LESSON PLANNING UNIT: Scientific method: Making and mastering Observations Jason Beasley & Jason Sutton TEDU 414, Domalik Unit Lesson Plan: Scientific method, Making observations Fifth Grade Jason Sutton and Jason Beasley 2 Hours per Lesson 1. Our unit focus on SOL Science 5.1 which talks about the scientific method. We chose this unit because of the importance of scientific method. We use scientific method in numerous real life situations. Scientific method is an invaluable part of a child’s education. We decided the concentrate on the observation aspect of the scientific method. This is the key to understanding and wielding the scientific method. This unit fits into the SOL because each lesson is essentially one piece of the observation puzzle and together it will allows students to, hopefully, understand how to observe and analyze data. 2. The general purpose for the unit is to learn, develop, and master the concepts associated with making observations and inferences about an observable object or subject. The topics cover how to make good observations as well as what to include. The lesson also seeks to explore observation making in a variety settings and venues. Often times, the expression of said observations is just as important as making the observation. Finally, mastery of observation making skills includes making clear and concise discernments so that the intended understanding is grasped quickly and easily by anyone who might read or hear about them. Students will practice through practical applications such as studying, habitats, graphs, and different rock types. B. Day 1: Given the virtual Field Trip site and worksheet, students will make 10 observations about what they experience, while following along with the taught guidelines, with at least 80% accuracy. Day 2: Given a set of conditions the students have to find, students will located and write descriptions with at least 4 out of 5 components, to create as much detail as possible. This should be completed with 100% accuracy. Day 3: Given sets of data, the students will be able to determine which type of graph is appropriate between a line graph and a stemandleaf plot with at least 80% accuracy. Day 4: Given a list of observations, students will draw and discern visual representations of the observations made by a group, incorporating at least 4 out of 5 observations. Day 5: Given a set of books related to rock cycles, the students will be able to work together to complete a worksheet about rock cycles with an 80% accuracy. C. Relevant SOLS Day 1: C/T 35.8 A. Practice reasoning skills when gathering and evaluating data. Determine when technology tools are appropriate to solve a problem and make a decision. ∙ Identify technology resources and tools that can help with decision making. B. Demonstrate organization and persistence when completing personal and group assignments, activities, and projects. ∙ Use various productivity tools that help with planning, time management, project goal setting, etc. Day 2: Math 5.15 The student, given a problem situation, will collect, organize, and interpret data in a variety of forms, using stemandleaf plots and line graphs. Day 3: PE 5.5 The student will participate in establishing and maintaining a safe environment for learning physical activities. a. Work independently and with others to improve learning during physical activity. b. Display appropriate cooperative and competitive behaviors. Day 4: Visual arts 5.3 The student will express personal ideas, images, and themes through artistic choices of media, techniques, and subject matter. Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. Day 5: Language Arts 5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subjectrelated group learning activities. a) Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas. b) Organize information to present in reports of group activities. c) Summarize information gathered in group activities. d) Communicate new ideas to others. e) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. f) Demonstrate the ability to work independently. Unit Plan Activity: Egyptian Observations! Day 1: Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to provide students the opportunity to both become familiar with as well as practice making observations about their immediate environment. We will begin the unit with the basics of how to build a sound observation, and what components they are made of. This becomes important, not only in science, but also too in clearly communicating in any scenario. The students will make these observations through a variety of technological outlets.Students will have the opportunity to practice and master skill associated with more modern technology. SOLs Covered: Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. C/T 35.8 Practice reasoning skills when gathering and evaluating data. A. Determine when technology tools are appropriate to solve a problem and make a decision. ∙ Identify technology resources and tools that can help with decision making. B. Demonstrate organization and persistence when completing personal and group assignments, activities, and projects. ∙ Use various productivity tools that help with planning, time management, project goal setting, etc. Objectives: Given the virtual Field Trip site and worksheet, students will make 10 observations about what they experience, while following along with the taught guidelines, with at least 80% accuracy. Procedure: Introduction: Students will meet on the carpet. We will start our unit with a game of I Spy.(V) at the end of the game, we will begin our conversations about good observations. once we do that, we will inform the students that we are going on a special type of field trip! the lesson on virtual field trips and making observations will go as follows: 1. Students will begin by listening to a brief description of observations. 