From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. Hemolytic Deficiency: Anemia in Hereditary Nucleotide Inhibition Phosphate Akio By We evaluated the itary pyrimidine ings included erythrocytes an ascorbate cyanide pentose red cells ‘ac-i -glucose cyte measured was controls. (G6PD) pH and 7.1 43% 50% CTP . by activity the release compared by 5.5 was mM find- a of the of to 14C02 mM control from reticulo- uridine a competitive inhibitor (UTP) for G6P (K at 1.7 = E RYTHROCYTE PYRIMIDINE 5’-nucleotidase deficiency is characterized clinically by a chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia and splenomegaly)2 In their intial description of pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency, Valentine et al.’ demonstrated that these erythrocytes contain increased concentrations of pynimidine 5’-nucleotides and increased reduced glutaIn thione. observed incubating his preliminary investigations, Valentine an increase in Heinz body formation after pynimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficient red cells with acetylphenylhydrazine despite “normal” pentose phosphate shunt activity.3 Buc et al. observed that unstimulated pentose shunt activity was similar to that seen in normal reticulocyte controls.4 The activities ofG6PD, 6PGD, glutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase have been shown to be normal in hemolysates from pynimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficient erythrocytes.56 Thus, the mechanisms for the chronic hemolysis formation This metabolic and the increased tendency have remained unclear. report data presents pentose on erythrocytes to Heinz control red similar degree concentrations G6PD. activity body to pyrimidine shunt patients and with mother 3.59 Case for and noma white 5’-nucleotidase history splenectomy at 36%, and control KmS of phosphate deficiency. pathway of hemolysis and control 5’-monophos- heterozygous (patient and I 3.6, in anemia. uridine of her 8.20 gram not PCV includes: l06/isl, white 32%, fi, mother I .96 and 1.78, respectively). 7.10 and 6.05, history 16 to pyrimidine mo Her of 0.68, hemo2.8 1 x Pyrimidine ‘)with hr Palpable recent red cell count reticulocytes. . age. most 9.8 g’dl, 14.0% is unremark- secondary time. hemoglobin and past at at that nucleotidase activity (Mmol . gHb substrates were: patient I .35 and control whose anemia diagnosed present I 12 MCV girl hemolytic deficiency was CMP mother 3.34 and and 5’UMP 3.86, as and respectively. MATERIALS AND informed consent, METHODS Patients After obtaining collected with heterozygous immune From normal the Department School two samples were patients, their individuals anemia (sickle with cell high disease, a-thalassemia). ofMedicine. ofMedicine. in part ofHealth the and hemolytic anemia, blood from volunteers, nonenzymatic hemolytic venous as anticoagulant heparin mothers, Supported mean corpuscular I 2, and current volume with left (MCV) The peripheral eli-Jolly bodies, blood smear shows and Pappenheimer 5’-nucleotidase activity (smol . red 127 cell fi, and for present) breast packed count 19.2% carci- by Grant andfrom x . hr) was decreased of West Carson Medicine. Presented San Section. with reprint ment ing. reticulocytes. April Address cell volume 2.82 coarse basophilic stippling, Howbodies. The patient’s pyrimidine gHb’ Submitted Signifi- (gallstones includes: g/dl, reported anemia.7 mastectomy hemogram 12.4 previously hemolytic a cholecystectomy age hemoglobin woman deficiency included at age 39. Her (PCV) 1212 their Harbor-UCLA Torrance. AM-14898from the Sickle Medical Cen- Calif Cell the National Disease Research InstiFounda- tion, Los Angeles. I is a 46-yr-old past and chronic 5’-nucleotidase tutes pyrimidine cant 8.73, patient 2 is a 2.5-yr-old except splenomegaly PRESENTATION 1 and below hemolytic that a intracellu- phosphate (CMP) to 2 Case able between the pathogenesis while in inhibited pentose deficiency by concentrations pentose 5’-monophosphate ter. UCLA Case to the intermediate pynimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency and studies on the effect of pynimidine nucleotides on enzyme kinetics. CASE contribute as substrates, activity 5’-nucleotidase of the (UMP) Case pyrimidine affected are high and not Since depress 7.8 = shunt was NADP that impairment cytidine phate and 5’-nucleotidase reticulocyte phosphate from two in 7.1 or UTP. suggest 5’-nucleotides this both CTP of G6P data pH (K reductase. were at mM NADP phosphate hemolysate these appears was dehydrogenase by 5.5 lar for glutathione Pentose cell for inhibitor peroxidase. compounds. Thus, R. Tanaka a noncompetitive Glutathione shunt 5’-triphosphate 5’-triphosphate and Kouichi pyrimidine erythrocytes cytidine and these patients’ high mM) mM). 5’-Nucleotidase and the Pentose 6-phosphogluconate positive dehydrogenase from 5.5 hered- intraerythrocytic shunt in hemolysates inhibited (CTP) by Neil A. Lachant, content. formation, decreased decreased with Significant Glucose-6-phosphate activity was and A. Noble, glutathione body phosphate as patients reduced Heinz test. Nancy deficiency. increased incubated The of two 5’-nucleotidase increased pH. Tomoda. Pyrimidine of G6PD Shunt if.. 2. 1982; accepted requests to Kouichi Bin 400, Torrance, in part at the American American Calif 30. 1982. Tanaka. M.D.. Medical Center. Depart1000 90509. Society Texas. December Federation for February 18. 1982. (0 1 982 by Grune & Stratton, R. Harbor-UCLA Street. Antonio. June 8. Clinical of Hematology 1981. and Research, the Carmel, meetWestern Cal- Inc. 0006-4971/82/6005-0021$01.00/0 Blood, Vol. 60. No. 5 (November). 1982 From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. PYRIMIDINE 5’-NUCLEOTIDASE 1213 DEFICIENCY Materials All reagents MO.), were for except Inc., N.Y.) Mass.). adenine dinucleotide NaOH before using Chemical pyrimidine were Louis, England and All Cell cell 1N a-cellulose red cell and microcrystalline adjusted to red cell were and the by and at The counts 5’-nucleotidase et al.’ The Valentine glycolytic of suspensions were cellulose according between 2.8 to the was determined formation 6PGD, Data prepared were to Beutler and 3.2 The x Of incubated for 4 hr in 2 ml of0.066 acetylphenylhydrazine detected pH intracellular Hilpert’2 using were reductase cyanide and mg/dl crystal glucose. and perbody of 40%) with Heinz Whole tubes have method to buffer was 1 mg/mI bodies blood by a modification microhematocrit gluta- was the adjusted violet. measured test of (PCV and Jandl.’#{176}Heinz modification ml to activities M phosphate 30 with a 0.1 and by staining were and of the a Radiometer red cell method of Phosphate Pentose tion of the from shunt method of Davidson ‘4C- 1-glucose and ionization that the build-up are as mean given performed mined by was buffer NADP. Fifty packed red cells Effects Enzymes of the of with distilled blue was White cell water) platelet-free washed 3 times were added to the red with of 2 hr. deter- Krebs-Ringer and ( I :5 to 400 2 mM dilution of l of buffer. system. on Red cells obtained isotonic NaCI 1 . Red Cell Pentose Table RBC Reduced The patients’ controls. Shunt (tmoles/GIucose . Oxidized Intact ‘) Student’s t Glutathione and Enzyme Activity Meyerhof ductase, pathway, glutathione transaldolase from solution Phosph G6PD, 6PGD, glutathione peroxidase, transketolase, was their mothers. Heinz Body normal for both reand patients and Formation, Phosphate Ascorbate Shunt Heinz body in the patients’ Incubated increased cells had a markedly control, while of case between the result normal and then ate Shunt Activit ( I 0% and I 9%) and the 0.005). Both patients’ < positive ascorbate cyanide 1 had an ascorbate cyanide her daughter and the normal in the mother of case 2 was high reticulothe patients’ RBC pentose shunt activity was the same as that normal controls and was significantly decreased y in Pyrimidine 5’-Nucleotidas 1 of the (p Deficiency High Reticulocyte Value Value Case e (P5’N) Deficient Patients ofp and normal. The patients’ red