Id, I Otrlne, of = - l-ot{-Peoa 40399 -l frae, P 16India Exchange Place Extn C I T Annex Btdg 4t Floor. Kolkata 700073 E)GCUTNTE ENGI],EER.I "ublirlWol**Dirffiratu G=IITRAL HEALTH KOLKATA Ph.:22211657 G&r) 222+16s8 (T) Emait : [email protected] DtulsroH (Ersfirhile Kolkah Division) Govt. of West Bengal Dated: 28.03.2015 Memo No.655 NOTICE INVT:TING E.TENDER NO. 55 Af 2014-2015 ofEIGCUTM ENGINEER, KOLKATA CENTRAL HEALTH DIVISTON, P.W.D Terder Refercnte No. - WBPWI) / KCHD / EE-I I MeT-55 / 2014-2Of5. (2"d Ca[] The Execrxive Eogineer I, Kolkata Central Health Division, Public Works Directorate, insit€S e-Tender for the work detailed in the table below.(Submission of Tender through online| Price s L N Neme of frewck o. put to f,arnest llloney Teder (Rs.) -dnumt of Tethnical, F-rtecirl Bid Iloomrenb, 2e11(ii) & Estimated Timeof Colrld .xltr Nemof Concerm dDivisiu EfigiHlityof Coirtractor Defect Ivhterirls Liabilitl Srppled by Period orherArenna (Rs") (Rs-'l I 2 It{aintenarrce & reeals to different hrildings urder Sec III of NRSH SD urder the jurisdicticn Control of Kolkara Central HealthDivision "PllrD (R&B) Wks. &rilgthe yea 2014-2015" (Phase -D {Fresh can of cemdled Tender- .' 4 5r0,000.00 1s,400.00 Inlhe shape of Bek Drafll (Overthe Schedule) Pay ededBankss @ueofay Nationalid Br* (lv{edetory for.all digihle If fa*icifqot) myflndaa suhmits pasnal @ueslrall bebarred from ?ender frr I 6 f, Intendirg 6 T#rerssbll months not bavetoFay &e costof Ted6-r docriments &e for prrpceof participation in e-Tendering.) As per Notificaim no 199{RCi 2MWl?al2.DL 2l/12l20t2App licable torhe (re)per successful witLintk bidder &tring of spwD/KCm/ jurisdiction 2OI+11i5-SLI{L r) EnginmfW agreement a&er issuance of D,SoEilL WorkOrder@ F.E-IlMeT-4I Chief Zole,Cnt 'w.8. ff formal (six) 7 8 9 10 NRS Rearcefirl Booafrde Departmefit (one) Hospital ontsfulem having Credeotials of a simi lar al Supp$ of Cemeat Year- Sub Divisim natmofm&the fr ;ni fr uln ulue olF 30o/o olf the €stieted afiounr put to tender duing 5 (five) yeas prim to tle date of issue of this tender nctice .OR tno sinrilar na&e of wort , each oftb€ mininnrm valm of25Yo of, th€ stim.t€d amur* Frt & Rsinforciag Ste€I. (ifrequired) totender dmirg 5 (fue) yeas prim to tie date of issre ofthis tender notice- OR Oresinglenmning work of similar nanre whichhas been eoodeted to tlre e*ent af 756lo or more and tzlue ofuihicb is mt lss tban the desired vahr of30o/a Rs.1005/- In the event of e-filling intodiry Tenderer may doumload the Tender documents from the website: l.' dircctly with the help of Digital Sigrratwe Certificate & necessary cost of Tender document (Tender fees) end earnest money if required may be remitted through demand drafl/pay order issued from any nationalized bank in favor:r of Executive Engineer,P.W.D, Kolkata Central Health Division and also to be documented through e-filling. The Ll Bidds shall submit the haril copy of the Bank Dr$t/Banker's Cheque os Earuest Money lihlxicaUy b the Ollie of the Executile Enginur, PWD, Kolkda Cedrul Heahh Divicion vtthin 48 Hn. of receipt of acceptance lefret online. Foilarc to submit the hatd copy with the acceptance tefrer within the time peiod pres*ibeil above for the purymse, the oller liailc tobe cancelleduitkut anyfurth* NoticeThis nay be unstructed as fln dfrery to ilirtrurb the tendering prllaerss and dealt with accorilkgly bagally kcltdkg blackli*ing of the hiililer. 