Freac-out: foundation year experience and competencies with

FREAC-­‐Out Founda&on year Recommended Experience And Competencies with OUTreach Dr Douglas Crocke., Dr Amanda Mohabir FRCA, Dr Kathleen Swalwell Dr Helen Gilfillan FRCA, Dr Marc Davison FRCA
1Anaesthe&cs Department, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Introduc)on Founda&on year Recommended Experience And Competencies with Outreach (FREAC-­‐Out) is a novel pilot programme devised and sustained by the Anaesthe&c department at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. It aims to inves&gate whether placing founda&on year one (FY1) doctors in a cri&cal care outreach team (CCOT) increases their familiarity with and ability to manage the acutely unwell pa&ent. Methods Results • 
7 x FY1 doctors One week placement with the CCOT Supervised by senior outreach nurse Support from consultant anaesthe&st • 
Provision of handbook FY1 curriculum mapped objec&ves • 
Pre-­‐ & Post-­‐ interven&on ques&onnaires Self-­‐appraisal of specific domains to assess confidence in recogni&on & management of the acutely unwell pa&ent • 
Posi&ve feedback from all stakeholders FY1’s – beneficial experience worth recommenda&on to colleagues CCOT – FY1’s add value to the team CCOT placement now part of all FY1 rota&ons within the trust. Extension of project to include: •  use of the Na&onal Early Warning Score (NEWS)2, •  sampling from central venous catheters, •  prepara&on and administra&on of intravenous an&bio&cs in line with the sepsis care bundle3. Integra&on of FY1’s into the CCOT is novel. It is hoped that it will be adopted by other service providers and lead to improved pa&ent safety on the wards. References 1. 
The Founda&on Programme. (2014, August). Founda'on Programme Acknowledgements • 
. Discussion Results Figure 1: Graph of pre & post placement mean responses with standard errors
SR Julia Phillips The CCOT at Stoke Mandeville Hospital Mr Geraint Jones (CCOT Physiotherapist)
Curriculum 2012. Royal College of Physicians. (2012). Na'onal Early Warning Score (NEWS) Standardising the assessment of acute-­‐illness severity in the NHS. Royal College of Physicians. Dellinger RP, L. M. (2013). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Interna&onal guidelines for management of severe sepsis and sep&c shock: 2012. Crit Care Med(41), 580-­‐637.