz Funeral Homes, Transport 700.00 Renning, Diane,Peo 127.22 Rewerts, Timothy,Grand Jury 43.50 Ricoh Usa, Inc,Ofc Sup/Equip Cont 2,313.11 Rileys Inc.,Ofc Sup 837.64 Ritsema, Sandra,Peo 153.18 Roose, Karolyn,Mlge 273.52 Scanlan, David,Reimb 34.28 Schumacher Elev. Co.,Misc Rpr 162.19 Schumacher Elev. Co.,Maint 204.55 Schwarz, James,Peo 102.50 Schwarz, Joanne,Peo 121.22 Secretary Of State,Misc/Notary Fee 90.00 Security Products Companies, Comp Prog 1,156.33 Shell Rock, City Of,Util 23.55 Sherman, Paula,Grand Jury 34.50 Smith, Mary,Peo 40.00 Snap-On Tools Corp.,Tool 461.55 Society Of Land,Reg Fee 795.00 State Hygienic Laboratory,Well Closing 85.00 Stokes Welding,Prts 1,079.78 Storey Kenworthy,Ballots 138.60 Sult Electric,Maint 15.90 Taylor Physical Therapy,Cont Svc 4,000.00 Thorne Metal Works,Prts 134.59 Tjabring, Thola,Mlge 2.55 Todd’s Repair,Car Exp 68.05 Toebe, Myron,Rent 225.00 Tony’s Tire & Exhaust,Car Exp 66.10 Tyler Technologies Inc,Comp Prog 6,328.17 U.S. Cellular,Tele 1,732.74 Unity Point Clinic, Occupational Medicine,Dues 100.00 Unitypoint Clinic,Test 296.00 Valuation Services, Inc., Property Appraisal 875.00 Van Wyngarden & Abrahamson Inc, Ct Costs 439.85 Veridian Credit Union,Tele 3.49 Viet, Carole,Mlge 346.37 Waverly Health Center,Cont Svc 140.00 Wellmark Bcbs Of Iowa,Eob 250.00 Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shiel,Ins 6,477.18 Wellsburg Ag,Fuel 3,990.67 Wertjes Uniforms,Unif 132.50 West Group Payment Ctr.,Law Lbry 604.60 Wiegmann, Dennis,Twp Exp 20.00 Wilken Welding & Repair,Trng Sup 131.00 Williams, Allen,Grand Jury 41.70 Williams, Liz,Grand Jury 39.90 Wingfoot Comm. Tire Systems,Tire 4,919.68 Young, Larry,Rent 200.00 Ziegler Inc.,Prts 4,943.29 County Social Services claims paid from February 1, 2015 through February 28, 2015 Abbe Center For Community (Mh) 2,100.00 Abbott Law Office, Pc 99.00 Acbis 300.00 Access Inc. 1,645.24 Adult Crisis Stabilization Cnt 34,906.00 Agvantage Fs 307.39 Allamakee County Sheriff 127.50 Allegiant Property Management 25.00 Alliant Energy 1,314.56 Allied Investments 228.00 Always Best Care Of The 2,091.13 Amu 115.39 Anliker, Dan 626.07 Arends And Lee Law Office 321.00 Aronsen, Rolf 2,096.66 At Conference 484.86 Baker, Johnsen & Sandblom 120.00 Banta, Tammy 920.20 Beekman Jimmy 100.00 Behavioral Health Options Plc 247.00 Bergo, Jean 100.00 Berryhill Center For Mh 14,850.36 Bison Graphic 241.76 Black Hawk County Health Dept 20.00 Black Hawk County Sheriff 34,662.37 Black Hawk-Grundy 63,475.13 Black Hills Energy 642.72 Bowman, Ed 1,000.00 Bremer County Case Management 150.72 Brinkman, Jeanette 250.00 Brown, Kinsey, Funkhouser, & 151.10 Buscher’s Service Center 20.00 Butler County Auditor 3,331.61 Byrne, Patrick 1,048.34 Cedar Valley Properties 305.00 Cedar Valley Ranch Inc. 22,628.35 Central Iowa Juvenile Detentio 444.00 Central Iowa Residential 772.80 Cerro Gordo Co Case Mngmt 1,113.00 Cerro Gordo Co General Relief 3,240.00 Cerro Gordo County Sheriff 31.50 Charlene’s Rentals, Charlene Pederson 990.00 Chatham Oaks, Inc. 7,139.30 Cherokee County Sheriff 19.00 Chickasaw County Public Health 161.20 Choice Employment Services 5,244.00 Clayton County Sheriff 629.81 Cleveland, Kaye 223.00 Community Plaza Apartments 181.00 Comprehensive