Mt. Lookout Camps Our camps offer fun, creative opport rtun unit un itie it ies ie s al alll su umm mmer r lon ong g fo for r ki k ds who o lov ve to o dance. All of our stu t dents are accept pted ed and d cha hall ha lllen enge ged ge d to exc xcel, an and d we we’r ’r re so proud roud d to have cr c eated such a safe, caring, family-frie i ndly y environme ent for you our r ch chil ild d to o ex expe xp rien nce joy o through dance. 3 DA D Y PR P INCE ESS CAM AMP P 4 DA AY PR PRIN INCE CESS S CAMP 3/4 3/ 4 Year Olds Come rea Com eady dy to ha have e fun and d be a pr p in nce cess ss! Ever Ev ery y da day y wi will ll fea e tu ure a new princ nces ess, fro rom m Cinder erel ella, So oph phia a the First stt and n Fro roze zen. Eac ach h camp mp p day inc ncludes balllet e , sn snac ack k an and cr raf a t. t Prope per r da anc nce e atti tiire pre tire r fe err rred ed.. (L Leo e tard ta ar , tigh g ts s and le ea ath ther er balle lett sh s oes. s) $90 $110 110 5/6 Year Old 5/6 lds JULY JU LY Y 20,, 21, 1, 22, 23 / 10 10:0 :00 0 – 12 12:0 :0 00 3 4 Ye 3/ ear ar Old lds ds JUNE JU N 18, 25 & JUL NE ULY Y 2, 9, 16 / 4:3 :30 0 – 5: 5:3 30 30 MOVI MOVI MO VIN’ N & GRO N’ ROOV OV VIN N’ Jo oin n us fo for r fu fun n as we ce cele leb brat ate movi v e fa favo avo v ri rite es Froz zen n, The Li Litt ttle le Mer erm maid,, Al A ad addi din n and Tangle ngled d. Eac Ea ch camp da day y includ udes balle let, snack k an nd d craft raft. Proper e dance ce attir ire pr pref e er ef e re red. (Leo ota tard rd, ti tig ghts and leather r balle let sh shoe oes. s) 4 DA AY PR PRIN NCE CESS SS CAM MP Thursd Thu rsdays ays in JUNE JU NE&J NE &JUL ULY Y New Ne w or o beg egin in nni ning ng g stu tude d nt n s, s, com o e re r ady to have fun fu un and be our sta an and tar da anc n er ers! s Eac a h week week k fea eatu ture res s a new ew t em th me, mak akin in ng le lear arning ni g fun and d exc xcit itin tin ng. g. 3/4 Ye 3/ Y ar Olld ds JULY Y 13, 14, 15, 16 6 / 10 0:0 :00 0 – 12::0 00 JUNE NE E 15, 5 16, 17 / 10 1 :00 0 – 12 1 :00 TH HEME EM ME ED D BALLE ALL T / TA TAP P Ma M ake Mem emor orie or ies ie s $5 50 0 Join us fo Join for fu fun as s we ce cele leb br te mo brat ovi vie e fa favo vo oriite tes Frozen Fr en n, The The Li L tttle Mer rma maid id, Al Alad addiin an and d Ta Tang n le l d. Each Ea ch h cam mp da day in incllud des bal alle let, t sna nack c and d cra raft ft.. P oper Pr r dan ance att ttiire prefferre ed. (Leo (L eota otard rd,, ti tights and nd lea eath ther er balle et shoes.)) $11 110 0 6, 7 & 8 Ye ea ar Ollds JU UNE E 18, 25 & JUL ULY 2, 9, 16 / 5:3 :30 0 – 6: 6:30 30 An ene An nerget nerg etic ic and d fun n cla l ss com ombi b ni ning ng jaz azz z an nd hiip ho op m mo oves wi w th h str tret etch chin ch hin i g. g $ 0 $5 MT. LOOKOUT 2015 SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION FORM _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Student Name Camp _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Student Name Camp Day Day Time Time Parent Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City / State / Zip _________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________ Please list any allergies: ___________________________________________________________________________ 513.232.9710 • T Total Amount Enclosed: $ _________________________ _____________ ______________ (Cash or check only) Mail or deliver this completed form with your summer tuition check to: Gotta Studios, LLC – 7892 Beechmont Ave., Cinti., OH 45255
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