1 2015 IUS Conference Program Schedule Version: 28 June 2015 Friday, October 30 8:00 - 9:30AM Panels 1, 7, 12, 14, 25, 62 Panel 1: New Military Trends in East Asia Chair: Cynthia Watson, National War College Presenter: Tania Chacho, US Military Academy: “Normalizing Japan's Military: Effects on the Neighborhood” Bernard Cole, National War College: “From Gray Hulls to White Hulls: Emerging Chinese Coast Guard Activities” Cynthia Watson, National War College: “Military Diplomacy: the PLA Ventures Abroad” Panel 7: Developing Strategy Leaders to Face the Moral, Ethical, Strategic and Leadership Challenges of the Current Strategic Environment Chair: Charles D. Allen, US Army War College Presenter: Col Suzanne Nielsen, US Military Academy Don Snider, Army War College: “Developing the Stewards of the Army Profession” Jonathan E. Shaw, US Army War College: “Ethical Reasoning at the Strategic Level: An Applied Ethical Framework for the Profession of Arms” G. K. Cunningham, US Army War College: “Senior Leader Intuition: Science or Science Fiction?” Richard Lacquemont, US Army War College: “Developing Strategic Leaders for the Future of Landpower” George J. Woods, US Army War College: “Developing the Senior Military Advisor” 2 Panel 12: Irregular Warfare: Theory and Practice Chair: Michael P. Noonan, Foreign Policy Research Institute Presenter: Douglas Borer, Naval Postgraduate School: “Irregular Warfare in the Philippines: Operation Ultimatum” Brian Drohan, U.S. Military Academy: ”Rights Advocacy and Irregular Warfare: The Case of the 1955-1959 Cyprus Emergency" Frank G. Hoffman, National Defense University: “From the Halls of Fallujah to the Shores of the Euphrates” Michael P. Noonan, Foreign Policy Research Institute: “U.S. Special Warfare in the 21st Century” Ian Rice, Naval Postgraduate School: “Military Led State-building and Third Party Political Development” Panel 14: Roundtable on Curriculum Review Lessons for Professional Military Education: What Needs to Go and What Needs to be Added Chair: J. Craig Stone, Canadian Forces College Marybeth Ulrich, US Army War College Augustine Meaher IV, Baltic Defence College Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris, USAF Air Command and Staff College Takako Hikotani, National Defense Academy Japan Panel 25: Issues in Military Education and Development Chair & Presenter: Jack Binkley, University of Maryland University College Anders Sookermany, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Defence Institute: “Military Education Reconsidered: A Postmodern Update” 3 William Gregor, School of Advanced Military Studies: “Advanced Cognitive Abilities: Are Army Officers Prepared to be Optimized?” Erik Hedlund, Swedish National Defence College: “Team Learning in a Multinational Military Staff Exercise” Nina Rones, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and Kari Fasting, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences: “Buddy Evaluations and Buddy Rankings in Norwegian Officer Candidate Education” Adrian Ratkic, IMIT/CSMS: “Developing Reflective Practice in Military Education— Experience Based Learning Activities at Swedish CSMS” Panel 62: The Challenges of Terrorism Chair & Presenter: Leena Parmar, University of Rajasthan Leena Parmar and Dalit Singh, University of Rajasthan: “Transformation of Conflict and Terrorism India Specific Case Study—Recent Flood Situation in Kashmir Valley” Magnus Petersson, Affiliation “The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: “The Coalition against ISIS and NATO’s Homeland Defense” Eray Akin, Turkish Air War College: “Usage of Turboprop Aircrafts for Counter-Terror Missions” 9:30 - 10:00AM Coffee Break 10:00 - 11:30AM Panels 2, 42, 20, 34, 47 Panel 2: The Attractiveness of 6 Western Armed Forces Among Young People Chair and Presenter: Philippe Manigart Philippe Manigart and Valerian Lecoq, Beldian Royal Military Academy - Belgium: “The Attractiveness of the Belgian Defense” Nancy Otis, Canadian Armed Forces: “The Attractiveness of the Canadian Armed Forces” Rene Moelker and Tessa op den Buijs, Netherlands Defense Academy: “The Attractiveness of the Dutch Armed Forces” 4 Frank Brundtland Steder, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI): “The Attractiveness of the Norwegian Armed Forces” Johan Osterberg and Emma Jonsson, Swedish Defence University: “The Attractiveness of the Swedish Armed Forces” Tibor Szvircsev Tresch, Swiss Military Academy at the ETH Caserne: “The Attractiveness of the Swiss Armed Forces” Panel 42: Institutional and Structural Issues Impacting the Force Chair & Presenter: Eyal Ben-Ari, Kinneret College Jack Binkley, University of Maryland University College: “The US Joint Chiefs of Staff and their Self-Perception of their Professionalism before Goldwater-Nichols” Eric Ouellet, Royal Military College of Canada: “Institutional Tensions and Canadian Special Operations Forces” Amanda Nguyen and Thomas Crosbie, University of Maryland: “Fate of the Canadian Coast Guard: Considering the Consequences of Integration into the Canadian Military through a Historical Comparative Analysis of the US Coast Guard” Patrick Howell, Duke University: “Will the CORDS Snap? Examining the Untested Assumptions in Proposals to Re-structure Inter-agency Operations” Guy Siebold, Affiliation: “Principles of Social Warfare” Panel 20: The Profession of Arms Chair and Presenter: Thomas Drohan, US Air Force Academy Thomas Drohan, US Air Force Academy: “A Strategy for the Profession of Effects” William R. Hersch, US Air Force Academy: “Re-Imagining War in the 21st Century” Michael Martindale, US Air Force Academy: “Strategy: Virtue in the Profession of Arms” Kevin K. McCaskey, US Air Force Academy: “Against All Enemies?” 