Avicenna’s Aromatic Waters A booklet explaining the uses of

Aromatic Waters
A booklet explaining the uses of
aromatic waters
for health and beauty
Produced by Avicenna
Bidarren, Cilcennin, Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales SA48 8RL
Tel :01570 471000
e-mail: [email protected]
What are Aromatic Waters?
How are Avicenna’s Aromatic Waters Produced?
Advantages of Aromatic Waters
Applications and Dosage
Shelf Life and Storage
Materia Medica
Latin Name
Achillea millefolium
Anethum raveolens
Angelica archangelica
Boswellia carterii
Calendula officinalis
Chamaemelum nobile
Chamomilla recutita
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Citrus aurantium
Commiphora mol-mol
Coriandrum sativum
Elettaria cardamomum
Foeniculum vulgare
Hamamelis virginicus
Hyssopus officinalis
Juniperus communis
Laurus nobilis
Lavandula officinalis
Melissa officinalis
Mentha X piperita
Pellargonium graveolens
Pimpinella anisum
Rosa damascena
Rosmarinus officinalis
Salvia triloba
Valerian officinalis
Vitex agnus-castus
Zingiber officinalis
English Name
Yarrow Herb
Dill Seed
Angelica Root
Frankincence Resin
Marigold Petals
Roman Chamomile Flowers
German Chamomile Flowers
Cinnamon Quills
Bitter Orange Flowers
Myrrh Resin
Coriander Seed
Cardamom Pods
Fennel Seed
Witch Hazel Bark
Hyssop Herb
Juniper Berries
Bay Leaf
Lavender Flowers
Lemon Balm Herb
Peppermint Leaves
Rose Geranium Herb
Damask Rose Petals
Rosemary Herb
Greek Sage Herb
Valerian Root
Chaste Tree Berries
Ginger Root
References and Bibliography
Joe Nasr D Phyt, DO, MNIMH
I have used aromatic waters for many years in my practice as a herbalist.
My first experience of them was in Lebanon, my mother country;
aromatic waters have been employed in the Mediterranean region for
hundreds of years for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
My friendship and fascination with plants began at quite an early age.
The old terraced village of Kafarshima, my childhood home, stands on a
slope facing the Mediterranean in the heart of Mount-Lebanon. This area
of the world is distinguished for its outstanding natural beauty and
abundant and diverse flora.
As children, our playing fields were the olive and orange groves, the hills
of pine, lavender and sage, and the valleys of wild orchids, cyclamens
and anemones. We snacked straight from the trees on green almonds,
figs, apricots, sweet carob pods, pine kernels and many more natural ‘fast
foods’. When we were thirsty, we simply drank from the streams of
mountain spring water.
Many householders in the village were the proud owners of a small
distilling apparatus. In autumn, fermented grapes would be distilled
together with aniseed to produce a popular spirit locally known as Arak
(Raki in Turkey or Ouzo in Greece). With the arrival of spring however,
many villagers put their stills to the service of aromatic plants. Aromatic
waters would be carefully and lovingly distilled to produce an abundant
supply for the year. In Lebanon, three very precious aromatic plants were
harvested and distilled for this purpose: Bitter orange flower, Greek sage
herb and Damask rose.
March would bring the initial warmth of spring, rousing the sleeping buds
of the bitter orange tree. Out came the Stills from their winter snooze to
be loaded with handpicked bitter orange blossom, mixed with a little
quantity of the tree’s fresh scented leaves. The cherished aroma of neroli
and petit grain would permeate the alleyways for the good part of three
weeks. Precious orange flower water would be stocked in glass bottles for
the year. Before storage, the experienced distiller would always expose
these bottles to the strong rays of the sun for a whole day. This
transformed the clear water to a faintly orange-yellow colour, and was
said to improve its quality and prolong its shelf life.
This aromatic water found its way into people’s diet as a delicious
flavouring added to various deserts and to create a refreshing homemade
lemonade. In Lebanese and Mediterranean folk medicine, it is unrivalled
as a calming nervine. I have witnessed many occasions where its soothing
action is summoned in situations of acute anxiety and distress. Its
classical application is as a facial splash for fainting due to emotional
shock or psychological strain. ‘Run!! Fetch the bottle of flower water!’ is
the first response in such situations. In milder cases, an egg cupful of the
water with added sugar is sipped slowly to calm an agitated person – it
always works.
In April, the glorious purple flowers of Greek sage expose themselves to
the strengthening sun of late spring. The locals climb the steep pinewooded hills to harvest this most vigorous of medicinal plants. The
harvest is usually dried in the shade before being distilled, to produce the
highly esteemed Greek sage water.
This remarkable healing water is a popular first aid remedy, sipped in
dosages of 20-30mls, for relief from griping pain and bloating. It is a first
class carminative, which instantly corrects digestive dysfunction and
dispels wind. Sage water’s great antiseptic and locally healing properties
make it a useful mouthwash and gargle in many afflictions of the mouth
and throat. And it has acquired a reputation for reducing high blood
pressure, fortifying the memory, and as a general tonic and blood
cleanser. This all reminds me of the old Greek saying: ‘How dieth a man
who has sage growing in his garden?’
Around the first week of May, the delicately scented Damask rose starts
to unfold its queenly beauty. How fortunate that this divine scent may be
captured in a bottle as rose water to enjoy the whole year round! The
newly unfolding pretty pink flowers would be picked very early in the
morning before the heat of the day robbed them of their delightful scent.
Then, they were put straight into a copper still to hand over their essence
to water. As distillation got under way, the ‘spirit’ of the rose would
infuse the surrounding air with a heavenly aroma.
Delicate rose water was employed externally as a cooling astringent. I
remember occasions when my mother would make a paste from starch
and rose water, and spread it over our sunburnt skin. Although of olive
complexion, we were prone to sunburn at the beginning of the beach
season when formerly concealed flesh is suddenly exposed to the roasting
sun of June. The rose water paste was most welcome indeed; it soon
cooled the skin and evaporated away with the pain, leaving the dried up
starch to simply flake away.
A few years after I left the Lebanon for England during the outbreak of
the civil war in 1974, I started a diploma in Herbal Medicine at the
School of Phytotherapy in Kent. During this time, I learned about the
Western tradition of Herbal Medicine, although there was a large overlap
with my Lebanese Materia Medica, I did put some of my traditional
knowledge on the back burner for a time. For many years thereafter, as a
practitioner of herbal medicine in England, I prescribed plants mainly in
the form of tinctures as I had been instructed. However, my traditional
Lebanese roots constantly nagged me: ‘These cold-macerated tinctures
feel lifeless without heat’. And I began to recall all my experience with
aromatic waters. This rekindled interest grew and led me to develop a
new method of making tinctures from aromatic plants.
Most tinctures are prepared by the method of cold maceration, which
simply involves soaking the plant material in a solution of water and
alcohol for two weeks, and then pressing the tincture out. I felt this to be
an inadequate method of extracting the volatile principle or essence of an
aromatic plant. Heat, I felt was somehow missing from the standard
process of tincture making. If one looks back at the traditional history of
herbal prescribing, heat has been universally applied to all forms of
herbal extraction. Herbal tinctures came into being relatively recently, in
the wake of modern pharmaceutical preparations of orthodox medicine. It
was as though herbs, which were stepping out of fashion then, were
relegated to energetically deficient brown liquids stored on the back
shelves of the then modernizing pharmacies.
My idea was to reintroduce heat to tincture-making by including
distillation in the overall process. The way I have achieved this is by first
distilling the aromatic herb, which produces an aromatic water. More of
the plant is then soaked in this water to carry the process of cold
maceration. This produces a superior tincture, not only far richer in
volatile principles, but also containing essential components, which are
missing from the cold macerated tincture.
For example, through the process of distilling chamomile flowers, steam
converts the relatively inactive matricine found in the essential oil, to the
highly therapeutic chamazulenes. The same conversion, but to a lesser
degree, occurs when infusing chamomile flowers with boiling water in a
teapot. There is a strong tradition in the use of chamomile tea (hot
infusion) as a soothing remedy in inflammations and as a symptomatic
relief in states of visceral spasm. Chamazulenes are both strongly antiinflammatory and superb spasmolytics; they are certainly missing from
the cold macerated tincture. I am not ascribing the therapeutic value of
chamomile exclusively to these compounds, but I do feel that their virtual
absence from the cold extract renders its action somewhat incomplete,
and certainly different to that experienced through traditional preparation.
This is how I started producing what I call ‘distilled’ tinctures. I found
them to be therapeutically more effective, as subsequently did many of
my colleagues. Soon after making these tinctures available, it dawned on
me that aromatic waters are complete medicines in their own right and
ought to be prescribed as such. There was certainly ample traditional
evidence for the medicinal benefit of these wonderful healing waters,
which I shall allude to later.
When I first started to distil Aromatic Waters, I felt entirely alone in my
enthusiasm for these waters. No other practitioners in this country seemed
to be aware of them, or use them. But I am glad to say, that in the last two
years, Aromatic Waters are beginning to receive their deserved
recognition, and nearly every week, I receive wonderful feedback from
practitioners and therapists about their success in using particular waters.
Books such as Suzanne Catty’s, Hydrosols – The New Aromatherapy, are
also beginning to raise people’s awareness and soon, hopefully, we will
see an explosion of research about the chemical composition of hydrolats
and aromatic waters. This is most desperately needed, for although they
do have the benefit of centuries of traditional usage behind them, we are
now, of course, entering a new era in herbal medicine , where traditional
wisdom is no longer enough on its own.
What are Aromatic Waters?
Aromatic waters are highly therapeutic distillates, which harbour the
lighter essence of an aromatic plant. They constitute a very safe and
effective way of prescribing the volatile principles and vital essence of a
plant internally, an essential element that is missing from the present
practice of herbal medicine and aromatherapy in the UK.
An aromatic water is water enriched with both the essential oil and the
water-soluble volatile components of a plant. The essential oil is finely
dispersed through the water in a low concentration, giving each aromatic
water its individual smell. The water-soluble volatile components are
actually in solution, and give the aromatic water additional properties not
possessed by the essential oil alone. They include substances like
hydroxy acids, carboxylic acids and many others, which modify and
balance the action of the pure oil. These water-soluble volatile
constituents provide the aromatic water with a more wholesome action,
which is more like that of the whole plant when compared to the action of
the pure oil.
