A.C.T. LITTLE ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION INC. 2015-2016 ACT Little Athletics State Championships SATURDAY 21nd March 2015 AND SUNDAY 22rd March 2015 AIS ATHLETIC FIELD, BRUCE 1 CARNIVAL MANAGEMENT Carnival Manager: Weston Creek COMPETING CENTRES Bega Valley BEGA Dark green with gold Belconnen BELC Light blue with maroon Braidwood BRAI Black, red and white Calwell CALW Red with gold Cooma COOM White with black Corroboree CORR White with blue and gold Ginninderra GINN Yellow and black Goulburn Mulwaree MULW Aqua, maroon and white Gungahlin GUNG White with black side stripes and red shoulder stripes Jindabyne JIND Purple and green Lanyon LANY Royal blue and aqua Moruya MORU Maroon with gold Narooma NARO White and red Queanbeyan QUEA White with bottle green Tuggeranong TUGG Sky blue with gold Weston Creek WEST Red and black Woden WODE Light green with gold Yass YASS Black and grey marle TIMETABLE (SATURDAY & SUNDAY) 7.15am Designated Equipment Officer and assistance commence setup (1 – 2 persons per Centre required) 8.30am Chief Officials, Officials and Centre Team Manager and Manager of Officials report to Officer of Officials 8.45am Officials and centre managers briefing at Officer of Officials tent 8.50m 9.00am First call for first events First events start SMOKERS – PLEASE NOTE THAT SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE AIS TRACK AND FIELD COMPLEX, PLEASE ACT RESPONSIBILY. Proud Sponsors of A.C.T. Little Athletics RULES OF COMPETITION RC/1 General Authority All events will be conducted under the rules of competition of the current IAAF handbook, ALA Standard Rules or LAACT rules. The order of precedence of the rules is LAACT followed by ALA Standard then IAAF. Local rules take precedence where no IAAF, LAACT or LAA standard rules apply. Footwear Policy The wearing of footwear is mandatory at all LAACT sanctioned events Definition of spikes “Spikes” are defined as footwear which have some sharp objects on or attached to the shoe (especially the sole). The objects may be metal or of some other rigid material. “Spikes” includes any shoe capable of taking spikes whether these spikes are fitted or removed. This includes the replacement of the spikes with blanks. Use of spikes Age Group Events Grass Tracks Bruce Facility U/9 to U17 All laned Events, Javelin, Long Jump, High Jump and Triple Jump events No longer than 7mm Smooth Pyramid or ‘Christmas tree’ spikes, no longer than 7mm U13 to u17 800m and 1500m packed starts When Spikes can be put on For track events, the spikes may only be put on immediately prior to the start of the event and must be removed on completion of the event and while competitors are still in their lanes. Who are allowed to be in the Competition Area? Only identified Officials and those competitors actually competing in an event are permitted into the competition area. On completion of an event, athletes must leave the competition area immediately. Chief officials will be identified by the wearing of a yellow vest or an appropriate armband. Other officials will be identified by the wearing of an orange vest. Anyone without a vest or armband or not competing in an event is NOT to be inside the competition area. Parents, who are not Officials, spectators and children of Officials are NOT permitted in the competition area and will be asked to leave the area. On Field coaching Athletes must NOT receive coaching from within the competition area whilst competing in an event. Athletes who receive coaching from within the competition area during an event may be disqualified. No person is permitted to offer advice to an athlete from within the competition area other than an Official. Bad Weather If the weather intervenes, the Carnival Manager and the Track or Field Referees have discretion to cancel or reschedule, over the period of the Championships, any/all