Differences in decadal trends of atmospheric mercury between the

Differences in decadal trends of atmospheric mercury between the Arctic and
northern mid-latitudes suggest a decline in Arctic Ocean mercury
Long Chen1,2, Yanxu Zhang1, Daniel J. Jacob1,3, Anne L. Soerensen4,5, Jenny A.
Fisher6, Hannah M. Horowitz3, Elizabeth S. Corbitt3, and Xuejun Wang2
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
Ministry of Education Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and
Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm
University, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
School of Chemistry, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, New South Wales,
Corresponding author: Long Chen, Ministry of Education Laboratory of Earth Surface
Processes, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing
100871, China. ([email protected])
1 Abstract
2 Atmospheric mercury (Hg) in the Arctic shows much weaker or insignificant annual
3 declines relative to northern mid-latitudes over the past decade (2000-2009), but
4 with strong seasonality in trends. We use a global ocean-atmosphere model of Hg
5 (GEOS-Chem) to simulate these observed trends and determine the driving
6 environmental variables. The atmospheric decline at northern mid-latitudes can
7 largely be explained by decreasing North Atlantic oceanic evasion. The mid-latitude
8 atmospheric signal propagates to the Arctic but is there countered by rapid Arctic
9 warming and declining sea ice, which suppresses deposition and promotes oceanic
10 evasion over the Arctic Ocean. The resulting simulation implies a decline of Hg in
11 the Arctic surface ocean that we estimate to be -0.67% yr-1 over the study period.
12 Rapid Arctic warming and declining sea ice are projected for future decades and
13 should drive a sustained decline in Arctic Ocean Hg, potentially alleviating the
14 methylmercury exposure risk for northern populations.
15 16 17 1. Introduction
18 Anthropogenic releases of mercury (Hg) to the environment from coal
19 combustion, mining, and use of Hg in commercial products and manufacturing
20 processes have increased the global Hg loading in the surface ocean by an order of
21 magnitude over natural levels [Amos et al., 2013, 2014; Horowitz et al., 2014].
22 Transport of Hg on a global scale takes place in the atmosphere via emission of
23 elemental Hg0, which has an atmospheric lifetime on the order of 0.5 years against
24 oxidation to divalent HgII and subsequent deposition [Lindberg et al., 2007; Corbitt
25 et al., 2011]. After deposition to the ocean, Hg can be methylated to toxic
26 methylmercury which bioaccumulates and biomagnifies in marine food webs
27 [Mergler et al., 2007]. Hg pollution is of particular concern in the Arctic where
28 populations rely heavily on marine-based diets [AMAP, 2011]. Here we examine
29 trends in Arctic atmospheric Hg over the past decade to better understand the factors
30 controlling the sources of Hg in this part of the world.
31 Significant declines of atmospheric Hg have been observed at northern
32 mid-latitude regions over the past decade, including a decline of -2.5% yr-1 over the
33 North Atlantic Ocean during 1990-2009 [Soerensen et al., 2012], -1.6 to -2.0% yr-1
34 at Mace Head, Ireland during 1996-2009 [Ebinghaus et al., 2011] and an average
35 decline of -2.0% yr-1 at four eastern Canadian sites during 2000-2009 [Cole et al.,
36 2013]. The decreasing evasion of Hg0 from the North Atlantic Ocean was speculated
37 to compensate for the strongly increasing [Streets et al., 2011] or relatively constant
38 [Wilson et al., 2010] anthropogenic emissions and subsequently explain these
39 observed declining trends [Soerensen et al., 2012]. Atmospheric Hg in the Arctic
40 shows a weaker decrease and trends are more seasonally variable than at northern
41 mid-latitudes [Cole et al., 2013]. For instance, weak annual declines (-0.6% yr-1
42 during 1995-2007; -0.9% yr-1 during 2000-2009) with significant increases in May
43 and July were observed at Alert, Canada [Cole and Steffen, 2010; Cole et al., 2013].
44 The atmospheric Hg level during 2000-2009 at Zeppelin, Svalbard Island was
45 reported to have no overall annual trend but significantly increased in May, August,
46 September and October [Berg et al., 2013; Cole et al., 2013].
47 The weaker and more seasonally variable trends in the Arctic suggest that Hg in
48 the Arctic atmosphere is not only influenced by long-range transport from northern
49 mid-latitudes but also by its fast changing climate in recent decades [Cole et al.,
50 2013]. Surface air temperature in the Arctic has increased at a rate nearly two times
51 faster than the global average [Bekryaev et al., 2010; Screen and Simmonds, 2010],
52 which could decrease the frequency and intensity of atmospheric mercury depletion
53 events (AMDEs) in springtime and the subsequent deposition to the ocean [Piot and
54 Glasow, 2008; Pöhler et al., 2010]. Sea ice extent over the Arctic Ocean has
55 decreased by approximately 5-10% per decade [Parkinson and Cavalieri, 2008].
