Emmanuel Catholic College e-newsletter 27 March 2015 Term One, Week Eight Dear Parents, Students and College Community, Earlier this week, Wednesday 25 March, we honoured Emmanuel Day. It was a fantastic occasion where the students and staff began the day with the celebration of Mass. We were privileged to be joined by members of the Mater Christi parish and parents for Mass. I am particularly grateful to Fr Bryan Rosling, Parish Priest of Mater Christi Parish, who celebrated Mass for us. During Fr Bryan’s homily he reminded us of the significance of our College name and its connection to our faith. The day was full of fun and we were blessed to have beautiful weather to celebrate our College Feast Day. I thank Deputy Principal – Mr Joe Cordina, our House Coordinators – Mrs Deanna Catalano, Mr Phil Oddie, Mr Kieran Gherardi, Miss Sarah Payne, Miss Amy Morris, Mrs Kate Winfield, Campus Ministers – Mrs Marie French & Miss Miranda Dempsey and our Student Leadership Team for their hard IMPORTANT DATES 1 April— Interim Reports Distributed 2 April—Holy Thursday—Cross Country Carnival and Last Day of Term 1. Monday 20 April—First Day of Term 2 Wednesday 22 April—Whole School Assembly—Anzac Service Monday 27 April—Anzac Day Public Holiday work and organisation to ensure that we all enjoyed Emmanuel Day for 2015. Interim Reports will be distributed to students in the last week of Term One on Wednesday 1 April. Whilst students will receive their Interim Reports to take home, parents will be able to access them electronically on SEQTA. With the Reports will be information regarding the Parent Teacher Conference which is scheduled for Wednesday 29 April in Term 2. The Conference is a great opportunity for parents to meet the teachers to discuss the student’s academic progress. Today we welcomed Hammond Park Catholic Primary School (HPCPS) as they participated in their annual Sports Day. It was fantastic to see the HPCPS students enjoy their day in front of so many parents, grand-parents and friends. My thanks to our staff and students who assisted in making HPCPS Sports Day a great success. The weather for the HPCPS Sports day was perfect and I hope that this is the case for our College Cross Country event next Thursday. God Bless, Mr Leo Di Gregorio Principal FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPALS NAPLAN Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN testing begins on Tuesday 12 May (Term 2, Week 4) and will involve students in Years 7 and 9 at the College. Requirements for Year 9 All Year 9 students were spoken to during Week 7 to discuss the new requirements for gaining a WACE and achieving Secondary Graduation. The Year 9 NAPLAN tests take on greater significance for Western Australian students and this article is designed to highlight the importance of the testing, why Year 9 students need to take these tests seriously and what the College and parents can do to help students gain success in the tests. From 2016 onwards one of the requirements for gaining a WACE and achieving Secondary Graduation in Year 12 is to demonstrate a minimum standard of Literacy and Numeracy. The minimum standard has been defined as achieving Band 8 or 9 in each student’s individual Year 9 NAPLAN tests. Students who achieved the bands in these tests will be considered as having achieved the minimum standard. Students who do not gain Band 8 or above will be required to sit the Online Literacy and Numeracy tests (OLNA) commencing in 2016. Those students required to sit the OLNA test will have two opportunities to meet the standards in March and September in 2016. Consequently, if students do not meet the standards they will continue to sit the OLNA test of each proceeding Year until they achieve the standard. Students who do not achieve the minimum standard by the end of Year 12 will not gain a WACE meaning they do not meet the requirements for Secondary Graduation. The College will be providing learning opportunities, practice, support and assistance to students over the coming weeks during Term Two in preparation for the NAPLAN testing. Parents may find more information at http://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/parent-carer-support/parent-carersupport.html and sample tests at http://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/the-tests/the-tests.html Should you have any queries concerning any of the above please feel free to contact me at the College. Mr Vince Bellini Deputy Principal (Year’s 7, 9, 11) Term One Interim Reports Students will receive their Term One Interim Reports as a hard copy on Wednesday afternoon next week. The Interim Reports will display indications of how the students are performing with their “work attitude and habits”, as well as how they are coping with the academic content of their