5 Panel 34: Empirical Studies in Armed Forces & Society Chair & Presenter: Jeremy M. Teigen, Ramapo College Timothy Hazen, Loyola Universty Chicago: “The Middle East and North African (MENA) Military Index: A Civil-Military Relations Dataset” Ross McGary, Gabe Mythen, and Sandra Walklate, University of Liverpool: “Doing Military Repatriation Research” Celso Castro, Fundacao Getulio Vargas University: “Interviewing the Brazilian Military: Reflections on a Research Experience” Laura Miller and Eyal Aharoni, RAND: “Understanding the Implications of Lower Online Survey Response Rates among Young US Military Personnel” Noelle LaVoie, Parallel Consulting, Sharon Ardison, US Army Research Institute, and James Parker, Parallel Consulting: “Social Implications of Using Automated Scoring for Personnel Selection” Panel 47: Armed Forces and Society in Eastern Europe Chair & Presenter: Robert A. Vitas, Lithuanian Studies and Research Center Deividas Slekys, Vilnius University: “Searching for Reflective Armed Forces: A Lithuanian Civil-Military Relations Perspective” Jack Porter, The Citadel: “Civil-Military Relations and Hybrid-regimes: The Ongoing Tension between Authority and Accountability in the Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova” Elizabeth Coughlan, Salem State University: “In the Shadow of Yalta: Polish Foreign and Military Policy since Putin’s Invasion of Crimea” 11:30 - 1:00PM Lunch 1:00 - 2:30PM Panels 4, 17, 26, 44, 51, 64 Panel 4: Special Operations Forces around the World: Social, Cultural, and Organizational Perspectives Chair: Eyal Ben-Ari, Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee 6 Presenter: Tone Danielsson, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment: “Making Mission Impossible Possible” Uzi Ben-Shalom Zrmah, Affiliation and Yuval Tsur, Affiliation: “Scipts of Service Culture— A Hidden Dimension in the Successful Join Operations of the Israeli Air Force and Special Forces” Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Israel: “Special Forces, Ethos and Technology: The Case of Israel’s Haruv Reconnaissance Unit” Eitan Shami, Bar Ilan University: “Contemporary Special Operations Forces: Generalized Specialization, Boundary Spanning and Military Autonomy” Eyal Ben-Ari, Kinneret College: “Organizational Entrepreneurship and Special Forces: The First Israel Helicopter Unit and the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Matkal)” Rebecca Jensen, University of Calgary: “Innovation in Contact with the Enemy: Special Forces and Counterinsurgency in Iraq” Panel 17: Terrorist Use of Online Video: A Mixed Methods Analysis (An Interactive Session) Chair: Jack Guy, Affiliation Scott Ruston, Arizona State University Doug Jordan, Joint Special Operations University Panel 26: Theoretical Perspectives on Armed Forces and Society Chair & Presenter: J. Craig Stone, Canadian Forces College Pascal Vennesson, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University: “Prospect Theory and Risk Taking in War” Paul Camacho, University of Massachusetts: “Consequentialism and Deontological Approaches to Reconstruction in Failed/Recovered States with an Accent on Political Economics Issues Facing Somalia” 7 Tyler Crabb, University of Maryland: “Counterinsurgency as Social Theory: Revolution, Social Movements, and Ideology” Thomas Crosbie and Meredith Kleykamp, University of Maryland: “The Problems of Military Professionalism” Panel 44: Women in the Force: Structural Issues Chair: Reuven Gal, Affiliation Presenter: Emerald Archer, Woodbury University: “Women’s Integration as Military Innovation: A Reconceptualization of the RMA Debate” David Smith, US Naval Academy: “The Gendered Military Career: Women and Men’s Early Influences, Attitudes and Intentions” Tiffany Bohm, Purdue University - Calumet: “Lasting Effects: Gender Integration Policies on Identity in the U.S. Military, 1980 to 1994” Panel 51: Politics and the Military Chair & Presenter: John Allen Williams, Loyola University Chicago Stefano Recchia, University of Cambridge: “Objective Control Revisited: The US Generals as a Check on Civilian Hawks” Todd Nichols, Affiliation: “The Iraq War and the Politicization of the US Military” Barbara Jankowski, IRSEM: “Recent Trends in the Relationship between Political Authorities and Generals at Political-Military Level” Lars Haugom, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: “The Turkish Armed Forces and Politics” Jim Golby, Affiliation and Sam Neil, Affiliation: “Beyond Dissent and Resignation: The Positive Role of Military Expertise in Policy Debates” Panel 64: Roundtable on Recontructing Realism Paul Viotti, University of Denver Samuel Barkin, University of Massachusetts 8 Michael Desch, University of Notre Dame Christopher Layne, Texas A&M Gabriela Thornton, Texas A&M 2:45 - 4:15PM Panels 6, 27, 28, 29, 3, 68 Panel 6: Roundtable on the Ethics of Senior Office Resignation in the United States Chair: Jim Burk, Texas A&M Lieutenant General Jim Dubik (Ret.) Peter Feaver, Duke University Richard Kohn, University North Carolina (Emeritus) Don Snider, Army War College Panel 27: Faith and the Force Chair & Presenter: Kim P. Hansen, Mt. St. Mary’s University Yagil Levy, The Open University of Israel: “The Theocratization of Military Policies— Drivers and Impact” Harold Ristau, Royal Canadian Chaplain Service: “Military Chaplains as an Indispensable Source of Spiritual and Mental Resilience” Ryan Kelty, Washington College: “Moderating Effects of Religiosity: The Effects of Wartime Threats on Psychological Distress among Deployed Department of the Army Civilians” Panel 28: Media and Communication in the Armed Forces Chair & Presenter: Douglas Jordan, Joint Special Operations University Elad Popovich, Affiliation: “The New-Media Wars: Does New-Media Win the International Public Hearts and Minds?” 