Duggar [Company Name] Dr. Jerald Duggar D.C. & Tammie Duggar C.N.E.

Participant Guide Book
Dr. Jerald Duggar D.C. &1 Tammie
idealbody cleanse
Dr. Jerald Duggar D.C.
Tammie Duggar C.N.E.
Copyright © 2014
JW Duggar, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Published by JW Duggar, Inc.
A Utah Corporation
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without the permission of the publisher,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
While the author and publisher have taken every precaution in preparing this booklet, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for
errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. The author and publisher do not make any
claims that these dietary protocols will prevent, treat or cure any known or unknown medical diseases. No suggestions contained in this work
should overshadow personal medical advice given to the reader from a competent health practitioner.
idealbody cleanse
Table of Contents
Why Do We Need to Detoxify?.................................................................................5
What is a Toxin Anyway?..........................................................................................5
The 5 Detoxification Systems……………………………………………………………………………….6
Supportive Detox Modalities………………………………………………………………………………..9
Understanding Detox Symptoms………………………………………………………………………..12
The Role of Diet and Nutrition……………………………………………………………………………12
The Detox Food “Rules”
What to Eat………………………………………………………………………………………………13
What to Avoid…………………………………………………………………………………………..17
Rules to Live By…………………………………………………………………………………………18
Menu Plan Overview………………………………………………………………………………………....20
Allowed Foods and Foods to Avoid Chart……………………………………………………………22
Prepare Phase: Menu Plan and Shopping List………………………………………………….….23
Purify Phase: Menu Plan and Shopping List………………………………………………………..25
Process Phase: Menu Plan and Shopping List………………………………………………..……28
What Happens Next?..............................................................................................60
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Introduction - Welcome to the idealbody cleanse
Congratulations! Are you ready to press the “reset” button on your health? We hope so! We
are so excited to facilitate this process for you. Detoxification programs and “cleanses” have
been a part of human health throughout history. Purification rituals have been found in
virtually all cultures of history. It only seems “trendy” in our culture because we have lost touch
with our roots and our connection to our ancestor’s practices and habits. In addition, we’ve
created such a toxic environment that it has become imperative to periodically focus our
attention on cleansing the body and the mind.
Whether you are an experienced “detoxer” or the mere idea of detoxifying your body evokes
images of misery, this program is guaranteed to restore vital energy and wellbeing that is your
birthright!? This process of cleansing is going to take you on a journey. For some, the path will
be challenging. Others will sail through without missing a beat. Whichever road you take, the
rewards will be worth it.
The purpose of this cleansing program is to teach you a well-balanced approach to
detoxification. You will learn about the importance of proper food balancing, modified fasting,
elimination, movement and exercise, relaxation and meditation and additional “at-home”
practices that you can add to your routine lifestyle to continue these benefits for the rest of
your life.
21 Days to a Cleaner, Less Toxic Body
The idealbody cleanse is a 21 day process divided into three phases. During the initial 7 days,
the focus will be on preparing your body to efficiently cleanse and easing you into dietary
changes. The second week, we will be “amping” up the detox process by making your diet even
more nutrient-dense. If your plan includes the supportive detox supplements, you will begin
taking them during this phase. The final week will be a continuation of the supplement
protocols and the diet will begin a return to the same list from week 1.
Prepare Phase (week 1) – Begin cleansing diet and optional detoxification modalities
Purify Phase (week 2) – Shift to full detox diet (optional 3 day “juice fast”), add supplements
Process Phase (week 3) – Return to cleansing diet and continue with supplements
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Why Do We Need to Detoxify and Cleanse?
According to researchers, our environment contains over 80,000 man-made chemicals and in
1989, the Kellogg Report showed that over 1,000 newly synthesized compounds are introduced
each year. That amounts to 3 new chemicals created each day! The EPA estimates a grand total
of over 5 Billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into our environment by industry each
year. Organophosphate pesticides alone have been reported to cause 220,000 deaths
worldwide. Pesticide-related illness in America is estimated to occur up to 300,000 times per
year, causing life-long neurological damage.