subjects/courses. Please note that some teachers will have requested interviews with parents/guardians on the Term One Interim report. These interview will take place on our Parent/Student/Teacher conference day on Wednesday, 29 April. Further information about how to book interviews with teachers using the school’s PTO (Parent Teacher Online) system will come out to families shortly. Mr Neil Alweyn Deputy Principal (Year’s 8,10,12) Emmanuel Day Celebrations Today we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation as the school’s commemoration of Emmanuel Day. It began with a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Bryan. The students read beautifully and the band and choir made the occasion special. We would like to thank Fr Bryan and all members of the Emmanuel community for making the mass a wonderful celebration. The rest of the day continued with drama, sports and a great sense of community as you can see in the images below. Miss Miranda Dempsey Head of RE and Campus Minister ACC D DIVISION SWIMMING CARNIVAL Last week on Friday 20 March Emmanuel’s ACC Swim team competed in the ACC “D” Division Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium. All our swimmers put in a fantastic effort and competed at a very high level. Overall, Emmanuel finished in 5th position, with a total of 869 points. A special thank you to Miss Kerry Reynolds, who was the ECC Swim Coach for the squad this Year. Miss Reynolds displayed a high level of enthusiasm towards all the training sessions, which all our students responded to as they worked tirelessly in the pool. Nearly half of our athletes swam a better time on Friday than they did in the ECC Carnival three weeks ago. This mass improvement reveals the importance of swimming training and how beneficial Miss Reynolds was as our swim coach. I would also like to thank Mr Phillip Oddie and Mr Alex Conway for driving the bus and assisting with the early morning swim training sessions. There was a strong emphasis on performing as a team, and gaining points for the College on the day. However, there were some exceptional individual performances throughout the carnival. The following students excelled on the day in their respective age groups. Kevin Kalember (12) - Open Boys Champion and ECC Swim Captain Dustin Atmadjaja (7) - U13 Boys Champion Alyse Tarbotton (10) - U16 Girls 2nd Place Renee Khan (11) - U17 Girls 3rd Place Connor Bull (8) - U14 Boys 3rd Place Jessica Chandler - (12) Open Girls 4th place and ECC Swim Captain Jacob Fitzgerald - (9) U16 Boys 4th place All results can be viewed at the following website and I want to congratulate all of our competitors. Well done! http://www.accsport.asn.au/carnivals/swimming/ results/2015 Mr Jarrod Parry Acting Coordinator of Sport ACC Swimming Carnival Our Year 7 spectators had a wonderful day supporting our ACC Swimming team last week at the interschool carnival. The team appreciated their loud support and cheers which spurred them on in their events. We look forward to making this an annual tradition for our Year 7’s. Mr Troy Foote Head of Year 7 Senior Super 8’s Cricket Carnival On Tuesday of last week, Year 10 to 12 students competed in the Super 8’s Cricket Carnival at Harold Rossiter Park. We nominated two senior boys and two senior girls teams to compete in their respective competitions. All the students were excited to play the nine other schools, hit runs and take wickets. It was also a good chance for students to take a break from their studies for a day and refresh their minds. The boys competition was fierce and the Emmanuel (B) boys did very well finishing 6th overall in a twelve team pool. Our Emmanuel (A) Girls team put on a dominant display in the girls competition going through undefeated and winning the title of the best girls team on the day. Congratulations to the Emmanuel (A) Girls team on a terrific performance and well done to all the students that participated on the day. The sportsmanship shown on the day from all students was second to none, and everyone displayed a positive attitude no matter the outcome of their game. Thank you to Mrs Winfield – coach of the winning girls team, Mr Ryan and Mr Gaynor for coaching the teams on the day and doing a fantastic job. Senior Basketball Carnival It was a big week of sport for our senior students at the College with the first taste of basketball for the season getting under way in the form of the Peel and Harbour League Basketball Carnival held at Mike Barnett Sports Complex in Rockingham. On Thursday of Week 7, we took a boys and girls team to the carnival to play against some well respect schools in the region. The boys got off to a terrific start beating Seton College by 1 point. Throughout the rest of the day they were competitive but failing to win another game. The Senior Girls