IDA WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT March 23-24, 2015 Windsor Atlantica Hotel Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Organizer Supporting Affiliate IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Conference Chairmen: Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli Director, Overseas Business Development, Toray and 1st VP of IDA, Brazil Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz Director of Development & Innovation, Degremont SA and 2nd VP IDA, France Technical Program Committee: Prof. Ivanildo Hespanhol, Manager of CIRRA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Mr. Eduardo Torres, Senior Advisor, Petrobras, Brazil Mr. Alvaro Jose Menezes da Costa, President, CASAL and Vice President, ABES, Brazil Mr. Raymond Philippe, Business Development Manager, MWH Global, Chile Mr. Guillaume Clairet, PE, MBA, Executive Vice President, H2O Innovation, Canada Mr. Renato Giani Ramos, Latin America Commercial Director, Dow WP&S, Brazil Mr. Eduardo Pacheco, Director General, Tratamento de Agua, Brazil Opening Session Speakers: Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh, President, International Desalination Association, Saudi Arabia Mr. Jorge Briard, President, CEDAE, Brazil Mr. Dante Ragazzi Pauli, President, ABES, Brazil Mr. Benedito Braga, President, World Water Council, and Water Resources Secretary - State of Sao Paulo Mr. Gabriel Toffani, Chief Executive Officer, Degremont, Latin America 2 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT THE CONFERENCE About the Program The International Desalination Association (IDA) has selected Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Americas, to host its first event in Latin America on March 23-24, 2015. The two-day conference, “Water Reuse and Desalination for Latin America Development,” is an exciting conference that will highlight the vital role desalination processes and technologies are playing in the human and economic well-being of the region. International and local speakers will exchange their experiences and will showcase the state-of- the-art desalination and reuse technologies for municipal and industrial applications. Presentations will be divided into four sessions: - Desalination - Success Stories in the World and Latin America Water Reuse - Success Stories in the World and Latin America Oil & Gas Applications Mining and Industrial Applications Why You May Want to Attend Water reuse and desalination technologies have become essential aspects of water resource management in Latin America to help keep or increase the level of economic production. Both the mining and oil & gas sectors are currently leading in the use of these technologies in several Latin American countries including Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Mexico, but applications in the municipal sector are increasing. The Conference will explore these technology areas and as a conference attendee, you will have access to an abundance of knowledge and resources from experts in the water reuse and desalination industry. 1 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Schedule of Topics - Pre-Conference Registration and Day 1 SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 03:00-5:00 MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 Pre-Conference - Registration Hall 2 (2nd Floor) Registration Open Day 1 - Registration Hall 2 (2nd Floor) 07:00-12:00 Registration Desk Open 08:30-10:00 Welcome Angra Dos Reis (2nd Floor) Conference Introduction Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz Introduction to Reuse and of Desalination in Latin America Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli Rio de Janeiro Utility Point of View Mr. Jorge Briard Brazil Water Challenges Mr. Dante Ragazzi Pauli Challenges of Water Crisis in Sao Paulo Mr. Benedito P. F. Braga Opening Remarks from Local Water Reuse and Desalination Industry Mr. Gabriel Toffani Opening Remarks and Official Opening Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh 10:00-10:30 BREAK Hall 1 10:00-18:00 EXHIHBITS OPEN Buzios A 10:30-13:00 Session 1: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories I Angra Dos Reis (2nd Floor) Session Chairmen: Mr. Miguel Angeland Sanz, Prof. Saudi Arabia Desalination Evolution the FirstIvanildo Hespanol Solar Desalination Plant Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh The Role of Sea Water Desalination in Spain Ms. Gabriela Mañueco SWRO in Brazil, Fernando de Noronha Case Study Mr. Roberto Cavalcanti Tavares Singapore Water Reuse Experience Mr. NG Han Tong Australian Desalination Experience Mr. Borja Blanco and Mrs. Sue Murphy 13:00-14:30 LUNCH 14:30-17:30 Session 2: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories II Angra Dos Reis (2nd Floor) Session Chairmen: Mr. Renato Ramos, Mr. Carlos Cosin Industrial Water Reuse - Aquapolo Case Study Mr. Marcos Koehler Asseburg Closing the Gap: The Israeli Experience Mr. Abraham Tenne Desalination in Middle East