2014 State 4-H Horse Classic Participants Premium - UC 4

It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in
any of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy (which includes pregnancy,
childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic
information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services (as defined by the Uniformed
Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 [USERRA]), as well as state military and naval service. This policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions
of applicable state and federal laws and University policies. University policy also prohibits retaliation against any employee or person in any of its programs or activities for
bringing a complaint of discrimination or harassment pursuant to this policy. This policy also prohibits retaliation against a person who assists someone with a complaint of
discrimination or harassment, or participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Retaliation includes threats,
intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse actions related to employment or to any of its programs or activities. In addition, it is the policy of the University and ANR to undertake
affirmative action, consistent with its obligations as a Federal contractor, for minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for covered veterans. The University commits
itself to apply every good faith effort to achieve prompt and full utilization of minorities and women in all segments of its workforce where deficiencies exist. These efforts
conform to all current legal and regulatory requirements, and are consistent with University standards of quality and excellence. In conformance with Federal regulations, written
affirmative action plans shall be prepared and maintained by each campus of the University, including the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Such plans shall be
reviewed and approved by the Office of the President and the Office of the General Counsel before they are officially promulgated. Inquiries regarding the University’s
nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Linda Marie Manton, Affirmative Action Contact, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street,
Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1318.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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Dear Exhibitors,
Welcome to the 19th Annual California 4-H Horse Classic at the Brookside Equestrian Center in Elk Grove (south of
Sacramento). This is a program dedicated to 4-H members state-wide. WE INVITE EVERYONE TO BE A PART OF THE
The primary purpose of the Horse Classic is to create a forum where 4-H Horse Project members can display their equine
knowledge in a variety of ways while participating in an exciting and fun educational experience. The secondary purpose
is to provide senior Horse Project members with an opportunity to represent the State of California at the Western
Nationals 4-H Horse Classic in Denver, Colorado. This year 28 states and 1 Canadian province were represented at the
Nationals (approximately 1,000 senior youth attended the event.) California has consistently placed well overall each year.
As you can see by the Supervisor’s list, the organizing committee consists of many volunteers. Please take the time to
thank them for their generosity. Without them, there would be no Classic. This year marks the fourth year of us bringing
the horse show and educational contests back together at one event. With your help, we can make 2015 even bigger and
We welcome everyone to participate in the Educational Events, share the information with fellow members, and get them
excited about the 4-H Equine program.
We very much look forward to seeing each and every one of you in Elk Grove this year!
From the California 4-H Horse Classic Planning Team
Goals of the 4-H Horse Classic:
Establish new friendships with fellow 4-H members and leaders.
Encourage networking between counties to build leadership with a common interest.
Provide opportunities for youth statewide to share their passion for horses.
Participate in social and educational programs by being a participant, not a spectator
Provide opportunity for youth to gain knowledge and skills
Experience and develop greater personal growth.
Continue to develop leadership and citizenship skills.
Share personal experiences with others through things that have been meaningful to your growth and
Promote good sportsmanship
Provide a unique opportunity for horse project members to compete on a different level beyond the county, district
or regional basis.
Raise funds to help support the California delegation to attend the National 4-H Horse Classic.
Raise funds to assist counties with equine resource libraries for educational purposes.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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The California State 4-H Horse Classic
June 24 – 28, 2015
Brookside Equestrian Center, Elk Grove, CA
Show Manager & Entries:
Interim- Steven Worker at [email protected]
Event Secretary:
Nikki Wilson
760-403-0863 [email protected]
Barn Manager:
Regina Matthews
408-722-8315 [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator:
Johnna McDougald [email protected]
and Norma Fry 559-223-1599
Samia Macon
Hospitality & Recreation:
Jessica Croxon, Dyllan Bond, Ryan McDougald
Horse Classic Planning Team:
 Shauna Bond, Lassen
 Dyllan Bond, Lassen
 Debbi Foster, San Joaquin
 Regina Matthews, Santa Clara
 Nikki Wilson, San Bernardino
 Lynn Warren, Riverside
 Christine Fry, Madera
 Dawn Stafford, Fresno
 Sammie Macon, Placer
 Johnna Mc Douglad, Madera
 Ryan Mc Dougald, Madera
 Norma Fry, Madera
Contest Supervisors:
Educational Contests:
Public Speaking & Demonstrations: Lynn Warren
Horse Bowl:
Nikki Wilson
Horse Show:
Western, Rail & Reining:
English Rail:
English Over Fences:
Miniature Horse Division:
Regina Matthews
Shauna Bond
Dawn Stafford
Dawn Stafford
Shauna Bond
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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State 4-H Horse Classic FEES
Demonstrations & Public Speaking: $15.00 individual
$30.00 team
Hippology & Horse Judging
$15.00 individual
($45.00 per 3-member team or $60.00 per 4-member
Horse Bowl
$15.00 individual
($60.00 per 4-member team or $75.00 per 5-member
Championship Horse Show
$15.00 per class**
******Early Bird Class Fees $10.00 each (Save $5) entries and fees must be in by May 26th*****
Miniature Horse Classes
$15.00 per class
Warm-up Jumping Course will run starting Thursday 4:00p.m.
Warm-up tickets
$10.00 / warm-up
Trail Course - will run starting Friday time TBA (following jumping) **You need only pay to warm up if using the
set-up course. Warm-up arenas are available at no cost to those not using the courses.**
Gymkhana Warm-up $10.00 for 2 runs “Time Only” warm-up on Cloverleaf barrels and/or Pole
Drug Fee
$ 5.00
One $5.00 fee per horse entered
Stall Fee
Tack Room
Bedding not included - you must provide your own bedding
or contact Brookside or one of the local feed stores to
arrange for bedding during regular business hours. MUST
BE PRE-ORDERED!! If you will arrive after they close you
must bring bedding with you. Shavings only for bedding.
