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Hrs ) Course No. Course Title CrHr ENGL 121 COMP-121 BIOL-121 IAS-121 IC 101 CS-121 English Language I Computer Science Medical Biology Arabic language I Introduction to Islamic Culture Communication Skills 3 3 4 2 2 3 Prerequisite Course No. Course Title Cr Hr ENGL 122 CHEM121 PHYS-121 MDCN-101 MDCN-102 English Language II Medical Chemistry Medical Physics Medical Foundation Medical Terminology 3 4 3 4 4 Prerequisite. Second Year III. First Semester ( 17 Cr. Hrs ) IV. Second Semester( 17 Cr. Hrs ) PH 202 PH 201 PH 203 PH 204 Biostatistics Epidemiology Essentials of Environmental Health Community Health 3 3 3 3 PHHA 201 HINM 222 COMP 281 ANT 211 Health Care Delivery Systems Information Systems Concepts Computer Science - 2 Anatomy and Physiology 3 3 3 3 PH 205 Introduction to Health Management 3 HINM 201 Introduction to Health Informatics 3 IAS-122 Arabic Language II 2 IC 102 Islam and Building of Society 2 COMP 121 COMP 121 Third Year V. First Semester (17 Cr. Hrs.) VI. Second Semester (16 Cr. Hrs.) PHHA 331 Human Resources Management 3 PE 181 Physical Education * 1 HINM 312 Health Information Standards 2 HINM 321 System Analysis and Design 3 HINM 313 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Informatics 2 HINM 322 Health Data Content and Structure 3 HINM 314 Management Information Systems 3 HINM 201 COMP 281 COMP 281 HINM 201 HINM 315 Fundamentals of Human Diseases 3 HINM 311 Electronic Medical Records 3 IC 103 Economic System in Islam 2 HINM 307 Project Management 2 HINM 323 Database Systems 3 HINM 321 HINM 316 Health Data Classification and Coding Systems 3 HINM 312 COMP 281 HINM 321 HINM 222 Fourth Year VII. First Semester (17 Cr. Hrs.) VIII. Second Semester (16 Cr. Hrs.) HINM 411 Decision Support Systems 3 HINM 414 Hospital Information Systems 3 HINM 431 Analytical Biostatistics 3 PH 401 Health Research Methodology 3 HINM 201 HINM 201 PH 202 HINM 422 Networks Interoperability and Systems Security 3 IC 104 Professional Ethics 2 PHHA 221 Health Economics 3 HINM 413 Practical Training 3 PH 205 HINM 311 HINM 316 HINM 432 Health Care Total Quality Management Selective Topic 3 HINM 201 PHHA 222 2 Organizational Behaviour and Change Management Selective Topic 3 Management Information System in None Hospital Care Medical Imaging Special Topics in Health Informatics 2 2 Selective Topics 2 HINM 309 HINM 308 Human Aspects of Healthcare Information systems E-health and Telemedicine 2 HINM 305 PHHA 322 Health Care Marketing 2 HINM 412 HINM 306 2 2 اﻟوﺻف اﻻﻛﺎدﯾﻣﻲ ﻟﻣﻘررات ﺑﻛﺎﻟورﯾوس اﻟﻣﻌﻠوﻣﺎﺗﯾﺔ اﻟﺻﺣﯾﺔ ()ﺑﻛﺎﻟورﯾوس Health Informatics Courses’ Syllabus Course Title: Introduction Health Informatics. Course No: HINM 201 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This Course introduces students to the field of health information management. It focuses broadly on health care delivery systems, legal and ethical issues in health care, compliance and regulatory requirements, health care data and its role in quality management, and information technology. This course presents documentation guidelines for health records and introduces compliance and regulatory requirements for the health care industry. Students learn how to compile a health record, how to abstract vital data, how to analyze health records to verify accuracy and completeness for reimbursement, and how to evaluate records for quality assurance. Course Title: Organizational Behavior & Change Management Course No. : HINM433 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course allows students to learn organizational theory and then to apply it to human resource issues. Broad topical areas include psychological and cultural processes affecting recruitment and selection, factors influencing training and development, the scientific method as applied to health care organizations, theories and practices influencing employee performance, effective management theory and practice, engaging and involving employees in organizational processes, employee well-being, and managing change. Course Title: Advanced Computer Science Course No. : COMP 221 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: Introduction to Computer Science COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Computer Science is a one semester course in which students will learn how to manage computers and a variety of software packages. Understanding the Computer System Logical Operations by introducing basics of computer programming languages and how to manage the databases. This course will cover the following computer applications: File Management (working with Windows), Microsoft Office Suite in advanced mode (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Access), Internet Research, E-mail, and Introduction to programming language (MS Visual Basic). Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology Course No. : ANT 201 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover the following topics: the precise and logical descriptive word roots, prefixes, & suffixes used to identify body parts and directional terms; the structure, function and reproduction of cells; how all parts of the human body contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis; description of integument system, skeletal system and muscular system, each structure in protection, support and movement; description of the structure of the cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system and immune system, and the structure the endocrine system, and reproductive system. Course Title : Health Care Quality Improvement Course No. : HINM 432 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: Over the last five decades, new ideas, methodological approaches and technologies have entered healthcare. The introduction of these new innovations has provided the means for health informatics specialists to advance the quality of patient care while improving patient outcomes and maintaining or reducing healthcare costs. This course introduces students to current concepts, theories, methodologies, and research involving health care quality improvement from a strategic, organizational and health information science perspective. The course will provide students with an overview of the knowledge, methods and research that currently underlie the health care quality improvement and health information science literatures. Course Title : Health Care