California Native Plants that Qualify for the Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Rebate * Plants with an asterisk are likely found at large retail nurseries that sell native plants (SummerWinds, etc.) Botanical Name (as listed on SCVWD Common Name website) Plant Form Locally Native (to the Greater Bay Area, from Napa to Monterey) Notes, Other Names flowering perennial locally native hybrids are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Achillea millefolium & hybrids common yarrow Adenostoma fasciculatum chamise tree, shrub locally native Agave spp. agave perennial some species native to S CA (Agave deserti, A. shawii, A. utahensis) Antennaria rosea pussy toes flowering perennial native to NE, E and S CA Aquilegia spp. columbine small flowering perennial some species locally native (Aquilegia eximia, A. formosa) Arabis spp. rockcress Arctostaphylos cultivars manzanita cultivars * * small herbaceous, annual or perennial plants * some species locally native (Arabis belpharophylla, A. eschscholtziana, A. many Arabis species are now listed under the mcdonaldiana, A. modesta, A. oregana, genera Boechera or Turritis A. pycnocarpa) slow-growing flowering shrub cultivar- see notes Arctostaphylos sp. manzanita * slow-growing tree or flowering shrub some species locally native (Arctostaphylos andresonii, A. auriculata, A. bakeri, A. canescens, A. columbiana, A. crustacea, A. cruzensis, A. densiflora, A. endmundsii, A. franciscana, A. gabilanensis, A. glandulosa, A. glauca, A. glutinosa, A. hispidula, A. hookeri, A. imbricata, A. malloryi, A. manzanita, A. montana, A. montaraensis, A. montereyensis, A. morroensis, A. nevadensis, A. ohloneana, A. osoensis, A. pacifica, A. pajaroensis, A. pallida, A. pechoensis, A. pilosula, A. pumila, A. purissima, A. regismontana, A. rudis, A. sensitiva, A. silvicola, A. stanfordiana, A. tomentosa, A. uva-ursi, A. virgata, A. viscida) Aristolochia californica California dutchman's pipe * vine, shrub locally native large perennial some species locally native (Artemisia douglasiana, A. dracunculus, A. ludoviciana, A. pycnocephala) shrub some species locally native (Artemisia californica, A. tridentata) flowering perennial some species locally native (Asclepias californica, A. cordifolia, A. eriocarpa, A. erosa, A. fascicularis, A. fruticosa, A. latifolia, A. solanoana, A. speciosa, A. vestita) shrub Yes shrub cultivar- see notes flowering shrub some species locally native (Berberis aquifolium, B. nervosa, B. pinnata) fern locally native california Artemisia spp. sagebrush/tarragon/ * (herbaceous & woody) angel's hair etc. Artemisia spp. (shrubby) sagebrush * Asclepias (wild species) milk/silk weed Baccharis pilularis consanguinea coyote brush Baccharis pilularis cvs. dwarf coyote brush Berberis spp. barberry Blechnum spicant deer fern Bothriochloa barbinoidis cane bluestem perennial native to S CA Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats gramma perennial Locally native Bouteloua gracilis blue gramma perennial native to SE CA * * * Although species of this plant are native to CA, cultivars are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Although species of this plant are native to CA, cultivars are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Brodiaea spp. brodiaea * perennial (bulb) some species locally native (Brodiaea appendiculata, B. californica, B. coronaria, B. elegans, B. leptandra, B. minor, B. nana, B. rosea, B. stellaris, B. terrestris) Calamagrostis spp. feather reed * perennial grass some species locally native (Calamagrostis foliosa, C. koelerioides, C. nutkaensis, C. ophitidis, C. rubescens, C. stricta) Calycanthus occidentalis western spice bush * large flowering shrub locally native Camissonia cherianthifolia (Oenothera) beach evening primrose * flowering perennial locally native Carpenteria californica bush anemone * medium flowering shrub native to the Central Valley Ceanothus cultivars ceanothus * flowering shrub (size varies) cultivar- see notes Although species of this plant are native to CA, cultivars are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Ceanothus spp. California lilac * flowering shrub (size varies) some species locally native (Ceanothus