2. Students will help brainstorm and create guidelines for what makes a good observation. A good observation should include a. The Big Five components are: Shape, size, texture, color, and action. b. a clear description of an object c. any action that they object is taking, if none then note that. d. should contain at least two points of identification i. ( The ball is orange and made of fabric) 3. Students will then be instructed to move to their respective stations. Computers should be set up and ready to operate before the students get to them.(T) 4. to set up the activity, we will say” Today we will be going on this virtual field trip with our computers because we want to learn to make observations about ancient egyptian tombs! Activity: 5. Students will then be handed out a worksheet that they will use to follow along with the fieldtrip. This sheet will be used to help identify objects in a “scavenger hunt fashion”. 6. As the students scour the trip looking for the points of interest on the activity sheet, they will then give detailed descriptions using the guidelines that we came up with earlier in the lesson.(V) 7. Once students finish up the activity, they can then find the teacher, inform them. Once the finished product has been cleared, the student can then shut down their activity and move back to their desk. Summary and wrap up: 8. We will then meet and reconvene to review various parts of the activity. a. We will discuss the following questions(A) b. Where was the fieldtrip? c. Why was it important? d. What were Hieroglyphs, Stelas, and Anubis? e. What were the guidelines for good observations we talked about earlier? f. Did you find all of the locations? g. How did you describe some of them? h. did you find describing some were easier than others? i. How would you use what you’ve learned to describe other objects in the future? 9. A quick review sheet/ exit slip, will be filled out that shows an interesting thing students learned about something in the field trip. 10. Students will hand in the sheet and prepare for the next activity of the day. Gifted and Talented: go back to the room with the earn and locate the anubis marker. In it, Play the games and clues to learn more about egyptian history. In your writer’s notebook, Go back and make some observations about what you saw Struggling students: Teachers will be circulating from computer to computer to help students. Located on the page is an icon that will provide students with tips and clues about the fieldtrip. Students can also reach out to other classmates. The observations will be written explicitly on the board so that there is a constant frame of reference. Materials: ● ● ● ● ● computers already set up worksheets, ready and printed Pencils table space for computers Virtual Field trip: ○ http://www.nms.ac.uk/explore/play/discoverancientegypt/egyptiantombadven ture/ Evaluation A: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of forming proper observations by adhering to the guidelines that were created with the teachers and students in class. We will also be able to assess their understanding through the use of discussion both before and after the activity. Students will also be assessed by the comments that they leave in the exit slip at the end of the lesson. Evaluation B: Did the student meet the objectives? were the guidelines the students came up with clear and explicit? What were the strengths of the lesson? Where did the lesson appear not to go smoothly? If you re teach the lesson again, How will you do this differently? ANCIENT EGYPT FIELDTRIP! Name three Countries on the first Map. Explore and see what you can find! 1)_______________ 2)_______________ 3)_______________ Which river runs through Egypt? ________________________ Using our guidelines, describe a Stela. What does it look like? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Describe some of the hieroglyphs you see. What letter or word does it stand for in english? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Describe one of the Canopic Jars . What does it look like? What is it for? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Describe the Two statues in the final Chamber. What do the look like and who do they represent? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Describe one of the Egyptian Gods . What does it look like? Why was this god important to the ancient egyptians? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Describe the Final tomb. What is contained inside this tomb? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Name one Fact your learned about Ancient Egypt During our field trip. __________________________________________________________________________ __ __________________________________________________________________________ __ Unit Plan Activity: Observing the Great Outdoors Day 2 Purpose: In our second day of the activity, students will continue to practice making observations. Each group will Continue work on making observations, all the while working in groups outside, as a means of physical activity, in the form of movement appreciation. Students will spend this time preparing observations on the attributes of the physical world, as well as exploring a predetermined and scanned outdoor location. While on our hike students will have the opportunity to maximize working with other students during physical activity. Sols covered Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. PE 5.5 The student will participate in establishing and maintaining a safe environment for learning physical activities. a. Work independently and with others to improve learning during physical activity. b. Display appropriate cooperative and competitive behaviors. Objectives: Given a set of conditions the students have to find, each group will locate a possible habitat and write descriptions in their journal, with at least 4 out of 5 components, to create as much detail as possible. This should be completed with 100% accuracy. Procedures: Introduction: 1) students will be called to the center carpet, in the room. 2) We will begin the lesson by showing students pictures of various wild habitats that have been taken around the school. (V) 3) We will then practice, as a group, making appropriate observations, using the guidelines created in day one.