Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 Vol 2015-1 PO Box 573, Mascot, NSW 2020 APRIL 2015 Email: [email protected] RAeS AUSTRALIAN DIVISION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I am honoured to have been selected by the Council to be the President of the Australian Division for the next two years. First and foremost I want to pay tribute to our out-going President, Air Commodore Noel Schmidt FRAeS, for his sustained efforts and commitment over the last two years in leading the Divisional Council through a period of very necessary renewal and change. I am most grateful that he has laid such a solid foundation and commenced the process of building the new-look Australian Division and also that he will, of course, continue as the Past-President. I also want to acknowledge Peter Nicholson who decided not to stand for re-election to Council (see report below). ‘Nick’ has been a Council member for upwards of 16 years, including 4 years as President and has given tremendous service to the Division, all of which is of course voluntary. Congratulations to those candidates who were successful in being elected to the Council. We have ‘new blood’ in the form of Dr Andrew Neely who is the driving force behind the local ‘Cool Aeronautics’ schools program. This introduces primary school students to the fascinating world that we are a part of and in doing so boosts the likelihood that they may pursue a vocation in ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). I believe that this is a critically important area for Australia’s future as an increasingly knowledge-based society and economy. I also wish to acknowledge those candidates who were not successful and encourage them, together with all eligible members, to consider standing at the next Council elections in 2017. The process of change has raised challenges and we have not gone without disagreement within the Council as this has happened. Nevertheless we are now over the peak of that introspective phase, with fresh initiatives already operating. The Council has examined our strategies, focusing on what it takes to adapt and deliver better services to members and to the industry as a whole and we have updated the Constitution. Significant service improvements have also been realised including a new, more user-friendly website that is being developed further; the appointment of a part-time General Manager to bring sustainable drive into what is almost exclusively a Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) volunteer organisation; and commencement of greater industry and media engagement. The focus of the Council during 2015/16 is to be more outward looking and firmly oriented towards the future, specifically your future and what the Division and Branches can do to enhance your professional and vocational development by creating opportunities for learning, networking and discussing key issues whilst increasing the Division’s profile across all facets of our industry. More on that in ‘Change Agenda Underway’ below. The activities and processes being initiated as part of Council’s strategies will continue to gain momentum and consequently yield cumulative benefits and improve services for members. In this we are closely tracking the learnings and initiatives being taken by our colleagues in the parent Society. Not surprisingly, the challenges we face here in ensuring that the Society provides premium services to members and remains relevant to all the stakeholders in a changing world are similar to those being addressed in Society HQ. We have the same objective – to make the RAeS the pre-eminent global aviation/aerospace body for professionals and enthusiasts alike – and our role in the Division is to achieve that across the extensive Australian footprint. John Vincent FRAeS CEng Change Agenda Underway The focus of the Divisional Council and Branches in 2015/16 is on continuing to turn our attention outwards to you, our members, as well as to our Corporate Partners, government, industry and the public so as to comprehensively fulfil our Vision, which is: To be the ‘Go-To’ Australian aviation and aerospace learned organisation providing a multi-disciplinary network of highly competent, professional and highintegrity independent expertise: keeping people informed and knowledgeable, providing wise advice, fostering open discussion and debate, educating, mentoring and promoting our industry through measured advocacy. Attainment of this Vision has begun and is gathering pace. Already our new General Manager, Doug Nancarrow, has been visiting Branches to understand how we can better coordinate across our broad geographical spread. This includes how we can provide enhanced events that meet your needs and expectations and how we can be a more prominent and influential voice in Australian aviation and aerospace matters. We have new Australian Division