Systems Inc. 1,656.72 Connect America 470.83 Counseling Associates 261.00 Country Life Health Care 8,223.68 Country View Care Facility 119,121.00 Country Winds Manor 2,011.99 Covenant Medical Center 3,000.00 Cresco Motel 735.00 Cresco, City Of 196.70 Dac Inc - Andrew Jackson Care 3,069.00 Dhs Case Management Unit 832.15 Diamond Life Health Care 5,213.58 Dickinson County Sheriff 22.43 Dubuque County Sheriff 16.00 Dumont Telephone Company 274.89 Emmet County Sheriff 598.49 Employment For Everyone, Llc 3,230.00 Engh Real Estate Holdings 500.00 Evergreen Estates 49.00 Exceptional Opportunities, Inc 24,791.33 Exceptional Persons Inc. 88,647.68 Family Treatment Professionals 1,680.00 Fayette County Sheriff 550.05 First Christian Church 195.00 Flannery Investments 502.00 Flannery, Marjorie 332.00 Floyd County Public Health/Hhc 805.00 Floyd County Sheriff 1,603.03 Flurer, Jennifer 294.20 Forcier, Nina 426.00 Fort Dodge Housing Agency 570.00 Fort Dodge Water Dept 201.99 Four Oaks Family And Childrens 4,758.30 Francis Lauer Youth Services 18,280.68 Full Circle Services, Inc 9,442.00 Gartelos Elaine 1,887.00 Genesis Development 3,228.13 Genesis Mental Health Assoc. 44.07 Gilmore City Housing, C/O Murphy Realty & Mgt 50.00 Goodwill Industries Of Ne Iowa 18,266.84 Greene Recorder, The 60.11 Greene, City Of 100.46 Greenwood Drug 30.31 Groen, Kyle A. 378.00 Guardian Angel Services Llc 108.30 Halfpop, Patricia 55.90 Hancock County Health Systems Happy Living Rentals Llc Harmony House Health Care Cntr Hart, Sandra Hartig Drug Hawkeye Tri-County Rec Hillcrest Family Svcs Hope Haven, Inc. Horizons Unlimited Of Pac, Inc Humboldt County Sheriff Hyvee #1872 Hy-Vee Accounts Receivable Hy-Vee Drug Store Iowa Department Of Inspections Iowa Northland Regional Jdm Management Jeffries, Mary Johnson County Sheriff’s Dept. Johnson Law Firm - Ft. Dodge Johnson, Kirk Junkman/Knoebel Center Kapnisis, Gus Karen Laub-Novak Trust Kathleen’s Care, Inc Kimberly S Lange Law Office King, Beth Klatt, Odekirk, Augustine,P.C. Kleppe Properties No. Two, Llc Knoxville Residential Kobliska, Vince M Kossuth County Sheriff Lander, John Lane Seven Larrabee Center Inc. Larson, Rick Lawler & Swanson P.L.C. Lawler, City Of Lemur Properties Lietz, Mike Lifeline Systems Lighthouse Prof. Counseling Linda Hall Law Firm & Litterer, Steve Lutheran Services In Iowa Maifeld, Ronald Mallard View, Inc Mason City Clinic Mason City, City Of Mcguire Rentals Mcminn, Kevin Meals On Wheels Mediacom Medical Associates Clinic Pc Medicap Pharmacy Merris, Deann Metrop Mid-America Publishing Corp. Midamerican Energy Midas Council Of Governments Mitchell County Care Facility Miw, Inc Mosaic In North Central Iowa Mosaic-Northeast Iowa Moser Family Pharmacy Mt Village Apartments Muhlenbruch, Kim Nami Black Hawk County Nanninga, John Ne Iowa Area Agency On Aging Ne Iowa Investment Group Nelson Agency Corp. Nelson, James Neve, Brandon New Hampton, City Of Next Generation Technologies Niacog North Iowa Transition Center North Iowa Vocational Center North Star Community Services North Terrace Mb Hm Ct Llc Northeast Iowa Behavioral Northeast Iowa Community, Action - Transit Northern Lights Alliance Oneill, Patrick Opportunity Homes, Inc. Opportunity Village