event/s. Every endeavour will be made to notify Centres of the cancellation of all events as soon as possible via text and LAACT website Any event/s that cannot be held during the Championships will not be rescheduled and recorded as not being held. RC/1 Conduct of Events Merging events Noting RC/5 Program progress, the Carnival Manager and the Track or Field Referee have the discretion to merge age groups of the same sex into one event where numbers are low. Track events Track events will take precedence over field events. Competitors must notify the chief official before they leave the field event and must return immediately after their track event is finished. Failure to do this may mean the competitor is not allowed to return to the field event, as stated below. Any competitor who leaves a field event to compete in a track event may return to the field event and complete his/her full complement of trials (including if the athlete is entitled to extra trials in a final), with the exception of the High Jump. Two (2) minutes will then be given to the returning competitor/s between trials. In the High Jump, a competitor will return to the event at the height to which the bar has been raised to through normal competition. Reporting for competition Competitors in track events will report direct to the designated marshalling area immediately after the first call for an event. Competitors in field events will report direct to the event area immediately after the first call for the event. Each event will receive two marshalling calls only, approximately five (5) minutes apart. Under no circumstances will marshalling calls be made for individual competitors. Competitors are to be escorted to the Marshalling or Event Area by a Centre official who is not to leave until the group of competitors are registered by the Marshal/Official and clearance gained for the use of “spikes”. If a competitor is at another event, the Marshal is to be advised of the name of the missing competitor and what event they are at. Competitors are not to report to the Marshalling Area unless their event has been called. Events cannot commence unless the two marshalling calls have been made. Clashes The Clash Marshall is to be informed by Team Managers before the start of competition of any known or likely competitor clash between track and field events. The Clash Manager will inform the Marshal/Event Official of those likely clashes and will continue to monitor the competition for other potential program clashes and advise the Marshal/Event officials Athletes with Disabilities Any athlete with a disability who has qualified for the Championships uses the equipment supplied and complies with the Rules of Competition. Field event Chiefs Field Event Chiefs should make all athletes aware that they may seek the Field Events Referee’s presence to adjudicate on the legitimacy of a throw or jump, but that no retroactive re-instatement of any attempt not observed by the Field Events Referee will be permitted. Records All Chief Officials are reminded that any records set need to be verified by the track or field referee as appropriate. For track events, where hand timing is used, this requires verification of the result using three watches on first place. Where electronic timing is used, the Track Referee must sight the electronic result prior to verifying the record. Australian Best Performance track records will only be recognised by verification of hand held watch timing or photo finish times. For field events the appropriate mark etc needs still to be in place. The High Jump height needs to be verified by the Field Referee before the athlete commences the trial, and must be rechecked if the crossbar is dislodged before any subsequent trial commences. Australian Best Performance field records must be verified by the use of a certified steel tape. It is