Corporate Partners, including Airbus Group Australia Pacific, Virgin Australia, Airservices Australia and several more in the Page 1 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 pipeline to add to our existing highly valued partnering companies. Doug, Robin Stanier (our Honorary Secretary) and I have commenced meeting with the highest levels within government, defence, the industry and the regulators to engage with, and brief them on, where we are going and to make them aware of the breadth and depth of the role we can fulfil as an independent, unbiased advisor and facilitator. Additionally, we have finalised a Register of expert experienced members, available to provide analysis, interpretation and considered opinion on major aviation/aerospace events to the media and other interested bodies such as government. The mandate is to provide sound analysis and advice, not speculation. Our strategic plan for 2015/16 includes taking specific actions at the Division level and working hand-in-glove with the Branches to attain the Vision including: • Engage more comprehensively with younger and mid-career professionals, to ensure we are providing relevant and meaningful services and also to do that in a way that fits into their heavily committed vocational and personal lives; • Engage and be involved much more actively with our Corporate Partners, building much stronger bonds to the benefit of them and of our members; • Clarify and promote the ‘Value Proposition’ that we offer to you, our existing members and to prospective members, across all facets of the Australian aviation/aerospace professional and enthusiast spectrum; • Expand the local profile of The Society so that you, industry, government and the media see and hear more from us about important and perhaps contentious subjects; • Actively participate in The Society’s review of Divisions by working closely with our colleagues in our parent body to ensure a Divisional structure that aligns with the objectives of an integrated organisation with world-wide reach: one that projects globally and can act locally with appropriate sensitivity, influence and relevance. But we need your help and involvement to fulfil this Vision and to fully capitalise on the very high integrity and strength of the Society ‘brand’ here in the Australian context. If you can come along to Branch and Division events, to benefit from that experience and also to tell us what we can do to realise improved member services, we will be in a better position to make the decisions and implement the changes necessary. Alternatively, send an email to: [email protected]. Branch Chairmen and I look forward to seeing you at a Society event soon. John Vincent, President General Manager’s Report Branch visits: Visits have taken place to Adelaide, Canberra and Melbourne. Suitable dates for Brisbane and Perth are being finalised. Contact with Sydney branch is regular and ongoing. Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) Corporate sponsor activity: Airbus Group Australia Pacific, Airservices Australia, and Virgin Australia have agreed to become Corporate Partners. Further work is taking place to visit other Corporates with the view of issuing invitations for them to become Corporate sponsors. Membership recruitment: A program of personal invitations targeting the midcareer professionals is continuing and has shown a positive response. Register of Experts: The Register is in place and has been shared with the Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure. This will be provided to the Transport Minister’s office after arranging an opportunity to speak directly to the Minister. Strategic visits: Meetings have been held with the new CASA Director of Aviation Safety, the Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development, Chief of Airforce and CEO’s of Qantas and Airservices Australia. A similar program aimed at the state level will commence in April. Promotional interaction: We have lodged a formal request for a speaker opportunity at the Australian Airports Association Conference 2015 in October, to promote the Division and branch activities and to solicit membership. We will seek a similar opportunity at the Regional Aviation Association Convention in September. Young RAeS: A new Website tab is established and populated with a good selection of videos directed at youth recruitment and retention. We are in the process of collecting images and profiles to establish a Gallery of high profile Division members. The intention is to create a facility for youth to interact with these members via the website and so provide access to ask questions, seek advice, arrange a meeting etc. Additionally we have established a strong bond with two new UNSW AVSOC leaders to retain the valuable momentum that was built in recent times. Events program: We are focusing on an inaugural business lunch in the Sydney CBD. The event will feature a formal interview with a high profile aerospace executive. The chairman of Airshow 2015, Mr Ian Honnery, has offered the assistance of his events management team to ensure that this event is a success. Doug Nancarrow, General Manager Report of the Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Annual General Meeting held 21st March 2015 at 16:15 hours The 2014 AGM was held in the Bowen Conference Room, Ground Floor, Building ‘A’ Qantas Airways Ltd, 10 Bourke Road, Mascot. The President welcomed those in attendance, apologies noted, and quorum confirmed. Minutes of the 2013 AGM were accepted with no business arising. Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 26th July, 2014 were accepted with no business arising. The Honorary Page 2 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 Secretary, Robin Stanier spoke to his Annual Report and the Honorary Treasurer, John King spoke to the Audited Annual Financial Report as at 31 December 2014. Both reports have been placed onto the website. Refer: The Hon Treasurer moved that the existing Auditors, PKF-DiBartolo Diamond & Mihailaros be re-appointed for 2015 - which was carried. The President advised the AGM of the results of the postal ballot for the five vacant Councillors’ positions as follows: Ross Barkla, Cees Bil, Andrew Drysdale, Andrew Neely; and Katrin Hewitt- Associate. The President congratulated the successful candidates and noted that the number of ballot papers received was 170 from 383 eligible voters i.e. 44.4% of the membership which was slightly up on two years ago which was 42.2%. The President then presented the Adelaide Chairman, WC James Blagg FRAeS with his framed Society Fellowship Certificate. The AGM then installed Mr John Vincent as President who thanked the outgoing President Air Cdre Noel Schmidt AM CSC FRAeS for his outstanding commitment and hard work over the past two years. The President also congratulated the successful Councillors. He noted that Cr AVM Peter Nicholson AO FRAeS, who did not seek re-election, retired from Council and he acknowledged Peter’s contribution to Council over the past sixteen years. There being no further business the meeting closed at 16:45 hours. Honorary Secretary’s Report Membership Services Board: The Hon Sec reported on the recent Society Membership Services Board (MSB) meeting and that he had advised the Board as follows: • The Division made a submission to the Australian Government on Aviation Security Identification Cards; and • A “Register of Experts” from amongst the Australian Division members has been established to whom media can refer for informed and considered opinion in the event of an incident. • The MSB provided the Division with two useful documents: o“Regulations for the formation and governance of the Branches of the RAeS” which primarily focuses on the relationships between the Society and its Branches but has lessons in the context of The Division and its Branches; and Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) oThe Royal Aeronautical Society Summary Report for the 2014 membership survey. Annual submission to Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission: In February 2015 the annual return to the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission was lodged. ADF Aviation Safety Award: The 2014 award was made to two co-winners: Rhys Lehmann of Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Aerospace Division for his outstanding work to improve the safety of Chinook operations following a fatal accident of a CH-47D in Afghanistan. The award was presented to Mr Lehmann on 25 November by President RAeS Australian Division, Air Cdre Noel Schmidt and Chief Defence Scientist, Dr. Alex Zelinsky. Dr Alex Zelinsky, Mr Rhys Lehmann and Air Commodore Noel Schmidt (photo DSTO/Qinetiq) The second co-winner was FLTLT Paul Bowes for his exceptional work investigating an issue with VOR bearing splits and VOR/ILS fluctuations when navigating with reference to the VOR at the Al Minhad Air Base in the United Arab Emirates. Wing Commander James Blagg Chairman Adelaide Branch and Flight Lieutenant Paul Bowes. (photo CPL Colin Dadd, Defence Photographic) Future Newsletters to move to softcopy The Australian Division at its recent meeting agreed to develop a program to encourage our members to receive the quarterly newsletter in colour by email. Our website has been updated to allow members to update their details including email addresses. Would all members who have internet access please confirm your current email address by clicking on: or alternatively email Mr Peter Brooks ([email protected]) Whilst it is accepted that some members may wish to continue receiving paper delivery the Council would like that decision to be an ‘opt in’ by members for continuation of paper delivery rather than an ‘opt out’. Should you wish to continue receiving paper