Simulation Conference 2015 Bridging the Gap August 14th Clinical Simulation & Learning Center University of Kentucky College of Nursing 751 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536 Between Theory and Practice Target Audience Academic nurse educators and nursing staff development Purpose To further simulation pedagogy by bridging the gap between theory and practice Objectives Promote simulation standards ~ Network with other simulation professionals Outcomes Identify simulation standards ~ Apply simulation standards in their setting ~ Utilize strategies to implement simulation pedagogy in their setting Agenda Accreditation The University of Kentucky, College of Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA). This educational activity is offered for a maximum of 5.0 ANCC contact hours. The Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) approves The University of Kentucky College of Nursing as a provider as well. ANCC and KBN approval of a continuing nursing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program content nor commercial sponsors. The University of Kentucky does not approve commercial products. KBN contact hours = 6.0 for nurses who attend all sessions. Provider #: 3-000801-18-755. In order to receive credit for this program, participants will complete the live CNE activity and the online evaluation form. Certificates may be printed once the evaluation is completed. 0800 Registration 0830 Welcome 0900 Incorporating the Standards of Best Practice Simulation into Your Simulation Program (Teresa Gore) 1000 Break 1015 Breakout sessions A. Debriefing (Tammy Courtney) 1115 B. Multiple Patient Simulation (Jennifer Dent) Breakout sessions A. Debriefing (Tammy Courtney) 1215 Lunch 1300 Breakout sessions B. Multiple Patient Simulation (Jennifer Dent) A. Role of non-clinical staff in simulation lab (Greg Williams) B. Staff Development Panel Discussion (Baptist Health Lex and St. Joe East) 1400 Breakout sessions A. Role of non-clinical staff in simulation lab (Greg Williams) B. Panel Discussion Staff Development (Baptist Health Lex and St. Joe East) 1500 Break 1510 Evaluating Simulation (Teresa Gore) 1610 Summary and closing remarks Register online at Registration Rate Non-UK Rate $85 Registration includes attendance, lunch, continuing nursing education contact hours, and access to conference materials. UK College of Nursing will provide conference materials online, if applicable. If you need assistance or have a special UK Rate need related to attendance, please notify the CE office at least two weeks prior to the conference. $40 Credit card payments are accepted online. To pay by check, please register online and mark ‘check’ as the payment type. Checks may be payable to University of Kentucky and sent to the following address with a copy of your online registration receipt: University of Kentucky College of Nursing, Attn: Tricia MacCallum, 315s CON Bldg., 751 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40536-0232. Questions, please email [email protected]. A full refund, less a $25 processing fee, will be issued for cancellations received or postmarked at least one week prior to the course date. No refunds are issued thereafter. Cancellations received the day of the course are not eligible for a refund. UK College of Nursing Continuing Education reserves the right to cancel a course when circumstances are warranted. In such a case, a full refund will be issued. UK College of Nursing is not responsible for hotel, plane, car, or other such fees. Hotels Near Campus Conference Location University Inn, 1229 S. Limestone Street, (859) 278-6625 Holiday Inn Express, 1000 Export Street, (877) 786-9480 UK College of Nursing Building Clinical Simulation and Learning Center 751 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40536 Disclosure Faculty members participating in continuing education programs sponsored by the University of Kentucky College of Nursing are expected to disclose any real or perceived conflict of interest related to the content of their presentations. Disclosures will be made to the audience during the event. A map of the venue and parking will be emailed to registrants prior to the event.
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