Contact Contact March 2015 Newsletter of Haemophilia Foundation WA Inc. March 2015 HAEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION WA INC. City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi Street, West Perth WA 6005 P: 08 9420 7294 F: 08 9486 8966 E: [email protected] W: Page Contact March 2015 Page 2 Your Committee Gavin Finkelstein (President) Cheryl Ellis (Vice President) Robert Butler (Treasurer) Shane Meotti (Secretary) Jenny Holliday Marcus West Dustin Bridges Pamela & Brian Wall Inside This Issue 0415 978 031 0402 033 652 9284 3383 Profiles of committee members can be found on the website, “Your Committee”. Haemophilia Counsellor/Co-ordinator is located at Fiona Stanley Hospital Ph: (08) 6152 6529 Mobile 0404 039 971 SUE HABERFELD Monday & Thursday 8.00am—4.30pm President’s Report Farewell from Sharon Hawkins Women’s Breakfast Invite Perry Lakes Youth Event Introduction from Sue Haberfeld Factored In Update Conference Funding - EOI Fundraising City to Surf - Save the Date Get Involved Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Entertainment Books Kids Corner Dates to Remember 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 Attachments Conference 2015 Registration Brochure Office Coordinator Haemophilia Foundation WA Office Ph: (08) 9420 7294 Fax: (08) 9486 8966 Email address: [email protected] Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.15am—4.15pm Newsletter kindly printed by Fuji Xerox FIONA STANLEY HOSPITAL CONTACT DETAILS Clerk: 08 6152 4137 Medical Staff: Dr Stephanie P’ng, Dr Dominic Pepperell. Nursing Staff: Claire McGregor and Sandra Lochore. Social Worker: Sue Haberfeld ABDR Data Manager and Clinical Trial Coordinator: Marina Goruppi Entrance to the Cancer Centre is on the outside of the building Haemophilia and Haemostasis Centre Level 1 Cancer Centre Fiona Stanley Hospital 102-118 Murdoch Drive Murdoch WA 6150 Postal Address (address all correspondence as Private & Confiden al) Haemophilia and Haemostasis Centre Level 1 Cancer Centre Fiona Stanley Hospital Locked Bag 100 Palmyra DC WA 6961 Opinions expressed in Contact do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation. All information is published in good faith but no responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies that may result from events beyond our control. HFWA reserves the right to edit articles as it sees necessary. Materials supplied on the internet is for information purposes only and is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment. Contact March 2015 Page 3 President’s Report Hi Everyone The last month has the seen the beginning of major changes for HFWA. Firstly, Melanie has resigned after 8 years of great service to HFWA and our community, and she will be sorely missed. We wish Mel all the best in her future pursuits. We are in the process of finding a suitable replacement and we will introduce our new Office Co-ordinator in due course to you all. To cap things off, Sharon resigned from her position as our social worker, effective at the end of March. Sharon has been "on and off" with HFWA for about 15 years, initially as our office coordinator, then in her next incarnation as our social worker. She has served our community so well that she needs a break to go and start a new phase of her life. We wish Sharon all the best in the future and look forward to seeing that book published - one day !!! If you have any queries as to what is happening with the social worker position, please contact us. Do not take any action yet; we may need to call on the community, but if we do it will be in an organised and coordinated way. It’s imperative that we get the best result we can for our community, and we do not want this opportunity to be jeopardised. Although we have lost Mel and will be losing Sharon, the work of HFWA doesn't stop. There is a Women's Breakfast at The Pagoda on Sunday 29th of March. We have the annual Bunnings Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Homebase, 55 Salvado Rd, Subiaco on Saturday 11th of April and we are looking for willing helpers, so if you are available please email the office. If you are unable to help out we are always in need of drinks to sell at the sausage sizzle, please contact the office ([email protected]) to drop them off whilst someone is there. Our two main fundraising goals over the next year are to get as many people to the Australia and New Zealand Haemophilia Conference, which is being held on the Gold Coast from 1 to 3 October. Please register your interest as soon as possible. Our other big item is the Community Camp to be held in March 2016. Should you wish to discuss any issues that are of concern feel free to contact me. Gavin Finkelstein President The newsletter is kindly printed by Fuji Xerox Please note: The HFWA Committee are currently recruiting for a new Office Co-ordinator. In this interim period the HFWA Office is being staffed by volunteers from the committee and may not be opened during the usual hours. If you are planning to come into the office please call ahead to ensure someone is there. Should you need to contact someone from the Foundation urgently and are unable to make contact with the office please refer to the Committee contact numbers on page 2. Contact March 2015 Page 4 Farewell from