Holiday PROGRAMMES ONEHUNGA WINZ SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE APRIL 2015 YMCA YMCAprovides providesinclusive inclusiverecreation, recreation, sport sportand andleisure leisureopportunities opportunities for forpeople peoplewith witha adisability disability Onehunga | HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES Onehunga War Memorial Pool Holiday Programme 09 634 3748 Week 1 5 – 12yrs MON 6th April PUBLIC HOLIDAY TUES 7th April WED 8th April THURS 9th April FRI 10th April AUCKLAND ZOO Come explore the land of the Auckland Zoo & encounter wild & wonderful animals! WAVE RAVE Spend the day splashing around to the latest tunes! Bring your togs. MOTAT Come discover how the world has evolved since transport was invented! BOX DAY Show us your skills! Can you build a robot suit, a house & a giant board game? $40 $40 $40 $36 Before Care: 7:30am – 9am at $5. Holiday Programme: 9am – 3pm. After Care 3pm – 6pm at $10. Please bring lunch, togs & towel every day. All Ages Swim School Holiday Lessons PUBLIC HOLIDAY FAST TRACK YOUR child’s swimming technique with our intensive Swim School programme. Our programme will focus on the core learn to swim & development principles; kicking, propulsion, body balance, arm stroke action and breathing exercises to help improve their skills in a short space of time. $72.00 FOR FOUR DAYS or $125.00 FOR NINE DAYS Sir William Jordan Recreation Centre Holiday Programme 09 636 8825 Week 1 5-7’s yr olds 8-10’s yr olds 11+ yr olds MON 6th April PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY TUES 7th April WED 8th April THURS 9th April FRI 10th April ACTION WORLD Come try out all the bouncy inflatables, swings and flying trapezes. An awesome day to start your holidays. *Weather dependant. PAINTING, JEWELLERY MAKING AND MINI GOLF Try your hand at some painting and jewellery making before having a go at mini golf. MOVIES AND BEACH We will be checking out the latest movies then head out to the beach to relax, have fun and play sports. IT’S A PARTY! Come join in the festivities! Enjoy some refreshments, music, fun and games, a great way to end the week. $42 $28 $38 $28 ACTION WORLD Come try out all the bouncy inflatables, swings and flying trapezes. An awesome day to start your holidays. *Weather dependant. PAINTING, JEWELLERY MAKING AND MINI GOLF Try your hand at some painting and jewellery making before having a go at mini golf. NERF BATTLE! Test out your shooting and dodging skills! Conquer the other team. Great way to warm up for laser tag tomorrow! MEGAZONE LASER TAG Come along and play laser tag with your friends, challenge and beat them to rein supreme. Always a fun day. *Closed in shoes required. $42 $28 $28 $38 ACTION WORLD Come try out all the bouncy inflatables, swings and flying trapezes. An awesome day to start your holidays. *Weather dependant. COOKING AND MINI GOLF Calling all master chefs out there, show us your cooking skills! Then have some fun at the Enchanted Forest Mini Golf. NERF BATTLE! Test out your shooting and dodging skills! Conquer the other team. Great way to warm up for laser tag tomorrow! MEGAZONE LASER TAG Come along and play laser tag with your friends, challenge and beat them to rein supreme. Always a fun day. *Closed in shoes required. $42 $28 $28 $38 Before Care 7.30am-9.00am at $5 and after Care programme 3.00pm-6.00pm at $9. Bring drink bottle and lunch each day. WINZ SUBSIDIES Because we are CYF approved, did you know that subsidies are available from Work and Income for OSCAR approved Holiday Programmes and Camps? For more information on these subsidies phone WINZ on 0800 599 009. Winz night 26th of March 4.15pm-6.15pm for Sir William Jordan Recreation Centre Bookings. See centre or book online at Onehunga War Memorial Pool Holiday Programme 09 634 3748 Week 2 5 – 12yrs MON 13th April TUES 14th April WED 15th April THURS 16th April FRI 17th April WHEELS DAY Bring your bike, rollerblades, scooter or skateboard for the day! Must have helmet & closed shoes. THEATRE SHOW Watch the live show ‘The Lolly Witch of Mumuland’ at the Mangere Arts Centre. BUMPER BALLS Get strapped into a zorb-like ball, then roll, flip & bump into each other! Bring shoes. ART IN THE PARK Head to the Wallace Arts Centre for a day of mixed media creating in the park! WATER FIGHT Prepare to get soaked in our Capture The Flag style water fight game! Bring your togs. $36 $40 $40 $40 $36 Before Care: 7:30am – 9am at $5. Holiday Programme: 9am – 3pm. After Care 3pm – 6pm at $10. Please bring lunch, togs & towel every day. All Ages Swim School Holiday Lessons FAST TRACK YOUR child’s swimming technique with our intensive Swim School programme. Our programme will focus on the core learn to swim & development principles; kicking, propulsion, body balance, arm stroke action and breathing exercises to help improve their skills in a short space of time. $90.00 FOR FIVE DAYS or $125.00 FOR NINE DAYS Sir William Jordan Recreation Centre Holiday Programme 09 636 8825 Week 2 5-7’s yr olds 8-10’s yr olds 11+ yr olds MON 13th April TUES 14th April WED 15th April THURS 16th April FRI 17th April EXTREME EDGE Let’s all climb to the extreme! Can you climb all the different walls? *Closed in shoes required. TOYS DAY Bring your favourite toy and meet the favourite of others and have a party with everyone. FUN DAY AT THE POOLS Let’s relax and have some fun at the pools! Don’t forget your togs and towel. SCIENCE DAY Let’s all be mad scientists! We’ll try all sorts of different experiments, you’ll sure to be amazed. DAY AT THE PARK Enjoy the sun outside at the park. Play on the adventure playground and swing on the swings or start up a game of soccer. $38 $28 $28 $28 $38 EXTREME EDGE Let’s all climb to the extreme! Can you climb all the different walls? *Closed in shoes required. COOKING UP A STORM! Calling all master chefs out there, show us your cooking skills! Let’s see who can make the tastiest dish. FUN DAY AT THE POOLS Let’s relax and have some fun at the pools! Don’t forget your togs and towel. GADGET AND SPORTS DAY Challenge your friends on your favourite gadgets and games or compete in your favourite sport. MOVIES AND BEACH We’ll be checking out the latest movies then head out to the beach to relax, have fun and play sports. $38 $28 $28 $28 $38 DAY OUT AT