(A) 4) After practicing with three or four pictures, students will then be told that we will be going on a nature and observation hike around the school! (K) 5) Students will be broken up into groups in a fashion that there are an even set of groups. 6) Students will then be given an ipad with a sheet already filled out. student will be told that they must find four different places that they believe to be habitats in the area. Once they have found this area, they will then have to both take a picture of the area, and with as much detail as possible, make observations about said area, in written form. Activity: 7) Students will then be lined up to be taken outside. (K) 8) students will be taken to a predetermined and scanned area (preferably forestlike) to make observations. Students will take 30 minutes to find and record all of the locations. 9) The teacher, during this time and with the help of at least one other adult, will be moving around the area, to check that all students are both on task and within sight and sound. 10) after 30 minutes, the teacher will alert the students that the end of the assignment is here, and it is time to line up. (A) Conclusion: 11) Students will then be brought in and sat back on the carpet. 12) Here, the students will discuss the following questions: a) What were we looking for? b) Where did we find the location? c) What might be living there? d) why would it be safe for that animal to live there? e) What were some other observations about the habitats, you found interesting? 13) Students will then review how good observations are made, and be released for the next assignment. For gifted and Talented students: Have the students try and guess from the habitat what possible animal might once have inhabited the area. Have the students explain why and with what clues they believe denotes the type of animal they observe. For Struggling Students: Have the students clear recite the directions to the teacher before going outside. once outside, there will be several adults who can assist in locating possible points of interest for the students. Asking questions like “Where do you think a bird might live?” or “Where do you think an easy place to gather food would be?”. also reminding students of the 5 components of observations will help in completing the assignment with the highest level of mastery. Materials: ● In order for the activity to be successful, the following will be needed: ● Computer ● Projector ● powerpoint with pictures of various habitats ● 5 iPads, charged with activity loaded ● wooded area prescanned for safety ● at least one other adult Evaluation A: Students will demonstrate their evolving understanding about making observations in two forms. The first is through identifying and describing, with as much detail as possible, potential habitats in their journals. Having used 4 out of 5 components, each group will be asked to use the guidelines created on day one, to assist in clear observation making. The second for will be in discussion both in assessment of the own findings as well as with the discussion questions located in the summary section of the procedures. Evaluation B: Did the student meet the objectives? were the guidelines the students came up with clear and explicit? What were the strengths of the lesson? Where did the lesson appear not to go smoothly? If you re teach the lesson again, How will you do this differently? Unit Plan Activity: Observing Graphs Day 3: Purpose: The purpose of this lesson plan is to provide students with an activity demonstrating the proper use of stemandleaf plots and line graphs. Students will be able to choose the proper time to use a line graph versus a line plot. I.E. line graphs are typically used to show changes over time whereas a stemandleaf plot is used for helping to find median, modes, minimum and maximum values, and ranges. SOL: Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. Math 5.15 The student, given a problem situation, will collect, organize, and interpret data in a variety of forms, using stemandleaf plots and line graphs. Objectives: Given sets of data, the students will be able to determine which type of graph is appropriate between a line graph and a stemandleaf plot with at least 80% accuracy. Procedure: Introduction: 1. Students will be shown a video about line graphs. This will be a solid introduction to how line graphs are useful tools for data over time.(V) 2. Students will then be given examples of line graphs using such topics as football, music, and cooking.(V) 3. Students will then be shown a video about stemandleaf plots. The video will not be an intriguing as the line graphs because it is much easier to explain stemandleaf plots. 4. Students will be given examples of how stemandleaf plots are used such as population. Activity: 1. Students will be given worksheets regarding line graphs and stemandleaf plots. 2. Students will work together to analyze the components of the worksheets on spreadsheets. 