7th Annual Diversity Conference April 1, 2015 7:30-8:00 8:00-9:30 9:30-9:45 9:45-11:00 Doors Open/Breakfast Welcome/Opening Session Keynote Address: Patricia Russell-McCloud “The Step Beyond Diversity: Inclusion” Break Session 1 Title/Presenter 1. Appalachia - In UC's Backyard Kaci Kortis 2. Challenges and Impacts of Underrepresented Minority Faculty Jordan J. Crabbe 3. Getting It Right: Campus Policing Strategies for a Safe and Inclusive Environment Jason Goodrich 4. Inclusion in Action through Scholarly Learning and Discourse Karen Bankston, Jasmine Burno, Gordon L. Gillespie, Greer Glazer, Tracy Pritchard 5. Limiting Implicit Bias in the RPT Process Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Rachel W. Kallen 6. Safe Zone Training 101 (NOTE: 2 hours) Adam Denney, Maria Merrill 7. Setting ‘Em Up and Rolling the Strike: Helping Students Appreciate and Experience Diversity Maribeth Metzler, MJ Woeste 8. Social Media and Diversity of Expression in Conflicts Between the Police and Public Omotayo Banjo, Jeffrey L. Blevins, Kathy Y. Wilson 9. The Starting Point: Exploring the Success of Identity Based Support for First Generation College Students Patrice Barnes 11:00-11:15 11:15-12:30 Room # 415AB 417ABC 427 400C 425 Cinema 400A 400B 419AB Break Session 2 Title/Presenter 1. Adapt Your Content with Assistive Technology Room # 400B 2. How to be Inclusive: Conversations on Consent Courtney Harchaoui, Katie Ratajczak, Jo J. Teut 3. Leading and Learning Across Differences: The Power and Efficacy of Authentic Diversity Dialogue Thembi Carr, Trent Pinto 419AB Ronald Rateau, Dave Rathbun, Michael Southern, Deborah Tenofsky 425 7th Annual Diversity Conference April 1, 2015 4. Recognizing Consequences of Micro-Aggression and Finding a Way to Resist and Practice the Role of Rescuer when Faced with Prejudice in our Community Tamika Jones, Lisa Newman, Sarah Weiss 5. Shaping Thought Leadership at UC Omotayo Banjo, Karen Bankston, Robin Martin, Elissa Yancey 6. The Use of Photovoice in Fostering Inclusion & Innovation in Organizational Development: UC Women’s Center as a Case Study Brandy Turnbow, Ann Brown, Amy Howton, Talia Tuesta 7. Title IX and Diversity: Engaging Civil Rights for a More Inclusive Campus 400A 8. Why Campus Services added Diversity & Inclusion as Part of its Strategic Plan Elaine Ampher, Sharlene Brown, Lisa Bunkley-Boyd, Tiana Christman, Ryan Gaerke, Victoria Rogers, Steve Sayers, Linda Schoenhoft, Alecia Trammer 417ABC Jyl Shaffer 12:30-1:45 1:45-3:00 400C 415AB 427 Marian Spencer Diversity Ambassador Awards Luncheon Session 3 Title/Presenter 1. A Culture-Centered Investigation of International Female Graduate Students' Health Experiences at the University of Cincinnati Ashley Weingard 2. Building Inclusion Through Empathy Key Beck, Krysten Stein 3. College Allies: Creating Inclusive Environments Through Faculty Advocates Arnold Miller, Karen Faaborg 4. Creating Community: A Musical Collaboration Joyce Chan-Grabell, Anne Cushing-Reid, Amy Dennison 5. Introduction to Intersectionality: Acknowledging Our Differences Kalilah C. Montgomery 6. Linguistic Micro-Aggression Language Perceptions & Cultural Conflict Ruth Benander, Bradford Mallory, María Inés Ortiz 7. Nudging the Narrative: Themes & Stories Through a Disabled Lens Jaisha Garnette, Sarah Whitestone 8. The UC Libraries Experience in Understanding Culture and Diversity for Building the UC Global Community Rosemary Franklin, Olga Hart, Anvita Shashidhar, Hongying Zhang 9. Trans* 101 (NOTE: 2 hours) T.N. Vaught Room# 400C 415AB 425 427 423 400B 400A 419AB 417ABC 7th Annual Diversity Conference April 1, 2015 3:00-3:15 3:15-4:30 Break Session 4 Title/Presenter 1. A Social Justice Perspective on Professional Development: Theory to Practice Todd Foley, Kevin Geiger, Robin Selzer 2. Celebrating Yesterday, Honoring Today, and Re-Imagining Tomorrow: Release of the Findings from the 2014-15 Women’s Center Program Review Amy Howton, Tamika Odum, Amber Vlasnik 3. Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom Carolyn Craig, Lizzie Ngwenya-Scoburgh 4. Intradepartmental Professional Networks: How Networks Impact CareerRelated Outcomes for Women STEM Faculty Brian A. Eiler, Rachel W. Kallen 5. “Making Lemonade” - How to Measure Diversity/Implementing Accountability at Every Level of your Organization Robert Elson, Linda Leslie, Bennie Lovette, Josette Riep 6. Nobody's Colorblind - Implications of the Colorblind Ideology in the Classroom and Beyond Natalia Darling, Robert Gioielli, Rita Kumar, Bradford Mallory 7. Stereotype Threat: Understanding How Your Environment Can Affect Performance Whitney B. Gaskins 8. THIS IS NOT A LECTURE: Conduction Methodologies in Diversity Praxis Noel Anderson` 4:30-5:30 Room # 419AB 415AB 425 400A 400B 427 400C 423 Networking Reception – Mick & Mack Café 3.25.15
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