NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT Annual Report 2014 Through OCHRE (Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility, Empowerment), the NSW Government has committed to a long term approach in supporting greater employment and business opportunities for Aboriginal people. The NSW minerals industry is a significant economic contributor to regional NSW, both directly through employment and enterprise development, and indirectly through supporting broader economic opportunities and communities. NSW mining recognises that its future is an integral part of the economic futures of these regions and communities. Healing Opportunity Empowerment Choice Responsibility NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 2 In June 2013, the NSW Minerals Council CEO signed an Industry Based Agreement (IBA) with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the Minister of Resources focussed on delivering Aboriginal employment and enterprise development outcomes in New South Wales. “The NSW minerals industry through NSWMC and the NSW Government commit to work together and with Aboriginal stakeholders to create sustainable economic development and employment opportunities that will contribute to building and supporting strong Aboriginal communities in NSW mining regions.”- IBA Agreement This objective is being achieved through the implementation of an IBA Action Plan which harnesses joint efforts and builds on the current strengths and capacities to develop new opportunities for Aboriginal people in the following areas: • Education and training (including work readiness) • Employment in the NSW minerals industry, including businesses servicing the industry • Enterprise and business development. UPDATE ON THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE THREE PARTNERS INVOLVED IN THE IBA AND GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE NSW Minerals Council NSW Minerals Council (NSWMC) engaged two IBA Coordinators in March 2014 to lead the implementation of the Action Plan. Since this time, with the assistance of the IBA Coordinators, the NSWMC has coordinated IBA Steering Committee meetings and coordinated deliverables under the 2014 Action Plan. Aboriginal Affairs As the government agency responsible for coordinating the implementation of OCHRE, Aboriginal Affairs has worked to ensure that efforts under the IBA are integrated with other related OCHRE initiatives. The agency is also responsible for administering the NSW Government’s financial IBA contribution. Aboriginal Affairs has also provided advice on working effectively with Aboriginal communities to maximise employment outcomes. Department of Trade and Investment NSW DITIRS have actively contributed to Steering Committee meetings as well as generously provided office space for the IBA Coordinators in Maitland. NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 3 Governance Structure An IBA Steering Committee has been established to oversee the development and implementation of the IBA Action Plan. Membership of the committee included representatives from the NSW Minerals Council and its members, Trade and Investment, Office of Aboriginal Affairs, New South Wales Indigenous Chamber of Commerce and Aboriginal Employment Strategy. An invitation was extended to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to participate on the Steering Committee. 2014 ACTION PLAN In March 2014, the IBA Steering Committee endorsed the 2014 Action Plan which was developed to implement the IBA commitments. The 2014 Action Plan captures a range of activities within the following four key areas: • Industry Capacity • Pre-Employment • Employment • Enterprise Development IBA ACTION PLAN - PILLAR 1: INDUSTRY CAPACITY Aim Increase NSW mining industry capacity to support Aboriginal industry and Aboriginal enterprise activities within their organisation. Industry Forum The IBA Action Plan commits the NSWMC to hosting two Industry Forums in 2014 aimed at building industry capacity by sharing industry best practice, highlighting opportunities and encouraging new industry members to participate in Aboriginal employment and enterprise development. The first industry forum was held in Singleton in June 2014. Twenty seven participants attended the forum with 17 of those attendees from industry. The forum showcased the IBA 2014 Action Plan and provided case studies from both industry leaders and Aboriginal enterprises about current success and opportunites. The afternoon session was a closed industry forum for NSWMC members who discussed issues relating to industry capacity to engage with NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 4 Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal enterprises. The aim was to establish support and to scope topics for future events. The next Industry Forum will be held in November 2014. Industry Knowledge Base The NSWMC has commenced collating input from industry members on lessons and successes in working with Aboriginal people and communities to generate and maintain employment outcomes. This information is being developed into Fact Sheets for distribution to industry members as examples of best practise. The fact sheets will be disseminated to members and promoted in media print including Coalface/Rockface as well as though the NSWMC website and via NSWMC social media. IBA ACTION PLAN - PILLAR 2: PRE-EMPLOYMENT Aim Increase community capacity to undertake education and training activities, therefore enabling employment opportunities. Opportunity Hubs Opportunity Hubs aim to provide Aboriginal young people with the confidence and knowledge to follow a supported pathway between secondary school and further education and/or employment. To achieve this