Spring 2015 SNL BA COURSE SCHEDULE Updated: March 30, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Course Descriptions……………………………………………….. Degree Completion Major Courses ………………………. Loop Campus courses……………………………………………. Naperville Campus courses…………………………………… O’Hare Campus courses……………………………………….. Oak Forest Campus courses………………………………….. SNL Online courses………………………………………………. Faculty Designed Independent Studies………………… 2 4 5 9 10 11 12 18 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: See updated Schedules at http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/registration/Pages/UndergraduateRegistration-Information.aspx HOW TO REGISTER: Login to https://campusconnect.depaul.edu/ – go to Add/drop a class in the Student Center. Enter the five digit number for each competence you wish to register. You can register for two competencies in most SNL courses. By University policy, all registrations incur the DePaul Athletic Fee. You must use a paper registration form to register for a Guided Independent Study, Advanced Project and Externship when taken as a project with your mentor. Submitting a paper registration form can only be confirmed using Campus Connect and not by telephone. See registration form at http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/registration/Pages/Undergraduate-Registration-Information.aspx Ready for Advanced Project? There are 2 options to satisfy F11 and F12: FA 303 Independent Advanced Project and FA 304 Advanced Project Course. If you intend to take FA 304, you should have the majority of your focus area competencies completed, or Academic Committee approval that verifies such completion is forthcoming. If you prefer to take Advanced Project as an independent study with your mentor, register for FAL 303 and contact your mentor. ArtShares ILP Project: Interested in presenting creative work for an Independent Learning Pursuit in a supportive and constructive group assessment session? See http://snl.depaul.edu/student-resources/undergraduate-resources/Pages/artshare.aspx Continuing Activity Status: Register for this status if you are not planning to take any courses this quarter to remain an active student. No fee. Use registration number: 32184 Course Descriptions: See http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/courses-and-syllabi/Pages/default.aspx Courses in Other DePaul Colleges: If you plan to register for a course in another DePaul college, check with that college office for registration information and pre-requisites, then register, noting the right quarter and using the 5 digit code for the course and the SNL registration form at http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/registration/Pages/Undergraduate-RegistrationInformation.aspx Focus Area Competencies: Completing F1 is a pre-requisite to registering for any other FX competencies. Please contact your faculty mentor or academic committee if you have not yet completed F1. Incomplete Grades are not automatic and must be negotiated with an instructor before the end of the quarter. See Incomplete Contract at http://snl.depaul.edu/student-resources/undergraduate-resources/Pages/forms.aspx. Incomplete grades not resolved within two quarters are converted to an "F" and may not be re-opened. SNL Scholarships. See http://snl.depaul.edu/admission-and-aid/Pages/aid-and-scholarships.aspx Summit Seminar: Summit Seminar is a final requirement that you are advised to take during your last term, just prior to graduating. Your registration confirms that you have successfully completed all Lifelong Learning area competencies, including current enrollment or successful completion of the Externship and the Focus Area Advanced project. . Your current registration reflects the last competencies you need in order to graduate. If you are unsure of your eligibility discuss your readiness with your academic committee. If you are cleared by your academic committee, register by Campus Connect. After Campus Connect registration closes, use a registration form at http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/registration/Pages/UndergraduateRegistration-Information.aspx. Registration numbers: On-campus section, note this is a hybrid class that begins online at https://d2l.depaul.edu on April 15. Seminar held on-campus May 17, from 9-4pm: 31786, 37965, 37966, 37967, 37968, 37969, 37970, 37971, 27972. Online sections (course runs May 11 – June 13): 32185, 32186, 32187, 32188 See also http://snl.depaul.edu/student-resources/undergraduate-resources/Pages/graduation.aspx Tuition: See http://www.depaul.edu/admission-and-aid/tuition/Pages/default.aspx Withdrawals: SNL students who need to withdraw from courses should consult DePaul's Academic Calendar http://www.depaul.edu/university-catalog/academic-handbooks/graduate/university-information/Pages/academiccalendar.aspx. Additionally, students