demonstrated wonderful basketball skills and came away finishing 2nd in the their competition. This qualifies the Senior Girls to compete in the semi-finals competition next term. Congratulations to the senior girls and senior boys who put on such a great display of basketball and College spirit. Thank you to Mr Edwards who coached the Senior Boys and Ms Jermy who was coaching the Senior Girls. Other sporting news… A select number of students from Emmanuel were competing in a wide range of sports over the weekend at a district, state and national level. These students have contributed to sport at Emmanuel and their representation at such a high level deserves recognition. Emily Hadwiger (12) flew to Sydney last weekend to compete in the Australia Junior Athletics Championships. Emily competed in the U/20s 3km Steeplechase event against the best runners in Australia, and finished 12th. Well done Emily on a fantastic effort. Kealey McGrath (11) competed in the Interschool ODE equestrian competition at Capel. Kealey placed 6th overall against 33 competitors, a fantastic accomplishment. Imogen Spencer (10) competed in the State Surf Lifesaving competition on the weekend. Imogen came away with a gold medal in the sprint and sprint relay events and a silver medal in the individual flags competition. Annie Tubby (11) received a silver medal in the sprint relay and 4th in the flags event at the State Surf Lifesaving competition. Jarren Colpitts (11) debuted for the South Fremantle Colts football team in their round 1 fixture. Emma Kerrison (10) who competed in the WA State Little Athletics competition, making it to the 400m final. Jaimee Coles (9) also competed in the WA State Little Athletics competition and made the finals for the 400m and 800m events. Congratulations to the above students on their achievements. Mr Jarrod Parry Acting Director of Sport Mr Di Gregorio on the Dunking Machine! More Emmanuel Day Action... Emmanuel Year Nine Academy Footballers in the Community Over the last six months our relationship with South Fremantle Football Club has become very strong. They have used our school grounds to train their Colts and Warrior 16’s over the preseason, and in turn they have supported us with a variety of resources. This relationship has further aided our Academy students as South Fremantle Football Operations Manager, David Depane, has asked if two of our Academy students would make themselves available for each League game to run water for the players. The two students selected for last weekend’s League game were Brodie Bates and Riley Millar. They met David an hour before bounce down, in front of the South Fremantle change rooms, and were instructed of the expectations and tasks for the game. It provided a fantastic opportunity for them as it not only provides some community service hours that they have to complete each Year, but it also gave them an insight into how a league footballer prepares for games. Not only did our students run the water but they also had to study a League player that plays a similar position and they are to write a report on their findings. Here’s what Brodie and Riley said about the experience: Brodie said “It was a great experience and I would love to do it again anytime soon. The atmosphere was really good and something I would suggest for anyone to do.” Riley said “It was an awesome experience being able to go down to the change rooms at half time and before the game to see how all the player prepared to go out onto the ground. Being so close to the action was awesome as well and it was great to see how hard all the players went at the ball and how smart they played. Having the opening round was great and it was a very good contest. I can't wait to do it again.” I am very proud of the boys for their effort and the way they conducted themselves and I look forward to receiving similar feedback for our next two students, Jayden Ramshak and Connor Dawe, who are heading out to Lathlain Park for South Fremantle’s away game with Perth. Mr Steve Pendleton Football Academy Coach Year 12 Maritime Excursion to Carnac Island Our Year 12 Maritime students recently traversed their away around Cockburn Sound onboard our College vessel “Success”, supported by Cockburn Sea Rescue vessel “Avail IV”. Students plotted a course using charts at school, and then put theory into practice by setting waypoints and navigating the vessels some 28 nautical miles around the Sound. The local sea-lions on Carnac Island put on a show for the students, and next stop was navigating the entrance to Herring Bay on the northern end of Garden Island. Also a quick visit to Dome Port Coogee and a run through the Australian Marine Complex with lots of zig-zagging as students perfected steering compass courses. With a reasonable swell running on the day, it