the Bay Breeze Northeastern Wisconsin Area Local American Postal Worker’s Union AFL-CIO Volume 57 No. 1 January/February 2014 Happy New Year 2014 Presidents Report by Lucy Hauser Local elections were held in November. I would like to thank everyone who ran for office. I hope that we can all work together to make our Union stronger, smarter, and more cohesive. Many thanks go to the Election Committee: Abe Rodriguez, Bryce Thomas and Dennis Hall, for their time and diligence. Current officers are as follows: President - Lucy Hauser; Executive Vice-President - Steve Beerntsen; Clerk Craft Director - Mary Duttweiler; Maintenance Craft Director - Jeff Hackl; Motor Vehicle Craft Director Jon DeCleene; Editor - Mary Davis. There were no candidates for the offices of Secretary/Treasurer and Recording Secretary. Per our Constitution and Bylaws, these two offices will be announced as "Vacant" at the January membership meeting. Any member who is interested in being appointed to one of these positions is encouraged to contact a member of the Executive Board and submit a written letter of interest. Our January meeting will (cont on pg 2) What’s Inside: President’s Report.........................1-2 Union Meeting Minutes/Nov...........4-5 Recipe to Share................................2 APWU Election Results.....................5 UPS/FedEx Late Deliveries...............3 Children’s Christmas Party/2013.......6 Union Positions Available..................3 APWU/Delegations to Staples...........4 do you know?....................................5 Let’s Hear from You............................7 Page 2 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ away this year it will most likely be very (from pg 1) be held at the Bay Family expensive. The National Convention will Restaurant at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, be held July 21-25 in Chicago this year. January 29. Agenda items include the Other possible expenses that we will most approval of expenditures for our annual likely incur this year include training for the projects: The Kid's Christmas Party, the member who volunteers for the picnic, the Tony Van Scholarship(s). Secretary/Treasurer's position. There is a During this meeting we also appoint memclass scheduled for March in St Louis. bers to various committees. Hopefully we will have enough time to fill If you are interested in becoming a memthe position and secure a ber of any of the following President’s Report space in that training committees, please contact class. me: automation committee, I have not heard if there scheme committee, constituLucy will be any basic steward tion committee, safety comHauser training classes in conmittee, health plan represenjunction with the State tative, and the membership Convention. If not, I would & promotion committee. like to host another class in Green Bay for We also will discuss sending representalocal stewards. tives to the Four States Caucus, which will be held in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in For those of you who may not have heard, mid-February. Union leaders from we are getting a new Acting Plant Manager Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota who is familiar to us from the "other side of and Wisconsin meet every two years to the house" - our current Postmaster, Tim brainstorm. Together we develop resoluLewis, who has been on various details tions to be presented at the National Convention regarding proposed changes to throughout Lakeland District for the past couple of years. We have our January our National Agreement and our National Labor/Management meeting scheduled for Constitution and By-Laws. It has been a Thursday, January 16, and I will give a tradition that we send all National detailed report of our discussions at the Convention delegates to the Four States January membership meeting. Caucus but because the Caucus is so far Recipe to Share BAKED CHOCOLATE-COVERED CHERRY COOKIES ½ cup butter, softened 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1-1/2 tsp vanilla 1-1/2 cups flour ½ cup unsweetened cocoa (not instant) ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp baking soda Maraschino cherries FROSTING 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips ½ cup sweetened condensed milk ¼ tsp salt 1 to 1-1/2 tsp Maraschino cherry juice Cream butter, sugar, egg & vanilla until light & fluffy. In a separate bowl, measure flour & add remaining dry ingredients. Stir with fork until blended. Add to creamed mixture. Dough will be stiff. Make dough into 1-inch balls & place on ungreased cookie sheet. Push cherry halfway into each ball. Prepare frosting by melting chocolate pieces over low heat with sweetened condensed milk. Stir constantly. Remove from heat & add remaining ingredients. Frost each cookie by spreading ½ tsp frosting over cherry; it will spread slightly during baking. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes, until puffy. Page 3 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 __________________________________________________________________________ Union Positions Available In our recent election of union officials for the Northeastern Wisconsin Area Local, we had two positions in which the nominated candidates decided not to accept. These two positions are currently available and we would like to hear from anyone who is interested. e in th ws... UPS/FedEx ne The failure of United Parcel Service to deliver holiday packages by Christmas demonstrates the importance of the U.S. Postal Service to the people of the country, says APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “The United Parcel Service fiasco underscores why the Postal Service must continue to be a public service,” he said. “We must ensure that hiring decisions and other policy issues governing the nation’s mail service are not guided by the bottom line and private profit.” United Parcel Service and FedEx were unable to meet their commitment to deliver holiday orders on time, prompting outrage among frustrated customers. By contrast, the U.S. Postal Service performed well, Dimondstein told broadcaster Ed Shultz on his Dec. 30 radio The two positions are for recording secretary and for secretary-treasurer. If interested, contact Lucy Hauser. More information will also be given about these openings at our union meeting this month. Late Deliveries show. The Postal Service could have performed even better were it not for a requirement that forces the agency to pre-fund healthcare for future retirees 75 years in advance at a cost of approximately $5.5 billion annually. That crushing burden chokes the Postal Service and robs it of the ability to serve the people to its full potential, he said. The Postal Service is under attack by corporate privatizers who want to take over the nation’s mail service, Dimondstein said. “Companies like FedEx and United Parcel Service want to get their hands on that $65 billion,” he said, referring to the Postal Service’s annual revenue, which comes exclusively from the sale of stamps and services – not tax dollars. A 2011 editorial in the Wall Street Journal written by Gary McDougal, United Parcel Service director for more than 30 years, called for the Postal Service to be turned over to his company and other private corporations, Dimondstein pointed out. “The corporations want the private side to do it all,” he said. “And this is where it leads to – higher prices and less service.” The Postal Service is able to provide better service less expensively because it belongs to the people and operates on a non-profit basis, Dimondstein said. The APWU will unite with the American people to preserve and expand this people’s Postal Service, he said. “We need a vibrant service for generations to come.” Dimondstein on Radio APWU Web News Article #143-13, Dec. 30, 2013 Page 4 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ APWU-New York Metro d n . u . . aro pwu Sends Delegations to Staples a e h t The APWU’s New York Metro Area Local sent delegations to three Staples stores on Jan. 8 and 9 to deliver letters protesting the establishment of postal retail units staffed by low-wage, non-union, non-postal workers. “It felt good to take action,” said Chuck Zlatkin, the local’s Legislative and Political Director. “You see the Staples sign and you want to do something. This was easy — it was fun,” he said. “The Staples managers all had a similar reaction,” Zlatkin reported. “At first they gave us that ‘deer in the headlights’ look. But they said they would pass our letters of protest on to their headquarters.” Six members of the local who work at the USPS New Jersey Network Distribution Center (NDC) visited a Staples store in Jersey City on Jan. 8; five members who work in Manhattan walked a few blocks to a Staples store near their worksite on Jan. 9, and four members who work in the Bronx visited a Staples store in the city’s northern borough, Zlatkin reported. The Manhattan crew was trailed by reporters for the Chief, a New York newspaper geared toward government employees, and Labor Press, a local organization that reports on workers’ issues. APWU President Mark Dimondstein has asked local and state presidents and retiree chapter leaders to organize delegations to visit Staples stores by Jan. 18 to put Staples on notice that we are about to embark on a serious campaign to win these jobs for postal employees. After the visits with store managers, the APWU will organize a day of action at Staples stores around the