who withdraw from 10-week late-starting classes within the first two weeks after class has started should contact [email protected] for a tuition adjustment and students who withdraw from 5-week classes within the first week after class has started should contact [email protected] for a tuition adjustment. IMPORTANT DATES See http://offices.depaul.edu/oaa/Pages/default.aspx and http://snl.depaul.edu/studentresources/undergraduate-resources/Pages/graduation.aspx Descriptions of New Courses for Spring Quarter Loop HC 221 – Public Speaking: How to Change Your Life – (Tues). LATE START. Begins 4/7 Public speaking is the #1 fear in humans. Mastery of this skill is critical to one’s professional and personal advancement. Being able to confidently, effectively and enthusiastically deliver your thoughts and ideas to a group of individuals is a skill that separates leaders from followers. We will explore creative ways to significantly enhance our comfort level speaking effectively in front of groups. In an open, friendly, fun, enthusiastic and supportive environment, participants will be introduced to a variety of methods to become much more confident with public speaking. Since fear of speaking is the most significant roadblock to giving effective presentations, this will be a focus of the class. We learned to feel this fear from our conditioning, which gave us disempowering values, beliefs and thoughts about this activity. These values, beliefs and thoughts, which we subconsciously inherited and adopted as our own, are likewise responsible for everything else that is or is not working in our lives. Understanding this power of our minds and our ability to implement new, more empowering values, beliefs and thoughts, is critical to creating the life we desire. This public speaking course will use Personal Development as the instrument to improve our ability to speak in front of a group as well as identify shortcomings in our personal and/or professional lives and develop a plan for empowerment to make significant changes in these areas. Students will have an opportunity to speak at each class as there will be 3 short prepared speeches and impromptu speaking during other sessions. Competencies: H3C, H3E, FX. Faculty: Jack McLaughlin AI 260 – Sharpening the Saw: A Writer’s Toolbox – (Tues) Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People coined the phrase, Sharpening the Saw, which means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have--you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal. https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit7.php . For writers, no matter how new or experienced they may be, there’s always a need to ?self-renew.? Every blank page is an invitation to enhance one’s writing asset, for with each blank page or new assignment the writing process begins again. What, then, are the tools successful writers use to enhance their writing abilities, sustain their momentum, refresh their creativity and renew their resolve? What writing tools are better suited for creative writing, business writing, journaling, or memoir? What tools do we already have that may only need repurposing or remembering? Competencies: A2A, A5, FX. Faculty: Deborah Holton 2 HC 217 - Hip Hop and the Politics of Difference – (Sat) This course is a study of gender and contemporary popular culture. Few can deny the influence hip hop exerts; however, what began as party music in the late 1970s has matured into a global cultural enterprise. Embedded in this enterprise is evidence of an emerging political discourse that upends the compulsory scripts ascribed to black masculinity. Hip hop puts forward a set of sophisticated counter-narratives that repurpose the anger borne out of the systematic alienation of black men from attaining the full promise of American masculinity. The course will investigate the ways commercial hip hop facilitates the (re)production and dissemination of black American masculinity post-1965. Students will examine the sociohistorical and socioeconomic conditions from which rap emerges and continues to derive inspiration. Students will be guided through a careful reading of Judith Butler’s Performative Acts and will use the work to wrestle with the ways commercial hip hop’s consensual relationship with global capital complicates the project of black humanity fomenting a politics of difference. Competencies: L7, H4, A1A. Faculty: Joy Boggs O’Hare IN 307 – Advanced Elective Seminar - Topic: Prophecy and Leadership - (Sat.) Some prophets promise a future of prosperity and happiness. Other prophets speak out about institutional failures and unjust practices. This course will consider how prophets in different cultures have viewed their callings and have communicated their messages. We will