outcome, Opportunity Hubs are building partnerships between schools, employers, education and training providers and the local community to coordinate and match Aboriginal students with local education, training and employment opportunities. There are four Opportunity Hubs operating in the Upper Hunter Valley, Dubbo, Tamworth and Campbelltown. These Hubs are: • Aboriginal Employment Services, Singleton • CentaCare Wilcannia - Forbes, Dubbo • Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council, Tamworth • Marrickville Training Centre (MET), Campbelltown Through the NSW Minerals IBA, opportunities are being explored to strengthen linkages between the mining sector and Opportunity Hubs, with a particular emphasis on the Dubbo and Singleton Hubs. The participation of the Singleton Opportunity Hub in the Industry Forum is an example of this work. NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 5 Support to Stay in School NSW Minerals Council is committed to providing employment opportunities to Aboriginal students through the scholarship programs. In 2014 3 Aboriginal students were awarded scholarships from NSWMC with an additional 3 from member companies. The winners were: • Michael Jeffrey, Year 11, Dubbo Senior College (sponsored by Alkane Resources) • Eleanor Santiago, Year 11, St Patrick’s College Campbelltown (sponsored by BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal) • Francis Spackman, Year 11, Narromine High School (sponsored by NSWMC) • Jake Hemming, Year 12, Forbes High School (sponsored by NSWMC) • Edwina Latham, Year 11, Rutherford High School (sponsored by NSWMC) • Ben Bevan, Year 11, Parkes High School (sponsored by Sumitomo Metal Mining Oceania) IBA ACTION PLAN - PILLAR 3: EMPLOYMENT Aim Increase the number of Aboriginal people employed (directly or indirectly) in the NSW mining industry. NSW Minerals Council and Steering Committee members acknowledged the mining industry is a cyclical nature and at the moment is facing some economic difficulties. This has had a significant impact on the ability for any key Aboriginal employment activities to be implemented. Extensive research within the mining industry is showing that some industry members are continuing with business and developing capacity building programs around Aboriginal engagement. IBA ACTION PLAN - PILLAR 4: ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Indigenous Trade Fairs NSW Minerals Council will organise two Trade Fairs designed to increase the awareness of Aboriginal engagement and employment capacity, the Trade Fair NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 6 aims to showcase the mining industry and associated industries such as building, construction, health and hospitality employment opportunities for the Aboriginal community and Aboriginal enterprises within their regions. The first trade fair took place in Dubbo in late July/August. INDUSTRY INITIATIVES - CASE STUDIES Rio Tinto - Coal and Allied Indigenous Employment Coal and Allied are striving to increase opportunities for Aboriginal people and have a comprehensive Employment Strategy to achieve this. Coal and Allied also offer practical programs to assist Aboriginal people achieve higher rates of participation in the workforce and particularly in the mining industry. Coal and Allied have implemented a training program in their Hunter Valley Operations which has thus far resulted in five Aboriginal people employed as mining operators. The 12 week program involved theoretic lessons and practical training on-site to ensure the participants were well equipped with skills that will enable them to gain future employment. Coal and Allied, in partnership with Pegasus, also offered traineeship to Indigenous people giving them an opportunity to undertake National accredited mining qualifications. Programs such as these are beneficial to Aboriginal people as they offer practical training and qualifications that allow the participants to pursue a career in the mining industry. This then has flow-down socio-economic effects for the broader Indigenous community, as well as the region overall. BHP Billiton - Warrae Wanni Pathways to School Program “At Muswellbrook South Public School, we are closing the GAP and ARE making a difference in our young children’s lives and their families. We have planted the seeds and are beginning to reap the benefits of supporting parents and their children by developing strong partnerships with our local Aboriginal community, interagency and big business to reduce the gap and make a difference in their lives of young children and their families. The seeds are beginning to grow!” – Rebecca Langdon, Principal MSPS Warrae Wanni Pathways to School Program is a school readiness program at Muswellbrook South Public School (MSPS) involving preschool-aged children (4-5 years) who do not attend a play group, preschool or any other form of early childhood learning. Research confirms that there are direct links between poor education and unemployment, health issues and other disadvantage factors. With a growing NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 7 number of working families in the Muswellbrook region, and a lack of affordable childcare and early education facilities, Aboriginal and disadvantaged groups have limited access to child care services. Warrae Wanni is about breaking the cycle of poverty and creating opportunities for children to learn before they start kindergarten. It provides quality early childhood education, as well as access to essential services such as audiometry, optometry and occupational and speech therapy. It encourages often disengaged parents to value the education of their children, and provides opportunities for them to engage with their children, other