56 This increases the evasion of Hg0 from the surface ocean, which is supersaturated
57 relative to the atmosphere [Andersson et al., 2008; Hirdman et al., 2009; Dastoor
58 and Durnford, 2013]. The increasing mobilization of Hg from thawing permafrost in
59 the pan-Arctic regions [Rydberg et al., 2010; Schuster et al., 2011] along with the
60 increasing freshwater discharge from circumpolar rivers [Shiklomanov and Lammers,
61 2009] increase Hg inputs to the ocean [Fisher et al., 2012].
62 Hypotheses have been proposed to explain the Arctic atmospheric Hg trends and
63 interannual variability [Cole and Steffen, 2010; Cole et al., 2013; Fisher et al., 2013],
64 but how and what environmental variables drive the Hg trends and bring about the
65 differences between the Arctic and northern mid-latitudes are still not understood.
66 Here we use a global ocean-atmosphere model of Hg (GEOS-Chem) to simulate the
67 observed trends over the past decade (2000-2009) and determine the driving
68 environmental variables.
69 70 2. Data and Model
71 2.1 Observational Sites
72 We use six northern mid-latitude terrestrial sites and two Arctic sites (Alert and
73 Zeppelin) with available observations during the last decade (2000-2009) from the
74 Canadian Atmospheric Mercury Measurements Network [CAMNet, 2014] and the
75 European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme [EMEP, 2014] for trend analysis
76 (Figure 1). Although the time series at Alert is longer (1995-2009), we use the data
77 during 2000-2009 to keep consistency among sites.
78 Total gaseous mercury (TGM) (defined as the sum of Hg0 and gaseous phase
79 HgII) or Hg0 is measured at these sites. However, they are not distinguished here
80 because Hg0 makes up approximately 95-99% of TGM in remote air [Schroeder and
81 Munthe, 1998; Gustin and Jaffe, 2010; Soerensen et al., 2012]. Daily values are used
82 for calculation of observed trends with nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s
83 nonparametric estimator of slope [Gilbert, 1987]. Monthly values generated from
84 the model are used to calculate simulated trends with least-squares linear regression.
85 The frequencies of AMDEs over the Arctic sites are calculated as the fraction of
86 hours with TGM concentrations below 1.0 ng m-3 [Cobbett et al., 2007; Berg et al.,
87 2013].
88 5
89 2.2 Model Description
90 We use the GEOS-Chem Hg model v9-01-02 (http://geos-chem.org) to simulate
91 the atmospheric Hg trends in the Arctic and northern mid-latitudes over the period
92 2000-2009. The GEOS-Chem Hg model includes a 3-D atmosphere model coupled
93 to a 2-D surface slab ocean and a 2-D soil reservoir [Selin et al., 2008; Holmes et al.,
94 2010; Soerensen et al., 2010; Amos et al., 2012]. The model has 4°×5° horizontal
95 resolution and 47 vertical levels from the surface to 0.01 hPa. The model is driven
96 by NASA MERRA assimilated meteorological data [Rienecker et al., 2011]. The
97 model tracks two Hg species in the atmosphere, Hg0 and HgII, with oxidation of Hg0
98 by Br atoms and photoreduction of HgII in cloud droplets [Holmes et al., 2010].
99 High Br atom concentrations cause fast oxidation of Hg0 to HgII and subsequent loss
100 by deposition (i.e. AMDEs) in polar springtime [Fisher et al., 2012, 2013].
101 The 2-D ocean mixed layer receives atmospheric HgII deposition and interacts
102 with the atmosphere by air-sea exchange of Hg0. There is also exchange with the
103 subsurface ocean though particle settling and vertical transport [Soerensen et al.,
104 2010]. We specify the North Atlantic subsurface seawater Hg concentrations by
105 yearly decreasing values from Soerensen et al. [2012] with imposed seasonal
106 variability [Mason et al., 2001; Laurier et al., 2004]. Fixed concentrations are
107 specified for other ocean basins [Soerensen et al., 2010]. The model includes an
108 ice/snow module as described by Fisher et al. [2012]. The model also considers the
109 interannual variability of Hg inputs from circumpolar rivers [Fisher et al., 2013;
110 ArcticRIMS, 2014].
111 The model is driven by AMAP/UNEP anthropogenic emission inventories for
112 the years 2000, 2005 and 2010 [Wilson et al., 2010; AMAP/UNEP, 2013] with linear
113 interpolation for individual years. Global anthropogenic Hg emissions slightly
114 increased over the past decade (1819 Mg in 2000, 1921 Mg in 2005 and 1960 Mg in
115 2010), with increase in Asia and decrease in North America and Europe [Wilson et
116 al., 2010; AMAP/UNEP, 2013].
