Wet Surface Chemistry from Infrared Spectroscopy Professor Jim McQuillan FRSNZ FNZIC Department of Chemistry, University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand 46 S Preview • Wet surface infrared spectroscopy • Toxic mine waste water remediation • Electron polaron behaviour in TiO2 photocatalysis Modern Infrared Spectroscopy Deals Easily with Wet Solid Interfaces • Infrared (IR) spectroscopy sees molecules and their environments through dipolar molecular vibrations eg. this water vibration has frequency 1.13 x 1013 per sec or 3756 waves per cm (cm-1) • Water absorbs IR strongly and this has prevented IR studies of aqueous real world systems until the adoption of a new approach • Internal reflection or attenuated total reflection (ATR-IR) glass cover O- ring solution sample ZnSe IR beam Total Internal Reflection at a ZnSe/H2O interface 45 ° Angle of incidence ~ m H 2O ZnSe Refractive indices H2O 1.33 ZnSe 2.42 Critical angle 33° IR • evanescent wave samples ~ into less dense phase (sample) • short pathlength creates no problem for aqueous systems • thin films of solid particles immersed in water can now be studied solution ZnSe infrared Applications in Mine Waste Environmental Chemistry • Gold (Au) is often found associated with minerals containing sulfur (S), arsenic (As), and antimony (Sb). • Arsenic and antimony are very toxic and occur underground in reduced form eg. as arsenopyrite FeAsS and stibnite SbS3. • When the gold ore containing these elements is brought to the surface for processing the reduced elements are oxidised. • The final products of oxidation are the toxic water-soluble arsenate AsO43- and antimonate Sb(OH)6- as well as insoluble hydrous ferric oxide-hydroxide Fe(OH)3 AsO43- & Sb(OH)6- potential environmental disaster Macraes Gold Mine in Otago, New Zealand Oxidation pond • Gold extracted with cyanide. Waste water to oxidation pond • Arsenate and antimonate adsorbed to hydrous ferric oxide (adsorb means “stick to”) Arsenate speciation varies with pH pKa H3AsO4 2.2 6.9 H2AsO4- • Arsenate exists as H2AsO4- and HAsO4 in paraneutral solution 11.5 HAsO42- IR solution spectra • Antisymmetric As-O stretch of tetrahedral (Td) ion is strong IR absorption pH 3 • Some deprotonation of solution arsenate with strong adsorption to iron oxide pH 7 Adsorption to hydrous ferric oxide (HFO)/ ferrihydrite • Hydrous ferric oxide (Fe2O3.xH2O) generated from oxidation of Fe(II) in mining extraction or precipitated from Fe(III) chloride under neutral-alkaline conditions. • Also known as ferrihydrite. • HFO has a very large specific surface area (as ~ 500 -1000 m2 g-1) • Very suitable substrate for sequestration of toxic ligand species which coordinatively adsorb to Fe(III) metal ions (oxide surface). • Arsenate adsorption monodentate/bidentate IR spectra of arsenate adsorbed on hydrous iron oxide 10-3 mol L-1 arsenate, pH 6.6 (a) Synthetic HFO (b) &(c)Natural mine site HFO • Arsenate peak ~830 cm-1 • Arsenate displaces adsorbed carbonate ~1600-1400 cm-1 • Arsenate coordination to Fe(III) probably bidentate Carbonate displaced by arsenate pH dependence of arsenate adsorption • Follows typical anion adsorption pH variation • Adsorbed arsenate peak shifts a little with pH – probably due to change in protonation Adsorption isotherm for arsenate at pH of .... Antimonate exists mainly as Sb(OH)6pKa = 2.7 HSb(OH)6 IR spectrum of 0.05 mol L-1 KSb(OH)6 aqueous solution Sb(OH)6- OH stretch OH bend IR spectrum of antimonate adsorbed to hydrous ferric oxide over first 30 min,10-4 mol L-1, pH 3 • Adsorbed species clearly very similar to antimonate in solution • Antimonate OH stretch mode must lie ~3100 cm-1 beneath water • Sharp absorption loss ~3600 cm-1 may be from loss of Fe surface OH when antimonate adsorbs pH dependence of antimonate adsorbed to hydrous ferric oxide 10-4 mol L-1, adsorption for 30 mins at each pH • Spectrum of adsorbed antimonate 9001220 cm-1 quite irregular and