System Course No. : PHHA 201 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces practical management in health care settings with real-world business knowledge and skills. It aims to better equip present and future health care managers to plan effectively, anticipate challenges and marshal resources. Students will gain an appreciation for the complexities of implementation in challenging health care settings. Concepts will be discussed briefly with the greater emphasis on concrete skills necessary for success. Concepts and skills will be tied to practice by examples, case studies, problem solving, experimental exercises, and reflection. Topics include differentiating leadership from management, negotiating techniques, budgeting, and patient and process flow. The overall goal of the course will be for students to leave familiar with the key aspects of management, and more equipped to function as managers in a thoughtful, effective and self-aware manner. Course Title: Health Research Methodology Course No. : PH 401 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course examines a variety of designs used in medical (health) informatics and outcomes research. These include experimental designs, observational and predictive studies and qualitative inquiries. For each study design appropriate analytical approaches and use of related software will be covered. More specifically, the course will introduce graduate students to key methodological approaches employed in health informatics research (i.e. positivistic, interpretive and critical). Students will have the opportunity to explore and learn about differing theoretical paradigms, techniques, methods and considerations that need to be addressed when designing a health informatics research study. Course Title: Health Economics Course No. : PHHA 432 Credit Hours: 3 Course Prerequisite: Introduction to Health Management COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a graduate level course that introduces basic economic concepts and tools of analysis that are used to address questions concerning the efficient and effective production of health and health services in the context of a market economy. The purpose of the course is not to make you an economist but help you to think like one. You will learn terminology employed by economists, apply the represented concepts to managerial and policy decision making, and use economic modeling and tools of analysis to answer questions posed in the course. The course emphasizes the application of economic tools of analysis to the evidence based management of health related organizations and to health policy development. The course will acquaint you with current research on the health care industry and the ways in which economic analysis is employed in the development of public policy on issues related to population health and health care. Course Title : Human Resources Management Course No. : PHHA 331 Credit Hours : 3 Course Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Management COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to study the essential role of human resource management within health care organizations. The degree to which health care organizations manage human resources will, to a great extent, determine the success of the organization. The course serves as a comprehensive foundation for those aspects of Human resource planning, development and administration are vital to the human resource manager, line managers and senior leaders. Course Title : Health Data Content and Structure Course No. : HINM-322 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : System Analysis and Design (1), Computer Science (2) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to system and processes for collecting maintaining and disseminating primary and secondary health related information. Introduction in delivery and organizational structure to include content of health record, documentation requirements, registries, indices, licensing, regulatory agencies forms, and screens. Practical activities in computer Laboratory will illustrate how health data can be managed and structured. Course Title : Networks, Interoperability and Security Systems Course No. : HINM 422 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Computer Science (2) COURSE DESCRIPTION: The process of electronic data communications has become a critical part of the effective and efficient management of information in many human activities including the delivery of modern health care This course combines a presentation of the basic computer communication protocol stack through lectures and laboratory exercises and a health care management perspective of modern communications technology, issues of interoperability and system security through classroom seminars and a student case study. Course Title : System Analysis and Design (1) Course No. : HINM- 321 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Computer Science (2) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the concepts and techniques of modern systems design in the area of health informatics. At the basis of successful system development in healthcare is systems analysis and design. This involves methods of analysis for assessing the information needs of an organization and determining how computer systems can provide problem solving help. There will be practical classes to pursue and support the theoretical part. Course Title : System Analysis and Design (2) Course No. : HINM – 323 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : System Analysis and Design (1) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide an introduction of concepts and techniques of modern systems design in healthcare. The systems development life cycle (SDLC) was introduced in SAD (1); two main approaches to system development – the traditional approach versus object-oriented approach and Database Design will be discussed; evaluating alternatives for requirement, environment and implementation will be described. Database design will be introduced. In addition, current trends in system development such as rapid application development, agile software development methodology will be discussed. Conducting practical classes to pursue and support the theoretical part in the Computer Laboratory using System Design Software. Course title : Health Information Standards Course No. : HINM 