Sharon Hawkins As Gavin has advised in the Presidents Report, I am leaving the position of Senior Social Worker –Haemophilia, with 30th March being my last day. I have worked in this position since 2004 and as Gavin mentioned, I had previously worked with the Haemophilia Foundation WA in the Secretary/Co-Ordinator position and assisted with the 1999 Conference co-ordinating. This history working with people with inherited bleeding disorders has been a major part of my life and has offered me innumerable opportunities to extend and challenge my practice as a social worker, and to increase my self confidence and personal development. For the breadth of experience I have benefitted from, I am sincerely grateful to the entire community of people I have worked with, and most particularly to the health professional staff at Princess Margaret Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, Fremantle Hospital & Fiona Stanley Hospital, as well as all the committee members of Haemophilia Foundation WA, the broader community of Haemophilia Foundation Australia and the Social Workers and Counsellors Group. It is with some sadness that I leave a position that I have reaped a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction from filling, however, the time is right for me to move onto a new and exciting stage in my life. As a social worker, I have walked beside many people reaching decisions to make change in their lives, and have witnessed from afar these people attaining their goals and finding fulfilment, and this has been my inspiration to move away from my role and seek some new challenges. I consider it a privilege to have been involved with each and every person I’ve had contact with in my role, and very lucky to have experienced the amazing resilience, positivity and humour that envelopes the diverse community of people with inherited bleeding disorders. My heartfelt thanks goes to all the individuals, families and organisations, and I wish all well for the future. Sharon Hawkins If anyone has any concerns or comments about the future provision of a social work service to PMH, FSH or in the community, please contact the HFWA at [email protected] or 9420 7294 Women’s Breakfast Invitation Sharon Hawkins would like to invite you to a Women’s Breakfast on Sunday 29 March 2015. Please see below for details: VENUE: The Pagoda, 112 Melville Parade, Como TIME: 9.00am DATE: 29 March 2015 RSVP: 25 March 2015 to: HFWA Office on 9420 7294 or [email protected] or Sharon Hawkins on 9224 2330 or [email protected] The Women’s Breakfast is funded by HFWA and free to members. Contact March 2015 Page 5 Perry Lakes Youth Event - 7 March 2015 Socialising, Eating & Competition at its Finest! With the challenge set, it was only a matter of time before the rivalry would begin, and so it did. Race names were claimed and game faces were on. Start your engines! What a great day we all had. Youth ages varied from 12-17, with the mentors also joining the pit crew. Experience or not, this game was not giving anyone an advantage. We started the day with a bit of socialising and ball play, then it was time for the simulator -10 minute car race rounds. Heats were played & then it was down to the quarter finals. There was an upset when the car simulator needed a reboot; was this planned, or was a player grasping the steering wheel so hard he corrupted the game?? All in all, the car challenge was intense, competitive and fun. A big congrats goes to Dale Spencer (mentor) for winning the race, with Justin Robertson coming in runner up. During lunch we had a visit from an overly friendly Kookaburra, who may have been slightly more partial to our sausage sizzle than Taj wanted to experience. But with all 10 fingers still intact, he was the winner of ‘Best on Ground’. Taj demonstrated an all round involvement on the day, joining in with everyone for sports, racing and socialising. ‘King of the Hill’ went to Dale, taking the car simulator head on and gaining the “Champion” belt title. The title is up for grabs each event, and its your challenge to take Dale down next time, and hold the title and the belt! ‘Best quote or saying of the day’ went to Justin Robertson, who was fabulous in his inquisitive Continued next page Contact March 2015 Page 6 Perry Lakes Youth Event - 7 March 2015 Socialising, Eating & Competition at its Finest! From Page 4 nature wanting to know everything there was to know about the car simulator and how it worked. Was this his advantage? Dale, Justin and Taj each received vouchers for their achievements on the day. Big thanks to our helpers on the day and especially for the impromptu Touch Football game that followed. There’s definitely some competing to be had at the next event. Watch out for Zed, he’s got the mean roll for the try, and Darren, who will eventually get why we pass backwards. All in all a fantastic start to some great events coming up! See our flyer for this years events’, and if you want to know any more, just drop me a line [email protected] Come along and check us out, but be warned - it might be fun! On March 7 2015, HFWA held a youth event. This youth event is the first I have been to as I have just turned 12. I'm happy that I can finally come to the youth events now. The youth event was Simulator Circuit