arcuatus, C. confusus, C. cordulatus, C. cuneatus, C. dentatus, C. divergens, C. ferrisiae, C. foliosus, C. hearstiorum, C. impressus, C. incanus, integerrimus, C. jepsonii, C. lemmonii, C. leucodermis, C. maritimus, C. masonii, C. megacarpus, C. oliganthus, C. papillosus, C. parryi, C. parvifolius, C. pinetorum, C. prostratus, C. pumilus, C. purpureus, C. rigidus, C. sonomensis, C. thyrsiflorus, C. tomentosus, C. velutinus) Cercis occidentalis western redbud * large flowering shrub locally native Cercocarpus betuloides mountain mahagony * small shrub locally native Clematis lasiantha pipestem clematis * flowering vine locally native Cleome isomeris bladder pod perennial flowering shrub locally native May be listed as Isomeris arborea. New name is Peritoma arborea. Coreopsis maritima sea dahlia flowering perennial native to SW CA New name is Leptosyne maritima Corylus cornuta californica western hazelnut small shrub locally native Crassula spp. crassula succulent some locally native species (Crassula aquatica, C. connata, C. solieri) Dendromecon spp. bush poppy * large flowering shrub Dendronmecon rigida is locally native Deschampsia caespitosa tufted hairgrass * perennial grass locally native Dichelostemma capitatum wild hyacinth flowering perennial locally native succulent some locally native species (D. abramsii, D. blochmaniae, D. caespitosa, D. cymosa, D. farinosa, D. lanceolata, D. palmeri, D. pulverulenta) Dudleya spp. Elymus spp. (also see Leymus spp.) Epilobium spp.(Zauchneria) Erigeron glaucus * dudleya, live forever * wild rye California fuchsia beach aster some locally native species (Elymus californicus, E. cinereus, E. condensatus, E. elymoides, E. glaucus, E. lanceolatus, E. mollis, E. multisetus, * perennial bunchgrass E. pacificus, E. ponticus, E. repens, E. spicatus, E. stebbinsii, E. trachycaulus, E. triticoides, E. x gouldii, E. x vancouverensis) Genus is now Elymus, but many plants may still be listed Leymus. some locally native species (Epilobium brachycarpum, E. campestre, E. canum, E. cilatum, E. cleistogamum, E. densiflorum, E. foliosum, E. glaberrimum, E. hallianum, E. leptophyllum, E. minutum, E. oreganum, E. pallidum, E. septentrionale, E. torreyi) Genus in now Epilobium, but plants may be listed as Zauchneria. * low-growing flowering perennial low-growing flowering perennial locally native Eriogonum spp. buckwheat * flowering perennial (size varies) some locally native species (Eriogonum angulosum, E. apricum, E. arborescens, E. argillosum, E. bifurcatum, E. butterworthianum, E. cedrorum, E. cinereum, E. compositum, E. covilleanum, E. dasyanthemum, E. davidsonii, E. deserticola, E. eastwoodianum, E. elegans, E. elongatum, E. evanidum, E. fasciculatum, E. giganteum, E. gracile, E. heermannii, E. hirtiflorum, E. inerme, E. latifolium, E. luteolum, E. molestum, E. nervulosum, E. nortonii, E. nudum, E. ordii, E. parvifolium, E. reniforme, E. roseum, E. saxatile, E. spergulinum, E. temblorense, E. ternatum, E. tripodum, E. truncatum, E. umbellatum, E. vimineum, E. viridescense, E. wrightii) Eriophyllum confertiflorum golden yarrow * small flowering perennial locally native Eriophyllum lanatum chalk buckwheat * small flowering perennial locally native Eschscholzia californica California poppy * flowering annual/perennial locally native Ferocactus spp. barrel cactus cactus some species native to S CA (Ferocactus cylindraceus, F. viridescens) Festuca californica euryops/shrub daisy * perennial bunchgrass locally native Festuca idahoensis Idaho fescue * perennial bunchgrass locally native Festuca rubra creeping red fescue * perennial bunchgrass locally native Fremontodendron spp. flannel bush * large flowering shrub some species locally native (Fremontodendron californicum, F. mexicanum) Fremontodendron californicum is native to the greater Bay Area Galvezia speciosa island bush snapdragon * flowering perennial native to Channel Islands (southern CA) Name has been changed to Gambelia speciosa, but likely still be listed as Galvezia speciosa in many nurseries. Garrya eliptica coast silktassel * flowering shrub/tree locally native Garrya fremontii Fremont silktassel flowering shrub/tree locally native Helenium bigelovii Bigelow sneezeweed flowering perennial locally native Helenium hoopesii orange sneezeweed flowering perennial native to E CA now Hymenoxys hoopesii Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon * large flowering shrub locally native locally native Heterotheca villosa (chrysopsis villosa) hairy golden aster * flowering perennial native to E CA Holodiscus discolor Sea