Bike Ride Route

NWH3 Bike Ride to Bath : Friday 3rd April
Meet 9am at ASDA Car park C, West Swindon Shopping Centre, SN5 7DL
Distance: 33.8 miles approx.
Maps Explorer : 169, 156 & 155
This is a more scenic route, keeping north of the M4 as long as possible - and it’s prettier. If you want a
shorter route, check for routes on the web. Terrain fairly flat, some mild hills with two mother big up hills.
Follow BLUE arrows onto and thru Lydiard Park. Exit Lydiard Park and turn R towards Hook. 1.8ml.
At T jct turn R and 1st L signposted Flaxlands. At T jct turn L.
Caution T jct almost immediately, turn R onto busy B4042 to Brinkworth. 4.7ml. Fast busy road. Take
2nd L signposted Dauntsey, by Three Crowns pub in Brinkworth. 2.5ml.
At T jct in Dauntsey, turn R to Great Somerford. 2.1ml. DO NOT CROSS OVER THE MOTORWAY.
At crossroads in Great Somerford turn L, with Londis ‘Fourways’ supermarket on your left and
Volunteer pub on your right. Continue towards Lower Seagry. 2.1ml.
Just past the turning L into Lower Seagry take Five Thorn lane on the next R to Upper Seagry. If you
miss the lane, take the next R to Upper Seagry. DO NOT CROSS OVER THE MOTORWAY…... ON
At the crossroads in Upper Seagry, cross over to take the Stanton St. Quintin road (Henn Lane) which
passes alongside the New Inn pub. Recommended pub. Mild hills start here. 2.7ml.
Caution. Staggered crossroads across busy A429 near jct 17 M4. cross over (right, then left) and
continue to Stanton St. Quintin.
At Stanton St. Quintin turn L, signposted Kington St. Michael. Go under motorway to Kington St. Michael.
1.9ml. At T jct in the village turn R and immediate L down Grove lane, sign posted Easton Piercy.
Continue past Upper Easton Piercy farm on R, with deer park. The lane becomes Cromhall Lane to
crossroads. At crossroad, turn L and enter Yatton Keynell.
Turn sharp R just past The Bell pub, (not recommended), take small lane signposted Giddeahall. Take
care to take lane and not R fork to Biddestone. At next jct turn L. Caution T jct across busy A420.
Cross over A420 at Crown pub, recommended, and turn immediately R on lane, take R turn signposted
Ford. 2.2ml. (you keep the A420 on your right all the way to Ford)
Do not pass the White Hart at Ford, best pub on the route.
After refreshments:
Sensible Sydneys. Exit pub and turn L at the T jct immediately on your R. Steep slow climb up B road
towards Colerne. 3.1ml, going through Thickwood village.
Mad Masochists. Exit pub and take the ‘2 litre down down competition route…going down, come straight
back up again…going down, come straight back up again….’ Turn L out of pub and go back over the
river bridge, past pub car park on your R.
Take next R. and climb short steep hill. At the T jct turn R to Slaughterford. Turn R to cross the river and
take the R fork and continue up hill. Not for the faint hearted. At the crossroads continue straight on into
Thickwood lane. At T jct turn L to join B road to Colerne. 3.5ml.
Both groups: Pass airfield on R at Colerne and head along Bath Road towards Bath, bearing L at jct at
end of airfield. You are now on the straight Roman road When the road flattens out, look out for turning
R into Steway lane by the green ‘Wiltshire welcomes you’ sign, marked with a weight limit sign on R.
2.2ml. Take this lane. If you start going downhill on the main road, you have missed the turning.
Steep down hill to Bath Easton. 1.7ml. Turn L onto Northend Road when you reach village, and R at T jct
back onto main London Road (west). Turn sharp L (at a mini roundabout?) onto Toll Bridge Road,
signposted Bathampton. On back if you miss it and end up at big roundabout with the A4. Cross over the
River Avon bridge and railway bridge to The George Inn pub. 1.6ml. Take the gate on your right before
the canal bridge, to join the canal, and turn R for Bath, Route 4. The George (Chef & Brewer) does large
quantities of cheap food and has good beer. Recommended for fuel stop and rest before mother hill
number two, up to the YHA.
Follow the canal towpath R towards Bath. Turn L (near The Moorings, Sydney Wharf) at Bathwick Hill.
1.8ml. Go past Cleveland Walk on your L. The YHA is signposted on your L, opposite Claverton Lodge.
Kitkat mobile 07761 345 520
Bones mobile 07941 640 862
Monday Bike Ride : Flicker
The ride will be on disused railway track/towpath with stops on route
Brunch at The Lock Inn, Bradford upon Avon. Finishing at The Bear Hotel, The Market Place, Devizes
People confirmed in transport provided are:
Flickers Van : Two pump, Mohammed, Kit Kat, Bones
Micro flight and Rear entry own vehicle
Sunbeam – solo. Paul and Trudy – solo
I can take 2 more bikes in my van but have no extra seats.
Flicker Mobile : 07860 753037