THE NEWSLETTER OF THE S ARASOTA BRANCH OF THE AAUW VOL. MMXV- NUMBER 9 Spring Luncheon Wednesday May 16, 2015 12:00pm MAY 2015 S A V E T H E D A T E S P R I N G L U N C H E O N May 16, 2015 - 11:30 AM - Palm Irish Dance Academy dancers have per- Aire Country Club formed at the Sarasota Highland Games, May Luncheon Program will be: The Irish Dance Academy of Sarasota . It was established in 2009 Irish Dance by Gillian McCormack-Aeppli. The Academy of Sarasota studio is affiliated with the Congress of Irish Dance Teachers known as An Comhdhail. This is Palm Aire Country Club the oldest Irish dance organization 5601 Country Club Way and holds annual World Competitions in Ireland. Nine of the Academy’s students qualified for that at local Irish pubs, at many other Irish and St. Patrick’s Day events, and in their own annual fundraising show. hosted her first feis (Irish dance competition) in August, 2014. The First Annual Shamrockin’ Feis and Tropical Coast Feis welcomed dancers from the US and from overseas. It included a cultural event with singing, instrumental and art competitions plus 143 dancers who competed over the weekend. She will be hosting another feis in Venice this summer. competition. Six of those will be AAUW is pleased to present these privileged to attend Worlds in Killarney this spring. The dancers and Irish dedicated young dancers at the Dance Academy of Sarasota are looking forward to representing the Unit- May 16th luncheon. ed States at the world championships. Gillian Babe Reger & Barbara Kerwin Su m m e r Sizzle r s 2015 After an amazing lunch at University Park Country Club we have constructed a list of Sizzlers for Summer 2015. Thank you to all! It is a full list with diverse possibilities. So, explore, meet Branch members and have a wonderful Summer! Sizzlers are back! Please contact the coordinator of Sizzlers you are interested in attending. Remember, that each participant pays her own costs and is responsible for letting the coordinator know that they are attending. I have included coordinator information but please consult your Directory for the Branch for clarification if needed. Sign-up sheets will be available at the Branch Luncheon on May 16. Enjoy and have a ‘sizzlin’ summer’! Visit the Florida website: to find out more about AAUW, blogging, tweeting, and follow the link to AAUW’s Facebook page Kristi, Val, Babe, Barb K Complete Schedule at the end of Newsletter AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research. MAY N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W P R E S I D E N T S ’ S P 2015 M E S S A G E Dear Members Everyone is welcome. The dates are to be determined. As I draft this last message of our AAUW year, I want to reflect on the AAUW national provides more than past few months. The presidency has $3.7 million in funding for more than been a growing experience for me. Retirement is fine, however, for someone who thinks she has more to accomplish in life, this has been perfect. Let me take this opportunity to thank all of my fantastic hardworking board members, so supportive, even when I go off on a tangent. To the membership, it has been a great pleasure to become acquainted and find new friends. So with renewed vision and enthusiasm for our mission for the coming year, yes, 2015 – 2016, I wish you a joyous summer branch has supported the Florida 244 fellowships and grants for STEM with an award of $500. women in the United States and Our branch was approached by the lowships are granted to women Commission on the Status of Women to be a part of the planning for the annual luncheon celebrating the 19th Amendment in honor of Susan B. Anthony. We have partnered with the throughout the world. American felscholars who are completing dissertations, postdoctoral research on leave from accredited colleges and summer/short term research publica- League of Women Voters of Manatee and Sarasota County along with the branches of AAUW Venice, Manatee and Bradenton in furtherance of this traditional affair. Since we are such and see you in the fall. an integral part of the event this year, A few dates to save. the community service and educa- we will have an exhibit table reflecting tion grants. Beginning in 1888, when AAUW's national election has begun tional aspects of our branch. - April 15 - July 19th at 9 P.M online, The Commission on the Status of tunity, the first fellowship was award- Women luncheon will be held on Au- ed to Ida Street, a pioneer in the field gust 22, 11am – 1:30 pm at the Polo of early American Indian history. and April 1 - May 26, paper ballot. Please refer to the outlook magazine. The