3. Students will be allowed to work in pairs for the first two worksheets. Pairs will be based upon a “random” selection between two groups. These two groups will be comprised of “strugglers” and “advanced” students. The strugglers and advanced will be paired to help each other. 4. Students are to be given the last worksheet to work separately. 5. For Advanced Students , I must tell them to make their stem and leaf plot or line graph using the data of the class. They may graph them by gender, height, or hair color. 6. For Struggling Students , I will gather them in a group and work with them on a one on one basis if their “advanced” partner is unable to help them. Summary: Students will review the line graphs and stemandleaf plots. We will reexplain that line graphs are used for changes over time and stemandleaf plots are best used for sets of data which can have means, medians, and modes. Materials: ● Pencils ● Group Worksheets ● Youtube Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg0t8ThqGOM ● Youtube Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk9OSHlaxGY ● Assessment Worksheets. Evaluation A: Students will demonstrate their knowledge by correctly identifying which sets of data need which graph. They will then express their knowledge by showing that they know how to properly use line graphs through the use of the worksheets. I will walk around examining and listening to conversations. Evaluation B: Did the student meet the objectives? Were the guidelines the students came up with clear and explicit? What were the strengths of the lesson? Where did the lesson appear not to go smoothly? If you re teach the lesson again, How will you do this differently? Name: Temperature Line Graph The daily high temperatures for Gotham City in the month of January were recorded and graphed. Use the graph to answer the questions. Daily High Temperature Temperature in °C (y-axis) 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 7 21 14 28 January Dates (x-axis) 1. What was the high temperature in Gotham City on January 10? 1. 2. On which two days was Gotham City’s high temperature 7°C? 2. 3. On which day did Gotham City have the highest temperature? 3. 4. On which three days did Gotham City have the lowest high temperature? 4. 5. Which of these days had the highest temperature? a. January 2 b. January 15 c. January 17 d. January 30 6. Which of these statements about Gotham City’s high January temperatures is true? a. In January, Gotham City’s high temperatures went above 12°C four times. b. In January, Gotham City’s high temperature was usually below freezing. c. In January, Gotham City’s high temperature did not go below freezing. d. In January, Gotham City’s climate is tropical. Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com ANSWER KEY Temperature Line Graph The daily high temperatures for Gotham City in the month of January were recorded and graphed. Use the graph to answer the questions. Daily High Temperature Temperature in °C (y-axis) 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 7 21 28 1. What was the high temperature in Gotham City on January 10? 1. 11°C 2. On which two days was Gotham City’s high temperature 7°C? 2. January 4 and 30 3. On which day did Gotham City have the highest temperature? 3. January 18 4. On which three days did Gotham City have the lowest high temperature? 4. January 3, 7, and 24 14 January Dates (x-axis) 5. Which of these days had the highest temperature? a. January 2 b. January 15 c. January 17 d. January 30 6. Which of these statements about Gotham City’s high January temperatures is true? a. In January, Gotham City’s high temperatures went above 12°C four times. b. In January, Gotham City’s high temperature was usually below freezing. c. In January, Gotham City’s high temperature did not go below freezing. d. In January, Gotham City’s climate is tropical. Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com Name: Height Record Line Graph Caitlin’s family has kept track of her height. Below is a line graph showing how her height has changed as she aged. Use the graph to answer the questions. Caitlin’s Height Height in Inches (y-axis) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Birth 2 Years 4 Years 6 Years 8 Years Age (x-axis) 1. How tall was Caitlin when she was 4 years old? 1. 2. How much had Caitlin grown from the time she was born to 6 years old? 2. 3. How old was Caitlin when she was 30 inches tall? 3. 4. How tall might Caitlin be when she is 10 years old? 4. a. 85 inches b. 55 inches c. 50 inches d. 65 inches 5. About how tall might Caitlin have been when she was 5 years old? a. 40 inches b. 43 inches c. 45 inches d. 49 inches 5. Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com ANSWER KEY Height Record Line Graph Caitlin’s family has kept track of her height. Below is a line graph showing how her height has changed as she aged. Use the graph to answer the questions. Caitlin’s Height Height in Inches (y-axis) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Birth 2 Years 4 Years 6 Years 8 Years Age (x-axis) 1. How tall was Caitlin when she was 4 years old? 1. 40 inches 2. How much had Caitlin grown from the time she was born to 6 years old? 2. 30 inches 3. How old was Caitlin when she was 30 inches tall? 3. 2 years 4. How tall might Caitlin be when she is 10 years old? 4. d. 65 inches 5. b. 43 inches a. 85 inches b. 55 inches c. 50 inches d. 65 inches 5. About how tall might Caitlin have been when she was 5 years old? a. 40 inches b. 43 inches c. 45 inches d. 49 inches Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com Name: ____________________________________ Line Plots Mr. Bradley is very proud of all the students in his science class. They all studied hard and did an excellent job on last week's science test. Everyone in the class scored an 88% or higher! The line plot below shows the score distribution. 