BANDUNG, APRIL 29TH - MAY 2ND 2015 RULES OF PROCEDURE ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS 1. President of the Conference is a legitimated person or party who has the authority to run Opening, Plenary and Declaration, and Closing Sessions and plays the role based on the Rules of Procedure. 2. Presiding Officers a. Chairman is a legitimated person or party who has the authority to run committee sessions and plays the role based on the Rules of Procedure. b. Co-Chairman is a legitimated person or party who has the authority to help the Chairman in any procedural and substantial matter. 3. Rapporteur is a legitimated person or party who has the authority to record any formal discussion in the assembly. 4. Participant is a party who has the right to speak and vote in committee sessions. 5. Observer is a party who observes the assemblies. ASSEMBLY 6. Conference consists of seven assemblies: Opening, I, II, III, Amendment, Plenary and Declaration, and Closing session. SESSIONS 7. Session I, II, III, and Amendment are assemblies which have to be done by each committee with certain discussion theme, and attended only by related committees. 8. Opening, Plenary and Declaration, and Closing sessions are joined assembly attended by all participants across the committees. 9. Duration of each session is based on the rundown made by the Organizing Committee. 10. a. b. Each session is opened and closed by striking the gavel twice. Decision made during the session will be legalized by striking the gavel once. 11. Opening Session a. Opening session is held by the President of the Conference b. President of the Conference opens the conference by striking the gavel three times. 12. Session I a. Session I is the session where the participants deliver their view in a general statement regarding the issues discussed in the committee, mostly including the solution. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 1 b. General speaker list covers the general statement discussed in the committee. c. The maximum time for general speaker list in this session is 90 minutes. d. General speaker list time is divided into three until four scope of problems based on the committee which noted in the Terms of Reference. e. Scope of problems will be discussed based on the order list in the Terms of Reference. f. Total time to discuss in each scope of problem: (1) For the committee which has three scopes of problems, each scope of problems has 30 minutes to discuss at maximum. (2) For the committee which has four scopes of problems, each scope of problem has 22 minutes to discuss at maximum. g. Each general speaker list consist of five speakers at maximum, each speakers will be given two minutes to speak at maximum. h. Participants who are given time to speak are chosen by the Chairman. i. If there any time left after the general statement, participants can raise the motion to start draft communiqué. 13. Session II a. Session II is the session where the participants start to create the draft communiqué regarding the solution. b. Session II will be held through unmoderated caucus. 14. Session III a. Session III is the session where the participants have to present the draft communiqué. b. Draft communiqué which can be presented must attach a sponsor document. c. Draft communiqué presentation will be delivered by the representative(s) consists of three participants at maximum. d. The participants who present draft communiqué should have role, one as moderator and the rest as presenters. e. Time granted for a draft communiqué presentation is 30 minutes at maximum, including question and answer or comment sessions. f. If there are more than one drafts communiqué, after the presentations the participants have to vote to determine whether the draft communiqué will be chosen by merging method or voting method. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 2 g. If the committee has only one draft communiqué, there will be voting method to make sure that the participants agree with the draft communiqué. If it reaches the quorum, the Presiding Officers sign the draft communiqué for finalization. 15. Amendment Session a. Amendment Session is the session where the participants have to merge the drafts communiqué. b. Amendment Session will run if the committee has more than one draft communiqué, and participants agree to do the merging method to merge and amend the drafts communiqué. c. If the committee has more than one draft communiqué and participants agree to vote one of the drafts communiqué, the chosen draft communiqué will automatically become the final draft communiqué and the Amendment Session is no longer needed. d. Amendment Session will be held through unmoderated caucus. e. After the merging process, the merged draft communiqué will be presented by the representation consists of three participants at maximum. f. Time granted for a draft communiqué presentation is 30 minutes at maximum, including question and answer or comment session. g. After the presentation, there will be voting method to make sure that the participants agree with the draft communiqué. If it reaches the quorum, the Presiding Officers sign the draft communiqué for finalization. 16. Plenary and Declaration Session a. Plenary and Declaration Session is the session where the chosen participants of each committee read the final draft communiqué that has been agreed on the committee session and signed by the Presiding Officers of each committee. b. Final draft communiqué will become the final communiqué after the chosen Asian-African representatives and the President of the Conference sign it. 17. Closing Session a. President of the Conference gives closing statement and closes the conference by striking the gavel three times. TOPICS OF THE COMMITTEE 18. Topics of the committee have been decided by Steering Committee in the Terms of Reference. The topics are: AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 3 a. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the AsianAfrican cultural values, for Committee I. b. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the inclusive education, for Committee II. c. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the sociopreneurship, for Committee III. d. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the function of media as a pillar of democratization process for, Committee IV. e. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the Open Source for the digital independence in Asia and Africa, for Committee V. f. Formulating the strategy to foster the role of leadership to promote the AsianAfrican student global network, for Committee VI. PRESIDENT OF THE CONFERENCE 19. President of the Conference is responsible for: a. Opening the conference. b. Opening the assembly for Plenary and Declaration Sessions. c. Taking the roll-call in Plenary and Declaration Sessions. d. Finalizing all declarations which are in the form of final communiqué by signing it. e. Closing the assembly for Plenary and Declaration Sessions. f. Opening the assembly for Closing Sessions. g. Closing all the series of events in the conference. PRESIDING OFFICERS 20. Chairman is responsible for: a. Opening Committee Session. b. Taking the roll-call in Committee Session. c. Making sure that the assembly is being run according to the Rules of Procedure and other rules that have been agreed. d. Keeping the discussion theme and give equal rights to each participate to speak within the duration of the assembly. e. Formulating the main point of the issues to be discussed. f. Clarifying, agreeing, or declining point of order proposed by participants. g. Suggesting unmoderated caucus when necessary. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 4 h. Suggesting merging method of the similar draft communiqué. i. Closing Committee Session. j. Not participating to vote. 21. Co-Chairman is responsible for: a. Helping the responsibilities that imposed to the Chairman so the assemblies can run in accordance with Rules of Procedure. b. Substituting with the Chairman’s role if necessary, at the beginning of the committee session. c. Not participating to vote. RAPPORTEUR 21. Rapporteur is responsible for: a. Recording any form of formal discussion in the session. b. Not participating to vote. PARTICIPANT 22. Participant is responsible for: a. Coming in time. b. Delivering a comprehensive and in-depth view during the assembly. c. Participating to vote. d. Obeying the rules of the conference. LANGUAGE 23. English is chosen as the official language that is used in the assembly, both verbal and written. DOCUMENTS IN THE ASSEMBLY 24. Documents in the assembly are: a. Draft Communiqué Draft Communiqué is a written formalization of any idea or statement of committee sessions result on topics which have been discussed within the assembly. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 5 (1) Sponsor Document (a) Sponsor document is an attachment in the draft communiqué consists of participants’ signatures that support the draft communiqué. (b) The minimum sponsor number needed for draft communiqué to be presented is 40% of the attended participants. (c) Participants who become sponsor may not be sponsor in another draft communiqué. b. Final Draft Communiqué Final draft communiqué is the final result of committee session. The chosen participant is obliged to read the final draft communiqué in the Plenary and Declaration Session. Therefore, final draft communiqué will be signed by the Presiding Officers. c. Final Communiqué Final communiqué is the final result of the conference which is signed by the chosen Asian-African representatives and the President of the Conference. ASSEMBLY CODE OF CONDUCT 25. Seating Arrangement a. Seating arrangement of the participants in committee session is ordered alphabetically based on participants’ first name starts from right to left of Presiding Officers’ side. b. Seating arrangement of the participants in Opening, Plenary and Declaration, and Closing Session is ordered based on each committee starts from right to left of the President of the Conference’s side. 26. Quorum a. Quorum is the minimum number of participant of an assembly that must present to make the session starts. b. Quorum is done when the numbers of participants have reached the 50%+1 of the registered participant. c. Quorum in voting is the minimum number of participant of an assembly that must agree to make the decision be valid. d. Quorum in voting is done when the numbers of participants have reached the 50%+1 of the attended participant. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 6 27. Roll-Call a. Roll-call taken by Chairman to all participants before every session is held with the intention of knowing the number of participants who attend in every assembly. Roll-call is done in alphabetical order. b. Each participant who has been called by the Chairman should answer ‘present and voting’ which means participant has the right to vote a decision. c. Participant who comes late while the committee session is already started, participant must clarify their presence by sending a note to the Chairman written participant’s name and ‘present and voting’. d. Roll-call is taken by President of the Conference on Opening, Plenary and Declaration, and Closing Session with only calling to every Chairman of the committee, and each Chairman has to make sure that the number of participants in the committee is reached the quorum. e. Each Chairman who has been called by the President of the Conference should answer ‘present’. 