please email the Administration Officer Mr Peter Brooks ([email protected]) or send a letter to Mr Peter Brooks, P.O. Box 179, Cronulla NSW 2230 requesting to stay with paper. Page 3 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 Adelaide International Space Congress Sept 2017: Adelaide has been chosen by the General Assembly of the International Astronautical Federation to host the International Space Congress in 2017. Over 3,000 international delegates will attend the week long congress in Adelaide. The bid was strongly supported by the Government of South Australia and key anchor sponsor, Lockheed Martin Corporation. The Australian Government was also a key supporter, together with the 60 corporate, university and individual members of the Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA), and the 11 Australian institutional members of the Federation. The Division has contacted Michael Davis, Chair of the SIAA and Brett Biddington Chair of the International Space Congress 2017 Organising Committee offering to become involved with this important Congress. Honorary Treasurer’s Report The Honorary Treasurer Mr John King presented his Financial Report for the period 1st Jan to 28th March, 2015 including the 2015 Budget – both were ratified by Council. Communications Director - Report Wings Awards: The 2015 Wings Awards have been launched. The Publishers (Yaffa Publications) have issued the first of several press releases and produced a flyer that was distributed at the Avalon Airshow 2015. The press release is on our Website. Important dates are: 31st March, 2015 Nominations Open 30th June, 2015 Nominations CLOSE Further detailed information is available at: Winners will be announced in the Nov/Dec edition of Australian Flying magazine. Website: The Division’s Webmaster continues to enhance the new site’s presentation, content and function. Members are encouraged to review the site and provide any comments and thoughts on how it might be improved. Division Newsletter: It is now some considerable time since the format of the Newsletter was reviewed and given the expertise of the General Manager in this field, both he and the editor are developing a new layout. It is expected that the new format will be used for the July Newsletter. Young RAeS website tab: Three interviews with leading Industry figures have now been completed; Richard de Crespigny, David Forsyth and Andrew Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) Drysdale and are now on the Website under the Youth tab. Centennial Scholarship Fund In 2003, the Royal Aeronautical Society launched the Centennial Scholarship Fund in celebration of one hundred years of flight, and to look forward to the next generation of aerospace pioneers in the 21st Century. Thanks to the generous support of the sponsors of the Fund, the Fund has gone from strength to strength and has been able to provide support to a number of outstanding students and team initiatives. Awards include support towards: •Final year MEng students; •Postgraduate tuition fees to enable young people to undertake Master’s programmes such as Air Transport Management; •Aerospace Vehicle Design; •Completion of aerospace related post-doctorate research projects; and •National programs to encourage young people’s interest in the aviation industry and aerospace engineering. The closing date for 2015 applications is 30 May 2015. See more at: Grading and Membership Report Since March 2015 the Division Grading Committee has processed: • Four applications which have been approved. The applicants have been advised of their election and the Society has been advised of the Division’s approval. • Six previously endorsed recommendations for Member and nine for Fellow have subsequently been approved by The Society and the applicants have been advised of their appointments. Membership • Following approval of the e-Associate membership grade, the grade has been added to the Division website. As at the end of February there has been interest shown by 3 e-Associate applicants. • As the e-Associate grade is now available on the Division website, an email will be sent to each Student Affiliate member advising them of the three membership options available should they be completing their studies this year. That is: continue for another year as a Student; apply for e-Associate; or apply for Associate. • As at 7th March, 2015, paid membership stood at 534 • Since 1st January 2015, 27 new applications have been received as follows: FRAeS 5, MRAeS 2, AMRAeS 1, ARAeS 3, Affiliate 2 and Student 14. Division Operating Procedures Council agreed at its November, 2014 meeting that it was important to comprehensively review four key Page 4 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 strategic issues before finalising a modern set of Operating Procedures for the Division: 1. Membership; 2. Use of Funds; 3. Relationship with London and its Divisions; and 4. Structure of Council and its Relationship with the Branches. Two papers (the Relationships with London and the Division, and the Structure of Council and the Branches) were presented to Council. A gap analysis will now be prepared for consideration at the next Council Meeting due 4th July, 2015. The two London documents; The Branches Regulations and Handbook, and the Society’s latest Survey Report will be considered as part of the gap analysis Avalon Airshow 2015 Aerospace Student Profession (ASP) program The Division was strongly represented at the Airshow with the President providing overall coordination with the Airshow Executives and for the management of the Aerospace Student Profession program. Council congratulated the Division’s Webmaster for his considerable efforts and support to this ASP program which has greatly assisted promotion of the RAeS and its value-adding services to both the Avalon AirShow delegates and to the Australian aviation student community. RAeS Booth at Airshow 2015 As with all Airshows over the last 20 years, the Airshow Executive provided the Division with a complementary booth, and an allowance for furnishings fit out. Once again, the Melbourne Branch managed booth setup and a program to staff it with volunteers, This was co-ordinated again by Karen Trezise who approached the task with great energy and professionalism. Council moved a vote of thanks to the Melbourne Branch, with special reference to the great effort by Karen Trezise in managing The Division’s presence. Other Airshow Mattters Our President-elect John Vincent was also able to attend all days of the Avalon AirShow in another capacity (representing Qantas Founders Museum). This provided a great opportunity to include him in a range of RAeS-related activities which included: • Attendance at the AIAC Congress dinner and Hargrave Award presentation which provided the opportunity to meet many senior Melbourne based members, including JCC members, Congress deputy chairs and future Congress Chair; • Attendance at the Government House reception with the Hargrave Award winner; • Attended the Eminent Speaker presentation at the Melbourne Branch lecture. Report on 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) 2014 held 7-12 September in St Petersburg, Russia ICAS was founded in the mid-fifties as a nongovernment non-profit scientific organization. The aim Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) of the Council is to encourage the free international exchange of information on aeronautical research and technology. The 29th ICAS was hosted by the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). The congress was well organized and attended by 725 delegates from 34 countries. The student contingent made of 154 of the total delegate number. The organizing committee received 983 proposals for papers and poster presentations of which more than 500 were published in the conference proceedings. The tone of the conference was set by the ICAS President, and RAES Fellow, Murray Scott at the opening Ceremony and was centralized around international collaboration with a strong humanitarian component. The Russian-Ukrainian crisis was at the forefront of news in the weeks leading up to the conference and led to uncertainty if the conference would continue. Murray sent out an email to the international aeronautical community stressing the importance of coherence during trying times: As we are all well aware, our industry has suffered terrible tragedies in recent times in Mali, Taiwan, Ukraine, the Indian Ocean and elsewhere, with the MH17 disaster being the most appalling of all. The deficiencies and misuse of our aeronautical technologies, on which we work so hard for the benefit of humanity, are at the forefront of the World at this time. It is therefore even more critical than ever for the ICAS community to come together in the spirit of von Kármán to “facilitate collaboration in aeronautics”, as has occurred biennially ever since 1958. It was evident that a number of people did cancel their attendance however the conference proceeded without visible difficulties. A minute’s silence was observed during the opening ceremony for those lost in the recent events. The Daniel & Florence Guggenheim Memorial Lecture was given by Prof. Sergey Chernyshev from TsAGI. He discussed the Aeronautics Challenges and New Opportunities for International Cooperation. On the last night at the conference banquet a number of awards were presented with the top two best student awards being presented to South African students. The highlight of the conference was the special message recorded from the International Space Station. The astronauts each recorded a short message wishing the success of the conference. Society’s 150th Anniversary in May, 2016 Councillor Katrin Hewitt reported that a broad range of initiatives are being