THE MOVIES Come hangout at the movies then head down to the food court to have lunch. *Money spending allowed. GADGET DAY Bring your favourite gadgets, show what you have and challenge your friends! FUN DAY AT THE POOLS Let’s relax and have some fun at the pools! Don’t forget your togs and towel. BOWLING BONANZA We’ll head over to Panmure to have a game of bowling and then we’ll have lunch at Burger King, our shout! A DAY IN THE CITY Let’s explore what’s in the city, we could go eat or hang at the beach, you decide! *Money spending allowed. $38 $28 $28 $38 $38 Before Care 7.30am-9.00am at $5 and after Care programme 3.00pm-6.00pm at $9. Bring drink bottle and lunch each day. AFTER SCHOOL CARE Once the holidays are over, our after school care programmes provide a fun environment that ensures your child gets safely to and from school while you manage your commitments. After School Care. Available from 3:00 – 6:00pm, your child will be collected from school either through a walking school bus or vehicle collection and taken to a YMCA site. YMCA programmes offer a fun environment and a variety of activities including performing arts, crafts, cooking, swimming, sports and games and a supervised homework club. Afternoon tea is provided. BOOKED Onehenga Pools: *3:00pm – 6:00pm ........................$14.00 PER DAY Jordan: *3:00pm – 6:00pm ............................................$15.00 PER DAY *(pick up from St Joseph’s school 2:50pm) CASUAL Onehenga Pools:*3:00pm – 6:00pm .....................$16 - $20 PER DAY Jordan: *3:00pm – 6:00pm ............................................$15.00 PER DAY Registration Did you know you can register and pay online? Just go to General Information Please complete the general information section to register your child for a Holiday Camp or Day Programme. Child's Name........................................................................................................................... ALTERNATIVE EMERGENCY DETAILS Age: Name (Additional to Parent):.......................................................................................... DOB: / / Sex: M F School Attended:................................................................................................................... Phone:.....................................................................Mobile:................................................................... Child’s Address:..................................................................................................................... Relationship to Child: ........................................................................................................ Ethnicity............................................................................Postcode:.................................... Child’s Doctor: ...................................................................................................................... PARENT/CAREGIVER’S DETAILS Ph:................................................................................................................................................. Parent/Caregiver’s Name:................................................................................................ WORK AND INCOME DETAILS Home Ph:........................................Mobile:.........................................Work Ph:.................................... Is this a Work and Income (WINZ) application? E-mail:................................................................................................................................................. WINZ Number:.............................................................................................................................. Yes No CAMPS OTHER PEOPLE WHO MAY PICK UP YOUR CHILD CAMP DETAILS Name 1:................................................................ Name 2:............................................................... Camp Location: Camp Adair Shakespear Waiwera Camp Title:......................................................................................Start date: / / Special instructions regarding collection and access to child:.............................. ................................................................................................................................................................. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT DETAILS Is there anything else we need to know?............................................................................. Please note that buses are only available to Camp Adair and Shakespear Lodge. Private transport arrangements must be made for Waiwera Lodge. ................................................................................................................................................................. My child will use private transport arrangements: To camp . From camp DAY PROGRAMME SELECTION 5 – 12 year olds Before care 7:30 – 9am Aftercare 3 – 6pm 7/April $40 p $5 p $10.00 p 8/April $40 p $5 p $10.00 p Shakespear Lodge holiday camp bus times for normal residential camps 9/April $40 $5 p $10.00 p TO CAMP 10/April $36 p $5 p $10.00 p 13/ April $36 p $5 p $10.00 p 14/ April $40 p $5 p $10.00 p 15/ April $40 p $5 p $10.00 p 16/ April $40 p $5 p $10.00 p 17/ April $36 p $5 p $10.00 p Camp Adair holiday camp bus times for residential camps TO CAMP FROM CAMP YMCA Greys Ave 2:00pm Otahuhu Rec Centre (Mason St) 2:45pm Papakura Rec Centre (Gt South Rd)3:30pm Mt Albert YMCA 12:45pm FROM CAMP Mt Albert YMCA 5:00pm Papakura Rec Centre 12.30pm Otahuhu Rec Centre 1:15pm YMCA Greys Ave 2:00pm North Shore YMCA 1:15pm North Shore YMCA 4:30pm Please advise who is responsible for picking your child up from the bus; if this changes contact the camp office as soon as possible. Person or people collecting your child:......................................................................................... Day time ph: ..........................................................Night time ph:......................................................... Please note any special instructions regarding child collection here: ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ACCOMMODATION REQUESTS My child would like to share a room with:................................................................................... Onehunga War Memorial Pool 1 Park Gardens, Onehunga PH 09 634 3748 Holiday Programme Total $ Daily cost Health Details Please provide your child’s health details. Please select if your child has, has had or regularly suffers from any of the following in the last 6 months: Migraines Diabetes Heart condition Nose bleeds Asthma Breaks/Fractures ADHD Fits Epilepsy Travel sickness Infectious Diseases/Viruses Does your child have any allergies? Yes No If yes please provide details:........................