Johnson España División Antideslizantes Avda. M-40, nº 5 - 7 28925 Madrid Madrid – España Tlf. (00 34) 913 57 13 22 Fax (00 34) 913 57 18 20 Alamb. Comb. Grande Guerra, 107. 2º 2750 Cascais Lisboa – Portugal Tlf. (00 351) 21 482 21 02 Fax (00 351) 21 482 21 02 [email protected] 56 Gloucester Road Kensington. Box No 332 SW 7 4 UB London – U.K. Fax 020 75819213 REF:. 2011001615/ DETERMINATION OS SLIP RESISTANCE. TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS:. SIZE OF SINTERED CERAMICS, SA C / Del IBERSID - Cami Pol Fund - Almazora Castellón The treated areasSLIP:. EXAMPLE MODEL TILE ARANCIO held With out implementation of the Johnson landslide tunnel TESTS:. Determination of slip resistance to the following standards: - DB Technical Building Code. UNE ENV 12633 - European Directive 89/654. European Committee for Standardization. ENV ISO 10545-17 - American Standard C-1.028/85 - Standard DIN 51130 - Standard DIN 51097 MEASUREMENT DATE:. 03/06/2011 UNE 12633:2003 ENV DETERMINING SLIDING RESISTANCE DESIGNATION OF STANDARD UNE-EN 12633:2003: • USRV measuring coefficient of friction of the pendulum is made in both directions. At each point of measurement is carried out 5 shots with the pendulum, as indicated by the average of the last three readings UNE-EN 112633:2003. For each tile tested was chosen an area of its front. This area has been tested using the sliding shoe width of 76.2 mm, a length of 25.4 mm and a thickness of 6.4 mm rubber. Tested clean length is 126 mm and the reading is done on the scale of C the device, according to the temperature calibration procedures and included in the UNE-ENV 12633:2003, approved by the European Committee for Standardization. TEST CONDUCTED: DB tested by the Technical Building Code, the application of VNS 12.633:2003 UNE Measuring the specific area is classified internally as a general reference that details the area where the measurement is made: TEST TUBE ADDRESS: SAMPLES OF ADDRESS A: Testtube1: Rd 19 – Testtube 2: Rd: 18 – Testtube 3: Rd 17 –Testtube 4: Rd 17 – Testube 5: Rd 17 SAMPLES OF ADDRESS B: Testtube1: Rd 19 – Testtube 2: Rd: 17 – Testtube 3: Rd 17 –Testtube 4: Rd 17 – Testube 5: Rd 17 RESULTS: RD: 17 Category: 1 Classification slippery AS INDICATED IN THE NEW BUILDING CODE TECHNICAL. SOIL CLASS OBLIGATIONS ACCORDING TO YOUR LOCATION DETERMINATION OF ISO STANDARD SLIDING RESISTANCE ENV 10545-17 European Committee for Standardization. ENV ISO 10545-17 APPOINTMENT OF ENV ISO 10545-17: Results wet: 0.23 Results dry: 0.34 The measurement of dynamic coefficient of friction, self-propelled by a device called Friction FLOOR, advancing 17 mm with a rubber foot and a constant mass of 200 grams, with a constant vertical force, which is a meter to test dry wet. EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 89/654/EEC of the Council of 30.11.1989 on the minimum safety and health in the workplace indicates that soils should be slip resistant. Sample Results DETERMINATION OF SLIP RESISTANCE STANDARD C-1028/85 COEFFICIENT OF STATIC FRICTION C-1028/85 STANDARD DESIGNATION OF STANDARD C-1028-85. Was measured by an apparatus of ASM, measuring the force of friction. The measurement is made in four different directions, measuring wet and dry, averaged over the same. Sample Results: Readind wet: 40 Reading dry: 47 DIN 51130 STANDARD DESIGNATION DETERMINATION OF SLIP RESISTANCE DIN 51130 STANDARD The test method of DIN 51130 standard defines five types of parameters to determine the slip of a pavement in f unction of the maximum slope of each of which can travel safely. Sample Results Angle:. 16 º Category according to EN: R10 DETERMINATION OF SLIP RESISTANCE DIN 51130 STANDARD DIN 51097 STANDARD DESIGNATION The test method of DIN 51097 standard, this test is performed on a device in which the person performing the test, walking barefoot on a plane sloping at different angles. The surface to be covered with tile to be tested and continuously impregnated with a soap solution. The tilt angle can still stand safely without slipping, is the measure of the trial. SAMPLE RESULT: 24ª CLASS A The results to which this report relates only to the objects under test. The report must be reproduced in part without the written approval of the laboratory. Johnson España División Antideslizantes Tlf. 91 357 13 22
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