We`ve changed our look leaflet

Scottish Life has rebranded to
Royal London. This means, from now
on, you’ll be seeing our new name and
our new look in all our dealings with you.
Our new name
For many years, Scottish Life had been
part of the Royal London Group. While
the Royal London name may not ring
any immediate bells, we’re actually the
UK’s largest mutual life, pensions and
investment company.
Uniting under a single brand made sense.
We can now put all our energy and focus
behind one Royal London brand. This will
help us become much better known and
do a lot of things more efficiently.
Because of this, we can invest more
resources into our customer service,
systems and support – which can only
be good for our customers. And, being a
mutual, that’s what we’re all about.
April 2015
Our new look
We’re a different kind of financial services
company; built and owned by you, our
customers. That helps us stand out from
the crowd. And we believe our difference is
our strength.
Our new look celebrates this – it’s quirky
and individual, it’s respectful of the past as
it is of good old-fashioned British values.
Values like fair play, decency and trust that
are as relevant today as they’ve ever been.
As well as using the Royal London
name, we’ve also adopted the Royal
London pelican logo (known as
Gilbert to his friends).
Same great pensions
While our name and appearance may have
changed, our award-winning pensions,
service and people remain the same. In
fact, we intend to be better than ever.