Haul-in Fee/day
Day use Stall Fee $35.00
Only pay Haul-In Fee if not ordering a stall. Either a stall
fee or a Haul-In Fee MUST be paid for every horse
Pre-Purchase Hats $15.00
Pre-Purchase Shirts $15.00
$3.00 discount for ordering online
$3.00 discount for ordering online
Show Program
All classes, exhibitors & sponsors will be listed in program
Fees Paid to Brookside
Limited full-hook ups or self contained. RV reservations are
handled by Brookside Equestrian Center, not by 4-H.
Contact them directly for RV info. 1-916-682-1403
EDUCATIONAL POST Entries accepted until June 19th - FEE: $ 20 per person per event
Educational events only
Absolutely no Horse Show post entries.
**Any Horse-rider combination who is pre-entered in at least 3 classes by June 8th can add additional classes.
Add Class Fee of $15.00 per class in addition to regular class fees (i.e. $40 total per class). NOTE: Added
class entries are due at the show office by 5:00 pm on the day before the class.
A penalty of $30.00 must be paid if a check for payment of entry fees is refused by the bank. Only cash,
certified check or money orders are acceptable for fees and penalty payment
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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Horse Show and Educational Contest Entries Due: June 8, 2015
Educational Entries are accepted until June 19th with a late fee*.
Make Checks Payable to: UC Regents
Entries can be received via regular mail or overnight delivery to:
California State 4-H Horse Classic
Steven Worker
State 4-H Office
2801 2nd Street
Davis, California 95618
Entries may be done online:
Horse Show: http://ucanr.edu/classic-horse-show
Educational Contests: http://ucanr.edu/classic-educational
Steven Worker can be contacted via e-mail at: [email protected] A check or money order and an original
Entry Form, Medical Form and Participant's Agreement with all original signatures must be submitted to be
All entrants (or a member of their family or a friend) are REQUIRED to work a minimum of two (2) hours as a
volunteer at some time during the Classic. Exhibitors, you must send in your signup with your entry or contact
the Volunteer Coordinator to set up a time. If you or a designee is NOT signed up to work, your show number
will not be released. Any adult or youth helping must be a 4-H certified volunteer leader or enrolled 4-H
member OR must sign the University of California waiver of liability.
The following is a completed entry:
1. One Participants Agreement per exhibitor with signatures of 4-H member, parent, leader and 4-H staff
2. One Entry Form per horse and rider combination (horse show only)
3. One Educational Entry form per exhibitor (educational entries only)
4. UC 4-H Youth Medical Release Form
5. Entry fees paid in full
6. Volunteer Form filled out.
7. Optional; team entry form for Judging and/or hippology teams (by coach/leader, 1 per team)
8. Optional, sponsorship form
Any entry information and/or sponsorships received after June 8th will not be included in the program
or on T-Shirts.
*EDUCATIONAL POST Entries accepted until June 19th - FEE: $ 20 per person per event
Educational events only | Absolutely no Horse Show post entries.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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Sponsorships are necessary to provide a quality educational experience. We encourage 4-H members to
secure sponsorships in a variety of ways; High Point Awards, Horse Show Class sponsorships.
*** Exhibitors bringing in sponsorships may reduce their entry fees **
 For each $100 class sponsorships brought in by exhibitor, exhibitor will receive one free class.
 For each $250 High Point sponsorship brought in by exhibitor, exhibitor will receive 5 free classes .
 Each exhibitor bringing in $1000 in sponsorships will get their class fees and stall fees waived.
Get enough sponsorships and get all your CLASS FEES paid for!
Sponsorships must be received by time of check in at show.
Sponsorship Levels
Day Sponsor ($2,000)
• Fully supports one day of events, includes: facility, judges, and class awards.
• Banner displayed during day of sponsor, donor announced throughout the day.
Educational Event Donor ($1,000)
• Fully Supports Public Speaking/Demonstrations, or Horse Bowl, or Hippology, or Horse Judging
• 4 sponsors total, 1 per educational event
• Recognition given during Educational contest with signage and announcements
High Point Award ($250)
• High Point features a custom design engraved buckle.
Horse Show Class ($50)
• Funds 1st through 10th place ribbons per class awards.
Sponsors are recognized before and during the Horse Classic through a wide variety of methods
including the registration materials, website, program, and announced throughout the show. Sponsors
of $500 or more will have banners with their name displayed during show. Please let us know should
you not wish your name included in any publications.
Please make your check payable as follows: California 4-H Foundation
Mail to: California 4-H Foundation
Attn: 4-H Horse Classic
UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
2801 Second Street
Davis, California 95618-7779
No goods and services will be exchanged for gifts (sponsorships). All gifts are tax-deductible.