312 Credit Hours : 2 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the emerging area of health informatics which is standards for quality assurance, compatibility and interoperability. It focuses broadly on key standards applicable in health informatics. Students will learn about the standard organizations and also the clinical terminologies, coding and classification. An overview of current European standards will be discussed. The course will go through the main terminology systems in detail including ICD/10, DRGs, Read codes, MeSH, SNOMED, and UML systems. Communication methods will introduce students to the HL7 standards, its versions, its core elements and message structure. Imaging standards will introduce them to the DICOM standards. Course title : Health Information Management in Non-Hospital Care Course No : HINM 411 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Management Information Systems COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, students will learn what are health care information systems and its components. The course will highlight the role of activity management of health information system and introduce students to the information management loops. The course will also elaborate on the healthcare environment that forms the health information system, highlighting the nature of health data, health indicators and work processes. The course will also introduce the students to planning in health information system and introduce them to the tool of modeling in the health context. On addition, it will cover routine and non routine data collection, and introduce students to the existing national health management information systems (HMIS) and how to use this information for health management. Course title : Electronic Health Record Course No : HINM 311 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Electronic Health Record forms the most fundamental and important system in health informatics. In this course the students will be taught what an EHR is, its components, types and benefits. They will also be introduced to some of the existing system in the world and also in Saudi Arabia. This course will introduce the students to the definitions of Electronic Health Record. Using a real public sector based EHR, it will introduce students to the modules of EHR, how it’s managed, and how it functions. As part of that, it will also cover the objectives, benefits, hurdles, trends, nature of data of EHRs, and strategies for data entry. This course will also touch upon the privacy, security, and ethical considerations of patient data in the context of Electronic Record. Course title : Health Data Classification and Coding System Course No. : HINM 316 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: In the traditional patient record, data are available in written format only, mainly as a free text, but sometimes also as numeric data, such as laboratory test results. The patient record is primarily used for patient care itself, that is, for diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. The students will learn that the reconstruction of patient’s history from such a handwritten patient record by a clinician other than the original author is hindered by the fact that many medical terms are ill-defines and perhaps are even ambiguous. The students will be able to understand the reasons for storing medical data in a computer. The course will go through the decision support system based on CPR data and the structure of the classification. Course title : Legal Issues in Health Informatics Course No. : HINM 313 Credit Hours : 2 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce student to fundamental principles of health and privacy law, with special emphasis on legal issues related to health information. We will cover topics such as: privacy legislation; principles of consent and negligence law; special issues related to electronic health records; legal and ethical duties of health care professionals; governance of health research; genetics and new technologies; and privacy interests after death. The course will include discussion of court decisions, provincial and federal laws, codes of conduct and relevant policy documents. Course Title : Topics in Health Informatics: Human Factors in Healthcare Course No. : HINM 412 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course explores key themes, issues and trends in Health Informatics. Information Technology in Healthcare: Achievements to Date and Challenges Ahead. It consists of presentations and discussion on the theme by the School’s core and adjunct faculty. Participating students will also make a presentation on how one or more emerging technologies will affect the healthcare system in the near and long term future. Course Title : Management Information Systems Course No. : HINM-314 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Introduction to Health Informatics COURSE DESCRIPTION: Computer systems are becoming increasingly important in the daily operations of the businesses of today. Their omnipresence is a testament of their need for business managers all around the world. It is imperative that the new breed of business leaders become aware of the advantages that IS can offer for an organization. It is equally important to understand the IS terminology for business managers. They also need to know about the possibility and the impossibility of use of information systems in a particular organization. Also, the skill involved in the use of these systems and understanding their capabilities and limitations through personal knowledge or with the help technical people can provide an edge in managerial decision making for IS managers. Course Title : Epidemiology Course No. : PH 201 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the basic concepts of epidemiology as applied to public health problems. Emphasis is placed on the principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation, appropriate summaries and displays of data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. Topics include the dynamic behavior of disease; usage of rates, ratios and proportions; methods of direct and indirect adjustment, and clinical life table which measures and describes the extent of disease problems. Various epidemiologic study designs for investigating associations between risk factors and disease outcomes are also introduced, culminating with criteria for causal inferences. The application of these disciplines in the areas of health services, screening, genetics, and environment policy are presented. The influence of epidemiology and biostatistics on legal and ethical issues are also discussed. Course Title : Biostatistics Course No. : PH 202 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides the basic knowledge and skills of biostatistics, designed to teach students how to use a broad base of statistical methods and concepts to organize, analyze, and interpret hypotheses developed in various applications. This course consists of three main parts: 1. Data analysis and description. 