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Does your child have any special dietary requirements?. Yes ADD No Other (Please specify):.................................................................................................. If yes please provide details............................................................................................ When was your child’s last tetanus injection:......................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Does your child currently take any medication or are they Does your child have a diagnosed or undiagnosed special need(s) required to carry prescription medication: Yes No Yes If you selected yes please provide details and complete a medical form (see staff): Condition:................................................................................................................................. Name of medication:........................................................................................................... Dosage and to be taken:..................................................................................................... Times to be taken:................................................................................................................. Does your child self medicate (As with Asthma): Yes No No If yes please provide details and complete special needs form (See staff) ....................................................................................................................................................... Is there any information that would be helpful for staff to know to ensure the physical and emotional safety of your child? (For example cultural practices or disabilities) ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Consent and Payment TERMS & CONDITIONS GENERAL: The information collected in this form is for the purposes of service delivery. It may be viewed by Child, Youth and Family and is managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. Bookings are subject to payment in full excepting WINZ bookings which require a 20% deposit or confirmation of full support from WINZ. YMCA is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal items left in the child’s possession. Parents/Caregivers are liable for late fees at $10 for the first 10 minutes or part there of and $1 per minute thereafter. In the event of an emergency where we are unable to contact you we will proceed to administer medication and assist the child as deemed appropriate in the circumstance. Overdue amounts may be referred to a debt collection agency. Any expenses, disbursements and legal costs incurred by YMCA of Auckland Inc, in the enforcement of any rights contained in this contract shall be paid by the Customer, including any solicitor’s fees and/or debt collection agency fees. DAY PROGRAMMES: Parents/ Caregivers are required to supply children with sufficient lunch, drinks and a sunhat on each day of attendance. Children may be transported to or from a YMCA site in conjunction with scheduled activities or for the health and safety of a child. Children must be signed in and out of the programme at the time of drop-off and collection. Children will not be released to any person not named in the registration process without prior written consent. No refunds or transfers are available within 24 hours of programme commencement. Any refunds given will incur a $15 administration fee. CAMPS: Bookings are not confirmed until a confirmation letter is issued. No refunds or transfers are available within 5 working days of programme commencement. Refunds for cancellations more than 5 working days prior to programme commencement will incur a 20% cancellation fee. PERMISSION I give permission for my child to be photographed Yes No I give permission for sun block to be applied to my child Yes No I give permission for my child to be transported No Yes Parent/Caregiver:................................................................Signed:....................................... CONSENT By signing this registration form I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and accept YMCA standard terms and conditions for day programmes and camps and that the information that I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Parent/Caregiver:........................................................................................................................ Signature:......................................................................................Date:....................................... PAYMENT/CREDIT CARD DETAILS Name of Credit Card Holder:................................................................................................. Type of card: Visa Mastercard Expiry Date: / Number: Signed:.................................................................................................. Date:............................... OFFICE USE ONLY Total:............................................................Receipt No:..................................................................Payment Type:...................................................................Entered:................................................. 20% Part Pay (WINZ only):.......................................................................................................Balance Owing:......................................................Payment Date:................................................. Court/Parental order(s) received Special needs form completed Special instructions regarding access Medical form completed OSCAR Manager sign:.................................................................................................
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