cell pentose phosphate shunt activity was compared to that of normal and high reticulocyte controls (Table I ). Before new methylene blue stimulation, the pentose shunt activity of the patients’ red cells was higher than that of the normal controls P5’N 33) Test, formation was significantly (36% and 24%) ned cells compared to their mothers normal controls (1 1% ± 5%,p red Cyanide Activity Case Controls In - ofp 2 15) red cells Beforestimulation 0.14 ± 0.07 <0.05 0.19 0.32 NS 0.21 ± 0.12 Afterstimulation 1.79 ± 0.60 NS 1.43 2.78 <0.02 3.26 ± 0.43 1.28 ± 0.29 <0.001 3.71 4.64 NS 4.80 ± 2.40 Hemolysate ‘Stimulation by 1OeM NS. not significant. new methylene blue. tests methods.’5 (p < 0.05) but was similar to that ofthe cyte controls. However, after stimulation, Cell Controls In - derivation. statistical (as high as 1 150 previously); case 2, 959; and control, 607 ± 79. The activity of the enzymes of the Embden- Reticulocyte Activity 1O’#{176}RBC ‘ . hr mea- reduced glutathione (GSH) content of the red cells was elevated compared to the normal GSH values (jzg/lO’#{176}RBC) were: case I, 776 Normal Pentose the were concentrations I standard ± by standard test. The mother test intermediate stimu- was ATP hemolysate 5’-Nucleotides and were cell not added ofPyrimidine volunteers red 7.4 B-4631). a total of Smith.’4 1 mM Fifty was hemolysates with so of pH (Sigma for cell method was supplemented microliters methylene in red I ml system blue monitored activity modified system. in I hr. the of ‘4CO2 electrometer been in a closed methylene continuously shunt has suspended After new release reed method were buffer. M by a modifica- The in a vibrating original cells a modification bicarbonate Tanaka.’3 is measured red l0 phosphate was determined and measured ‘4CO2 10 zl of production Pentose activity bicarbonate with 14C02 of for under RESULTS Pentose Activity The of packed Krebs-Ringer lated was chamber. microliters New Shunt phosphate conditions described micro-pH electrode. Pentose gluta- activities. for determining transketolase of Jacob by blood, g. The 6PGD, (GP) detailed are membranes 10,000 method. 106 according laboratory ascorbate method Beutler.’1 whole determined glutathione and published.9 according was in this transaldolase, previously formed used G6PD, peroxidase, been activity methods enzyme, thione 37#{176}C.The hemoglobin RBC/l.’ Pyrimidine at peroxidase measurements cyanmethemoglobin red cell 20 mm of G6PD, glutathione activity figures. The measurement performed 6PGD to the sured for the (GR), water. at 4#{176}C for Statistics Methods platelet-free and assays distilled by centrifugation was used legends with 20 vol of ice-cold reductase G6PD triphosphate neutralized removed thione nicotine adenosine prepared with were supernatant Nuclear, 5’-nucleotides, (NADP), freshly (St. Pharmaceuticals, (New ‘4C-1-glucose of the Co. use. Red White Sigma (ICN phosphate and Tris-HC1 and and Solutions (ATP) General from tert-butyl-hydroperoxide Plainview, Boston, purchased lysed < From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. 1214 TOMODA ET AL. 0.02) compared to the high reticulocyte controls. The patients’ mothers had normal pentose shunt activity (data not shown). Since the patients had lower than expected pentose phosphate stimulation shunt activity and because functions under after new the pentose restraint severe methylene phosphate blue shunt in the intact red cell, shunt activity was measured in red to determine if the decrease in shunt pentose phosphate cell hemolysates I CMP activity in the intact erythrocyte was due to increased shunt suppression or a loss of metabolic capacity. In the red cell hemolysates, the patients’ pentose phosphate shunt activity ( ) was threefold that of the normal controls p < 0.001 and was similar to that of the high reticulocyte controls (Table I ), suggesting increased shunt suppression in the intact RBC with pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency. Intracellular The and pH intraerythrocytic transmembrane and the Although pH extracellular (pHi), for the patients, pH pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase intraerythrocytic and transmembrane pH, their normal controls are shown in all 3 groups had similar plasma patients with had a decreased an mothers, Table pHs, Effects ofPyrimidine Cell 5’-Nucleotides deficiency increased on the Activity pHi NADPatpH on red cell enzyme activity. The effects of 5’-nucleotides (CMP, CDP and CTP) on the of G6PD in red cell hemolysates at pH 7. 