2. Probability and random variables. 3. Inferential statistics. Main goal for this class is to familiarize students with the various techniques of statistical analyses that are utilized in different disciplines. Emphasis will be on the basic concepts and their meaning, as well as their application and interpretation. Course Title : Introduction to Community Health Course No. : PH204 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : None COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to help students use their understanding of public health to improve the health of communities. Theoretical concepts important to our understanding of community health, such as the meanings of health, the concept of community, and health problems are considered and framed. We will also consider how we study communities and the health issues they face. Different Community Health topics will be reviewed including mental/emotional health, dietary practices, physical fitness, prevention, reduced risk and control of diseases. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, with an emphasis on prevention strategies. Course Title : Introduction to Health Administration Course No. : PH 205 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : None COURSE DESCRIPTION: It is the belief of the Faculty of Health Sciences/ Public Health Department at the University of Hail that the baccalaureate prepared graduate is expected to assume a leadership role in the maintenance and improvement of the health care services. Consequently, this course provides an overview of the concepts and principles of administration and leadership essentials to the management of the health care rendered to clients. It seeks to promote student’s growth as future health care provider leaders able to affect quality of patient, family and community care, direct and evaluate health care providers, and introduce change where necessary to ensure better quality care. The content of this course is an introduction to other specific management courses which is integrated with different Public Health and Health Informatics Specialties. Course Title : Islamic Ethics in Health System Course No : HINM-315 Credit Hours : 2 Prerequisite : None COURSE DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the recognition of and ways of resolving ethical problems in the context of health care management. Special emphasis will be placed on Islamic ethical managerial dimensions of the discipline as well as bioethical applications. This course is organized in three principal components. The first of these addresses professional codes of ethics and how they relate to personal and professional integrity. The second addresses corporate ethics including duties to patients and stakeholders; social responsibility, and disclosure. Specific attention will be devoted to corporate culture and to compliance programs and their influence on ethical behavior in organizations. The final section addresses issues traditionally associated with bioethics and medical treatment decision-making. All of the above sections are grounded in analysis of ethical principles related to healthcare according to ISLAM. Course Title : Analytical Biostatistics Course No. : HINM 431 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Biostatistics COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a continuation of basic biostatistics for HINM students, topics include: Introduction to methods and concepts of statistical analysis, sampling distribution, data transformations, tests of hypotheses, estimation. Also there will be practical training on statistical computing using SPSS for hypothesis tests, multiple regression, logistic regression, survival analysis, and time-series analysis. Course Title : Practical Training Course No : HINM 413 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Department Approval COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a structured environment in which students gain practical experience in designated health record departments. Supports technical and conceptual skill development by providing the students the opportunity to observe and perform various functions common to most health record departments. Practical general training and experiences in the workplace. The college, with the training field develop and document an individualized plan for the student. The plan relates the workplace training and experiences to the student’s general and technical course of study. Course Title : Project Management. Course No. : HINM-307 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite : Department Approval COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to the essentials of project management and the project life cycle. Topics include project lifecycle management, and all project processes including: project charter, network diagramming, scope management, cost management, risk management, issue management, change management, scheduling and schedule management. Course Title : Health Care Marketing. Course No : PHHA 322 Credit Hours : 2 Prerequisite : None Course Description: Health Care is under constant change globally. Some of these changes are in response to changing disease and illness patterns but some of the changes are an attempt to maximize income and reduce expenses. This course discusses patient education and communication skills, (marketing self and practice). This class will focus on foundational marketing principles as they relate to health care, internal and external marketing, doctor/patient relationships, public speaking and the creation of the marketing plan section of an overall business plan for chiropractic practice.
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