Regardless of where you live, your body is being exposed to thousands of dangerous chemicals
and environmental pollutants. One prominent expert, Dr. Walter Crinnion famously stated,
“Today’s physicians are faced with a dilemma unlike any previously encountered: the challenge
of patients non-responsive to regular therapies because of internal burdens of multiple toxic
environmental compounds. This environmental poison is no longer confined to poorly
protected workers in toxic industries; but affects all who breathe, eat and drink, as these are
now potentially toxic activities.”
Although some pollutants are commercially synthesized, many are naturally occurring and on
the rise, especially in metropolitan areas. Add this to the additives in our foods and water
supplies, the over-use of antibiotics and other prescription drugs and our over indulgence of
food, alcohol and tobacco abuse and our increasing stress loads, and you have a recipe for a
health disaster. Our exposure to toxins can be both internal and external. Our bodies absorb
and then excrete the water-soluble chemicals to which we are exposed. The fat-soluble
chemicals are absorbed, but not easily excreted. They can accumulate in our tissues and cells
and disrupt the delicate chemical reactions that we require for optimal health.
We now know that this increasing burden of internal toxicity lies at the root of many
debilitating health conditions that plague our society such as: headaches, muscle/joint pain,
fatigue, irritability, depression, mental confusion, fibromyalgia, GI tract disorders, heart disease,
weight problems, allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancers, and neurological diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. As profoundly all-encompassing as this list seems, it is by
no means complete.
When one understands just how these dangerous internal toxins impact our basic cellular
health it becomes obvious that we need to learn how to efficiently remove them from our
What is a Toxin Anyway?
I know we’ve already tossed the word around a lot in the first pages. So what exactly are we
even talking about? For our purposes, the simplest definition is that a toxin is a chemical
compound that has a harmful effect on our cell function or structure.
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As we’ve mentioned before, some of these compounds are found naturally in our environment.
An example of naturally occurring toxins may include Heavy Metals like Lead, Mercury,
Cadmium, Arsenic, Nickel and Aluminum.
In addition to the naturally occurring toxins that human kind has been exposed to for eons, our
modern lifestyle has introduced thousands of chemicals into our environment such as solvents,
cleaning solutions, formaldehyde, pesticides, herbicides, food additives, plastics and
pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics.
Still another source of toxins that many people don’t consider are the poisons “created” inside
of us by our own biological processes and the waste products from the bacteria and yeast
microbes in our gut (more on that later). Over 50 million Americans are currently suffering
from overload of nasty gut microbes.
The 5 Detoxification Systems
System #1 - The Gut
When it comes right down to it, the majority of interactions with our outside environment take
place in our digestive tract. In fact, because the gut is really a sophisticated hollow tube, you
could make the claim that the things that are contained within its walls aren’t really a part of us
at all. They travel through us but until they cross that gut barrier and enter into our blood and
tissues, they are just moving through. Unfortunately, this crazy, unbalanced world that we live
in has done a number on our digestive systems. I rarely see anyone, including children, who
aren’t dealing with some level of gut imbalance. Whether it is from antibiotics, antiinflammatory drugs, chlorinated and fluoridated water, devitalized processed foods or
overwhelming emotional stress, the sensitive balance of all of our digestive organs can easily
become dysfunctional.
Restoring normal function to the gut requires a multi-faceted approach. During with idealbody
cleanse, we are going to be helping the digestive system improve in a few ways.
First, by cleaning up your diet, you will be eating foods that are more easily digestible.
Unprocessed veggies and fruits are loaded with enzymes that help in the digestive process. WE
will be eliminating many of the top food allergens from your diet and that will decrease the
“stress” that your gut has to deal with.
If you elected to register for the PLUS or COMPLETE versions of the program, the targeted
supplementation will also support the removal of harmful microorganisms like yeast and fungus
and the restoration of the healthy probiotic organisms that should colonize our intestinal tracts.
In addition, several ingredients in the supplement formulas are targeted to heal and repair the
damage to the cells that line the intestinal wall.
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System #2 - The Liver
If we had to use one word to define the entire objective of cleansing it would be,
Biotransformation. That means taking a chemical that is highly toxic and turning it into
something that is harmless and easily transported from the body. So, just where and how does
our body make that process happen? In our livers, of course!