racing. We had a competition consisting of several rounds and a knock out. The racing was exciting, thrilling, and challenging. We were driving Lamborghini's! Being together with everyone else was awesome as well, as we had not seen each other a while - camp was a long time ago. HFWA provided a sausage sizzle lunch for all the teens and even a kookaburra got a feed when it swooped down and grabbed a sausage for itself The next youth event will be Gladiators and I am really looking forward to it. Justin Robertson Pam Wall Introducing our new Social Worker at FSH I am looking forward to meeting the bleeding disorders community, and to providing an adult Social Work Service for adults at Fiona Stanley Hospital. I will be working on Mondays and Thursdays from 8.00 to 4.30 and can be contacted on 0404.039.971 or landline 6152.6529. Given Sharon’s wealth of knowledge and experience, I am so appreciative of being able to spend some time with her at Fiona Stanley and wish her all the best in her future. Sue Haberfield Contact March 2015 Page 7 Factored In Update Factored In is the Haemophilia Foundation of Australia's website for young people aged 13 to 30 years old. The website has lots of useful information on things like travel, sport & employment, and if a topic is not covered you can submit your own questions to be answered by your peers or medical professionals. You can also add personal stories and join discussions about life issues growing up with a bleeding disorder. Comments and stories can be left anonymously if you choose. The aim of the website is to provide a safe, judgement free place for young people to ask questions, network and share their experiences. The difference between Factored In and other social media websites is that all comments and stories are checked by moderators before they appear. This ensures that privacy isn't inadvertently breached and that any medical information provided has been checked by a health professional for accuracy. I recently attended a weekend of training provided by HFA to become one of these moderators and learn about some of the cyber-safety issues related to maintaining a website such as factored in. A group of young people from around Australia have joined this moderators group, and it was great to work with a bunch of such highly motivated people. In addition to the moderator training, we also made a short video advert for the site which you will hopefully see soon. I highly recommend you check the website out. A lot of hard work has been put into the website in the background, so it would be fantastic to see it really take off. The more people we have actively using the site, the better it will become. I hope to be approving some of your comments or stories soon! -Dustin Bridges. Expressions of Interest - 2015 Conference Funding Please send me an application kit to apply for funding to attend the 2015 Australian & New Zealand Conference on haemophilia and related bleeding disorders, 1-3 Oct - Gold Coast. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Postcode: __________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ Please send me the kit Via: o Mail or o Email. Please return this form by 22 May 2015 to: Office Coordinator Haemophilia Foundation Western Australia City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 Contact March 2015 Fundraising What’s On for 2015 Saturday 11th April Sausage Sizzle at Bunning’s Subiaco Sunday 30th August City to Surf Saturday 7th November Quiz Night raising funds for Camp 2016 Haemophilia Quiz Night - 7th November 2015 Save the Date Great News!!!! We are having a quiz night this year to raise funds for a camp in 2016. For those of you who came to our last Quiz Night you will know it will be a night full of lots of fun and great prizes. We are now looking for volunteers to help set up on the day or help in anyway and anyone who would like to donate any prizes. If you can help please call the office on 94207294 or Jenny Holliday on 0410100237. So grab all your friends and family and get a table together for a great night. Remember to save the date – 7th November 2015 !!!! Jenny Holliday Page 8 Contact March 2015 Page 9 SAVE THE DATE FOR 2015! The Chevron City to Surf for Activ will be back in 2015, so mark Sunday 30 August in your diary! With the weather cooling down there's no better time to hit the pavement than now so you're ready to blitz your running or walking goals come race day! Instructions for registering with Team Haemophilia will be available shortly. In the meantime see how many people you can get involved to either join you on the day or donate. This year we hope to have a big contingent of walkers and runners for Team Haemophilia, sporting tutus and red capes. Marcus and Jenny’s Training Tips: ¨ Put the date in your calendar and work out how many weeks to go. ¨ Ask your family and friends to join too. ¨ Agree on a time, the days & place to do your training together - it’s always more fun as a group. ¨ Get started – don’t put it off – do it today and back it up within 2 days. ¨ Make space in your calendar – book it in, if you have an electronic calendar, there is nothing like a reminder to help keep you on track. ¨ Build up – start with a walk or even a bike ride for a low impact option. Get used to getting out