9 Morten Ender, US Military Academy, David Rohall, Missouri State University, and Michael Matthews, US Military Academy: “College Students, Mass Media, and the Military” Gerassimos Karabelias, Panteion University and Emmanuel Skoulas, American College of Greece: “Playing with Fire? Constructing Fear through Media Frames in 21st Century Greece” Doug Jordan, Joint Special Operations University: “International Efforts for Terrorist Counter Messaging: Analysis of a Community of Practice” Insoo Kim, Korea Military Academy and Young Bae, Soongsil University: “Internet Use and the Spread of Rumors to the South Korean Combatants” Panel 29: Diversity in the Force Chair & Presenter: Brian J. Selmeski, Air University Grazia Scoppio, Royal Military Academy of Canada: “Diversity in Military Colleges and Academics: Canadian & International Perspectives” Katie Tan Khai Shuen, Nanyang Technological University: “Diversity in Conscript Armies” Marek Posard, University of Maryland: “Defining Gender: Transgender People and US Military Personnel Policy” Panel 3: Global and National Issues in the Deployment of Special Forces Chair: Eitan Shamir, Bar Ilan University Presenter: Anna Simons, Naval Postgraduate School Eric Oullet, Royal Military College of Canada & Canadian Forces College: “SOF: To be Ready for Strategic Unknowns—A Canadian Perspective” James Kiras, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies: “Trust But Verify: Civil-Military Relations Between Special Operations Forces (SOF) and Political Elites” Hans Ils Alm, Karl Ydén & Peter Tillberg, IMIT / Royal Institute of Technology: " From Peacekeepers to Warriors: Sweden and International Military Missions ” Stephen M. Grenier, Kings College London: The Attitudes of US Army Special Forces Soldiers on Force Expansion Efforts, 2004-2010” 10 Jessica Glicken Turnley, Galisteo Consulting Group: “Warrior-Diplomats and Ungoverned Spaces: Narratives and Possibilities” Panel 68: Strategic Issues Chair & Presenter: Sergio Catignani, Affiliation Jim Golby, Affiliation: “Ending the End State: Toward a New Model for Military Planning” Pascal Vennesson, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University: “Strategy Misunderstood: Strategic Studies and Its Broader Security Critics” Bryan Groves, Duke University: “Principal Agent Problems: Why War Strategy Doesn’t Always Match Policy Aims” 4:30 - 6:00PM Panels 8, 13, 53, 59, 65, 41 Panel 8: Questions and Contexts: The Impact of Shifting Institutional Orientations on Social Science Research and Expertise in the US DoD Chair: Kerry Fosher, Marine Corps University Presenter: Col. Todd Lyons, U.S. Marine Corps Ben Connable, RAND: “Social Science and Campaign Assessment: A Match Made in Purgatory” Rebecca J. Hannagan, Lejeune Leadership Institute: “Finding ‘Greatness’ in the Context of Retrenchment: Producing a Scientifically Defensible Study of ‘Great’ Marine Units” Frank Tortorello, Marine Corps University: “Science and Cultural Contradiction in the United States Marine Corps” Brian R. Selmeski, Air University: “From Whence the Expertise and Research? Military Education’s Identity Crisis” Kerry Fosher, Marine Corps University: “Questioning Expertise: Context and Practice in DoD’s Use of Social Science” Panel 13: The Meaning of Risk in Soldiers’ Learning Before, During and After Military Operations 11 Chair and Presenter: Anders Sookermany, Norwegian Defence University College Uzi Ben-Shalom, Ariel University and Joseph Glicksohn, Bar-Ilan University: “Dimensions of Operational Stress and Forms of Unacceptable Risk Taking with Small Arms” Peter Jensen, US Military Academy: “Risk-Taking and Learning in a Military Context: Insights from Soldiers’ Experiences of Hand-to-Hand Combat” Merle Parmak, University of Huddersfield: “About the Fit” Trond Svela Sand, Gunnar Breivik, Anders Sookermany, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Defence Institute: “Investigating Risk and Risk-Taking Attitudes in Armed Forces: A Baseline Study in the Norwegian Population” Gunnar Breivik, Trond Svela Sand, Anders McD Sookermany, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Defence Institute: ”Risk-taking Attitudes and Behaviors among Soldiers in Dangerous Contexts: A Literature Review”. Panel 53: Virtual Warriors: Policy Issues Chair & Presenter: Paul Viotti, University of Denver Laura Blackerby, American University: “Drone-Use Recommendations to the US Air Force” Wilbur Scott, Karin De Angeles, and James Kajdasz, US Air Force Academy: “Making Probabilistic Judgments when Dilemmas Are ‘Wicked’ and States Are High: The Case of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft in Irregular Warfare Settings” Michael Kolb, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency: “Soldier and Robot Interaction in Combat Environments” Tommy Sowers, Duke University: “Nanomanagement: Drones, Trackers, Long Screwdrivers and the Death of the Military Profession? Superior Control and Subordinate Autonomy in Iraq, 2003-2008” Panel 59: Brother Against Brother: Societies in Turmoil Chair & Presenter: Richard Lacquemont Erik Goepner, George Mason University: “Trauma and Civil War Onset” 12 Kersti Larsdotter, Swedish Defence University: “UN’s Role in Combating Transnational Rebels: Prospects and Challenges” Rosalie Arcala Hall, University of the Philippines Visayas: “Review of Local Security Arrangements Between/Among Armed Actors in Three Bangsamoro Conflict Zones” Panel 65: Environmental Issues in Military Operations Chair & Presenter: Richard Tucker Brent Bankus, US Army History Branch: “Natural Resource Management and Peacekeeping” Panel Proposal: “A Natural Nexus: Exploring Relationships between War and the Environment” Richard Tucker, University of Michigan: “Environmental Stress from War’s Refugee Movements” Jean Mansavage, US Air Force Historical Studies Office: “Natural Defense: Origins of Natural Resource Conservation in the US Department of Defense” Neil Oatsvall, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts: “The Billion Dollar Debacle: Why the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Never Got Off the Ground” Panel 41: The Influence of Economic Factors on the Force Chair and Presenter: Zeinab Abul-Magd, Oberlin College Hisham Soliman, Georgia State University: "Businedd Interests and Military Defection in Authoritarian Regimes" Zeinab Abu - Magd, Oberlin College: "Militarizing the Nation: Army, Business, and Revolution in Egypt" Stephen Mariano, National War College: "The Sequestion Force: Rethinking the Future US Army Jessica Blankshain, US Naval War College: "Does Budget Pressure Increase Inter-service Rivalry in the US Military? 13 6:00 - 7:00PM Reception (Cash Bar) 7:00 - 10:00PM Banquet Saturday, Oct. 31 7:00 - 8:15AM Council Breakfast Meeting 8:30 - 10:00AM Panels 9, 10, 11, 16, 23 Panel 9: Gendered Identities in the Military: Examining Research and Policy Development Chair: Alan Okros, Canadian Forces College Presenter: Aaron Belkin, Palm Center Alan Okros and Denise Scott, Canadian Armed Forces: “Gendered Identities in the Canadian Armed Forces” Noah Riseman, Australian Catholic University and Shirleene Robinson, Macquarie University: “Transgender Military Service in Australia: Comparing Official Practices and the Lived Experience” James E. Parco, Colorado College: “Beyond DADT Repeal: Transgender Evolution in the US Military” Stacie R. Furia, Palm Center: “The Evolution of Trans* Inclusion in the British Armed Forces” Panel 10: Political-Military Relations and the Survival of Autocratic Rule Chair: Aurel Croissant, Heidelberg University Presenter: David Kuehn, Heidelberg University Natasha Ezrow, University of Essex: “Military Professionalism and Coup Risk” Gerassimos Karabelias, Panteion University Athens: “Too Hard to Die? The Role of Tradition in the Survival of Military’s Political Powers even during Periods of Democratization. The Case of Postwar Greece and Turkey” 14 Sofia Knochel Ledberg, Uppsala University: “Understanding Political Control over the Military in the People’s Republic of China” David Kuehn and Auriel Croissant, Heidelberg University: “The Dictator’s Endgame. A Theory of Military Behavior in Authoritarian Regime Crises” Jongseok Woo, University of South Florida: “Political Role of the Military in Post-Kim Ilsung North Korea” Kevin M. Wood and Peter M. Picucci, Institute for Defense Analyses: “In the Words of the Regime: Autocratic Control of the Military under Saddam Hussein” Panel 11: Unique Populations and Methodological Challenges in Studying the Military Chair: Karin De Angelis, U.S. Air Force Academy Presenter: David Smith, Naval Academy Christian A. Vaccaro, Indiana University of Pennsylvania: “A Difficult-to-Reach Population: Lessons Learned in Methodology and Measurement of Veterans and Military-Connected Students During Assessment of a Military Resource Center” Demond Mullins, Indiana University of Pennsylvania: “Sampling and Accountability of Student Veterans” Kimberly Bonner, Affiliation: “Troubling Methodologies: Studying Gender NonConforming Women in Hyper-Heteronormative Military Cultures” Michelle Sandhoff, Indiana University of Pennsylvania: “Suspicion and Small Population: Methodological Challenges in a Qualitative Study of Muslims in the U.S. Military” Panel 16: Contemporary Veterans in Transition Chair: Presenter: Meredith Kleykamp Meredith Kleykamp, University of Maryland, Sidra Montgomery, University of Maryland, Alexis Pang, New York University, and Kristin Schrader, GBX Consultants, Inc.: “Planning the Means and Ends of Post-Service Life: Examining How Service Members Transition Out of the Military” 15 Lisa Leitz, Chapman University: “Veteran Education Benefits: Those Who Need them Most, Struggle the Most” Sidra Montgomery, University of Maryland: “Protecting What’s Ours: Examining Identity Work and Status among Post-9/11 ‘Wounded Warriors’” Alexis Pang, New York University: “The Moral Boundaries of ‘Supporting the Troops’” Jeremy Teigen, Ramapo College and David Leal, University of Texas: “Political Attitudes of Recent US Veterans” Panel 23: Breaking the Mold: Confronting Intransigence in Transnational Systems Chair: Laura Cleary, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK Presenter: Jeanne Giraldo, Naval Postgraduate School Laura Cleary, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK: “Chipping and Thawing: Transforming the Soviet Military Mentality in Ukraine” Roger Darby, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK: “Indonesia: Can the Will for Change Find a Way?” Sukanya Podder, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK: “Neither Rebels nor Soldiers: Political Transformation of the SPLA/M and the Civil-Military Relationship in South Sudan” Teris McConville, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK: “Soft Threats, Systems and Strategy: Causes of Intransigence in Serbia’s Defense Sector” 10:00 - 10:30AM Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:00PM Panels 15, 24, 35, 48, 57, 56 Panel 15: Right and Wrong, Acceptable and Unacceptable, Legitimate and Illegitimate, Lawful and Unlawful: Ethics and the Armed Forces Chair: Presenter: Doyle Hodges, Princeton University: "Inter Arma Dominatet Leges? Legalism and Militery Professionalism in the United States" 16 Michael Skerker, United States Navy: "Moral Ballast for a Service Member's Journey from War to Home Front" James Gow, King's College London: "What Soldiers Think: Technological Innovation, Non-Obvious Warfare and Challenges to International Law.” Panel 24: The Dark Side of Military Life: Abuse of Service Personnel Chair & Presenter: Laura Miller, RAND David McCone, Karen De Angelis, and Amanda Lords, US Air Force Academy: “Rape Myth Acceptance at the US Air Force Academy: A Preliminary Look” Brenda Moore, University at Buffalo: “Organizational Failure: Reflections of Veterans Who were Sexually Assaulted while Serving in the US Military” Rebecca Hannagan, Northern Illinois University: “Any Respect I had from Anybody…Was Gone: When the US Military Fails Personnel who have been Sexually Assaulted” Panel 35: Armed Forces and the Individual Chair & Presenter: Marek Posard, University of Maryland Kimberly Bonner, Affiliation: “Critical Veteran Thought: Class, War, Citizenship, and the All-Volunteer Force Enlisted Veteran” Ryan Boeka, U.S. Military Academy: “Do All-Volunteer Forces Make Superior Militaries? An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Military Manpower Systems and Military Effectiveness” Chariklia Hofig, Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences: “‘Man Shall not Live by Bread Alone’—Occupational Needs among Military Personnel and their Significance for the Attractiveness of the German Armed Forces as an Employer” Frank Brundtland Steder, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment: “Which Variables Affect Changes in Motivation and Work Satisfaction?—A Longitudinal Study in the Norwegian Armed Forces” Panel 48: Wounded Warriors: Physical and Mental Health Challenges Chair & Presenter: Wilbur Scott, U.S. Air Force Academy 17 Emma Murray, Liverpool John Moores University: “Who Am I Now? Becoming a Criminal Veteran” Matthew McDonough, Suzanne Lederer, John Kunz, and Denise Dailey, ICF International: “Adequacy of US Recovering Warrior Units and Program: Results of a Mixed Media Study” John Fitzpatrick, George Mason University: “Deciphering te Military Disability Deluge” Suzanne Lederer, Matthew McDonough, John Kunz, and Denise Dailey, ICF International: “An Analysis and Summary of the Recommendations Made by the US DoD Recovering Warrior Task Force (2010-2014)” Panel 57: Challenges in Decision-Making, Planning, and Execution Chair & Presenter: Guy Siebold, Affiliation Irina Goldenberg, et. al., Defence Research and Development Canada: “Military-Civilian Personnel Collaboration in a Multinational Operational Context” Jakub Hlavka and Lisa Jonsson, Pardee RAND Graduate School: “Assessing Interoperability Challenges for NATO’s VJTF” Rachael Bryson, Carleton University: “NATO, Civil-Military Relations and Defence Decision-Making Process in Canada” Lotta Victor Tillberg, IMIT/CSMS: “The Path to Military Professionalism” Joakim Svartheden, IMIT/CSMS: “Just a Feeling—Street Smartness in International Operations” Panel 56: Social-Psychological Issues in the Armed Forces II Chair & Presenter: Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Israel Lisa Kalborg, Uppsala University: “Humanized Warriors: The Impact of PopulationCentric Warfare on Soldiers’ Perceptions of Duty toward Host Citizens” Nir Gazit, Ruppin Academic Center and Eyal Ben-Ari, Kinneret Academic College: “Doing Violence is Hard: The Micro-Social Foundations of Military Violence in Non-Combat Situations” 18 Ralph Sundberg, Uppsala University and Chiara Ruffa, Swedish National Defense College: “Breaking the Frame: Frame Dissonance in War and Peace” 12:00 - 1:30PM Luncheon 1:30 - 3:00PM Panels 21, 33, 37, 55, 61, 54 Panel 21: Perspectives on Suicide—Implications for Military and Police Organizations Chair: James Griffith, National Center for Veterans Studies, University of Utah Presenter: Joseph Soeters, Tilburg University Paul Bartone, National Defense University: “Factors Linked to Suicide in the Military: Making Sense of the Laundry List” John Violanti, State University of New York at Buffalo: “Suicide in Law Enforcement: Similarities to the Military” James Griffith, National Center for Veterans Studies, University of Utah: “The AllVolunteer Force (AVF): Some Unintended Consequences During Protracted Wars” Panel 33: The Reserve Experience Chair & Presenter: Vincent Connelly, UK Sergio Catignani, University of Exeter: “Assessing Organizational Commitment in the British Army 2020 Reserves” Stephen Dalzell, American University: “Reserve Component