instructions are clear as to the voting procedures. I encourage all members to review the 12 proposals addressing public policy programs, and the 5 proposed amendments to the bylaws and VOTE. few women were afforded this oppor- Grill Fete Ballroom in Lakewood Ranch. We are expecting some 400 women leaders from Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties. Please add this event to your calendars, if you are present in the summer. And if so, please arrange your schedules so If you have any questions, some time that we have an outstanding repre- will be set aside for discussion at the sentation at the luncheon. May luncheon.The May Luncheon is Sandra Cullen for more information. planned for the 16th at the Palm Aire Throughout the summer we will have Country Club. I hope to see you all there! Contact several strategy meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to firm up Tech Trek camp will be welcoming the schedule of events for the coming our candidate in July along with many year. other eighth grade girls from through- has creative ideas to share, please out the state to Eckert College. Our call any board member to participate. Anyone who is interested or Some of the more recent recipients are Melissa Harris-Perry, Susan Sontag, Judith Resnik, and Michelle Segar. To read more or if you have a candidate in mind for such grants proceed to the AAUW website at What an honor for our branch to have a candidate! Lastly, we celebrate, in this month of May, Mothers’ Day and Memorial Day. To our mothers, our thanks have no end and to our military, thank you for your service. Travel safe, members. Sandra Cullen, President [email protected] 2 N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W MAY 2015 PUBLIC POLICY REPORT T H E PAY C H E C K FA I R N E S S A C T, A - G - A - I - N Congress has re-introduced THE PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT in both houses. If passed, it would close loopholes in the EQUAL PAY ACT of 1963 that prevents the original legislation from fully addressing the pay gap. Passing it would allow employees to share salary information without fear of retaliation and increase the amount of damages that could be awarded in these types of discrimination lawsuits. Senator Bill Nelson, Senior Democratic Senator from Florida, shares AAUW's concerns about the wage gap. He is an original co-sponsor to this legislation. He recently emailed our member, Audrey Laue, thanking her for expressing her thoughts on this issue. PHOENIX The Phoenix City Council unanimously passed the EQUAL PAY MEASURE. This updates the city's nondiscrimination ordinance & promotes salary negotiation & other efforts to educate residents about the gender pay gap. It also instructs the city to create training for city contractors. Phoenix is the sixth largest city in the country! Good for them & all of us. Rona Gahr [email protected] P R O G RAM A M BASSA D O RS 2 0 1 4- 1 5 : T H A N K YO U ! Scheduling programs for AAUW meetings involves so many factors including Synthesis write up, identifying and scheduling a wonderful speaker, equipment reservations and more details in addition to those! Our Program Ambassadors were wonderful in 2014-15! I wish to thank: Diane Kryszak, Terri Deal, Virginia Waring, Mary Muller, Kathy Schoenhals, and Jean Henry. These wonderful AAUW members gave of their time and talent to schedule and bring you the Programs during this year. I could not have done my job without them! Thank you! Kristi Vice President for Programs 2013-15 3 N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W N EW M EMBERS MAY 2015 INFORMATION (please add these to your Yearbook) BIOGRAPHER NEEDED Carol Bernasconi Carol is a retired educator who has worked her entire career in the North Bergen, New Jersey School District before moving to Sarasota. She earned her BA in Elementary Education and her MA in Reading Education from Jersey City State College and has earned A writer is needed to write the biography of new members for the Synthesis. It is certificates in Supervision and Handicapped Education. Carol began her career teaching an easy process, which will fourth grade, and her final position was Kindergarten – Eighth Grade Reading Coordinator be explained to anyone who for all schools in the North Bergen School District. volunteers, If you are inter- Now that she is living in Sarasota, Carol has joined the team of tutors at the Sarasota Edu- ested, contact Dee Forsyth or cational Resource Center. She participates in the Women’s Guild at her church and looks Jeanne Bunnell, VPs of forward to volunteer work, especially literacy