AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM UNDERTAKING My ward Sri / Kum kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk has been offered admission to B Sc Nursing course in the AMRITA VISHWA VIDAPEETHAM, (Health Sciences Campus, Kochi) in the academic year 2015-16 and I am required to furnish the following documents for completion of the admission formalities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Plus Two Mark Sheet Plus Two Pass certificate. 10th Mark List (as a proof of date of birth) / Birth Certificate Transfer Certificate Migration Certificate Character and Conduct certificate Photograph of Local Guardian Medical fitness certificate While I have produced the documents at Sl.Nos the Documents mentioned at S.No. viz. could not be produced at the time of admission. But the Principal ,Amrita College of Nursing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has as a very special case permitted me to join my Ward in the Institution on condition that I submit the said documents within PPPPPPPPPPPP days from this day of -------------2015. I hereby agree and undertake to submit the said documents within the time granted to me and I realize and understand that registration of my Ward in the University will be done only after submission of all the documents. Dated this STUDENT day of 2015 PARENT Signature: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnn Signature: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnn Name: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppp Name: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbbb Address: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppp Relation with the student :mmmmmmmbb Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppp Address: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnn Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppp Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppp Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnn Telephone No: mmmmmmmmmmmmppp mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnn Email Id.: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppp Telephone No: mmmmmmmmmmmmnnn Email Id.: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbb Paste Local GuardianPhoto Local Guardian (Name) : ________________________ Address ________________________________ (Passport Size face close up) _________________________________ ____________________________________ Telephone Res: ___________________ E-mail ______________________________ Fax Off.___________________________ Mob:_________________________ _____________________ Blood group of the student_______________________ Joint Declaration by the Parent/Guardian and Student 1,Mr./Mrs.________________________________________________ hereby undertake that my son/daughter/ward Mr./Ms,______________________________will abide by rules and regulations of the hostel and will obey the Warden and the Senior Members of the Health Sciences Campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,Kochi. We have read the relevant instructions/regulations against ragging, as well as punishments, as stipulated in the rules and regulations, and that if my Ward is found to have involved or indulged in any act of ragging actively or passively the Principal, Amrita School of Medicine and or of the concerned school has the right to proceed against us and the decision of the Principal will be binding on us. If at any time my Ward _______________is found to have violated the rules, regulations or instructions, the Principal School of Medicine / Chief Warden or the official duly authorized by the Principal may take appropriate disciplinary action as deemed fit. The Parents and the Ward in the presence of Principal/ Chief Warden jointly signed this agreement ……………………………. ……………………………. Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of Student Date:…………………………. :…………………………. AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM Paste Photo AMRITA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE S T U D E N T (Passport Size face close up) R E C O R D—2015 B.Sc Allied Health Sciences Speciality : _________________________________ For Office use only K Roll Number: H M D MRD Number: Name of Candidate: ………………………………………………………. Expansion of Initials: ………………………………………………………………. Sex: ……………… M F .Date of birth: ………………..…Place of birth………………………………….. State………………………………………………………Country…………………………………………. Blood Group:…………………………………………… Mother Tongue: ……………………………… Nationality……………………………………………….Passport Number……………………………… Category: SC/ST/OEC/OBC/Others: : ……………………………………………………………….. Caste & Religion : ………………………………………………………………………………………….. SUBJECT MARKS OBTAINED OUT OF Physics chemistry Biology Maths English ADDRESS (with full details including Tel Numbers) Permanent For Correspondence Father Mother Local Guardian Name Occupation Annual Income NA Name and address of the organization where working Tele Phone No.(Off)(With STD.Code) Tele Phone No.(Res)(With STD.Code) Mobile No. Fax No Email Id Joint Declaration by the Parent & Student I Smt/ Sri / Dr. ……………………… am fully aware of the financial obligations resulting out of admitting my son / daughter/ ward to the Amrita School of Medicine under the Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham(University) and we (myself and my ward) are aware and agree that : 1. We accept all the terms and conditions applicable for admission to Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham and as detailed in the booklet, Terms & conditions applicable for admission. 2. If any of the information furnished in this document by me or my ward is found to be incorrect, admission is liable to be cancelled.. 3. Fees (Including tuition, hostel,mess and other fees) now being paid by us are provisional and the University / College may fix a different fee in course of time. If any such revision takes place and demand is made by the Principal for payment of the enhanced fee, the same shall be paid by us within the time limit specified by the Principal. 4. Student has to do Compulsory service for one year in the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi or any of its Constituents approved by the Medical College 5. We understand that staying in the hostel is compulsory. Under no circumstances permission will be sought to live outside during the duration of the course. 6. We note that this Institution is an extension of Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Rules, regulations and the requirements of discipline as envisaged by the Math will have to be strictly adhered to. 7. We have read the relevant instructions/regulations against ragging, as well as punishments, as stipulated in the ‘Rules and Regulations, and that it found to have involved or indulged in any 8. We agree that we will be responsible for any/and or all actions of the local guardian in relations to the student. If the Principal is satisfied that the student has committed a breach of any of these requirements, Principal may at his discretion take appropriate action including rustication. act of ragging actively or passively the Principal, Amrita School of Medicine has the right to proceed against us and the decision of the Principal will be binding on us. Signature of the Student : Signature of the Parent: Date : Date: _ _ 20---- _ _ 20---- AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM HEALTH SCIENCES CAMPUS, KOCHI H O S T E L A D M I S S I O N F O R M BSc Allied Health Sciences - 2015 Specialty: _________________________ Roll Number: _____________________________________________ Name in full: _____________________________________________ Male/Female______________________________________________ Age &Date of Birth_________________________________________ Paste Photo (Passport Size face close up) Address for correspondence__________________________________ Name &Occupation of father________________________________________________ Tel No. (Off)_________________________ Residence________________________ Mobile__________________________________________________________________ Fax_________________________________ e-mail __________________________ Name of visitors with address &telephone numbers: 1._______________________________ 2.______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ Tel No.___________________________ Tel No._________________________ 3._______________________________ 4.______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ Tel No.___________________________ Tel No._________________________ Hobbies _______________________________________________________ Prizes ________________________________________________________
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