was a great experience for our students to fine-tune the skills learnt whilst acquiring their Skipper’s Ticket. Students were also able to interact with technologies such as RADAR and FLIR on the rescue vessel which gave them a greater appreciation of how they work. Whilst onboard we took responsibility for all radio communications which the students monitored with great professionalism. The only grumble on the day from students was the fact that we didn’t get to fish some of the great ground that was showing on the colour sounder. Perhaps next time! Mr Brad Nicholas Head of Technology & Enterprise Have Sum Fun Mathematics Competition On Friday 20 March an ECC team comprising of three Year 7 and three Year 8 students took part in the ‘Have Sum Fun Mathematics Competition.’ This competition organised by the Mathematical Association of Western Australia (MAWA) was held at All Saints College and it involved competing against some of the best brains of this age group from about 20 other schools. Our students held themselves very highly and were awarded certificates for participation. The students who were involved were: Year 7 Stephanie Nicola Aidan Phillips Delina Joseph. Year 8. Jayden Foote Esther Maloba Romick Ediriweera. Congratulations to these students for representing Emmanuel Catholic College at this important event in the Mathematics Calendar. A big thank you also to Mrs Vicki Price, Mr Troy Foote and the parents for their wonderful support during the organisation and participation in this event. Dr. Francis Maloba Head of Mathematics Bush Rangers Learn about Western Shield Conservation All this week the Year Nine Bush Rangers classes have been visited by Mr Stephen Crane, an Education Officer from Nearer to Nature. He has been teaching the students about the conservation program called Western Shield – a program that consists of conserving our native fauna through a number of different ways. Mr Crane spoke to the students about the various parts of the Western Shield program such as monitoring through trapping, microchipping and baiting for cats and foxes. Students learned how to set the traps that would be set out in the wild and how to microchip a native animal. Students also had a chance to monitor motion camera pictures taken in the South West and had to identify the animals that had triggered the cameras. These animals ranged from echidnas, kangaroos, wallabies, cats and quolls. Students are now working on identifying native animals from photographs in the wild. Thank you to Mr Crane for coming in and teaching the Bush Rangers classes about Western Shield. Miss Kylie Durrant Bush Rangers Co-ordinator SAVE THE DATE P & F 2015 QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 27 June Sponsorship Opportunities now available Prize Donations are very welcome! For further information please email [email protected] Inter-School Mock Trials - Round 1 Results Emmanuel's three teams - The Executive Authority, Mockingbirds and Justice League, took part in Round 1 of the Mock Trials on 19 March. This is the first time the College was involved in the Mock Trials and all 3 teams were given the role of Defence and were up against Corpus Christi. The case involved us defending our client from stealing a bicycle while on ‘Leavers’ at Rottnest. After weeks of preparation, the students from all 3 teams emerged victorious and won their trials. The students from both sides were marked out of 165 points. Justice League and Mockingbirds - both combined Years 10 to 12 students, were up against Year 11s and comfortably beat Corpus's teams by almost 20 points. The Executive Authority- also a mixed Year 10-12 team, had it tough as their fixture was against a strong Year 12 Corpus team but managed to beat them by over 2 points. Overall, our students were very confident in how their carried themselves in court and did Emmanuel very proud. The following is a list of students who took part in Round 1: The Executive Authority Mockingbirds Justice League Barrister 1 Jace Resic – Year 11 Shun Gee Taroy – Year 11 Bowen Ch’ng – Year 12 Barrister 2 Brittany Scott – Year 12 Lily Martin – Year 11 Antonio Joboy – Year 11 Solicitor Emilee McDermott – Year 12 Chase Lieuwes – Year 11 Ben Vrossink – Year 11 Witness 1 Chamishka Isaacs – Year 10 Christy Coyle – Year 12 Sean Reynolds – Year 12 Witness 2 Karise Cheong – Year 10 Sarah Tan – Year 10 Tommy-Lee Davies – Year 11 Judge’s Associate Jackie Sorial – Year 10 Liam MacDonald – Year 11 Alex Brady – Year 12 I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Sean Vagg for assisting me with the Mock Trials and to Mr Michael Judd who was our Coach for the round. I look forward to giving you further updates on Round 2 next term! Padminee Raja-Snijder Humanities Teacher and Mock Trials Coordinator The Walk for Want for