country as well as sustained actions at a number of stores where postal retail units have opened. from, Jan 2014 Union Meeting Minutes - Nov 2013 November 19, 2013: Meeting Minutes The meeting at Bay Family Restaurant was called to order at 12:00 p.m. with 19 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Paradise, and the Invocation was read by Diane Vaile. The roll call of officers was as follows: Lucy Hauser, Steve Paradise, Diane Vaile, Jon DeCleene; present. Steve Winnowski, Donna Hansen and Jeff Hackl: not present. There was no Executive Committee Report as they did not have a quorum. Minutes of the October meeting and the Financial Report for October were read by Diane Vaile. Motion to approve minutes and financial reports by Jon DeCleene; Second by Brenda Ellenson. Motion carried, unanimous. Labor Management Report: No report as they are still trying to schedule a meeting per Lucy Hauser. Grievance report given by Lucy Hauser. Safety/Health report by Lucy Hauser. Reminder that it is open season for health care. Legislative Committee report was given by Steve Paradise. OWCP report by Lucy Hauser: No new news, but claims are starting to be processed on a more timely basis. Constitution Report by Jon DeCleene: No new business, but hopes to have proposals for January meeting. New members: No new members Lost members: No lost members Jeff Hackl submitted a written report on the All Crafts Conference that he attended. Communications: Telephone call from the Salvation Army regarding volunteers for Bell Ringers. Thank you note from Mary DeRouchers. Thanksgiving Card from the APWU insurance (cont of pg 5) Page 5 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ (Union Meeting Minutes, from pg 4) Family Restaurant. Motion carried, unanimous. agent. Salvation Army requesting donation for Christmas drive. Labor History sent information on Essay Contest. Combined Federal Campaign needs someone from the craft to request donations. Children’s Christmas Party to be held on Saturday, Dec 7 at the Labor Temple. Annual Leave Bidding will begin on Monday following Thanksgiving. Motion by Jon DeCleene, second by Sherri Beauleau to schedule the next meeting on January 29, 2014 at 6:30AM at the Bay Motion by Jon DeCleene, second by Al Vaile to purchase gift certificate for Gloria Shermo for $80.00 at a place of her choice for taking the meeting minutes. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Brenda Ellenson, second by Al Vaile to send a check for $50.00 to the Salvation Army for Christmas drive. Motion to adjourn by Nancy DeCleene, second by Terry Wentworth. Motion carried, unanimous. $10.00 door prize won by Deb Nehmer. Respectfully submitted, Gloria Shermo Members present: Lucy Hauser, Nancy DeCleene, Al Vaile, Jon M DeCleene, Diane Vaile, Gloria Shermo, Barbara Glaser, Terry Wentworth, Mary M. Oliver, Sue Prinke, Steve Paradise, Kelly Heaney, Sheri Beauleau, Cheryl Feil, Brenda Ellenson, Abe Rodriguez, Kelly Armstrong, Mary Davis, Deb Nehmer APWU ELECTION RESULTS We, the Election Committee, do hereby certify the following election results after tallying ballots: 193 ballots were mailed. 117 ballots were returned, but 5 were voided. There were 26 ballots returned from the Maintenance Craft; 9 ballots returned from the Motor Vehicle Craft; 82 ballots returned from the Clerk Craft. Those candidates with the most votes are listed in bold lettering and will assume the duties of their office on January 1, 2014. Executive Vice-President: Steve Beerntsen (59) Steve Paradise (47) Clerk Craft Director: Mary Duttweiler (48) Dave Kroll (28) Maintenance Craft Director: Jeff Hackl (13) Dave Villwock (12) Editor: Mary Davis (79) Stephen Winnnowski (29) Representatives to the National Convention: Mary Duttweiler (59) Dave Kroll (40) Steve Paradise (37) Jeff Hackl (32) Dave Villwock (27) Danny Stoddard (11) _______________________________________________________________________________ Abran Rodriguez, Chairperson, Bryce Thomas, Dennis Hall do you know? Where to find the latest National Agreement between the APWU & the USPS?; shortcuts: Collective Bargaining Agreements, 2010-2015 National Agreement Where to find our local website? Page 6 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Christmas Party - 2013 We had 26 children, ages 10 months to 10 years, signed up for the Christmas Party this year, which was held at the Labor Temple on Saturday, December 7. This year we had music/entertainment provided by Tom's Tunes. We decorated delicious, giant Christmas cookies that were provided by Middleburg Bakery in Black Creek. The kids also made Christmas ornaments and sang Christmas songs along with Tom Kelley. We played several games, including Pass the Box. While the music is playing a