Choices as Effect and Cause: The African Experience” Vincent Connelly, Oxford Brookes University: “The Perception of British Army Reserves within the ‘Whole Force’ during a Period of Austerity” Jessica Blankshain and Lindsay Cohn, US Naval College: “Was Abrams Wrong? The Political Costs of Military Mobilization” Panel 37: The Force and the Law Chair & Presenter: Michael Noone, Catholic University of America 19 Peter Haas, George Mason University: “The War Powers Resolution of 1973: A Quantitative Evaluation” Matthew Zommer, The Citadel: “The Role of Reciprocity in Laws of War Training: Historical and Contemporary US Practice” Rick Ball, University of the West of England: “‘The Law on the Right to Privacy and the Military: the US and the UK” Michael Noone, Catholic University of America: “The Law of Urban Warfare in the 21st Century” Leonard Wong and Stephen Gerras, US Army War College: “Honestly Dealing with Dishonesty in the Army?” Panel 55: Social-Psychological Issues in the Armed Forces I Chair & Presenter: Morten G. Ender, U.S. Military Academy Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Israel: “The Importance of National Ethos in Military Victories” Uzi Ben-Shalom, Ariel University & Yuval Tsur, Sapir College: “Scripts of Service Culture – A hidden Dimension in the Successful Joint Operations of the Israeli Air Force and Special Forces” Jamie Severt and Armando Estrada, US Army Research Institute: “The Impact of Military Unit Cohesion on Soldier Resilience” Bendik Baasland, Norwegian Defence University College: “Living with Killing” Panel 61: Terrorism: Conceptual Issues Chair & Presenter: Franklin Osanka, Affiliation John Difa, University of Jos: “The UN’s Role in Fighting Terrorism” Emmanuel Ojo, University of Ilorin: “New Waves of Insecurity: Terrorists, Insurgents, and Freedom Fighters—A Conceptual Clarification” Kobi Michael, Ariel University Israel: “Coping with Terror: A Learning Challenge of the Civil and Military Echelons in a Democratic State” 20 Panel 54: Virtual Warriors: Ethical Issues Chair & Presenter: Reuven Gal, Affiliation Jennifer Smith-Heys, George Mason University: “US Drone Warfare Policies and the Just War Tradition” Michael Guiterrez, Loyola University Chicago: “Sympathy, Apathy, or Empathy: The Right Path to Morally-Appropriate Emotive Response in Remote Warfare” Gerard Dubey, Mines-Telecom Institute, and Caroline Moricot, University of Paris: “The Ethics of Drone Warfare: A Sociological Perspective” 3:15 - 4:45PM Panels 22, 31, 39, 46, 60, 63 Panel 22: The Real War on Film Chairs: Elizabeth Samet and Anna Simons, U.S. Military Academy Presenter: Suzanne Nielsen, U.S. Military Academy Elizabeth Samet, U.S. Military Academy: “Heroes for Sale” Sean Cleveland, U.S. Military Academy: “Home and Hearth: A Soldier’s Last Line of Departure” Forrest Crowell, Naval Postgraduate School: “Movie Madness and Other Challenges Confronting Naval Special Warfare” Joe McGraw, Naval War College: “Tactics and Heroes, Yes: Strategy and Policy, No” Anna Simons, Naval Postgraduate School: “TV’s Goldilocks Problems” Panel 31: Special Operations Issues Chair & Presenter: Hannah Wilkinson, Keele University Christophe Pajon, French Air Force Research Center and Thomas Loustalot, French Air Force: “French Special Forces Membership: The Case of Airmen” Roy Thomas, Royal Military Academy: “Special Forces in the Service of Peace: Anecdotal Evidence” 21 Stephen Grenier, King’s College London: “A Critical Analysis of US Special Operations Advisory Efforts in Afghanistan, 2002-2014” Panel 39: Civil Military Issues I Chair & Presenter: Doyle Hodges, Princeton University Olga Shaeva, Moscow State Linguistics University: “Civil-Military Relations as Structure and Communication: Comparative Analysis of Russia and NATO” Selim Instanbul, Turkish War College: “Ana Analysis of Civil-Military Relations in the 21st Century” Rebecca Schiff, Swedish Defence College: “Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan and Israel: A US Foreign Policy Assessment” Bryan Groves, Duke University: “Moving Forward, but Still in Search of the Elusive (& Conclusive) ‘So What?’” Heiko Biehl, Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences: “Conscription as the Key for Social Integration? The Relationship between Recruiting Systems and the Public Standing of Armed Forces” Panel 46: Women in the Force: Operational Issues Chair & Presenter: David Smith, U.S. Naval Academy Todd Woodruff and Ryan Kelty, US Military Academy: “Does Gender Moderate the Effects of Combat Deployment on Organizational Identification and Sacrificing?” Margie Serrato, Affiliation: “Fighting with Gender: A Comparative Analysis of Post-9/11 US Soldiers’ Combat Narratives” Lindy Heinecken, Stellenbosch University: “Factoring the Female ‘In’ or ‘Out’ of Peacekeeping: Rhetoric and the Reality” Panel 60: Issues in Peacekeeping Chair & Presenter: Arthur Gibb, U.S. Naval Academy 22 Sebastiaan Rietjens, Netherlands Defence Academy: “Towards Comprehensive Operational Understanding: The Case of MINUSMA” Patricia Shields, Texas State University and Joseph Soeters, Netherlands Defence Academy: “Peace-weaving: Applying Jane Addams Feminist Pragmatist Ideas of Positive Peace to Multinational Peace Operations” Gunwoo Kim, Korea Military Academy: “Controlling the Neighboring States in Conflict Regions: The Key for a Successful UN Peacekeeping in the Post-Conflict Region” David Curran, Coventry University: “Training Military Personnel for