Caritas 2015 money for Caritas. On Wednesday 18 March, the Year 7 students had ominous grey skies for their Walk for Want around the school ovals to raise Equipped with orange bags, the rain held off and all Year 7’s made it a memorable event by challenging themselves to complete over 6 laps of the ovals (some speed demons did 13 laps !). Lap markers reminded the students that if they walked 6 laps, then they were showing support for women and children in Peru who regularly walk this distance of 2.5 km a day to fetch drinking water for their families. The runners who reached 12 laps, were reminded that in some places in Africa this distance of 5 km is how far away people need to walk to reach a hospital or doctor. All participants received a treat at the end of their efforts … a bottle of water or a soft drink ! Well done Year 7 for the great spirit with which you participated in this event. Now comes the money chase up of your sponsors. Parents please note that all sponsor books are official documentation and MUST be returned in order for Caritas to claim our donations. Therefore, ALL money and sponsor books must be returned by next Wednesday 1 April – end of Term 1. If your sponsor book has been misplaced, please ask your child to see their RE teacher who will provide them with a form for their parents to sign and return, acknowledging that this has happened. Thank you for your support. Ms Megan Mentz Christian Service Coordinator Attention: Year 7 Students and Parents You are invited to apply for Emmanuel’s Gifted and Talented Program Emmanuel Catholic College offers a specialised Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program for Year 7 students. Entry to the program is by invitation and offers are made based on external testing results, academic performance and teacher consultation. The GATE Program commences in Week 1 of Term 2 and runs during Period 3 on a Wednesday; it runs for the duration of the Year. Students will be withdrawn from class during this period and complete the GATE Program. As the College timetable rotates on a Wednesday the students will not miss the same class each week. To gain entry into the Gifted and Talented Program, students will need to be nominated by either a parent/guardian and/or by a teacher. Nominated students will then sit the ACER General Ability Test (AGAT) – a standardised test that assesses numeracy, literacy, problem solving and reasoning skills. The test takes 45 minutes and will be conducted on Thursday 26 March during Period 2. Students will then be offered a place in the GATE Program based on the testing results, academic results and teacher feedback. Please submit all nomination forms by the end of the day Monday 23 March. If you would like to nominate your child for the Gifted and Talented Program please discuss this opportunity with your son or daughter. I would strongly encourage all interested students to apply; there’s nothing lost by sitting the test and much to gain! Nomination forms will be emailed to all Year 7 parents and are also available from the GATE Office and Year 7 Form Teachers. They are also available here. Specific details about the testing will follow once the nomination process is complete. Ms Lisa Magee Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator [email protected] Project Compassion Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work towards this creation of a more just and fair world for whole communities. Each Form and all students will have a Project Compassion box for their donations towards this great initiative. The Year 7 students are also seeking sponsors for their “Walk for Want” that also supports this cause. You as a family can also donate online via the website at www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion. Please put your compassion into action this Lent by supporting Project Compassion 2015. Miss Miranda Dempsey - Head of Religious Education and Campus Ministry Library Extended Hours Now open Tuesday and Thursdays until 5.30pm to assist students with their studies. LIBRARY HOURS — SEMESTER 1 MONDAY 8:00am - 4pm Emmanuel Gold 3:30pm – 5:00pm (Year 10-12) TUESDAY 8:00am - 5:30pm WEDNESDAY 8:00am - 4:00pm Homework Club 3:30pm-4:30pm (Year 7-9) THURSDAY 8:00am – 5:30pm FRIDAY 8:00am – 4:00pm Library and itPod CLOSED at RECESS Year 12 Ball Photographs Photographs from the Year 12 Ball are now online for viewing. Please use the following login details: Website: www.maverickphoto.com.au Login ID: eccyr12 Password: e21215cc Pre-Loved College Lockers Free to a Good home. We have a number of banks of 6 lockers available free to a good home. 1800mm High 1130mm Wide 530mm Deep If you or anyone you know may be interested in these, please contact Garry Gianatti at Emmanuel on 0403 065 113 / 9414 4000. Term 1 School Fees are now