the responsibility of the Event Chief Official and the relevant referee to complete and countersign the correct paperwork recording newly achieved record, before the paperwork leaves the competition area. RC/1 Centre Responsibilities Uniforms All athletes must compete in their approved Centre Uniform, complete with current age patch, LAA Sponsor’s Logo and registration number. Any sponsorship on athlete’s uniforms which conflicts with current LAA and/or LAACT sponsors must be covered prior to competition. Responsibility for uniforms It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure the completeness of an athlete’s uniform. Any difficulties should be cleared with the Carnival Manager, who has been granted discretion on these matters, prior to the athlete’s first event of the day Team Managers Each Centre must provide a Team Manager who is to report to the Officer of Officials on the day. The Team Manager is responsible for all aspects of the management of the Centre activities on the day including the provision of likely competitor track and field clashes to the Clash Manager prior to the start of competition. Team Managers should be able to anticipate calls for track events and have competitors ready to report to the designated marshalling area. Manager of Officials Each Centre must provide a Manager of Officials who is to report to the Officer of Officials on the day. The Manager of Officials is responsible for ensuring that the required Officials from the Centre are provided for the whole of the carnival. RC/1 Protests First Step Before a protest is lodged, in the first instance a verbal approach may be made by an athlete/ Team Manager to the Chief Official at the event. If not satisfied with the Chief Official’s decision; the Track or Field Referee, as appropriate, must then be asked for a decision. Written protest If not satisfied with the decision of the Track or Field Referee, as appropriate, a written protest may then be lodged with the Carnival Manager, by the Team Manager, to be adjudicated by the Jury of Appeal. Timing of Protest The written protest must be lodged with the Carnival Manager no more than thirty (30) minutes after the event result has been posted and be accompanied by a protest fee of $50.00 which will be forfeited if the appeal is unsuccessful. The Jury of Appeal The Jury of Appeal will consist of the Carnival Manager, the Officer of Officials and a Referee who was not involved in the original decision. Conflict of interest If any member/s of the Jury of Appeal are associated in any way with the protesting Team or were involved in the original decision, a replacement will be appointed to the Jury on the day for that appeal only by the Carnival Manager. RC/5 ACT CHAMPIONSHIPS Qualification All competitors must be registered members of LAACT and have qualified through the appropriate Regional Carnival. Program progress Progress through the track and field events will be in accordance with this Program unless altered under RC/1 Bad Weather and advised by the Carnival Manager in consultation with the appropriate Track or Field Referee. Invitation to under 13 athletes The Competition & Technical Director, Track and Field Referees must be informed of any athlete/s invited to compete in the carnival by the ALAC selectors prior to the start of competition. Status of invited under 13’s The invitation to participate means that the athlete concerned cannot record a placing in the event and only participates to record a performance against their peers at the same time and location. Starting Blocks Starting blocks may only be used by the U13 to U17 age groups. Only those Starting blocks supplied by the AIS facilities staff may be used at the Bruce Athletics Field. Lane draw The lane draw will be seeded by Meet Manager prior to the event and displayed on start sheets. Track Disqualification A