Screw press basket

Cost-effective baskets
for Thune SP45 and SP70 screw presses
We accept the challenge!
The challenge: high-quality, low-cost baskets
to improve dewatering and save energy
The solution:
standardized ANDRITZ baskets that are
precision manufactured
The baskets inside a screw press are de-
es are equipped with tailor-made baskets
Now there is an alternative. ANDRITZ
signed to be replaceable wear parts. The
with a special design and are costly.
has developed a standardized bas-
life of the basket is mostly dependent upon
ket design for Thune presses. These
the pressure zone in the screw press. De-
To reduce costs, plants often operate
baskets are a direct replacement for
pending upon the position inside the press
these presses for as long as possible with
a conventional basket, requiring no
and the process conditions, the baskets
worn baskets – consuming more energy,
modifications to the press itself.
can last from months to years.
losing dewatering capacity and efficiency,
Most Thune SP45 and SP70 screw press-
and requiring more chemical input.
What is a standardized screw press basket?
We carried out a detailed analysis of the
Using these findings, we have designed a
able on the market. Our conclusions?
basket that meets quality and production
1. Dewatering hole geometries from
requirements. yet has no frills to complicate
1.2mm to 1.5mm provides basically
manufacturing. For example, our basket
the same dewatering efficiency and
shell has the spacer bars built in so that you
filtrade load.
can use plain screen plates as replacement
2. The condition of the basket has a
liners. This standard basket design can be
major impact on product quality and
used in any screw press. We also developed
production efficiency
a streamlined, standardized manufacturing
while having virtually no impact on
Hole diameter:
method that allows us to supply high-quality baskets at a very attractive price!
Effective open area:
Support basket thickness (a)
high pressure zone
Plate thickness (a)
medium & low pressure zone
Screen plate thickness (b):
Screen plate design:
basket design (SP 45 | 70):
▪ Baskets can be replaced directly without
modifications to the press
▪ All baskets delivered in split design
▪ Reduced stock-keeping costs because of uniform
spare and wear parts.
▪ Standardized, precision manufacturing
▪ Excellent production and quality results
Small holes increase manufacturing cost, but have very little impact
on dewatering capacity.
17% - 27 %
small holes – which can easily plug (increasing energy consumption and reducing pulp consistency).
Low and medium pressure
▪ Attractive low price
Large open area increases dewatering capacity, but also requires
a big impact on manufacturing cost
production performance, can have
▪ Short delivery times
and maintenance requirements
screw presses and basket designs avail-
3. Small details in the basket design,
Technical specification of standard screen baskets:
High pressure basket
design (SP 45 | 70 )
Rigid design
Rigid design
3 - 4mm
solid | solid
split | split / solid
stainless steel
Half-shell is easier to maintain, improves material handling, and has
additionally a larger effective open area.
Split design for SP70 reduces maintenance effort.
Split design reduces maintenance effort.
Standard for all process parts.
Engineered service
for screw presses
ANDRITZ is a full-line supplier to the pulp
and paper industry. We apply this full
range expertise to every project – even if
we are assisting you with a simple retrofit
or complete machine upgrades. This
ensures you that everything will work
together as promised and in the most
efficient way.
ANDRITZ back-pressure unit with its
ANDRITZ wear shoes are optimized
The Andritz spare and wear parts
solid ring design and pneumatic load sys-
for the three pressure zones in the screw
program includes all parts for Thune
tem provides highest discharge dryness
A special patented alloy for the
SP45 and SP70 screw presses, such as
and trouble-free operation
high-pressure zone reduces wear and re-
screw shaft, shaft screen, inlet housing,
ANDRITZ shaft coating solution ex-
sists deformation. Less wear and reduced
bearing housing, etc.
tends the length of the service interval and
maintenance can be expected.
ensures consistent production.
Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 (316) 6902 0
andritz oy
Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 (470) 7063 00
Andritz Inc.
Muncy, PA, United States
Phone: +1 (514) 631 7700
[email protected]
All data, information, statements, photographs and graphic illustrations in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or form part of any sales contracts of Andritz AG
or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © Andritz AG 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or distributed in
any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Andritz AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose
is a violation of the relevant copyright laws. Andritz AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, A-8045 Graz, Austria