regularly. Whatever you do, don’t try to break records on your first outing! Slow, steady and regular is a sure-fire recipe for success. ¨ Keep a log – if you have a smart phone, consider getting an app that tracks your progress. It’s amazing how motivating seeing your sessions build up is. There are heaps of free ones available – just be aware that they do use data and will use battery charge. ¨ Most importantly – enjoy yourself. Happy training! Marcus and Jenny Contact March 2015 Page 10 Get Involved World Hemophilia Day 2015 Building a family of support Join us on April 17 to raise awareness about bleeding disorders and the need to build a family of support for those living with them. Families come in many forms but they all share the ability to support and advocate. World Hemophilia Day provides an opportunity to talk to your extended family and friends, colleagues, and caregivers to raise awareness and increase support for those living with an inherited bleeding disorder. You can also go one step further and have a local landmark, a light in your home or office, or your front porch light lit in red on April 17 to show your commitment to the bleeding disorder community. This year connect to the global bleeding disorder family on the World Federation of Hemophilia social media network and encourage your online community to join the global family. Global Feast Eat, drink and be caring Help stop the severe pain and disability experienced by people with bleeding disorders in the developing world and here at home. This year, participate in Global Feast, the international event in support of people worldwide with bleeding disorders. It’s never been so easy to care for people around the world. Host or attend an eating event and invite your friends, family or coworkers to participate and to bring a donation. Global Feast benefits people around the world with bleeding disorders. All monies are donated directly to WFH with funds spent on providing safe and effective blood treatment products free of charge to people in urgent need in more than 50 developing countries and programs, services, educating families and training doctors and nurses in some of the poorest regions of the world. For more information on WFH programs and services visit For more information or to run your own Global Feast contact 1800 807 173 or email [email protected]. Haemophilia Awareness Week & Red Cake Day 11-17 October 2015 Join us for Haemophilia Awareness Week and Red Cake Day by hosting a Red Cake Day at your work, school or at home with family and friends. More information to come later in the year! Contact March 2015 Page 11 Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Calling all volunteers! Saturday, 11 April 2015 We will be holding a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on 11 April 2015 as a lead up to World Haemophilia Day at Bunnings Homebase, Subiaco. We would like to you to come along for a couple of hours on the day to help us sell sausages. Please complete the attached form and return to the office to let us know what time you are available. We would also like cans of Coke, Lemonade, Lift, Fanta and Diet Coke donated. Post your form to: Haemophilia Foundation WA Reply Paid 83529 WEST PERTH WA 6005 Or just send us an email: [email protected] I ………………………………………………. Would like to volunteer at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle between the hours of ……………………………. Supported by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), Haemophilia Awareness Day was first established in 1989. The date of 17th April was chosen to honour Frank Schnabel, the founder of WFH, whose birthday falls on the same date. Contact March 2015 Page 12 Help support HFWA by ordering your 2015|2016 Entertainment™ Books and Digital Memberships through us! A percentage of every copy or membership sold goes directly to the Haemophilia Foundation WA (HFWA). This means that as well as saving you money with up to 50% off or 2-for-1 vouchers, you are also helping support HFWA in providing support and education to children with bleeding disorders. What are Entertainment™ Books or Digital Memberships? The Entertainment™ Books or Digital Memberships are a guide that provides discounts and special offers for many of the best restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, cinemas, theatres, hotels, accommodations, attractions, and activities in your local area. Virtually all of the valuable offers in the Entertainment™ Books and Digital Memberships can be used throughout the year and are restriction-free and can be used whenever you like. Participating business include Coles supermarket, Woolworths supermarket, Big W, Kmart, McDonalds, Subway, KFC, Hog's Breath Cafe, Jetstar, Event Cinemas, Hoyts, Caltex, Rydges hotels, and many more. When will the Entertainment™ Books or Digital Memberships be available? The Entertainment™ Books or Digital Memberships will be available in Mid May. Keep an eye out for a copy of the order form in the next newsletter. Contact March 2015 Page 13 Kidz Corner Dates to Remember: March 2015 Committee Meeting Women’s Breakfast Tuesday 17 Sunday 29t April 2015 Bunnings Sausage Sizzle World Haemophilia Day Committee Meeting Saturday 11 Friday 17 Tuesday 21
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