1 (the of the red Table 3. These ited the activity cells of case I ) is cytidine nucleotides of G6PD. Most shown in Fig. 1 and significantly inhibeffective was 5.5 mM CTP, which decreased G6PD activity by 42.8%. The activity of G6PD was decreased by 28.2% and 14.6%, respectively, 6PGD CMP. of 5.5 mM in the presence activity at various was not affected by CDP or CMP. CTP, CDP, 2. Intraerythrocytic and Plasma 5’-Nucleotidase P5’N Case Extracellular pH 7.36 (P5’N) 1 Case 7.33 pH in Pyrimidine Deficiency Deficient Mothers 2 Case 7.33 1 Controls Case 7.33 2 Case 7.37 1 to be 1.78 7.1. ofCTP Various pHs on the Effects 2). The activity mM for Activity G6P and 7.8 ofG6PD and The effects of CTP on G6PD and 6PGD were studied at pHs ranging from 6.6 to 7.8 shown in Fig. 4. G6PD activity declined mM for 6PGD at activity and are in a linear fashion as the pH decreased (Fig. 4A). At any given pH, there was a further decline in G6PD activity in the presence of 5.5 mM CTP. Conversely, even though the declined with a decrease in pH, there suppression of 6PGD activity in the (Fig. 4B). activity of6PGD was no further presence ofCTP Effects to confirm the inhibitory effects of CTP on we studied the effects of this compound on the Table (Fig. or In order G6PD, concentrations of G6PD decreased with increasing concentrations of CTP. Lineweaver-Burk plots of G6PD activity with G6P and NADP are shown in Fig. 3 (A and B). CTP was shown to inhibit the enzyme competitively with G6P, and noncompetitively with NADP. The K values were estimated Enzymes Since the erythrocyte in pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency appears to have a reversible suppression of pentose phosphate shunt activity, we evaluated the effects of increased pyrimidine 5’-nucleotide concentrations cytidine activity Fig. 1 . Effect of cytidine 5’-nucleotides on the activity of G6PD in red cell hemolysates. The reaction mixture containing red cell hemolysate (31 MM heme). 100 zM NADP. and 0.1 M Tris-HCL buffer at pH 7.1 was incubated at 37’C for 10 mm in the presence or absence of 5.5 mM CMP. CDP. or CTP. Then G6P (0.45 mM final concentration) was added to the reaction mixture. The increase of absorbance was measured at 340 nm. The arrow in the figure shows the addition of G6P. enzyme 2. the pH. of Red Control min-’-l le-5 for Case 7.34 lntraerythrocyticpH 7.10 7.16 7.18 7.22 7.20 7.21 TransmembranepH 0.26 0.17 0.15 0.11 0.17 0.13 G6PD The of Various and 5’-Nucleotides on effects of various pyrimidine and 6PGD activity Table 3. Triphosphate at (CTP, TTP) effective UTP, and of G6PD activity. 42.8%, 50%, and 52.5% and TTP, respectively. inhibitory triphosphate were the (5 5’-nucleotides mM) on G6PD summarized in tors 2 Pyrimidine 6PGD most pH 7.1 are nucleotides inhibi- G6PD activity was inhibited in the presence of CTP, UTP, For all 3 nucleotide bases, the effect on G6PD activity was than for the diphosphate greater for the or monophos- From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. PYRIMIDINE 5’-NUCLEOTIDASE 1215 DEFICIENCY Table 3. Effects of Various Pyrimidine 5’-Nucleotides on the A ctivity of G6PD an d 6PGD 6PGD G6PD .tmole . -‘ mm . ‘ gHb Percent moIe Inhibition . min ‘ ‘ gHb ‘ Percent Inhibition Control 9.60 - 2.72 - CTP 5.49 42.8 2.80 0 COP 6.89 28.2 2.72 0 CMP 8.20 14.6 2.72 0 UTP 4.80 50.0 2.70 0 UDP 5.50 42.7 2.72 0 UMP 8.21 14.5 2.72 0 TIP 4.56 52.5 2.32 14.7 TDP 5.28 45.0 2.80 0 TMP 7.19 25.1 2.71 0 2.18 77.3 - - CTP ATP + of reaction The composition phate compound. The not have a