Pure essential oils act in a mode that is more akin to that of isolated
principles. However, essential oils, when naturally dispersed within the
complex of an aromatic water, are moderated and balanced by the water
and its water soluble volatile components. Furthermore, the composition
of the essential oil which is dispersed into the aromatic water varies
considerably from that of the pure essential oil which separates and floats
on the surface of a freshly distilled aromatic water. The dispersed oil
contains a higher ratio of the gentle-acting, water-loving components like
alcohols, and a lower ratio of the harsher, water-hating components like
Aromatic waters capture a broader range of both the water and fat-soluble
volatile constituents of a plant, and this contributes to their efficacy and
How are Avicenna’s Aromatic Waters Produced?
Many related products on the market are produced by adding an essential
oil to water (floral waters) or are by-products of the steam distillation of
essential oils (hydrosols). This is not how I produce aromatic waters. I
employ a specific water distillation in a specially designed stainless steel
still. The plant material is totally immersed in spring water and then
brought gently to the boil. The steam that rises carries with it the essential
oil and water-soluble volatile components, which disperse and dissolve in
the water respectively. After many years of experimentation and trials
with various still designs I have carefully designed a unique still, which
saturates the water in a gentle and complete manner, and prevents the
damaging effects of reflux. Hydrosols are by-products of large-scale
steam (not water) distillation of essential oils. The speed and harshness of
this process produce a different product when compared to aromatic
waters. Aromatic waters are primary products of a specific, prolonged
and gentle distillation. This method of distillation is completely
unfeasible at a commercial level, as it requires more heat and time. This
is why there can be such variation in quality and price between Aromatic
Waters and Hydrosols.
Advantages of Aromatic Waters over Tinctures and Ess Oils
Aromatic waters have some advantages over pure essential oils and
tinctures which can be summarised as follows:
1. A more gentle and balanced action – Both the volatile oils and the
water soluble volatiles contribute to the medicinal effect of an
aromatic water, which is therefore more akin in its action to that of the
whole plant.
2. Presenting the essential oil in an aqueous medium – The fact that
the essential oil is physically dispersed in the aromatic water improves
its uptake and utilisation by the aqueous medium the body fluids.
3. Traditional support for safety and efficacy – Aromatic waters have
been used internally to treat a wide range of ailments safely and
effectively for many centuries and by many civilisations. For example
the aromatic water of Salvia triloba is liberally taken internally in
many Mediterranean countries, to great benefit and with unknown side
effects. This in contrast to the internal usage of the essential oil of
Salvia spp. which is not backed by any tradition and may readily lead
to harmful effects.
4. The convenience of a tincture without the alcohol – Aromatic
waters can be used instead of a tincture where alcohol is not permitted
or is undesirable, and where the essential oil component of the plant is
of primary therapeutic importance, yet still retain the convenience of a
fluid preparation. For example, they are ideal for children, for those
whose religious beliefs do not permit the use of alcohol, or for those
dealing with alcohol dependency.
5. A gentle but effective external application – Aromatic waters are
ideal for external application where the drying and stinging properties
of alcohol are undesirable, for example, as a lotion for cuts, grazes and
rashes especially for children and babies and in creams for dry,
sensitive and inflamed skins. Many herbalists tend to mix tinctures
into cream bases; the alcohol in tinctures is drying and irritating to
inflamed skin, and destabilises the cream with separation of the liquid
phase. Aromatic waters are much more compatible with a cream base
and are highly effective soothing and healing topical agents.
6. A highly convenient preparation – Unlike infusions, lotions,
essential oils and tinctures, which all need a level of preparation
before the patient can use them, aromatic waters are mostly instantly
available for a range of internal and external uses. For example, a
sprayer bottle of chamomile water in the handbag or kept at home can
be sprayed over itchy rashes, urticaria, sunburn, used as a facial toner,
can be taken internally for it relaxing properties or for GIT upsets,
may be inhaled in hot water, or added to a babies bath….
Applications and Dosage
Aromatic Waters present a safe and effective way for prescribing the
volatile principles of an aromatic plant internally.
The average adult dose of most waters is 10ml three times daily which
may either be taken neat, or diluted with a little water.
To enhance the therapeutic influence of the waters through the sense of
smell, the daily dose (30ml), may be added to 500ml of water and sipped
throughout the day, or sprayed through an atomiser into the mouth –
Four sprays deliver about 1ml.
Aromatic waters like chamomile, lavender, rose, rose geranium,
rosemary, and witch hazel, make outstanding topical remedies for
afflictions of the skin and mucous membranes. This is related to their
soothing, astringing, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, and cooling actions.
Various modes of external application include: lotions, sprays
compresses, inhalations, facial steaming, added to clay in facial packs,
added to creams or a base cream, mouthwashes, gargles, added to
therapeutic baths.
Shelf Life and Storage
No preservatives or any other substances are added to Avicenna’s
Aromatic Waters as they may interfere with their therapeutic properties.
Some waters like rose, rose geranium, bitter orange flower, rosemary and
bay keep for years, and indeed improve with time when stored properly.
Other waters like chamomile, and lemon balm have a short life of around
6 – 8 months. Most waters have a shelf life of about 18 months.
They must be stored in glass containers in a dark cool place.
Achillea millefolium
Yarrow herb water
Latin Name
Achillea millefolium
Common Name
Yarrow herb, woundwort, staunchwort, thousand leaf, carpenters weed,
milfoil, yarroway.
Parts Used
Flowering tops
History & Folklore
The name Achillea commemorates the Greek hero Achilles who used yarrow
to heal the wounds of his soldiers. It has been used throughout history up
until the First World War for treating wounds on the battlefield. It has long
been used as a herb of divination and ceremonial magic.
According to Culpeper it is ruled by Venus. Cold in the first degree, dry in the
first degree, cools kidneys and bladder.
In TCM, it is also considered cool and dry, and is linked to the wood element.
It stimulates the Liver, clears heat and can break through painful obstruction.
Azulenes are produced during steam distillation.
The most prevalent constituents of the oil are camphor, sabinene, 1,8-cineole,
alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and camphene.
The water is much less bitter than other preparations of the herb, so it is
debateable to what extent the water has a strong bitter action on the GIT.
Anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, carminative, anti-allergic (will reduce
histamine induced tissue reactions). Antiseptic, cholagogue, bitter,
vasodilator, hypotensive, diaphoretic. Yarrow is also an astringent,
haemostatic and styptic herb.
Internally for hay fever, allergic rhinitis, urticaria. Poor circulation, high blood
pressure, varicose veins and venous insufficiency. Gentle diuretic and urinary
antiseptic. Relieves indigestion (bloating and wind when not associated with
acidity), IBS. Heavy periods.
Wounds, skin infections, thread and varicose veins, piles.
Preparations & Dosages
The water is produced by gentle water distillation. Like chamomile, it has a
faint blue tinge due to the azulenes. The taste is much less bitter than other
preparations of the herb, thus the bitter action is much less pronounced.
Aromatic water for internal use – sip from 5 to 15 mls, diluted in 500 ml of
Use up to 20% in creams with other astringent herbs for weeping conditions,
wounds, varicose veins and with other anti-inflammatory waters such as
chamomile for inflamed skin conditions. Can also be used as a compress.
Combine with peppermint water as a styptic aftershave toner.
Combine with rosemary, or witch hazel waters in creams for varicose veins
and thread veins.
Combine with chamomile water as a lotion or compress for inflamed or
irritated skin, or in a spritzer to spray on irritated facial skin during the hay
fever season.
Combine with juniper water internally as a detoxifying mix, or use the
combination externally in lotions/creams for areas prone to water retention.
Add to a Sitz bath for haemorrhoids or postpartum healing.
Pregnancy, epilepsy and kidney disease due to the presence of thujone. Take
care during breast feeding and children under 2 years. Do not sunbathe or go
on a sun bed for 12 hours after external use and take precautions in the sun if
regular internal use.
Anethum graveolens
Dill water
Latin Name
Anethum graveolens
Common Name
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Dill was used in a painkilling mix in Ancient Egypt, whilst the Greeks are
believed to have covered their eyes with fronds of the herb to induce sleep. Its
name comes from the Norse ‘dylla’, meaning ‘to sooth’.
According to Culpepper, it is governed by Mercury.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains carvone mostly. Other constituents are flavonoids,
coumarins, xanthones and triterpenes.
Anti-spasmodic, mild diuretic, gentle expectorant, galactogogue.
Colic, IBS, griping, halitosis, coughs and colds, dysmenorrhoea, poor breast
milk production.
Preparations & Dosages
Dill water is the main constituent of gripe water used to settle colic in babies.
The best way to dose babies is for the mother to take the water regularly if she
is breast-feeding. Combine with fennel, aniseed, chamomile, cinnamon,
peppermint or ginger as required for IBS and bowel spasm.
Combine with cardamom water to freshen breath.
Sip with angelica, hyssop or aniseed water for coughs and colds.
Combine with valerian, cinnamon or ginger water for spasmodic period
Angelica archangelica
Angelica root water
Latin Name
Angelica archangelica
Common Name
Angelica, Angel’s herb, Root of the Holy Spirit.
Parts Used
History & Folklore
As the name suggests, angelica has long been associated with angels and in
particular the Archangel Michael. It comes into bloom near his feast day and
has been connected to the Christian observance of the Annunciation. This so
called root of the Holy Ghost or Spirit has also been considered to protect
against evil spells.
Ruled by the Sun under the domain of Leo.
Hot in the third degree, dry in the third dgree, heats the heart, stomach and
Constituents & Pharmacology
Very little data on the constituents of the water, especially the water-soluble
aspects. The EO contains the following oils: Alpha and Beta-pinene, alpha and
beta-phellandrine, p-cymene, limonene, myrcene, camphene, beta-pinene,
sabinene, d-3-carene, bornyl acetate, cryptone, terpinolene, copaene,
terpinene-4-ol, ocimene, cryptone, beta bisabolene, rho-cymen-8-ol, humulene
monoxide, tridecanolide, pentadecanolide.
Relaxing and restorative nervine. Circulatory stimulant and heart tonic.
Immune-system stimulant. Expectorant, diaphoretic, and febrifuge.
Antispasmodic, warming carminative, aromatic and digestive.
Depurative, emmenogogue and diuretic.
This is a relatively new water and its usage seems to relate more to the
nervous system, where it has a calming and grounding action, useful for
anxiety states, stress, nervous exhaustion and debility.
However, it may still be considered for its other more traditional uses
including, coughs, colds, any cold conditions, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, and
respiratory catarrh. Poor circulation with cold peripheries. Intermittent
Poor digestive function, flatulence, gastro-intestinal tract spasms, and lack of
appetite. However, the water does not contain the same bitterness as other
Preparations and dosages – (Internal use only)
Best to keep dosages low. Its use is mainly internal; 5 - 10mls may be sipped
in cold water two to three times daily.
Sip in a little cold water after meals to aid digestion and relieve bloating and
wind. Mixes well with fennel, dill and cardamom for this.
