991A /444/URG ENT/AT ONCE 11 From:Home New Delhi To:1.The Chief Secret es of all States / UTs aretriDirectors - IB/ I/SVP PA/SPG/NEPA/NICFS/CFSU 4try• "11"DCPW/NCRB. ft ir ,44, d°1S.DsG - BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/NSG/RPF/BPR&D/SSB /NCB/NIA/Assam Rifles (Through LOAR) )11.'''' ..... 4.Commissioner of Police Delhi. 41110tDatie 5.UT Division, MHA `1 9 MAP, 2015 No.21023/06/2015-PMA Dated the, 19th March, 2015 Subject :- UNLB : Nomination of Individual Police Officers in Active Service for Appointment on secondment to the Standing Police Capacity of the Police Division, with its duty station in the Untied Nations Logistics Base (UNLB) 'in Brindisi, Italy. UNDPKO through PMI to UN vide their E/Fax 126 dated 16 th March, 2015 (copy enclosed) has sought nominations of Individual Police Officers in Active Service for Appointment on secondment to the Standing Police Capacity of the Police Division, with its duty station in the United Nations Logistics Base (UNLB) in Brindisi, Italy for an initial period of one year with possibility of extension :i. Gender Affairs Officer, P-3 (Vacancy announcement number2010-SPC-78775-DPKO) Policy Planning Officer, P-3 (Vacancy announcement number2015-SPC-75926-DPKO) Community Policing Adviser, P-4 (Vacancy announcement number-2015-SPC-R-75918-DPKO) ii. iii. i. Gender Affairs Officer, P-3 (Vacancy announcement number-2010-SPC-78775-DPKO) Number of post Organizational Unit Not mentioned DPKO, Police Division, Standing Police Capacity. Brindisi, Italy P-3[Dy SP/SP] 2010-SPC-78775-DPKO Duty Station Level of Post Vacancy announcement number : QUALIFICATIONS:- Education: Advanced University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in the applied sciences, social sciences or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination of relevant academic qualifications and extensive experience in law enforcement and police general investigations may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or similar enforcement training institution is required. of • ft a. P. • 41114-'4-1, Pers-I, 20 fataib atecl.... 20 Dy. No .41.4..2014-DD (Pers) ' Work Experience A minimum of five years of progressively law enforcement experience in active national police, with a current rank of at least Chief Inspector or Superintendent or Major, equivalent or higher rank is required. Experience in a wide range of operational and administrative issues including three years of experience in management and policy-making with regard to general and complex crime investigations is required. Training experience or background is desirable. Peacekeeping or other international expwere3ince in the UN or other international organization is desirable. : Language English and French are the working language of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required, Knowledge of French is highly desirable. : ii. Policy Planning Officer, P-3 (Vacancy announcement number-2015-SPC-75926-DPKO) Number of post Organizational Unit Duty Station Level of Post Vacancy announcement number : QUALIFICATIONS:- Not mentioned DPKO, Police Division, Standing Police Capacity. Brindisi, Italy P-3 [Dy SP/SP] 2015-SPC-75926-DPKO Education:Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in the applied science, social sciences or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination of relevant academic qualifications and extensive experience in law enforcement may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or similar law enforcement training institution is required. Work Experience A minimum of five years o progressively law enforcement experience in active national police, with a current rank of at least Chief Inspector or Superintendent or Major, equivalent or higher rank is required. Experience in law enforcement planning and formulation/implementation of policy is required. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or other organizations is an advantage. : Language English and French are the working language of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of a second official UN language, preferably French is highly desirable. : iii. Community Policing Adviser,P-4(Vacancy announcement number-2015-SPC-R-75918-DPKO) Number of p9st Not mentioned Organizational Unit DPKO, Police Division, Standing Police Capacity. Duty Station Brindisi, Italy Level of Post P-4 [SP/DIG] Vacancy announcement number :2015-SPC-75918-DPKO • 3 QUALIFICATIONS:Education:Advanced University degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in law, social sciences, criminal justice or related field. A combination of a Bachelor's degree and extensive experience in police operational matters including community oriented policing may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or other law enforcement training facility is required. Work Experience : A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in active national police service and the strategic, operational and administrative levels with the rank of Superintendent or Lt. Colonel, other service equivalent or higher rank is required. At least three years of specific experience in community oriented policing, both policy-making and implementation is required. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or other international organizations is desirable. . Language: English and French are the working languages of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of French or another official UN language is an advantage. 2.It is, therefore, requested that nomination of eligible and willing officer of the level of Dy SP/SP for P-3 posts and SP/DIG for P-4 may be submitted to this Ministry by 04th May, 2015 along with the following documents duly completed in all respect:i. Personal History Profile (P-11) duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate. ii. Supplementary Sheet as an attachment to personal History Profile (P-11), when more employment records needs to be presented. iii. Academic and Employment Certification form (EAC) duly completed and signed by the nominated candidates along with certificate (given at last page of EAC) by the controlling/local authority. EAC is required to be filled in with all requisite details i.e position for which applying, job opening number, date of commission, degree and academic distinctions and all other requisite details be furnished properly. iv. Personal details as per Annexure-I. 3.The nominated officers may be advised to send the above documents as per the format enclosed through electronic mail at e-mail address (usomaAnic.in or sopmanic.in). 4.No modified format other than the specimen enclosed will be entertained/accepted as it invites lot of observations from UN HQ (UNDPKO) while finalising the nominations. It may be ensured that the photograph of the officer applying for the post should be placed on the front side of P-11 form and signature in the last page at relevant place. 