decorated box filled with goodies is passed around the circle of kids. Whoever is holding the box when the music stops gets to keep the box and moves out of the circle. When the circle gets down to 3 children there are 2 boxes passed around. The child who is left without a box wins the grand prize: a huge stuffed animal! Thanks go to Sharon Duescher, who did all the shopping & wrapping of the Santa gifts and to my husband, Steve, who packed the car and helped set up the room. The Christmas tree was provided again this year by Danny Stoddard and it is much appreciated! Thanks also to Tom Kelley and his helpers at Tom's Tunes for the excellent entertainment. Thanks to Cindy Peterson, who played Mrs. Claus for us again this year, and a giant Thank You to our own special Santa Claus, Norb Van Pay. Thanks to everybody who helped with the cleanup as I am usually quite exhausted by the end of the day! We look forward to next year's party as it is a marvel to see how much the children have grown from one year to the next. by Lucy Hauser Page 7 APWU Bay Breeze Jan/Feb 2014 __________________________________________________________________________ Let’s Hear from You Is your address correct on this newsletter, including the spelling of your name, your street name, the type of road (rd/ln/ct, etc), as well as zip code?_______________ If not, what is your correct name/address?________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Is there anything you’d like to see in your union newsletter?___________________ If yes, please specify_________________________________________________ How often do you think the union newsletter should be published? __________________________________ (It is currently published 6 times per year.) Would you like to see condolences/congratulations in our union newsletter?________________________________ Do you attend the union meetings?_______________________________________ Would you attend more meetings if it was at a different time?__________________ If so, what time would work for you?_____________________________________ Would you like to write an article to be published in the union newsletter?________ If so, submit a signed article and return to the Editor. (Your name may be withheld by request.) Please submit by the 1st day of the publication month. Please return your responses and suggestions above, as well as any articles to: APWU Bay Breeze P O Box 10323 Green Bay, WI 54307-0323 To submit via email, submit to Editor at [email protected]. To submit at the Green Bay Post Office, put in union mail slot for Mary Davis. Thank you for taking the time to fill this out! APWU Bay Breeze P O Box 10323 Green Bay, WI 54307-0323 Change Service Requested Non-Profit Organization U S Postage Paid APWU Bay Breeze NEXT UNION MEETING: Jan 29 @6:30 am at Bay Family Restaurant, 1301 S Military, Green Bay, WI Representatives to Contact: Senator Tammy Baldwin 310 W Wisconsin Ave #950 Milwaukee, WI 53203 1-414-297-4451 Congressman Reid Ribble 550 N Military Ave #4B Green Bay, WI 54303 1-920-471-1950 Senator Ron Johnson 517 E Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee, WI 53202 1-414-276-7282 Governor Scott Walker 115 E State Capitol Madison, WI 53702 1-608-266-1212 [email protected] Call the toll-free hotline:Wi Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472 US House and Senate Line:1-800-522-6821 White House Comment Line:1-202-456-1111 The Bay Breeze is the official voice of the American Postal Workers Union, Northeastern Wisconsin Area Local, published six times a year. The due date for publication is the first day of the odd month unless otherwise publicized. The Bay Breeze attempts to keep the membership abreast of all important issues. We are proud members of the National Postal Press Association and International Labor Communications Association. We are also members of the APWU of Wisconsin, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, Greater Green Bay Labor Council and were the first local in Wisconsin to join the APWU Accident Benefit Association as a 100 % local. Letters, correspondences, and articles by members and officers are encouraged and should be addressed to: P O Box 10323, Green Bay, WI 54307 or email to: [email protected]. Articles must be signed by the author and names may be withheld upon request. Opinions are those of the contributors and not necessarily the Union, the Officers, or the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to delete, edit, or rewrite to fit the format of this newsletter, to disallow any attacks of individuals, and to refuse to print any article deemed improper or unfit for publication. Articles that are not credited are those of the Editor.
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