Broad Base. Best Solutions. CARBON FIBERS and COMPOSITE MATERIALS SIGRAPREG® Prepregs Made from Carbon, Glass, and Aramid Fibers 2 Carbon fibers and composites – made by SGL Group. Q Comprehensive product range Q Integrated value chain Q Only European carbon fiber manufacturer Q Consistently high quality Q Many different processing technologies Q Innovative tailored solutions Q High security of supply Q Close-to-customer sales and distribution network Q Global presence BUSINESS UNIT CARBON FIBERS and COMPOSITE MATERIALS 3 Unique integrated value chain SGL Group covers the complete value chain of carbon fiber products: from precursor, via carbon fibers, fabrics, and prepregs to the finished CFRP components. Our carbon fibers produced by SGL Group in Europe and North America form the basis for all processing steps in fiberreinforced composite applications. Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics are high-perfor- With many different processing technologies mance materials with unique properties. They are and comprehensive production, material, and used where other materials have reached their application know-how, we can offer our customers limits and are indispensable in many industries tailormade solutions for their requirements – today, e.g. for lightweight components with ultra- for example in automotive production, the wind high strength and stiffness. energy sector, and numerous other industrial applications. SGL Group is the only European manufacturer to material we produce ourselves via all intermediate SIGRAPREG prepregs made from carbon, glass, and aramid fibers steps to the finished end products. In this way, we can guarantee the highest product quality and SIGRAPREG woven, unidirectional, and multiaxial security of supply. fabric prepregs are state-of-the-art reinforcing cover the entire carbon fiber value chain: from raw materials. They are used in numerous industries, including automotive manufacturing, aerospace construction, the wind energy sector, mechanical engineering, medical technology, marine construction, sports equipment production, and antiballistic protection. b Prepreg production Video: From fiber to finished component sglgroup 4 Prepreg – a material with impressive all-round properties Q Excellent mechanical properties Q Low density Q Low thermal expansion Q Good electrical conductivity QNon-corrosive Q Own resin formulation for individual resin systems Q Precise laminate thickness tolerances Prepreg 5 SIGRAPREG® pre-impregnated materials made from carbon, glass, and aramid fibers SIGRAPREG is the brand name for textile reinforcing materials Automotive industry: Our prepregs are used in composites made from high-quality carbon, glass, and aramid fibers for applications such as lightweight car body and structural impregnated with different resin systems. components. For electric cars, entire passenger cells are produced from CFRP. The unidirectional, multiaxial, and woven fabric prepregs we supply are application-optimized high-performance materials. Wind energy: In wind farms, prepreg-reinforced plastics are Our prepregs are fatigue- and corrosion-resistant and have used for the rotor blades of wind turbines. excellent mechanical properties that make it possible to produce stiff, strong yet ultra-lightweight fiber-reinforced Aerospace: Prepreg-reinforced plastics are used for aircraft composites. We can tailor the prepregs perfectly to your components such as fuselage and wing structures, floor beams, requirements, since we formulate our own state-of-the-art and floor panels, and in space engineering for engine cowlings. resin systems and are equipped with many different production and processing options for reinforcing materials. Sports industry: In the sports sector, carbon fiber prepregreinforced composites are used as a high-performance material SIGRAPREG covers the whole range of carbon, glass, and for racing bike frames, racing car monocoques or golf clubs, aramid fiber materials. So we can offer a comprehensive fishing rods, and archery bows. portfolio capable of meeting the most diverse challenges. Mechanical engineering: Prepregs impart high strength and Typical applications include: stiffness and good damping properties to components subject to extreme dynamic stresses. Typical applications include gripper bars or lifting beams and transfer bars for automation technology. Antiballistic protection: Pre-impregnated