2. The rate of the Tender in this percentage form of contraet is to be submitted ddy digitally signed in the Within stipulated date and time. 3. In case of partnership firm(s), the pledged instrument(s) must reflect the name(s) of the Firm as well nam{s) and address (es) of the partnerlpartners who iVare authorized to pledge the same as per valid ded(s). 4. ln case of Registered Unemployed Engineers' Co-operatir,'e Societies and Registered Labour Co-operative Societies, documents of credentials showing satisfactory completion of a single work in P.W.D./PW@oads) Dte./I{ousing Dte. Of Government of West Bergal of ralue not less tl, an as mentioned in table above of the Estimated Cost of the applied for work should be documented through e-filling. Audited balance Sheet showing accounts up to previous year and 'Certificate of Registraticn' and 'Certifieate for Validity of Registration' from tk respective Assistarrt Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Bye Law, Professional Tax Deposit Clrallan / Professional Tax Clearmce Certi-ficatq PAN Cmd, eligible list of Registered Unemploved Engrneers' Co-operative Societies / Regist€red Labor.rr Co-crperative Societies issued by the concemcd Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies showing the name of t}reir Society must be documented tlnough e-filling. Photo Copy of Resolution of Co Operative Societies showing authenticaled signatr:res of members to be submitted. Also in case of Registered unemployed F-ngineers' Co-operative Societies, documeots in mtisfuing the following criteria are required to be docurnented through e-illing :the Society consists of at least lO(ten) merrbers of urhich at least 609/o should hold Degree or Diploma in any branch inEngine,ering as per memo no 44-A/4M-1 1/2002 dt 09.01.2m4 of Deputy Secretary-Ill, P-W.D. Privilege will be allowed as per G.0. No, 378(9)A/PWO/IOC-17/05 dt. 3l-05-2005 P.V/.D. Accormts Branch by Deprty S€cfc*ary-Ill including necessary documents in support of the stateme.nt and along with otlrer sqporting papers. ${on-Stahtrarydocrxnents). at least one member of the society/firm holds plrrnbing license (in case of S&P urcrks only). (i) (ii) 5- Payment Certificate will not be treated as credential. 6. 7. Ifthe dales fall on holidays or on day's bandh or natural calamity, the dates defer to next working days. Exeutive Engineer-I, P.W.D., Kolkata Central Health Division reserves the right to refuse permission applieant without assiping any reason whatsoe\iEr snd no challenges against srch 8. to zmy refirsal \rrill be entertained. tk In case of inadrrcrtent [,pographical mistake fcxmd in specific price scHule of rates, the same u'ill be treated to be so corrected as to cooform with the prewailing relevant scMule of rates and/or technically sanctioned etimate. The accepting adkrity rcserves the right to reject my or all the Tenders witbut assigning any reason whatsoever and he will not be bouftd to accept either the lowest Temder or any ofthe Tenders. Work Order o{ Pa}ment will deped on availability of Tenderers may comider this criterion while applylng for permission and r.ltile quoting their rates II If any Tenderer with&aws his c*fer before accegance or refirse withia a reasooable time withotrt giving any satisfactory explanation for srrch withdrawals, he may be disqrnlified for subrnitting Tender to this Division (m Sub Division wrder this Division) for minimum period of l(one) year md action will be taken as per Tender clause. De&rction of Tax shall be as belorar as per provision of section 40 of the W.B. VAT Act, 20O3 from 01.08.2006. 