Morning Programme Outline

Morning Programme Outline
Day 1:
Day 2: Tuesday
Day 3: Wednesday
A Life Not a Service
The Politics of Small Things
Day 4: Thursday
Day 5:
8am - 9am
Morning Activity
Yoga, tai-chi, discussion groups,
meditation, other participant offers
Morning Activity
Yoga, tai-chi, discussion groups,
meditation, other participant offers
Morning Activity
Yoga, tai-chi, discussion groups,
meditation, other participant offers
9am - 10am
Food for Thought
Start the day by sharing some light
food and big conversations!
Food for Thought
Start the day by sharing some light
food and big conversations!
Food for Thought
Start the day by sharing some light
food and big conversations!
Take a seat:
hosted by various
networking groups
Opening Welcome:
Looking Inside Out:
Our Way is the Community Way
Cormac Russell
Welcome/Group Animation
Welcome/Overview Activity
Introduction to Conference
Themes and Processes
Dee Brooks and Deb Wisniewski
Global EcoVillage Network
20 years on: What we’ve learned
and our dreams for the future
Kosha Joubert, CEO, GEN
Our Community Assets Determine
Our Health: Prof. John Aston
10.30am - 11.00am
10am - 10.30am
Culture of Community
Morning Tea
11.00am - 11.30am
11.30am - 12.30pm
Join existing ABCD
network conversations,
or find support to start
your own group, to
further our impact
and explore
opportunitites across
the globe
Facilitated Discussions:
Hosted by community, for
12.30pm - 1.30pm
Please note: the programme is subject to change to address the emerging intent.
Facilitated Discussions:
Hosted by community, for
Learning Lunch
Topic Tents: Topics to be advised.
A diverse range of conversational
topics, hosted by ABCD practitioners
and community members
Afternoon Programme Outline
Day 1:
Day 2: Tuesday
Day 3: Wednesday
A Life Not a Service
The Politics of Small Things
A Culture of Community
Day 4: Thursday
1.30pm - 2.00pm
welcome and
welcome to
What have I learned so far:
John McKnight
How services and professionals
displace residents agency
Dr. Martin Galvin
Hanna Nell, University of
Johannesburg and Shaun Samuels,
Technical Support and Dialogue
Platform, South Africa
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Check in:
who is in the
Gifts - Assets
register activity
Topic Tents: topics to be advised
A diverse range of conversational
topics, hosted by ABCD
practitioners and community
Topic Tents: topics to be advised
A diverse range of conversational topics,
hosted by ABCD practitioners and
community members
Topic Tents: topics to be advised
A diverse range of conversational topics,
hosted by ABCD
practitioners and community
Afternoon Tea
3pm - 3.30pm
3.30pm - 4.00pm
4.00pm - 4.30pm
Free time:
• Wander to
(optional hosted
• Mingle
• Relax
• Sleep
Rural Development around the
world, through the lens of ABCD:
Lessons from the Field: ABCD
in the Global South:
Gord Cunningham, Alison Mathie
and Peter Kenyon (30 mins)
The Role of the Gapper:
Tom Dewar
Keeping a Welcome at the Edge
Judith Snow
Group Discussions:
A hosted conversation offering space
to respond and reflect upon the day’s
Group Discussions:
A hosted conversation offering space
to respond and reflect upon the day’s
Group Discussions:
A hosted conversation offering space
to respond and reflect upon the day’s
Plenary Session
4.30pm - 5pm
5pm - 6.30pm
Reflection - Empathy Walk - Harvest - Musical Performance
Evening Activities (Optional)
Meditation - Drumming - Story Telling - Massage - Other Offerings
Benediction: John McKnight,
Jody Kretzmann and Peter Block (Jody
and Peter by telelink to offer closing
Organising committee to thank all
contributors and sum up some practical
next steps
7pm - 8pm
Please note: the programme is subject to change to address the emerging intent.
Community Dinner
Leaving Party
Day 5: