Cross Nation 2014-15

2015-16 Student Funding
This document provides a summary of the maximum loan and grant amounts for full-time undergraduate students studying in UK Higher Education (HE), entering for the first time in 2015-16.
More detailed information is available via the websites listed. Rates may differ for final year students (no change in Scotland), and those that entered HE before 2015.
This document doesn’t include details of supplementary grants, bursaries or scholarships.
Apply to: SFE
65% of loan max is not
means tested
*Reduces loan amount
Northern Ireland
Apply to: SF NI
75% of loan max is not
means tested
*Reduces loan amount
Apply to: SAAS
£4,750 of loan is not
means tested
Northern Ireland
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Living Costs Loan - £8,009 (London),
£5,740 (elsewhere), £4,565 (home)
Living Costs Loan - £5,740
(elsewhere), £4,565 (home)
Living Costs Loan - £5,740
(elsewhere), £4,565 (home)
Living Costs Loan - £5,740
(elsewhere), £4,565 (home)
Maintenance Grant - £3,387*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Grant - £3,387*
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,805 max
Maintenance Grant - £3,387*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Grant - £3,387*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Loan - £6,780
(London), £4,840 (elsewhere),
£3,750 (home)
Maintenance Grant - £3,475*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Loan - £4,840
(elsewhere), £3,750 (home)
Maintenance Loan - £4,840
(elsewhere), £3,750 (home)
Maintenance Loan - £4,840
(elsewhere), £3,750 (home)
Maintenance Grant - £3,475*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Grant - £3,475*
Tuition Fees £1,820 paid by SAAS
Maintenance Grant - £3,475*
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Dependent Student:
 Bursary - £1,750
 Loan - £5,750
Independent Student:
 Bursary - £750
 Loan - £6,750
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,810 max
Tuition Fee Grant - £5,190 max
Dependent Student:
 Bursary - £1,750
 Loan - £5,750
Independent Student:
 Bursary - £750
 Loan - £6,750
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,810 max
Tuition Fee Grant - £5,190 max
Dependent Student:
 Bursary - £1,750
 Loan - £5,750
Independent Student:
 Bursary - £750
 Loan - £6,750
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,810 max
Tuition Fee Grant - £5,190 max
Dependent Student:
 Bursary - £1,750
 Loan - £5,750
Independent Student:
 Bursary - £750
 Loan - £6,750
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,810 max
Tuition Fee Grant - £5,190 max
Maintenance Loan - £7,532
(London), £5,376 (elsewhere),
£4,162 (home)
Welsh Govt Learning Grant - £5,161*
Apply to: SF EU Team
Tuition Fee Loan - £9,000 max
Maintenance Loan - £5,376
(elsewhere), £4,162 (home)
Maintenance Loan - £5,376
(elsewhere), £4,162 (home)
Maintenance Loan - £5,376
(elsewhere), £4,162 (home)
Welsh Govt Learning Grant - £5,161*
Apply to: SF EU Team
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,805 max
Welsh Govt Learning Grant - £5,161*
Apply to: SAAS
Tuition Fees £1,820 paid by SAAS
Welsh Govt Learning Grant - £5,161*
Apply to: SF EU Team
Tuition Fee Loan - £3,685 max
Tuition Fee Grant - £5,313 max
Apply to: SFW
75% of loan max is not
means tested
*Reduces loan amount
SFE - Student Finance England –
SAAS - Student Awards Agency for Scotland -
SF EU Team - Student Finance Services European Team -
SF NI - Student Finance Northern Ireland -
SFW - Student Finance Wales -
Last updated: 7 April 2015 - Jo Gibson