3 % (Three Percent) wlren th cffitretcr is registered lmder the VAT Act aad srrch registration is valid on the date of making such payment (for wtrich is valid VAT Registration Certificate is to be produced by the contractor alorg with a declaration from th contractcr that his certifrcate of registratim is valid to the best of his knowledge and this should be documsrted tftrough e-filing and thathe will intimate the coatractee i.e. Executive Engi*eer in case of anynotice issued by Commercial Tax Authority regarding the cancellation of his certificate of registration). 5 ?6 {Five Perccnt}, in all otkr cases" Cess @ lYo (One PercenQ of the cost of construction works will be deducted from the bills cf the contractors on all contracts awaded onor afts 01.11.20t)6 inpurchasing withc O. No. 599A4M-28/ffi dated 27.09.2W6. 13 Successfirl Tenders will be required tooUtain rratiO negistration Certificate & Labour License from respective Regional Labour OfEces l*lke mstnatioa work by them are proposed to be carried out as per Clauses ds 7 of West Bengal Building & other Constructim Wcrks' Act" 1996 and u/s 12 of Contract Laborr Ael 9. 10. fimd. . 12. with effect i. ii. iii. - Successful Tenderer will have t4 verifrcation prior to issuaoce of Work Oriler. to produce 6igrnat, VAT Registratim, and PAN NO. etc.(as applicable) for Eligibility criteria for participation 15. ir the Tender. 0 prime The prospectir,e tendererg ifrequired, shall have satisfactory completed as a agency during the last s(fire) yars from the date of issrc of &is Notice at least one work of similar nature rinder authority of State/Central Golt. Stat€/C€ntral Go1,t. udertakinglStatutory / Artronomous Bodies Constitrled mder the Central / State statute, and having a magnitude as stated in above table. fNon statutory Document.l N.B. :- Estimated amount, Date of Completion of works and communicational address of client must be indicated in the medential certifleate of similar nature of work. The prospective Tenduers shall have in their firll time engagement qualified technical personnel if required. [Non statutory Documeat.] ii) ii, detail Certifi.catel P.T. (Deposit Challan) Income Tax Acknou{edgement Receipt for documented through e-filing. [Non statutory Documents] Valid upto date clearance of Income Tax retumlProfessional Tax Clearance /PnCardlVATRegistrationCertificate/VoterlDCardforself identification, latest assessment year to be The prospective Tenderers or any oftheil constituent parbler shall neither have abandoned any work nor any of lD their contract have been rescioded during the last 5(f,ive) years. Such abandonment of rescission will be considered as disquahhed towards eligibility. v) The prospective Tenderers should orvn/lease/arrange the required plant and machinery ifrequired. Conclusive proof of madrinery in working condition if required shall have to be submitted.