Your liver is simply amazing. Science has identified over 500 separate and distinct chemical
processes that take place in the liver. That is an astounding amount of work for such a weird
and ugly organ.  You may already be aware that one of the primary jobs of the liver is to filter
the blood. When toxic chemicals in the blood enter the liver there is a two-phase process that
takes place to “transform” that chemical into something else less harmful. It is obviously a
complex process but to better understand it, we’re going to just simply call these stages “phase
1” and “phase 2”.
Two-Phase Detoxification
Let’s breakdown these two processes into something easy to understand. Whenever I think of
the detoxification process I am reminded of one of the most famous TV moments in history.
There was a very funny episode of the I Love Lucy show, starring the incomparable Lucile Ball.
In this episode, Lucy and her friend Ethel took a job working on an assembly line at a chocolate
factory. The supervisor was a hard-nosed, crotchety woman with high expectations. After a
brief training on how to wrap each chocolate with paper and replace it on the conveyer belt,
the supervisor signaled the assembly line to begin and she left the room. At first, the two
women were doing fine, in fact, they even felt that it was easy. But after a moment or two, the
chocolates began coming faster and faster. Lucy began to fall behind and in true fashion made
the audience roll with laughter as she stuffed chocolate pieces into her mouth, under her hat
and even down her dress to hide her inability to perform the job from the supervisor. The
scene ends as the supervisor comes to inspect their work only to see that all of the chocolates
are gone from the belt. Assuming that the comedic heroines were having no problems, she
yells, “Speed it up!”
The liver detoxification process is much like this conveyor belt analogy. An assembly line
requires that each worker to do his or her job correctly and at the right pace. In order for
detoxification to be effective, the different phases must be functioning at equal efficiency
The success or failure of your body to detoxify can really be defined by your ability to regulate
phase 1 and phase 2 liver “biotransformation”. It is as simple as that.
System #3 - The Skin
According to the Environmental Working Group the average woman in America is exposed to
168 different chemicals per day from what she chooses to put on her body in the form of
personal care and cosmetics! In an effort to increase beauty and the “appearance” of health,
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many of us are actually causing accelerated ageing and toxicity. While men don’t use as many
of these products, they are certainly not exempt from toxicity from personal care products.
What we choose to put on our bodies in the form of cosmetics, lotions,
deodorant/antiperspirants, soaps and cleansers to the water we bathe and shower in. Many of
the chemicals in these products can pass right into our bodies and enter our blood stream.
We highly advocate taking a long, hard look at each of the items that you put on your body and
try to find less toxic versions. This process may take some time but if you are persistent, you
will realize that there are great alternatives available.
Our skin, in addition to being the largest organ in our body, plays a significant role in the
process of cleansing. Together with the lymphatic system, the skin can assist detoxification as
we sweat. When the pores of the skin are clogged with toxins and dead cells, it may block the
release of sweat.
One of the most interesting cleansing activities that we advocate during the idealbody cleanse
is “dry skin brushing”. Skin brushing is a simple process that takes between 5 and 10 minutes
and will help to exfoliate the skin, promote circulation of lymph and blood to the surface of the
skin and invigorate your whole body. All you need is a simple brush with soft, natural bristles
(not synthetic). There are several “techniques” out there and we’ll show you our favorite in the
support video section on the website.
System #4 - The Lymph
The lymphatic system is like the ugly stepchild of our body. It is so important but the average
person has little to no knowledge of it. Time to change that. While we don’t need to all be
experts, we do need to know a few basics.
First, we need to know that there is more fluid in the lymphatic system than we have in the
circulatory system. In other words, it is an important regulator of fluids in our bodies. When we
feel “puffy” or “swollen” we are usually feeling the effects of fluid retention in the spaces
between our cells. The lymph system is supposed to gather that fluid and remove it from those
spaces so if it becomes congested and blocked, we get stagnation in the system.
Second, we need to know that, unlike the circulatory system with its built-in pump, the
lymphatic system requires our bodies to move in order to flush things along. In fact, as we flex
and contract our muscles to move our bodies, we are actually “squeezing” the lymphatic fluid
through our bodies. That is one of the primary benefits of exercise and remaining physically
There are a variety of things that we can do to promote lymphatic health and detoxification on
a regular basis:
 Dry skin brushing
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Exercise – particularly things like Yoga and mini-trampoline “rebounding”
Lymphatic Massage treatment
Far Infrared Sauna
Herbal body wraps
System #5 – The Lungs
Last but certainly not least are the lungs. In fact, in terms of shear volume, our lungs are the
most prolific organs of detoxification. Each exhalation of CO2 is in fact a removal of a chemical
that is toxic to our bodies.
We have become a nation of “shallow breathers”. As stress and tension build we tend to only
take small shallow breaths, never really expelling the full contents of our lungs. Research has
suggested that even slowing down for a few minutes to take several deep breaths will decrease
our stress hormones, lower our blood pressure and give us a sense of calm.
During the idealbody cleanse, we will be reminding you to prioritize your life in such a way so as
to have 5 minutes per day to relax and breathe deeply. There are many different “breathing
techniques” available so we’ll show you our favorites but we encourage you to further
investigate on your own.
Supportive Detox Modalities
Foundation #1 - The Detox Diet
During this 21-day process we will be focusing on cleaning up the diet; eliminating foods that
are highly processed, highly allergenic and pro-inflammatory. We will be structuring meals and
snacks that are friendly to your blood sugar stability and that will allow for easy digestion. Each
meal will contain ingredients that have a high nutrient availability.
As you can imagine, it is quite impossible to create a diet plan that is appropriate for everybody.
IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO ANY FOOD, even if it is on our “allowed” list,
Foundation #2 - Detoxification Supplementation
True detoxification is a nutrient-dependent process. One of the reasons that we are so
burdened with toxins and poisons in our bodies is that we have become depleted in these key
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In addition to cleaning up the diet, we highly recommend utilizing concentrated formulas of
high-power super foods and herbs that have been formulated specifically to aid the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract in eliminating dangerous chemicals.
Professional Grade Formulas
All supplement formulas included in the idealbody cleanse are manufactured by Xymogen, Inc.,
one of the leaders in the field of pharmaceutical-grade supplements for physicians and
pharmacies. We have selected Xymogen due to their quality and their trusted clinical results in
our busy wellness clinic. You can be assured that these are the highest quality products
OptiCleanse GHI
The OptiCleanse GHI formula is a true workhorse in our office. It is designed to not only
support balanced detoxification through the liver but also has key nutrients to nourish
the cells of the gut and decrease inflammation throughout the digestive tract.
OptiCleanse GHI is a phenomenal hypoallergenic protein powder. You can blend it up
into your Power Smoothie or just mix it with some water for a mid-morning or afternoon
snack. It packs an amazing 26 grams of vegan protein and is low glycemic, meaning it
won’t spike your blood sugar levels. Use 1 scoop per serving, up to 2 servings per day.
ProBioMax Daily DF
Restoring the balance of the microflora (microorganisms that reside inside of our gut) is
a HUGE part of overall health in general.
When we lose the protection of the normal friendly microorganisms (probiotics) our
immune system can become dysfunctional, leading to allergies, autoimmune diseases
and a host of digestive symptoms. Most people aren’t aware that over 80% of our
immune system resides in and around the gut. If we can’t maintain balance here, the
entire immune system can fall apart.
We highly advocate taking a broad-spectrum probiotic supplement on a daily basis for
life. The ProBioMax Daily formula contains 30 billion live probiotic organisms from 4
highly researched strains.
You will be hard pressed to find a more potent and
supportive probiotic anywhere. Take one capsule per day for 30 days.
In addition to putting in the “friendly” bacteria, it is super smart to take some natural,
herbs to kill off any of the “harmful” microorganisms, like yeast, fungus and parasites
that are already in side of you. Candicidal is formulated with key herbal compounds
that have thousands of years of historical use as well as modern scientific validation in
their ability to safely eliminate the overgrowth of these populations of organisms. Take
1 capsule twice a day for 30 days.
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Foundation #3 - Detox Assisting Modalities
There are some amazing techniques that can be added to further encourage your body to
release toxins that are stored in the tissues of the body. Here is a brief description of some of
the most supportive habits and a more detailed explanation of each of these modalities is
found in the Supportive Modalities section of this guide.