Information available on the website at http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/Horse_Classic/
Information available on the website at http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/Horse_Classic/
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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TUESDAY, June 23, 2015
Move in: stalls will not be available until 1pm
1:00 – 7:00 PM Show office open
WEDNESDAY, June 24, 2015
7:00 AM
Show office opens
8:00 AM
Contestants’ Meeting for Hippology Contest & Horse Judging Contest on patio next to cafe
Hippology Rotation of written test, stations and group problem
Lunch Break for all contestants
1:30 PM
Horse Judging & Hippology Halter & Performance Judging classes
Horse Judging Oral Reasons to follow
5:30 PM
Contestants Meeting – Demonstrations and Public peaking Contests
6:00 PM
Demonstration & Public Speaking Contest
7:00 PM
Ice Cream Social Meet and Greet
THURSDAY, June 25, 2015
7:00 AM
Show office opens
7:00 AM
Mandatory height measuring for all ponies competing this day. Location: behind show office
7:00 AM
Contestants Meeting on patio next to cafe
7:30 AM
Ring #2: English Showmanship followed by English rail classes
2:00 PM
Horse Bowl Contestants’ Meeting - Elk Grove Mill’s Pavilion – Horse Bowl contest, Junior Division followed by
Senior Division
4:00 – 8:00 PM Ring #1: Over Fences Warm Ups**
6:00 PM
(Approximate time) Dinner Break for Horse Bowl contestants and Judges, Horse Bowl continues until conclusion
*High Point Awards for English Flat Classes handed out approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the day’s classes
8:00 PM
Dancing with Line Dance Instructions
FRIDAY, June 26, 2015
6:30 AM
Warm up arena available
7:00 AM
Show office opens
7:00 AM
Mandatory height measuring for all ponies competing this day. Location: behind show office
7:00 AM
Contestants Meeting on patio next to cafe
7:30 AM
Ring #1: Short/Long Stirrup Over Fences classes followed by:
Low Hunters Over Fences classes followed by:
Children’s Hunters Over Fences classes followed by Clover Medal Eq over fences and Gamblers Choice Jumpers
Following the last Over Fences class - Ring #2: Versatility Class - $5 entry fee to be paid at the gate
4:00 – 7:00 PM Ring #1 Trail Warm Ups**
7:00 PM
Awards Banquet: Educational Events & Over Fences High Point - Elk Grove Mill’s Pavilion
9:00 PM
Movie Night
SATURDAY, June 27, 2015
7:00 AM
Show office opens
7:00 AM
Mandatory height measuring for all ponies competing this day. Location: behind show office
7:30 AM
Ring #2: Western Showmanship followed by, Western Rail classes,
9:00 AM
Ring #3: Horsemanship, Western Riding & Reining
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Ring # 1: Trail
* Rings 1, 2, and 3 will run concurrently starting at 9:00 AM. Rings #1 & 3 will be run on an open card. It is YOUR
responsibility to get your classes completed
*High Point Awards for Western Classes will be handed out approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the day’s classes
4:00 – 6:00 PM Gymkhana Warm-Ups, time only
6:00 PM
Dollar Bill Bareback Class – Youth $1.00 entry fee
Dollar Bill Bareback Class – Adult $10.00 entry fee
8:00 PM
Swim Party
Sunday, June 28, 2015
6:300 AM
Show office opens
6:30 AM
Mandatory height measuring for all ponies competing this day. Location: behind show office
7:00 AM
Contestants Meeting on patio next to café
7:30 AM
Ring #2: Gymkhana Show
*High Point awards for Gymkhana Show will be handed out approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the day’s classes
9:00 AM
Ring #1: Miniature Horse Classes
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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Current Exhibitor’s Premium Book supersedes previous premium books or rules.
No outside ATV’s, golf carts, mopeds or scooters will be allowed or permitted on the grounds. Bicycles allowed
in non-horse areas, youth must wear an approved helmet. (4-H Policy)
No dogs allowed in horse area (4-H Policy)
Brookside will access a fine for every form of damage found in or on your stall. No nails, staples, etc. will be allowed to hang stall
drapes, banners, etc.
To request special accommodations (i.e. needs for a handicapped contestant, medical condition, etc.), the 4-Her’s project leader must
contact show management prior to June 8th
Participants will be ineligible to compete until all registration & entry forms with appropriate signatures are complete and all fees paid. If
missing, project leader’s and 4-H staff’s signatures may be verified with show management by telephone. Telephone number must be
Show office: Exhibitors are requested to register promptly at the show office upon arrival. The show office will be open Tuesday, June
23rd at 1pm until conclusion of show and each day throughout the show from 7:00 a.m. until after the last competition or class of the
day. Show office phone TBA
Stabling and grounds facilities: Stabling will be in box stalls and will be open to exhibitors Tuesday, June 23rd starting at 1pm
Exhibitors are to vacate the stalls by 12 midnight, Sunday, June 28th. Early arrival must be arranged with the show management
and will be charged an extra fee by Brookside Equestrian Center. The Barn Manager will be on the grounds from Tuesday, June
23rd throughout the show. Each horse must be assigned a separate stall unless no stall is requested, in which case a grounds fee of
$25.00/ horse will be charged. Tack rooms may be requested for $70.00 each. Bedding will not be provided. Exhibitors may order
bedding or feed from Brookside or one of the local feed stores. Assignment of stalls is entirely at the discretion of the show
management. Horses must be placed in stalls assigned and no changes will be permitted without the express consent of the Barn
Manager Regina Matthews (408)722-8315 Day use of stalls will be $35.00 a day per horse.
Brookside Equestrian Center can be reached at (916) 682-1403 for RV/Camping/ tents reservations or to order shavings or hay.
Class Calls: Due to unforeseeable problems with any mechanical device, the PA system and paddock calls must be considered a
courtesy. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be sure that he/she is at the proper location for educational events as well as his/her
horse is at the arena gate at the prescribed time. Every effort will be made to maintain a working PA system to carry class calls;
however, no protest will be upheld, nor will any class be changed on the basis of a PA malfunction alone. In classes where horses
compete collectively, after the warning is issued that competitors are to appear at the in-gate ready to participate, the in-gate will be
closed two minutes after the first horse enters the ring.
Participants’ meetings will take place each morning prior to the day’s events, it is suggested that all participants, leaders, and parents
attend. Any changes to the schedule or event clarifications will be given at the meetings. If you do not attend and a change is
announced at the meeting, show management is not responsible for missed classes, etc.