significant activity (Table 3). mixture and experimental conditions pyrimidine inhibitory 5’-nucleotides effect on 5’-Nucleotides Activity on Pentose are the same as in Fig. 1. did 6PGD 600 Effects ofPyrimidine Phosphate Shunt 1/v Since the pyrimidine 5’-nucleotides do not cross the intact red cell membrane, their effects on pentose phosphate shunt activity was determined in normal red Peitose phosphate shunt activity was in Krebs-Ringer buffer containing 2 mM cell hemolysates. determined NADP system and I mM ATP. The final pH of the incubation was adjusted to pH 7.1 in all studies. Pentose shunt activity in Krebs-Ringer buffer zmoles glucose oxidized/1O’#{176}RBC phosphate was 0.85 There mM was CTP a 52% and decrease 40.7% in shunt decrease when . alone hr. 5.5 activity when 5.5 mM UTP was 1 2 1/G6P 3 (105M’) 300 10 ‘- 1/V .0 I 200 0) C 0 E ____________ 0 10 CTP 20 (mM) Fig. 2. Effect of various final concentrations of CTP on G6PD activity. The experimental conditions are the same as in Fig. 1. except that different concentrations of CTP were added to the reaction mixture. I I I 2 1/NADP 3 (105M1) Fig. 3. Inhibitory effect of CTP on the activity of G6PD expressed as Lineweaver-Burk plots for substrates G6P and NADP. The initial velocity of G6PD was measured changing the concentrations of G6P or NADP under the same conditions as in Fig. 1 . The reaction was started by the addition of 225 aM NADP or 225 MM G6P (final concentration). (A) G6P. (B) NADP (#{149} 5.5 mM CTP. A no CTP). From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. 1216 TOMODA to that of normal 0) I- I Valentine’s3 E formation 0 dant E and (3) Embden-Meyer- observation upon stress. In the of an increase exposure order to in Heinz explain this body cells of affected to oxi- phenomenon, pentose phosphate shunt activity was examined intact red cells before and after new methylene stimulation and also in red cell hemolysates. The U 6.6 7.0 7.4 7.8 pH 4 0) 3. E 2 with compared pyrimidine to those tions with both counts, shown since pentose phosphate shunt activity to be a cell age-related phenomenon.’6 normal and 5’-nucleotidase from control elevated defipopula- reticulocyte has been Although controls. These data suggest that there is increased suppression of pentose phosphate shunt activity in the intact red cell in pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency, 1’ but that the suppressing factor(s) is lost or diluted out in tests performed in red cell hemolysates. This obserI I I 7.4 7.8 I 6.6 7.0 vation activity The pH Fig. 4. Effct of CTP on G6PD and 6PGD activities at various pHs. (A) G6PD activity in the presence or absence of CTP. The composition of the reaction mixture is the same as in Fig. 1 . (no CTP 0, CTP S). (B) 6PGD activity in the presence or absence of CTP. The composition of the reaction mixture is the same as in Fig. 1 . except that 0.46 mM 6-phosphogluconate (final concentration) was added to the reaction mixture in the place of G6P (no CTP 0 CTP#{149}). added to the Krebs-Ringer values are comparable ATP-NADP to the results buffer. in Table nonspherocytic hemolytic case 2 was twice that of case range of our high reticulocyte may be related to the patient’s high reticulocyte controls were I and approached the controls. This finding young age. All of our adults with hemolytic These occurs those from an adult population. The role of the spleen must also be considered when comparing these 2 patients. Since case I had previously undergone a splenectomy, a larger number of her most severely 3. anemia may explain the normal hemolysate G6PD noted in previous reports.56 pentose shunt activity of the erythrocytes of anemia. Travis’7 has shown increased G6PD, hexokir.ase, and pyruvate kinase activity in the red cells of 1 1-1 2 mo old infants compared to adults. Thus, the red cells of a 2.5-yr-old child might be expected to have increased pentose shunt activity when compared to DISCUSSION A chronic patients were However, there was no signifcant difference between the pentose