B. Sasikumar, C.N. Biju* leAR-Indian InsLitute of Spices Research, M ari kunnu P.O.,Kozhikode- 12, Keral a *ICAR-IISR Regional Stati on, Madikcri, Appanga la, Karn ataka, Pin- 57 1 201 e-mail: sasikulIIll rsooranadu @glllaif.colII Clove (Syzygillln aromaticum) was intmduced to India by the British East Indi a Company during the 18"'lhe century from the Malu ku Islands in Indonesia. Thereafter the spice has made Indi a its secondary center of domestication. The impOtt ant clove growing districts in Indi a now are Nilgitis, TInmelveli, Kanyakumrui ruld Ramanathapuram di stricts of Tamil Nadu , K oz h iko de, Ko tta ya m , Ko llam and Thiruvananthapuram di stricts of Kerala and South'Kanara district of Karnataka. If clove has fi rmly moted in South India since its introduction, it has moted deeply at Ambanaad estate of the Travancore Rubber and Tea Co. Ltd, though the estate is othetwise known for tea and rubber plantations. Ambanaad , a sleepy hi g hl and (2200 ft altitude) in Ko llam district on the Punalur-Shenkottai Highway, some 40 km away from Punalur, is the a bode of th e larges t c love population in Kerala, if not in Indi a, thanks to the vision of 70 year o ld Mr. Ramakrishna Sharma, chairman of the company! Come January -Februray, the aroma of freshly picked cloves fills the air and landscape of Ambanaad! Migrant workers hired by local contractors spend about two residential months in harvesting, segregating and transpOlting cloves. The Ambanaad estate (3000 acres) came under the Travancore Rubber and Tea Company Ltd. (Pattom Palace, TIUllvananthapuram) during 1983-84. Prior to that, the property was with Harrisons Malayalam Ltd. (HML). Initially, under HML there were about 400-500 clove trees in one division of the estate. Once with the new owners and management, clove planting started in a systematic manner annually in the tea divisions of the estate using the seedlings of the ebte mother trees available in the estate besides the seedlings procured from Nagercoil clove estates. At present there are 10627 yielding trees and 21508 juvenile trees of one to 40 years age as intercrops of tea and the estate has a very good clove nursery raised from the seeds of elite mother trees in the estate. During April-May ripe clove fruits or Mother of clove are collected from elite mother trees and sown in arecanut, coffee, etc. are raised as rain fed crops. About 5000 nutmeg trees are also there amidst the clove and tea plants (There are about 277 allspice, 100 cinnamon and 3000 black pepper plants as well in the estate). Vermicompost (35-40 t) produced in the estate, plus farm yard manure and inorganic fertilizers are the nutrient sources to the plants. Local contractors bid for the clove hruvest every yeru·. Owing the CWTent season clove was auctioned for Rs. 2.5 crores! Depending on the age of the tree and season, 25-75 kg raw cl ove is obtained from a single tree. The harvested produce is sorted into buds , leaves and stalk s and transported to Nagercoil for up process mg. Ambanadu estate has 10627 yielding dove trees and 21508 juvenile trees of one to 40 years of age as intercrop of tea, 25 to 75 ~ilos of raw clove are obt~ned from asingle tree nursery beds. Young sprouts are periodically removed from the beds and individually tran splanted in polybags. One year old seedlings are used for field planting. The target for new planting in 20 15 is a whooping 17000 seedlings! Hea lthy clove seedlings are also available for sale from the estate. Though clove is usually grown as a monocrop in other places, at Ambanaad estate it is an intercrop of tea! Seedlings come to bearing by the 4'h yea r of pl anting. The es tate receives an annual rain fall of300 cm Processing is mainly done by sun drying the buds on tiled noors. It is told that dlying on tiled nool'S give the characteristic golden black colour or chocolate hue to the buds. The sun dried produce is then graded and sold to north Indian buyers. Contact details: The Travancore Rubber and Tea Company Ltd Ambanaad, Kallam and all crops in the estate including Head Office: Pattom Palace, tea, rubber, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, Thiruvananthapuram, Phone: black pepper, allspice, cocoa, 8589037043
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