Mix with ginger and cinnamon for a warming digestive and circulatory tonic.
Sip alone or in combination with other waters at times of stress when a
grounding effect is required.
Sip in combination with bitter orange flower or cardamom to promote
Combines well with hyssop for coughs and catarrh.
Contraindicated in Pregnancy. Do not apply the water externally.
Boswellia carterii
Frankincense water
Latin Name
Boswellia carterii
Common Name
Frankincense, olibanum
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Frankincense has been used since ancient times in religious ceremonies and is
still used in many churches today. It has probably been the most important
incense ingredient since history began. It is mentioned 22 times in the Bible,
and was, of course, held in high enough esteem to be one of the gifts offered
to the baby Jesus. Frankincense gum was charred to produce kohl powder,
used by Egyptian women to paint around their eyes. Dioscorides mentions
the use of the plant to treat skin problems, haemorrhages and pneumonia. A
16th Century surgeon treated soldier’s wounds and noted that it stopped
bleeding and facilitated healing.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered to be cool and dry in nature,
associated with the Earth element.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains octyl-acetate, octanyl, alpha-pinene, incensyl acetate,
Relaxing nervine, anti-depressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, possible
immune-system enhancing qualities, analgesic, anti-catarrhal, astringent,
Anxiety, chest infections, respiratory catarrh,
menorrhagia, skin infections, oily skin, mature skin.
Preparations & Dosages
A new water, which requires further experimentation. It combines well with
myrrh water as a superb antiseptic. It may also be mixed with hyssop, thyme
or aniseed waters for chest infections, asthma and catarrhal conditions. Use as
a calming and centering nervine. Frankincense has strong associations with
spiritual practice and meditation, and the water may find many uses in this
Calendula officinalis
Marigold petals water
Latin Name
Calendula officinalis
Common Name
Pot marigold
Parts Used
Flower petals
History & Folklore
The English name marigold refers to its old use in Church Festivals in the
Middle Ages, being one of the flowers dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Because
marigold flowers open at sunrise and close at sunset, it has always been
associated with the sun. It has a strong tradition of treating conditions of the
eyes and enhancing magical vision.
According to Culpepper, ruled by the Sun under the domain of Leo
Constituents & Pharmacology
Triterpenoid saponins, resin (calendulin), carotenoids, bitter glycosides,
essential oil, sterols, flavonoids, mucilage.
The resins and some of the water-soluble constituents make this remedy
locally astringent. It is a powerful healing agent, with a reputation for
increasing speed of regranulation of wounds. The hormonal actions of
marigold most probably stem from the sterol fraction.
Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (active against fungal, amoebic,
bacterial and viral infections including ‘flu and herpes viruses),
antispasmodic, lymphatic stimulant. Regulates menstruation and has an
estrogenic effect in relative oestrogen deficiency states.
Gastritis and peptic ulcers and any inflammatory bowel complaint.
Marigold’s reputation as a great detoxifying herb is probably due to its action
on the liver and lymphatic system. It can be used internally to treat gut
dysbiosis and candidiasis.
Nothing surpasses marigold as a healing agent externally. It will reduce
bleeding and weeping and its healing and antiseptic action make it ideal for
ulcers and sores.
It is also indicated for irregular periods, mastitis and breast cysts. It has a
reputation for treating lumps and cysts of the female reproductive system.
Preparations and dosages
The distilled water of marigold is a recent development. Take internally up to
15mls daily. Apply as a lotion to cuts, grazes, fungal infections, insect bites.
As a gargle for mouth ulcers and oral thrush. Include in eczema creams.
Pregnancy as it promotes uterine contractions.
Chamaemelum nobile
Roman chamomile water
Latin Name
Chameamelum nobile
Common Name
Roman chamomile, garden chamomile
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Similar to German chamomile
Same as German chamomile.
The volatile oil components include the ester isobutyl angelate; the ketone
pinocarvone. Also cineole, alpha and beta-pinene, carophyllene.
Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, (though less so than German chamomile).
Roman chamomile is probably more of a relaxant than German. Analgesic,
antiseptic, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, emmenogogue.
Children’s ailments, anxiety, insomnia, PMS, period problems.
Preparations and dosages
Sip 5-10 ml, three times daily for anxiety, anxiety related digestive upsets and
Take internally for PMS.
Dilute and rub onto babies’ gums during teething.
Dilute and add to babies/children’s bottles when they are overtired, irritable
or fractious.
The essential oil is contra-indicated in pregnancy, so care should be taken
with the water during pregnancy until more data is available. Rare reports of
sensitisation to the oil has been reported in sensitive individuals.
Chamomilla recutita
German chamomile water
Latin Name
Chamomilla recutita
Common Name
German chamomile
Parts Used
History & Folklore
In Ancient Egypt, chamomile was dedicated to the sun God Ra. Chamomile
was one of the 9 sacred herbs of the Saxons. In addition to helping people, the
plant has also been used to cure sick plants and was known as the plant’s
According to Culpepper, ruled by the Sun, hot in the first degree, dry in the
first degree, heats the head, liver and joints, purges choler
Mainly ruled by the Wood element in TCM, cool and of neutral moisture.
Regulates flow of Qi energy and clears heat.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil components include: proazulenes, bisabolol, farnesene: and
terpenes such as pinene, anthemal, spiroether, angelic and tiglic acids. The
sesquiterpenes lactones are bitter and are responsible for the cholagogue and
choleretic activity of chamomile. There is also evidence for liver regenerating
properties. Other constituents are flavonoids; bitter glycoside; coumarin;
malic acid; tannins.
The azulenes and bisabolol are anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. They
will reduce histamine-induced reactions such as anaphylaxis, hay fever,
allergic asthma and eczema. Spiroether is also strongly anti-spasmodic
Anti-inflammatory, visceral and general relaxant; carminative; uterine
relaxant; peripheral vasodilator; anti-allergenic; vulnerary; antiseptic.
Chamomile is well known for its use in anxiety states, spasmodic or colicky
pain, vertigo, and especially children’s ailments of a nervous origin. It is also
ideal in a cream or as a lotion for nappy rash or added to the bath to soothe
irritable, overtired and fractious children and promote a restful sleep.
It is unsurpassed as a digestive remedy in nervous dyspepsia, peptic ulcers,
gastritis (bisabolol has been shown to speed up the healing of ulcers both
externally and internally), IBS, gastro-enteritis, diarrhoea; in fact there is
hardly any digestive problem where chamomile would not be helpful.
Although a carminative, chamomile has an appreciable bitter action, ensuring
adequate bile flow. This produces an overall very balanced action ensuring
that digestive ‘depression’ does not occur.
Chamomile water is hardly surpassed as an external agent. It is indicated for
any inflamed, irritated skin condition such as eczema, urticaria, acne rosacea,
acne vulgaris, and varicose ulcers. It may also be used as an inhalation for
catarrh, sinusitis and hay fever where its actions are much more antiinflammatory and less irritant on the mucous membranes than eucalyptus for
The anti-allergy properties of chamomile water make it a key treatment
internally for allergic conditions such as, asthma, eczema or hay fever. It is
also a diaphoretic making it useful in colds and upper respiratory tract
infections (probably best taken as a hot tea in this case, although this could be
fortified with 10ml of the water). As with other volatile oil containing plants,
constituents in chamomile are excreted via the kidneys, making it useful as a
gentle urinary remedy.
The generic name of chamomile is Matricaria deriving from matrix, meaning
mother or womb, underlining the early prominence given to the plant for
female reproductive problems. It is useful in morning sickness and vomiting
in pregnancy, some menopausal symptoms, premenstrual headaches and
migraines, amenorrhoea of nervous origin, painful periods, mastitis, and
Preparations and dosages
Chamomile water is made by gentle water distillation of the flower heads.
The water has a faint blue tinge due to the presence of chamazulenes. The
aromatic water can be taken internally up to 40mls daily.
Apply as a lotion or spray liberally on any inflamed or irritated skin
Use as an inhalation (about 30mls added to a bowl of hot water at the last
moment to retain the steam).
Add about 50mls to a warm bath just before entering.
Chamomile combines well with chickweed in creams for itchy, inflamed skin
conditions, and marigold for healing ulcers and wounds. Add up to 20% in a
cream base.
Carry in a spray for instant relief if prone to urticaria, sunburn etc.
Use as a facial toner in acne rosacea, or as an aftershave toner for men with
sensitive skin/folliculitis etc.
Combines well with lavender and rose waters for any inflammatory skin
Use as a part of a baby’s nappy changing routine, especially where nappy
rash is present.
Use as a facial spritzer during the hay fever season.
Ideal as a cosmetic toner/make-up remover for sensitive skin.
The essential oil is contra-indicated in pregnancy, so care should be taken
with the water during pregnancy until more data is available.
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Cinnamon bark water
Latin Name
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Common Name
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices and was one of the most valuable items
in the spice trade. For centuries the source of cinnamon was kept a close secret
by the Arabs, but it is said that when Alexander the Great was at sea, he knew
he was near the coast of Arabia from the spicy scent of cinnamon wafting
from the distant shore. It was brought to Western Europe by the Crusaders to
enhance the flavour of bread, fish, salt and meat, and was also valued for
medicines, perfumes and love potions.
Hot and dry
Constituents& Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains cinnamaldehyde (40-50% in the EO), eugenol,
linalool, 1,8-cineole, carophyllene, benzyl benzoate. Cinnamaldehyde is
responsible for the sedative, hypotensive and analgesic properties of
Carminative, antispasmodic, hypotensive, anti-microbial (active against
bacteria and fungal infections), aperient.
Indications – (Internal use only)
Dysmenorrhoea, poor circulation, colds, ‘flu, nausea, indigestion, IBS, griping,
myalgia, rheumatism, bacterial and parasitic infections. Stimulating and
restorative nervine.
Preparations & Dosages
Sip 5 ml in warm water to instantly relieve bloating, colic and IBS type
Ideal first aid remedy for gut infections.
Combines well with ginger water for a warming digestive and circulatory mix
– could also be used for period pains.
Cinnamon water makes a delicious addition to coffee.
Sip 5 mls or so in a little cold water when concentration and mental
stimulation are required.
Combine with yarrow water as an over all digestive tonic.
At the first sign of a cold or chill, add 5mls of cinnamon and 5 mls of ginger
waters to hot water, add a little honey (a dash of brandy is optional!) and
drink as hot as possible to promote a sweat.
Use in cooking, especially good added to mince meat in mince pies and
Christmas cake. May be added to brandy etc for making sauces and other
cooking purposes.
Contraindicated for external use onto the skin or mucus membranes. Do not
spray directly onto the face. Avoid in pregnancy. Until more data is available
on the level of cinnamaldehydes in cinnamon water, do not use high doses
internally over long periods of time.