5. It may please be ensured that the nominees are clear from Vigilance angle. 6. No direct application will be entertained. Raman Kumar) Under Secretary (PMA) : 23093443 -:[email protected] ( Cop y t o It is requested to forward the 1. Director's General(s) of all States and UTs. nominations of. eligible and 2. Commissioner of Police willing officers through State Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai and Bangalore. Government only. 3. SO (IT), MHA - With the request to upload the above communication . HA website. lS C\ ( Raman Kumar) Under Secretary (PMA) : 23093443 :[email protected] 5- Annexure Recent passport size photograph BIO-DATA PROFORMA 1. Name of Post applied. 2. Job opening number 3. Name of the Officer 4. Designation/Rank/organisation with present place of posting. 5. In the case of officers of deputation with other organization. (a) Name of Parent organization. (b) Name of organization presently employed. (c) Date of deputation (d) Expected date of repatriation to parent cadre/organization. 6. Date of Birth 7. Education/Qualification 8. Date of Joining Police Service 9. Service/Cadre/Batch 10.Educational Qualification 11.Previous UN experience Telephone No. a. Office b. Residence c. Mobile No d. Fax No. e. E-mail id I hereby certify that, I fulfill the eligibility requirement notified for the post applied for. (Signature of the applicant) *United Nations'e,-.14fr Nations Unies •• a .-Q CC 11.4.1 DPKO/ORO L Sl/PD/2014/0235 0-0 I 261' The:Secretariat of the Ignited Nation's presents its•compliments to the Permanent Mission. of Member State.to the thilted Nations and has the honour to invite its GoVemment to nominateindividuul police offieersin active service for appointment on secondment to-the Standing Pcilice'Catgaeity of the Police Division, with its duty station in the United Nations T.,ogisties Base (UNLB) in Brindisi, Italy, for an initial period of one year, with possibility of extension. ■••••4 Details regarding the posts for which the Secretariat is seeking qualified applicants are.providcd in the attached Job Opening 2015-SPC-74775-DPKO. A I so attached are the "A 1)1)1 len tion,ProCedure for Position in the .Standing Police Capacity of the United Nations Police Division Requiring Official Secondment from National Govenunents a:United Nations Member States". - The Secretariat kindly requests the Penuanent Mission to submit a separate application for each nominee for each Job Opening(s) to the Selection and Recruitment Section/ Police Division/OROLSYDPKO, DOOM, in accordance with the-above-referenced procedures, certifying , that the nornineds mect/s the requirements in the attached Job OpeninWs. Applications submitted<after thc deadline specified in the Job Opening will not be considered. The Permanent Mission is also requested to confirm that selected candidates Willbereleased, hi a timely Manner, from the national, police service obligations for service with the United Nations. It is also requested to ensure that :the rank of each candidate submitted is indicated on the application. In addition,. it is strongly recommended that Member States carefully pre-screen their applicants and submit only those candidates meeting all requirements for the position as described in the Job Openings. Member States are strongly encouraged to nominate qualified female police officers. Preference will be:given to equally qualified wornen.candidates. The Secretariat wishes to inform that the Permanent Mission of Member State that in an .effort toStreamline and expedite the procedures of recruiting , secondfir,Catesplcdon a roster following the selection process may be considered for posts with similar functions:within a period of,one-year and if recommended for deployment, further arrangements will be coordinated with:the Permanent MissiOn in iliac cout•. The Secretariat wishes to outlinethat it is the responsibility of the Govenunent to ensure that each candidate it nominates has.nof been convicted of, United Nations Nations Unies or is not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary offence, or any violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law_ In the case of nominees who have been investigated for, charged with or prosecuted for any criminal offence, with the exception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving arc not considered minor traffic violations for this purpose), but were not convicted, the Governmentis requested to provide information regarding the investigation(S) or prosecutions concerned. The (+overrun= is also requested to certify that it is not aware of any allegations against its nominated candidates that they have committed or been involved, by act or omisSion, in the commission of any acts that may amount to violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. The Secretariat recalls that the responsibilities of those personnel who are appointed to serve the United Nations are eXclusively international .in character. They perform their functions under the authority of and in full compliance with the instructions of the Secrel.ary-General of the United Nations and persons acting on his behalf and are duty-bound not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of their ditties frOrn any government or from other authorities external to the United Nations. Seconded personnel should carry out their, functions in accordance with all applicable regulations, rules and procedures of the Organization. This request is being transmitted to all Member States, in compliance with General Assembly resolution 51/243 of 15 September 1997. The Secretariat of the United Nations avais itself Of thisortunity to renew to the Permanent Mission ofMcmber State t the United N io is the assurances of its highest consideration. 1;-March 201) 2/2. o United Nations Secretariat ig#r ?fp.,. c1 ;9 1cetl!ei.ttf 0 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS POST TITLE AND LEVEL DUTY STATION' ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT INDICATIVE MINIMUM GROSS ANNUAL REMUNERATION (NOT INCLUDING POST ADJUSTMENT! 