1. How many students received a score of 94%? _________________ 2. What was the highest score in the class? _________________ 3. What was the lowest score in the class? _________________ 4. How many students received a score in the 80s? _________________ 5. How many students received a score in the 90s? _________________ 6. How many students scored 93% or less? _________________ 7. How many students are in Mr. Bradley's science class? _________________ 8. Mr. Bradley decides to give each student two bonus points on their last test for participating in class. Explain how you could change the graph to show the new test scores. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com ANSWER KEY Line Plots Mr. Bradley is very proud of all the students in his science class. They all studied hard and did an excellent job on last week's science test. Everyone in the class scored an 88% or higher! The line plot below shows the score distribution. 1. How many students received a score of 94%? 2 2. What was the highest score in the class? 98% 3. What was the lowest score in the class? 88% 4. How many students received a score in the 80s? 10 students 5. How many students received a score in the 90s? 17 students 6. How many students scored 93% or less? 16 students 7. How many students are in Mr. Bradley's science class? 27 students 8. Mr. Bradley decides to give each student two bonus points on their last test for participating in class. Explain how you could change the graph to show the new test scores. Each number on the number line at the bottom of the graph would increase by 2. Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com Unit Plan Activity: Scientific Observations Day 4 Purpose: The purpose of the lesson is to further study the student’s ability to make clear and concise observations. Students will have to make inferences and draw conclusions about about the various locations found on the hiking trip. This means that the observations from each group must be clear enough that the drawer must be able to create a vivid image in their own head. This is also an opportunity for the students to practice and master expressing images through subject matter. Visual arts 5.3 The student will express personal ideas, images, and themes through artistic choices of media, techniques, and subject matter. Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. Objective: Given a list of observations, students will draw and discern visual representations of the observations made by a group, incorporating at least 4 out of 5 observations. Procedure: Introduction: 1) students will be called to the center carpet. 2) A powerpoint with two descriptions will be shown on one half of the screen, while a paint application will be up on the other side. (V) 3) Students will be told that they will be helping the teacher to draw the contents of the description, based on what information the class can pull together. 4) The teacher will first read the description that vividly describes the environment. 5) The students will be prompted to help the teacher draw, over the smart board, what observations were made.(A) 6) The description will then be read that isn't written well and the student will,again make inferences about what was drawn.(A) 7) The students will then compare and contrast the two images and descriptions. the teacher will then lead the students to the conclusion that the better the description, the more detailed the pictures can be.(V) 8) The students will then be told that the observations that were made in the previous day, will be used to draw their own pictures, by other groups 9) We will also review some techniques for drawing and working with different art mediums.(V) Activity: 10) The students will then be sent to their seats, where they will be given 5 minutes to edit and rethink their own versions of the descriptions they left. Once they have finished, they will place the picture in an envelope, and close it. 11)Each description will be left at a table as a station, where the students will have five minutes to make inferences and draw about what they see. Depending on the classroom size, there may be more or fewer than four groups of four or five.(V) 12) one the groups are at their stations, a timer will be set, and students will have this time to draw a depiction of the observations. when the bell goes off, the students will then write their group name on the back of it and place it in the envelope. This will happen about three or four more times, until the original group is back at their seats. 13)Ask the initial groups to take out the pictures and compare them to their own. once this is completed they should wait to be called to the carpet to wrap up. Summery: 14)students should sit in their groups, as they return to the main carpet. 15)Once there, each group will be prompted to share their own groups examples, as well as the group they felt was the closest to their own. (V) 16)The teacher will take the opportunity to address the importance of making observations that are both clear and concise. The conclusion will be drawn to that, as in the case with the two descriptions, the more descriptive the observations, the better able we are to create the images in our head. Gifted learners: Students will be given a venn diagram where they can post differences and similarities in the different group's objectives. this can be shared with the rest of the class, as a supplement to pointing out good traits in observation making. Struggling learners: for student with cognitive needs, the lesson can be slowed down in pace for them. For students with mobility related needs, The room can be setup in a way that allows students to