planned in London to mark the Society's 150th Anniversary ranging from publication of a book to a documentary film, social functions, Commemorative stamps, a special 150th Society Logo, and is seeking to have a member of the Royal Family as Honorary President during 2016. The theme for 2016 will be ‘Looking forward 150 years as well as back 150 years’. The Australian Division's approach will be slightly more low-key. There is support from the Page 5 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 Branches’ Chairmen for the Australian Division to support each branch to hold one Anniversary-branded event at which a copy of the 150th Anniversary publication will be presented to the speaker, developing an oral history program, oversee and fund the development of a documentary for TV, and developing a short paper outlining the aeronautical state of the art in Australia 150, 100, 50 years ago, today, and a vision for the future. SAFESKIES CONFERENCE 2015 ‘TRAINING FOR CHANGE’ 22–24 SEPTEMBER 2015 - CANBERRA The theme chosen for Safeskies 2015 is “Training for Change”. The reason for this theme is that aviation, both civil and military, is experiencing a period of increasingly rapid and dynamic change in a great many areas. Safeskies speakers are being invited to focus their presentations on the topic of training to meet these changes within their specialist areas of expertise. Safeskies 2015 commences 22 Sept with the Sir Reginald Ansett Memorial Lecture and dinner at Parliament House, Canberra. Guest Lecturer will be Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston AC AFC followed by dinner. The Conference will be held 23-24 September at the Realm Hotel Canberra. Further details: Branch Chairmen Reports Adelaide: Dec 14: The Branch completed 2014 with a well attended dinner at the Naval, Military and Air Force Club where Prof Schreckengast was presented his Fellowship by Hon Sec Mr Andrew Clarke. Feb 15: As an effort to better engage with the Aerospace community – the Branch hosted a “Reception for Senior Leaders in Aerospace”, leveraging the attendance of Mr Mike Goulette. The reception was well attended, and provided a sound basis for stronger engagement between the Branch and local Corporates, Government and Academia. Mar 3: AGM held with the election of the 2015 Committee. Mr Harold Walton FRAeS, a member of the Branch Committee for over 10 years and a member of the Society for 50 years stood down, and the Branch also farewelled Prof Schrekengast who has returned to the US after two years’ dynamic contribution to the Committee. Three students volunteered to join the Committee. Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) James Blagg, Chairman Canberra: Nov 11, 2014: Branch AGM followed by two PhD student presentations by SQNLDR Evan Smith on Thermal Distortion of Compressor Shafts in Gas Turbine Engines Following Engine Shutdown, and Mr Tremayne Kaseman on Research into Hypersonic Flow around a Specific Tick-mark Shape Body. Dec 10: Branch Social Evening for members, their partners and potential members held at the Fellows Garden, University House, ANU. Feb 10: Presentation: SQLDR Damian Gilchrist on The Air Force Balloon - Inspiring Australia's Next Generation. March 5: Presentation: Eminent Speaker lecture by Mr Mike Goulette on Gas Turbine Materials – Hot and Highly Stressed. March 10: Presentation: Capt Malcolm Wright on Canberra Class Amphibious Assault Ship – ReEstablishing the RAN’s Large-Deck Aviation Capability. ACTIVITIES ON BEHALF OF THE DIVISION: Members of the Canberra Branch have continued to be very active performing tasks on behalf of the Australian Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society. These have included: Andrew Neeley continues to provide excellent work in coordinating the Cool Aeronautics program in the ACT. The Branch sponsors two prizes at the Australian Defence Force Academy, partly in recognition of the facilities provided for our meetings. Officer Cadet Torin Kellerman won the 2014 AVM R. Noble undergraduate prize and the T.F.C. Lawrence postgraduate prize went to Dr Rishabh Choudhury Jon. Pike, Chairman Melbourne: Nov 25: Achieving Civil Military Harmonisation And Air Traffic Management Modernisation Within One System, by Jason Harfield, Executive General Manager Future Service Delivery, Airservices Australia. Nov 25: RAeS Aerospace Safety Award. Refer Honorary Secretary’s report earlier. Feb 23-26, 2015: AIAC 16 - Melbourne Branch members were involved in organising and facilitating the conference sessions. Feb 24 – 2 March: Avalon Airshow - Melbourne Branch members were heavily involved in running the stand on behalf of Australian Division. Feb 25: Eminent Speaker Program: Mike Goulette – ‘Gas Turbine Materials: Hot and Highly Stressed’. About 43 members and non-members enjoyed the very entertaining and detailed technical examination of the history, present