2010-SPC-78775-DPKO 15 May 2015 Gender Affairs Officer, P-3 BRINDISI DEPARTMENT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS U.S. Dollars 75,972 CIRCULATION LIMITED TO MEMBER STATES. APPOINTMENTS ARE LIMITED TO SERVICE ON POSTS FINANCED BY THE SUPPORT ACCOUNT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS. RESPONS1B1LLTIES: The Gender Affairs Offieerroports directly to the ' featn. Leader in the Standing, PolieOCapaCity (SPC), which is a UN Police mechanism for stunting up police components in new peace operations as well us assisting existing operations -ona continual basiS. The incumbent provides expert advice on matters relating to Gender Mainstreaming and Sexual and (lender-Rased Violence (SciBV) in the context of the SPC planning at headquarters and specific assignments in the field. It is enViSaged that the incumbent will deploy (6 miSsions and be away from -ilia/her duty station for an initial period from three to six months. The incunibent will advise on mainstreaming gender perspective in all SPC activities, and designated UN. missions, on all the UN police policies, programs and activities, taking into account gender consideration as -crosscutting issues throughout the mission mandate. Support TIN police aetivities on all aspects.telatiog to the situation of women and girls, especially in relation to the need to protect them from gender based violence. S/he will support UN-Agencies, Funds and Programs throughout UNDP Global Focal Point AS well as Police Contributing Countries When her/his field of expertise is requested. In start-up mission, s/he wilt advise, guide and help in enhanding the capacity of the !WPM. Gender Focal Points through training and_holping in drafting documents; such as SOP for gender unit, Gender Policy and Sekual Harassment policy when needed, for the Host Country Police. At the duty station in Brindisi, :the incumbent undertakes relevant studies of matters pertaining to gender representation andprotection of Vulnerable perstuiS as they pettain to the mandate of respective UN police components in UN peace operations. Th is work includes determining the specific role to be played by SPC in providing UN policein the field with assistance in these areas and/or supporting the development of this capacity in indig.eutnis law enforcement agencies that the UN,police are tasked:to assist. When deployed in the field s/h.e works closely with UN police and National Law enforcement authorities in developing a strategic approach for the protection of vulnerable persons and investigations of Sexual violence; Tito gender issue officer develops and supports the iMplementation of local pro ramsand other activities aimed at strengthening the procedure and rides of governing indigenous law enforcement investigations of SOW/ crimes and gender representation. From the perspective of building institutional law enforcement capacity in post-clan flirt environments,, which is the strategic mission oft IN poi ice, the incombent seeks to support organizatiOntdandStinettnirl change irn indigenous lawenfortement agencies, such as the creation of structures for investigating sexual and . -gender based. violence. COMPETENCIES: Professionalism: Knowledge of theories, concepts and approaehes refevantto democratic policing, law enforcement, community safety and capacity-building; relevant knowledge of gender issues, UN. Gender Policies and the conduct and performance of investigating complex cases of sexual violence in .a national law enforcement agency. Commitment to implementing. the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvernent•of women and men in ail aspects of peace operations. Planning and Organizing: Develops clear Souls that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and .allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.. Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieVe oreanizutional goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal 'agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions•may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team sceomplislynents and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings. QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in the applied sciences, social sciences or other relevant field. A first:10,4i university degree with a combination of relevant academie qualifications and extensive experience ui law enforcement mid police general investigations may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Graduation from it certified police academy-or sitnilaclaw.en forcement training institution is required. Work Experience: A minimum of five years of progressively law enforcement experience inactive national police, With aeorrent rank of at least Chief Inspector or Superintendent or Major, equivalent or,./tiOcr rank is required. Experience in a wide :range of operational and administrative issues, including three-years Of experience in management and policy-making with regard to general and complex crime investigations is required. Training experience Or background is desirable. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or other international organizations is desirable. Languages: 'EngliSh. and French arc tho wail iug languages of the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral .and written English is required. Knowledge -of French' is highly desirable. Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates. Date of Issuance: 13 March 2015 http://www.un.orer/en/peacekeeping/sitesinoliee/ United Nations L._ Nations Unics 1)pKO/OROLSUPD/2014/0236 The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its complinients to the .Permanent Missionof Member State to the United Nations and has the honour to invite its Government to nominate individual police officers in active service for appointment on secondment to the Standing Police Capacity of the'Police Division, with its duty station in the Linited Nations Logistics Base (UN la) in Brindisi, Italy, for Auperiod *alone year, with poSsibility of extension. •Details regarding the posts for which the Secretariat is seeking'qualified applicants arc provided in the attachedJob Opening 201.5-SPC-75926-DPKO. Also attached are the "Application Procedure tor Position iii the Strylding Police Capacity of the United Nations Police Division Requiring Official Secondment from National Utive•nments of United Nations Member States". The Secretariat kindly requests the Permanent Mission to submit a separate application for each nominee for each Job Opening(s) to the Selection and Recruitment Section/ Police Division/OROLSI/DPI(0, DC10784, in accordance with the above-referenced procedures, certifying that the nominee/s mcct/s the requirements in the attached job Opening/s. Applications submitted after the deadline specified in'the Job Opening will not be considered. The remanent Mission is also requested tb confirm that selected candidates-will be released; in a timely Manner, from the national police service obligations for service with the United Nations. It is also requested to ensure that the rank'of each candidate Submitted is inditated on the application. In ,addition, it is strongly recommended that Member States carefully.pre-screen their applicants and submit only those candidates meeting.all requirements for the position as described in the Job .Openingts. Member States arc strongly encouraged to nominate qualified female police officers. Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates. . The Secretariat wishes to i tiforin lhat thePermanent Mission of Member 'State that in an chart to streamline-And expedite the procedures of recruiting seeonded officers, candidates plaeed on i roster fbiloWing the selection process may be considered for posts with.simitar functions within a period of One year and if recommended for deployment, further arrangements will he coordinated with the Permanent Mission in due course. The Secretariat wishes to outline that it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that each candidate'!it nomioateS:hns not been convicted United Nations ations Unies or is not currently- under investigation or being prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary offence, or any violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. In the ease:of:nominees -who have ve,been investigated for, charged with or prosecuted :Wally criminal offence, with the exception of minor truffle violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous careless driving are not considered minor traffic, violations for this.purpose), but were not convicted, the GOVernment is requested to provide information regarding the investigation(s) Or prosecutiOns concerned. The Government is alsotequested to certify that it is not aware of any allegations against its nominated candidates that they 'have committed:or been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to viohttions of international human rights law or internationathumanitarian,law. , Thee-Seeretariat recalls that the responsibilities of those personnel .who.'are appointed to serve the United NationS arc cxcluSiVely international in character. 'They perform their functions under the authority of and in full compliance with, the: instructions of the Secretary-General of the *United Nations and persons acting on his behalf and are duty-bound not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the 'performance oftheir duties from any government tutfroin other authorities external to the United Nations,- Seconded personnel should out their fractions in accordance with o.Il applicable regulations; piles and prncedures of the Organization. This request:is being transmitted to all Member States, in compliance with General Assembly'resolution 51/243 of 15 September 1997. The Secretariat Of the United Nations avai Is itself of thislortunity to renew to the Permanent Mission of Member State to tolinited N the assurances of its highest consideration. March 201 11 61 AD United Nations Secretariat 1),;51g, „,t.'V4 -izo140 . 01Alf.; ru •. kat”0,1 2015-SPC-75926-DPKO VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 15 May 2015 POST TITLE AND LEVEL Policy Planning Officer, P-3 DUTY STATION BRINDISI ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT DEPARTMENT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS INDICATIVE MINIMUM GROSS ANNUAL U.S. Dollars 79,954 REMUNERATION (NOT INCLUDING POST ADJUSTMENT) CIRCULATION LIMITED TO MEMBER STATES. APPOINTMENTS ARE LIMITED TO SERVICE ON POSTS FINANCED BY THE SUPPORT ACCOUNT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direct supervision Of the SPC Team Leader, theineumbent assists in the development, refinement and implementation of various law enforcement policy and planning tools associated with estab halting an d maintaining effective acid efficient UN Police operations. The SPC. is a UN Police MeehaniSirefor.starting up police components in new UN ,peace:opettitions as well as assisting ex iSting peace operations on Et continual basis. Itis envisaged that the incumbent will deploy to missions and be away from his/her duly station for an initial period from three to six inentlas. More generally, the incumbent works with other SPC staff to ensure the timely preparation and dissemination o CA:levant repot% concept papers and action plans on.international police issues relevant to ensuring the SPC's field activities (addressing both brOader policy and technical administrative issues inherent in UN Police mandates). More specifically, the incumbent focuses on developing, implementing and/or updating Concepts of Operations,((:onOps), integrated Mandate Implementation Plans (IMIPs), mission assessments ; mission planning and other policy and planning tools for UN Police from the perspective of the specific field assignments given to the. SRC: The incumbent assists in developing, refining anaupdating SPC policieS and directives that are in line with the Strategic vision of the Polies Division and the SPC. The incumbent also assists other S PC members as directed in other law enforcement thematic areas outside his/her own area of focus. When tit headquarters in Brindisi , the incumbent works closely with other SPC members to integrate and balance their activities into respective ConOps and IMIPs in support of the SPC's own terms of reference for its nssigtunenta. S/he develops annual workplans in line with Resat Ls Based Budgeting (It BB) and assists members with developing individual workplans. S/he also prepares brief country reports and security analyses of the mission areas to which the SPC is being sent. When deployed in the field , the incumbent reviews UN Police operations and analyses the state of development of national law enforcement agencies with a view to heilitating required imprOvements and changes in ConOps and LMlPs, bearing in mind the strategic mission of the 1.1N Pollee, which.is to build institutionnl law enforcement capacity in conflict and postconflict environments.. COMPETENCIES: Profcssiona$m:. Knowledge of democratic policing,. laWettforceinerit community safety and capacity-building; ability to remain calm in stressfel situations; good research, analytical and Problem-solving skills: COMMitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full iriVolvement of women and men in all aspects of peace operations. Planning and Organizing; Develops clear goals that are consistent With agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of timeand resources feir completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessaiy; uses time efficiently. Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from Others; places team agenda before perSenal ap,enda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even whensuch deeiSions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shorteoMings. OVALIFICATIONS: Ed ucation: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in the applied sciences, socialsciences or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combihati on of relevant academic qualifications and extensive experience in law enforcement may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or similar law enforcement training institution is required. Work Experience: A m111 imam of five years ofprogressively la.w enforcement experience in active national police ; with a current rank of at least Chief inspector Cu Superintendent or Majo? equivalent or higher rank is required. Experience in law entbreement planning and formulation/implementation of policy is required. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or other organizations is an advantage. Languages: English and French are the working languages. the UN. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of a second official UN 'language, preferably French is highly desirable. will he given, to equally quelitied women candidates. Date or Issuance: 13 March 2015 littv://www.un.orplen/Deaeckeeninvisiteg/noli re Preference 7/2 United Nations LoY Nations Uni es DPKO/OROLSI/FD/20 I 4/0231 "Mc Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the Pernument Mission of Member State to the United Nations and has the honour to invite its Goverment to nominate individual police officers in active service for appointment on secondment to the Standing Police Capacity of the Police Division, with its duty station in the United Nations Logistics Base (UNLB) itt Brindisi, Italy, for an initial period.of one year, with possibility of extension. Detai ls regarding the:posts for whiah the Secretariat is seeking qualified applicants tu-c-provided in the attached Job Opening 2015-SPC-7591.8-DPKO. Also attached are the "Application Procedure for Position in the Standing Police Capacity of the United Nations Police Division Requiring Official Secondment from National Governments of United Nations Member Slates". The Secretariat kindly requests the Permanent Mission to submit a separate application for each nominee for each. Job Opening(s) to the Selection and Recruitment Section/ Police Division/OROLSI/DPKO, DC1(1784, in accordance with the above-referenced procedures, certifying that the nominee/s meet/s the requirements in the attached Job Opening's. Applications submitted after the deadline specified in the Job Opening will not be considered. The Permanent Mission is also requested to confirm that.selected candidates will be released, in a timely manner, from the national police service obligations for service with the t lnited Nations. It is also requested to ensure that the rank of each candidatestibmitted is indicated on the application. In addition, it is strongly recommended that Member States catch.' illy pre-screen their applicants and submit Only those candidates meeting all requirements for the position as described in the Job Opening/s. Member States are strongly encouraged to nominate qualified female police officers. - Preference. will be given to equally qualified women candidates. The Secretariat wishes to inform that the Permanent Mission of Member State that in an effort to. streamline and expedite the procedures of recruiting seconded officers, candidates placed on arc.ster following the selection process maybe considered for posts with similar functions within a period of one year and if recommended for deployment, furtherairangentents will be coordinated with the Permanent Mission in due course. The Seeretariat wishes to outline that it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that each candidate it nominates has not been convicted of, 1.3 United Nat i ons flasiN Nations Unies or is not currently under investigation ot.beingprosectited for, any criminal or disciplinary offence, or any violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. In the case of nominees who have been investigated for, charged with or prosecuted for any criminal offence, with the exception ()Emilior traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless (hiving are not eonsidered minor traffic Violations for this purpose), but were not convicted, the Government .is requested to provide information regarding the investigation(s) or prosecutions concerned. The Government is also requested to certify that ft„iS not aware of any allegations al.:,:ainst its nominated candidates that they have committed or been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to violations of international human rights law or international huinanitarian The Secretariat recalls that. the responsibilities of those personnel who are appointed to serve the United Nations are exclusive.:ly international in character. They perform their'fimetions under the authority of,.and in full compliance with, the instructions of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Persons acting on his behalf and are duty-bound not to , seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of theft chities from any government or from .other authorities external to the United Nations. Seconded shouldcarry out their functions in accordance with all applicable regulations, rules and procedures of the Organization. This request is being transmitted to all Member States, in compliance with General Assembly resolution 51/243 of 15 September 1997. The Secretariat of the Ilnited Nations availl itself of this op ortunity to renew to the Permanent Mission of Member State to the United Natithe assurances of its highest consideration. 1/V) March 2015 United Nations Secretariat acancy'leer 'if--wolf " ' . e e ii` efiii;;;OWitOis"44.gopetlystipoiy.,,c, POST TITLE AND LEVEL ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT DUTY STATION DURATION DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER • community Policing Adviser, P-4 DPKO, Police Division, Standing Police Capacity BRINDISI, ITALY 12 Month (extendible) 15 May 2015 2015-SPC-R-75918-DPKO CIRCULATION LIMITED TO MEMBER STATES. APPOINTMENTS ARE LIMITED TO SERVICE ON POSTS FINANCED ACCOUNT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS. Si- 9.7'09 BY THE SUPPORT • RESPONSIBILITIES: •.. The Community Policuag Adviser will report to a 'I'earn. Leader of the Standing Police Capacity (SPC), a UN Police mechanism for starting vpolice components in UN peace Operations as well as assisting existing operations .on a continual basis, It is envisiged that the incumbent mill deploy to missions and be away limn his/her duty station for an initial period from three to six months. The incumbent will he responsible for developirr; and implementing a Wide variety of conununity oriented.polieingprinciAles and programmes as required within theterms of reference SPC assignments. When at headquarters in Brindisi s/he will study and isolate best practices in community oriented policing at.the of national And international levels with a view to lennulating precise activities that the SPC can support once deployed on the ground, noting the primary rationale of UN Police which is to build institutional police.capacity in countries and environments effected by conflicts and post-conflict cnvirontnents• This work will include developing and regukirly updating a Conimunity oriented Policing Conceptual and Operational: Framework in collaboration with the Polite Divisibn of the Department of Peacekeeping OperatiOns and UN Police operations in the field. s/he will identify potential new and existing field operations wherein either community oriented policing pilots and other programmes can be implemented by the UN in co-operation with relevant international inn.' national partners, including donors, or where existing pornmunity oriented policing programmes can be enhanced and/or expanded with the special assistance and blow-how of the SPC. When deployed it Ihe field missions, the Community Policing Advisor will work closely with 1.1N Police and other police-support and rule of law actors in limmission.arca to advise and support local _law enforcement with community oriented policing activities. This work will involve making recommendations on how local law enforcement shoUld be organized, structured, trained and resoitteed to support community oriented policing at all levels, with a particular focus towards improving law enforcement relations and consultation with and understanding of the position of women, children and other vulnerable groups in environments affected by conflicts around which violence and crime often centres including former combatants, refugees and internally displaced personS. COMPETENCIES: Professionalism: Demonstrated mastery of (henries, concepts and approaehesTeleVant to dernocratic policing, law enforcement, community safety and institutional capacity-building; experience in community oriented policing concepts and methods. Commitment to ittiplementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and Aril involyemcnt-of women and men in all aspects olpeaze operations. . VianttIng and Organizing: Ability to identify and participate in the resolution of complex issues and problems; ability to plan own work and the work.of others, manage conflicting priorities and use time efficiently; ability to organize and co-ordinate the implementation of complex and multifaceted activities; ability tomeet deadlines erinsistently... Teamwork; Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and Maintain effective partnerships and .working relations in a multi-cultural environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. 01 IA 1 ,IFICATIONS: Education: Advanced university degree (Masters degree or equivalent) in law, social sciences, criminal justice or related field. Acombination of a Bachelor's degree, and extensive experience in police operational mattersincluding community oriented policing May be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. Graduation from a certified police academy or other law enforcement training facility is required. Work Experience: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in active national policeservice at.the strategic, operational and administrative levels with the rank _of Superintendent or It Colonel, .other service equivalent or higher rank is required. At least three years of specific experience in.community oriented policing, both policy-making and implementation is [Nuked. Peacekeeping or other international experience in the UN or other internatiortal organ i4atiuns is desirable. Languages: English and French are the working languages of the UN. For the post advertised, Quincy in oral and written Englisltis required. Knowledge of French or another official UN language is an advantage. Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates. Date of Issuance: 13 March 2015 htte://www.un.org/ea/neacekceninakiles/uelice r- APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR POSITIONS IN THE STANDING POLICE CAPACITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS POLICE DIVISION REQUIRING OFFICIAL SECONDMENT FROM NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS OF . MEMBER STATNS OF THE IINITED NATIONS Outlined below are the proc.edures:to be followed by Permanent Missions. for the presentation ofcandidates to posts requiring, sec -A=0,6am active Police service, which are open for recruitment within the Standing Police Capacity of the United Nations Police Division, With its duty -station in the UNI,B in Brindisi, Italy: In the interest of promoting 'an orderly process and to avoid delay in the consideration of applications, Permanent Missions are respectfelly requested to adhere closely to-these procedures. . The above-mentioned posts are reserved for candidates-recommended by MemberStatcs Through their Permanent Missions to the United Nations. Candidates applying independently will not he considered. It is. requested that applications be submitted as soon as possible. Applications received after the deadline specified in each ,Job Opening will not be considered. 2. An apPliattions must be submitted on a duly completed (typed) and signed United 'Nations 'Personal History Form (1'.1 1) or printed Personal History Profile (P1-1P). Applications using other formats will nothe accepted, hut'additional information may be attached to the P. 11. or PIO. For the convenience of the Permanent Missions a P. 11. formis enclosed as . a slim* to be photocopied as , needed. A1SO enclosed is the 1.11 . supplementary sheet and the Employment and Academie Certification (EAC) form. 3. Selection for service with the United Nations is made on a competitive basis. It.is therefore essential that all the Personal ilistory Pormsbe completed with a view to presenting the candidates qualificati o is and experiences as.hey relate to the-requirements as set out in the relevant Job Opening. In the event a Permanent Mission wishes to recommend a candidate for several posts, a separate Periortaithstory Form should be submitted for each post.. 4. Permanent Mission are requested to present.their candidates in one single.submission, accordance with the deadline date of the Job Opening, under cover of a Note Verbale liSting the names of the candidates and the corresponding vacancy announcements. 5. Applications must he hand-delivered by Permanent Missions to the sele ctie n6 and Recruitment Section of the Police Divisien, Office of Rule and Law and Security institutions, Department of PeaCekeeping Operations at DCI, 7th Floor, Room;, 784 in accordance with the specific.directions in the relevant Note Verbale. 6. Upon delivery of the applications, the Selections and Recruitment Section will knowledge the receipt'to the individual making the delivery. 