move around the room, who require equipment. Materials: ● Smartboard ● Projector ● Paint application ● Powerpoint with the descriptions (both good and bad) with pictures to describe them. ● Worksheets where the descriptions can be drawn Evaluation A: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the material by showing that they are able to infer from the observations, enough information to adequately draw what they are reading. Also, in conversations, students will show their mastery by being able to explain why it is important to write clear and concise observations. Evaluation B: Did the student meet the objectives? Were the guidelines the students came up with clear and explicit? What were the strengths of the lesson? Where did the lesson appear not to go smoothly? If you re teach the lesson again, How will you do this differently? Observations Worksheet: Directions: Write the group observation on the lines below. Once there, use the observations to draw a vivid picture of the habitat. Try and indicate which animals your group thinks might live there! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Observations Test Name ____________ 1) What is an observation? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2) What are 5 example types make up good observation making? 1________________ 2________________ 3________________ 4________________ 5________________ 3) Make 4 observations about the picture: 1)____________________________________ ______________________________________ 2)____________________________________ ______________________________________ 3)____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4)____________________________________________________________________ 4) Why is it important to make good observations? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5) Make some observations about the rocks that were studied in class: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7) What can you observe about the test scores of the stem and leaf plot? 6 257 7 14 8 3 5 5 7 9 9 9 1 2 2 2 2 5 8 10 0 0 8) Which grade was scored the most? __________ 9) What was your favorite part of this unit? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Observing Rocks and their Cycles! Day 5 Purpose: For day four, we want to give the students something fun to work on to end the week on a solid note. Hopefully, the lessons up till today have gone very well. For this SOL, we want to target the children’s observational skills as well as being able to summarize informative literature. Science 5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which: a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys; b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature are made in metric units using proper tools; c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper tools; d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions; e) independent and dependent variables are identified; f) constants in an experimental situation are identified; g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical representations and metric measurements; h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are generated; i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn; j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. Language Arts 5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subjectrelated group learning activities. a) Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas. b) Organize information to present in reports of group activities. c) Summarize information gathered in group activities. d) Communicate new ideas to others. e) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. f) Demonstrate the ability to work independently. Science 5.7 The student will investigate and understand how the Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include a) the rock cycle including identification of rock types; b) Earth history and fossil evidence; c) the basic structure of the Earth’s interior; d) plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes); e) weathering and erosion; and f) human impact. Objectives: Given a set of books related to rock cycles, the students will be able to work together to complete a worksheet about rock cycles with an 80% accuracy. Introduction The lesson with start with an informational video about rock cycles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6cCg_Do6k (A,V) After the video, we will talk about different kinds of rocks students have encountered.(A) We will then discuss the importance of drawing information from books to further our learning and research. I will instruct them that they will work in groups and grab books from a pile of books about rock cycles. (V,K) They will then read the books and write down notes. (V,T) A warning will be given that some of the books may not help them with rock cycles. It is up to them to decipher which books will be helpful and which books to use for research. Once our discussion is over we will work in groups. (T) Groups will be determined by counting one through four (depending on the amount of students in my class) and group up by numbers. This will, hopefully, ensure diversity in the groups. Development ∙ We will first go over the rock cycle and why it is important to the earth. (A) (V) ∙ Key facts will be magma, igneous rocks, weathering, sedimentary rocks, fossils, metamorphic rocks, cycle, and rock cycle. ∙ Students will be handed books which talk about different types of rocks and about the rock cycle itself. (T) ∙ Each group will be handed a laptop or an iPad to use for research purposes as well. (T) ∙ They will be informed that they MUST take notes about what they are reading. They are to use the notes when filling out their assessments. (A,V) ∙ The students will talk among each other about the book they are reading and point out interesting facts. The students will take down notes on what they are reading and collaborate with other students. (A,V) ∙ Once students have finished consolidating their notes they will continue reading until it is time to move on to the summary. ∙ For advanced students/groups they will be instructed to draw their own representation of the rock cycle. (T,V) ∙ For struggling students/groups they will be given an example of the rock cycle as a visual representation of it. (V) Summary The end of the lesson will include reviewing what they learned about the rock cycle. We will do a 321 strategy as a class and gather three interesting facts about rock cycles, two new things we learned, and one question we, as a class, still have. The assessment worksheet will then be handed out the groups of students to work on until the end of class. If they are unable to finish they are instructed to turn it in anyway. Points will not be taken away for incomplete work as long as they stay on task. Materials 1. YouTube introduction video 2. Books: What is the Rock Cycle by Natalie Hyde, Rocks by Sally Walker, Rocks by Roy Gallant, A Rock Can Be by Laura Salas, Igneous Rocks by Maria Nelson, Metamorphic Rocks by Maria Nelson, Sedimentary Rocks by Maria Nelson, Rocks & Minerals by RF Symes, National Geographic Kids Everything Rocks and Minerals, and A Rock is Lively by Dianna Aston. 3. A laptop or iPad for each group. 4. Assessment 5. Pencils and crayons Evaluation A Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to work in groups. They will also be able to determine which books are useable for research and which books they should stray away from. I will be able to answer which books to use and which books not to use. Evaluation B Did the student meet the objectives? Were the guidelines the students came up with clear and explicit? What were the strengths of the lesson? Where did the lesson appear not to go smoothly? If you re teach the lesson again, How will you do this differently? The Rock Cycle Name:________________ Period:_____________ 1. As magma cools, it forms _______________ rock by the process of ________________. 2. Igneous rocks can form _______________ , _______________ and _______________ rocks. 3. Sediments form _______________ by the process of ________________ __________________________________________________________ . 4. Sediments form from the process of _____________________________________________ . 5. Sedimentary rocks can form _______________ , _______________ and _______________ rocks. 6. Which process changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock? 7. Which process changes sedimentary rock into igneous rock? 8. Which process changes metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock? 9. Draw me a picture of your favorite type of rock. Test (Answer Key) 1) What is an observation? An observation is a vivid description of an object or event that describes the objects color, shape, size and texture, and action. 2) What are 5 example types make up good observation making? 1 color 2 shape 3 size 4 texture 5 action 3) Make 4 observations about the picture: 1)The cat has lots of fur. 2)He seems to be very small. 3)He looks like he is praying. 4) His eyes are blue. 4) Why is it important to make good observations? We make good observations with our five senses and remember to always as clear and concise as possible. 5) What can you observe about the test scores of the stem and leaf plot? 6 257 7 14 8 3 5 5 7 9 9 9 1 2 2 2 2 5 8 10 0 0 6) Which grade was scored the most? 92 7) How do you know? Students will know that the answer is right because, in the box, the 9’s column has four 2s in it. This means that it was the most earned grade, in the given set of data. 8) Make some observations about the rocks that were studied in class (include an example of a cycle): Must include the 3 types of rocks: Metamorphic, Sedimentary, and Igneous. Must also include an example of a cycle. 9) What was your favorite part of this unit? answers may vary Materials/Resources Day 1: ● ● ● ● ● computers already set up worksheets, ready and printed Pencils table space for computers Virtual Field trip: ○ http://www.nms.ac.uk/explore/play/discoverancientegypt/egyptiantombadven ture/ Day 2: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● In order for the activity to be successful, the following will be needed: Computer Projector powerpoint with pictures of various habitats 5 iPads, charged with activity loaded wooded area prescanned for safety at least one other adult Pictures of grasslands and ocean found at a. http://allfreedownload.com/freephotos/beautifulscenerypictures.html Day 3: ● Pencils ● Group Worksheets ● Youtube Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg0t8ThqGOM ● Youtube Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk9OSHlaxGY ● Assessment Worksheets. Day 4: ● Smartboard ● Projector ● Paint application ● Powerpoint with the descriptions (both good and bad) with pictures to describe them. ● Worksheets where the descriptions can be drawn Day 5: ● YouTube introduction video ● Books: What is the Rock Cycle by Natalie Hyde, Rocks by Sally Walker, Rocks by Roy Gallant, A Rock Can Be by Laura Salas, Igneous Rocks by Maria Nelson, Metamorphic Rocks by Maria Nelson, Sedimentary Rocks by Maria Nelson, Rocks & Minerals by RF Symes, National Geographic Kids Everything Rocks and Minerals, and A Rock is Lively by Dianna Aston. ● A laptop or iPad for each group. ● Assessment ● Pencils and crayons Kitten Assessment picture found at ● http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kitten162191280x800.jpg
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