Water - Water assists in the detoxification process by allowing the dilution of chemicals
and the elimination of toxins through the elimination pathways. According to many
experts, the “gold-standard” water is water that has been ionized, micro-clustered and
alkalinized e.g. Kangentm water. If you have access to this water, use it. If you don’t,
that’s okay. Just remember to always choose the most pure, filtered water available for
drinking or bathing.
Massage – Particularly lymphatic drainage massage can facilitate the movement of
toxins stored in the lymphatic system.
Exercise – Mild to moderate exercise is encouraged during the cleansing process to aid
in the elimination of toxins through the sweat. Yoga, moderate intensity interval
training and resistance training can all be appropriate during a cleanse program. CARE
SHOULD ALWAYS BE TAKEN NOT TO OVERTRAIN during periods of reduced caloric
Herbal Body Wraps – Fairly new to the US marketplace, these body wraps utilize herbal
preparations that will draw out toxins held in the fat, lymph and skin.
Dry Skin Brushing – The skin is an essential detox organ and needs careful attention.
Brushing your skin with a dry natural bristle brush encourages improved blood
circulation, lymphatic drainage and the elimination of toxins.
Breath Work – Your lungs actually are responsible for the elimination of more toxins
than any part of your body. Each time you breathe, you are taking in life-giving oxygen
and expelling toxic carbon dioxide. In our fast paced, stressful lives, some of us have
forgotten how to take a deep breath.
Detox Bathing - Relaxing in a hot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils can be a great
way to end the day and encourages detoxification through the sweat glands.
Far Infrared Sauna - As already mentioned, the skin is a powerful detoxification organ
through the millions of sweat glands. Far Infrared saunas promote sweating without the
need for strenuous exercise. Some research suggests that sweat from this particular
type of sauna has a higher concentration of toxins that regular sweat from vigorous
Sleep - The best hours of sleep for your body are the hours of 10pm – 6am. This is a
deeply engrained biological program set in our genetic ancestry due to our relationship
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with the sun and the 24-hour circadian rhythm. During this time the body is designed to
be in a state of rest, repair, detoxification and recovery.
Understanding “Detox” symptoms – The Healing Crisis
It is vital that you understand and properly interpret the symptoms and changes that may occur
when beginning a detoxification or cleansing program. During this program you will utilize
foods and supplements of a higher quality and potency than you may have ever been exposed
to in your former diet. These foods contain high amounts of amino acids, minerals, vitamins,
trace elements, carbohydrates and phytonutrients and are capable of initiating a healing
response in the tissues of your body.
Have you ever noticed that when you set out to clean a messy room in your house, that it tends
to get even more disorganized before it gets back in order? The cleansing process is similar.
The dietary and lifestyle changes will “stir up” the toxins that are already “hiding” within. The
second aspect of cleansing is the actual conversion of those toxins into safe compounds that
can be eliminated. If we ever “stir up” more than we can eliminate, we may have some vague
and temporary symptoms like headaches, fatigue, aches and pains, skin problems, bowel
sluggishness or diarrhea, frequent urination fever, and mental depression or irritability.
These symptoms are caused by the body’s inability to eliminate the amount of toxins that are
being prepared for elimination. The onset of these symptoms is usually rapid. The worst of the
symptoms may last as little as a few hours or as long as three or four days. The entire period
usually lasts about seven days or so and is followed by an increase in strength, vitality and
greater wellbeing. Weakness felt during this time is not true weakness, but rather a
prioritization of energy to the repair of vital internal organ function.
If you are experiencing these healing crisis symptoms, there are a number of things you can do
for yourself. The goal is to help the body find a balance without unbearable suffering but also
without interfering with the process. This is a time when a variety of detox modalities can be
employed to assist in elimination. Specifically things like dry skin brushing, Epsom salt baths,
homeopathic drainage formulas, chiropractic adjustments, massage and essential oils are great
remedies. Avoid taking medications to treat these symptoms if at all possible. If the symptoms
persist or are especially intense, consult with a trusted health care practitioner, especially one
that has had some experience with holistic healing and cleansing.
The Role of Diet and Nutrition
It is estimated that a full 95% of all illness is related to cumulative negative stresses that we
experience. It is no secret that “stress” changes the way we eat. Most people under stress tend
to eat foods high in sweets and starches that convert to sugar quickly in the bloodstream. This
quick fuel can keep us going in emergencies, but too frequently becomes our fuel of choice for
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non-emergency times as well. If you have any chronic health concern, it is wise to address
your diet as a key component to your healing.