UN Peacekeeping: The Development of ‘Elicitive Approaches’” Panel 63: Alliances: Challenges and Promise Chair & Presenter: Sami Makki, Sciences Po and CERAPS Hermann Jung, Affiliation: “The Public Sphere, The Development of a Global Security, and a Dialectic Approach to Understanding Competitive Diplomacy Between Military Crisis Management and Good Global Governance” Carrie Lindsay, Stanford University: “Domestic Sources of Alliance Formation” Leslie Advinvula-Lopez, Ateneo de Manila University: “The RP-US Defense Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges from the Perspective of Filipino Soldiers” Caroline Trulsson, IMIT/CSMS: “Holding Hands—Swedish Military Mentoring in Afghanistan” 5:00 – 6:30PM Panels 18, 30, 32, 38, 66, 45 Panel 18: Covering the Blindside Chair: Geoff Babb, Command and General Staff College, Army University Presenter: Phil Pattee, Command and General Staff College, Army University Kurt Vandersteen, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Shadows on Cave Walls: Systems Perspective in the Operational Environment” Rich Berkebile, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Inchoate Revolution: Organization Structure and Terrorism in the Domestic Security Environment” 23 Kenneth Rich, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Assured Access to Space: An Examination of the Space Domain as a Tool for National Power” Dave Anderson, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Behind the Economics and Consequences of Genocide” Panel 30: Society’s Views on the Use of Force Chair & Presenter: Christine Wright-Isak, Florida Gulf Coast University Thomas Colley, King’s College London: “Strategic Narratives ‘From the Ground Up’? Investigating British Public Attitudes to the Use of Military Force” Carrie Lindsay, Stanford University: “Electoral Politics and the Vietnam Air Campaign” Lindsay Cohn, US Naval War College: “Bearing the Burden of Defense: American Attitudes Toward the Military Before and After the Long War” Rebecca Jensen and Amanda Stuart-Ross, University of Calgary: “Ambushed by WMDs: The Distorting Effect of Perception on Iraq War Decision-making” Panel 32: The Warrior as Humanitarian: Aiding Societies Chair & Presenter: Cynthia Watson, National War College Akira Jingushi, National Institute for Defense Studies: “Assessing Strategic Position of the Military in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief: Five Forces Perspective” Atsushi Yasutomi, Research Institute for Peace and Security; and Saya Kiba, Doshisha University: “Military Role in Disaster Relief and Impacts on the Democratic Civilian Control” Swed Ori, University of Texas at Austin: “Aid in Conflict: Nongovernmental Organizations and State Repression” Rachel Lea Heide, Department of National Defence - Canada and John Boyd, US Department of Defense: “Lessons Learned from the Canadian and American Militaries’ Humanitarian Assistance Operations to Haiti, January-March 2010” Panel 38: The Force and the Family: The Perpetual Tug-of-War 24 Chair & Presenter: Kerri-Ann Welch, Queensland University of Technology Kairi Kasearu and Tiia-Triin Truusa, Institute of Social Studies: “Looking at the Estonian Military Family” Michael Norton, University of Maryland: “Accounting for the Worse Psychological Wellbeing of Men in Dual-Working Marriages” Kerri-Ann Welch, Queensland University of Technology: “Defence Relationship Health— A Prospective Study of the Impact of Deployment on the Intimate Relationships of Australian Army Personnel” Elin Gustavsen, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: "The Veteran Experience from a Spousal Perspective" Panel 66: Civil Military Issues II Chair & Presenter: Steven Dalzell, American University Jack Porter, The Citadel: “Applying Western Civil-Military Institutions to Traditional Societies: Lessons Learned from Iraq and Afghanistan” Henrik Agardh-Twetman, University of London: “Soldiers and Locals: Identity Formation in Swedish Soldiers in Afghanistan in Relation to the Local Population” Samuel Rivera-Paez, Pontifical Xaverian University: “US Defense Policy and Inter-State Civil-Military Relations on the Western Hemisphere” Per M. Norheim-Martinsen, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: "New Sources of Military Change – Armed Forces as ‘Normal’ Organizations" Panel 45: Women in the Force: Social Issues Chair & Presenter: Nina Rones, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment Tair Karazi-Presler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Between Empowerment and Shame: Retrospective View of Power among Women Military Officers” Nina Hellum, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment: “Increase in Military Women Decrease Masculinity Culture” Mona Stokke, Eastern Norway University: “Social Issues—Families, Quality of Life, Women, Minorities, Gays in the Military, Etc” 25 6:30 - 7:30PM President’s Reception Sunday, November 1 7:00 - 8:15AM Editorial Board Meeting - Armed Forces and Society 7:00 - 9:00AM Buffet Breakfast 8:15 - 9:45AM Panels 36, 40, 49, 52 Panel 36: Armed Forces and Society in Asia and the Pacific Rim Chair & Presenter: Rosalie Arcala Hall, University of the Philippines Visayas Sofia Ledlberg, Uppsala University: “Understanding Political Control over the Military in the People’s Republic of China” (Please see panel 36) Terence Lee, National University of Singapore: “Civil-Military Relations under Suharto: Personalistic Dictatorship and the