Membrane Evolution Cases Studies Dr. Corrado Sommariva 87 years of Desalination in Curaçao Mr. Manuel Pereira Sao Paulo Challenges Mr. Americo Sampaio How Brazilian Water Challenges Can Be Solved Mr. Gesner Oliveira - Panelist Panel Debate - How Water Reuse and Desalination Experiences Can Help the Brazilian Future Water Plan 7 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Schedule of Topics - Pre-Conference Registration and Day 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 07:00-12:00 08:30-18:00 08:30-13:00 Day 2 - Registration Hall 2 (2nd Floor) Registration Desk Open EXHIHBITS OPEN Buzios A Session 3: Oil & Gas Applications (Upstream and Downstream) Angra Dos Reis (2nd Floor) Session Chairmen: Mr. Guillaume Clairet, Mr. Eduardo Torres Offshore Petrobras Experience Using Sulfate Removal Unit Mr. Gustavo Garios Lage 10:00-10:30 Improved Oil Recovery Through Achievement of Very Specific Water Quality Ms. Lisa Henthorne Water Reuse and Desal Experiences in Mexico Mr. Jose E. Ramos Falcon BREAK Hall 1 The Water and Oil Industry in Venezuela Mr. Luis Barberii QGC Kenya Produced Water Treatment Plant Australia Water Treatement and Desal Processes at Mr. Michael Rees, Mr. David Ciszewski Petrobras: R&D Overview 13:00-14:30 LUNCH 14:30-17:30 Session 4: Industry Applications Dr. Marcel Vasconcelos Melo Angra Dos Reis (2nd Floor) Session Chairmen: Mr. Raymond Philipe, Dr. Corrado Sommariva Sea Water Desalination for Copper Mines in Chile: MEL Case Study Mr. Srinivas (Vasu) Veerapanei Desalination and Water Reuse for the Development of Latin America Mr. Alejandro Sturniolo Wastewater and Treatment Plant of Esmeralda Corp SAC Ms. Maria Luisa Flores Chumbipuma Water Reuse in the Industrial Sector Using MBR Technology Ms. Nataska Schincariol Desalination for Mining in Chile, General Vision. Case Study of Angloamerican Mr. Rodolfo Lobos Panel Debate - How Can the Use of Desalination Contribute to the Industrial Development in Brazil and Latin America 17:30-17:45 Conclusion and Closing Remarks: Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli, Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, Mr. Eduardo Pacheco, Mr. Americo Sampaio 8 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Session 1: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories I Session Chair: Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, France Session Co-Chairs: Prof. Ivanildo Hespanhol, Brazil Session Description: Desalination has been exponentially growing in the last several decades as part of the solutions to feeding the population or the industry where the natural resources are limited. Over 18,000 plants are able to produce more than 80,000,000 m3/day of fresh water in 150 countries. Latin America continues to grow and desalination is experiencing progress led by the industry applications. South America is suffering one of the driest periods in the last decade and the municipal market is close to using desalination to supply drinking water for important cities. In this session, we will show several successful case studies coming from different parts of the world bringing the practical experience of implementation of desalination plans and plants. The session will also address different types of contracts including DB and DBO projects, alliances as well as IWP and PPP financing projects. The Middle East has more than 50 years experience concentrating at 60% of the seawater market. The cases of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain will illustrate different ways to apply desalination to produce drinking water for the population for years to come. We will also bring several cases where desalination plans have been implemented in a short time to solve specific problems as in the cases of Spain, Australia, Singapore and Israel. The session will be complemented with some successful experiences in Latin America. Speakers: Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh, President, International Desalination Association, Saudi Arabia Ms. Gabriela Manueco Pfeiffer, Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction, Acuamed, Spain Mr. Roberto Cavalcanti Tavares, President, Compesa, Brazil Mr. NG Han Tong, Managing Director, PUB Consultants, Singapore Mr. Borja Blanco, Chief Executive Officer, Aqua Advise, Spain and Ms. Sue Murphy, Cheif Executive Officer, Water Corporation of WA, Austrailia 3 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Session 2: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories II Session Chair: Mr. Renato Giani Ramos, Brazil Session Co-Chairs: Mr. Carlos Cosin, CEO, Abengoa, Spain Session Description: Municipal Wastewater Reuse has been one of the most controversial sources of water in current days. Be it lack of knowledge or a natural self-defense, the public perception tends to be negative when reuse is the subject. However, a higher global demand for water is making it increasingly indispensable and a new concept about management of water streams where reuse