In addition, when we are under stress predictable physiological changes occur in which the
mechanisms that control blood sugar levels are taxed. The food plan included in this program is
designed to counteract this trend and improve your body’s functioning while under stress by
maintaining blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Balance
The goal is to keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day so that you avoid the highs
and lows that can add to your stress levels. If you eat properly you can maintain your blood
sugar and maintain even energy throughout the day. Please follow the food plan closely. As
your health improves, certain foods may then be returned to your diet and their effect on your
sense of wellbeing observed. The object is to learn what balance of foods makes you feel best.
The closer you follow this plan, the quicker your body will heal. The quicker you heal, the
quicker you may experiment with re-introduction of foods into your diet.
The 4 Keys to this food plan are
1. Eating moderate amounts of protein, evenly spread throughout the day.
2. Eating lots of lower carbohydrate vegetables. The allowed food list will give you an idea
of great veggie choices.
3. Eating frequently. You should go no longer than 2-3 hours without some food.
4. Staying completely away from the foods that are on the “avoid” list until it’s time to
reintroduce them.
The most common “side benefits” to this way of eating include:
 Feeling less physical pain because of the reduction of inflammation in the body.
 Having more fixed energy throughout the day.
 Losing weight if you are overweight.
 Noticing that cravings decrease and or may disappear altogether.
 Experiencing greater mental and emotional stability.
 Improvements in the quality of your sleep.
 Improvements with Hypoglycemia and Diabetes.
The Detox Food “Rules”
What to Eat:
Foods to Eat and Enjoy
Most people have lost their “connection” with food. They can no longer decipher what foods
make them feel good and what ones make them feel poorly. We would encourage you to
become more aware of the changes you are experiencing in your body and listen to your body.
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Pay careful attention to how you are feeling and what symptoms are improving. This new
awareness of your body will be your feedback tool when you move ahead to reintroduce foods
into your diet. It’s a great idea to keep a “Food Journal” where you can write about the food
you eat, how they taste and how they make you feel, both positive and negative.
It is very important that you eat adequate protein throughout the day. The variety of protein
sources (e.g. eggs, fish, poultry, beef, nuts, seeds and legumes) and the quality (e.g. organic,
hormone-free, free-range and grass-fed) are very important to consider. Use only fresh meats,
not those that are processed and packaged.
Red Meat: Eat as desired, with attention to quality, free-range organic raised. Eat only
3-5 oz. per serving.
Pork: Reduce to a minimum the intake of pork chops and pork roast. Eliminate ham,
bacon and sausage, they contain chemical additives.
Fish: Use a variety of wild caught fish, those caught in their natural habitat. In the farmraising of fish, the fish are fed foods that they would not normally eat in the wild and it
changes their fatty-acid and protein make-up to a less advantageous form. Prepare it
grilled, steamed, baked or poached. Avoid canned fish.
Poultry: Pay attention to quality, free-range, organic, and antibiotic free. Use a variety
of chicken and turkey, dark meat and white meat. Prepare grilled, steamed, baked or
roasted, do not bread or deep fry.
Eggs: Limit to 3 serving per week per week, and eat every other day. Some people may
have a sensitivity to eggs that they may not notice if they eat them every day. The yolk
has nutrients that are denatured when cooked through. It is recommended to have eggs
soft boiled, sunny-side up or over easy as often as you can. Pay attention to quality by
purchasing cage free (non-vegetarian) eggs. Chickens are omnivores and naturally eat a
diet rich in protein. If you have access to farm fresh eggs they are far above any store
bought egg.
Nuts & Seeds: Limit to 2-3 ½ cup servings per day. Raw nuts and seeds provide us with
healthy omega fatty acids as well as many nutrients and protein. Raw nuts and seeds
are best eaten after they have been soaked. This allows the enzyme inhibitors naturally
found in nuts to be neutralized allowing for us to digest them and absorb their
nutrients. Avoid roasted, salted or flavored nuts and seeds.
The key to this food plan! Nutrient rich vegetables provide an abundance of the vitamins and
minerals that sustain your body. Vegetables should make up the largest portion of your meal.
