Abstract Introduction Using the law of mass Action, you can derive

A Mathematical Model for Enzyme Kinetics: The Runge-Kutta Method
Justin Saliba
Advisor: Muhammed Usman. Ph.D
In this work we study a basic mathematical model for
enzyme-substrate reaction. We summarize the enzyme
kinetics model from J. D. Murray's Mathematical Biology
nondimensionalization. Then we use the numerical solver
called the Runge-Kutta methods to solve the system of
differential equations describing the reaction.
An enzyme is a protein molecule that catalyzes a
biochemical reaction [1]. Enzymes can act as activators
or inhibitors and regulate many biological processes. A
useful enzyme in your body is Pepsin. This enzyme is
found in your digestive track and helps metabolize your
food. Enzyme Kinetics is the study of how an enzyme
effects the speed at which a reaction occurs. My goal is
to study a mathematical model of enzyme-substrate
reactions in order to better understand their kinetics.
Using the law of mass Action,
Using the Runge-Kutta Method to Solve for the
Reduced System:
K1= [SE]/[S][E]
The following graphs of numerical solutions to system (1) were
generated using Matlab. The numerical solutions were found
using ode45.
you can derive the following equations:
s0 = 5, t=10, e0 = 1, k_1 = 1, k1 = 2 and k2 = 3
Let s=[S], e=[E],c=[SE], and p=[P] where [ ] denotes
the concentration.
From [1]:
S’=-k1*e*s + k-1*c
E’=k1*e*s + (k-1+k2)*c
C’=k1*e*s – (k-1+k2)*c
S(0)=s0, e(0)=e0, c(0)=0,
Michaelis and Menten’s Enzyme Model
S=Substrate; E=Enzyme; ES=Substrate-enzyme complex
k1,k-1,k2 are all rate constants
This is a basic enzyme reaction model that shows that
the substrate-enzyme complex can decompose back into
enzyme and substrate or may form one molecule of the
product and one molecule of the enzyme [1,2].
C’+E’=0 Thus: c(t)+e(t)=e0
The following system of equations can now be
s0=3, t=5 e0=1, k_1 = 1, k1=2 and k2 =3
S’= -k1*e0*s + (k1*s + k-1)c
C’= k1*e0*s – (k1s + k-1 + k2)c (1)
S(0) = s0, c(0)= 0
The Runge-Kutta Method
Yn+1=Yn +1/6(K11+2*K12+2*K13+K14)
K11 = h*f(Xn,Yn)
K12 = h*f(Xn + 1/2h, Yn + 1/2K11)
K13 = h*f (Xn + 1/2h, Yn + 1/2K12)
K14 = h*f(Xn + h,Yn + k13)
After studying a system of differential equations for enzyme-substrate reactions, I have found that the solutions
can be approximated using the Runge-Kutta numerical method. Finding out the time or concentration for certain
substrate-enzyme mechanisms to reach equilibrium can be experimentally obtained, but that will lose you both
time and money. By understanding Michaelis and Menten’s Enzyme Model, and by using the Law of Mass
Action, you can obtain differential equations that can be solved numerically with the Runge-Kutta method to
approximate rates, concentrations, and equilibrium constants in enzyme kinetics.
[1]. Muniz-Alicea, Roberto. "A Mathematical Model
for Enzyme Kinetics: Multiple Timescales
Analysis." Dynamics at the Horsetooth Focused
Issue: Asymptotics and Pertubations 2A (2010)
[2]. J. D. Murray, Mathematical Biology.