P r o b l e m s ------ ( 149 Figure P 4.3-7 P 4.3-8 The circuit shown in Figure P 4.3-8 has two inputs, v, and v2, and one output, vQ. The output is related to the input by the equation v0 = tfvi 4- bv2 Figure P 4.3-10 *P 4.3-11 Determine the values of the node voltages of the circuit shown in Figure P 4.3-11. 3A where a and b are constants that depend on Ru R2, and R3. (a) Determine the values of the coefficients a and b when R\ = 1 0 f i ,/?2 —40 0 , and R3 = 8 0 . (b) Determine the values of the coefficients a and b when R\ = R2 and R$ = R \ 11/?2- P 4.3-12 Determine the values of the node voltages of the circuit shown in Figure P 4.3-12. Figure P 4.3-8 P 4.2-9 Determine the values of the node voltages of the circuit shown in Figure P 4.3-9. 5V r-O 80 v\ — V W ( j 1.25 A 20 Q -V A ---12 n “AA/V— 1^4 40 O 1 )1 5 V ? Figure P 4 3-9 P 4.3-10 Figure P 4.3-10 shows a measurement made in the laboratory. Vour lab partner forgot to record the values of R „ * 2, and He thtnks that the two resistors were 10-kfl resistors and the other was a 5-kfl resistor. Is this possible? Which resistor is the 5-kn resistor? Figure P _ . Section 4.4 Node V o ltage Analysis w ith Dependent Sources D a a 1 tu u j t™ , P* The V0'tageS V“’. ‘V and V' m F,gure P 4 4 ‘ 1 are the node vol|aees correspond.ng to nodes a, b, and c. The values of 6 voltages are: v, = 8.667 V, vt, = 2 V. and v-c = 10 V M e th o d s o f A n a ly s is o f R e s is tiv e C irc u its P 4.6-3 Find v2 for the circuit shown in Figure P 4.6-3. Answer: v2 = 2 V + v2 ~ 60 ft - ^ W \ ,-----------------------f----W V 20 ft 05 A I110 U VV L Figure P 4.5-5 P 4.5-6 Simplify the circuit shown in Figure P 4.5-6 by replacing series and parallel resistors by equivalent resistors. Next, analyze the simplified circuit by writing and solving mesh equations. 30af G ? G y C v r n Figure P 4.6-3 P 4.6-4 Find vc for the circuit show™ in Figure P 4.6-4. (a) Determine the power supplied by each source, (b) Determine the power absorbed by the 30-0 resistor. P 4.6-5 Determine the value of the voltage measured by the voltmeter in Figure P 4.6-5. Section 4.6 Mesh Current Analysis w ith C urrent and V oltag e Sources Answer: 8 V P 4.6-1 Find z'b for the circuit shown in Figure P 4.6-1. Answer: zb = 0.6 A 10 V 0.5 A 0 50 f t 25 f t Figure P 4.6-1 P 4.6-2 P 4.6-6 Determine the value of the current measured by the ammeter in Figure P 4.6-6. Find vc for the circuit shown in Figure P 4.6-2. Hint: Write and solve a single mesh equation. Answer: vc — 15 V 7 5 ft Figure P 4.6-2 1 0 0 ft P 4.6-7 The currents i lt z2 and z3 in Figure P 4.6-7 are the mesh currents. Determine the value of the resistance R. P r o b l e m s ------ ( 197 Hint: Figure P 5.3-19/) shows the circuit after the ideal voltmeter has been replaced by the equivalent open circuit and a label has been added to indicate the voltage measured by the voltmeter, vm. Answer: v„ Vm = 3 (,33 + 7(33 + 3)' 3 ) 5) = 5 - 6 = -IV ” •3 + (3 + 3) Answer: = —12 V and Rt = 16 ft 10 ft 8 ft 18 Figure P 5.4-2 P 5.4-3 The circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-36 is the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-3a. Find the value of the open-circuit voltage, Vqc, and Thevenin resistance, Rt. Answer: voc = 2W and Rt = 4 fl L f J 1 L t)5 A I 3n r. 12 V 18 V -o + I "m < 3 ft ~ 1 3ft (b) Figure P 5.3-19 (a) A circuit containing two independent sources. (b) The circuit after the ideal voltmeter has been replaced by the equivalent open circuit and a label has been added to indicate the voltage measured by the voltmeter, vm. (a) Figure P 5.4-3 P 5.4-4 Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-4. 12 ft --------- V A --------6ft 10 ft — w v-AAAr- Section 5.4 Thevenin's Theorem P 5.4-1 Determine values of Rt and that cause the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-16 to be the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the circuit in Figure P 5.4-la. Hint: Use source transformations and equivalent resistances to reduce the circuit in Figure P 5.4-1 a until it is the circuit in Figure P 5.4-16. Answer: Rt = 5 ft and voc = 2 V 18 V *3 ft Figure P 5.4-4 P 5.4-5 Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-5. Answer: voc = - 2 V and R{ = - 8 / 3 ft 0.75i;, (a) Figure P 5.4-1 P 5.4-2 The circuit shown in Figure P 5.4-26 is the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the circuit shown in Figure P 5 .4-2a. Find the value of the open-circuit voltage, v^, and Thevenin resistance, Rx. Figure P 5.4-5
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