D ADVANCED L MYOFASCIAL S TECHNIQUES r AAMT NOTE ORGANIZER: TMJ Excerpts for AAMT (2015) NOTE ORGANIZER: TMJ Excerpts for AAMT (2015) CONTENTS CONTENTS BEFORE (and after) YOUR COURSE: Course Preparation and Supplementary Study...................................................... ii BEFORE (and after) YOUR COURSE: Course Preparation and Supplementary Study...................................................... ii TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE.............................................................................. A-01 TMJ Tracking....................................................................................................A-03 TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE.............................................................................. A-01 TMJ Tracking....................................................................................................A-03 Sleeve/Core Differentiation: Neck/Jaw............................................................. A-04 Temporalis & Masseter.................................................................................... A-05 Digastric: Anterior Bellies (“Bulldog”)............................................................... A-06 Digastric: Posterior Attachments...................................................................... A-07 Sleeve/Core Differentiation: Neck/Jaw............................................................. A-04 T M J for AAMT Temporalis & Masseter.................................................................................... A-05 Digastric: Anterior Bellies (“Bulldog”)............................................................... A-06 Digastric: Posterior Attachments...................................................................... A-07 COM nd Way 26 USA ngs.com ngs.com TMJ CORE SEQUENCE..................................................................................B-01 Mandibular Condyle Tracking...........................................................................B-02 A D VA N C E D - T R A I N I N G S . Masseter C O M (Intra-oral)......................................................................................... B-03 Medial Pterygoid / Mandible............................................................................. B-04 Lateral Pterygoid.............................................................................................. B-05 SI Release: Anterior/Posterior.......................................................................... B-08 3514 Nyland Way SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNIQUES (on DVD)................................................... X-01 Lafayette CO 80026 USA Jaw Release....................................................................................... A-08 Bilateral [email protected] Ear: External Acoustic Meatus......................................................................... B-06 www.advanced-trainings.com References & Resources................................................................................. X-18 tel. 303/499-881 Answer Keys.................................................................................................... X-20 TMJ CORE SEQUENCE..................................................................................B-01 Mandibular Condyle Tracking...........................................................................B-02 Masseter (Intra-oral)......................................................................................... B-03 Medial Pterygoid / Mandible............................................................................. B-04 Lateral Pterygoid.............................................................................................. B-05 SI Release: Anterior/Posterior.......................................................................... B-08 SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNIQUES (on DVD)................................................... X-01 Bilateral Jaw Release....................................................................................... A-08 Ear: External Acoustic Meatus......................................................................... B-06 References & Resources................................................................................. X-18 Answer Keys.................................................................................................... X-20 NAME: ________________________________________ ______ ©5/15 Advanced-Trainings.com om © 2015 Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs: p. i © 2015 Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs: p. i The Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series BEFORE YOUR COURSE: Since 1989, this popular series of seminars presents practicing somatic Course Preparation and Supplementary Study ry Study therapists and qualified students with advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique Before your course, please be sure you are familiar with the location and function repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Potential topics include: of the following anatomical structures: Anatomy Review List h the location and function Muscles: • Anterior Digastric • Lateral Pterygoid • Masseter • Medial Pterygoid • Posterior Digastric • Temporalis • Specific techniques for common structural and functional complaints • Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results • Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness • Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers • Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work • Tracking subtle psychophysiological and nervous system responses • Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels. • Specific techniques for common structural and functional complaints • Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results • Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness • Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers • Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work • Tracking subtle psychophysiological and nervous system responses • Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels. Connective Tissue Structures: • Cervical Superficial Fascia • External Acoustic Meatus of the Ear • TMJ Joint Capsule • TMJ Articular Disk and Suspensory Ligaments The Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop series presents a comprehensive system for working with the body in its entirety, encompassing over 20 session sequences and more than 200 techniques, tests, and procedures. The Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop series presents a comprehensive system for working with the body in its entirety, encompassing over 20 session sequences and more than 200 techniques, tests, and procedures. Bones and Bony Landmarks: • Hyoid Bone • Mandible • Maxillary Process of Temporal Bone • Sacroiliac Joints • Styloid Process of Temporal Bone Workshops in the series may be taken individually, or combined in any order. The five principle courses include: • Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder • Legs, Knees, & Feet • Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum • Neck, Jaw, & Head • Spine, Ribs, & Low Back Workshops in the series may be taken individually, or combined in any order. The five principle courses include: • Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder • Legs, Knees, & Feet • Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum • Neck, Jaw, & Head • Spine, Ribs, & Low Back RECOMMENDED RESOURCES for Preparation or Review Specialty courses include: • Whiplash (2 days) • Sciatica & Disc Issues • TMJ • Myofascial Essentials • Adv Ilia & Sacrum (2 days) Specialty courses include: • Whiplash (2 days) • Sciatica & Disc Issues • TMJ • Myofascial Essentials • Adv Ilia & Sacrum (2 days) TMJ Online Study Guide Free, or for-credit option. http://a-t.tv/st TMJ & Jaw Issues DVD Discounts in class or online at: http://a-t.tv/tmjdvd • Scoliosis (2 days) • Advanced Knee Issues • Headaches • Myofascial Mastery • ...and others. p. ii © 2015 Advanced-Trainings.com • Scoliosis (2 days) • Advanced Knee Issues • Headaches • Myofascial Mastery • ...and others. These courses are intended for trained practitioners and students of hands-on body therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic practitioners, etc.) These courses are intended for trained practitioners and students of hands-on body therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic practitioners, etc.) Completion of the 5 principle courses plus electives leads to optional Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques (CAMT). Completion of the 5 principle courses plus electives leads to optional Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques (CAMT). Organizer and In-service inquiries invited Techs The Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series Since 1989, this popular series of seminars presents practicing somatic therapists and qualified students with advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Potential topics include: Adv. Myo. Techs p. ii Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs Organizer and In-service inquiries invited p. iv Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs p. iv Intentions / Goals: A-01 TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE A-01 TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE TMJ 3. _________ or noise; 4. _________ issues 5. ______________ ; Vertigo 6. ______________ Postural issues, especially 7. ______________ posture. • Release the larger, more 1. ______________ structures affecting jaw alignment and balance, in 2. ______________ for deeper work. Indications: • • • • Intentions / Goals: TMJ 3. _________ or noise; 4. _________ issues 5. ______________ ; Vertigo 6. ______________ Postural issues, especially 7. ______________ posture. • Release the larger, more 1. ______________ structures affecting jaw alignment and balance, in 2. ______________ for deeper work. Indications: • • • • Differenzieren von Kern / Hülle: Hals / Unterkiefer Sleeve/Core Differentiation: Neck/Jaw P,D,I A-04 Gentle friction on superficial (”sleeve”) structures of neck with soft fist. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Supporting hand helps head and neck stay aligned along a vertical (to client) line of rotation. Work both left and right sides; on side of any jaw deviation, use jaw movements, feeling for connection and release into superficial structures of neck. Active or passive head rotation with jaw depression/elevation, protrusion/retraction, and/or lateral movements. Movements / Cues: Cues: “Let your head turn slowly to the side.” “Gently open your jaw.” “Slowly slide your jaw forward.” Ida Rolf’s classic neck technique. Notes: Use care not to put pressure on deeper structures: stay in superficial layers; monitor client’s comfort. +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Illustration courtesy estate of John Lodge, used by permission. www.advanced-trainings.com A-04 info@advanced-trainings.com P,D,I Advanced-Trainings.com Sleeve/Core Differentiation: Neck/Jaw Active or passive head rotation with jaw depression/elevation, protrusion/retraction, and/or lateral movements. Movements / Cues: Cues: “Let your head turn slowly to the side.” “Gently open your jaw.” “Slowly slide your jaw forward.” Ida Rolf’s classic neck technique. Notes: www.advanced-trainings.com © 09/06 fascia, Temporalis, Masseter muscles, +1 and 303/499-8811 info@advanced-trainings.com Feel for and release any asymmetrical restrictions or contraction in superficial Adv. Myo. Techs: usually on same sideTMJ/Headaches as deviation. From straight above client’s head, watch for side-to-side deviation with gentle opening and closing. Instructions / Feel or For: used by permission. Illustration/ Intentions courtesy estate of Watch John Lodge, Use care not to put pressure on deeper structures: stay in superficial layers; P,D,I monitor client’s comfort. A-03 Work both left and right sides; on side of any jaw deviation, use jaw movements, feeling for connection and release into superficial structures of neck. Supporting hand helps head and neck stay aligned along a vertical (to client) line of rotation. Gentle friction on superficial (”sleeve”) structures of neck with soft fist. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Differenzieren von Kern / Hülle: Hals / Unterkiefer TMJ Tracking dem TMJ nachspüren Advanced-Trainings.com Gentle opening and closing of jaw; protrusion/retraction. Movements / Cues: Difference between supine and seated or standing tests indicates role of postural issues. Notes: If deviation persists, check and release: a. opposite-side Lateral Pterygoid (particularly if deviation happens upon initiation of movement); opposite-side Medial Pterygoid; same-side Digastric. b. c. Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Deviation in protrusion: work any/all of above, particularly same-side Digastric and posterior Temporalis (since horizontal fibers help retract jaw). © 09/06 A-03 +1 303/499-8811 P,D,I www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com TMJ Tracking Advanced-Trainings.com dem TMJ nachspüren From straight above client’s head, watch for side-to-side deviation with gentle opening and closing. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Feel for and release any asymmetrical restrictions or contraction in superficial fascia, Temporalis, and Masseter muscles, usually on same side as deviation. +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 (Anatomy image © Primal Pictures) www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com A-06 D D A-06 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Use caution around glands: stay on muscle and connective tissue. Notes: Variation: add active jaw protraction: “slide your jaw forwards.” Useful for chronic mandibular retraction (under bite). “Allow your jaw to fall back.” Movements / Cues: Release Anterior Digastric attachments and floor of mouth, working posteriorly from chin. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Digastric: Anterior Bellies (“Bulldog”) Digastricus: anteriore Bäuche Advanced-Trainings.com Digastric: Anterior Bellies (“Bulldog”) Digastricus: anteriore Bäuche D A-05 Release Anterior Digastric attachments and floor of mouth, working posteriorly from chin. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: “Allow your jaw to fall back.” Movements / Cues: Variation: add active jaw protraction: “slide your jaw forwards.” Useful for chronic mandibular retraction (under bite). Notes: Notes: www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 D A-05 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Jaw movements: depression/elevation; protrusion/retraction; lateral movements. Movements / Cues: Myo.deviation. Techs: TMJ/Headaches to© 09/06 monitor any Adv. mandible Generally, work restrictions on same-side as any deviation. www.advanced-trainings.com Use “Jaw Tracking” +1 3technique 03/499-8811 info@advanced-trainings.com In combination with client’s movements, use fingertip pressure in both cephalad and caudal directions. Release local contractions in lateral soft tissue structures: Temporalis, Masseter, superficial fascia, TMJ capsule, etc. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: (Anatomy image © Primal Pictures) Use caution around glands: stay on muscle and connective tissue. Temporalis & Masseter Temporalis & Masseter Advanced-Trainings.com Advanced-Trainings.com Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Temporalis & Masseter Temporalis & Masseter In combination with client’s movements, use fingertip pressure in both cephalad and caudal directions. Release local contractions in lateral soft tissue structures: Temporalis, Masseter, superficial fascia, TMJ capsule, etc. Use “Jaw Tracking” technique to monitor any mandible deviation. Generally, work restrictions on same-side as any deviation. Intentions / Goals: B-01 B-01 TMJ CORE SEQUENCE © 09/06 D A-07 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches D A-07 TMJ CORE SEQUENCE • Release and 1. _____________ the functioning of local and intra-oral structures affecting the jaw; • 2. _____________ and 3. _____________ deeper work. • (Same as Sequence A). Indications: Intentions / Goals: • Release and 1. _____________ the functioning of local and intra-oral structures affecting the jaw; • 2. _____________ and 3. _____________ deeper work. • (Same as Sequence A). Indications: Notes: www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 Jaw depression/elevation; protrusion/retraction; lateral movements. Movements / Cues: Gentle pressure into attachments of posterior Digastric bellies on the anteriomedial aspect of the Mastoid Processes. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Digastric: Posterior Attachments Digastricus: posteriore Anheftungen Advanced-Trainings.com Digastric: Posterior Attachments Digastricus: posteriore Anheftungen Gentle pressure into attachments of posterior Digastric bellies on the anteriomedial aspect of the Mastoid Processes. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: info@advanced-trainings.com www.advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 B-03 D D B-03 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Lower photo shows use of fifth finger, which is sometimes preferable on smaller clients. Not visible in lower photo is outer hand, which is releasing outer side of Masseter, as in upper photo. Notes: Clench and release jaw; Protrusion/retraction; Lateral movements of jaw. Movements / Cues: Inside finger placement: Finger between Masseter and upper teeth. Feel for and release tightness in Masseter belly between inside and outside fingers. Work throughout Masseter. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Masseter (Intra-oral) Masseter (intra-oral) Advanced-Trainings.com Masseter (Intra-oral) Masseter (intra-oral) Feel for and release tightness in Masseter belly between inside and outside fingers. Work throughout Masseter. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Inside finger placement: Finger between Masseter and upper teeth. Movements / Cues: Clench and release jaw; Protrusion/retraction; Lateral movements of jaw. Notes: Masseter, as in upper photo. P,D B-02 Lower photo shows use of fifth finger, which is sometimes preferable on smaller Mandibular Condyleclients. Tracking Not visible in lower photo is outer hand, which is releasing outer side of Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches With pad of both little fingers facing anteriorly (opposite of photo) just inside the ear canal, use client’s active jaw movement to feel for symmetrical anterior and posterior glide of mandibular condyles at the TMJ. www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 P,D B-02 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches See “TMJ Tracking” technique for more detail on structures that affectjaw tracking. Notes: Jaw depression/elevation; protrusion/retraction; lateral movements . Movements / Cues: www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com den mandibulären Kondylen nachspüren Advanced-Trainings.com Advanced-Trainings.com Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Mandibular Condyle Tracking den mandibulären Kondylen nachspüren With pad of both little fingers facing anteriorly (opposite of photo) just inside the ear canal, use client’s active jaw movement to feel for symmetrical anterior and posterior glide of mandibular condyles at the TMJ. Lateral Pterygoid Pterygoideus lateralis Advanced-Trainings.com Lateral Pterygoid Pterygoideus lateralis Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: B-05 D Have client laterally deviate jaw to same side to access the lower head of the Lateral Pterygoid, which is just medial to Temporalis tendon / Coronoid Process of Mandible. Indicated in TMJ pain, and for jaw deviation (to opposite side), especially when deviation is most obvious upon initiation of opening. Movements / Cues: Movements: 1. Lateral deviation to access Lateral Pterygoid; 2. Gentle protrusion, retraction, further lateral deviation to locate and release Lateral Pterygoid. Notes: The Lateral Pterygoid assists in opening the jaw by pulling forwards the mandibular condyle and the articular disc of the TMJ. It is also involved in protrusion and in lateral movements of the mandible. +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 D B-05 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches The anterior aspect of the TMJ capsule can sometimes be palpated here. You may encounter sensitivity, trigger points, or dense tissue from anesthetic injections in this region. www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Have client laterally deviate jaw to same side to access the lower head of the Lateral Pterygoid, which is just medial to Temporalis tendon / Coronoid Process of Mandible. Indicated in TMJ pain, and for jaw deviation (to opposite side), especially when deviation is most obvious upon initiation of opening. Movements / Cues: Movements: 1. Lateral deviation to access Lateral Pterygoid; 2. Gentle protrusion, retraction, further lateral deviation to locate and release Lateral Pterygoid. Notes: www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 © 09/06 D Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches D B-04 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches The Medial Pterygoid elevates of the mandible; it contributes to lateral mandible movement to the opposite side; and to protrusive movements. Indicated in TMJ pain, as well as for jaw deviation (work Med. Pterygoid on opposite side of deviation). Notes: A. Jaw elevation/depression, protrusion/retraction, lateral glide. B. Gentle movement of tongue. Movements / Cues: www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com The anterior aspect of the TMJ capsule can sometimes be palpated here. You Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: or dense tissue from anesthetic may encounter sensitivity, trigger points, Work: injections in this region. A. attachments of Medial Pterygoids and B. floor of mouth ...from both inside and outside the mouth. protrusion and in lateral movements of the mandible. The Lateral Pterygoid assists in opening the jaw by pulling forwards the B-04 Medial Pterygoid / Mandible mandibular condyle and the articular disc of the TMJ. It is also involved in Pterygoideus medialis / Mandibula Advanced-Trainings.com Advanced-Trainings.com Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Medial Pterygoid / Mandible Pterygoideus medialis / Mandibula Work: A. attachments of Medial Pterygoids and B. floor of mouth ...from both inside and outside the mouth. Lösen der ISG: anterior / posterior SI Release: Anterior/Posterior P,D,I B-08 Use Squish Test to determine tighter side. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Lift on one side of sacrum from under client, while applying counter-pressure on ASIS; feel for anterior/posterior release. Movements / Cues: Notes: © 06.99 B-08 +1 303/499-8811 P,D,I www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com SI Release: Anterior/Posterior Advanced-Trainings.com Lösen der ISG: anterior / posterior Use Squish Test to determine tighter side. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Lift on one side of sacrum from under client, while applying counter-pressure on ASIS; feel for anterior/posterior release. info@advanced-trainings.com www.advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 B-06 D D B-06 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Variation: Temporal decompression. By “hooking” the posterior rim of the meatus, decompress the temporal bones with steady lateral traction (no active client movement). . Possible awareness cues: “Allow your head to widen.” “Let your eyes sink back into this space.” Etc. Notes: Use all jaw movements: depression/elevation; protrusion/retraction; lateral movements (active or passive). Movements / Cues: Using gentle posterior traction of the meatus or concha, feel into the TMJ capsule. Use jaw protrusion and lateral motion (active or passive) to counterstretch the articular disk’s membranes anteriorly, away from your finger’s posterior traction. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Ear: External Acoustic Meatus Ohr: äusserer Gehörgang Advanced-Trainings.com Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Ear: External Acoustic Meatus Ohr: äusserer Gehörgang Using gentle posterior traction of the meatus or concha, feel into the TMJ capsule. Use jaw protrusion and lateral motion (active or passive) to counterstretch the articular disk’s membranes anteriorly, away from your finger’s posterior traction. Use all jaw movements: depression/elevation; protrusion/retraction; lateral movements (active or passive). Movements / Cues: Notes: A-08 Variation: Temporal decompression. By “hooking” the posterior rim of the meatus, decompress the temporal bones with steady lateral traction (no active client movement). . P,D,I Possible awareness cues: “Allow your head to widen.” “Let your eyes sink back into this space.” Etc. www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com +1 303/499-8811 © 09/06 Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Adv. Myo. Techs: TMJ/Headaches Feel for local tissue texture of masseter, temporalis, and for release of jaw tonus. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: Bilateral Jaw Release Bilaterales Lösen des Unterkiefers Advanced-Trainings.com Passive depression. Movements / Cues: Notes: © 09/06 A-08 +1 303/499-8811 P,D,I www.advanced-trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com Bilateral Jaw Release Advanced-Trainings.com Bilaterales Lösen des Unterkiefers Feel for local tissue texture of masseter, temporalis, and for release of jaw tonus. Instructions / Intentions / Feel or Watch For: RCES REFERENCES & RESOURCES ANSWER KEY, TMJ ANSWER KEY, TMJ Series). F.A. Davis & Cailliet, Rene. Neck and Arm Pain (Pain Series). F.A. Davis & Co, 1991 TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE between the . Clinics 2009;64 n1/a11v64n1.pdf Cuccia A, Caradonna C. The relationship between Intentions: the stomatognathic system and body posture. Clinics 2009;64 (1):61-6. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/clin/v64n1/a11v64n1.pdf • Release the larger, more 1. superficial structures affecting jaw alignment and balance, in 2. preparation for deeper work. h TMD present an lly associated with the muscles (suboccipital, scles), as well as frequencies of ause TMD, modifying the mandibular B Hackenberg L. nd pelvic inclination gle Orthod. Annette. The l Pain. NY: Techs p. X-18 TMJ SLEEVE SEQUENCE “Several studies have shown that patients with TMD present an excessively forward head position,26,27 usually associated with the Indications: shortening of the posterior cervical extensor muscles (suboccipital, semispinalis, splenii, and upper trapezius muscles), as well as • TMJ 3. pain or noise; 4. bite issues shortening of the SCM.28” Intentions: • Release the larger, more 1. superficial structures affecting jaw alignment and balance, in 2. preparation for deeper work. Indications: • 5. Tinnitus; Vertigo “Patients with idiopathic scoliosis show higher frequencies of • 6. Headaches malocclusion than control patients.” • Postural issues, especially 7. head-forward posture. • TMJ 3. pain or noise; 4. bite issues • 5. Tinnitus; Vertigo • 6. Headaches • Postural issues, especially 7. head-forward posture. “Postural changes of the cervical region can cause TMD, modifying the orientation of the head and consequently the mandibular TMJ CORE SEQUENCE position.35” TMJ CORE SEQUENCE Lippold C, Danesh G, Schilgen M, Derup B Hackenberg Intentions: L. Relationship between thoracic, lordotic, and pelvic inclination and craniofacial morphology in adults. Angle •Orthod. Release and 1. coordinate the functioning of local 2006;76:779-85. and intra-oral structures affecting the jaw; • 2. Balance and 3. integrate deeper work. Rocabado Seaton, Mariano & Iglarsh, Z. Annette. The Musculoskeletal Approach to Maxillofacial Pain. Indications: NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1990 • (Same as Sequence A). © Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs © Advanced-Trainings.com p. X-18 Adv. Myo. Techs Intentions: • Release and 1. coordinate the functioning of local and intra-oral structures affecting the jaw; • 2. Balance and 3. integrate deeper work. Indications: • (Same as Sequence A). p. X-20 © Advanced-Trainings.com Adv. Myo. Techs p. X-20
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