regional rail safety & mobility enhancements Raymer to Bernson Double Track Project Van Nuys–Northridge–Chatsworth Overview Fact Sheet Overview Project Goals Metro is moving forward with final design of the Raymer to Bernson Double Track Project (Van Nuys-NorthridgeChatsworth). It will add 6.4 miles of second mainline track between Control Point (CP) Bernson (near DeSoto Ave) and CP Raymer (near Woodley Ave) in Los Angeles County. Other improvements will include grade crossing equipment upgrades, tra;c controls and road improvements. Once complete, this will improve safety, add capacity, and improve operational reliability along the Metrolink Ventura Line and Amtrak’s Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Pacific Surfliner corridor. > Promote rail corridor safety and accessibility. > Improve operational reliability and on time performance along the Ventura Line. > Allow for future additional intercity passenger and commuter service consistent with the State’s intercity passenger rail improvement goals for the corridor. > Upgrade the Northridge station to serve more passengers and trains due to the increased capacity from the double track. > Enhance passenger experience at the Northridge station including additional displays, wayfinding, security and safety improvements. Background The Raymer to Bernson Double Track Project will complete a continuous double track corridor along the LOSSAN corridor through Los Angeles County. It will provide a second mainline track on the Metrolink Ventura Line. This line is also used by Amtrak’s Intercity Pacific Surfliner and long distance Coast Starlight corridor as well as UPRR Freight. The total length of the new second mainline track is approximately 6.4 miles between CP Raymer at Milepost (MP) 453.1, to CP Bernson, at MP 446.7. The project is located in a corridor owned by both the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority (Metro). As part of this work, nine at-grade rail crossings and two bridges will be reconstructed. In addition, a second side platform and a grade separated pedestrian underpass will be built to connect the existing and new platform at the Northridge Station. Currently, the single track along the corridor limits the ability of trains to recover from any lost schedule time. The double track will minimize the need for trains to idle at control points. This will lead to better air quality and lower greenhouse emissions. Upon project completion, the upgraded street and rail crossings will enhance train and tra;c safety and better serve passengers. The second mainline track will improve the flow of Metrolink, Amtrak and UPRR trains. Metro has secured funds from the California State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and State Proposition 1B for final design and construction. Measure R and other funds were used to complete the preliminary engineering and environmental clearance. Chatsworth to Van Nuys Double Track Project RESEDA BLVD TAMPA AVE E NORDHOFF AV CORBIN AVE E WINNETKA AV MASON AVE DE SOTO AVE New Second Side Platform at Northridge Station No Mod Bridge LIMEKILN CREEK Northridge Station Grade Crossing Safety Enhancements New Slope Retaining Wall Under Nordhoff Bridge New Single Track Bridge at Limekiln Creek NIA R PA E TH ST No Mod Bridge PROJECT LIM MASO M WOODLEY BALBOA LASSEN SEPULVEDA DEVONSHIRE RESEDA BL WILBUR CHATSWORTH METROLINK STATION TAMPA CHATSWORTH CORBIN DEVONSHIRE ZELZAH Project Map GRANADA HILLS CHATSWORTH ST NORTHRIDGE PLUMMER PLUMMER California State University of Northridge NORDHOFF NORTH HILLS NORDHOFF NORDHOFF Bernson PARTHENIA PARTHENIA NORTHRIDGE METROLINK STATION 405 Raymer ROSCOE SEPULVEDA WOODLEY BALBOA SHERMAN WHITE OAK RESEDA BL WILBUR TAMPA CORBIN WINNETKA MASON SATICOY RESEDA VANOWEN Project Development Phases VICTORY Public involvement is of paramount importance for all agencies and jurisdictions involved. Therefore community Tampa outreach will continue through the end of construction to educate, inform and garner input from stakeholders. The flow chart belowOXNARD highlights the major milestones in the process from beginning to end. WOODLAND HILLS constructionBURBANK BL VENT URA B winter 2016winter 2018 L New Double Track Bridge at Bull Creek E WOODLEY AV Track Shift BULL CREEK BALBOA BLVD Existing Track UL EDA ENCINO LINDLEY AVE difications to Over Reseda Blvd TARZANA 101 S 27 final engineering summer 2014summer 2015 RESEDA BL U ENT fall 2012-V spring 2014 Sepulveda Dam Recreational Area BURBANK BL environmental L review RA B difications to Over Parthenia St MITS Van Nuys Airport (VNY) DE SOTO CANOGA TOPANGA CANYON CANOGA PARK V EP 405 Van Nuys Airport Proposed Track VD OE BL ROSC SATICO Contact Us Please use the following contact tools to access more project information, ask a question or provide comments: Kunle Ogunrinde P.E., Project Manager Metro One Gateway Plaza, 99-18-2 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.922.3476 [email protected] 15-1584bg ©2015 lacmta
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