identify some of the concerns that have engaged prophets in both traditional and in modern societies. Specific issues that we will address include how prophets establish their legitimacy and how various cultures have assessed the validity of prophets’ messages. We will explore whether it is realistic to expect a leader to be prophetic and whether prophets can be effective leaders. Our analysis of the interaction of prophecy and leadership will make use of several academic disciplines, including history, psychology and ethics. As an advanced elective seminar, the course will address how different types of knowledge can contribute to the study of cultural phenomena. This investigation will focus on the validity of social science research, traditional and modern belief systems, and reflection on personal experience. We will then apply these sources of insight to the relationship of leadership and prophecy in such cultural domains as the economy, politics, the family, and systems of meaning and values. Competencies: E1, E2, FX. Faculty: Kevin Buckley Offcampus LL 302 - Externship: Mindfulness Meditation Retreat at Starved Rock State Park (Spring, 2015) th th This unique hybrid course involves a four-day retreat (Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19 , 2015) at the beautiful Starved Rock Lodge and Conference Center in Utica, IL (1.5 hour drive from Chicago). Starved Rock Lodge sits high atop a wooded bluff overlooking the Illinois River in the magnificent Starved Rock State Park. Every student will have a private guest room in the lodge. There is a fee of $615 for the retreat, in addition to the 4 credit hours of tuition for the L-10 and L-11 competencies. All the other pre- and post-retreat learning activities will take place online during the Spring, 2015 quarter. See the syllabus for more details. The pre-requisites for the course are completion of Foundations of Adult Learning and the L-4 and L-5 competencies. The course will fill early. You must pre-register for the course by contacting the instructor, Michael Skelley, directly at [email protected] Mindfulness meditation practices are simple, relaxing, yet powerful ways of developing your mind so that you can to be more fully and freely engaged in your daily experiences. The approaches to mindfulness meditation that you will learn in this course are related to Buddhist traditions, but also draw from contemporary insights in neuroscience, psychology and philosophy. No prior experience with meditation is necessary for this course. 3 Degree Completion Major Courses Courses for the Degree Completion Majors (DCM) are designed to complete requirements for two specific degrees: the BA in Leadership Studies and the BA in Applied Behavioral Sciences. SNL DCM students are SNL students but they are not competence-based, individualized focus area students. They are SNL DCM students. SNL Individualized Focus Area students are, however, welcome to take selected DCM classes only if they offer competencies students can use. There are no negotiated competencies in DCM courses. DCM students should register using the Class Nbr for DCM. All other SNL students should register using the Class Nbr assigned to a competence. All online DCM courses are held in Desire2Learn, the university’s learning management system. To access them, use your Campus Connect userID and Password to log in at: https://d2l.depaul.edu Subj DCM Course # 301 Course Effective Leadership in a Changing Professional Environment Campus Instructor StandberryWallace, Miranda LOOP Wegierek, Anna Maria DCM 323 The Psychology of Aging and the Aged 330 Professional Communication in the Workplace 301 Effective Leadership in a Changing Professional Environment LOOP Prusik, Amelie DCM DCM DCM DCM 330 304 Professional Communication in the Workplace Evolving Professional Ethics LOOP Kosiarek, Renee DCM H3D FX 36574 36575 36576 4 – DCM 2 – H3X 2 – S2X DCM H3X S2X DCM H3X FX H2X 31800 31801 31802 31803 31806 31804 31805 36577 36578 36579 31807 31810 31808 31809 31795 31796 31797 4 – DCM 2 – H3X 2 – FX 2 – H2X 4 – DCM 2 – H3X 2 – FX 2 – H2X Simpson, David 4 – DCM 2 – A4 2 – FX 2 – DCM DCM 31815 3 – DCM DCM DCM H3X FX H2X NAPERVILLE ONLINE 321 Capstone Planning ONLINE DCM 322 Capstone Project/Portfolio Review ONLINE Stevens, Cynthia 330 4 – DCM 2 – H3D 2 – FX Mirza, Zoaib NAPERVILLE DCM DCM Class Nbr DCM H3D FX DCM H3X FX H2X DCM A4 FX Stevens, Cynthia Professional Communication in the Workplace Credit hours Wozniak, Kathryn ONLINE 4 4 – DCM 2 – H3D 2 – FX 4 – DCM 2 – H3X 2 – FX 2 – H2X 31799 31811 31814 31812 31813 NOTES Meets at the Loop Campus, Tuesdays, 5:459:00pm, 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 Meets at the Loop Campus, Tuesdays, 5:459:00pm, 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 Meets at the Loop Campus, Tuesdays, 