and future performance improvements in gas turbine materials. The Melbourne Branch is in final stages of finalising design of a membership survey to determine what factors members would like to see improved to gain more participation in Branch events. Perth: Dec 10: Six members spoke on aeronautical matters that they were interested in. This was held in Page 6 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 response to the very positive reaction to a similar event held a few years ago. This evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the 20+ people present. Feb 19: Eminent Speaker, Mike Goulette. John Hinton, Chairman Queensland: Nov 21, 2014: Chair represented the Society at the Queensland Gateways Schools Program 2014 Aerospace Education Awards held at Parliament House, presenting the four RAeS Award finalists - Isaac Durson, Lachlan Mathison, Nicholas Milford and Bernard Zedda - with their Certificates, and Nic Milford with his $500 prize. Each student was also provided with 12 months’ Student Affiliate membership. Dec 8: A dozen members enthusiastically participated in the Branch’s end of year function held at the Victoria Barracks Club. Mar 12: 2015: Eminent Speaker, Mr Mike Goulette, at Engineering House, Upper Edward Street. Mar 23: Technical Tour of Airbus Group Australia Pacific and Queensland Branch AGM. Rob Crowe, Chairman, Queensland Branch. Sydney: Nov 26 – Presentation by Prof Andy Dong, Warren Centre Chair, Innovation Faculty of Engineering & Information Technologies, at the University of Sydney entitled ‘The Importance of Design to Engineering’ followed by presentations from two aerospace study groups from the University of Sydney. Dec 9: Our AGM and Christmas Bash at the upmarket 3 Wise Monkeys pub in George Street, Sydney was quite a turnout. Following the AGM which was attended by 18 members, was the Christmas Bash. The highlights were a series of short presentations and a trivia quiz. Attendance was 32. Feb 18: Captain Eric Moody (Retired), Captain of the 1982 British Airways Flight 9 incident discussing ‘Gliding the Boeing 747’. The story of BA flight 009 and the words every passenger dreads.... An over capacity attendance in excess of 100 listened intently as Eric respoke those words and re-lived the details of the event. Mar 10: Eminent speaker Mr Mike Goulette. This was a joint meeting with Engineers Australia with an attendance on excess of 70. David Cox, Chairman Press Release 28th March, 2015: Australian Division President calls for a broader debate around the issue of operational safety and flight deck procedures Following revelations that the A320 tragedy in the French Alps was the result of deliberate action by a crew member, and ensuring calls for revision of flight desk protocols, John Vincent says that there is a need for a much broader debate around operational safety, including the security of the flight deck. There are other issues at stake and this tragic event can be examined in conjunction with broader and ongoing problems facing all airlines. Even now there is debate in the airline industry about the best way to be training to meet the expected growth in airline travel in the coming years. The full Press Release is available on our website. Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) LAWRENCE HARGRAVE AWARD - 2015 The Awards Committee received five nominations from the Call for Nominations that was requested late 2014. Comments from the six assessors were in agreement that all five candidates were worthy of consideration for the Award. After due consideration the winner of the 2015 Lawrence Hargrave Award was Colin Martin, CEng, FRAeS. The President, Noel Schmidt, presented the certificate and medal at the 16th Australian International Aerospace Congress dinner during the Australian International Airshow. Colin Martin (left) being presented with the 2015 Lawrence Hargrave Certificate and Medal by the President, Noel Schmidt. Colin Martin has led many key aerospace initiatives within the Defence Science and Technology Organisation [DSTO]. He has held the positions of Research Leader in flight mechanics and in air operations. The citation on the certificate reads as follows:In recognition of his outstanding contribution and leadership in flight dynamics, notably development of a variable stability aircraft, and in structural integrity, and the technical risk assessment of Defence aerospace acquisitions. Awards Director, Barry C. Cupitt 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT) Cairns, 25 – 27 November, 2015 The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT) will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Cairns, Qld, Australia, 25 – 27 November 2015, in conjunction with Engineers Australia. Since the inception of APISAT in 2008 by the national aerospace societies of Korea (KSASS), China (CSAA), Japan (JSASS) and Australia (RAeS Australian