projects. Carol and her husband enjoy boat- Membership. ing, and they attend the opera and orchestra concerts. Dee Forsyth [email protected] North County Book Club 2015-16 Reading List 20 15 N o rt h Cou n ty B o o k L i st May 19, 2015 Meeting room Fruitville Library Any book in the Isabel Dalhousie series by McCall Smith Discussion Leader: Open Discussion Those interested may choose to go to lunch with the group after the discussion. Summer 2015 June 16 August 18 Dreams of Joy by Lisa See Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan Fall 2015 Sept 15 Oct 20 Contact: [email protected] Nov 17 Dec 15 Strapless by Deborah Davis Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng When Lions Roar The Churchills and the Kennnedys by Thomas Maier. Literary Luncheon Spring 2016 Jan 19 Gulf Gate Book Club May 26 – My Beloved World. Feb 15 Mar 15 Sotamayor, Sonia led by Harlene Weiss Betty [email protected] or 966-8363 Apr 19 May 17 Up from the Projects by Walter E Williams I shall not hate by Izzeldin Abuelaish's My Lucky Life in and out of Show Business by Dick Van Dyke Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline Any Book by Louise Penny in the Inspector Gamache series Contact: [email protected] 6 N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W Y O U M AY H AV E N O T I C E D A C H A N G E … MAY 2015 EDITORS NOTE A new member of our branch has volun-‐ DUES RENEWAL FORMS will no longer be included in the teered to take over as editor of the news-‐ Synthesis. For your convenience and ease of use, you will letter in 2015. Sue Smitten and Roz Lurie receive a separate email from Gayle Kloss with the renewal will be working together on this transition forms for 2015-2016 as an attachment. Please open them, print out the forms, and send them in with your dues check as soon as possible, or give them to me at any meeting. The total cost of dues for regular members is still $75. If you have any questions, please contact Harlene Weiss at 343-0741 or [email protected]. over the next few months. Correspondents for the September 2015 Synthesis issue should send their information to both Sue a n d R o z ( s u e n a r t @ g m a i l . c o m & [email protected]). We will both be in-‐ volved for the next few issues so please make a note of it. Further details to follow. Thanks and I know everyone will give Roz the support she needs taking on this impor-‐ Harlene Weiss, Finance Officer/Treasurer tant job. Sue Smitten, Editor Elected Board Members President Sandra Cullen Co-V. P Membership Dolores Forsyth Jeanne Bunnell Program VP Kristi Lane Co-Secretary Nancy Brennan Visit the national AAUW website: to find out more about AAUW, blogging, tweeting, and follow the link to AAUW’s Facebook page Anne Salamone F i n a n ci al O ff i cer Ha r le n e Wei s s Nominations Chair Mary Muller Past President Audrey Laue Appointed Board Members Asst. Financial Officer M a u re e n Fi rth College/University Relations Virginia Waring Communications Sylvia Rosenfeld Development Sandra Cullen In te r est Gr oups Jeanne Bunnell Parliamentarian/By Laws Elinor Crawford Public Policy Rona Gahr School/Community Relations Donna Levi Synthesis Editor Sue Smitten Roz Lurie Non-Board Appointed Positions Caring Committee Hospitality Yearbook Chair Eileen Linxwiler Leana Droege G ay le Klos s Synthesis is published monthly September through May by the American Association of University Women Sarasota Branch P.O. Box 3554, Sarasota, FL 34230 Access the Florida AAUW website at Deadline August 10th is the deadline for the September issue of the Synthesis. Please submit either an email or an attached Word document to Sue Smitten and Roz Lurie. Photos are appreciated. and Sue Smitten [email protected] . Roz Lurie [email protected] 7 N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W M AY 2 0 1 5 To place items in the Calendar get in touch with Kathy Oarr by the 10 th of the August for the September Newsletter: 351-7467 or [email protected] May 5, Tues. AAUW Board meeting at 10:00 at the Community Foundation. B R I D G E Y G May 6, Wed. First Wednesday Bridge meets at the Shahib Shrine on the corner of Circus Blvd. and Beneva at 11:30. Lunch (order on your own) followed by bridge. Call Arlene Kern Magno at 379-3254 for reservation. May 12, Tues. The Keys Lunch Bunch, 11:00 a.m. RSVP appreciated, not required. Discussion, conversation and optional lunch. Contact Diana Kryszak at 993-4078. E-mail: [email protected] FILM DISCUSSION GROUP Spr in g Lu ncheo n NORTH COUNTRY G U L F G AT E May 14, Thurs. The Film Discussion Group meets at 11:00 a.m., 2nd floor conference room of Selby Library. Lunch