foam, Oceanspray * flowering shrub locally native flowering perennial some species locally native (Iris douglasiana, I. fernaldii, I. longipetala, I. macrosiphon, I. missouriensis, I. purdyi, I. tenuissima) Iris spp. Douglas iris hybrids Juniperus californica California juniper evergreen shrub locally native Larrea tridentata creosote shrub locally native Lavatera assurgentiflora tree mallow flowering shrub locally native Lavatera hybrids lavatera flowering shrub hybrids- see notes Lewisia columbiana rupicola columbia lewisia flowering perennial native to N CA Lewisia cotyledon bitter root flowering perennial native to N CA Lewisia hybrids lewisia flowering perennial hybrids- see notes hybrids are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild many locally native species (see Elymus) all Leymus species are now listed under the genus Elymus Leymus spp. (see Elymus spp.) * * * * perennial bunchgrass hybrids are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Linum spp. flax * perennial Linum lewisii is locally native Lonicera hispidula honeysuckle * flowering vine, shrub locally native Lonicera subspicata chaparral honeysuckle flowering vine, shrub locally native Lotus scoparius deer weed small shrub locally native Lupinus albifrons silver lupine * flowering shrub locally native Lupinus arboreus coastal bush lupine * flowering shrub locally native Mahonia 'Golden Abundance' golden abundance mahonia * flowering shrub cultivar- see notes Mahonia nevinii Nevin mahonia * flowering shrub native to S CA Mahonia pinnata & cvs. California holly grape flowering shrub locally native Mahonia repens creeping mahonia flowering shrub locally native Malacothamnus fasciculatus bush mallow * flowering shrub locally native Malacothamnus fremontii Fremont's bush mallow * flowering shrub locally native Malosma laurina (Rhus laurina) laurel sumac ? native to SW CA Name is now Acmispon glaber, but likely still listed as Lotus scoparius at many nurseries. SCVWD lists this plant as Lotus scoparius. this is a cultivar of a native species- cultivars are bred in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild some locally native species (Mimulus androsaceus, M. angustatus, M. aurantiacus, M. bolanderi, M. brevipes, cardinalis, M. congdonii, M. diffusus, douglasii, M. exiguus, M. floribundus, M. Mimulus has been changed to Diplacaus (but flowering perennials fremontii, M. glaucescens, M. guttatus, name may still be listed as Mimulus at and annuals M. kelloggii, M. latidens, M. layneae, M. nurseries) microphyllus, M. moschatus, M. nudatus, M. palmeri, M. pilosus, M. pulsiferae, M. purpureus, M. rattanii, M. ringens, M. subsecundus, M. tricolor, M. viscidus, M. whipplei) Mimulus spp. (shrubby) monkey flower * Monardella macrantha scarlet monardella * small flowering perennial locally native Monardella villosa Coyote Mint * small flowering perennial locally native Muhlenbergia rigens deer grass Myrica californica Pacific wax myrtle Nassella cernua (Stipa) nodding needlegrass Nassella lepida (Stipa) foothill needlegrass locally native * perennial bunchgrass locally native * locally native shrub, tree * perennial bunchgrass locally native Nassella cernua is now Stipa cernua (but name may still be listed as Nassella cernua in some nurseries) * perennial bunchgrass locally native Nassella lepida is now Stipa cernua (but name may still be listed as Nassella lepida in some nurseries) * perennial bunchgrass locally native Nassella pulchra is now Stipa cernua (but name may still be listed as Nassella pulchra in some nurseries) Nassella pulchra (Stipa) purple needlegrass Nolina spp. bear grass * ? some species native to S CA (Nolina biglovii, N. cismontana, N. interrata, N. parryi) Oenothera ceaspitosa tufted (white) evening primrose * large flowering perennial native to E CA Opuntia spp. prickly pear/cholla Pellaea mucronata bird's foot fern * fern locally native Penstemon wild spp. penstemon (wild) * flowering perennial some species locally native (Penstemon azureus, P. centranthifolius, P. deustus, P. grinnellii, P. heterophyllus, P. newberryi, P. rattanii, P. spectabilis) Polypodium (native spp.) plypody * fern some species locally native (Polypodium californicum, P. calirhiza, P. glycyrrhiza, P. scouleri) Opuntia basilaris is locally native Polystichum californicum sword fern Prunus ilicifolia holly leaf cherry Prunus lyonii Catalina cherry Quercus berberidifolia California scrub oak * * fern locally native shrub locally native shrub native to S CA Channel Islands small shrubby tree locally native small flowering perennial/annual locally native shrub locally native Now called Prunus illicifolia ssp. lyonii Ranunculus californicus buttercup Rhamnus californica coffeeberry Rhamnus crocea redberry shrub locally native Rhamnus croceus ilicifolia hollyleaf redberry shrub locally native Rhus integrifolia lemonade berry shrub native to SW CA Rhus ovata sugar bush shrub native to SW CA Rhus trilobata squawbush shrub locally native Ribes aureum golden currant * shrub locally native Ribes malvaceum chaparral currant * shrub locally native Ribes sanguineum red flowering currant * shrub locally native Ribes speciosum fuchsia flowering gooseberry * shrub locally native Ribes viburnifolium evergreen currant * shrub locally native Romneya coulteri Matilija poppy * large shrub native to SW CA Rosa californica California wild rose * small shrub locally native Rubus ursinus California blackberry perennial vine locally native Salvia 'Bee's Bliss' bee's bliss sage * perennial flowering shrub this is a cultivar of a native speciescultivars are bred in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild this is a cultivar of a native species- cultivars are bred in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Salvia 'Dara's Choice' Sonoma sage * perennial flowering shrub this is a cultivar of a native speciescultivars are bred in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild this is a cultivar of a native species- cultivars are bred in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Salvia clevelandii & hybrids Cleveland, Alan Chickering, etc. * perennial flowering shrub native to SW CA hybrids are created in nurseries and are not naturally found in the wild Salvia apiana white sage * perennial flowering shrub native to SW and SW CA Salvia leucophylla purple sage * perennial flowering shrub locally native Salvia mellifera black/green sage * perennial flowering shrub locally native Salvia sonomensis creeping/Sonoma sage * low-growing flowering perennial groundcover locally native Salvia spathacea hummingbird/pitche r sage * flowering perennial locally native Sambucus spp. elderberry * tree some species locally native (Sambucus nigra, S. racemosa) Satureja douglasii yerba buena * low-growing groundcover locally native succulent some species locally native (Sedum album, S. laxum, S. praealtum, S. radiatum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum) * Sedum spp. stone crop * Shepherdia argentea silver buffaloberry native to NE, NW, and SW CA Simmondsia chinensis jojoba native to SE CA Sisyrinchium bellum blue-eyed grass * flowering perennial locally native now called Frangula californica Now called Rhamnus illicifolia Now called Rhus aromatica Formerly called Sambucus mexicana Solanum xanti purple nightshade * locally native flowering shrub some species native to SE CA (Sphaeralcea ambigua, S. angustifolia, S. coulteri, S. emoryi, S. orcuttii, S. rusbyi) or NE CA (S. grossulariifolia, S. munroana) Sphaeralcea spp. desert/globe mallow Sporobolus airoides alkalai dropseed * perennial bunchgrass locally native Stipa cernua nodding needle grass * perennial bunchgrass locally native (formerly called Nassella cernua) Stipa lepida foothill stipa * perennial bunchgrass locally native (formerly called Nassella lepida) Stipa pulchra needle grass * perennial bunchgrass locally native (formerly called Nassella pulchra) Symphoricarpus albus snowberry * Symphoricarpus mollis creeping snowberry flowering shrub perennial flowering shrub locally native perennial flowering shrub locally native lovely white berries (not edible) requires almost no water, overwatering will kill it! Hard to keep alive. Trichostema lanatum woolly/mountain blue curls * flowering perennial native to SW CA Triteleia laxa Ithuriel's spear * small flowering perennial locally native Verbena gooddingii Goodding verbena flowering perennial native to SE CA Vitis californica California wild grape perennial vine locally native Viola sempervirens redwood violet small flowering perennial locally native Xerophyllum tenax bear grass flowering perennial locally native Yucca spp. yucca shrub some species native to S and SE CA (Yucca baccata, Y. brevifolia, Y. schidigera) * *
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