GOVTOF WESTBENGAL Office of the Chief MedicalOfficerof Health& District Health&FamilyWelfareSamiti,Purulia (ZillaSwasthyaBhavan,RanchiRoad,Puurlia) [email protected] Tele Fax No: 03252-222553 :: cmoh [email protected] e-mail:cmoh M e m oP6 ; 5 1 5 Dated:77.3.2O15 DistrictHealth& WelfareSamiti,Puruliawill engagedifferentcategoriesof staff under Dist Health& basis. FamilyWelfareSamiti,Puruliaon purelycontractual are invitedby the undersignedin plainpaperwith C.V with supporting attestedcopiesof all Applications documents.from the eligiblecandidatesfor engagementof the posts as follows:A) Senior Treatment Supervisor(STs)-14, B) Counsellor for ICTC-06,C) LaboratoryTechnician for ICTC-03,D)Dist IGTC F) Dist Assistant-Accounts-O1,G) Assistant-M&E-O1 Dist Assistant-Programme-O1 Supervisor-O1,E)Dist sl. No. 01 Nameof the Post Senior Treatment Supervisor (srs) 02 Counselor (rcrc) No.of Post Category wise Qualification Essential:. a) Graduate degree (BA/B.Sc/B.Com from any recognised university OR . Govt recognized/affi liatedSanitary Inspectorcourse(atleasttwo years) b) Permanent two wheelerdriving license& shouldbe ableto drive 1 4 ( U R - 0 7 , two wheeler. sc-03,sT- c) CertificateCoursein 01,oBcAsix months) 02,oBCB-01 Computer(Minimum .Desirable: o Tuberculosis HealthVisitor recognizedcourse o Govt recognized in SocialWork degree/Diploma Govt recognized basictraining coursefor Multi-purpose Health worker 1) PostGraduatedegree/Diploma from any recognizeduniversityin Psychology/Social Work/Sociology/Anthropology/H urn an DeveloprnentA..lursing 06(uR- Experience Remune Age ration as on 31-03- (Consoli 15 dated) Minimum One yearexperience Min-20 in healthservice Yrs. relatedactivities Max-65 specially RNTCP Yrs. / Relatedto Tuberculosis 16,860/- 1 yearexperience after PG degree/Diploma of workingin the field of Counselling in healthsector preferablyin Hrv/ArDS Min-20 Yrs. 03,SC-O1,STOR 0 1 , O B CA Max-40 1) Graduate in Psychology/Social 3 yearsexperience Yrs. 01) in Work/Socio Iogy/AnthropoIogy//H aftergraduation umanDevelopmenVNursing the fieldof Counselling in healthsector. preferablyin HIV/AIDS 2) CertifrcateCoursein inimumsix months) Computer(M 13000/- ,*d[,5{vpt 03 Laboratory Technician l) (rcrc) 03(uR-02, sc-o1)) 04 Dist ICTC Supervisor 01(uR) 05 06 07 Dist Assistant(M&E) (DAPCU) Dist AssistantAccounts (DAPCu) 1) DMLT (Courseof atleasttwo yearsdurationfrom Govt. Recognised lnstituttion) 2) CertificateCoursein Computer(Minimumsix months) o PG Degree/Diplomain Psychology/Social WorUSociology/Anthro pology/Human Development r CertificateCoursein Computer(Minimum six months) o Permanent Two Wheeler DrivingLicense . 01(uR) Graduatefromany discipline DiplomaCourse in Computer(Minimum oneyear) . 01(uR) Dist Assistant (Programm e) (DAPCU) Graduatein MedicalLaboratory M i n i m u mL y r . Technology(B.Sc) experience OR 01(uR) o Graduatein Commerce fromany recognized University . Certificate Course in CompLrter(Minimum six - CFAS months) craduatefromany recognized University Certificate Coursein Computer(Minimr"rm six months) M i n i m u m2 Y r . experience Min-20 Yrs. Max-40 Yrs. At least3 years experience of Counselor in ICTC/PPTCT/STI/AR T C e n t r eu n d e r t h e Min-20 Yrs. NationalAtDS Max-40 Control Yrs Programme Minimum2 yrs experiencein Min-20 handling data Yrs. preferablyin Max-40 NationalAids Yrs Control Programme Minimum2 yrs experiencein Accounts Min-20 preferablyin Yrs. Tallysoftware& Max-40 experience of Yrs NationalAlDS Control Programme. Minimum2 yrs experiencein administrative Min-20 role. Yrs. Experience of Max-40 NationalAlDS Yrs Control Programme 13000/- 16200^ 12700^ 12700t- 12700t- of.rjre jtpttitl":_._tg[." gqoH& sp.cretary, DH&FWs, Ranchi Road, ?::,.oij""lt.JPJ:.s|o| iste redpost./ p" post / couri"i L ji. r.1: n;; rilesir;rffi ..APPLICATION fgg ii l'"19 FORH: ! g9 THE:sIS"s POSTOF " Residentsof Puruliadist will be gi Residentialcertificatefrom the competentauthoritywill be accepted. ; ; * lJ,iillo b Secretary, DH&FWS Purulia APPLICATIONFORMAT PostAppliedFor : Affrx one duly signedcolor recentpassport sizephoto 1. Name 2. Father'sName / Husband'sName 3. Date of Birth 4. PresentAddress Authority) (Residential ProoffromCompetent : 5. PermanentAddress Authority) (Residential ProoffromCompetent : 6. Mobile No. / Tel. No. 7. E-mail.ID 8. Nationality 9. Religion 10.Sex I 1. Caste (UR / SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B): (submit the documents) 12. EducationalQualification (From Madhyamik onwards): Name of Examination Board / University Full Marks Marks Obtained oh of Marks Division Year of Passins 13. ComputerQr{ameof the Course) 14.ExtraQualification : 15.Experience : Declaration found lf anyinformation andbelief. to thebestof myknowledge by meis correct furnished information Theabove forcancellation. isliable myapplication/candidature atanystage, incorrect Date: Signatureof Applicant Place:-
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