You may bring your own feed and bedding or call Brookside Showpark and purchase bedding or feed prior to arrival: (916)682-1403
ACCOMMODATIONS LOCATED NEAR BROOKSIDE: check out Brookside Equestrian web site for local hotel and
restaurant suggestions: http://www.brooksideshowpark.com/bill_recommends.html
Hilton Garden Inn, 9241 Laguna Springs Dr., Elk Grove 95758 (961)691-1900
Best Western Plus, 10713 White Rock Road, Rancho Cordova (916) 631-7500
Holiday Inn Express 9175 West Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove (916)478-9000
Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova (916)635-8356
A certified 4-H volunteer adult leader(s) must be named as a chaperone and on grounds when 4-Her(s) are present. The adult(s) must
be named on the individual’s registration form. Parents, as non 4-H leaders, may only chaperone their own child(ren). A certified 4-H
leader must supervise at all times while youth are working with or riding horses. Adequate adult supervision is required in order for the
4-H accident insurance to be valid and in force.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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4-Hers must abide by the code of conduct. Any infractions may disqualify 4-Her from classes and/or high point awards or they may be
asked to immediately leave the grounds. This is your ONLY warning. Additional infractions will result in consequences. All adults must
adhere to the adult code of conduct; remember that this is an educational, fun event for our exhibitors, parents, guardians and leaders.
Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the exhibitors, parents, guardians or leaders will be subject to removal from the premises for
the remainder of the show with no refund of any monies paid.
Code of conduct – please read carefully
 All, youth and adults, will demonstrate respect for one another and their property
 Youth participants may not leave grounds without permission of their chaperone
 Possession and use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and drugs (other than prescription medication)
is prohibited. (4-H Policy)
 Obscene and discriminatory language, roughhousing and insubordination will not be tolerated at any time
 Accept volunteer assignments and complete in a timely manner
 Provide assistance to other 4-Hers, as requested
 Parents, 4-H Leaders and/or riders in Over Fences and Trail must help set up courses
 A 4-H Adult Leader or parent must be present when youth is using wash racks
 Absolutely no parking in the barn area. Use designated parking areas.
 Be responsible for the care of your horse(s) i.e. watering, feeding, grooming
 In practice areas, take your turn and allow others equal time
 Be on time for classes; being late may disqualify you from the class
 Do not tie horses to fences, stall doors or other unsafe areas
 Clean stall daily and/or day use area upon leaving.
 Use designated wash areas only.
 Clean up wash and grooming areas after each use.
 Wear an equestrian helmet, which meets ASTM/SEI standards, while riding at all times
 Must wear boots with heels while riding i.e. no bare feet, sandals, or athletic shoes
 No riding in shorts, long pants must be worn
 No double riding or bareback riding on the grounds.
 Hair extensions are allowed for both horse (artificial tails, or “switches”) and riders (clip-on pony tail or bun)
 Walk, do not trot or lope, horses in barn area and areas outside of arenas
 Must follow the Warm Up Arena Rules and/or directions of the supervisor (see below)
Please remember - all competitors and families are asked to place all trash and garbage in containers provided throughout the grounds.
Also, be very careful to use the designated wash rack areas. Your assistance and cooperation will assure that we can continue to hold
the Classic Event in the future at this wonderful facility.
Overnight RV parking and tent camping are allowed at the Brookside facility. ALL OVERNIGHT CAMPERS ARE REQUIRED TO
HAVE A PASS AND PAY A CAMPING FEE. Electricity & water hookups are available on a first come; first serve basis. To reserve a
camping space, contact Brookside at (916) 682-1403.
Parking: Specific areas have been set aside for parking of horse trailers. Special parking areas will be available for exhibitors showing
from trailers. Fire regulations prohibit parking between the barns, except where designated. All vehicles must be parked in approved
REFUNDS: No class refunds will be given without a veterinarian or doctor’s certificate prior to the start of the show. No refunds will be
given for educational events or stabling/grounds fees, RV accommodations or self-contained camping reservations within 20 days of
the event as these fees are pre-paid to the Brookside Equestrian Center. Refunds for injury or illness during the Show MUST be
submitted to show management no later than July 8, 2015. No refund requests of any kind will be accepted after that date.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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Classes or divisions with less than FIVE entries may be combined or cancelled.
Exhibitors may not cross enter divisions on the same horse with the exception of Open classes.
Junior: An exhibitor, 13 years of age or under as of January 1st of the current year.
Senior: An exhibitor, 14 years of age or older and not yet 19 years of age as of January 1st of the current year.
Pony: Any breed under 14.2 hands. Rider may be any age.
Novice Rider: 2 gaited division (walk/trot). Based on the rider and limited to first and second year members with no age
restriction but limited in performance (no cantering/loping in ANY event) once a member moves into walk, trot; canter
class (this includes English, Western, and Gymkhana divisions) they may not move back into the beginning rider division.
Limited to two years, once having shown at State Classic rider must move out of this division.
Green Horse: 2-gaited division (walk/trot), Based on the horse, first and second calendar year of showing in any
discipline ridden by experienced 4-H members. Once having shown at State Classic they are no longer eligible for this
Miniature Horse Division: Classes to be offered; Showmanship, Trail Obstacle, Jumping, Bi-Rangle, Pole Bending, and
Single Stake. Exhibitors need not have qualified for the 2015 State Horse Classic. Miniature horses must be 38” or less in
height. For further information please refer to the AMHA web site at http:www.amha.org
Cross Rail Division: trot or canter, open – 18” cross rails
Open to all exhibitors except Novice Rider, Green Horse. To be shown at the trot or canter.
Short/long Stirrup: Beginners 2’ – 2’3”
Beginner division, exhibitor has successfully completed the Cross Rail division and is able to complete a course at a
canter. After showing at State Horse Classic for no more than 2 years rider must move on to next division the following
year. This division is designed for the horse and rider who are moving up from the Cross Rail division. As they are still
beginners, minor infractions will be judged accordingly.