7. communication rcgardingelhis process will be through the Permanent Mission only 'the Secretariat will not entertain personal queries from individual .applicantS, UNITED NATIONS Employment and Academic Certification . Attachment to Personal History Profile (P11) TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATE: Personal Data: Family Name: (li ven name: Middle names: Gender: M/F e-mail address: Position for which you are applying: Note: if von arc a Nina for more than one position, please ktIbmit separateP11 and P11 attachment for each Joh Opening) Job 0 coin" Number: Military Service History/Police Service History Date of Commission (for military officers)•or date of enlistment/enny to service (lbr police officers): Current rank Date Lag Promoted Date eligible for Projected Retirement date from current promotion to next rank rank Branch/Corp/Mustering Sub Specialisation/additional qualifications De Tees and Academic Distinctions Ohtaine.d: - NAME of INSTITUTION, PLACE AND COUTN.RY. Please Rive complete address. Graduation from the Staff/War College or Police Academy (and/or .law enforcement institution) University Degree/s ATTENDED: FROM: Month/Year TO: M.outh/Year DEGREES and ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS OBTAINED Experience hi peacekeeping operations: Specify UN or other International Ex tcricnce, starting with your most recent experience and list in reverse miler Description of dutics' Dates inin/yy-mm/yy Mission/ Position/title Operntion/Location (MHO), HQ Staff, Contgt, Adviser) Command Ex )erience. startin Dates mrn/a: =/)y with Unit/Poaition/Org your most recent experience al d list in reverse Significant Unit Activities ardor Si nificant Planning Experience. starting with your most recent experience and list in reverse order . I Operation/Activity Dates mro/yy. nun/yy Position/Or (Other) Wert ational Exposure other than pence-keepingpperations, starting with your must recent experience and list in reverse order Date: min/vy•mm/vy Polition/Ore; Functiov/Activily Military and/or Police Trninine C.:norm/Seminars: (last two years/ Naive of Course Date: inin/yy —min/yyinstitution Additional Commcnts: I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are complete and correct. I understand that any misrepresentntion or material omission made nil a Personal History form nr other document requested by the Organization renders a staff member for the United Nations liable ineligible for further consideration. I declare that I have never committed, been convicted of and am not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for any criminal, human rights, civil action or disciplinary offenrie, with the exeeption of minor traffic violations (driVing while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered minor traffic violations for this purpose). I declare that I haver not been involved, by act CO omission, in the commission of any violation of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. I am not able to attest to the proceeding paragraphs for the following reasons: • Date Signature N.I1. You will be requested to Supply documentary evidence. which Stipports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original texts of references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization. 70 liE COMPLETED is r THE kteLEVANT LOCAL A UTHORIM On behalf of Is complete and correct. 1 certify that ihe information provided by fual ► er certify that the nominated candidate has never been convicted of, or is not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for any criminal or disciplinary offe ► icC, or any violglions of international human rights law, civil action or disciplinary offence. • The Government of is not aware of any allegations against the nominated candidate that she/he has committed or been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. In the case of the nominee who has heen investigated for, charged with or proseculedfOr any criminal ofrnnee, with•the exception of minortrelc. violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered minor ircrffic violations for this purpose), but was not convicted, the Government is requested to provide InformatiOn ref ai'ding Ole inveStigation(s) or prosecution) concerned. Datr Ofikinl Stump INSTRUCT ION S UNITED .41.,NATIONS Please answer cach question clearly and completely. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Read carefully and follow al l rlireelions. .Ftuntly name P FRSONAL HISTORY Pir.it name nnte of (dnylmon(hlyr) Maiden name, if any Middle name National ity(ies) at birth PreacinNationalilv(ies) Married nSeparated nWidow(cr)11] Place of hirth mirth I IcightI8.Weight Do trot Write in This Space 613 rwl ) 9.Matital Status: Single n Sex Divorced 10.Fatty into 'united Nations service might require. assignment to any urea of the world in which the United Nations migltave responsibilities. . (a) Axe there any I imilutionS on your ability to perforM in your prospective field of wrote? YES 0NC) ❑ (b) Are there any limitations On your ability to engage in all travel?YES n ❑NO Ili 11.Permanent address 12.Present address 13. Office Telephone No. 14. Otrice Fax No. Telephone No. ( Telephone/fax No. ( ( E-mail: 15 Do you have any dependent ohildreu? YES •0 NO ❑ Jr the answer is "yes", give the following infant alien: Name of Children Place of nirth Date Of Rink (day/mu/year) : Nationality Gender is. (a) Name of Spouse 16. Have yeti taken up legal permanent residened :dons in any country other than that of your nationality? Y INO If answer is - yes", which country? 17. Have you taken any legal steps towards Changing your present national ity?YES ❑ NO I..j Tran,wc, is "yes", explain fully: Are Day oF your relatives employed by a public international organization? If answer is "yes". give the following information: NAME YES ❑ NO U Name of hdenuttionat Organization ftelationSIttp 19. whot is your preferred -fiord cif work? 20. Would you accept C111Layintat for less than six months?21, YES Li NO ❑ Have you previously_ittbmitted an 321)iicAtion for employment and/or undergone any tests with U.N.? YES LI NO ❑ If so, when? 22. • KNOWI.P.DGE OF LANGUAGES. What i5 your Anolfivi lthigUe? OTHER LANG 0 A READ Easily INot Easily ❑ ❑ 1.1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. For clerical grades only P. az, i I y WRITE SPEAK Not Easily FluentlyI Not Fluend, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ (m1101e speed in words per rdrleac English French Other lan8tinees ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ UNDERSTAND EasilyI Not Easily 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ List any office machines or equipment and computer progronunes you use. Typing Shorthand P.11 (7.03)-E a. 24. EDUCATION. Give full details — N.B. Please give esuct tilles.of degrees in oliginal language. Pleas,: do not translate Or equate`to other dcflecs. A. University or equivalent NAME. PLACE AND couNTRY ATTENDED FROM/TO TIECIRTIES and ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS 0B'1'AINEI) Please give complete address, Month/Year Month/Yenr MAIN COURSE OF STUDY R. SCHOOLS OR OTHER FORMAT- TRAINING OR EDUCATION FROM AGE 14 (e.g., high school, technical school of apprenliealiip) CF.RT I FIC.ATES,OR DIPLOMAS YEARS ATI .ENI)ED NATAL, PLACE AND COUNTRY 'TYPE TO QRTAINED Please give complete address. PROM 25. LISTPROFESSIONA1...S(X3)ITIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CIVIO,,PUBLICORINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 26. LIST ANY S)GNIFICANT,P1„113LICATIONS-Yf)014AVII WRIVIhN (1704YOTA7TACII) 27. EMPLOYMENT RECORD!..Starlinz with your present vont, 1411 iii PT:VERSE ORDER esiery evngjetyment you Include also service in the armed fort** and note nay period darilig which:you were Mit stiinfugy uniph/yetl. the some *izo. Give,beth gross and net saturies per nrintim for }'our lai4orpresentpost A. PRESENT POST (LAST POST, IF NOT,PRESI:NTLY IN EMPLOYMENT). PROM TO SAtA1t1E.S:PF.R.:ANNUM MONTU/YEAn MONTE/YEAR STAIUINO: FINAL NAME OF FIMPLOYLR:. 