following optional. Notice sent to Film Group members approximately 7-10 days before meeting. Contact Genevieve Discount at 378-1460 or [email protected]. May 16, Wed. Spring Luncheon at Palm Aire Country Club. Program: Irish Dance Academy of Sarasota. May 19, Tues. North County Book Club meets at 11:00 a.m. at the Fruitville Library to discuss any book in the Isabel Dalhousie series by Alexander McCall Smith. Lunch afterwards optional. Contact: [email protected] May 26, Tues. Gulf Gate Book Group meets at 11:30 a.m. at Gulf Gate Library, Room A, to discuss “ My Beloved World” by Sonia Sotomayor. Lunch after optional. Contact Betty at [email protected] N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W Su m m e r Sizzle r s 2015 Sche du le MAY May 21 Lunch on the Marina Jack Boat We will meet at the Marina Jack Pier to go out on the water and have lunch on the boat. Participants should make their own reservations in advance and contact the coordinators so that our tables can be clustered together. Contact Rachel Jakes [email protected] Or Joann Flanigan [email protected] JUNE 1st Wed 2nd Tues. 4th Tues Bridge: Bridge will meet monthly at these times — place vary. June 16 Opera Salon: 11:30 at Frances, Palm Ave: Two Violinists Cost: $39 and have check to Marlene Kitchell byJune 8-Please make check payable to the Sarasota Opera Guild June 23 June 28 Book Club: Virginia Waring Dreams of Joy by Lisa See Fruitville Public Library 1 am. Interested persons can go to lunch after discussion. Banyan Theater (Sunday afternoon performance) The play is ART Particpants attend the Banyan Play and Play talk.Early dinner is optional. Purchase your play tickets and let Gen know you will be attending. Eileen Linxwiler 359-8483 to get on the list. Marlene Kitchell [email protected] or 359-9067 Virginia Waring [email protected] Gen Discount [email protected] or 378-1460 JULY 1st Wed 2nd Tues. 4th Tues Bridge: Bridge will meet monthly at these times. July 19 Banyan Theater (Sunday afternoon performance): The play is The Amish Project Gen Discount Particpants attend the Banyan Play and Play talk. Early [email protected] dinner is optional. Purchase your play tickets and let or 378-1460 Gen know you will be attending. Eileen Linxwiler 359-8483 N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E S A R A S O TA B R A N C H O F T H E A AU W Su m m e r Sizzle r s 2015 Sche du le JULY cont. TBA Monday July 28 Gallery Tour at Ringling Art Museum. Optional lunch at Treviso after tour. Remember, Monday is free admission day at Ringling. The tour and date will be announced via email to participants The book group will meet at Bay Village on July 28 at 11:30. It will be led by Emma Laura Carvin. The Book is Margel’s Madness by Darcy Scott. Lunch will follow at Bay Village. (Bring $12 cash or check, no credit cards) Bay Village is a retirement facility on Vamo Rd. off 41 (South Trail) opposite Sarasota Square Mall. A possible Skype with the author will occur after lunch. Paperback books will be available to purchase at the Branch luncheon. It is also available e-reader Contact Kathy Oarr 351-7467 or, [email protected] Betty Schattschneider [email protected] AUGUST 1st Wed 2nd Tues. 4th Tues Bridge will meet monthly at these times. TBA Beading at Knot Awl Beads with optional lunch after. August 16 August 18 Banyan Theater (Sunday afternoon performance): The play is The Old Lady Particpants attend the Banyan Play and Play talk. Early dinner is optional. Purchase your play tickets and let Gen know you will be attending. Book Club: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan Meet at Fruitville Library at NOON, interested persons may attend a late lunch after the discussion Eileen Linxwiler 359-8483 Gen Discount [email protected] for more information. Gen Discount [email protected] or 378-1460 [email protected] Saturday, May 16, 2015 Spring Luncheon Program by: IRISH DANCE ACADEMY Registration 11:30 Lunch at noon OF SARASOTA Palm Aire Country Club 5601 Country Club Way Directions: From I-75 Exit 213 go west on University Pkwy 2.4 miles, right on Whitfield Ave 1.1 miles, left on Country Club Way. Club is on the right. Return reservation by May 11th to: Barbara Kerwin 7724 Drayton Circle University Park, FL 34201 $30 per person Please make checks payable to AAUW Sarasota Your Name ________________________________ I would like a ride. Guest Name_______________________________ Meal selections are: Grilled Salmon, Sambuca Creamed Spinach, Parmesan Risotto Parmesan Encrusted Chicken, Spinach Ravioli, Tomato Basil Sauce Pasta Primavera
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