117 118 2.3 Sensitivity Simulations
119 We determine the driving factors for the Arctic atmospheric Hg trends by
120 evaluating a range of variables, including surface air temperature, sea surface
121 temperature, sea ice fraction, sea-ice lead occurrence, planetary boundary layer
122 (PBL) depth, net shortwave radiation, surface wind speed, freshwater discharge and
123 net primary productivity (Table 1). For each variable, we run a sensitivity simulation
124 in which the decadal trend of this variable is removed by repeating the data in the
125 year 2000 for the entire simulation (2000-2009) over the Arctic region (68°N-90°N).
126 We calculate the contribution of each variable by comparing with a base simulation
127 without the trend removal.
128 129 3. Results and Discussion
130 3.1 Differences in Decadal Trends between the Arctic and Northern
131 Mid-latitudes
132 Differences in decadal trends of atmospheric Hg between the Arctic and
133 northern mid-latitudes are observed at the eight sites (Figure 2). The observed
134 monthly trends are consistently negative at mid-latitude sites (six-sites mean: -0.030
135 ng m-3 yr-1) and the seasonal variability is small (standard deviation: 0.006 ng m-3
136 yr-1). The model predicts the monthly variability well (R2 = 0.79; p < 0.05). The
137 model simulation suggests that the declining trends at northern mid-latitudes can be
138 largely explained by the decreasing evasion from the North Atlantic Ocean,
139 consistent with Soerensen et al. [2012]. The trends at mid-latitude sites show a late
140 winter maximum and a summer minimum in both observations and the model,
141 mainly caused by the faster decreasing evasion rates from the North Atlantic Ocean
142 in wintertime, when the surface ocean is more influenced by the subsurface ocean
143 due to elevated entrainment and Ekman pumping [Soerensen et al., 2010].
144 The observed annual trends at Alert and Zeppelin are -0.007±0.019 and
145 0.003±0.012 ng m-3 yr-1, respectively, which are not significantly different from zero
146 (i.e. no annual trends) but significantly smaller than at mid-latitude sites (p < 0.05).
147 The observed monthly trends are more variable at Alert and Zeppelin than at
148 mid-latitude sites. Significant increases are observed in May and July at Alert and
149 May, August, September and October at Zeppelin, consistent with Cole et al. [2013].
150 The model captures the magnitudes of the observed trends as well as most of their
151 seasonal variability at these sites, especially the increasing trends in spring and fall
152 (R2 = 0.52; p < 0.05) (Figure 2).
153 Figure 3 maps the spatial distribution of the simulated trends of TGM north of
154 30°N for different seasons. The twelve months are grouped into four seasons based
155 on the feature of seasonal variability in trends at the Arctic sites. The simulated
156 increase in Asia reflects increasing regional anthropogenic emissions. The decrease
157 over the North Atlantic Ocean is driven by the decreasing oceanic evasion. The
158 simulation shows an obvious difference in trends between the Arctic and northern
159 mid-latitudes, particularly in spring and fall, with positive trends along the coast and
160 center of the Arctic Ocean in April-May and August-October, respectively,
161 consistent with observations.
162 163 3.2 Climatological Variables Driving the Unique Trends in the Arctic
164 Figure 4 shows the contributions from different environmental variables to the
165 atmospheric Hg trends at the two Arctic sites. The atmospheric Hg decline signal at
166 northern mid-latitudes propagates to the Arctic. Decreasing oceanic evasion from
167 lower latitudes causes consistently declining trends (avg. -0.017 ng m-3 yr-1) at the
168 Arctic sites, especially in November-March. Changes to global anthropogenic
169 emissions on the other hand show consistently positive contributions (avg. +0.003
170 ng m-3 yr-1). The different Hg trends observed in the Arctic are largely caused by
171 climatological variables including surface air temperature, sea ice fraction, sea-ice
172 lead occurrence, PBL depth and surface wind speed. The increasing trends observed
173 in April-May and August-October are mainly associated with increasing surface air
174 temperature and declining sea ice fraction, respectively. The trends would be
175 negative throughout the year, which is consistent with northern mid-latitudes, if the
176 contributions from climatological variables were absent.