7NPK RUS/NESS ADDIMSSOFEMPLOYER: NAMEGF SUPERVISOR, Ucu ii,'SeptuateAdock Ent michpost. 4r you need. more space, attach addition:II pages of EXACT TITLE 91' )(QM POST: NC) ANO KINOOF EMPLOYEES SI/PER VISED, 13 Y REASON rca LEAVING DESCRIPTION OP YOUR 11LITIES: P.I I (7•03)-1: 3 B. PREVIOUS POSTS (IN REVEMBORDER. FROM TO MONTI I/YEAR MONTH/YEAR SALAR MS PE.R /*NUM s•icrma EXACT TM .E. OF YOUR POST: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF DUNIN•SS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERVISOR: NO..ANT3 KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED fl YOU: 'REASON FOR LEAVING: IT..CCRIT'TION OP YOUR DITTIES FROM 10 MC)NTWYEAR MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM sTAKTim; Fe4L'A( I Tri'LE OF YOUR POST: FINAL Busnsrgss: NAME OF EMPLOYER: TY PEI )P ADDRESS OFENIPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERVISOR: NO. AND KIND OE EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED DV YOU: REASON FOR LEAVING. DESCRIPTION - OF YOUR DUTIES FROM TO MONTII/YEAR MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER STARTING ,ANNUM EXACT 1TFLE OF YOUR POST: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYI3R; *FYPE OF Ell IS INESS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: - NAME OF SUPERVISOR: NO. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED BY YOU. REASON TOR LEAVING DESCRIPTION OP'YOUR DUTIES ..- la■ 1'.11 (1-(13).E 13/ 120 4 YES 111NO 2S, HAVE YOU ANy oBJF.CTIONS '10 OUR MARINO TFIQUffuES (..)1 , YOUR ?RESENT EMPLOYER? 29, ARE YOU NOW OR DAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CIVIL SERVANT TN YOUR GOVERNMENT'S EMPLOY? .YES icii.,,,,, is "yes", WHEN? ■ 0N O REFERENCES: lint throe persons, not rehired to you, and are f).0( current United Nations oluff members, who are Lunilittr with your cheractet and qualifications. Do )161 edpeal trarlIeS Of supervlsors fished wra.-7.r Iron 27. 30. BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION Fl IT J. ADDRESs FULL NAME • • 31. STATE ANY an-mtt RET.EVANT FACFS. NCI YOUR NATIONALITY: alw, INFORMATION RECJAIWING ANY RESIDEN07: OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY OF 12IIAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRF.ST.ED, INDICTED, OR $1,1MMONED INTO COURT AS A DEFENDANT TN A CRIMINAL ?ROC:REDING, OR CONVICTED . OR IMPRISONED FOR THE VIOT.A.TTON OF ANY LAW (excluding, minor trallie violations)? YES•NO ■ If "yes'', give full particulars of each taise 33. in nn attached statement. • OTIIHR AGENCIES OF TUE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM MAY 131.: INTERESTRD INOUR APPLICANTS. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBJECTION TO YOUR PERSONAL HISTORY FORM )3EINU.MADE AVAILABLE TO TIIEM? V tiS ♦NO 34. I certify that_the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing, questions are true, complete,and correct to the best of my knov,,ledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation 01 material imliSsiott made tan a Personal. History form or other document requested by the Organization renders a staff member °lite United Nations liable to termination or dismissal. DATE (day, month, year SIGNATURE: N.B.You will he requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any documenotry evidence until you have been risked to do so by the Organization and in any event, do not Sitbmit the original texts of references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization. . Pit (7-04.6 EMPLOYNIFNT RECORD - SUPPI.F.MErVTARY - PLEASE LIST, in reverse order, t-NERY EMPLOYMENT YOU HAVELiseu separate Moe' ror rash post. Include also service in the stilled fc-We'ai and note any period d uring which L ott were not gainfully ['ill ) 1 0VCCI. See. next p age for mnrc hincEs FROM iMONTE/YENt TO MONTTIPMAR SALARIES' PER ANNUM STARTING' FINAL I NAME EXS1C/ Flab OF YOIJR•POST: OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF BUSINESS: • NAME.OP SUPERVISOR: ADDR FSS OF EMPLOYER: NO. A NI) KIND OV PAIK.Oy4BS SUPERVISED BY YOU REASON FOR, LEAVING: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES FROM MONTH/YEAlt I I ..... ... 10 MONTH/YEAR SAL:ABMs STARTING _ 1:xAr T TJTLE OF YOUR nosT PF.R ANNUM FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: • YPI: OF BUSINESS: ADDRESS, OF F.MPLOYLIM NAMI OF SUMKVISLIB.: NO. AND FIND Or BkIpLOYEES. •.3tIF,111:yriED BY yom KBASON NA-LEAVING: DEs6013r10).4 Or yOURAUTIES FROM MON TRYEAtt ----__,_—_ TO moNTRiVP AR EXACT TEMP. or Your. rom- : sALARTSS PER ANNUM STAR711,70 FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TVPF, OF BUSINESS: AUVRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERV iSOM NO. .94..$ Kim') OrEKPLOYEES SOMiltviSED BY YOU: REASON FUR LEAVING': DESCRY!, no NI OF YOTJR DIM IN FROM TO moNTHNEAV. MoNTtIr.TAK SALARIES kt R ANNuto STARTING RIVAL ---- ",°T, ExAcriTri.E OF YOUil POST NAME OF EMPLoy ER : TYPE: OF BUSINESS: .ADDRESS OF CIMPLOYF_R: NAVA OF si./PERvisOB.: NO. Awn law, OF LMPLOVRES suPERVISED b V V011' REASON FOR LLAviNo. ..-DESCRIPTION OF YOUR ovnEs ._._. 1 P.11. 1,16 Sc) P.M P 1.OVMENT RECORD — SI.1 l'P I .1.: N ENTARY SHEET PLEASE LIST, in reveme order, EVER EMPLOYMENT YOU HAVE _ during Which you were not gninfiill v employed. !ER. PROM TO N,IONTIliYeAR MONTIVYEATt um), L4et o t.cpuritte block Mr each post Int:hide also service in the armed runt% and note any period sm.A I: I GS PER ANNUM STAKT1NU .FINAL EXACT TITLE OF YOUR POS I : NAME OF 0,4,1.0 VF.R ; 1 ITEOE BOSTFTSS: ADDRESS OF EMI'LOYER: NAME OE SUPERV1$012: NO, ANT) KIND 01: EMPLOYEES SLIP•RVISED RY YOU: REASON FOR LEA VINO. ))1iSt :It I PTION OF YOUR DIJO•S FROM MONTI WEAR TO MONTH/YEAR ■\.I.ARIES PER ANNUM STAICIING FINAL R)Zikci TITLE OF l'OUR POS I% NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF FIDSINF.SS: ADHRES:i OF EMPLOYE.g; NAALE OF SUPERVisOit; NO. AN)) KIND OF EMP).0Y1F.VS SUPERVISED BY Y011: It I :ASON FOR T.EA V I NC.): 0.Ek:R1PTION OF VO1)}: vu .nes FROM MOM 1LYEAR TO MONTU/YEAR SALARths PER ANNUM :/ l'ARTINO FINAL rixAcT 1TILE OF YOUR POST: NAME OF EMPLOY ER: TOTE' Of 0 LIS MSS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME. OP ST.TPERVISOR: NO.- AND KIND OE I RVPI.C.IYEES SUPERVISE)) BY YOU: REASON FOR LEA:VINO: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES FROM TO MONTH/YEAR MONTWYFAR SALAMI'S PER ANNUM STARTING EX ACT TITLE OF' Y01 iR posr: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: 'I'YPE OP BUSINESS: ADDR1:SS OF EMPLOYER 7 NAME OF St /PER yisoR, NO.-ANT) 111)13 OF EMPLOYEES SUPER MED IlY YOU: REASON FOR LEAVING: DESCRIPTION DE YOLlI( DUTIP.S P.)0-00)
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