competitor shall be disqualified where that competitor has made two (2) false starts or, at the discretion of the Track Referee, for a rule or conduct breach. Field Disqualification At the discretion of the Field Referee, a competitor may be disqualified for a conduct breach. Certification of implements Competitors are not permitted to use their own throwing implements at the Championships. If necessary, the relevant Field Referee, in consultation with the Carnival Manager, will be responsible for certifying that implements are legal. Discuses may be made from rubber or synthetic compound, or wood or synthetic compound with a metal rim. Starting for all events over 400m In the 800m, 1500m and all walk events, pack starts will be used. Competitors may cross to the inside lanes as soon as practicable without causing interference to other competitors. The 800 Metres will start from a curved line marked at the Lane 1 start/finish position for the 400 Metres. The 700 and 1100 Metre Walks will start at the 1500 Metre start Starting In races run entirely in lanes the following starting methods may be used: a) In a crouch start, the athlete’s feet must touch the starting blocks (if in use) and both hands must touch the ground. At the call of ‘On your mark’ the athlete must have one knee placed on the ground. At the call of ‘Set’ the athlete must raise the knee off the ground. b) In a standing start, no part of the hand or knee shall touch the ground. In races not run entirely in lanes only a standing start may be used. High Jump start heights High Jump rules Field event trials The starting heights in the High Jump for BOYS & GIRLS shall be: U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16&17 85cm 95cm 105cm 110cm 115cm 120cm 125cm 130cm The following rules for High Jump shall apply: A the bar shall rise in 5cm increments until there are six or less competitors left B the bar shall then rise in 2cm increments until the placings have been decided C where only one competitor remains, that competitor is entitled to continue jumping until he/she has failed a height on three attempts D where only one competitor remains, that competitor has the right to determine the height to which the bar is raised Event Chiefs may allow one practice trial per competitor before the commencement of competition. In the Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus and Javelin Events, each competitor will be entitled to three trials. After these, the top eight qualifiers shall be entitled to a further three trials. Where there are eight competitors or fewer, each competitor shall be allowed six trials. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all their trials, including those achieved in deciding a tie for first place. Unless otherwise directed by the relevant Field Referee, in all throwing events, athletes' throws will be marked and athletes' best throws will be measured at the completion of round three and round six. If Officials are in any doubt about which is an athlete's furthest throw, extra markers may be used and the best throw will be recorded at the completion of round three and round six. Long Jump U9 Long Jump U10 to U12 Long Jump U13 to U17 Triple Jumps The take-off area for the U9 age group shall be 1 metre square. The leading edge of the take-off area shall be 1 metre from the edge of the pit. The take-off area for the U10 to U12 age groups shall be 1 metre wide by 0.50 metre (50cm) deep. The leading edge of the take-off area shall be 1 metre from the edge of the pit. The take-off area for the U13 to U17 age groups shall be 1 metre wide by 0.20 metre (20cm) deep. The leading edge of the take-off area shall be located not less than 1 metre but no more than 2 metres from the edge of the pit For the U11 and U12 age groups Triple Jump, the take-off area (1mx0.5m) shall be located five, seven and nine metres from