shunt activities of the red cell hemolysates from the patients and from the high reticulocyte 0 0- from ciency in pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency, the nature of which has been obscure. Associated clinical findings include splenomegaly and exacerbation of the anemia affected cells might with infection, stress, or vestigations have shown: case 2. Since red cell concentrations of the pyrimidine nucleotides CTP, CDP, UTP, and UDP have shown to be increased in hereditary pyrimidine nucleotidase deficiency,’8 these nucleotides were formation after phenylhydrazine, unstimulated in blue data pentose phosphate shunt activity in pyrimidine 5’nucleotidase deficiency was shown to be similar to that of normal reticulocyte controls after new methylene blue stimulation, it was significantly decreased compared to that of high reticulocyte controls (p < 0.02). 5 E controls,3’4 of the pathway, G6PD, 6PGD, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase in red cell hemolysates.5 The current investigations of erythrocytes with pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency have confirmed I I of the enzymes hof and .0 hO reticulocyte normal activity ET AL. the pregnancy.2 ( 1 ) increased Previous Heinz incubation of red cells with but not in fresh preparations,3 pentose phosphate shunt activity inbody acetyl(2) similar tion, while cells with would be sequestered remain in her peripheral circula- a similar degree of dysfunction and destroyed in the spleen of 5’been 5’con- From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. PYRIMIDINE 5’-NUCLEOTIDASE sidered to be prime pentose phosphate idine nucleotides ‘4C02 by pentose phosphate inhibitors of the pyrimmembrane, mM CTP and 5.5 mM effect on the generation pentose presented for Since phosphorylated cross the red cell that 5.5 inhibitory the hemolysates. The data candidates shunt. do not we have shown have a marked 1217 DEFICIENCY phosphate indicate shunt shunt in the suppression that activity in the UTP of red G6PD decrease cell of patients’ fact suggested that the pHi of the patients’ red cells should be decreased, which was confirmed in the present study. The decrease of pHi may induce some metabolic changes in the patients’ red cells including suppression of the pentose shunt.24 As shown in Fig. 4, in the presence The red one and Table significantly content, chronic CDP, UTP, UDP, TTP, and TDP G6PD activity. The mode of inhi- would that the dependent nucleotide, phosphate. total the activity of 6PGD inhibitor however, (Table 3 and thione reductase, or gluatathione Oda and Tanaka2#{176} have shown 5’-nucleotides do not inhibit of did Fig. 4B), the activities concentration 3.4-6.4 in affected red is in the range of mM. The estimated red cell concentration of is about 1 .tM and the Km of G6PD for NADP NADP is about 5 j.tM.’9 Similarly, the G6P concentration is about 27 .tM and the Km about 50 j.tM.2122 Therefore, in vivo red cell G6PD should not be saturated by these substrates. Furthermore, G6P and NADP mM, respectively cytic concentration should be above of since the K,s of the CTP for are approximately 1 .7 mM and 7.8 (Fig. 3, A and B), the intraerythroof total pyrimidine 5’-nucleotides the K1 for G6P and approaching that NADP. Thus, these data strongly suggest that of G6PD activity in pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficient red cells should occur in vivo. inhibition Yoshida’9 indicated that G6PD activity inhibited 40% by physiologic concentrations ( 1 .5 mM) in normal human red cells. Therefore, cells with pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase will be of ATP in red deficiency, red cells is decreased as organic phosphates, and CTP that the (Table 3). intracelluar a decrease which in reduced would serve glutathione the 5’since glutathione Finally, In the addi- and concomi- pH be remembered glutathione of impaired potential The to increase ion concentration could shift reduced and oxidized glutaincrease in reduced glutait should reduced