Citrus aurantium
Bitter orange flower water
Latin Name
Citrus aurantium
Common Name
Bitter orange flower, orange blossom, Seville orange.
Parts Used
History & Folklore
The bitter orange was first cultivated in the Mediterranean by Arab
conquerors in the 10th and 11th Centuries, but it was not till 1563 that the
distilled oil of the blossom (Neroli oil) is recorded by the Italian naturalist
della Porta. The blossoms were often used in weddings, as they are associated
with virginity, romance and fertility. Many believe that the golden apples of
the Hesperides (Priestesses of the Greek Gods) were in fact bitter orange
Cool and of neutral moisture
The main element is Fire in TCM; clears heat and stabilises the Shen (Heart
and Mind)
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains alpha and beta-pinene, camphene, alpha-terpinene,
nerol, neryl acetate, farnesol, geraniol, linalool (35%), nerolidol, linalyl acetate
(mainly found in the leaves), methyl anthranilate and indole.
Sedative, tranquilliser and anti-depressant. Hypotensive. Antispasmodic,
bitter, carminative, cholagogue, astringent, antiseptic.
Internally, taken for anxiety states and as a natural tranquilliser for shock.
Useful in insomnia, GIT upsets, and diarrhoea of nervous origin, anxiety
related palpitations and high blood pressure.
GIT spasms, anorexia, and diarrhoea of nervous origin.
Externally, it is suitable for skin prone to broken capillaries, inflamed and
sensitive skin. It improves the skin’s micro-circulation and promotes cellular
regeneration. Due to its strongly astringent properties, bitter orange flower
water is ideal for greasy skin, or for a tightening effect on lax skin.
Preparations & Dosages
Avicenna bitter orange flower water has a faint orange colour as it is made in
the traditional way by exposing it to sunlight for a week or so. This is said to
enhance its quality and prolong shelf-life.
It is used with children suffering ADHD.
Sip 5 to 10 mls mixed with cold water at times of stress, including emotional
shock where it can also be sprayed or splashed over the face too.
Sip if suffering anxiety related anorexia, or any other stress-related GIT
Sip throughout the day if prone to cardiovascular related stress symptoms
such as high blood pressure and palpitations.
Add to mineral water (5 to 10mls or so to 500mls of water) and drink up to 2
litres of this mixture daily.
Keep a dropper bottle and take as required if attempting to quit an addiction
such as cigarettes or alcohol.
Use as a facial toner for oily/sensitive skin. Mixes well with rose geranium for
Mix up to 20% in a cream base for oily skin.
In many Mediterranean countries, it was traditionally understood that anyone
with a heart condition involving a level of cardiac insufficiency (such as heart
failure), should avoid bitter orange flowers because of their strongly sedative
effect on the heart. Do not give this water when there is hypotension from any
cause. Can be too drying for those with dry skin.
Commiphora mol-mol
Myrrh resin water
Latin Name
Commiphora mol-mol
Common Name
Parts Used
Dried gum resin
History & Folklore
Myrrh is one of the oldest known medicines, extensively used by the Ancient
Egyptians as a medicine and for embalming. In the Greek myths, Myrrha,
daughter of the King of Syria Theias, is turned into a Myrrh tree by the Gods
to protect her from the wrath of her father. Ten months later, the bark peels
off and an infant emerges who is given the name Adonis. Myrrh is also
associated with the Phoenix, being cast into the fire out of which this
legendary bird is reborn. It has many associations with death and providing
access to the mysteries of death and rebirth. Myrrh is, of course, famous as
one of the three gifts offered to the infant Jesus by the Three Wise Men, and is
still a major ingredient in incense.
Constituents & Pharmacology
Alpha-pinene, cadinene, limonene, cuminaldehyde, eugenol, m-cresol, acetic
acid, formic acid and various sesquiterpenes and acids.
Stimulating expectorant, strongly anti-microbial and disinfectant, anticatarrhal, astringent, carminative, vulnerary, uterine stimulant.
Respiratory, gastro-intestinal and skin infections, as an astringing gargle or
mouthwash for mouth ulcers, stomatitis and pyorrhoea. Externally on ulcers,
chronic wounds, weeping eczema, fungal infections and in creams for deeply
cracked skin/fissures.
Preparations & Dosages
Apart from the tincture and essential oil, myrrh aromatic water is the only
other way in which this resin can be prepared, and offers a much gentler, but
no less effective, alternative. Myrrh water is ideal for mouth, throat and gum
infections and problems. Use as a gargle, mixed with cold water, alone or
with other suitable waters such as Greek sage. Alcohol free preparations are
much more suitable for mouth rinses.
It is ideal mixed in cream bases for weeping skin conditions, cracked skin and
Use as a lotion or compress with marigold for pressure sores.
Use as a facial toner for skin prone to acne.
Sip 5mls in a glass of cold water, three times daily, as a first aid remedy for
gut infections - combines well with cinnamon for this purpose.
Contraindicated in pregnancy
Coriandrum sativum
Coriander water
Latin Name
Coriandrum sativum
Common Name
Parts Used
History & Folklore
The name ‘coriandrum’ is derived from the Latin ‘koros’, meaning ‘bed-bug’,
due to the odour of the fresh leaves resembling the smell of this particular
insect. It may have been one of the first herbs used in cookery; more than
5,000 years ago the Chinese ate boiled roots and used the seeds for flavouring.
It is mentioned frequently in the Bible, by early Sanskrit writers, the Greeks
and in medieval medical texts. The Ancient Egyptians steeped it with fresh
garlic in wine and drank it as an aphrodisiac. Coriander was compared by the
Ancient Hebrews to the manna provided by God to the children of Israel, and
was one of the bitter herbs eaten at Passover. In Ancient China it was thought
to promote longevity and ease pain. In the Middle Ages, coriander seeds were
put into the popular drink, hippocras, so-called from the strainer through
which the cordial was filtered. It was drunk at weddings and Royal occasions.
Arabic women take it to ease labour pains.
According to the Western tradition, it is under the domain of Saturn
According to TCM, it is warm and dry, associated with the Earth element. It
circulates Qi-energy in the Stomach and intestines, strengthens the Spleenpancreas and will disperse cold in cases of painful obstruction.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains the alcohol linalol and thymol; the ester Linalyl
acetate; the terpene carophyllene.
Analgesic, antiseptic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive
tonic and stimulant, aperient.
Nervous debility, mental fatigue, depression and worry. IBS, colic, anorexia,
mild constipation, indigestion, flatulence and bloating. OA, neuralgia,
rheumatic pain,
Preparations & Dosages
Mix with other carminative waters for indigestion and bowel spasm.
Apply as a lotion or in creams for muscle aches and pains.
Sip 5 mls in a little water, three times daily, at times of mental fatigue and
over worry. Mix with rosemary, sage or frankincense.
Elettaria cardamomum
Cardamom seed water
Latin Name
Elettaria cardamomum
Common Name
Parts Used
Seeds/Seed pods
History & Folklore
Another ancient spice, cardamom was extensively used in Ancient Egypt to
make perfumes. Cardamom has been associated with love spells and used as
an aphrodisiac throughout the ages and by many cultures. It was combined
with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pyrether, gillyflowers and other ingredients
in an elaborate aphrodisiac by the famous Arab physician Al Razi.
Ruled by the Earth Element in TCM, stimulates the movement of digestive Qi.
The volatile oil contains borneol, limonene, 1,8-cineole, camphor, alpha and
beta-pinene, humulene, caryphyllene, carvone, eucalyptene, terpinene,
Carminative, antispasmodic, warming digestive stimulant, relaxant, antiseptic, nervous tonic, expectorant, orexigenic, antiseptic.
IBS, indigestion, nausea, griping, bad breath, anorexia, nervous exhaustion, a
reputed aphrodisiac!
Preparations & dosages
Sip 5mls in a little cold water, three times daily after meals, for bloating and
wind. Combines well with fennel, dill, and aniseed waters for this purpose.
Mix with angelica and ginger water for a warming digestive tonic.
Use as a mouth freshener, either mix with cold water and gargle or simply
spray into the mouth as required.
Mixes well with Greek sage as an antibacterial mouthwash.
Add to black coffee for instant Turkish coffee.
Add to hot punches and spiced wines.
Mix it with a little honey and hot water for a bedtime tea.
Cardamom will stimulate the appetite if taken before meals. Sip 5-10 ml in a
little water, half an hour before a meal.
Foeniculum vulgare
Fennel seed water
Latin Name
Foeniculum vulgare
Common Name
Parts Used
History & Folklore
The Greeks were the first to recognise fennel’s value as a gently diuretic
slimming aid, naming the herb ‘Marathron’ from ‘maraino’ to grow thin. The
seeds were eaten by athletes whilst training for the Olympic games. The
Romans ate them as part of an after-meal seed cake to aid digestion. Similarly,
it was the favourite ‘weight watcher’s’ herb of the 16th Century, ‘much used in
drink or broth…to make those lean who are fat’. Fennel was traditionally
used to make a soothing eye wash, and was considered for centuries to
improve eyesight and hearing. Fennel is a constituent of the famous gripe
water for babies,
Ruled by Mercury, under the domain of Virgo
Warm and dry
Ruled by the Earth element in TCM, stimulates Qi-energy in the Stomach and
intestines, and disperses cold phlegm.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains: trans-anethol (oestrogenic), fenchone (toxic at high
doses), methychavicol, alpha-pinene.
Carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, warming digestive, urinary
antiseptic, galactogogue, anticatarrhal, diuretic, aperient, hepatic.
Colic, bloating, nausea, flatulence, constipation, coughs, bronchitis, and
menopausal symptoms. In creams for dry, aging skin and for vaginal dryness.
Has a long tradition for weight loss. A gentle remedy for cystitis.
Preparations & Dosages – (Internal use only)
Mix with dill and aniseed water in equal proportions to make gripe water and
add 1 to 5 drops in a feeding bottle (depending on the age of the child).
Add 5 to 15mls to 500mls of water and sip throughout the day for cystitis.
Combines well with juniper for this.
Breast-feeding women can add 5 to 15mls or so to 500mls of mineral water to
promote milk flow and ensure adequate water intake. Will also help the
babies’ digestion.
Sip alone, or mixed with other suitable waters, for colic, bloating and wind.
Combine with angelica and/or aniseed water for coughs and catarrh.
Combines well with juniper as a general diuretic for oedema and
premenstrual water retention (add rose geranium for PMS symptoms).
Add up to 10% to base cream for a hydrating and softening cream.
Use as a hydrating facial toner.