parents, and community support services. Warrae Wanni was identified as a community development project as a result of BHP Billiton Mt Arthur Coal’s Sustainable Communities Project which commenced in 2010. The project partnership, which was scoped in 2011 and began officially in 2012, is now in its third year of delivery, and is also supported by Rio Tinto Coal and Allied. It generates change within the community and by the community through: • improving education preparedness and developmental vulnerability issues of local children, • improving access to education for a key local marginalised group, • enhancing parental involvement in their children’s health, education and lifestyle factors, • building capacity of the Aboriginal community. The Warrae Wanni program demonstrates respect for the diversity of our communities by supporting Aboriginal and disadvantaged children and their families. It also shows respect for the important assets that industry, government and community can contribute toward improving quality of life in our communities. The project is a collaborative partnership that goes beyond a unidirectional “funder-recipient” relationship; employing a transparent capacity building process and leveraging on the strengths of partner organisations. Warrae Wanni is a multi-award winning program that has been recognised across NSW and the ACT including by the NSW Minerals Council and by BHP Billiton at its company-wide Health, Safety, Environment and Community Awards. The program was also named the NSW / ACT Regional Achievement and Community winner. In December 2014 the Warrae Wanni Program proudly celebrated 31 children graduating from the program who are now placed developmentally and educationally in a stronger position to start their “big school” journey in 2015. NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 8 APPENDICES AND REFERENCES 1. Copy of 2014 Action Plan 2. List of Steering committee members 3. List of Steering committee meeting dates NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 9 APPENDIX 1 1. Aboriginal Employment and Enterprise Development Industry Based Agreement - Action Plan 2014 INDUSTRY CAPACITY PRE-EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT * ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Increase NSW mining industry capacity to support Aboriginal employment and Aboriginal enterprise activities within their organisation Increase community capacity to undertake education and training activities, therefore enabling employment opportunities Increase number of Aboriginal people employed (directly or indirectly) in the NSW mining industry Increase number of Aboriginal companies providing goods and services to the NSW mining industry and communities in which they operate Industry Forum Opportunity Hub Research Indigenous Trade Fair • run industry forum (2) meetings to share industry best practice, communicate opportunities and encourage new industry members to participate • work with successful Opportunity Hub tenderers (AES for Upper Hunter and CentaCare for Dubbo) to support development of Opportunity Hubs • conduct/build on existing research and publish factsheets on: • run regional trade fair for Indigenous Enterprises to showcase their products and services and Local Companies to share their needs/requirements Industry Knowledge Base Support to Stay in School • collect, document and communicate industry program successes and failures • investigate further ways industry can provide support to encourage Aboriginal children to stay in school and therefore increase community capacity e.g. scholarships - what do Aboriginal people need to have to be employable in the NSW mining industry - what do industry members need to have in place to to employ Aboriginal people • invite Aboriginal enterprises to speak at Industry Forums * The Action Plan is cognisant of the difficult economic and employment environment currently facing the NSW minerals sector. Few companies are currently seeking to expand their workforce and many are downsizing, making employment creation a greater challenge in the short term. As a result the Action Plan pursues a medium to long term approach that implements key programs to build enterprise capacity and support Aboriginal employment and enterprise development to provide opportunities when the industry cycle improves again. At the same time, short-term employment and enterprise opportunities will be identified and pursued with any companies that are in a position to assist, particularly those with new or expanding mining projects. Other 2014 Activities Develop Action Plan for 2015 - 2016 Coordinate Steering Group Activities and Produce Annual Report NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 10 APPENDIX 1 2. List of Steering Committee Members Andrew McMahon (Chair) - NSW Minerals Council Russell Couch (Alternating Chair) - Aboriginal Affairs Stephen Galilee - NSW Minerals Council Chrissie Clarke - NSW Minerals Council Peter Swain - Aboriginal Affairs Nick Lackner - Aboriginal Affairs Bob Sutherland - Whitehaven Coal Sally Skyrin - NSW Aboriginal Land Council Angela Fiumara - BHP Billiton NSW Energy Coal - Mt Arthur Chris Hanger - Trade and Investment NSW Cate Sims - Rio Tinto Coal and Allied Mike Sutherland - Alkane Resources Danny Lester - Aboriginal Employment Strategy Deb Barwick - NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce Please note: Not all members listed served on the Steering Committee for the full year. 3. Steering Committee Meeting Dates 18 February 2014 3 June 2014 17 December 2014 NSW MINERALS INDUSTRY BASED AGREEMENT – Annual Report 2014 11 www.aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au
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