177 For April-May, increasing surface air temperature suppresses Hg deposition and
178 promotes the increasing trends of atmospheric Hg, while increasing sea-ice lead
179 occurrence plays the opposite role. These two variables largely determine the
180 frequency of AMDEs. We simulate the frequency of AMDEs of 34.9% and 22.0% at
181 Alert and Zeppelin, respectively, consistent with observations (35.6% and 14.9%,
182 respectively). The increasing surface air temperature (+0.08% yr-1) results in the
183 decreasing frequency of AMDEs (-3.15% yr-1), which causes a -1.36% yr-1 (-0.72
184 Mg yr-1) decrease of total Hg deposition over the Arctic Ocean and a subsequent
185 +0.43% yr-1 increase of surface air TGM concentrations (Table 2). Conversely, the
186 increasing sea-ice lead occurrence (+0.84% yr-1) increases the frequency of AMDEs
187 (+2.24% yr-1), which causes a +0.61% yr-1 (+0.32 Mg yr-1) increase of total Hg
188 deposition and a subsequent -0.19% yr-1 decrease of surface air TGM concentrations.
189 For August-October, declining sea ice fraction decreases the barrier for air-sea
190 exchange [Hirdman et al., 2009; Dastoor and Durnford, 2013] and promotes
191 oceanic evasion, which subsequently increases atmospheric Hg. Fisher et al. [2013]
192 demonstrated this effect in June-July during 1979-2008. Due to the weak trend of
193 sea ice fraction in these two months over the period 2000-2009 (Table 1), the
194 contribution from sea ice fraction to oceanic evasion and atmospheric Hg
195 concentrations is not found for June-July in this study. Instead, we find this effect in
196 August-October, where the declining sea ice fraction (-2.49% yr-1) results in the
197 increasing oceanic evasion (+1.80% yr-1; +0.65 Mg yr-1) and subsequently increasing
198 surface air TGM concentrations (+0.44% yr-1; not significant) (Table 2). In addition,
199 the melting of multiyear sea ice and snow releases Hg to ocean water that is readily
200 reducible and available for evasion [Fisher et al., 2012; Beattie et al., 2014]. Based
201 on the observed Hg concentrations in multiyear sea ice (avg. 7.4 pM [Beattie et al.,
202 2014]) and Hg loads on snow over sea ice (5.18 mg ha-1 [Louis et al., 2007]), we
203 estimate approximately 50 Mg of Hg in this reservoir. The accelerated shrinking of
204 this reservoir (-0.60% yr-1; -0.3 Mg yr-1) contributes little to atmospheric Hg trends
205 due to its small contribution to trends in oceanic evasion (+0.21% yr-1; +0.08 Mg
206 yr-1; not significant) (Table 2).
207 The signs of contributions from PBL depth and surface wind speed vary in
208 different months (Figure 4), resulting from the variation of decadal trends of these
209 two variables in different seasons (Table 1). Fisher et al. [2013] found that the
210 increasing wind speed in spring and early summer resulted in enhanced atmospheric
211 turbulence over large sea ice coverage, which promoted deposition and caused a
212 decline of surface air Hg concentrations. However, we find that this effect is offset
213 by the increasing oceanic evasion in fall when sea ice coverage is small. The
214 increasing wind speed results in larger piston velocity and ultimately increases
215 surface air Hg concentrations in fall.
216 217 4. Implications and Summary
218 The weaker and more variable trends of atmospheric Hg in the Arctic relative to
219 northern mid-latitudes reflect a combination of decreasing Hg deposition (-0.40 Mg
220 yr-1) in spring and increasing oceanic evasion (+0.73 Mg yr-1) in fall driven by
221 climatological variables (specifically, surface air temperature and sea ice fraction).
222 This implies a decline of Hg in the Arctic surface ocean that we estimate to be -0.67%
223 yr-1 over the period 2000-2009 (Table 2).
224 Future forcing scenarios [IPCC, 2007, 2013] suggest that some climate warming
225 signals, such as high surface air temperatures, low sea ice extent and strong warming
226 in spring will intensify in future decades. This will drive a sustained increase in
227 Arctic atmospheric Hg and decline in Arctic Ocean Hg, as the ocean is expected to
228 remain supersaturated relative to the atmosphere in the next several decades
229 [Andersson et al., 2008].