the edge of the pit (measured from the leading edge of the take-off area). For the U13-U17 age groups Triple Jump, the take-off area (1mx 0.20m) shall be located five, seven, nine and eleven metres from the edge of the pit (measured from the leading edge of the take-off area). SATURDAY 21 March 2015 FIELD 9.00am Shot(Area 4) 101 U13B 112 U14B 123 U9B 134 U16G Shot(Area 1) 102 U9G 113 U13G 124 U14G 135 U15G Discus(Area 3) 103 U10B 114 U12B 125 U11B 136 U15B Discus(Area 2) 104 U10G 115 U12G 126 U11G 137 U16B Long(Area 4) 105 U13G 116 U13B 127 U12B 138 U12G Long(Area 1) 106 U9B 117 U16G 128 U17G 139 U9G 144 U17G 145 U17B U12B 140 U17B no competitors Triple(Area 2) 107 U11B 118 U11G 129 Triple(Area 3) 108 U14G 119 U15G 130 U14B High(Area 2) 109 U16B 120 U17B 131 U15B 141 U10B 146 High(Area 1) 110 U15G 121 U10G 132 U16G 142 U17G 147 U12G Javelin 111 U11G 122 U11B 133 U13G 143 U13B 148 U15B TRACK 200m 700 700 205 702 702 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 149 U16& 150 17G 9.00am Hurdles U13G U14G U15G U16G U17G 1500m Finals 220 U10G 222 U11G 224 U12G 226 U13G 704 U14G 704 U15G 706 U16G 706 U17G 100m U16B Finals U9G U10G U11G U12G U13G U14G U15G U16G U17G Finals 202 204 701 701 701 U13B U14B U15B U16B U17B 221 223 225 703 703 705 705 705 U10B U11B U12B U13B U14B U15B U16B U17B 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 707 707 U9B U10B U11B U12B U13B U14B U15B U16B U17B 400m Finals 260 U9G 262 U10G 264 U11G 266 U12G 268 U13G 270 U14G 272 U15G 274 U16G 276 U17G 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 708 708 U9B U10B U11B U12B U13B U14B U15B U16B U17B 60m Hurdles 280 U9G 282 U10G 284 U11G 286 U12G Finals 281 283 285 287 U9B U10B U11B U12B Minimum rest time after event to next Track Event 1500m 40 Minutes 100m 20 Minutes 50m 15 Minutes 400m 40 Minutes 400m 40 Minutes 200 Hurdles 20 Minutes SUNDAY – 22 March 2015 FIELD Shot(Area 4) 9.00am 501 U10B 512 U15B 523 U12B 534 U11B Shot(Area 1) 502 U10G 513 U16B 524 U17B 535 U12G 544 U11G Discus(Area 3) 503 U14B 514 U9B 525 U16G 536 U17G 545 U13B Discus(Area 2) 504 U9G 515 U14G 526 U15G 537 U13G Long(Area 4) 505 U14G 516 U11B 527 U14B 538 U15B Long(Area 1) 506 U11G 517 U10G 528 U10B 539 U15G Triple(Area 2) 507 U13B 518 U12G 529 U13G Triple(Area 3) 508 519 U16G 530 U17G High(Area 2) 509 U9B 520 U13B 531 U11B 541 U14G High(Area 1) 510 U13G 521 U14B 532 U9G 542 U11G Javelin 511 U12G 522 U12B 533 U14G 543 U14B TRACK 1500m Walks 709 U17G U15B 9.00am Finals 602 709 U16G 604 709 711 711 711 U15G U14G U13G U12G 710 710 712 712 1100m Walks U17B- no competitors U16B- no competitors U15B U14B U13B U12B Finals 540 U12B U11G U10G 700m Walks 617 U9G 70m Finals 619 U10G 621 U9G 714 714 Finals 618 U11B U10B 620 622 U10B U9B 80m Hurdles 623 U13G 625 U14G Finals 624 U13B 90m Finals 626 U14B Finals 715 715 715 U15B U16B U17B 627 100m 716 716 Hurdles U16G U17G 549 U16B & 550 U17B U9B 635 U10G 636 U10B 637 639 641 643 645 719 638 640 717 717 718 648 U11G U12G U13G U14G U15G U16G Finals U9G U10G U11G U12G U13G U14G U15G U16G U17G U11B U12B U13B U14B U15B U16B- no competitors 718 U17B 652 654 656 658 660 662 664 720 720 U9B U10B U11B U12B U13B U14B U15B U16B U17B Minimum rest time after event until next track event: U15G Hurdles U15G 634 200m 651 653 655 657 659 661 663 665 667 U9B 548 800m Finals 633 U9G 719 U17G 713 713 546 U16B & 547 17B 70m 80 Hurdles 90 hurdles 100 hurdles 800m 200m 15 15 25 30 40 30 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minimum time between walks and 800m: Minimum time between 1100m walk & 70m: Minimum time between 700m walk & 70m: 60 Minutes 20 Minutes 20 Minutes 10 ACT State Championship Records Under 9 Girls Under 9 Boys 70 Metres 100 Metres 200 Metres A. Coddington (Bel) G. O’Rourke (Wed) M. Kelly (Que) 10.64s/E 14.45s/E 30.04s/E 03/98 03/04 03/97 400 Metres 800 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus M. Prebble (Bel) D. Wilson (Cal) N. Wagstaff (Bel) V. Chard (Que) M. Kelly (Que) J. Ringland (Beg) S. Riley (Eri) S. Riley (Eri) 1:07.94s/S 2:44.99s/E 3:29.94s/S 10.58s/E 4.19m 1.22m 7.25m 26.48m 03/92 03/98 03/92 03/04 03/97 03/95 03/93 03/93 700M 60M 2kg 500g 700M 60M 2kg 500g Under 10 Girls 70 Metres 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus 1100M 60M 2kg 500g J. Leflay Schrooder (Wod) M. Beals (Wod) M. Prebble (Bel) H. Wortley (Coo) A. Ellwood (Wes) N. Torley (Tug) L. Burns (Bel) C. Jamieson (Beg) H. Kennedy (Cor) S. Nutt (Woden) G. Price (Coo) S. Riley (Lan) 10.06s/E 14.14s/E 29.54s/S 1:08.41s/E 2:34.64s/S 5:19.99s/E 5:42.49s/S 10.41s/E 4.40m 1.35m 8.40m 26.80m 03/00 03/03 03/93 03/03 03/88 03/07 03/14 03/04 03/90 03/09 03/89 03/94 03/93 03/87 03/90 03/97 03/02 03/85 03/95 03/98 03/97 03/88 03/97 03/97 1100M 60M 2kg 500g R. Owusu (Wod) N. Donlan (Cor) D. Kite (Que) A. Davis (Bel) S. Hayes (Tug) S. Langi (Que) M. Hosking (Tug) M. Bailes (Wod) M. Beckenham (Que) N. Bahnsen (Gin) K. Kouparitsas (Tug) K. Reilly (Cal) 9.92s/E 13.64s/S 27.74s/S 1:04.90s/E 2:23.44s/S 5:09.04s/S 5:50.64s/S 10.44s/S 4.69m 1.43m 10.64m 33.78m 03/09 03/89 03/86 03/03 03/91 03/88 03/96 03/99 03/86 03/97 03/97 03/10 Under 11 Boys 100 Metres 200 Metres A. Thompson (Que) C. Taylor (Wod) 13.62s/S 28.30s/E 03/10 03/01 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin H. Wartley (Coo) B. Reilly (Cal) N. Torley (Wes) T. Smith (Bel) A. Coddington (Bel) J. Henry (Gin) A. Thompson (Que) S. Davis (Bel) M. Fleming (Cal) S. Riley (Lan) E. Vredenbregt (Que) 1:02.74s/S 2:26.45/S 5:02.11s/S 5:32.34s/S 10.13s/E 4.65m 9.73m 1.43m 10.55m 27.36m 26.68m 03/04 03/08 03/08 03/95 03/00 03/88 03/10 03/06 03/02 03/95 03/07 2kg 750g 400g 10.34ss 14.34s/S 30.14s/S 30.14s/S 1:07.03s/E 2:36.64s/S 3:45.44s/S 10.59s/E 4.37m 1.29m 9.34m 28.82m Under 10 Boys Under 11 Girls 1100M 60M R. Williams (Wes) D. Kelly (Cor) L. Johnson (Wes) T. Gorman (Que) D. Wilson (Cal) B. Ellwood (Wes) J. Wagstaff (Bel) R. Turnbull (Gin) T. Gorman (Que) B. Coutts (Gin) M. Mclay (Tug) M. Mclay (Tug) 11 1100M 60M 2kg 750g 400g N. Donlan (Cor) D. Kelly (Bel) N. Donlan (Cor) A. Davis (Bel) D. Wilson (Cal) M. Wain (Bel) S. Burns (Bel) D. Unger (Bel) A. Deck (Wod) R. Mclean (Wes) N. Bahnsen (Gin) K. Kouparitsas (Tug) T. Martin (Tug) H. Schofield (Cor) 13.34s/S 27.24s/S 27.24s/S 1:01.68s/E 2:26.42s/E 5:01.54s/S 5:30.12s/E 10.00s/E 5.01m 9.84m 1.52m 12.47m 35.54m 32.84m 03/90 03/90 03/90 03/04 03/04 03/93 03/13 03/11 03/89 03/02 03/98 03/98 03/91 03/98 Under 12 Girls 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin Under 12 Boys 2kg 750g 400g A. Coddington (Bel) A. Coddington (Bel) Z. Buckmann (Que) Z. Buckmann (Que) A. Rugendyke (Bel) T. Smith (Bel) A. Flanagan (Cor) E. Vredenbregt (Que) A. Coddington (Bel) T. Evans (Beg) S. Read (Cor) S. Read (Cor) K. Clarke (Beg) 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk 1500M A. Coddington (Bel) A. Leszczynska (Gun) Z. Buckmann (Wod) A. Neumaier (Wod) A. Neumaier (Wod) C. Hunt (Bel) 12.74s/E 26.18s/E 58.84s/E 2:17.83s/E 4:44.48s/E 6:50.07/E 03/02 03/13 03/02 03/00 03/00 0311 1500M Hurdles 80M E. Vredenbregt (Que) 13.12s/E 03/09 80M 200M NOT CONTESTED E. Prince (Wod) C. Wild Taylor (Wod) C. Jamieson (Beg) 5.16m 11.10m 1.60m 03/08 03/05 03/07 M. Fleming (Cal) S. Riley (Lan) K. Clarke (Beg) 11.47m 35.36m 35.41m 03/04 03/97 03/03 1500M 60M 13.09s/E 26.63s/E 1:00.36s/E 2:25.80s/E 5:05.80s/E 7:26.94s/S 10.14s/E 4.97m 10.47m 1.57m 12.17m 35.20m 30.55m 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/97 03/96 03/04 03/08 03/01 03/14 03/87 03/87 03/02 1500M 60M 3kg 750g 400g Under 13 Girls Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 3kg 750g 400g S. Sheppard (Gin) S. Sheppard (Gin) C. Stevens (Tug) J. Chalker (Cor) C. McClusky (Bel) G. Vogler (Gin) C. Stevens (Tug) N. Donlan (Cor) M. Beckenham (Que) S. Crowe (Bel) G. Mace (Gin) T. Martin (Tug) T. Martin (Tug) 12.73s/E 26.07s/E 59.49s/E 2:21.74s/S 4:47.55s/E 7:04.74s/S 9.86s/E 5.20m 10.79m 1.57m 12.19m 42.14m 39.90m 03/00 03/00 03/00 03/86 03/10 03/87 03/00 03/91 03/88 03/96 03/88 03/92 03/92 11.99s/E 23.92s/E 55.24s/S 2:09.74s/S 4:32.56s/E 6:39.84s/S 03/01 03/01 03/89 03/96 03/11 03/92 12.49s/E 03/13 30.78s/E 5.82m 11.79m 1.63m 1.63m 1.63m 1.63m 17.02m 44.92m 38.70m 03/14 03/89 03/89 03/93 03/99 03/04 03/06 03/89 03/93 03/00 Under 13 Boys 200M 3kg 1kg 600g Under 14 Girls S. Sheppard (Gin) S. Sheppard (Gin) M. Beckenham (Que) G. Davidson (Wes) C. McClusky (Bel) J. Plested (Bel) B. Hollingworth Dessent (Mul) J. Sheehan (Wod) M. Beckenham (Que) M. Beckenham (Que) R. Walker (Bel) S. Gill (Tug) T. Knight (Mor) T. Madsen (Cor) G. Mace (Gin) T. Martin (Tug ) K. Kouparitsas (Cor) Under 14 Boys 3kg 4 kg 1kg B. Hollingworth Dessent (Mul) S. Sheppard (Gin) W. Mcnamara (Mul) B. McPherson (Beg) B. McPherson (Beg) W. Mcewen (Gin) B. Hollingworth Dessent (Mul) T. Vergano (Gin) B. Hollingworth Dessent (Mul) R. Gray-Kaumbuthu (Bel) B. Halliday (Cal) K. Reilly (Cal) G. Mace (Gin) T. Martin (Tug) 600g T. Martin (Tug) 100 Metres S. Pollard (Que) 1249s/E 03/09 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk 1500M S. Pollard (Que) H. Wortley (Coo) E. Pluck (Tug) B. Reilly (Cal) E. Hosking (Wod) 25.73s/E 59.65s/S 2:17.65s/E 4:52.72s/E 6:54.40s/S 03/09 03/11 03/04 03/11 03/09 1500M Hurdles 80M C. Jamieson (Beg) 12.69s/E 03/08 90M 200M I. Laing (Que) 29.04s/E 03/14 200M Long Jump A. Thompson (Que) 5.79m 03/13 Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put 3kg A. Thompson (Que) C. Jamieson (Beg) A. Butler (Tug) 11.58m 1.70m 11.15m 03/13 03/08 03/87 Discus Javelin Javelin 1kg 400g 600g A. Butler (Tug) L. Pease (Bel) K. Clarke (Beg) 37.42m 35.28m 33.33m 03/87 03/14 03/04 11.40s/E 03/14 22.82s/E 53.50s/E 2:07.44s/E 4:25.55s/E 6:46.74s/S 03/02 03/07 03/05 03/05 03/92 12.14s/E 03/14 30.32s/E 03/14 6.00m 03/14 12.31m 1.80m 13.91m 15.55m 52.44m 03/10 03/95 03/14 03/90 03/94 47.88m 03/94 Under 15 Girls 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin Javelin 1500M 90M 200M 3kg 1kg 500g 600g C. Jamieson (Beg) C. Jamieson (Beg) A. Blackburn (Boo) A. Neumaier (Wod) A. Neumaier (Wod) E. Hosking (Wod) C. Jamieson (Beg) A. Laing (Que) N. Burgess (Coo) N. Burgess (Coo) C. Jamieson (Beg) M. Fleming (Cal) C. Blyton (Coo) T. Grady (Cal) K. Clarke (Beg) Under 15 Boys 12.49s/E 25.36s/E 56.61s/E 2:15.02s/E 4:50.97s/E 6:49.97s/S 13.29s/E 28.06s/E 5.52m 11.33m 1.70m 11.47m 35.84m 31.98m 37.01m 03/09 03/09 03/04 03/02 03/02 03/10 03/09 03/13 03/07 03/07 03/09 03/06 03/91 03/13 03/05 1500M 100M 200M 4kg 1kg 600g 700g Under 16 Girls 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 1500M 100M 200M 3kg 1kg 500g L. Van Ewyk (Wod) L. Van Ewyk (Wod) C. Hopkins (Que) C. Hopkins (Que) E. French (Gun) A. Resch (Wod) L Sinclair (Gin) C. Hopkins (Que) L. Van Ewyk (Wod) L. Van Ewyk (Wod) A. McKinlay (Cal) R. Alchin (Wod) R. Alchin (Wod) T. Grady (Cal) Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 1500M 100M 200M 3kg 1kg 500g E. O’Brien (Gin) E. O’Brien (Gin) A. Phair (Tug) A. Goodwin (Wod) NOT CONTESTED NOT CONTESTED A. Hoshovsky (Wes) C. Whitefield (Wes) A. Hoshovsky (Wes) A. McKinlay (Cal) A. McKinlay (Cal) A. Ciszek (Cal) A. Mayom (Gin) A. Ciszek (Cal) 11.59s/E 23.62s/E 52.39s/E 1:58.94s/S 4:17.63s/S 6:41.70s/E 13.64s/S 26.88s/E 6.55m 12.77m 1.87m 14.30m 52.99m 53.77m 28.13m 03/04 03/08 03/00 03/94 03/06 03/04 03/94 03/14 03/14 03/12 03/96 03/08 03/12 03/00 03/13 11.45s/E 23.09s/E 51.98s/E 2:04.20s/E 4:19.91s/E 03/13 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/14 14.83s/E 26.36s/E 6.07m 11.63m 1.70m 11.75m 44.53m 39.51m 03/14 03/13 03/13 03/13 03/13 03/13 03/13 03/13 11.91s/E 24.29s/E 53.50s/E 03/13 03/13 03/13 6:05.05s/E 9:35.46s/E 14.68s/E 35.07s/E 6.77m 13.48m 1.71m 11.82m 42.90m 36.67m 03/13 