Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R Training Course Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R Place: Pizzo, Italy Work language: English Countries: Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova Participants: No Age Limit Portugal: 4 participants Romania: 4 participants Poland: 3 participants Armenia: 3 participants Azerbaijan: 3 participants Georgia: 3 participants Moldova: 3 participants Date activies: from 14th to 21st May 2015 Travel days: Arrival- 14 May (until 5:00 PM) – Departure- 21 May (from 12 AM) Dear partner, This infosheet contains a lot of tools and tips that will help you for the Training Course “Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R” Please, read it carefully according a special attention to “Reimbursement” and “Travelling tips” parts. We are looking forward to meeting you! Yours, Associazione In Progress Staff Butterfly Effect: tools for an effective D.E.O.R is a Training Course for youth workers. It will take place in Pizzo, from 14th to 21st of May 2015. Butterfly Effect wants to raise awareness among youth workers of the need to ensure the maximum impact of EU funded projects. The European Commission has decided some years ago to make the visibility and dissemination and exploitation of project results, a priority of all its programs of education and culture. Dissemination is also useful for the EC to assess the impact of the projects funded at European level, to ensure that there is a benefit to European citizens and to support European policies and decisions in various fields. One of our objectives is to help the EC to meet these priorities, making others youth workers aware of the importance of the D.E.O.R strategy. The objectives of the project are: - To develop skills and abilities of the participants to take advantage of the tools that the EC gives us - Use the non-formal method as an effective tool for learning, and disseminating its use - To acknowledge participants about D.E.O.R strategy Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R - To support European objectives aimed at making the visibility and dissemination and exploitation of project results, a priority The ultimate goal of the project is to disseminate the project itself, "Butterfly Effect", in all the partners' countries of the project, at different levels and with different means. The Working Method of the activities is the non-formal learning approach. The activities that aim to introduce the participants into the project and get them socialize with each other and find set of rules for intercultural coexistence are: Ice Breaking Activities & Presentation Agenda Explanation, Hopes &Fears, Team Building Games: aimed at creating the international atmosphere and let the participants know each other; Erasmus Plus: to learn more about the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + Programme, more in depth we will talk about Key Action 1, giving ideas, info and explanations on Youthpass Certificate and Europass Language Passport Warm Up: used to keep up the team spirit and positive approach to the days. Every day one country has to introduce the day by WARM UP (energizers) and it takes 30 min. (more or less 3 games). Evaluation: (Pre/After) Questionnaire on individual skills and about the group experiences. International Evening: during which each country will show to the group traditions, habits, and prepare some typical local dishes. Sharing Moments is a moment during which participants will feel free to express their opinion and feelings about the exchange. We need to have this moment in order to adjust our staff work if required and it aims to satisfy participants’ needs and expectations. Leaders Meeting is a meeting, during which leaders and staff meet each other and speak about the ongoing exchange, i.e. the results of Sharing Moments. TRAVELLING TIPS TO PIZZO TRAVEL DAYS are compulsory on 14th May (arrival before 5 PM) and 21st May (departure after 12PM) For ALL added days you need to arrive on time because of price or connections reasons, you need to communicate us and wait for the official approval of our Italian NA. The project has to be compulsory fully attended. In case YOU DON’T ATTEND ACTIVITY DAYS because of late arrival OR early departure, you will be asked to pay 39€ per each day OR we will cut this sum from your travel reimbursement. IMPORTANT: just in case you’ll arrive on 13th May you won’t pay 39€ for the additional night, but please LET US KNOW before buying any tickets. The contribution for each participant, according to the new rules of ERASMUS+ Programme, will be as follow: ROMANIA: 275,00€ PORTUGAL: 360,00€ POLAND: 275,00€ ARMENIA: 360,00€ AZERBAIJAN: 360,00€ GEORGIA: 360,00€ MOLDOVA: 275,00€ Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R We will come to pick you up at the station or at the airport. Please, consider that for the transfer you need to save 10€ for arrival and 10€ for departure, in total 20€ Reimbursement are based on 1) Original tickets –electronic ticket and boarding pass- (please don’t forget to safe and send them to us) with visible date and cost of travel (name of the traveler if possible) 2) If the date or the price is not written on the ticket – the invoice with the name of the person is required 3) For plane travelers: invoice with the name of the traveler and original boarding cards are required 4) The tickets will be reimburse only after giving us tickets. Please, it is absolutely important that you hold all tickets, e-tickets and boarding pass need being delivered to the hosting association. Our NA delivers fund in 2 tranches: 65% and 35% (1.tranche and 2.tranche) 65% arrives before the project starts, therefore we will reimburse you the 65% of your ticket when you give us all the travel justifications required. The remaining sum of 35% will be reimbursed at the arrival of the 2. tranche, normally after 2 months from the compilation of Mobility Tool. We can reimburse your 65% on site in case at your arrival you are provided with all documentation, included the Return Boarding Passes of your Travel. If not, we will send you per bank the 65% as soon as we will receive original BPs of your Travel per post It is in your interest to print all documentation required before your arrival in Italy. During project’s activities we won’t have easy access to printers!!! For example: If you spend 170€ for your whole travel you will have 65% = 110,50€ after the Mobility Tool compilation you will have the other 35% = 59,50€ NOTE: - Lodge&Board are fully covered by organizers. IMPORTANT! The tickets will be reimburse only after giving us tickets. Please, it is absolutely important that you hold all tickets, e-tickets and boarding pass need to be delivered to the hosting association. For arriving where the exchange takes place: - the closer train station is Lamezia Terme Centrale or Vibo Valentia Pizzo - the closer airport is Lamezia Terme (SUF) Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R In any case, we advise you to check flights on www.skyscanner.net To LAMEZIA TERME By Plane: If you arrive to LAMEZIA (SUF) airport you should change plane in Rome or Milan. We have also low cost direct flights: - By Ryanair from Milano-Bergamo, Bologna, Pisa, Barcellona Girona, Francoforte-Hahn, Dusserdolf-Weeze, Londra-Stansted http://www.ryanair.com/it ; - By Easyjet from Milano-Malpensa http://www.easyjet.com/it - Also Vueling operates flight to Lamezia Terme By Plane + Train: If you arrive to Rome Airport and you want to take the train, please check this link: www.trenitalia.com and choose LAMEZIA TERME CENTRALE or VIBO VALENTIA PIZZO as final destination. By Bus from Rome: http://www.lirosilinee.it and choose VIBO VALENTIA as final destination. Meeting Point: If you want we can pick you up wherever you arrive in LAMEZIA TERME Airport/Train Station or in Vibo Valentia Pizzo Train Station, as long as you give us information about where and when you arrive. PLEASE BEFORE BOOKING TICKETS I HAVE TO CONFIRM YOUR TRAVEL PLAN, SO WRITE IT TO ME. [email protected] ACCOMMODATION All the participants will be hosted in this hotel “Grand Hotel Esperia” http://www.grandhotelesperia.com/ FOOD If you have special diet needs (allergies, vegetarian, etc.) please communicate it. You will have the chance to taste the Italian food from breakfast to dinner. WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU - You should bring the usual stuff that you take with you when you travel (don’t forget your bath towels). - Don’t forget to take something with you from your country for the international evening… and your amazing flag! - minimum 1 laptop for national group. If you can bring more is better. Butterfly Effect: Tools for an Effective D.E.O.R Contact Person: If you have some questions, doubts or comments don’t hesitate to write to: Karin: [email protected] VENUE
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