Do not exceed recommended dose. Contraindicated in pregnancy, epilepsy,
oestrogen dependent cancers, and endometriosis. May be sensitising
externally in some individuals. Do not use on very sensitive or damaged skin.
Hamamelis virginicus
Witch hazel water
Latin Name
Hamamelis virginicus
Common name
Witch hazel, snapping hazel
Parts Used
Leaves, twigs and bark
History & Folklore
Witch hazel’s medicinal qualities were well known to native North American
people, who used poultices of the decocted herb externally to treat tumours
and inflammations, and took the plant internally for haemorrhages. Witch
hazel’s fame as a medicinal herb was spread to Europe by the European
settlers during the 18th Century. Because hazel was used in divining rods in
Britain, it became known as ‘witch’ hazel in the New World
Constituents & Pharmacology
Tannins, flavonoids, volatile oil in leaves, bitter principle. Tannins are not
carried into the water during the distillation process, thus the astringing
actions of witch hazel must be attributable to some other volatile constituents,
as yet to be identified.
Astringent, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, cicatrisant, antiseptic.
Burns, swellings, weeping eczema, varicose veins, thread veins, phlebitis,
varicose ulcers, bed sores, bruises, sprains, muscle strains, and insect bites. In
skin lotions as a toner for oily/lax skin, to refresh eyes and reduce puffiness
(dabbing around the eye). As a mouthwash for bleeding gums and mouth
ulcers, and in ointments for piles. Internally for diarrhoea and catarrhal
Preparations & Dosages – (mainly for external use)
The most notable aspect of high quality witch hazel is that it has a lovely
delicate woody smell, unlike commercially distilled witch hazel products,
which don’t smell of anything!
Take on holidays in a sprayer bottle, and blitz insect bites for instant relief –
can be combined with chamomile for this.
Combine with lavender and use as an after sun spray.
Add up to 20% to creams for soothing eczema, psoriasis, cracked or blistered
skin. Combines well with chamomile and yarrow for this.
Use in compress form for sprains and muscle pains. Could be combined with
bay for this purpose.
Combine with rose water in a cream base for an excellent cream for aging,
damaged and mature skins and skin prone to thread veins, and to use around
the delicate eye area.
Keep the water in the fridge, soak two cotton wool pads and place over the
eyes to refresh tired eyes – rose water could also be added.
Use as a wash on wounds.
Add 20ml to a small glass of water and gargle for sore throats – may be
combined with 5ml of Greek sage for this. Use as a mouthwash for spongy
gums, mouth ulcers and gingivitis.
Can be used in a cream or as a compress for varicose veins and piles.
Spray over the face and décolleté daily for its astringing effects, or use as a
toner for aging, mature or damaged skins.
Mix with rose geranium or bitter orange flower water for an astringing facial
toner for oily/blemished skin, or mix in a cream base for an oily/blemished
skin cream.
More suited as an external remedy.
Hyssopus officinalis
Hyssop herb water
Latin Name
Hyssopus officinalis
Common name
Parts Used
Flowering tops
History & Folklore
Hyssop has a long tradition of use as a purification herb in ceremonies and
rituals; the word ‘hyssop’ derives from the ancient Hebrew name ‘ezob’,
meaning ‘holy herb’ (it is possible, however, that hyssop has become confused
with Greek sage). The Greeks used it in purification incense ‘Purge me with
hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow’, say
David in the Bible. It was used in the Water of Purification that God
commanded Moses to prepare. Indeed, hyssop was used for the consecration
of Westminster Abbey. Hyssop was a key ingredient in eau de cologne,
Chartreuse and was used as a strewing herb during the middle ages.
Hot and dry
In TCM, main element is metal, strengthens the lungs and defensive-Qi and is
a yang tonic.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil mostly contains: pinocamphone, isopinocamphene, and
camphor. Pinocamphone is toxic in large amounts and may cause epileptic
seizures, although hyssop was actually used to treat epilepsy in the past.
Stimulating decongestant, expectorant, anti-viral, diaphoretic, stimulating
nervine. The EO has a reputation as a hypertensive. Carminative, aperient.
Restorative nervine. Antiseptic and vulnerary.
Colds, ‘flu, bronchitis, catarrh, recurrent infections and immune deficiency.
Will liquefy viscid mucus. Gargle for sore throats. Cold and ‘flu prophylaxis.
Preparations & Dosages
Earlier herbalists undoubtedly saw hyssop as a most important cure-all,
bearing in mind, however, that they may in reality have been referring to
Greek sage. The potential toxicity of pinocamphone in the essential oil has
placed a question mark over its previously unquestioned safety. Probably a
water best used in smaller doses, over the short-term, until we have more
information regarding the levels of the various constituents of the volatile oil
present in the water.
Add 20 mls to hot water for a gentle inhalation for catarrh, bronchitis, ‘flu,
colds, asthma and hay fever.
Sip 10mls in water, three times daily, during times when mental clarity and
steady nerves are required. Combines well with rosemary water for this
Combines well with angelica water for bronchitis. Sip 5 mls 2 to 3 times daily
in cold or warm water with honey if desired.
Apply as a lotion or compress to cuts, sprains, bruises or swellings. Would
combine well with witch hazel for this purpose.
Contraindicated in epilepsy, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Take care with
hypertensive individuals. Best avoided with small infants.
Juniperus communis
Juniper berry water
Latin Name
Juniperus communis
Common Name
Parts Used
Ripe berries
History & Folklore
Juniper is one of the first plants to be used by Homo erectus – remains of the
berries have been found in pre-historic dwelling sites in the Swiss Lakes. The
Ancient Greeks, Tibetans and Native Americans frequently burned it as a
fumigant and ritual incense. Its anti-septic qualities were employed right into
the 19th Century when French hospitals burned the berries to prevent the
spread of smallpox.
Ruled by the Sun according to Culpepper
Hot in the third degree and Dry in the first degree, heats the heart, stomach,
kidneys and bladder.
Water element in Chinese medicine
Tonifies and stimulates kidney-yang
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains alpha and beta-pinene, sabinene, terpineol, myrcene
and cineole.
Powerful diuretic, antiseptic (especially of the urinary tract), detoxifier, antiinflammatory, carminative, emmenogogue.
Urinary infections, urine retention in prostate enlargement. Gout, arthritis,
water retention. Externally for oily and toxic skin conditions (e.g. acne)
Preparations & Dosages
Add lemon juice to juniper aromatic water to improve taste and the cleansing
properties of the water.
Sip 5 mls diluted in cold water, three times daily, for cystitis. Combines well
with yarrow fro this purpose.
For a cleansing, detoxification mixture for internal use, combine with fennel,
peppermint and Greek sage waters.
Use undiluted as a toner or mix with face-mask clay for oily and acne prone
Apply with oat bran and salt for a stimulating thigh/cellulite rub – rinse off
with cold water and follow with massage of appropriate oils.
Can be used in cooking – add to sauces, marinades and gravies.
Pregnancy, kidney disease and infection, ‘irritable’ bladder. Best avoided
internally by women prone to heavy menstrual bleeding.
Laurus nobilis
Bay leaf water
Latin Name
Laurus nobilis
Common Name
Bay leaf, sweet laurel, laurel
Parts Used
Ruled by the Sun, under the sign of Leo
Hot and dry
In TCM, its key actions are to circulate and regulate Qi-energy and to clear
cold phlegm.
History & Folklore
The Ancient Greeks dedicated Laurel bay to Apollo. At Delphi, the site of
Apollo’s oracle, laurel was one of the visionary herbs burnt by the temple
priestess as part of her prophetic ritual. It was also seen as a herb of
protection, and it became traditional (and still is to this day) to plant a laurel
bay by the front door of the house. The plant’s botanical name indicates the
high esteem in which it was held – ‘laurus’ from the Latin meaning praise,
and ‘nobilis’ meaning renowned or famous. It was the classical garland tree
and great men were crowned with its leaves and to be awarded a wreath was
a sign of academic distinction – hence the terms ‘baccalaureate’ and ‘poet
laureate’. Roman soldiers would carry a sprig to denote victory if a battle was
won. In 1629 Parkinson wrote the Paradisus Terrestris in which he said of
bay: ‘Bay leaves are necessary for both civil use and for physic, yea, both for
the living and to stick and deck forth the bodies of the dead, so that from the
cradle to the grave we have use of it’. Bay was one of the 400 simples used by
Hippocrates and was very favoured by Culpeper.
It has been used in perfumery and the making of bay rum, which combines an
extract of the leaves blended with cloves, cinnamon and pimento to make up
a well-known hair tonic and a refreshing aftershave lotion.
Unfortunately, the use of sweet bay has fallen somewhat out of fashion in
modern herbal medicine.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains: eugenol, myrcene, chavicol, cineol, linalool, alphapinene, and alpha-terpineol.
Carminative, digestive stimulant, rubefacient, analgesic, astringent, antiseptic,
circulatory and lymphatic stimulant, diuretic, hepatic, anti-catarrhal.
Lymphatic congestion, viral infections, digestive after rich/fatty foods.
Gingivitis, throat infections etc as mouthwash/gargle. deodorant spray,
dandruff and greasy hair rinse, bath for muscle aches and strains and chills,
lotion for oily skin and acne.
Preparations & Dosages
Bay is a superb remedy for all manner of cold conditions, characterised by
lymphatic congestion, catarrh, sluggish digestion and inability to deal with
fatty foods.
Combines well with coriander for sluggish digestion and abdominal bloating.
Sip 5 – 10 mls in cold water, three times daily.
Sip in cold water where there is nervous debility and poor concentration.
Combines well with rosemary for this purpose.
Add 30 ml to hot water to make an inhalation for catarrhal respiratory
problems such as bronchitis. Could be taken internally with hyssop, aniseed
or angelica waters for this purpose.
Use as a lotion, compress or in the bath for aching muscles and rheumatic
conditions. Combines well with rosemary and ginger for this purpose.
Add up to 20% in a cream for a warming muscle/joint rub.
Combine with peppermint water for an invigorating after exercise muscle
Use as a sweet-smelling underarm deodorant spray.
Can be used in cooking – sprinkle over cooked pasta, add to sauces, soups
with fish or meat.
Do not exceed recommended dosage.
Lavandula angustifolia
Lavender water
Latin Name
Lavandula angustifolia
Common Name
Parts Used
Flowering tops. If the flowers alone are distilled, the water has an unattractive
According to Culpeper, it is ruled by Mercury, and is hot in the third degree,
dry in the third degree, and heats the head
In TCM it is cool and dry, ruled by the Fire and Wood elements. It supports
Qi energy, especially to the Heart and cools the Liver.