Paetec Palace Park Llc Park Towers Apartments Partnership For Progress 1,150.00 430.00 5,999.00 298.09 146.96 79.22 14,374.31 32,583.60 2,348.78 1,242.16 126.75 95.93 165.83 29.18 489.16 50.00 775.94 95.23 61.70 100.00 630.00 500.00 450.00 3,304.60 259.20 237.60 612.00 1,200.00 1,390.66 1,677.52 199.20 425.00 950.00 2,495.93 182.25 173.39 59.06 645.00 950.00 223.00 220.00 144.00 43.00 5,038.20 1,010.00 1,306.03 780.00 343.70 612.24 500.00 134.85 99.90 177.00 219.65 202.50 2,355.00 140.10 29.60 180.00 6,324.00 3,382.07 1,540.84 400.00 110.07 50.00 270.90 2,000.00 250.00 6,250.00 471.44 1,555.93 305.00 450.00 252.78 2,768.23 110.10 24,737.39 28,518.00 37,439.65 1,360.00 12,290.08 4,802.50 5,400.00 49.00 340.38 38,369.33 51.48 470.00 100.00 7,579.00 7 Pathways Behavioral Services 18,460.79 Penn Center 4,206.70 Petersen, Jeffry 600.00 Plains Area Mental Health Cntr 917.40 Pocahontas City Of 174.88 Pogge, Cindy 842.45 Pottawattamie County Sheriff 40.00 Prairie View Management, Inc 237,679.41 Pride Group, The 34,926.77 Psychiatry, Lee & Associates 86.00 Purk, Heidi 754.00 Pyramid Property Solutions 460.00 Quality Choices 66.33 R & S Properties 160.00 Region Six Planning Commission 766.00 Reilly, Celeste 196.00 Richards, Allan 270.00 Rickert Law Office 251.00 Rise Ltd 9,559.50 Rodriguez, Mary T. 90.00 Rogers Law Firm, Pllc 140.00 Sadler Properties Llc 263.00 Salgren, Wayne 475.00 Scenic Acres 55,963.61 Schatz, Mary 1,300.00 Schickel, Candila 498.00 Scott Pharmacy 819.56 Seasons Center For Cmh 2,561.00 Shopko Pharmacy 221.34 Shopko Pharmacy #52 157.04 Sigmeth Roberts Law, Plc 90.00 Slp, Inc 100.00 Southwest Ia Planning Council 31.70 Spectrum Network 16,704.32 Spring Harbor, 65,034.00 (Liberty Square Care Cnt) St. Coletta Of Wisconsin, Inc 2,047.36 Stay In Home Care Inc 3,687.25 Stensrude, Spencer 350.00 Stroberg, Casie 132.00 Stumme Law Office 1,070.19 Super 8 Motel 201.57 Tama County Sheriff 110.90 Tammy’s Pharmacy 11.25 Tasc, Inc. 25,586.47 Theel, Kathryn 975.00 Thein Therapy 1,610.00 Thompson, John L. 66.00 Thrifty White Pharmacy 605.01 Thul Law Firm 149.27 Treasurer, State Of Iowa 247,041.46 Unlimited Services Inc 1,138.76 Vrzak, Jerry 320.00 Wahkonsa Manor 145.00 Watne, Pam 67.50 Wcta 307.71 Webster Co Public Health 37.00 Webster County Sheriff 4,555.56 Wellington Place 6,373.60 Wellsource 19,517.14 Welp Law Office, William Welp 100.00 Willow Inn Motel 280.00 Winneshiek Medical Center 660.00 Wood, Robert W. 300.00 Woodward Youth Corporation 1,446.15 Worth County Sheriff 43.44 Wortham-White Zorana 370.00 Wright Cnty Health Dept &, 904.41 Hospice Of Wright County Wright County Sheriff 1,423.21 Wygle Properties Llc 400.00 Za Properties 136.00 Board acknowledged receipt of Manure Management Plan Annual Updates for Norwood Site and Alex Johnson. Also present was Mira Schmitt-Cash, Editor, Butler County Tribune Journal and Clarksville Star. Chairman Heidenwirth adjourned the meeting at 9:22 A.M. to Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. The above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes and proceedings of a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Butler County, Iowa on March 3, 2015. TJ/CS 12-1
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