(|{on-Statutory documents). vi) RqBist€red Partnership Deed (for Partroership Firm only) along with Power of Attomey to be submitted along with application (iiloo-Statutory documents). viD of a A pospectirrc Tenderer shall be allowed to participate in a single job either in the capacity of individual or as a pztrtner a Joint Venture. If fomd to have applied sevoally in a single job, all his applications will be rejeted for that job vin) Where there is a discrepancy between th rmit rate & inthe line it€rn total lesulting from multiplying the.unit firm or rx) 16. , PrevailingsafetynormshastobefollowedsothatlTl(I-ossoftimeduetornjwy)iszero. .,. ,.. . , The prospectirrc Ten&rer shall establish freld testing labonatory equipd with requisite iostruegnts and technical staff requiremeoa of works to be according to " '::': 17 Permissicn may not be accorded to any firm fcr more than l(one) job. . 18. ':. executed. tk (A) Important informations: DATE AND TIME SC}IEDULE: 31 No Particulars Date 4. Date of rmloadins ofN.I.TDocuments {oublishins date-) Documents download stat date & time. Bid submission start date & time Documents download end date & time. I 2 t & Time 31.03.2015_ 3l-03-2015 31.03.2015 07,04.2015 07.04.2015 5 Bid zubrnissiurend date & time. 6 Iast date of sbmission of dginal copies of E4lpest Moaey (off 7 8 Date of onenins of technical RidDate of p$licatim *f list for technically'qpalified Bidders. at at 12.00 IIrs 12.00IIrs. upto 14.0O }ks. upto 14.00}Irs. lineYif required) 07.04,2015 at 14.30 IIrs. (ofline, To be informed later office notice board) 9 Date and Place fm opriag of FiBrcil To be notifred during qloading of Pmposal (Online) Terhdcal Evaluation Sheet of Tenilerers l0 Date of uploding of ftroush (oft: line)^ Also if necessary liit of Tenderers along wi& th offer raies fc,nrfthu negotiatim through ofline for finel rate. (B) I-rOCAnoN Witttin 48 (Forty Eight) hours after ooenire of financial urooosal If required, will be notified within 48 (Forty Eight) hows after uploading the offered rates ofTenderers- OF CRITICAL EVENT. BID OPEIYING At Office of theExecrtive Engineer, Pr,rblic Works Directorate, KOLKATA CENTRAL IIEALTTI DMSION, Govt. of West Bengal. P 16 India Exchmge Place Extn,C I T Annex Bldg 4th FloorKolkata 700 073 : . appopriate servicc level to the satisfaction tk work" If any defectldamage is fomd during the period as mentioned above contractor shall make the same good at his own cost. Failure to do so, penal action against &e Agency will be imposed by the Department as deem fit. The Agency will have to quote his rate considering the above aspect. Also the Prospective Tenderers shall have to execute the work in such a manner so that appropriate service level of the work is kept during progress of work and a period of Security Period from the date of successfiil completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge may be considered towards release of "Security Deposit". 19: The Agency wilt be liable to mairtain the work at working pcrtian at ttre of lhe F.ngrnm-in{har8e at his own cost for a period Secudty period from the date of completim of 20. All Tenderers me requested to present in the 'Pranjali' (if required), during opening the Tender. Executive Engineer I, Kolkata Central Health Division, P.W.D., may call Open BidlSeal Bid after opening of the said Tender to obtain the suitable rate m;'iilffi1H*.il'-T1il'frH".H 21 ' site of work and necessary entertained. ]ffi .I #i * ;Tffi* drar'r4ngs rnay be handed over f# JL H,f,f .erers,vrro wi, be,o."