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Again, quality and variety is the key. Your body is most nourished with organic produce.
Seasonal organic vegetables that is grown locally is your best option. Frozen vegetables that
was grown organically, locally and picked in season is your next best choice.
There are many therapeutic nutrients such as anti-oxidants and flavonoids are in the properties
that give vegetables their color. Look in your shopping cart and at your meals and ask, “Do I
have a rainbow of colors here?”
Green Vegetables: Unlimited, eat an abundance of these! Include Swiss chard, kale,
collard greens, bok choy, beet greens, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, sprouts,
green beans, zucchini and salad greens and fresh herbs, which are packed with both
phytonutrients and medicinal properties.
Root Vegetables, Onions and Garlic: Include carrots, beets, celery, sweet potatoes,
turnips, radishes, (use sweet potatoes sparingly). Do Not include any other variety of
potatoes during the program.
Squashes: Include winter squash, butternut squash, pumpkin, acorn squash and
spaghetti squash.
Vegetable Fruits: Include tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
As with everything mentioned before quality and variety is the key. Your body is most
nourished with organic produce. Seasonal organic fruit that is grown locally is your best option.
Frozen fruit that was grown organically, locally and picked in season is your next best choice.
Whole fresh fruits are allowed with the following exceptions: avoid bananas, grapes, melon
and dried fruits (they can play havoc with your blood sugar and may contain harmful
preservatives). Berries, Apples and citrus is allowed in moderation unless you are allergic to any
of these. Eliminate all fruit juices, unless you are juicing yourself.
Grains and Beans
Many people are carbohydrate intolerant and will notice that having grains in the morning
causes a craving for sweets and/or more grains throughout the day. Also, some people notice
that having the grains also lends to a sleepy feeling, either immediately or up to several hours
later. To have your grains with the evening meal reduces the chance of these responses. It is
recommended to leave these grain carbohydrates to the evening meal for a minimum of two
weeks in order to monitor your body’s response as you then add them back in.
Grains that contain gluten will be eliminated for the duration of this program. These grains
include, wheat, rye, and barley. There will also be a portion of the program where all grain are
eliminated to ease the burden of digestion and allow healing to take place in the gut.
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Beans are to be used in balance with protein & vegetables. Be aware of any digestive issues
and/or sugar cravings that occur as you add them back into your food plan, eliminating them
for now if any symptoms re-appear.
Fats and Oils
It is important to have some fat at each meal and, as with all food groups, it is important to give
your body a variety. Quality is key when choosing sources of fat. We need to be eating healthy
fats that contain essential omega fatty acids that our body needs. The primary sources of oil
that we will be using on this plan are Organic Extra Virgin Cold-Pressed Olive Oil and Organic,
extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. In our opinion these oils should be the main and primary
oil staples that you use to prepare your meals. Use olive oil for salad dressings and when
cooking on medium or low heat. Use coconut oil for baking, grilling, sautéing and other high
heat process. Avoid all margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.
Water is your best choice, ideally drinking one quart per 50 pounds of body weight every day.
Our bodies are 70% water and is considered an essential nutrient, optimizing digestive function
as well as elimination of toxins from your body. Drink the best possible water that is available
to you.
Fresh Herbal Teas: We have included a few delicious digestive tea recipes that will become fast
favorites. The recipes use fresh and whole spices prepared using a process called infusion. This
Tisane, as it is properly called are being consumed for their medicinal properties first and
wonderful flavors second. During the program avoid pre-made tea bags because they can
include additives and herbs or spices that may not be organic and might contain harmful
Sea Salt
Sodium Chloride and Trace Minerals, the components of salt as it exists in nature, are very
necessary and needed ingredients for our bodies. Our body fluids very much resemble the
ocean in its consistency. This is contrary to what the medical media would have you believe.
Generic table salt (the salt with the cute little umbrella girl), however, does not fit the bill. It is
highly processed, bleached, stripped of its trace minerals and has added anti-caking agents to
make it pour smoothly. Dextrose (sugar) is also often added.
We recommend natural salt. Our first choice is Redmond Real Salt. Why Redmond Real Salt?