03/13 03/14 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/14 Under 16 Boys 12.66s/E 25.97s/E 59.68s/E 2:24.76s/E 5:13.27s/E 7:08.82s/E 15.75s/E 29.37s/E 5.02m 10.45m 1.55m 10.97m 33.25m 29.22m 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/13 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/14 1500M 100M 200M 4kg 1.5kg 700g Under 17 Girls 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles P. Elliott (Que) W. McNamara (Mul) M. Fahey (Lan) C. Tucker (Tug) B. Mcpherson (Beg) B. Reading (Gin) D. Kelly (Bel) M. Walters (Gin) K. Allen (Gun) R.Allen (Gun) C. Thompson (Que) W. Ganzerla (Que) L. Baynham (Wod) T. Woods (Que) H. Smith (Wod) J. Parello (Gun) J. Smith (Wod) A. Plummer (Lan) A. Plummer (Lan) B. Bardsley (Wod) NOT CONTESTED T. Hopkins (Que) J. Smith (Wod) J. Smith (Wod) J. Smith (Wod) J. Smith (Wod) P. Zucchetto (Mul) P. Zucchetto (Mul) R. Norval (Gun) Under 17 Boys 13.10s/E 27.40s/E 1:03.20s/E 2:35.03s/E 17.69s/E 35.05s/E 4.67m 9.76m 1.50m 8.94m 22.82m 25.33 03/13 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/13 03/14 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/14 03/13 03/14 1500M 100M 200M 5kg 1.5kg 700g R. Langdon (Mul) R. Langdon (Mul) R. Langdon (Mul) NOT CONTESTED R. Ashton(Que) R. Ashton(Que) R. Allen (Gun) R. Ashton(Que) R. Allen (Gun) R. Allen (Gun) R. Allen (Gun) P. Zucchetto (Mul) P. Zucchetto (Mul) P. Zucchetto (Mul) Under 16/17 Girls 100 Metres 200 Metres 400 Metres 800 Metres 1500 Metres Walk Hurdles Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Javelin 1500M 100M 200M 3kg 4kg 1kg 500g 600g E. Prince (Wod) E. Budnick (Que) N. Tanks (Lan) S. Lonsdale (Gin) L. Winterflood (Beg) E. Hosking (Wod) N. Burgess (Coo) R. Gillard (Mul) E. Prince (Wod) R. Gillard (Mul) R. Gillard (Mul) E. Prince (Wod) J. Wozniak (Wod) E. Prince (Wod) M. Griffin (Tug) N. Tanks (Lan) Under 16/17 Boys 12.81s/E 26.65s/E 59.10s/E 2:21.90s/E 5:06.78s/E 6:47.16s/E 15.35s/E 29.50s/E 5.37m 10.89m 1.57m 11.05m 9.63m 38.19m 29.85m 31.74m 03/12 03/03 03/11 03/09 03/07 03/11 03/09 03/11 03/12 03/11 03/11 03/12 03/06 03/11 03/12 03/11 5kg M. Haylock (Cal) A. Gould (Bel) L. Calvert (Bel) L. Calvert (Bel) M. Johnsen (Mor) H. Bates (Cal) A. Gould (Bel) A. Gould (Bel) A. Gould (Bel) J. Walters (Bel) B. Wylie (Yas) W. Ganzerla (Que) 11.32s/E 23.44s/E 51.98s/E 2:06.45s/E 4:26.85s/E 6:32.30s/E 13.38s/E 24.70s/E 6.72m 12.98m 1.85m 13.02m 03/10 03/10 03/11 03/11 03/04 03/11 03/10 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/12 03/10 1.5kg 700g T. Preece (Tug) K. Cranston (Mulw) 42.06m 52.95m 03/09 03/08 1500M 100M 200M EVENT AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS HURDLES Age group Height Lead-in Lead-out Distance Between Flights 60m U9 45cm 12m 13m 7m 6 60m U10-U11 60cm 12m 13m 7m 6 60m U12 68cm 12m 13m 7m 6 80m U13, U14G 76cm 12m 12m 7m 9 90m U14B, U15G 76cm 13m 13m 8m 9 100m U15B, U16/17 76cm 13m 10.5m 8.5m 10 200m U13 68cm 20m 40m 35m 5 200m U14 to u17 76cm 20m 40m 35m 5 SHOT PUT Boys U9-U11 2kg U12-U14 3kg Girls U9-U12 2kg U13-U17 3kg (orange) (white) U15-U16 4kg U17 5kg (red) (green) DISCUS Boys U9 & U10 500g U11-U12 750g U13-U16 1kg Girls U9 & U10 500g U11-U13 750g U14-U17 1kg U17 1.5kg JAVELIN Boys U11-U12 400g U13-U14 600g Girls U11-U14 400g U15-U17 500g U15-17 700g LONG JUMP Boys and Girls U9 1 metre square mat 1 metre from the edge of the pit Boys and Girls U10-U12 1m x 1/2m mat 1 metre from the edge of the pit Boys and Girls U13-U17 1m x 20cm board the pit 1 to 2 metre from the edge of TRIPLE JUMP Boys and Girls U11-U12 1m x 1/2m mats at 5m, 7m & 9m. Boys and Girls U13-U17 1m x 20cm boards at 5m, 7m & 9m. HIGH JUMP START HEIGHTS (Boys & Girls) U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16&17 85cm 95cm 105cm 110cm 115cm 120cm 125cm 130cm My Results at LAACT Championships EVENT DATE PLACE RESULT COMMENTS
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