is a key alternative is needed to enhance water supply liability. Brazil has recently been a bitter example where availability of water does not mean accessibility to the water. One of the countries with the largest water resources globally is currently facing its more critical water stress for the past decade and is urgently looking for a short term solution. Different countries around the world have handled similar situations and have found reuse as a viable alternative. One of the most significant benefits of water reuse is the value created by the inclusion of water reuse in integrated water resources resulting in the long-term sustainability of our water supplies. Application of innovative technologies, technology transfer and better documentation of the benefits of water reuse can contribute to public education and increased public acceptance. Nevertheless, the lack of available funding for water reuse projects and the need for support by regulators and politicians are key pieces for making reuse a reality. This session will discuss alternatives for water reuse and will explain the different forms, appropriate technologies, applicable standards, advantages, drawbacks and will discuss the different opinions of practices around the world. These type of contracts will be an important aspect in this session covering Construction to PPP’s. Speakers: Mr. Marcos Koehler Asseburg, P.E., Director, Odebrecht Environmental -Aquapolo Ambiental, Brazil Mr. Abraham Tenne, Head of Desalination Division, Israeli Water Authority, Israel Dr. Corrado Sommariva, Managing Director Generation Middle East, ILF Consulting Engineers, UAE Mr. Manuel Pereira, Manager Projects Bureau, Aqualectra, Curacao Mr. Americo Sampaio, Director of Technology, Sabesp, Brazil 4 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Session 3: Oil & Gas Applications Session Chair: Mr. Guillaume Clairet, EVP, H2O Innovation, Canada Session Co-Chairs: Mr. Eduardo Torres, Senior Advisor, Petrobras, Brazil Session Description: Oil & gas producers are in great need of viable solutions for better management of the water used in their global operations. Depending on the geographies and geologies, the requirements are extremely different but yet present a great deal of similarities in the desalination technologies they use for recycling water, discharging water or ‘’customizing’’ water quality. In Brazil, the offshore market has needs for sulfate removal (SRP) from seawater used for injection and this is accomplished through low pressure spiral wound membrane elements. At the other end of the Globe, Australia’s regulated coal seam gas market uses similar spiral wound membrane systems to recycle water used for fracking the reservoirs. The Canadian oil sands on their end, one of the most heavily regulated oil play in the World, uses thermal desalination technologies for treating high salinity brines coming out of SAGD operations (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage). Finally, the shale gas and shale oil intensive requirements in ‘’frack’’ water also create various needs for water treatment from Argentina (Vaca Muerta) to Pennsylvania (Marcellus). This session will focus on the various technical challenges related to water faced by oil producers globally and some of the solutions which have been successfully implemented such as: Low-salinity water flooding & enhanced oil recovery (EOR); Sulphate removal process (SRP); SAGD (Steam-Assisted gravity drainage) water recycling with evaporators; Fracking and associated flowback and produced water treatment. The global oil producers have tremendous water management challenges in front of them to insure they will be able to deliver fossil fuel energy to the World for years to come. Their key experts will share how they plan to tackle these challenges through existing and upcoming water treatment technologies tailored to the O&G industry. Speakers: Mr. Gustavo Carlos Lage, Senior Process Engineer, Petrobras, Brazil Ms. Lisa Henthorne, SVP and CTO, Water Standard, USA Mr. Jose E Ramos Falcon, Water Specialist Director of Production, PEMEX, Mexico Mr. Luis Barberii, Project Manager, PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela SA, Venezuela Mr. Michael Rees, Asia-Pacific Regional Commercial Leader and Mr. David Ciszewski, Global ES Large Project/Thermal Sales Director, GE Power & Water, Australia Dr. Marcel Vasconcelos Melo, Manager, Water Treatment/Reuse Technologies, Petrobras, Brazil 5 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Session 4: Mining and Industrial Applications Session Chair: Mr. Raymond Philippe, Chile Session CWo-Chairs: Dr. Corrado Sommariva, MD, ILF, United Arab Emirates Session Description: Water availability for industrial applications such as mining, power, chemical and food and beverage, especially in arid regions, has been declining rapidly over time. These industries compete with water requirements for the municipal and agriculture sectors. As a consequence, companies