Survival of Authoritarian Rule in Indonesia” Claudia Kim, Boston University: “War over Framing: Base Politics in South Korea” Chigumi Kawaguchi, Research Institute for Peace and Security: "Changing Military Professionalism after the Cold War: The History of Japan Self-Defense Force Deployment Overseas" Chiyuki Aoi, Aoyama Gakuin University: “The Information Operations of the Japan Self Defence Forces: Justifying the Use of Land Power in International Deployments” Panel 40: Influences on Military Service Chair & Presenter: Shawn Ambrose, University of St. Francis Christine Wright-Isak, Florida Gulf Coast University: “Perceptions of the Value of Military Service: A Cross-Generational Perspective” Torbjorn Hanson, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment: “Impact of Risk Preferences on Self-selection and Job-entry Decisions in the Military” 26 James Yastrzemsky, US Army: “The Propensity to Serve in the Armed Forces during the Post-9/11 Era” Panel 49: Veterans and Society Chair & Presenter: Gielt Algra, Netherlands Military Research Center Eve Binks and Siobahn Cambridge, Liverpool Hope University: “You Can Never Totally Get It Out of Your System: A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of Transitioning from Membership of the Armed Forces to Civilian Life” Dana Grosswirth Kachtan, The Open University of Israel: “The Military Service of the Labor Market—Exchanging Military Social and Cultural Capital into Civilian Labor Market” Marybeth Ulrich, US Army War College and Risa Brooks, Marquette University: “Does Professionalism Retire with the Military Professional? Reflections on Military Retirees’ Continuing Obligation to the Profession” Sean Webeck and Venkata Nadella, Indiana University: “A Culture Gap in the US Federal Bureaucracy? Veterans and Non-Veterans in National Security Departments? Panel 52: Cyber Warfare: The New Frontier Chair & Presenter: Rachel Lea Heide, Department of National Defence - Canada Suzanne Nielsen, U.S. Military Academy: “The Role of the US Military in Cyberspace” Eric DeCampos, Affiliation: “Man, the State, and Cyberwar” Said Haddad, Saint-Cyr Military Academy: “Cyber as a National Priority, the French Case” Mitra Assoudeh, University of Nevada Reno: “Iran’s Cyber Militia” 10:00 - 11:30AM Panels 50, 58, 43, 19 Panel 50: Armed Forces and Society in Western Europe Chair & Presenter: Laura Cleary, Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the UK 27 Thomas Ferst, Sabrina Pfister, and Tibor Tresch, Swiss Military Academy at the ETH: “Threat Perception in the Swiss Population” Dean Bjerga, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: “Scandinavian Military Exceptionalism” Sami Makki, Sciences Po and CERAPS: “Reconstructing Civil-Military Relations in France: Assessing recent Government Initiatives after 01/07/2015” Claude Weber, Ecoles Militaires de Saint-Cyr Coetquidan: “Leadership in the French Army: A Practice without Theory?” Olav Bogen and Magnus Haakenstad, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies: "The Primacy of Internal Constraints: Norwegian Defence Reforms after the Cold War" Panel 58: Building Nations, Building Armed Forces Chair & Presenter: Greg Parlier, Affiliation Paul Camacho, Affiliation and Ibrahim Mohamed, Somali National Army: “To Build an Army: The Reconstruction of the Somali National Army” David Kuehn, Heidelberg University: “The Institutionalization of Civilian Control in New Democracies: Introducing a New Dataset” CDR Arthur Gibb, US Naval Academy: “Stability Through Security: US Security Assistance to the Developing World” John DeRosa, George Mason University: “Civil-Military Relations in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: A Case Study of Kosovo” Panel 43: Different Cultures Confronting the Force Chair & Presenter: Deividas Slekys, Vilnius University Chang Jun Yan, Nanyang Technological University: “The Curious Case of the KRI Usman Harun: Singapore, Indonesia, Strategy Culture and Defence Diplomacy” Remi Hajjar, U.S. Military Academy: “Military Linguists: Key intercultural Bridges in the Military Advising Mission” Charles Kirke, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom: “The Concept of ‘Safety Culture’ and its Application in British Military Units” 28 Panel 19: The Case for Continued Engagement Chair: Dave Anderson, Command and General Staff College, Army University Presenter: Kenneth Rich, Command and General Staff College, Army University Phillip Pattee, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Building Partner Capacity, Avoiding the Imperialism Problem” Anne Reiffenstein, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Neighbours…and Friends? Homeland Security and US-Canada Relations” James Cricks, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “Developing a New Relationship with Europe: Lessons from NATO’s Origins” Geoff Babb, Command and General Staff College, Army University: “The Foundations of Sino-American Military-To-Military Relations: From the Boxer Relief Expedition to the Joint United States Military Advisory Group—China, 1900-1949” Sunday Organization/Journal Meetings 7:00 – 8:00AM AF&S Breakfast Meeting Editor: Patricia M. Shields, Texas State University 11:45 - 12:45PM International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 President: Christian Leuprecht 1:00 – 2:00PM European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS) Chair: Yagil Levy
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