5:459:00pm, 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 Meets at the Naperville Campus, Tuesdays, 6:159:30pm, 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 Meets at the Naperville Campus, Tuesdays, 6:159:30pm, 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 Meets Online. Meets Online. DCM admission required. Meets Online. DCM admission required. Meets Online. Spring Quarter at the Loop Campus 14 East Jackson Blvd, Chicago 312/362-8001 Classes meet from 5:45-9pm, unless otherwise stated FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Robinson, Mark L2F1 31701 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Cummings, Kamilah L1 31990 LATE START. Meets 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12. LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Yeo, Benjamin L2F1 31702 Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Strohschen, Gabriele L1 31991 LATE START. Meets 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Davis, Nancy L2F1 31703 LATE START. Begins 4/8 LL 260 Writing to Competence Morris, David L4 32015 LL 268 Writing to Competence/Crime, Punishment and the City Hayes, Nicholas L4* 37472 A4 37473 A1A 37474 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Stanford, Ann L1 31992 LATE START. Meets 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14. LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Gannon Cook, Ruth L2F1 36833 Meets Alternating Saturdays from 9-4pm. Begins 3/28. Meets 3/28, 4/11, 4/18, 5/9, 5/23. LL 140 Writing Workshop Cummings, Kamilah H3J 32055 HYBRID. Meets in-class every week, with additional D2L assignments online. Students must register for L4, and may register for one additional competence. LL 270 Critical Thinking Thomson, Rita L5 31966 LATE START. Begins 4/7 LL 205 Quantitative Reasoning Thor, Eric L6 31981 LL 270 Critical Thinking Scott, Leodis L5 31967 LL 300 Research Seminar Comeau, Ludovic L8, 9 31977 (LRS) OPEN TOPIC LL 300 Research Seminar Spellers Sims, Regina L8,9 31978 (LRS) Topic: Communication 5 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 Sundays 3/29/15 – 6/7/15 Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 LL 302 Externship Nass, Karl L10, 11 31658 (LEX) Topic: Spirituality and Homelessness HYBRID. Meets in class 3/30, 4/6, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1 in addition to a required online component. FA 214 Entrepreneurial Accounting: What the numbers tell us and how to use them for better management decisions Mahan, Bridgette FX 32068 H2X 32066 H5 32067 L7 32065 LATE START. Begins 4/6 HC 178 Gender at Work Lindsay-Ryan, Elisabeth FX 36705 H3B 36706 H4 36707 L7 36708 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 FA 304 Advanced Project Course Buckley, Veronica F11, 12 36723 (FAP) DCM 301 Effective Leadership in a Changing Professional Environment Standberry-Wallace, Miranda DCM 36574 H3D 36575 FX 36576 SW 366 Expressive Arts Therapy Cantwell, Joan A2A 32084 A5 32085 H3X 32086 S3B 32087 Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Downey, Shannon E1 32005 E2 32006 HYBRID. Meets in class all sessions except 4/29 and 6/3 which will be online. Topic: Leisure, Recreation and Health FA 304 Advanced Project Course Stanford, Ann F11, 12 36733 (FAP) SW 275 Body, Mind, Spirit: Yoga and Meditation Dolan, Maureen A3B 32322 H3F 32323 S2C 32324 S3B 32325 HC 141 Coaching for Personal Development and Professional Effectiveness Weggeman, Jennifer L7 32102 FX 32103 LATE START. Meets 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3. Can only be taken for one competence. 6 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 Sundays 3/29/15 – 6/7/15 IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Chen, Joseph E1 32007 E2 32008 Topic: Oops I Did it Again: A Biopsychosocial Approach to the Change Process FA 304 Advanced Project Course Paulson, Ed F11, 12 36834 (FAP) AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process Kimsey, John A5 32117 H2G 32118 A1X 32119 A3X 32120 S3F 32121 SW 275 Body, Mind, Spirit: Yoga and Meditation Dolan, Maureen A3B 31783 H3F 31781 S2C 31782 S3B 31784 AI 121 Art and Memory: Scrapbooking LoSardo, Betta & Sandy, Pamela A1X 32141 A2X 32139 A5 32140 HYBRID. Meets for 2 Saturdays, 4/11 & 4/18, from 9-4p, with an online discussion. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 168 Art and Memory II: Art Journal LoSardo, Betta & Sandy, Pamela A1X 36824 A2X 32142 A5 32143 HYBRID. Meets 2 Saturdays, 5/16 & 5/30, from 9-4p, with one field trip and one online discussion. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 342 Learning Art History Through the Art Institute of Chicago Cunniff, Joseph A1X 32151 A3D 32152 H2B 32153 Meets from 1-4:15pm Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 SW 361 Introduction to Computer Productivity Khananu, Zaya FX 32069 S5 32070 Meets 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 313 Race and Identity in American Theater Wellisch, Fred A1X 36701 A5 36702 H4 36703 A2X 37563 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 FA 236 Marketing You: Communicating Your Professional Identity On and Offline Spellers Sims, Regina FX 36718 H2D 36720 H3X 36719 S1X 36717 Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 HC 293 Court Structure & Common Law – Exploring the Rights of Employers and Employees Hartigan, Russell FX 32104 H1X 32105 H2C 32106 H4 32107 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 HC 213 Global Business, Technology and the United Nations Szczerba, Patricia & Kamal, Ambassador Ahmad FX 31758 H1C 31759 H2A 31761 H5 31760 S3A 31763 HC 232 Leadership Across the Globe Gilmore, Greg FX 36800 H1X 36801 H5 36799 SW 206 Nutrition and Biological Development Stifter, Patricia S2A 32127 S2C 32128 S2D 32129 S3B 32130 S4 32131 AI 257 Engage for Change: Get Informed, Involved and Connected Lindsay-Ryan, Elisabeth A4 32062 FX 32064 H2B 32063 L3 32061 DCM 330 Professional Communication in the Workplace Prusik, Amelie DCM 31803 H3X 31806 FX 31804 H2X 31805 FA 270 Starting Up and Running Your Own Business Nowak, Thomas FX 36727 H1X 36728 Meets 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29. Can only be taken for one competence. AI 265 Morality of Money Gesiakowska, Joann A3C 32205 FX 32208 H5 32206 S3X 32207 DCM 323 The Psychology of Aging and the Aged Wegierek, Anna Maria DCM 31800 H3X 31801 S2X 31802 SW 231 Urban Dirt Martin, Akilah H2X 32112 S1X 32113 S2X 32114 S4 32115 HC 362 Poverty, Policy and the Economy: Poor in the USA Enenbach, Mark FX 32134 H1X 32132 H4 32133 L3 32135 HYBRID. Meets in-class on 4/2, 4/9, 4/30, 5/21 and 6/4. Flexible online sessions are scheduled for the weeks of 4/16, 4/23, 5/7, 5/14 ,5/28 and 6/11. AI 254 Resistance during the Holocaust and World War II Kimble, Sara A1X 36754 A3X 36755 H2X 36756 H5 36753 LATE START. Begins 4/6 AI 255 Self Exploration: Inside Ourselves, Outside with Others Skorupa, Kenn A3X 32010 H3X 32011 L7 32009 S3X 32012 HYBRID. LATE START. Meet in class or login to live video 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 5:45pm to 9pm, CDT, Loop Campus. Students from all campuses can participate via live video option AI 296 Stage Playing Starrs, John A1X 32071 A2X 32072 A5 32073 H3E 32074 HC 221 Public Speaking: How to Change Your Life McLaughlin, Jack FX 36726 H3C 36725 H3E 36724 LATE START. Begins 4/7 NEW COURSE 7 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 HC 217 Hip Hop and the Politics of Difference Boggs, Joy A1A 36831 H4 36830 L7 36829 Meets from 9-12:15 pm. NEW COURSE Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 AI 260 Sharpening the Saw: A Writer’s Toolbox Holton, Deborah A5 36714 FX 36715 A2A 36716 NEW COURSE Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 8 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 Spring Quarter at the Naperville Campus 150 W. Warrenville, Naperville 630/548-9378 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Komornick, Janine L1 31987 LATE START. Meets 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 DCM 301 Effective Leadership in a Changing Professional Environment Kosiarek, Renee DCM 36577 H3D 36578 FX 36579 LL 260 Writing to Competence Wozniak, Kathryn L4 36839 HYBRID. Meets oncampus 3/30, 4/6, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1. Meets online 4/13, 4/27, 5/11, 5/26. DCM 330 Professional Communication in the Workplace Mirza, Zoaib DCM 31807 H3X 31810 FX 31808 H2X 31809 Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Matamonasa, Arieahn E1 36845 E2 36846 FX 36849 A4 36847 S4 36848 Topic: The History, Science and Psychology of Human Animal relationships. Students may register for any two competencies. Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Matamonasa, Arieahn L2F1 31654 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 LL 302 Externship Sims, Cynthia L10, L11 31657 (LEX) LATE START. Meets Alternating Saturdays, 4/11, 5/9, 5/30, 6/6 from 94pm with a D2L session on 4/25. LL 205 Quantitative Reasoning Prusko, John L6 31979 AI 366 Expressing Yourself Through Paint Kozlowski, Phyllis A1D 32001 A2A 32002 A5 32003 A1X 32004 Meets from 9-12:15pm FA 248 History of American Business Lockerby, Mary Lou A3D 36835 A4 36836 FX 36837 H1X 36838 9 Spring Quarter at the O’Hare Campus 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, 312/476-3600 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 SW 269 Energy and Health Orlando, Gina H2F 32031 S2X 32030 S3D 32028 S4 32029 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 LL 140 Writing Workshop Gaddam, Amanda H3J 36877 HYBRID. Meets in-class 4/7, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19, 6/2. Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Bono, Shirley L1 31989 LATE START. Meets 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 LL205 Quantitative Reasoning Khananu, Zaya L6 31980 LATE START. Begins 4/9 FA 224 Homeland Security in the 21st Century Luma, Tania LL 260 Writing to Competence Gaddam, Amanda L4 32014 HYBRID. Meets in-class 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26, 6/9. FA 318 Understanding Financial Statements Paulson, Ed A4 32052 FX 32054 H2X 32053 FA 304 Advanced Project Course Udoh, Isidore F11, 12 36891 (FAP) FX 36874 H4 36875 L7 36876 LATE START. Meets 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8. Can only be taken for one competence. LL 300 Research Seminar Downing, Kevin L8,9 (LRS) 31976 SW 371 Dinosaurs Downing, Kevin S1B 36904 S2A 36905 S4 36906 Meets 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30. Can only be taken for one competence. FA 386 Exploring the Nonprofit Workplace Ugarte-Ramos, Maria A3C 36897 FX 36900 H1H 36898 H2A 36899 LATE START. Begins 4/9 Topic: Innovation SW 230 Understanding & Applying Project Management Ratza, Cliff FX 36896 H2X 36893 L7 36892 S3X 36894 S5 36895 10 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Buckley, Kevin E1 36912 E2 36913 FX* 36914 NEW COURSE Topic: Prophecy and Leadership *Students can register for any two competencies. Meets from 9-12:15pm Spring Quarter at the Oak Forest Campus 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest 708/633-9091 Classes meet from 6:15-9:30pm, unless otherwise stated. FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Mondays 3/30/15 – 6/8/15 IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar Grooms, Kenya E1 36924 E2 36925 H4 37489 Topic: Parenting & Family Support in Socio-Cultural Context. Students may register for any two competencies. HC 201 Negotiating Contracts: Strategic, Legal, Ethical, and Modern Technology Considerations Rocco, Pat A3X 36919 FX 36922 H1D 36920 H3D 36921 S3X 36923 LATE START. Begins 4/6 Tuesdays 3/31/15 – 6/9/15 FA 319 The Value of Statistics Hemmerling, John FX 36928 H3G 36926 S2X 36929 S3X 36927 Wednesdays 4/1/15 – 6/10/15 LL 260 Writing to Competence Cummings, Kamilah L4 32013 HYBRID. Meets inclass 4/1, 4/15, 4/29, 5/13, 5/27, 6/10. LL 270 Critical Thinking Rocco, Pat L5 36930 LATE START. Begins 4/8. 11 Thursdays 4/2/15 – 6/11/15 Saturdays 3/28/15 – 6/6/15 FA 310 Women in Business and Leadership Mahan, Bridgette A3X 37550 H3X 37551 H4 37552 FX 37553 Meets from 912:15pm LATE START. Begins 4/11 SNL Online Courses Accessing Your Online Course Enter your Campus Connect username and password at https://d2l.depaul.edu/. If you do not have your Campus Connect login credentials, please call DePaul's Technology Support Center (TSC) at 312-362-8765. Beginning The Quarter You should expect to receive an email from your instructor by end of the day on the previous Friday. Login several days before your course begins so that you can be sure your username and password are correct. Note you may not see course information posted yet: it will be there by the first day of the quarter. Your Email Address You will be receiving important information via email at your preferred email address listed on Campus Connect. If your email address has recently changed, you must update your email address under the HOME and then check the Preferred field on Campus Connect. Check your email spam filter. Books and Syllabi You can order your books at http://www.mbsdirect.net. Books for SNL Online courses are not available at the on-campus bookstore. Access syllabi at http://snl.depaul.edu/academics/courses-and-syllabi/undergraduate-syllabi/Pages/default.aspx Technical Requirements See http://snl.depaul.edu/student-resources/online-resources/Pages/tech-requirements.aspx Contact Information Technology For problems related to Desire2Learn, please contact the Technology Support Center at 312-362-8765. You can also submit a ticket by logging on to Campus Connect at https://campusconnect.depaul.edu, click on the ' Technology Support Center’ link on the upper right hand bar and then click on the link, ‘Request Help – Submit A Case’. Student Services For general student support questions, please contact us at 1-866-SNL-FORU or email [email protected]. Advising For academic advising questions, please contact 312-362-5445 or email [email protected] 12 SNL Online Courses FX competencies must be appropriate to a student’s focus area Subject Area & Course Number FA 363 Course HC 302 Active Citizenship FX H4 L3 L7 32193 32192 32190 32191 Reed, Susan HC 302 Active Citizenship FX H4 L3 L7 36592 36591 36589 36590 Richine, Jean IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar E1 E2 31819 31820 McGury, Susan Topic: Art Collecting IN 307 Advanced Elective Seminar E1 E2 31821 31822 Stifter, Patricia Topic: Pills, Potions, Possibilities FA 304 Advanced