presence the ATPacross the content. intraerythrocytic function. in 5’-nucleotides inhibit of oxidized glutathione membrane, content pentose reduced that does not phosphate glutathione con- be even higher than that attained in pyrimidine 5’nucleotidase deficiency, if there was normal function of the pentose phosphate shunt. In conclusion, the hemolysis in pyrimidine 5’-nucleotidase deficiency appears to be due, in part, to a decrease in G6PD activity with subsequent suppression of pentose phosphate shunt activity. The mechanisms involved include: (I ) competitive inhibition of G6P and noncompetitve inhibition of NADP for G6PD by the pyrimidine 5’-nucleotides and (2) further suppression of G6PD and 6PGD activity by a decrease in intraerythrocytic pyrimidine phosphate pH due 5’-nucleotidase oxidant to the accumulation Thus, should 5’-nucleotides. shunt activity deficient stress, Heinz red body of acidic the decreased pentose render the pyrimidine cell more formation, susceptible and to hemolysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT where the ATP concentration is normal, G6PD will be further suppressed by the combined effects of ATP and pyrimidine 5’-nucleotides. In our experimental system, G6PD activity was markedly suppressed in the presence of both ATP Duhm23 showed increase tent of an erythrocyte with impaired oxidized glutathione transport and decreased intracellular pH might and Whittaker’t and pyrimidine nucleotide cells CTP. in hereditary G6PD deficiency with Kondo et al.25 have demonstrated pyrimidine transport content. shunt specific for G6PD. Based on reports of Torrance Valentine et al.,1 the estimated expect an increased preclude the by the for G6PD content of the pyrimidine red cell remains enigmatic, the decreased thione and to be are inhibited is accentuated paradoxical tant increase in hydrogen the equilibrium between thione, favoring a further of the glyco- lytic enzymes hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, their inhibitory effect appears the intraerythrocytic tion, gluta- peroxidase. Since these pyrimidine that cell red glucose-6not affect of as is seen hemolysis. bition is competitive with G6P, and noncompetitive with NADP Fig. 3A and 3B). This result is consistent with the data of Yoshida’9 showing that ATP, another is a competitive These nucleotides, of 5.5 mM nature reduced glutathione nucleotidase deficient cells can be attributed to the inhibition of G6PD, the rate-limiting enzyme of the pentose phosphate shunt, by pyrimidine 5’-nucleotides. As shown in Figs. 1-4 3, CTP, inhibit and 6PGD activities of pHi. This effect The for study, vibrating Purcell wish authors Dr. reed W. to thank Dr. D. Davidson electrometer for technical Nomie for Shore use of the apparati, and H. DE, Harris for referring ionization M. Louie case and E. K. assistance. REFERENCES pH (pHi) when impermeable anions, accumulate in the cells. of such This 1. Valentine Hereditary 5’-nucleotidase WN, hemolytic Fink K, Paglia anemia deficiency. 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Colton baso- of a case with Clin Smith tion. 1980 5, Nakashima of human I 2. method. anaemia I977 effect phosphate erythrocyte (RPK) deficiency. PV, deficiency: 56:251, Miwa nucleotidase I I pentose chamber Lowman haemolytic Br J Haematol Najman Baranko dine-5’-nucleotidase Three Konrad pyrophosphokinase 5’-nucleotidase E, Quesdada 6. in Top 17. 95:83, Blood W. nucleotides, new kindreds. Kaplan pyrimidine Krivit Nonspherocytic increased Buc defects Curr 14. JM, philic stippling 4. acquired erythrocytes. #{149} WN, DE, and human ET AL. of man. transport NatI Acad of Eur by Sci From by guest on March 31, 2015. For personal use only. 1982 60: 1212-1218 Hemolytic anemia in hereditary pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficiency: nucleotide inhibition of G6PD and the pentose phosphate shunt A Tomoda, NA Noble, NA Lachant and KR Tanaka Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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