Low Hunters: (Intermediate Class) 2’3” – 2’6”
Intermediate division, exhibitor has successfully completed the Short/Long stirrup division, or is capable of jumping an
entire course at a canter without breaking gait, refusals, etc., and exhibitor possess a solid seat and leg in order to safely
complete the course.
Children’s Hunters: (Advanced Class) 2’9” – 3’
An advanced division, exhibitor has successfully completed the Intermediate division, or is capable of jumping an entire
course at a canter without breaking gait, refusals, etc. Exhibitor must possess a solid seat and leg in order to safely
complete the course as well as knowledge and training of the techniques required for the requirements of advanced
classes. The horse must be solid and experienced at jumping the indicated height, without refusals, etc.
Clover Equitation Medal over fences: 2’6” – 2’9”): intermediate to advanced class. For members wishing to compete
over a more challenging equitation course over fences.
Gamblers Choice Jumpers: 3’ – 3’3” An advanced class for those exhibitors wishing to jump higher jumps for points and
time. Horse must be solid and experienced at jumping larger, more advanced jumps. Not a class for beginners.
Versatility Class will be offered on Friday evening at following the last Over Fences class. Come test you’re riding skills
and have fun in the versatility class! In this event, you'll first compete in English Pleasure. After the judge has placed the
class, the "helpers" (2, 1 youth and 1 adult) you've chosen will be signaled to carry your Western tack and clothes into the
arena. As the helpers brush down your horse and tack up, the riders "change" into Western attire. (Think of zipping chaps
over your breeches, or slipping jeans over your breeches. You can also slip off your hunt coat, and add a bright Western
scarf over your ratcatcher shirt.) There is a two-minute time limit for the change, which adds to the excitement! The next
phase is Western Pleasure, and after that, the riders compete in cloverleaf barrels. The entry fee is only $5.00 at the gate,
and there will be some special prizes for the winners!
Western Riding: 2015 will be the first year we have offered this class, qualifying in any Western Class other than
Showmanship will qualify an exhibitor for this class. AQHA Level 1 (Green) Western Riding Pattern 1 will be used and can
be found at: http://www.aqha.com/Journal/Resources/Exhibitors/Patterns.aspx
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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PARTICIPATION AWARDS: All exhibitors at this event will receive a participation award.
CLASS AWARDS: Champion and Reserve Champion neck ribbons will be awarded in each class for the 1st and 2nd
place winners. Award ribbons will be given to third through tenth place. The top 5 in Clover medal classes will receive
All awards will be presented at the end of each class and as scheduled for the High Point Awards.
Depending upon sponsorships, there may be special breed and/or overall awards given to the high point horse and rider
HIGH POINT AWARDS and Reserve Hi Point Awards: Belt Buckles will be awarded to the horse/rider combination
earning the most points and special award will be awarded to those with the 2nd highest points scored in each of the
divisions listed below.
A. Western Walk/Trot – Novice Rider
B. Western Walk/Trot – Green Horse
C. Western - Pony
D. Western – Junior
E. Western – Senior
F. English Walk/Trot - Novice Rider
G. English Walk/Trot - Green Horse
H. Over Fences - Long/Short Stirrup
I. Over Fences - Low Hunters
J. Over Fences - Children's Hunters
K. English Flat – Pony
L. English Flat - Junior
M. English Flat - Senior
N. Gymkhana - Junior
O. Gymkhana - Senior
Q. Miniature Horse Division – Special Award
Points are awarded in each class as
1st - 10 pts.
2nd - 9 pts.
3rd - 8 pts.
4th - 7 pts.
5th - 6 pts.
6th - 5 pts.
7th - 4 pts.
8th - 3 pts.
9th - 2 pts.
10th - 1 pt.
Ties for high point will be broken as follows: # of 1st place, # of
2nd place, placing in showmanship, placing in Equitation.
Overall High Point: will include only horse show classes, open classes will not be included, educational classes
will not be included. One Overall High Point Award will be given at the conclusion of the show.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 11
1. Contestants must have won a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the same class at a State Classic Qualifying Show to be eligible to
enter the Championship Horse show. All County Fair, District Fair, Regional Fair, Citrus Fair and State Fair 4H Horse Shows qualify for this Championship show. In addition, shows designated by the County Youth
Advisor and/or County Horse Resource Leader will also qualify. Each county may have a maximum of 3
qualifying shows. The qualifying period for this show is: June 7, 2014 to June 7, 2015. For purposes of
clarification, the qualifying period shall be what we refer to as the current Horse Show Year. The horse shown
must be the member's project at least 120 days prior to the show (February 24, 2015) but need not be owned
by or registered to the exhibitor (i.e., leasing of horses is acceptable).
In the case where a county horse show does not hold a class (i.e. Equitation Medal class), an
exhibitor who has qualified (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in their division Equitation class may also enter the Medal
class. Likewise if a county show combines divisions so the exhibitor doesn’t compete in their division
but instead in a combined division (i.e. Pony rider riding in a Junior class), again, if that exhibitor
qualifies they may ride at State Classic in their correct division.
3. In the case of showmanship, please note that English Showmanship and Western Showmanship are
different classes and must be qualified for separately.
4. Entry Deadline: June 8th Overnight mail or personal delivery may be necessary if your show date falls to close to
the entry deadline. No Horse Show post entries accepted. Entries may be made online:
5. The horse shown must be the member's project at least 120 days prior to the show but need not be owned by or
registered to the exhibitor (i.e., leasing of horses is acceptable.) Exhibitors shall show in their respective
divisions based upon their age as of December 31, 2014 regardless of their. Seniors will be defined as 14
years but not yet 19 years of age as of December 31, 2015. Pony Division exhibitors are based on the height
(14.2) and breed of the animal rather than the age of the exhibitor. All Ponies will be measured at the show
each morning. Once your pony has been measured at this show it is not necessary to have it measured again
at this show. If any pony measures taller than 14.2 they will be placed in appropriate age bracket. A Miniature
horse is defined as being 38” and under.