History & Folklore
The name ‘lavender’ is derived from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning to wash, and
was the herb of choice by the Ancient Romans to scent their bath water. It was
recommended by Dioscorides for ‘ye griefs in ye thorax’ and was highly
regarded by St Hildegarde of Bingen who recommended it for maintaining a
pure character. In fact she dedicated a whole chapter to lavender in one of her
books. Gerard in 1597 wrote that a conserve of the flowers with sugar was
good for migraine, faintness and ‘doth help the passion and panting of the
heart’. This was echoed in 1660, when Richard Surflet wrote that the distilled
water of the flowers ‘restoreth the lost speech and healeth the swooning and
disease of the heart’. Another reference to distilled lavender water was made
by William Langham in the ‘Garden of Health’ in 1579, ‘Shred the herbe with
the flowers and distil it and drink two ounces of the water to help giddinesse
of the head and rub the head all over with it and let it dry by itself’.
During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, lavender was the favourite
strewing herb to keep off the plague. It was used to repel moths and insects.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains esters such as linalyl acetate, lavanduyl acetate,
alcohols include linalol and terpineol; cineol, linalool, borneol, nerol,
camphor, limonene, cadinene, cardophyllene. Other constituents include
flavonoids, tannins and coumarins.
Antidepressant, relaxant, balancing nervine, analgesic, antispasmodic,
vulnerary, carminative, cholagogue, antiseptic, cicasitrant, insecticidal.
Anxiety, depression and stressful situations, insomnia, high blood pressure,
palpitations, PMS and general irritability. Headaches and migraines
(internally and as a compress), as a compress for rheumatic pain and
neuralgia, hot flushes as a spray. Stress related asthma. Externally on
sun/burns, wounds, razor burn, useful on almost any skin problem.
Preparations & Dosages
Lavender water is unsurpassed as a skin remedy for any skin type and any
skin condition, and this earns it a well-deserved place in the first aid kit. The
added bonus is that it is so pleasant to use. It is worthwhile keeping a sprayer
of lavender water on hand in almost any situation, especially when travelling
in hot countries.
Use as an after sun sprayer. Mixes well with witch hazel for this purpose.
Helpful sprayed on insect bites – combine with chamomile or witch hazel
again if desired.
Use as a general purpose toner and make-up remover for any skin type.
Use as a spritzer during hot flushes. Combines well with rose water for this
purpose. To keep the mind focused, combine with sage water.
Use as an aftershave spray, to cool razor burn.
Spray over itchy skin conditions such as eczema for an instant cooling effect,
or add up to 20% to a cream.
Use in children’s baths to calm them before bedtime. Combine with
chamomile and use during nappy changes as a cleanser, to help prevent and
treat nappy rash.
Use as a lotion to clean children’s cuts.
Mix with rose geranium and use as a PMS mood enhancer.
Use a cold compress of lavender water over the eyes and forehead during
headaches and migraine.
Spray clothes in the wardrobe and in draws regularly with the water to repel
moths and delicately fragrance clothes.
For the ultimate luxury, use as a spray during ironing.
Internally, lavender has a rather soapy taste, and although it is perfectly safe
to use internally, the taste can put some people off unless it is blended. It may
be used to ease colic and spasm, and sipped by those suffering asthma or
tension headaches. Average adult dose is 10 – 15 ml three times daily.
Melissa officinalis
Lemon balm water
Latin Name
Melissa officinalis
Common Name
Lemon balm, Melissa, balm
Parts Used
Flowering tops and leaves
History & Folklore
The name Melissa is derived from the Greek ‘melittena’ or ‘honey bee’,
because, as Dioscorides noted, ‘bees do delight in the herb’. Beekeepers still
rub their hives with the plant, knowing that their bees will never leave and
hoping that other bees will come. The plant is native to the eastern
Mediterranean, and the Arabs were the first to extol its virtues. The Romans
introduced the plant to Britain. Both Dioscorides and Pliny noted the plant’s
analgesic, antispasmodic and vulnerary properties. Avicenna in his 11th
Century materia medica ‘The Canon of Medicine’ wrote that ‘balm maketh
the heart merry and joyful, and strengthens the vital spirits’. This reflects the
herb’s ancient reputation for easing cardiac and nervous disorders, and above
all, for counteracting melancholy. It was widely considered to promote
longevity. John Evelyn (1620-1706) said; ‘Balm is sovereign for the brain,
strengthening memory and powerfully chasing away melancholy’, and
Paraclesus called it ’The Elixir of Life’. Thomas Coghan, a 16th Century Oxford
Don, said ‘It is an hearbe greatly to be esteemed of students, for by a special
property it driveth away heaviness of mind, sharpeneth the understanding
and encreaseth memory’. In the 17th century the Carmelite monks in Paris
made a distillation of balm leaves called ‘Carmelite water’ which was used as
a perfume. It also includes lemon peel, nutmeg and angelica root.
According to Culpepper, Melissa is ruled by Jupiter under the domain of
Cancer. It is hot in the second degree, dry in the second degree, heats and
dries the lungs, heart and stomach. Purges melancholy.
In Oriental Medicine, it is associated mainly with the Fire element and is cool
and dry in temperament. It is indicated for stagnation of Qi-energy, for heat in
the liver and Heart and disturbance of the Mind (Shen).
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains geranial, citronellal and neral aldehydes; terpenes
include carophyllene and germacrene; citral, limonene, linalol. Other
constituents include flavonoids, triterpenes, polyphenols and tannins. The
volatile oil, in particular the constituents citral and citronellal, is responsible
for the plant’s calming effect on the limbic system within the brain, and for its
anti-spasmodic action. The water-soluble polyphenols are anti-viral and these
constituents are present in the AW, but not the EO.
Relaxant, antidepressant, antispasmodic, carminative, hypotensive,
vasodilator, cardiac relaxant, spasmolytic, nervine, anti-viral, gentle
cholagogue, diaphoretic (when taken as a hot infusion).
Anxiety and depression, hypertension, insomnia, palpitations of nervous
origin, cardiovascular over activity associated with an over active thyroid,
and other symptoms of cardiac irritability. Herpes simplex and zoster
(internally & externally). Gastro intestinal tract spasms, nausea, flatulence.
Asthma with a strong nervous component. Headaches, Premenstrual
syndrome and menstrual pain.
Preparations & Dosages
True Melissa oil is very expensive and hard to come by; the water offers a
good alternative with many of the added advantages of the tincture/infusion.
Probably one of the nicest waters to take internally. It is very light and
refreshing and can be added to iced summer drinks or simply diluted with
water or drunk on its own.
Ideal as a regular addition to drinking water. Add 10mls to a large glass of
water or 20mls to 500mls of mineral water.
Sip 5-10 mls in a little cold water 2 to 3 times daily for a relaxing/uplifting
effect, and to help with anxiety related high blood pressure, headaches and
GIT upsets and spasms.
Make your own version of Carmelite water by mixing melissa and angelica
waters, with a little lemon peel and nutmeg, as a remedy for palpitations of
nervous origin. Melissa, angelica and rosemary waters make a strengthening
and uplifting cardiac tonic for elderly people.
Add 30mls to 1 litre of water for children with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and drink throughout the day. Double the dose for adults.
Ideal for use during pregnancy for morning sickness, GIT upsets and as a
general nervine. Add a small amount of cinnamon and peppermint waters for
morning sickness. Use during the last few weeks of pregnancy to help
prepare for labour and act as a reassuring nervine.
Sip in a little water regularly for menopausal depression. Combines well with
rose water for this. Mix with rose geranium for premenstrual tension and sip
during period pain.
Take 10mls of the water 2 to 3 times a day at the onset of herpes simples and
apply the water liberally. Take regularly as a herpes prophylactic.
Dab onto cuts and insect stings. Helpful for allergic skin reactions too –
combine with chamomile or yarrow water.
Add to the steaming water when steaming vegetables or fish.
Add the water to jellies, jams fruit salads and stewed fruit. Flavour delicate
teas with a splash of the water rather than lemon. For a refreshing summer
drink, add lemon peel and sugar to diluted Melissa water. Chill and serve
with ice.
An immensely safe water.
Mentha x piperita
Peppermint water
Latin Name
Mentha x piperita
Common Name
Peppermint (probably a hybrid between spearmint and water mint)
Parts Used
History & Folklore
According to hieroglyphics found in the temple of Edfu, mint was used by the
Ancient Egyptians as a ritual perfume and was the ingredient of the sacred
incense ‘kyphi’. In Ancient Greece, athletes rubbed it into their bodies before
competitions and the Arabs have drunk it for centuries to stimulate their
virility. Both the Romans and Greeks used it to perfume their bodies and
bathwater, and felt that it stimulated clear thoughts, concentration and
inspiration. Pliny declared that ‘the very smell of it alone recovers and
refreshes the spirits just as the taste excites the appetite’. The essential oil was
used as early as the 14th century to whiten teeth and later to mask the smell of
tobacco. Peppermint only really became popular in Western Europe in the
18th Century, despite its ancient origins.
According to Culpeper, mint is under the domain of Venus. It is hot in the
third degree and dry in the third degree. Heats the stomach and womb.
According to TCM, it is cool and dry and associated primarily with the Earth
and Wood elements. It circulates Qi-energy, especially in the Stomach and
intestines, and clears hot phlegm.
Peppermint has a paradoxical warming and cooling effect on the body,
depending on how much is used. Small amounts are considered cooling,
whilst, larger amounts are felt to be more heating.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains the alcohol menthol; the ketones menthone and
piperitone; the oxide cineole; menthyl, 1,8-cineole, methyl acetate,
methofuran, isomethone, limonene, beta and alpha-pinene. Other constituents
include flavonoids, phenolic acids, and triterpenes.
Cooling externally (in small amounts), anaesthetic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, anti-parasitic,
carminative, cholagogue, cephalic, fast acting stimulating nervine.
Flatulent dyspepsia, IBS, nausea, dyskinaesic gallbladder, flatulence, Crohn’s
disease. Colds and ‘flu. Mental fatigue. Hot itchy rashes or insect bites,
mouthwash, as a compress for muscle and nerve pain, bruises and contusions.
Preparations & Dosages
Sip 5 to 10mls of the diluted water 2 to 3 times daily or as required for IBS,
flatulence, sluggish liver or digestion. Can be combined with fennel, yarrow,
or chamomile waters as required.
Mix with sweet basil water to normalise bowel motions in IBS.
Combine with Roman chamomile for a good GIT antispasmodic.
Add 20-30mls to 500mls of mineral water and drink throughout the day –
ideal as a hot weather drink. Dilute with water, add ice, sugar and fresh mint
leaves and serve as a cooling summer drink.
Combine with rosemary water for an alternative to morning coffee, for people
who are sluggish in the morning.