Project Course Advanced Project Course Advanced Project Course Advanced Project Course African-American Studies in Critical Perspective FA 304 FA 304 FA 304 FA 387 Achieving Your Work and Life Goals Competence and Class Nbr FX 31818 H3X 31816 L7 31817 F11, 12 (FAP) F11, 12 (FAP) F11, 12 (FAP) F11, 12 (FAP) A3X FX H1X H2G H4 Instructor Trondsen, Norene 36598 Grooms, Kenya 36599 Davis, Nancy 36597 Sims, Cynthia 38096 Ridd, Barbara 31829 31827 31830 31831 31828 Young, Atara Hayes, Nicholas AI 211 Analyzing Austen’s Pride and Prejudice A1D A1E A1X A5 31833 31834 31835 31836 AI 211 Analyzing Austen’s Pride and Prejudice A1D A1E A1X A5 31833 31834 31835 31836 AI 153 The Art of Speechmaking A2B FX 37487 37488 Acerra, Patrizia HC 299 Assessing and Managing Conflict FX H3D L7 31838 31839 31840 Delgado, Mary AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A1X A3X A5 S3F 32329 32330 32328 32331 Kimsey, James AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A1X A3X A5 S3F 31777 31778 31776 31779 DiCola, Chuck AI 185 The Beatles and the Creative Process A1X A3X A5 S3F 32195 32196 32194 32197 Kimsey, John 13 Notes LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Subject Area & Course Number HC 239 Course HC 239 Business, Technology and our Global Future FX H5 S3F 37844 37842 37843 Szczerba, Patricia HC 165 China: Money, Power and the 21st Century A3F H1C H1H H5 31842 31843 31844 31841 Enenbach, Mark FA 325 Connecting Thought and Behavior in the Workplace, the Community and your Personal Life Consumer Behavior Insights FX H1I H3A S3X 31848 31845 31846 31847 Skorupa, Kenneth A2X FX H1A H2G 31852 31851 31849 31850 Cowin, Halina FA 209 Business, Technology and our Global Future Competence and Class Nbr FX 36615 H5 36614 S3F 36616 Instructor Szczerba, Patricia AI 315 Creativity and Imagination A3X A5 H3X S3X 31853 31854 31855 31856 Simpson, David AI 315 Creativity and Imagination A3X A5 H3X S3X 36626 36627 36628 36629 Forster, Peter LL 270 Critical Thinking L5 36630 Robinson, Mark LL 270 Critical Thinking L5 31857 Murphy, Doug SW 329 Database Development for Managing Information FX H2B S1D S3X 31862 31861 31859 31860 Hover, Todd FA 211 Development of Products and Services FX H2C S1E 31863 31864 31865 Bascaran, Eduardo AI 167 Digital Photography A1X A2D A2X A5 31770 31771 31772 31769 Stein, Hartwig AI 167 Digital Photography A1X A2D A2X A5 32334 32335 32336 32333 Gitelson, Jonathan AI 201 Dying and Death: Facing Mortality, Celebrating Life A3C A4 H3F S3B 31706 31705 31707 31708 Nash, Kyle HC 157 Economics for Decision-Making FX H1C H2E H5 31871 31872 31873 31870 Verma, Shailendra FA 105 Essentials of Compensation Management FX H3B 31875 31874 Kahdeman, Tyler 14 Notes Course runs 3/30-5/3. Can only be taken for one competence. Subject Area & Course Number FA 105 Course FA 110 Essentials of Training and Development FA 110 Essentials of Training and Development FX H2X 36661 36662 Snyder, Deborah SW 334 Everyday Chemistry S1A S1E S3A S4 31881 31882 31883 31884 Radlowski, Cecelia DCM 304 Evolving Professional Ethics DCM A4 FX SW 292 Exploring Earth’s Physical Features S1A S2B S2C S4 36663 36664 36665 36666 AI 152 Exploring the Art Museum Externship 31885 31887 31888 31886 31655 Kozlowski, Phyllis LL 302 LL 302 Externship A1A A5 H2B S3F L10, 11 (LEX) L10, 11 (LEX) 31656 Olison, Shannon HC 253 Family Life: The Past, Present, and Future of Families A3A FX H2F H4 31890 31891 31892 31889 Sims, Cynthia LL 250 L2F1 31652 Chen, Joseph L2F1 31653 Kimble, Sara HC 212 Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Foundations of Adult Learning: Developing Personal, Professional and Educational Goals Global Leadership A3F FX H1A H5 31893 31896 31894 31895 Blockinger, Charlene HC 212 Global Leadership A3F FX H1A H5 36671 36674 36672 36673 Blockinger, Charlene LL 103 Independent Learning Seminar Independent Learning Seminar Independent Learning Seminar L1 31901 Davis, Nancy L1 31900 Spellers, Regina L1 32379 Cummings, Kamilah LL 250 LL 103 LL 103 Essentials of Compensation Management Competence and Class Nbr FX 36652 H3B 36651 FX H2X 31876 31877 31795 31796 31797 15 Instructor Notes Snyder, Deborah LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Ramos-Torrescano, Elizabeth Course runs 3/30-5/3. Can only be taken for one competence. LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Simpson, David Downing, Kevin Hayda, Christine Topic: Balancing One’s Own Demanding Life Topic: The Role of Fitness in the Examined Life LATE START. Course runs 4/12-5/16. LATE START. Course runs 4/12-5/16. LATE START. Course runs 4/12-5/16. Subject Area & Course Number SW 361 SW 361 Course Introduction to Computer Productivity Introduction to Computer Productivity Competence and Class Nbr FX 31906 S5 31905 FX S5 31908 31907 Instructor Notes Murphy, Douglas Course runs 3/30-5/3. Can only