6. The judge may refuse to discuss a decision with anyone unless the individual first requests permission from show
management. Show management will only give permission for judges to discuss with riders a decision upon
the completion of the day’s classes to be judged.
7. The rider will be disqualified from all remaining classes and previous points won will NOT count towards the high
point awards if the following occurs:
 Deliberate failure of the rider to immediately leave the arena when so instructed by the judge, or:
 Use of offensive language or unsportsmanlike behavior, or;
 Harassment of the judge, show management and/or fellow competitors.
8. Any protest must be submitted in writing within two hours of the alleged violation and be accompanied by $100
cash deposit. The protest must be specific and state one or more proposed solutions to the situation. The
protest will be discussed and a final decision will be made by the State 4-H Advisory Committee within 24
hours after submission to the show office. The deposit will be returned if the protest is upheld. Protests will be
considered only if there has been a violation of stated rules. The decisions of the judges, veterinarians, and
timers cannot be protested and are final. 4-H rules stated in this information overrides USEF, California
Gymkhana Association and AMHA rules.
9. 4-Hers must wear an equestrian helmet which meets ASTM/SEI standards while mounted at all times, i.e. during
classes, practice areas, and pleasure rides. If a helmet is not worn, the rider will be disqualified from all
remaining classes and previous points won will NOT count towards the high point awards. There will be no
appeal process.
Appropriate Attire Recommendations:
English Attire: Hunt or Saddle seat coat, shirt, breeches or jodphurs, boots and ASTM/SEI helmet.
Western Attire: Long-sleeve western shirt, pants or jeans, belt, tie, and ASTM/SEI helmet.
Showmanship: 4-H Uniform, English or Western attire.
4-H Uniform is appropriate for all events.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 12
Silver and/or professional show clothes (i.e. chaps) will not count over good, working equipment
Advertising of any form on the clothing worn is not permissible
In the showmanship classes, the ASTM/SEI helmet is not required but is recommended by state 4-H policy
11. Exhibitors are required to care for, prepare for showing and show their own animals. Adult help (including
parents/trainers) in grooming, exercising and preparing for show at this Championship 4-H Horse Show may
cause the member and/or animal to be disqualified. Adults may assist the member when necessary for safety
purposes. No adult may mount a 4-H project horse to school, prepare for a class or ride for pleasure
(In the event an exhibitors horse must be used as a fill-in for the judging contest or for the dollar bill bareback
class an adult would be allowed to ride said horse for contest but “schooling” will not be allowed).
(Disqualification consists of withholding ribbons or awards, elimination from further competitions and removal
from the show grounds.) It is strongly encouraged that older, more experienced 4-H members help younger,
less experienced members.
12. There is to be no coaching from the rail during classes, adults may help exhibitors in the warm up arena. After the
second offense exhibitor will be disqualified from the show, “two strikes and you’re out”.
13. Inhumane treatment of any animal will be cause for eviction from the grounds. All horses must be under control at
all times anywhere on the grounds or in the arena. Horses presenting a danger to themselves or others may
be excused from the arena and/or the show.
14. Any and all decisions of the judges shall be final. No exhibitor shall be allowed, under any circumstances, to
interfere with the judge(s), during their adjudication, or with Classic’s staff and management.
15. Horses that are owned or leased as a joint project may be shown but may not enter the same age level
categories or in any class that has show time conflicts. No more than 2 exhibitors per horse.
16. All equine species are eligible i.e. horse, pony, miniature, mules and donkeys. No stallions may be shown or
permitted on the grounds at any time.
17. 4-Hers are not eligible to participate if they or their horses have been trained under the judge within 90 days of
the show date.
18. Any rule not addressed in these pages may be found at the United States Equestrian Federation website:
http://www.usef.org under rule book (equitation, hunter/jumpers and western divisions). California
Gymkhana Association web site (gymkhana) http://calgymkhana.com/ And http://www.amha.org (miniature
horse classes).
19. Show management has the right to limit the number of exhibitors due to safety, facility accommodations and
time schedule. If a rail class is divided, the classes will be judged as a preliminary classes, the judge will then
call back his/her choices to return in a final class to complete for awards.
20. A daily sheet listing classes and detailed schedule will be posted. There will be a contestants meeting each
morning prior to the show, it is recommended that the exhibitor and/or parent and/or leader attend, any
changes to the show and announcements will be made at this time.
21. The rider and horse must be under control and deemed safe by the judge and/or show management and will be
excused from the class if the horse or rider presents a safety issue for self or others. There will be no appeal
22. If a green horse is a junior horse (five years of age or under) and is being shown Western it may be shown with
two hands in a snaffle or a bosal or any legal Western Bit as described in the bits section of the USEF
Rulebook. If a green horse is a senior horse (older than 5 years of age) and is showing Western it shall be
shown in any legal western bit as described in the bits section USEF Rulebook. If a green horse is being
shown English it may be shown in any legal bit as described in the bits section of the USEF Rulebook.