hybrid and aramid b SIGRAPREG fabrics are used particularly for safety helmets and vehicle unidirectional carbon fabric armor. Manufacturing process Fiber / woven fabric / multiaxial fabric feed Carrier paper feed Resin application Release paper feed Impregnation Winding 6 The best resin system for each application The prepregs made by SGL Group are the result of advanced product development. We combine high-quality resin systems formulated in-house with state-of-the-art reinforcing materials. Our range includes a wide variety of resin systems with different glass transition points (Tg), curing temperatures, viscosity, tack, and storage stability. This enables us to supply materials with maximum performance and minimum weight that are optimally tailored to your specific application. c Resin application for impregnation Nomenclature key SIGRAPREG C W95-PL1/1-E331/48% 1 1 Brand name SIGRAPREG 2 3 2 Material C = carbon G = glass A = aramid H = hybrid 4 5 6 7 3 Type W = woven fabric U = unidirectional B = biaxial T = triaxial Q = quadriaxial 4 Areal weight in g/m2 5 Weave / fiber orientation / fixation woven multiaxial PL 1/1 = plain 0 = 0° TW 2/2 = twill 2/2 090 = 0°/90° TW 4/4 = twill 4/4 45 = -45°/+45° 045 = 0°/-45°/+45° 04590 = 0°/-45°/ 90°/+45° 7 Resin content in % 6 Resin type Exxx = epoxy Pxxx = phenolic NF = no fixation SO = single-sided scrim SD = double-sided scrim ST = stitched Individual resin systems for different requirements Resin system Type Tg [°C] Curing temperature [°C] Shelf life at RT (20 °C) days Shelf life at RT (–18 °C) months Tack Impact modification E500 | E501 | E502 | E503 epoxy 110 80 – 160 70 12 M yes E300 | E301 epoxy 120 70 – 120 21 4 L/M/H yes E400 | E402 epoxy 120 80 – 140 40 12 L no E310 | E311 epoxy 120 80 – 160 14 6 L/M/H yes E320 | E321 | E322 | E323 epoxy 120 90 – 140 90 12 M yes E700 epoxy 120 140 – 160 14 12 M yes E302 epoxy 130 70 – 140 14 12 L/M/H no E340 epoxy 140 100 – 150 90 12 L/M no E330 epoxy 145 80 – 160 28 12 L/M/H yes E800 epoxy 220 80 – 200 14 12 L/M/H no P320 | P321 | P322 phenolic > 200 100 – 180 180 12 M/H no P310 phenolic – 120 – 160 7 6 L/M/H – P500 phenolic – 150 – 170 28 12 L/M/H – Other resin systems available on request. L = Low, M = Medium, H = High Prepreg 7 Prepregs based on woven structures We produce the woven fabrics for our SIGRAPREG prepregs in our own weaving facility. We use 1k, 3k, 6k, 12k or 24k carbon fiber tow as the material basis. In hybrid woven fabrics, we also process glass and aramid fibers. c SIGRAPREG carbon woven fabric prepreg Material data of our SIGRAPREG® woven fabric prepregs Material type C W95-PL1/1-E331/48% C W165-PL1/1-E323/48% Weave Areal weight (dry) [g/m2] Width [cm] Resin type Resin content [%] plain 95 120 epoxy 48 plain 165 120 epoxy 48 C W200-TW2/2-E311/48% twill 2/2 200 120 epoxy 48 C W200-TW2/2-E501/48% 48 twill 2/2 200 120 epoxy C W200-PL1/1-E323/42% plain 200 120 epoxy 42 C W200-PL1/1-E331/42% plain 200 120 epoxy 42 C W200-TW2/2-E323/45% twill 2/2 200 120 epoxy 45 C W205-TW2/2-E321/43% twill 2/2 205 120 epoxy 43 C W245-TW2/2-E503/44% twill 2/2 245 100 epoxy 44 C W245-TW2/2-E323/45% twill 2/2 245 120 epoxy 45 C W285-TW2/2-E323/42% twill 4/4 285 120 epoxy 42 C W305-TW2/2-E323/42% twill 2/2 305 120 epoxy 42 C W305-PL1/1-E331/42% plain 305 120 epoxy 42 C W310-PL1/1-E302/40% plain 310 120 epoxy 40 C W345-TW2/2-E300/38% twill 2/2 345 120 epoxy 38 C W665-TW2/2-E323/42% twill 2/2 665 120 epoxy 42 Other types available on request. 8 Prepregs based on unidirectional and multiaxial fabrics Our SIGRAPREG unidirectional and multiaxial fabric prepregs can be produced on the basis of our own fabric structures as well as by direct processing of the reinforcing fibers. In this way, we cover the whole range from very lightweight to heavier constructions. c SIGRAPREG multiaxial carbon fabric prepreg Material data of our SIGRAPREG® unidirectional and multiaxial fabric prepregs Material type Construction Areal weight (dry) [g/m2] Width [cm] Resin type Resin content [%] C U200-0/NF-E310/30% unidirectional 200 C U230-0/NF-E322/39% unidirectional 230 63.5 epoxy 30 60 epoxy C U255-0/NF-E322/37% unidirectional 39 255 60 epoxy 37 C U285-0/NF-P321/42% C U310-0/NF-E340/35% unidirectional 285 110 phenolic 42 unidirectional 310 30 epoxy 35 Unidirectional Unidirectional (fixed) C U80-0/SO-E703/38% unidirectional 80 30 epoxy 38 C U100-0/SO-E703/38% unidirectional 100 30 epoxy 38 C U150-0/SO-E340/38% unidirectional 