28. General Speaker List and General Statement a. General speaker is a list of participants who can deliver general statement. b. General statement delivered by the participants who are chosen and given time by the Chairman. c. In the general statement, participants must deliver their view and solution regarding the scope of problems discussed in the assembly that have been noted in Terms of Reference. d. General statement is held in a moderated caucus in formal discussion. e. The maximum duration of general statement for each participant is two minutes. 29. Motion Time granted for delivering a motion is 45 seconds at maximum. Participant who proposes a motion must deliver it specifically. a. Unmoderated Caucus In unmoderated caucus, participants will hold comprehensive discussion through informal lobbying within the duration of the session. Participant who proposes motion has the right to decide unmoderated caucus time limit, which is 30 minutes at maximum. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 7 b. Point of Order (1) Point of Order is used when participants would like to remind the Presiding Officers, if the Presiding Officers violates the Rules of Procedure. (2) Time granted in point of order is 45 seconds at maximum. c. Right of Reply (1) Participants whose integration are doubted, declined, opposed, or offended by other participants may propose right of reply to Chairman. (2) Right of Reply can be held when motion is over. (3) Time granted in right of reply is 45 seconds at maximum. d. Adjournment (1) The motion is used to adjourn the assembly during the duration of the conference. (2) The time granted to motion adjournment in the assembly is 10 minutes at maximum. e. Moving to next session’s agenda (1) The motion can only be used if there is still time left to move the next session’s agenda to the current session. f. Closure of Session (1) The motion can be used in the committee session even when there is still agenda to be discussed or time left. 30. Amendment a. Amendment session is held after the drafts communiqué is chosen by merging method. b. Participants who are not willing for one or more points in the drafts communiqué may suggest their idea in Amendment Session. c. Amendment on draft communiqué is limited to add, remove, and/or replace existing points. d. The passing of an amendment will be decided by voting, which has to reach the quorum. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 8 31. Division of Question a. Division of question is held by discussing every point in every drafts communiqué. Every point will be voted to be agreed. b. Those agreed points will become points in new draft communiqué which later will be amended. 32. The Chosen Participant a. The chosen participant is the person in each committee who present the final draft communiqué in the Plenary and Declaration Session. b. The person is chosen from three participants who have presented the agreed draft communiqué in the committee session. All the participants in each committee session will vote the three participants, and the candidate with the highest votes will present the final draft communiqué in Plenary and Declaration Session. 33. The Chosen Asian-African Representatives a. The chosen Asian-African representatives are the persons who have responsibility to sign the final communiqué. b. The chosen Asian-African representatives consist of two persons. c. The chosen Asian-African representatives are determined by the following requirements: (1) Legitimate presiding officers (2) Representing Asia and/or Africa d. The chosen Asian-African representatives are appointed on the agreement among the candidates of the chosen representatives. DECISION MAKING 34. Each participant has the right to one ballot, and can be done through: a. Merging method (1) Participants are suggested to do merging to result the draft communiqué rather than voting. (2) Merging is done to merge, if there are more than one draft communiqué. b. Voting method (1) Voting method results a decision if it reaches the quorum. (2) Voting method is done to procedural voting, including passing motion; and in substantial voting, including deciding draft communiqué if agreed, division of question, and amendment session. AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 9 (3) Voting method is done by raising the green/red card. Generally, green is for agreeing, red is for disagreeing; otherwise, the Chairman can create another card’s meaning options if needed. (4) In order to decide a motion, the motion will automatically not pass if it does not reach the quorum. (5) In order to choose one of the drafts communiqué: (a) If the quorum is absent in one voting process, the second voting process will be done. (b) If the quorum is absent in the second voting process, there will be a lobbying process in unmoderated caucus for five minutes before redo the third voting. (c) If in the third voting process the quorum is still absent, it will be continued with the division of question. The Rule of Procedure is valid since it has been legalized and, therefore, it will be used during the Asian-African Students Conference 2015. If there is any necessary change that should be made, the amendment will be done by the Steering Committee. Bandung, April 27th 2015 President of the Conference signed _______________________ Yasmin Nindya Chaerunissa AASC 2015 | Rules of Procedure 10
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