23. In the English Showmanship classes, horse is to be shown in an English bridle.
24. In showmanship class, The exhibitor that is ‘in the hole’ or ‘up next’, may warm up their horse (i.e. set up, jog, &
pivot) to prepare for their turn before the judge. A special area will be set up for this ‘next in line’ warm up.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 13
25. Patterns/courses will be posted at least one (1) hour prior to start of class and will be available for exhibitors at
check in. The NRHA reining pattern 8 will be used for the Clover Reining Medal Class and can be found on the
4-H web site. For Western Riding, AQHA Level 1 (Green) Western Riding Pattern 1 will be used and can be
found at: http://www.aqha.com/Journal/Resources/Exhibitors/Patterns.aspx
26. All shows held in California are subject to the state equine drugging laws. Exhibitors shall inform show
management of all drugs and medication administered to a horse within 72 hours prior to the show. A
declaration form containing the name of the drug, its purpose and time/date of administration shall be
presented to the show management prior to the entrant’s first class. If medication contains a prohibited
substance, the horse must be withdrawn from competition for at least 24 hours after administration of the
medication. For more information, go to http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/AHFSS/Animal_Health/. Look under the
“state” tab and then “equine medication and monitor”.
27. Exhibitors placing first in their class will qualify to enter in the State Fair County Fair Best of Show 4-H Horse
Show in 2016 at Cal Expo, Sacramento. Not all classes are recognized at State Fair, Novice and Green
horses are not eligible. For further entry information, go to www.bigfun.org.
1. There will be one or more warm-up arenas designated each day of the horse show.
2. Lunging will be permitted only in a fenced arena.
3. Horses being lunged or ridden must be under control at all times. No galloping or excessive speed will be
4. ASTM/SEI approved helmets, appropriate boots and long pants must be worn while riding.
5. No riding bareback or riding double is allowed (exception: dollar bill bareback classes)
6. Please be considerate of others while in the warm-up arenas. Allow a safe distance between horses when
passing, and do not cut off others when returning to the rail.
7. Exhibitors must follow all other rules put forth by the warm up arena supervisor.
If these rules are violated, or there is a safety concern, you may be asked to leave the warm-up arena.
WARM UP TICKETS: can be ordered ahead of time with your entry. This is recommended for participants who are in the
jumping or trail classes. Warm-ups will run the DAY PRIOR to the event, so Jumping Warm-ups will run Thursday
afternoon and Trail Warm-ups will run Friday afternoon. The cost will be $10.00 per ticket. For jumping warm-up,
the exhibitor will receive a 2 minute allowance and will be able to jump a course of at least 8 jumps. Coaches are
allowed in the ring. For Trail Warm-up, three (3) exhibitors will receive a 10 minute allowance and will be able to
school over a modified course. Coaches are allowed in the ring. Gymkhana warm-up: Exhibitor will be allowed 2
runs for “time only” on Cloverleaf Barrels or Pole Bending. Warm up areas that are free of cost are available for
those not wishing to use a course. ***NOTE!! If you purchase more than one warm-up ticket you will be required
to do one go, then leave the ring and get back in line. This is to ensure that all members with a ticket have the
chance to get their warm-up. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 14
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic
Championship Horse Show Class List
English Flat Classes
English Showmanship
English Showmanship
English Showmanship
English Showmanship
English Showmanship
English Equitation
English Equitation
English Equitation
English Equitation
English Equitation
Hunter Under Saddle
Hunter Under Saddle
English Pleasure
English Pleasure
English Pleasure
English Pleasure
English Pleasure
English Horsemanship (pattern)
English Horsemanship (pattern)
English Horsemanship (pattern)
English Horsemanship (pattern)
English Horsemanship (pattern)
English Equitation Medal
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Walk/Trot-/Canter - Open
Walk/Trot - Open
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Open (walk/trot/canter)
Over Fences Classes
Hunter Hack Ground Rails
Hunter Hack Ground Rails
Hunter Hack X-Rails 18”
Equitation over X-Rails 18”
Working Hunter over X-Rails 18”
Hunter Hack 2’-2’3”
Equitation over Fences 2’-2’3”
Working Hunters 2’-2’3”
Jumpers 2’-2’3”
Hunter Hack 2’3”-2’6”
Equitation over Fences 2’3”-2’6’
Working Hunters 2’3”-2’6”
Jumpers 2’3”-2’6”
Hunter Hack 2’9-3’
Equitation Over Fences 2’9-3’
Working Hunters 2’9”-3’
Jumpers 2’9-3’
Clover Medal Equitation Over Fences 2’6” -2’9”
Gamblers Choice Jumpers 3’ – 3’3”
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Short/Long Stirrup
Short/Long Stirrup
Short/Long Stirrup
Short/Long Stirrup
Low Hunters
Low Hunters
Low Hunters
Low Hunters
Children's Hunters
Children's Hunters
Children's Hunters
Children's Hunters
Open (walk/trot/canter)
Open (walk/trot/canter)
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 15
Western Classes
Western Showmanship
Western Showmanship
Western Showmanship
Western Showmanship
Western Showmanship
Western Equitation
Western Equitation
Western Equitation
Western Equitation
Western Equitation
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
Western Horsemanship
Western Horsemanship
Western Horsemanship
Western Horsemanship
Western Horsemanship
Western Riding
Clover Medal Reining
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Open (walk/trot/canter)
Open (walk/trot/canter)
Green Horse
Novice Rider
Gymkhana Classes
Washington Pole Bending
Washington Pole Bending
Washington Pole Bending
Speed Barrels
Speed Barrels
Speed Barrels
Cloverleaf Barrels
Cloverleaf Barrels
Cloverleaf Barrels
Single Stake
Single Stake
Single Stake
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 16
Miniature Horse Classes
Miniature Horse Showmanship
Miniature Horse Trail Obstacle
Miniature Horse Jumping
Miniature Horse Bi-Rangle
Miniature Horse Pole Bending
Miniature Horse Single Stake
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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2015 4-H California State 4-H Horse Classic
Must be signed by parent/guardian, exhibitor, project leader AND county office or county resource leader. Entry will not be
accepted without signatures.