be taken for one competence. LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 3/30-5/3. Johnson, Jeffrey AI 282 Leisure for Well-Being H3F 31909 Paden, LoriKay AI 282 Leisure for Well-Being H3F 31910 Leavy, Elizabeth SW 367 Leisure, Recreation and Health A3D H3F H4 S1X 36675 36676 36677 36678 Downey, Shannon SW 367 Leisure, Recreation and Health A3D H3F H4 S1X 31911 31912 31913 31914 Paden, LoriKay AI 172 Making Poems: An Introduction to Verse A1C A2A A5 31915 31916 31917 Sullivan, Tom HC 118 Making Social Change: The Legacy of the 1906’s H4 L3 37845 37846 Kasprzak, Erin FA 113 Managing Change for Organizational Leadership Managing Change for Organizational Leadership FX H2C 32201 32200 Joachim, Jill FX H2C 36682 36681 Joachim, Jill FA 288 Marketing for the Social Good A1I A3C FX H5 31921 31919 31918 31920 Hinton, Christa AI 322 Problems and Issues in Contemporary Ethics A3C A3E A4 FX 36684 36685 36683 36686 Alderson, Sue AI 322 Problems and Issues in Contemporary Ethics A3C A3E A4 FX 31923 31924 31922 31925 Alderson, Sue DCM 330 Professional Communication in the Workplace DCM FX H2X H3X HC 152 Project Management: Tools and Techniques FX H3B H3D LL 205 LL 300 Quantitative Reasoning Research Seminar LL 300 Research Seminar FA 113 L6 L8, 9 (LRS) L8, 9 (LRS) 31811 31812 31813 31814 31929 31928 31927 31930 LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Course runs 3/30-5/3. Can only be taken for one competence. LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Wozniak, Kathryn Lash, David Vaynberg, Yelena 31931 Mosha, Ray Open Topic 31932 Udoh, Isidore Open Topic 16 Subject Area & Course Number SW 153 Course SW 240 The Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine SW 244 Statistical Reasoning: Understanding and Using Statistics FX H3X S2X S3X 31947 31944 31945 31946 Vaynberg, Yelena FA 254 Strategic Management FX H1I H5 36690 36689 36688 Whitmore, Roy LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 32185 Murphy, Doug Course runs 5/11-6/13 LL 390 Summit Seminar 32186 DeAngelis, Michael Course runs 5/11-6/13 LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 32187 Komornick, Janine Course runs 5/11-6/13 LL 390 Summit Seminar L12 32188 DeAngelis, Michael Course runs 5/11-6/13 SW 352 Technology, Training and Human Performance FX H2X S1D S3X 36694 36691 36692 36693 Gannon Cook, Ruth SW 217 Understanding and Measuring Intelligence A3C FX H3A S3D 36697 36698 36695 36696 Snyder, Deborah AI 197 What was God thinking when He invented the Universe Widgets, Clicks and Tweets A3G A4 H5 31948 31949 31950 Nash, Kyle FX S1D 31952 31951 Golas, Joann Workplace Law: Harassment, Discrimination and Civil Rights Writing to Competence Writing to Competence Writing to Competence Writing Workshop FX H1D H4 31955 31957 31956 Berger, Jana L4 31960 Kutty, Nina L4 31959 Gilbert-Levin, Renee L4 31958 Schmidt, Kathleen SW 250 HC 267 LL 260 LL 260 LL 260 LL 140 Science for Citizens Competence and Class Nbr S1A 31938 S2D 31939 A3X S1B S3B S4 L12 H3J 31940 31941 31942 31943 36700 17 Instructor Notes Mogerman, Jo-Elle LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Khalsa, Japa Muller, William LATE START. Course runs 5/4-6/7. Can only be taken for one competence. Faculty Designed Independent Studies Prerequisite: You must be registered for or have completed LL 250 Foundations of Adult Learning. An FDIS satisfies 1 competence & carries 2 hours of tuition credit unless otherwise stated. Subjec Area & Course Number IN 363 Course IN 233 The Ethnic Museums of Chicago: Cultural Histories A1B H2B 37494 37495 Cunniff, Joseph IN 231 Exploring Chicago Politics 37491 37492 37493 37490 Sautter, R. C. IN 345 Externship: Animals in Contemporary Life A3X H1C H4 L3 LEX (L10, 11) H1B H1F L3 37502 37503 37504 Sautter, R.C. Chicago Art and Literature Competence and Class Nbr A1A 37505 A1C 37506 Instructor Notes Hill, Timothy LoSardo, Betta 37501 IN 352 Eyes on the Prize: A Television History of the American Civil Rights Movement (Video-based course) IN 238 The Juvenile Court System H1X H2X 31713 31714 Donnelly, Barbara IN 368 Learning History at the Museum H2B H4 37509 37510 Davis, Nancy IN 249 New York: An Historical Overview A3G FX H1B H1F H1H 31559 31560 31558 31556 31557 Davis, Nancy IN 261 The Parent Role E1 E2 31715 31716 Heath, Harriet IN 364 Planning, Design and Development A2C H1I 37507 37508 Hill, Timothy IN 243 Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and Its Effects H4 H1B H1I A3A A2C FX 31561 31562 31563 31564 31565 31566 Davis, Nancy IN 264 Voices and Visions: A Television Course in Modern Poetry (Video-based course) A1A A1C A1D 37496 37497 37498 Sautter, R. Craig IN 266 Women’s Issues E1 E2 37499 37500 Marienau, Catherine 18 Can register for both competencies. Can register for both competencies.
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