overdue! The 2015 school fee account was due and payable by 27 February 2015 unless the College was advised of the selection of an alternative payment arrangement. We are confident that you appreciate the necessity and expectation in regard to paying school fees on time. With this in mind is it expected that if you have not yet paid your fees or returned a direct debit form, please make every effort to do so as soon as possible. Direct debit and credit card request forms are available on our website or from our front reception. Closing date for the Health Care Card Discount is 1 April. If you hold a current Health Care Card please ensure you meet this deadline to obtain your discount. Thank you for your support. Accounts Department THANK YOU This Year the school will be participating in Relay for Life which will be held on the weekend of 9/10 May 2015. During our recent 2015 Welcome to Families Movie and BBQ night, we had some great Year 11 students Talia Mace, Jamie Haugg, Lucinda Poyser and Jessica Nicholas walk around with tins to raise money for this very worthy cause. We raised an amazing $148.10 Thank you to everyone who donated on the night, it will most certainly help many people suffering from this dreadful disease. “Strength is what keeps you holding on, Faith is what keeps us moving along, but HOPE is what makes us alive.” We look forward to your continued support during our fund raising efforts. If you would like to donate to this wonderful cause please go to www.relayforlife.org.au and search to donate to either ECC Team 1, ECC Team 2, ECC Team 3 or ECC Team 4. Thank you from the ECC Relay for Life Team LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF! “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes”. (Marcel Proust, 19th century novelist) Volunteer to host an international high school student through Southern Cross Cultural Exchange and prepare to be amazed at how this unique and rewarding experience can help bring your family together, understand themselves better and see the world in a new light. We have students aged 15-18 arriving from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia in July 2015 who are seeking welcoming families all over Australia, in both rural and urban communities. They will live like a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Capture the spirit of family and friendship - visit us on Facebook or at www.scce.com.au, email [email protected] or call us toll free on 1800 500 501 to request a booklet of international student profiles. Great news for the holidays! School holiday program for 14 – 18 Year olds Registrations are now open for our new program for 2015. Do you know an animal lover who would like to develop their animal healthcare knowledge or a student thinking about a future animal related career or just someone who would like to come and spend the day doing some really cool behind the scenes Zoo activities? The following sessions will take place this month: Friday 10 April 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Friday 17 April 9:15 am – 3:00 pm Ever wondered how you weigh a giraffe or how you give a reptile a routine health check? From the dangerous to the unusual, find out how we care for Perth Zoo’s animals. Get to spend the day with an experienced Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarian and discover what it takes to work in one of the most challenging and rewarding careers around. Wild Vets covers a range of activities and animal encounters focusing on animal health care. To register for Wild Vets for this holiday period, please complete and return a registration form to [email protected] . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address above or on (08) 9474 0365. Also for the younger members of the Zoo Crew… St Vincent de Paul Easter Raffle 1st Prize – 4.5 kg of Toblerone 2nd to 5th Prizes – Baskets of Easter Eggs. Tickets for sale from Student Services $2.00 for 1 ticket $5.00 for 3 tickets Raffles will be drawn on Holy Thursday Week 9. Careers News Below is a list of Information Evenings, Open Nights and other Careers information available to all Senior Students and their parents. Interested students are encouraged to attend. More information and registration available on the links provided. Please see Mr. King if you require any further details. The University of Notre Dame Course Information & Expo Evening Wednesday 20 May, 5.30pm @ Tannock Hall of Education (ND4), corner of Cliff Street and Croke Street. Find out more about the courses offered by Notre Dame. The evening will feature presentations and the opportunity to speak with academic staff to get the most up-to-date information. Register oline: http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2015-freo/course-info-and-expo-evening University of Western