not understood • Irregularity may be related to of innersphere complex formation and change of symmety Adsorption at pH 3 then different desorption conditions pH 3 6.5 10 Arsenate and antimonate adsorption competition on hydrous ferric oxide • Adsorption of individual species can be measured and studied but what happens with them competing? • Strong IR absorptions of arsenate ~850-900 cm-1 and antimonate ~1100 cm-1 are separate Adsorption competition for 10-3 mol L-1 mixture Ads. Sb(OH)6 AsO4 Adsorption/desorption kinetics AsO4 Sb(OH)6 Analysis of the spectra and kinetics • Arsenate IR absorption is about 5x stronger (oscillator) than antimonate so more antimonate adsorbed than arsenate at pH 3 • Little antimonate adsorbed pH 7 • At pH 7, 25% arsenate desorbs but 76% remains adsorbed - why? • Spectra show that the 25% desorbed arsenate has a different spectrum from arsenate remaining • Outer-sphere arsenate desorbs while inner-sphere arsenate stays adsorbed What about 10-5 mol L-1 - more typical of mine waste? Spectra similar to those for 10-3 mol L-1. Arsenate adsorbs across pH range Kinetics show very little arsenate desorption – but antimonate poorly adsorbed from neutral solution References 1. Roddick-Lanzilotta, A. J., McQuillan, A. J., Craw, D. Infrared spectroscopic characterisation of arsenate (V) ion adsorption from mine waters, Macraes mine, New Zealand Journal of Applied Geochemistry, 2002, 17, 445-454. 2. McComb, K., Craw, D., McQuillan, A. J. ATR-IR spectroscopic study of antimonate adsorption to iron oxide Langmuir, 2007, 23, 12125-12130. 3. Muller, T., Craw, D., McQuillan, A. J. Arsenate and antimonate adsorption competition on hydrous ferric oxide monitored by infrared spectroscopy, Langmuir in preparation TiO2 Photocatalytic Processes CB O2 + e- O2- et seq Eg = 3.2 eV electron traps (~380 nm) hole traps VB recombination 2H2O + 4h+ O2 + 4H+ Organics CO2 + H2O Leary & Westwood, Carbon 49, 741 (2011) 21 General features of TiO2 photocatalysis • Typically observed with Degussa P25 TiO2 ~ 80% anatase, 20% rutile. ~25 nm particles. Anatase more photoactive. • Electron-hole recombination in bulk is dominant. Less so in small particles. • Cationic aromatic species such as methylene blue and crystal violet widely used as hole scavengers to calibrate cataysts. • Molecular details of surface and bulk processes still poorly understood - electron and hole trapping, role of interfacial water, surface groups /adsorbed species, particularly at aqueous surfaces. What can in situ IR spectroscopy reveal? Possible electron and hole surface traps H H O Ti(III) e- O Ti(IV) H h+ O Ti(IV) 22 Broad IR absorption from UV irradiated P25 under vacuum Szczepankiewicz et al (J. Phys. Chem. B 2002) - diffuse reflectance IR of P25. Band attributed to free carrier absorption (a) or shallow trap excitation(c) Yamakata et al (J. Phys. Chem. B 2001) - time-resolved IR gave similar broad absorption. Attributed to shallow trap excitation. Exposure to oxygen quenched the broad absorption. Both studies restricted to wavenumber >1000 cm-1 23 Diamond/ZnSe accessory/flow cell for in situ ATR-IR studies of TiO2 photocatalysis 370 nm SEM image of TiO2 particle film 1 m 1 m Inert gas saturated solutions flowed ~ 2 mL min-1 or static 24 IR absorption from UV irradiation of wet ‘anoxic’ anatase TiO2 Anatase 400 nm particle film in N2 sparged dilute aqueous flowed HCl solution, pH of 2.3, 80 s UV • Cutoff suggested shallow electron trap absorption into continuum of CB states with 875 cm-1 (0.1 eV) threshold + hole oxidation of water to O2 • Absorption loss ~1660 cm-1 related to surface water bending mode? Change in surface H2O molar absorption coefficient with charge trapping? Warren, McQuillan J Phys Chem B 2004, 108, 19373, Savory et al J Phys Chem C 2011, 115, 90225 pH variation of broad infrared absorption Anatase particles (45 nm) Flowed solutions Absorption more pronounced for larger particle anatase pH sensitivity