150 30 epoxy 38 C U450-0/SD-E501/36% unidirectional 450 63.5 epoxy 36 C U600-0/SD-E501/33% unidirectional 600 125 epoxy 33 biaxial 160 60 epoxy 45 Multiaxial C B160-45/SO-E501/45% C B450-45/SO-E501/38% biaxial 450 73.5 epoxy 38 C B300-45/ST-E320/40% biaxial 300 126 epoxy 40 C B410-45/ST-E320/40% biaxial 410 126 epoxy 40 C B610-45/ST-E320/40% biaxial 610 126 epoxy 40 Other types available on request. Prepreg 9 TowPregs based on fiber tows The TowPregs made by SGL Group are pre-impregnated carbon, glass, and aramid fiber bundles. Their resin content ranges from 26 to 40 %. The fibers, resin, tack, and TowPreg width can be varied to suit individual customer requirements and produced with very high consistency. We can develop application-optimized material perfectly tailored to our customers’ processes. Our TowPregs neither need any carrier paper nor foil. This saves our customers time and money, while also offering benefits in terms of environmental protection and health & safety. Liquid resin and solvents are no longer required in the production process. This has advantages for EHS management. In addition: • Equipment such as resin baths, mixers, and filling stations is no longer necessary, which cuts capital costs. • Resources are conserved and costs saved in material use because unusable resin residues are no longer generated. • The amount of plant cleaning is reduced, which makes processes simpler and more efficient. c SIGRAPREG TowPreg • Winding processes are speeded up, so plant productivity increases. • Stabile storage at room temperature With TowPregs from SGL Group, better results for Typical applications include: challenging processes can be achieved. • Pressurized containers Our TowPregs not only give components very good mechanical • Automotive components properties. They also have excellent winding behavior that • Leaf springs permits far more uniform placement to the highest accuracy, • Marine masts provides constant width and therefore excellent processing • Sports articles behaviour. 10 A comprehensive range of application-optimized, high-performance solutions. To develop new ideas, you need partners who can contribute added knowledge and think outside the box. As the only European carbon fiber manufacturer, we offer more than just our comprehensive product portfolio. With our many different processing technologies, we supply solutions perfectly matched to your requirements, application, and technical conditions: precisely tailored high-performance materials for the development and production of competitive lightweight design innovations. SGL Group – the Carbon Company 11 SGL Group – The Carbon Company. A leading global manufacturer of carbon-based products. Q Unique product portfolio Q Innovative technologies and solutions Q Production sites close to sales markets Q Technology & Innovation Center in Germany with international networks b Resin application for impregnation of the fibers We have wide-ranging expertise in raw materials, We use this broad base to offer our customers the advanced manufacturing processes, and long- best solutions possible. That’s how we live up to our standing application and engineering know-how. claim: Broad Base. Best Solutions. This claim is also We have a comprehensive portfolio of carbon, upheld by our corporate SGL Excellence philosophy graphite, and carbon fiber products and our of continuous improvement. carbon fiber to composites. With a global sales and distribution network and modern production sites More information can be found by visiting: in Europe, North America, and Asia, we are close to integrated value chain covers everything from our customers throughout the world. C sglgroup sglgroup Contact europe [email protected] Phone +49 8271 83-2160 Fax +49 8271 83-1427 ameriCaS [email protected] Phone +1 714-698-8103 Fax +1 714-698-8104 Free phone 1-877-CFIBERS asia/paCifiC [email protected] Phone +86 21 5211-0333 Fax +86 21 5211-0085 ® registered trademarks of SGL CARBON SE 02 2015/1 E Printed in Germany This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should therefore not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a perticular application. Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our “General Conditions of Sale”. Carbon Fibers & Composite Materials SGL TECHNOLOGIES GmbH Soehnleinstrasse 8 | 65201 Wiesbaden/Germany
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