are evaluating several sustainable alternative water supply options, such as desalination of brackish water or seawater. The case of the mining industry in Latin America is quite particular, as most mining projects and operations are located inland, and very often at higher altitudes, desalination projects in reality are the result of a complex integration of marine works, a desalination treatment system combined with a high-pressure water conveyance pipeline, and an energy transmission project. Nowadays, several industries are relying on desalination to cope with a very strict effluent discharge regulation. Membrane treatment to meet discharge limits for metals, sulfates, nitrogen and phosphorous, and several organic compounds have been successfully implemented in various industries. In this session, desalination for industrial applications will be presented with a focus on a business model, complexity of design, size and cost of the installations and operation. Speakers: Mr. Srinivas (Vasu) Veerapaneni, Deslination Technology Leader, Black & Veatch, Argentina Mr. Alejandro Sturniolo, Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Operations, RWL Water, Argentina Ms. María Luisa Flores, Manager of Sustainability and Environment, Esmeralda Corp S.A.C, Peru Ms. Nataska Schincariol, Technical Manager of Environmental Engineering, General Water, Brazil Mr. Rodolfo Lobos, Consultant, Anglo American, Brazil 6 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Sponsorship Opportunities IDA is offering four 4 sponsorship levels for this event. Sponsorship Level Cost Registration Included Platinum $20,000 USD 4 Gold $10,000 USD 2 Silver $5,000 USD 1 Bronze $1,500 USD For complete details regarding sponsorship package inclusions, download the sponsorship brochure at For general conference inquiries email [email protected] or by phone at + 1 978-887-0410. 9 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Thank you to our Sponosors! The IDA Conference Committee wishes to extend a special thanks to the sponsors of the IDA Water Reuse and Desalination for Latin America Development conference. Your commitment and support is greatly appreciated. PLATNINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS 10 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT Destination Information The Conference will take place in Rio de Janeiro, at the Windsor Atlantica Hotel, just minutes from the enchanting beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Arpoador. Some of the most famous landmarks include the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado Mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World; Sugarloaf Mountain and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world’s largest football stadiums. Rio is one of the country’s major transportation hubs and the Galeão International Airport is situated only 20 km (12 mi) north of the city centre. Conference Venue Windsor Atlantica Hotel Av. Atlântica, 1020 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22010-000, Brazil Telephone: +55 21 2195-7800 Registration Information Conference Registraion Fee (Including Onsite): US$450 (or Reais 1,300 through AguaConsultoria website) Registration Fee Includes: Refreshment breaks, course material, onsite simultaneous translation (English/ Spanish/Portuguese) Registration Hours: Sunday, March 22nd, 3pm - 5pm Monday, March 23rd, 7am - 5pm Tuesday, March 24th, 7am - 12pm 11 IDA RIO 2015 WATER REUSE and DESALINATION CONFERENCE for LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT About IDA The International Desalination Association (IDA) is the leading global organization dedicated to the advancement of desalination, desalination technology and water reuse. A non-profit organization and NGO of the United Nations, it is the global hub of expertise, news and information, and professional development for the worldwide desalination industry. In addition to its industry-leading events held around the world and its comprehensive print, online and multimedia resources, IDA also provides educational opportunities and information about desalination and water reuse to a variety of constituents, from industry professionals in the public and private sectors to students and the general public. IDA serves more than 2,600 members in 60 countries and reaches an additional 4,000 affiliate members that consist of scientists, end-users, manufacturers and suppliers, engineers, consultants, developers, financiers and researchers, representing governments, corporations and academia. Its growing network of regional and association affiliates located around the world covers North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, Asia, the Pacific and Australia. For more information and registration visit Email general inquiries to [email protected] International Desalination Association P.O. Box 387, Topsfield, MA 01983 USA Website: Email: [email protected] 12
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