* u, *] t to the agency phase wise. No. craim ir,,ti.."g-a. *; 22.EamestMonev:TheAmount,ofEamestIl^.,1lv'@ofrhetotalcostoftbervorkrequirod ;e,HTffj;?H,-tH1;,r[i:ith*ru:t,:*1ffi"'H@"ril"'-,*"*iveEngin;,p]ivo nlfli-ll;|] of appticants ## il; * #,* *,.,*; i*;;; tr#r#fifi,#i sp*i"l ", "f ffi,:.H;:i$ffi ?3' Refund exempted as per covernment ur'ur rr-(rer o.a;" ll". r\o. Ir ir ioi, r oF. dated l, ryozl2o06 *orrrou _categories of EMD: The Earnest Itdoney of all the unsuccessfr{ Tercerers deposited #,ffi ';*,3Hffi Beneal. ffi fr:H*#*li]ffi Refund of secur*yDeposit s7t20w ,DL tyazt2arz a"o Notin.rtion vide Branch. : 24. - ""-;;;;; 1?,ffi?ti:?#rr:*a;;";;il;-_n of5;reky ,. ,r"-ili-;ft; datd 26n7nbr r :':--:*r"rloc-3s/r0 0f the ssne 1:fy3 Ty^* as per Govt Notification ,]itririti*brztrnn6ii#;;;. N& 177:cRC/2trG Works.Department,CRc Conditional/fucomplete Tender will not be accepted 25- The iotending Tenderers are requircd to 26. q*te the rate on line. Conkactor shall teve to comply with tl Provrsons of (a) the Apprentice Act- lg6t ,.,t (c)minimpm contract Iabow fRee f- .^. ,.,-..*,.- --wages Act tS4S of&" tle nrtco ma,r^ ^-r *a* notifi ^-: i,!,i"a*-#J*Ifi""fi"il:1l otificarjorr r**"*"^_ ^-_{1.I*, Abolition) AcL 1970(b) cation&ereof lT **,XX::l qi*ir*Jr;;r.i.i*ti;",#T"? ilT thesePartmental s"nJ"rJ."nich meons &e 11'T"ff oubric conditions and general *^3"Xr:,H::":y.r :fltsm*Tft[ffig*oul *"ifl :ffi ;rf#.#.,il. jffi ,trHlf, ,[ffi f,#lli,.*.-Hffi ,*,*iYil:iffi ,,tr$*',yt",H;*,-#ft ff HS#"ffi ffiffi]:; "Hffi"Hffi "[:il3T.ffi J"#lffi H"tr H#ffi,;:fi:ffi lf 5T1tP:-r*:*-k':-6;;;;;ffi": il#,T':-f-rn 1"_ ffiT,"TJ*Y*,'jlt"**f,*;;##,il'ffH:,f"ff#;H:'^:T:',9'.s)DeqlqryentschedureorRaresror '#l#liillff:","."? be executed as fr fr * " "6"Efr"nfr#iffiff#ffiffi,X;ffig$f$,&-:i"*:#J.* **ffi f*'..te*d;,ri*v,-dfi ffiiltH #ffi ffi $tr ;;tr ;ffi my,^,:yl,r-*s ,,J;r:'Iffi#"ffi# ffiil*; rightlyrejectd [ffi",ffi;'ts*t$ "ffiHf#tr ffi ,ffiJ ffif,Tfiffi::tr#fHfr The project various item of works ,y;* without anyprejudice. *r, xonata rwrM6 central Health Lh, Divisioq *:TTT::"M:, credentiar or any other paper is to right to cancel tk MT due to rnavoidable able ;1"*ff.:"3::"::rrqT*,i_*w"" j",iFil;t",tiil ffi-:,trTtffiilHrrffi1H*T*[m#::f^s:l*-ry.::r,-vained&ecredentiarandotherdocumentsor p. w.D reserves :hlffi Hffi Txrll**ffiyilffi jo,n,;il.i#ftff "-Trff *1#xiffii:fl:ffi-tr#rffi ",r*,THT:::i *tiffiilr*?*ilff#*ffffiHx,,ffi jr_*:Hm*: eirhermanurast*a*an." ln r---- '. l"L.*:tH3'ffi#tr rnfollowing *q"_il fiiltffif: supersede formerone i) il) iii) I'orm No. 29I I (ii) NTT Special terrus ._ similar clauses on different notification, the clause as stated in rater notirrcation w,l & conditions 3t iffffiif"?ffi1r1*ti#;t:x#rmm.xr.x.:* disturbrng or damaging - Ttho* *^""ra*i", a?ffi#.rffi ffi#5ff r: li:mEffi:1*;:*y,,m::xm?;r#'ffiT,#rrff Sr.&H*H"t"il'*-"H,mff T.ffi, Y:E ttrLy,tr a-swouldbedirectedby,U"gr"i"r*L._r.l.*-s,.^rra_ ffi#igffi*; . qg qx*racror of of.llxerx.u**.r^. * :HHff ffi rr tk :ffi .H*t****.Tffi,.1#*ffi ir_"_ffi If "r #1x{"*ffi x;,*.yj:#: urli(gs u." a"*rg"a * #ffi"ff';il;f$; of rmrifi^-+:^- ^,r ofrectification of ffi.}[H*.i# world r. t ruJlri#,.Ii]oll ruJ l" ,lI thp E-;-^^_ "*ff.j"T;:TT.[ ffiffiL11 ^ **,ro ffiffi":?*ffi ;f:ffiffiX.* or servi' e ut*ities rs rouad trsessary precadionarv n tfte cartractor. the cOst cai$ reeovered from the . service o restoration or damaged as contractor. F.