Member Name: ________________________________________ Club: _____________________________________
County: _______________________________________________
Horse(s) (if participating in horse show): _______________________________________________________________
List Horse Shows and Dates where you qualified: _______________________________________________________
My child has my permission to participate in the California State 4-H Horse Classic held at the Brookside Equestrian
Center. I further authorize the adult in charge to do whatever he/she deems necessary, including obtaining necessary
emergency treatment &/or placing him/her under a physician’s care in the event of illness or physical injury. I understand
that while at this event, my child is expected to adhere to the 4-H Code of Conduct & I acknowledge that a 4-H Release
Agreement is on file at the 4-H Office in my county.
Parent/Guardian Signature
I have read the 4-H Code of Conduct and State Horse Classic Rules and will follow them. This entry form certifies that I
am nine years old or older, that I have been enrolled in the 4-H program and in the Horse Project for over 120 days (if
exhibiting in horse show), and that I own or lease the horse that I am riding at this event.
4-H Member’s Signature
As the 4-H Horse Project Leader, I certify that this 4-H member has been enrolled in 4-H and in the Horse Project for over
120 days (if exhibiting in horse show), and that he/she has cared for the horse that they will be riding at this event.
Leader’s Signature
This 4-H member has been enrolled in 4-H and in the Horse Project for over 120 days (if exhibiting in horse show) and is
eligible to compete at this event.
County Staff Signature
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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2015 4-H California State 4-H Horse Classic
Use separate entry form per horse/ rider combination
Entry Deadline June 8, 2015
Entries can also be made online at: http://ucanr.edu/classic-horse-show
Exhibitors Name:
Horses Name:
Email Address:
Rider’s B/D: Rider’s age:
As of Dec 31st, 2014
Check Division(s): ___Junior ___Senior ___ Green Horse ___ Novice Rider ___ Pony ____
Cross rails ___ Short/Long Stirrup ___Low Hunters ___Children’s Hunters ____ Miniature ___
Classes:_____ @15.00=__________
Drug Fee: @$5.00= _________
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Stall Fee:_____@$80.00=_________
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Grounds fee___ @ $25.00= _______
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Day Stall:_____ @$35.00=________
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Tack [email protected]=_________
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Late entry fee:$10.00/class*=______
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Early bird entry:____ @$10.00 =____
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
Warm-up Tickets:___ @ $10.00 =___
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Hat: _____ @ $15 = __________
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
T-Shirt: ______ @ $15 = ________
Program: _______ @ $5 = _______
TOTAL DUE:______________
*Any Horse-rider combination who is pre-entered in at least 3 classes by June 8th can add additional classes. Add Class Fee of $10.00
per class in addition to regular class fees (i.e. $25 total per class). NOTE: Added class entries are due at the show office by 5:00 pm on
the day before the class.
ENTRIES CLOSE: June 8, 2015, Make Checks Payable to: UC Regents. Entries can be received via regular mail or overnight delivery
California State 4-H Horse Classic,
Steven Worker
State 4-H Office
2801 Second Street
Davis, Ca 95618
Participant’s agreement with signatures is required and must be turned in by close of entries. County office or
designated county resource leader’s signature required.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 19
2015 4-H California State 4-H Horse Classic
Entries may be done online at: http://ucanr.edu/classic-educational
Entry Fee must accompany entry form for each event entered.
Exhibitors Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Exhibitor’s birth date: _________________________ Age as of January 1, 2014: __________
Club: ____________________________________________ County: _________________________________________________
Exhibitors Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
Email Address: ________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________ Cell Phone:__________________
@ $15.00/per event
____Public Speaking
____ Ind. Demonstration
____ Team Demo w/______________________
____ Horse Bowl (Team: ________________)
____ Hippology (Team: _________________)
____ Judging (Team: ___________________)
____Contestants Lunch Fee $3.00 Wed___Thur___)
____Hats: x $15 = ________
____T-Shirt x $15 = _______
____Program x $5 = _______
Amount Paid: _______
Check #: _______
Cash: _________
Exhibitor # ______
Notes: ______________
Total Fees Due$ ________
Participant’s agreement with signatures is required and must be turned in by close of
entries. County office or designated county resource leader’s signature required.
ENTRIES CLOSE: June 8, 2015, Make Checks Payable to: UC Regents. Entries can be received via regular mail or overnight delivery
California State 4-H Horse Classic,
Steven Worker
State 4-H Office
2801 2nd St.
Davis, Ca 95618
Participant’s agreement with signatures is required and must be turned in by close of entries. County office
or designated county resource leader’s signature required.
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 20
2015 4-H California State 4-H Horse Classic
Individual entry forms must be turned in by members, this form is for coach/leader declaring team,
please use separate form for each team
Please circle event: Horse Judging
Please circle division:
Horse Bowl
CLUB/TEAM: ________________________________________ COUNTY: ________________________
COACH'S NAME:_____________________________________ PHONE #: ________________________
Horse bowl team only
As the 4-H Horse Project leader in the _________________________________ 4-H Club, I certify that these 4-H members
are enrolled in 4-H.
4-H Horse Project Leader’s Signature: __________________________________________ DATE: _______________________
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
Page 21
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic
Volunteer Form
All exhibitors (or their representative) must volunteer a minimum of 2 hours during this
event. This time requirement can be completed by the exhibitor, parent, family
member, etc. If you choose to not volunteer a $50 fee can waive the requirement.
Name of Volunteer if other than exhibitor______________________
Event or Time preferred to volunteer__________________________
1st Choice__________________________
2nd Choice__________________________
3rd Choice: Instead of volunteering time a $50 fee may be paid
For further information contact Johnna McDougald: [email protected]
or Norma Fry: [email protected]
Exhibitors who compete in over fences or trail need to help set up for these events
2015 California State 4-H Horse Classic Horse Show Premium / Revised May 18, 2015
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