Australia “A Day in the Life of …..” These free events provide high school students with a valuable insight into a typical day at university, with a number of fun, interactive and informative workshops to participate in. Landscape Architecture: Monday April 8 Music Student: Monday April 13 Health Science: Wednesday April 15 Register your interest in attending an April school holiday session now by visiting the website: http://www.studyat.uwa.edu.au/about/events/Year-12-students/day-in-the-life Murdoch University Undergraduate Information Evening Wednesday 20 May, 6pm @ Murdoch University South Street Campus Learn about our wide range of Undergraduate course opportunities at Murdoch as well as our admission requirements. Staff will be on hand to answer course enquiries, questions on admission and application requirements, as well as support services. http://www.experience.murdoch.edu.au/event/undergraduate-information-evening/ ECU Teacher Education Information Evening Tuesday 26 May, 6pm @ ECU Mount Lawley Campus ECU invites secondary students to find out more about undergraduate teaching courses in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education. There will be an opportunity to speak to academics and get any questions answered. Find the details online at: http://www.ecu.edu.au/future-students/events Australian Defence Force GAP Year Applications Open Monday 2 March. The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished Year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year. To apply visit: http://www.defencejobs.gov.au/education/GapYear/ Trade Careers in the Australian Defence Force Information Session Tuesday 31 March, 6.30pm @ DFR Perth, 66 St George’s Tce, Perth With a trade in the Australian Defence Force you’ll start on a great wage while you train in your chosen field, receiving nationally recognised qualifications. Attend an information session to find out more. Book a spot by emailing [email protected] with your details. https://www.facebook.com/events/1730205427205711/ MyJob App The Myjob app and website provides easily accessible information for students looking for work. Information provided includes: What you need before you get a job How to find a job How to work out what skills you have How to write a resume, cover letter and key selection criteria Interviews The MyJob App is available for free in iOS and Android. http://www.myjobinfo.com.au/about Tax File Number Applications A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government Systems. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has changed the process for students applying for a Tax File Number (TFN). Schools are no longer able to process TFN application forms. The new process involves students completing an online application form and then visiting an Australia Post Office outlet to have their identity verified. To apply for a TFN students need to visit: https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/lnd/Apply-for-a-TFN-on-the-web/?fb_locale=es_LA After they have completed this form students will need to print their application summary and take this together with proof of identity documents to an Australia Post Outlet. This must be done within 30 days of completing the online form. Considering a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Health Science? Important UMAT 2015 Dates UMAT 2015 Registrations: Now Open Registrations Close: 5 June 2015 Sit UMAT: 29 July 2015 Results Released: Late September 2015 Current Emmanuel Enrolment Opportunities Have you enrolled your child at Emmanuel yet? It is not too late to do so, as there are limited places still available in our 2016 Year 7 intake which is currently being finalised. We have also commenced our 2017 Year 7 Enrolment Interviews For further information please contact our Registrar Mrs Kelly Lister on 9414 4055 or email [email protected] UNIFORM SHOP IMPORTANT NOTICE Update on House Shirts availability: Boys Lisieux (Red) and Frassati (Yellow) are in stock now. All other House shirts MacKillop (Blue), Francis (Orange), More (Green) and Teresa (Purple) boys and girls will be in stock for Tuesday 31 March. Uniform Shop Extra Opening Hours: Tuesday 31 March 7.45am – 5.00pm Wednesday 1 April 12.00pm – 5.00pm School Holidays Opening Times: Thursday 16 April 7.45am – 6.00pm Saturday 18 April 8.00am – 1.00pm Uniform Shop Normal Trading Hours Tuesday 7.45am to 1pm Thursday 12pm to 5pm For fittings please call 9414 4017 or 0423 407 014 to book a time. Uniform Booking forms for both girls and boys are also found on the College website Uniform Shop page. Your ECC Uniform Shop Team. Emmanuel Catholic College 122 Hammond Rd SUCCESS WA 6164 PO Box 3102 SUCCESS WA 6964 Phone: 9414 4000 Fax: 9498 5864 www.emmanuel.wa.edu.au
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