宮崎大学学術情報リポジトリ Title Author(s) プロテアーゼ活性化受容体2の生体内分布と動脈硬化発生 ・進展における役割 丸塚, 浩助; 浅田, 祐士郎; 畠山, 金太; 山下, 篤 Citation URL http://hdl.handle.net/10458/4259 Date of Issue 2006-05 Right Description 学術雑誌掲載論文の抜き刷りは出版社に著作権許諾が得 られていないため未掲載 平成16年度-平成17年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究 (C))研究成果報告書 J EJ T-7--tt)!1ti~§!.i* 2 (1)~i*~~$ ~ Ib.ili~fe~ · • • r=~(t~&.J Sf~III1.-It 16590321 1iJf~"% : 00239154 1iJf~1f~% : 70202588 1iJf~"% : 60325735 1iJf~"% : 90372797 @JmJt F~~nmJt ~~t ¥PX: 1 6~lt 2,300 0 2,300 ¥PX: 1 7~l3t 1,300 0 1,300 3,600 0 3,600 tA~t ii:.'P 2 ------------------- l*-+'+-=~ /"~Plffl :)( ( 1 8 t>ffli) ---------------- Ll~() iVA 'I':.' ~~ ( 6 t>ffli) ---------------- 7 ~ ~ ( 2 t>ffli) ---------------- 7 1==1 Ll~() ------------------- ~~S) ------------------- 1O~ 12 ------------------- 10 ------------------- 11 ~ 12 ------------------- 3 13---- 1. 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Yamashita A, Sumi T, Goto S, Hoshiba Y, Nishihira K, Kawamoto R, Hatakeyama K, Date H, Imamura T, Ogawa H, Asada Y: Detection of von Wi llebrand factor and tissue factor in platelets-fibrin rich coronary thrombi in acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Cardiology, 2006;97(1) :26-8. 17. Tsuruda T, Kato J, Hatakeyama K, Yamashita A, Nakamura K, Imamura T, Ki tamura K, Oni tsuka T, Asada Y, Eto T: Adrenomedullin in mast cells of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Cardiovascular Research, 2006; 70 (1) : 158 -164. 18. Kawamoto R, Yamashita A, Nishihira K, Furukoji E, Hatakeyama K, Ishikawa T, Imamura T, Itabe H, Eto T, Asada Y: Different inflanrnatory response and oxidative stress in neointimal hyperplasia after balloon angioplasty and stent implantation in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Pathology Research and Practice, 2006 (in press) 6 1. Marutsuka K, Hatakeyama K, Yamashi ta A, and Asada Y: Role of thrombogenic factors in the development of atherosclerosis. 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(Atherosclerosis 1998, Thromb Haemost 1998, Circulation 2001) 0 j:t::., ~ 0) TF iJ~rfn.Hjz{mlJ!!l*i~5tt~~ 71E1-=r (FVI Ia) ~ TF/FVI Ia ~{*~~JJX:T 0 =- ~ ~~ et ~ -C, Ifill1-¥-¥1tff1J~OO~~~ ~~t L--CIfillJ"t&Jt *~~IEI-=rf§ ~ 0)5~j] ft!E1r:1l9-=r C' ~ 0 =- ~ ~ Y'Lv \ t:. L-t::. (Thromb Haemost 1996, 1997, Thromb Res 1999) 0 =-nGO)=- ~ et ~, JhJIr~~~96 m ~ n0 TF iJ~, FVI Ia ~fI' L-rfn.l1¥i1tff1J~lH~~O)W1!E~wlJ''* L-, Jh~~fi~1r:961:J~~-9- L--C ~ \0 =- ~ iJ~~p~~nt=-iJ~, TF/FV11a ~~{*O)¥i1tff1J~O)fFfflr~':t/f~C'~~t::.o Jlt~, ~ 0 /1::"/v~7yr~0)*.:t-o~:7"C'tb0 Protease-activated receptor 2(PAR2)iJ~ TF/FVIIa ~~{*~~ et ~ i~t11r: ~n0 =- ~ iJ~~~~n, fik b TF/FVIIa ~{*~~et 0rfn. 1f¥i1tff1J~!B~~O)W1!E~~ PAR2 iJ~~-9-T 0 =- ~ ~ Y'Lte L-t::. 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