Sip peppermint water for an instant ‘pick–me-up’.
Add the water to hot water to make an inhalation for colds, catarrh and
Use as an after exercise rub for sore, tired muscles. Could also be added to a
cream for this purpose and mixed with bay, ginger and rosemary.
Makes a great after-shave spray.
Ideal as a mouthwash – combine with cardamom or Greek sage as required.
Spray over the feet or face for a delightfully cooling effect in hot weather.
Do not give to children under 3 to 5 years. Take care on sensitive skins. Avoid
in large amounts during pregnancy or whilst breast-feeding.
Pelargonium graveolens
Rose geranium water
Latin Name
Pelargonium graveolens
Common Name
Rose geranium
Parts Used
Leaves and flowering tops.
History & Folklore
Native to South Africa, rose geranium was introduced into Europe in the late
17th Century and it became a popular garden plant. There is little reference to
the herb in old manuscripts. The French chemist Recluz was the first to distil
the leaves in 1819, and since then it has become an important ingredient in
perfumes and is often use as a substitute for rose oil.
In TCM, it is considered to be cool and moist, mainly associated with the
water element. It encourages the circulation of Qi and Blood, reinforces Qienergy of the Spleen and Pancreas and promotes yin energy of the body as a
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains the alcohols citronellol, geraniol and linalool; the
ester citronellyl formats; aldehydes include geranial.
Anti-depressant, astringent, styptic, haemostatic, cicatrisant, vulnerary,
balancing nervine, tonic, antiseptic, insect-repellent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, strengthens blood vessels, analgesic, pancreatic stimulant,
lymphatic stimulant, adrenal tonic, detoxifier, aphrodisiac.
PMS, menorrhagia, premenstrual water retention, anxiety and depression,
menopausal mood swings. Hypoglycaemia, especially premenstrual blood
sugar swings. Neuralgia and joint pain. Blemished and toxic skin conditions,
suitable for all skin types including sensitive skins, balances sebum
production, useful in acne and oily skin, scars, acne rosacea. Astringent action
ideal as sore throat gargle and in weeping eczema. Haemorrhoids, varicose
Preparations and Dosages
The beauty of rose geranium water is that it is a total pleasure to use, both
internally and externally. It is the skin care water and can be blended with the
likes of rose, lavender and witch hazel, or used alone, to produce beautiful
facial creams and toners. It is superbly balancing to the skin with both
astringing and moisturising properties, and to top it all, it is strongly anti
microbial and has good scar healing properties – this really is the water for
those suffering blemished and combination skin.
Add 20-30mls to 500mls of mineral water and drink throughout the day as a
refreshing, calming and uplifting drink. Mixes well with rose water as a
Sip 5 to 10mls 2 to 3 times daily for PMS, menopausal problems and any
hormone related mood swings. Can be combined with Vitex water for this.
Superb in a base cream and as a toner for problem skin and for treating acne
rosacea (could be combined with chamomile in the latter case).
Excellent in eczema, haemorrhoid and varicose vein creams and for treating
broken veins. Could be combined with witch hazel, yarrow, or rosemary
waters as required.
Use as a lotion for washing out cuts and wounds.
As a mouthwash for bleeding gums. Combine with witch hazel or myrrh
Apply as a compress or cream for nerve pain and hot, inflamed joints and
Spray over heavy, tired legs.
Use as a spritzer for hot flushes. Combines well with rose for this.
Use liberally in clay or oatmeal facemasks
Use neat as a makeup remover.
Add to deserts, fruit salads, jellies and martini.
Very safe water
Pimpinella anisum
Aniseed water
Latin Name
Pimpinella anisum
Common Name
Aniseed, anise
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Native to the eastern Mediterranean, western Asia and North Africa, anise
was cultivated by the Ancient Egyptians and Romans; at Roman weddings a
cake flavoured with aniseed was part of the marriage feast. Powdered and
mixed with honey, anise was considered to have aphrodisiac properties.
Dioscorides in the 1st Century AD wrote that anise ‘warms, dries and
dissolves; facilitates breathing, relieves pain, provokes urine and eased thirst’.
No data available in Western terms; would most probably be categorised as
warm and dry.
In TCM, it increases Qi, restores cardiac and respiratory functions and expels
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil includes anethole, methyl chavicol and other terpenes. Other
phenylpropanoids, sterols and proteins. Anethole has an oestrogenic effect
Relaxing expectorant, carminative, digestive, circulatory stimulant, urinary
antiseptic, antispasmodic, insecticidal, galactogogue. Weiss states that the
expectorant action of aniseed is greater than fennel or caraway, but that the
carminative action is less than these two herbs.
Bloating, wind, colic, cramps, dysmenorrhoea. Coughs, asthma, whooping
cough and bronchitis. Poor breast milk production. Low libido, nervous
exhaustion, nervous headaches, anxiety, insomnia. Externally for lice and
Preparations & Dosages –
Aniseed is one of the constituents of gripe water (the others being dill and
fennel), and may be sipped for a wide range of digestive upsets. Combines
well with ginger, bay, fennel and peppermint.
Breast-feeding women may sip 5mls, 1 to 2 times daily to enhance breast milk
flow and to pass on the anti-spasmodic action of the water to the baby.
Sip 5 mls for coughs as required, and up to three times daily. Add to hot
water, honey and other waters such as angelica.
Add 10mls to hot water along with other suitable waters and oils for a
soothing inhalation for respiratory tract infections.
Sip diluted in water with ice for a non-alcoholic Pernod drink.
Contraindicated in Pregnancy. Do not exceed recommended dosage.
Anethole can cause dermatitis in some individuals – therefore external use
best avoided in allergic and inflammatory skin conditions.
Avoid in therapeutic doses if suffering from endometriosis or oestrogendependent cancers.
Rosa damascena
Damask rose petals water
Latin Name
Rosa damascena
Common Name
Damask rose, gallica rose, Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose.
Parts Used
History & Folklore
The rose has always been associated with love, compassion, perfection and
beauty, and is sacred to Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. In Ancient
Persia it was considered a panacea. The damask rose was the first to be used
for making rose water by Avicenna in the 10th Century. Pliny listed 32
medicines that could be prepared from roses. The rose has also been
associated with secrecy – it was suspended from the ceiling at meetings which
were held in the strictest of confidence, placed by the confessional in Roman
Catholic churches and used as symbol (placed at the centre of a cross) by the
secret Rosicrucian society, founded by philosophers and alchemists in the 15 th
Century. Culpeper used rose as an anti-inflammatory remedy.
According to Culpeper, ruled by Jupiter and Venus. Cold and dry in the first
degree, cools the head, heart, lungs and stomach.
Ruled by the fire element in TCM, cool and moist, restores yin energy
(especially heart yin), clears heat in liver and stimulates stagnant Qi-energy.
Constituents & Pharmacology
Geraniol, nerol, citronellol, stearpoten, phenyl ethanol, farnesol, eugenol,
geranic acid, myrcene.
Calming and uplifting, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, cardio-active,
hypotensive, cooling astringent, aphrodisiac. Tonic with particular affinity to
the heart, female reproductive organs and liver.
Anxiety and depression, bereavement, heartbreak, menopausal mood swings,
functional infertility, irregular periods, and pelvic congestion. For anxiety
related palpitations. Conditions of heat relating to the liver and circulation.
Gastro-intestinal ulceration. Suitable for all skin types especially dry, mature,
sensitive skins. Will restore the skin’s pH. Use in eczema creams. Superb in
cooking. Combines well with Melissa for herpes simplex and zoster (internal
and external use).
Preparations & Dosages
The roses grown for Avicenna rose aromatic water are grown at high altitude
in Mount Lebanon. They are distilled in the field, to produce a divine water.
Rose can be used liberally, both internally and externally.
Use up to 20% in cream bases.
Add 20-30ml to 500mls of mineral water to give a subtle flavour and calming
effect. Drink up to 1 litres daily. Ideal for people who find it difficult to drink
plain water, or work in stressful office situations. Take regularly for
depression and anxiety.
Menopausal women can keep a spritzer on them for use during hot flushes.
Ideal as a toner for dry, mature skin. Can also be used in face masks, steams
and compresses.
Ideal as a face spritzer during travel, especially on dehydrating plane
Pregnant women can sip the water and use it as a lovely spritzer during
Rose essential oil is contra-indicated during pregnancy, so care should be
taken by pregnant women with the water until more data is available.
Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosemary water
Latin Name
Rosmarinus officinalis
Common Name
Parts Used
Flowering tops
History & Folklore
The name rosemary is derived from the Latin ‘ros marinus’ meaning ‘rose of
the sea’ or ‘dew of the sea’. It was dedicated by the Ancient Greeks to the
solar deity of Apollo, and it has associations with Venus, Aphrodite and the
Virgin Mary. In ancient Egypt, the sprigs were burned as ritual incense, and
placed in the tombs of the pharaohs to help them recall their former life. To
the Ancient Greeks and Romans, the plant was sacred, symbolic of loyalty,
death, remembrance, and scholarly learning. At weddings and important
occasions, garlands of rosemary were worn as an emblem of trust and
constancy. Rosemary’s association with remembrance has persisted for
centuries. Culpeper certainly recognised it as a cephalic when he said: The
decoction of rosemary in wine, helps….’diseases of the head and brain, as the
giddiness and swimmings therin, drowsiness or dullness, the dumb palsy, the
loss of speech, the lethargy, the falling sickness, to be both drunk and the
temples bathed therewith…It helps a weak memory and quickens the senses’.
Dioscorides recommended it as a powerful remedy for stomach and liver
problems. Similarly, Hippocrates said it should be cooked with vegetables to
overcome liver and spleen disorders. Galen prescribed it for jaundice. The
whole character of the plant was expressed by William Langham in ‘The
Garden of Health’ in 1579 when he wrote; ‘Seethe much Rosemary, and bathe
therein to make thee lusty, lively, joyfull, likeing and youngly’. It was first
distilled in the 13th Century. One of the earliest known perfumed waters is
Hungary water, made from a recipe given to the 72 year old Queen Elizabeth
of Hungary by a hermit in 1370. It is said to have been made by distilling the
tips and flowers of rosemary with ‘aqua vitae’ – the first mention of the
employment of alcohol for extracting the essential oil of a plant. After one
year of using the preparation internally and externally, she is said to have
recovered her health, strength and beauty to the extent that the King of
Poland wanted to marry her! Rosemary is also one of the ingredients of eau
de cologne.
According to Culpeper, rosemary is ruled by the Sun, under the domain of
Aries. Hot and dry in the second degree. It heats the head, heart and joints.