suggests bulk electron trap formation accompanied by charge-balancing proton (H+) intercalation 26 Adsorbed oxalate peaks Constant UV, then (a) adsorption of oxalate, then (b) desorption adsorption Flowed 10-3 mol L-1 oxalic in pH 2.3 HCl, N2 sparged, P25 TiO2 particles, constant 375 nm, 1 mW cm-2 Oxalate hole trapping makes possible long lived electron trapping (broad IR) desorption kinetics desorption 27 Outer-sphere adsorbed oxalate (1308 ) decays faster than inner-sphere (1410) Formate hole trapping influence on broad IR band at pH 3 Diamond cut-out absorptions 23 nm particles Flowed solutions In absence of an efficient hole trap (formate), holes must oxidise water to O2 at the surface, which in turn capture electrons Savory & McQuillan J Phys Chem C 2013, 117, 23645 28 Schematic of possible electron trapping + H+ intercalation Ti(III) represents shallow trapped electron but nature of protonstabilised trap state and proton location not yet established. Can we detect with IR the hypothesised O-H bond of the bridged oxygen? 29 Broad IR absorption is from an electron polaron? • Electron traps generally considered to lie ~ 0.2 - 1.6 eV below the CB • Peak in broad absorption coincident with anatase LO (Eu) phonon mode Polaron - ions move in the lattice in response to the electron charge – the phonon cloud • Electron polarons involve electron- phonon coupling with optical modes • The broad IR absorption arises from the trapped electron polaron absorbing a photon to excite the LO phonon with the excess energy being scattered into the polaron • Absorbance of polaron provides a measure of trapped electron concentration Wikipedia 30 Calculated IR absorption spectra for electron polarons The real part of the optical conductivity as a function of frequency for different densities of an interacting large-polaron gas. 31 UV excitation/decay kinetics of polaronic absorption (PA) Absorbance at 875 cm-1 Anatase 45 nm particles in static HCl solutions pH of 3 with sequential UV irradiation times of 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300 and 600 seconds. Final trace with the introduction of 10-5 mol L-1 formate ion. Near linear initial decay Hole capture by formate reduces rate of H2O to O2 photogeneration and stabilises polaronic electrons in bulk (not defects) 32 PA excitation/decay kinetics in 0.1 mol L-1 formate solution Anatase 45 nm • Hole trapping from high formate concentration drives up trapped electron concentration • Higher trapped electron concentration at lower pH from H+ intercalation influence • Sustained perfectly linear decay for higher trapped electron loadings 33 Mechanistic insights from kinetics for TiO2 photocatalysis Generally recognised rate-determining reaction in photocatalysis O2(ads) + e-(surf) O2- Rate = k [O2]ads[e-]surf Constant rate for a zeroth order reaction – a reaction bottleneck! Corresponds to both adsorbed oxygen and surface electron concentrations being saturated – giving the maximum reaction rate First time such zeroth order reactions in photocatalysis recognised TiO2 H2O e- (H+) O2 O2 e- (H+-) + e (H ) O O2 2 O2 e+- (H+-) + O e (H ) e (H ) O 2 2 O2 e- (H+) O 2 e- (H+) e- (H+) O2 O + 2O e (H ) 2 e- (H+) e- (H+) O2 e- (H+) e- (H+) O2 Savory & McQuillan J Phys Chem C 2014, 118, 13680-13692 34 PA spectra from 0.1 mol L-1 formate hole-trapping solution 45 nm particles Difference spectra from B Peak normalised time dependence pH 6.7 Temporal variation of different peaks Secondary absorption from ‘crowded’ trap states at high concentration? 36 The ATR-IR spectra of H2O/D2O/10-3 mol L-1 formate mixture overlaid with the PA spectrum 37 Absorbance losses for each water absorption relative to those from the spectrum of the liquid Calculated from the spectral data shown in A. Suggests a polaron absorption related refractive index effect altering the sample penetration depth in the internal reflection 38
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