Division), APISAT has become the prime forum for aerospace research and development in the Asia-Pacific region. Abstract submission opens 11 February 2015; Abstract submission deadline 27 April 2015. Refer for further details: Robert (Bob) Stevens FRAeS 1922 –2014 Council approved to contribute $200 to the Royal Flying Doctor Service in memory of Bob Stevens in recognition of his 71 years of service to the Society and outstanding work in managing and increasing the Page 7 of 8 Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division Inc. ABN 44 361 684 009 funds of the Division since 1986 as the Hon Treasurer. The Royal Aeronautical Society Council Elections Click here for more information on the election and the candidates standing. Following the success of the last few years the Society is running the Council Election electronically this year. Those voting members who have a valid email address registered with the Society will have received an email on 25 February 2015 which includes a unique voting number and instruction on how to cast your votes. If you have not received an email or you do not have a valid email address registered with the Society, then contact Mr Peter Brooks ([email protected] or send a letter to PO Box 179, Cronulla NSW 2230). Peter will arrange for voting papers to be made available to you. Please note that any member who has not paid their membership subscription by 31 March 2015 will be taken off the membership register and will therefore be unable to vote. The Society’s Council is responsible for managing the professional, technical and learned affairs of the Society and provides the necessary direction and leadership required to achieve several key objectives, such as increasing and maintaining the influence, respect and reputation of the Society globally. For the Council to successfully carry out these objectives it is vital that it is made up of the most suitable individuals – which is why your vote is so important. Voting will close at 9am on 19 May 2015. Joint Board Aerospace Engineering (JBAeroEng) Immediate Past-President Noel Schmidt attended, along with the other 2 Division nominees (Robin Stanier and Phil Campbell – via teleconference), a Joint Board Aerospace Engineering (JBAeroEng) meeting held at EA HQ in Canberra on 2Dec14. This was Phil Campbell’s last meeting prior to handing over to A/Prof Cees Bil (who was appointed by Council at its last meeting). EA has undertaken a major review of their governance structure over the last 2 years. JBAeroEng issues addressed included AIAC-16 planning update and early AIAC-17 planning, an IESP program update (for both 2015 program + early possible candidates for 2016) and budget update. Members noted that the biennial AIAC series had Editor: Jeff Lock ([email protected]) been a hugely successful program for both RAeS and EA with “value delivered” - both in CPD value for members and dollar return to the two primary risk holders. Joint Conferences Committee (JCC) Immediate Past-President Noel Schmidt attended, as the RAeS nominee, a Joint Conferences Committee (JCC) meeting on 17th December 2014 in Melbourne. (As background, the JCC was setup around 2004 following formal signing of the “Agreement of Cooperation”, 5th February 2004, and reports directly to the JBAeroEng). Noel has been a long-term member of both committees. Key discussion issues focused on AIAC-16 planning/organisational matters, including update of EA/RAeS PCO agreements, a budget update, and progress on the Congress lecture paper program and registrations. For the benefit of members the most recent in Feb 2015 was the 16th in the series since the first one in 1985. Importantly, other than in 1991 (a minor loss), all events provided a budget surplus to both the Australian Division and EA as primary risk partners. Together with the two other major International Conference events (ICAS1998 in Melbourne and ICAS-2012 in Brisbane), these major conference events have relied on a huge amount of volunteer effort to present, and have also been the only other budget revenue source to the Australian Division beyond the traditional source of annual membership subscriptions. Australian Division Council President: (2015-2017) John Vincent FRAeS CEng Honorary Secretary: Robin Stanier FRAeS CEng Honorary Treasurer: John King FRAeS Councillors: Ross Barkla FRAeS, A/Prof Cees Bil MRAeS; Peter Brooks FRAeS; Andrew Drysdale FRAeS, David Forsyth AM FRAeS; Bradley Hayward AMRAeS; Katrin Hewitt ARAeS; Cam Macphee MRAeS; Andrew Neely FRAeS; AirCdre Noel Schmidt AM CSC FRAeS; and Capt Ian Watkins FRAeS Branch Chairmen: WC James Blagg FRAeS, Adelaide; AirCdre Jon Pike FRAeS, Canberra; Murray Stimson MRAeS, Melbourne; John Hinton FRAeS, Perth; Col Robert Crowe FRAeS, Queensland; and David Cox FRAeS, Sydney Director Awards: Barry Cupitt MRAeS Page 8 of 8
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