*..",,o r _r ;3'"*Y":yly:ff;ft";:ff::'trfi:1,11ff:rs,J,-i3fff:"?fi:sH*:ff:H",m:, rvork may require to be - "-*""lt"d- d""; ,h; '"0?t#**iI[ssary r;**";;T1H:*1# permission and instruction "r*ni4". of the Engineer_In_ ffi::#"*j.ffi*r**t"*r:f*i;**#r$r*iffij#,_,#T5"xk.H;f"t * sa,isractory ,igh,rng be rn TESTING OF QUALITIES OF MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP: All materials and workmanship shall accordance with the specifications laid down in the contract and also as per M-O.R.T. & H's specification for Road and . Bridge Wprks (Latest Revision) and IS Codes and the Engineer-In-Charge reserves the rigfrt to test, examine and measure the any suitable place. The works materrals/wcrkmanship direct at the place of manufacture, fabrication or at the site contractor shall provide such assistance, instrument machine, labour and materials as the Engineer-In{harge may require for measuring the testing the works and quality, weight or q:antity of materials used and shall supply samples for be selected and required by the Engineer-In- Charge without any extra cost. Besides this, he will carry out tests as may testing Laboratory as per instnrction of Engineer-In-Charge. The cost of all such tests would be bome by the agency. from DEI}.YDTIETOMODIFICATIONOFDRAWINGANDDESIGN: Thecontractors shall not be entitled for any 3. or of examine, 34. ogtside delays aising out of modification of the work doe to non{elivery of t}re compensation for my loss sutr€r€d by bim due to possession of site andlor modificatioa of drawing and design. Cmdition ttr works involviag special natwe ile in cmformity to P.W.D- Notification No.-877GA dated 6/81'81-issud with the cotcrnreoce of the Finaace Deprtment"s U.O. No. Grcnry F-1208 datd 26n}f81 read with Rrblic Works & Public iS. Kolkata Central Eealth Division, PWD. Memo No. 655 /1[]. Dated: - 2&03.2015r Copy forwarded for informatbn and wide circulation through I . The Chief Engineer. Public Works Directorate. South Zone. b :- Kolkate Ceutral IIeaIth llivision, PWD. Gopy forwarded for information & wide circulation to: The Superintending Engineer, P.W.qte. Kolkata Health Circle /Presidency Circle /Bidharnagar Circle / l. Eastern / Southern / Nabanna Circle. Z. The Executive Engineer,,P.W.Dte. Kolkata North Health Division I Kolkata South Health Division / City Division / Kolkara \[est Diyision / Kolkata Cenral Division / Bidhannagar'West Division / Bidhanragar East Divisim / Kdkata East Division I Kolkaa Nuth Division I Barrackpore Division I Barasat Division / Kcilkata South Division / South 74 Par:gzrr,a Division / Diamod Harbour Division / Alipore Division / J. 4 5 6 . Howrah Division 1 }lowrah Construction Divisron. The Assisant Engineer, P.Ur.Dte. N.R.S l{ospital Subdivision Cenfral Kolkca Health Sub-Division-Il This OfficeEsimating Branch / Divisional Accounts 0fiEcer . I Central Kolkata Health Sub-Division-I I This'OfficeNoticeBoard. Upt ig to the Website of this Deparrment. A 1 I '-,< /bf--/ Bxec6tiV Engineer -I Kdkata Central Ilealth Division, PWD. MemoNo. 655 l3(2I Ilated: - 28.03.2015. Copy fonrarded for information and wide circulation to :1. The Principal, NRS Medical College , 138,4 J C Bose Road, Kolkata-700Dl4 2.The Medical Superintendent cr.nn VicePrincipal, NRSMedical CollegeandHospital,13&AJCBoseRoad Kolkata- 7000f4 Execudvetngineer -I Kolkata Central Health Division, PWD.
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