In TCM, it is warm and dry, ruled by the fire element. It is a yang tonic,
promoting circulation of Qi-energy, especially of the Heart, and blood.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil includes the oxides cineole; the terpenes pinene and
camphene; the ketones camphor; the alcohol borneol; also limonene, linalool.
Circulatory stimulant, cardiotonic, antidepressant, adrenal support, cephalic,
nervine, aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant. Rubefacient, analgesic, antiseptic, antifungal. Anti-inflammatory, carminative, mild choleretic, astringent, anodyne,
digestive. Mild diuretic. Expectorant. Emmenogogue. Rosemary water does
not contain the same bitterness as other preparations of the herb.
Depression, poor memory and concentration, poor circulation and lethargy,
low blood pressure, arteriosclerosis. Nervous debility, ME and PVF.
Headaches and migraine. Dyspepsia, flatulence, abdominal distension, liver
and gallbladder problems. Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, irregular periods.
Compress for nerve and muscle aches, and rheumatic pains. Externally for
oily hair, dandruff, and as a toner for normal to oily skin.
Preparations & Dosages
Sip 10-15ml in water three times daily, at times when mental alertness is
required e.g. at exam time.
Excellent as a gentle heart and circulatory tonic for older people, especially
where there are signs of cardiac insufficiency. The strong aroma helps to
revive fading senses too.
Sip or rub onto the temples for headaches, migraines, fainting fits, vertigo
attacks. Would combine well with lavender, sage or lemon balm waters in
these conditions.
Take over the long-term for nervous exhaustion, physical exhaustion and
’failure to thrive’. Ideal as a tonic for those who are convalescing.
Use as a coffee substitute if withdrawing from caffeine, and sip 10mls in a
little cold water for an instant lift.
Combine with peppermint as a stimulating after exercise rub, or apply as a
lotion or cream over painful joints and muscles. Particularly good combined
with ginger for joint/muscle conditions which respond well to heat.
Rub into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and spray onto hair and leave to
dry to promote a glossy shine. Ideal as a rinse for greasy hair. Add to
shampoos and conditioners.
Add to creams and lotions for varicose veins.
Use as a toner for normal to oily skin.
Can be added to savoury and sweet dishes. The flavour of the water is quite
soft and floral.
Avoid in epilepsy (although rosemary has been used to treat epilepsy) and
pregnancy. Take care with hypertensive individuals.
Salvia triloba
Greek sage water
Latin Name
Salvia triloba
Common Name
Greek sage
Parts Used
History & Folklore
This plant has tradition reputation as a cure-all, which will promote
longevity. Greek sage is most probably the sage referred to by Dioscorides
and other Ancients. It is unclear which types of sage are being specifically
referred to in historical texts and folklore. However, in general the name sage
is derived from the Latin meaning ‘salvere’, meaning ‘to be saved’. It is
possible that Hyssop has become confused with Greek sage and that it is
actually Greek sage that was referred to in the Bible and by the ancients as a
purification and longevity herb.
According to Culpepper, common sage is ruled by Jupiter, hot and dry in the
second degree. It heats the stomach, liver, spleen, womb and joints.
Constituents & Pharmacology
Similar in composition to Salvia lavendulaefolia (Spanish sage). The volatile
oil contains cineole, linalool, alpha pinene, camphene, camphor, borneol,
thujone (0.72-1.86%). The most notable aspect of Greek sage is its much lower
levels of thujone.
Outstanding antimicrobial properties against klebsiella, Streptococcal,
Staphylococcus and Candida albicans infections. Nervine, adrenal tonic, antidepressant, circulatory stimulant, hypotensive. Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive tonic, hepatic, carminative, astringent. Emmenogogue.
Expectorant, febrifuge.
Nervous exhaustion, stress related conditions. Fungal infections, thrush, boils,
ulcer/wounds, gingivitis, gargle for sore throats. Dandruff, acne. Bloating,
wind, colic, indigestion, sluggish liver and jaundice. Asthma, colds, coughs,
fever and laryngitis. Amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. Excessive sweating.
Preparations & Dosages
Sip 5-10mls in a little cold water 2 or 3 times daily to combat nervous
exhaustion. Combines well with rosemary for this.
An ideal tonic remedy for older people, again, excellent in combination with
rosemary and Melissa waters.
Combines well with yarrow, fennel and juniper for general detoxifying and
cleansing purposes. A course of the water can be taken to support and cleanse
the liver.
Apply as a lotion or in creams to infected skin, boils, acne and fungal
infections. Mix with myrrh water for thrush.
Sip before the period to promote menstruation, for scanty periods and to
relieve period pain.
Sip in cold water to alleviate menopausal symptoms hot sweats, and anxiety
related sweating.
Dilute in water and take for IBS symptoms. Could be combined with German
Apply in lotions or creams on muscle aches and pains.
Mix with cardamom and myrrh as a mouthwash for gingivitis.
Use alone or with rosemary as a hair tonic and shiner. Rub into the scalp and
spray over wet hair after the final rinse. Massage into the scalp to treat
Use in sauces, pastas, marinades and meat dishes.
Pregnancy. Epileptics may be advised to avoid in therapeutic doses. Greek
sage is much less stimulating and toxic than common sage. Although
traditionally viewed as a hypotensive, monitor hypertensive individuals.
Valeriana officinalis
Valerian root water
Latin Name
Valeriana officinalis
Common Name
Valerian root
Parts Used
Root and rhizome
History & Folklore
Valerian is derived from the Latin meaning ‘powerful’. It has been used as a
relaxing remedy since Roman times, and was given the name ‘phu’ to reflect
its smell. However, in the East, it was used as a perfume. It was known as ‘allheal’ in the middle ages.
According to Culpeper, it is under the domain of Mercury, hot in the first
degree, dry in the second degree. It heats the heart, bowels and kidneys.
Constituents & Pharmacology
Volatile oil constitutes up to 1.4% of the plant and includes bornyl acetate,
beta-carophyllene, borneol, pinene, camphene, and methyl-2-pyrrole ketone.
Valerianic acid, isovalerianic acid, sesquiterpenes, valepotriates, volatile
Tranquilliser, antispasmodic, hypotensive, carminative, hypotensive. The oil
is credited with killing the typhoid bacillus within 45 minutes of contact.
Insomnia, anxiety and irritability, premenstrual tension, period pain, visceral tension
such as IBS, hypertension, palpitations, migraine.
Preparations & Dosages
A very new aromatic water, which requires greater feedback on its specific
applications. It provides a good alternative to the tincture for those who wish
to avoid alcohol, whilst still having the fast effect of the tincture. Sip 5-10mls
in water as required, and up to three times daily, to alleviate, anxiety and
nervous tension. Take 5-10ml in a little water for insomnia.
Combine with Melissa to treat hypertension.
Combine with any carminative water to treat stress related bowel problems.
Should be considered for any condition with a large stress-related component.
A small number of people may be stimulated by valerian. Avoid if taking
sleeping medication.
Vitex agnus-castus
Chaste-tree water
Latin Name
Vitex agnus-castus
Common Name
Vitex, agnus-castus, chaste tree berry
Parts Used
History & Folklore
Vitex was thought to reduce unwanted sexual desire and was chewed by
monks to reduce sexual desire. It is native to the Mediterranean area and
western Asia.
Constituents & Pharmacology
The volatile oil contains: cineol; also alkaloids, flavonoids and the iridoids
aucubin, agnoside and eurostoside.
Hormonal regulator – possibly progesteronal, galactogogue.
PMS, irregular or short menstrual cycle, infertility, premenstrual migraine,
premenstrual acne and acne in men.
Preparations & Dosages
Another new aromatic water, which still needs more information regarding
its specific actions as compared with the tincture or other preparations.
Sip 5mls every morning in a little water to regulate periods etc. Combines
well with rose geranium for this purpose.
Avoid in relative progesterone deficiency states. May not be suitable in
polycystic ovarian disease. Women taking progestogen therapy should seek
Zingiber officinalis
Ginger root water
Latin Name
Zingiber officinalis
Common Name
Ginger root
Parts Used
Fresh root
History & Folklore
Ginger is mentioned in the writings of Confucius as early as 500BC, and in
Chinese medicine texts of 200 years ago. The Ancient Greeks used it after it
was brought to Greece by Alexander the Great. Both Hippocrates and
Dioscorides recommended it in cooking and to treat stomach problems. At the
medieval university of Salerno in Italy, the famous medical school there
promoted ginger as a herb to ensure a happy life in later years.
In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger enhances fire in the body
Constituents & Pharmacology
Volatile oil contains geranial, neral, geraniol, geranyl acetate, zingiberene, 1,8cineole.
Analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, antemetic,
antiviral and antibacterial, vasodilator, diffusive circulatory stimulant,
aphrodisiac, tonic, anti-coagulant in high doses.
Any cold condition will benefit from ginger, both physically and emotionally.
Ideal for dysmenorrhoea associated with scanty periods. It has an application
for almost any digestive upset – take care in conditions associated with heat
and inflammation. Travel sickness and morning sickness or nausea of any
cause. It will alleviate coughs and colds, especially those associated with chills
and shivering, and is useful in any catarrhal condition. Can help in high blood
pressure and poor circulation. Clotty, scanty periods, dysmenorrhoea. Include
in treatment regimes to improve fertility in women.
Preparations & Dosages
Sip 5mls of the water diluted in a little cold or hot water as required to
alleviate indigestion, nausea, travel sickness and almost any digestive upset.
Could be combined with fennel, cinnamon, angelica, cardamom, aniseed,
chamomile, dill, melissa or valerian.
Mix with honey, lemon, Greek sage, hyssop, bay or yarrow water and hot
water for a comforting drink at the onset of coughs, colds or other viral
People with ‘cold constitutions’ should take ginger regularly. Combine with
rosemary, yarrow or cinnamon for improving poor circulation.
Combine with valerian and cinnamon waters for period pain.
Combine with valerian and melissa waters to treat high blood pressure.
Add to creams and lotions for applying to arthritic joints and aching muscles.
Can be combined with rosemary or bay waters.
Avoid taking in therapeutic doses if taking anti-coagulant therapy. May
rarely cause skin sensitisation.
References and Bibliography
Hydrosols – the Next
Suzanne Catty
Healing Arts
The Complete Floral
Aromatherapy for Healing
the Spirit
The Complete Guide to
A Country Herbal
Culpeper’s Medicine
Anne McIntyre
Gaia Books Ltd
Gabriel Mojay
Gaia Books Ltd
Salvatore Battaglia
Culpeper’s Complete
The Encyclopedia of
Medicinal Plants
Case Notes
Joe Nasr
The Perfect
Webb & Bower
Element Books
Magna Books
Lesley Gordon
Graeme Tobyn