230 Overall, this study demonstrates that climatological variables drive the unique
231 atmospheric Hg trends in the Arctic relative to northern mid-latitudes. Specifically,
232 increasing surface air temperature and declining sea ice fraction, respectively, drive
233 the increasing trends observed in spring and fall. The driving processes suggest
234 Arctic Ocean Hg is declining, and is expected to continue to decline due to rapid
235 Arctic warming and declining sea ice in future decades.
236 237 Acknowledgments
238 We acknowledge financial support for this work from the US National Science
239 Foundation and China Scholarship Council (201306010173). Xuejun Wang
240 acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
241 (41130535). We thank the Canadian National Atmospheric Chemistry Database for
242 the collection and provision of the CAMNet data. We also thank the Norwegian
243 Institute for Air Research for the collection and provision of the EMEP data.
244 MERRA data used in this study have been provided by the Global Modeling and
245 Assimilation Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We thank Elsie M.
246 Sunderland and Helen M. Amos for helpful discussions.
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409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 20
419 Tables
420 Table 1. Selected climatological variables and their decadal trends over the period
421 2000-2009a
Decadal trends of variables (% yr-1)
June-July August-October
Surface air temperature
Sea surface temperature
Sea ice fraction
Sea-ice lead occurrence
Planetary boundary layer
(PBL) depth
Net shortwave radiation
W m-2
Surface wind speed
m s-1
Freshwater discharge
m3 s-1
Net primary productivity
Tg C a-1
422 a
Trends are calculated based on the average data over the Arctic Ocean.
423 b
Variables which are chosen for sensitivity simulations are derived from Fisher et al.
424 [2013] and more details are shown in that study. Sea-ice lead occurrence is used as
425 proxy for sea ice threshold occurrence from Fisher et al. [2013]. Climatological
426 variables are from the MERRA assimilated data [Rienecker et al., 2011]. Freshwater
427 discharge and net primary productivity are from the Arctic-Rapid Integrated
428 Monitoring System [ArcticRIMS, 2014] and the NPP-sea ice extent relationship in
429 Arrigo and van Djiken [2011], respectively.
430 c
431 trends are indicated in normal fonts (p < 0.1), while insignificant trends are indicated
432 in italics.
433 d
“+” indicates increasing trends and “-” indicates declining trends. Significant
Only annual data is available for NPP.
434 Table 2. Influence of climatological variables with significant contributions on Hg
435 cycle in spring and fall over the Arctic Oceana
Decadal trends of processes related to Hg cycle (% yr-1)
trends of
(% yr-1)
Surface air
Sea-ice lead
Sea ice fraction
AugustOctober Sea ice fraction
Surface air
Surface ocean
of AMDEs
Total Hg
Total: -0.67
436 a
Trends are calculated based on the average data over the Arctic Ocean.
437 b
Significant trends are indicated in normal fonts (p < 0.1), while insignificant trends
438 are indicated in italics.
439 c
440 barrier for air-sea exchange and as a reservoir of Hg.
441 d
442 decline sea ice fraction and reservoir amount of 50 Mg we estimated.
Two roles for sea ice influence on Hg cycle in August-October, including as a
The accelerated shrinking amount is simulated by the model which is based on the
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 22
451 Figure Captions
452 Figure 1. Mean total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in 2000-2009
453 observed at long-term measurement sites (circles; Arctic sites in blue and others in
454 black) and simulated by the GEOS-Chem model in surface air (background).
455 456 Figure 2. Monthly trends in total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations at a)
457 northern mid-latitude sites (six-sites mean) and b, c) two Arctic sites over the period
458 2000-2009. The simulated values are sampled at the grid box containing the location
459 of the site (accounting for latitude, longitude, and elevation). Standard deviations of
460 the trends are shown as vertical bars.
461 462 Figure 3. Trends in total gaseous mercury (TGM) north of 30°N for different
463 seasons over the period 2000-2009. Contours show GEOS-Chem simulated values
464 and circles show observations.
465 466 Figure 4. Trends of atmospheric Hg concentrations contributed by different
467 environmental variables at the Arctic sites. The dashed line boxes represent
468 contributions from other insignificant environmental variables, changes of
469 meteorology outside of the Arctic and interactions among variables.
470 471 472 473 474 475 476 23
477 Figure 1
478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 24
491 Figure 2
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 25
502 Figure 3
503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 26
512 Figure 4
513 27