There are several reasons, but let’s start with: It’s local! It’s an American product and even
more than that, a Utah product. Redmond Real Salt is mined from an ancient sea bed in
Redmond Utah. It has over 60 trace minerals, no additives or anti-caking agents are added, it
has a nice pleasant almost sweet flavor. Because it is mined from ancient dead sea bed it has
idealbody cleanse
not been exposed to our modern day environmental pollutants, unlike modern Celtic sea salt
that is harvested from evaporation ponds off the coast of France. We would secondly
recommend Himalayan (Pink) salt because it too is mined from ancient dead sea beds. For
more information about Redmond Real Salt visit, www.realsalt.com
Contrary to modern recommendations we would encourage you to salt your food to taste, cook
with salt and add salt to your water especially during periods of excessive exertion or exercise,
¼ tsp. per quart of water.
What to Avoid: Foods that will interfere with detoxification
NO Gluten or Gluten containing products are allowed. This includes wheat or wheat
products both whole wheat and white flour products such as pasta, breads, crackers,
etc. and barley and rye.
NO Soy products are allowed including Soy Sauce. Many people are allergic to soy,
especially in concentrated forms such as tofu, Tempe, soy protein powders, and protein
bars. Soy is one of the most genetically modified (GMO) products in our country.
NO refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar or crystalline fructose. The
only sweeteners that are allowed are raw, unpasteurized local honey, and stevia leaf
powder that has no other ingredients added to it.
NO Artificial Sweeteners (Equal, Sweet ‘n Low, Aspartame, Splenda, etc.) are allowed.
They disrupt brain chemistry, blood sugar and have many reported side effects,
including neurological symptoms and damage.
Dairy products. Leave all cow dairy products out for duration of the program and pay
attention to how you feel. Do you have less mucus, feel less joint pain and have more
energy. Some people are sensitive to dairy and might not even realize how it effects
their health until they remove it from their diet and then reintroduce it again.
Beverages that are not beneficial. It is important to eliminate the following beverages
for the duration of the program, you will see maximum results when these beverages
are eliminated for 6 weeks.
Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks including coffee, energy drinks, soda and green or
black tea should be eliminate coffee during the program. Caffeine interrupts the
blood sugar mechanism that we are looking to re-set. Caffeinated drinks have a
diuretic effect on the body, this means they are actually dehydrating. This
disrupts the liver as it works on dumping excess toxins from our body.
Alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine, are to be eliminated during the
program because of as the high sugar content and the rate at which alcohol is
absorbed into your body disrupts your blood sugar. Like caffeinated drinks
alcohol also dehydrates that body and negatively effects the liver. Some
alcoholic beverages are made from grains that contain gluten and can lead to an
inflammatory response in the body.
idealbody cleanse
Fruit juices: Avoid all fruit juices unless you are juicing yourself, and then limit
this to one eight ounce juice per day, with the exception of the prescribed, but
optional, 3 day juice fast in the program. Processed and pasteurized fruit juices
are more sugar than nutrient. They will cause us to gain weight and reduce our
appetite for nutrient dense foods.
If you have any sleep disturbances, depression, irritability and/or anxiety ─ caffeine and
alcoholic drinks can be one of the major factors in creating these feelings in the body. People
are often amazed at how their mood, sleep and energy shifts in a positive way when they
significantly reduce and/or let go of these beverages altogether, saving them for the special
occasion. You may experience some initial withdrawal symptoms (from 1 day up to 2 weeks)
depending on how big a role these items have played in your lifestyle. For those of you who
have been using caffeine in significant quantities, you may choose to reduce the caffeine intake
over a period of several days in order to reduce the withdrawal symptoms.
Rules to Live By
Maintaining Stable blood sugar:
 Eat a balanced meal that includes protein within an hour of getting up.
 Eat every 2-3 hours (wear a beeper watch or set an alarm on your phone.
 Be prepared. Always carry a snack with you (in your car, briefcase, at your desk or in
your purse).
 Eat before you become hungry (if you are hungry, your blood sugar is already low).
Create a positive environment:
 Eat meals in a relaxed environment and take time to sit down and be present with
yourself and your body and those sharing the meal with you. This will enhance the
digestive process, we do not digest well when we are stressed.
 Stock your kitchen well and keep it stocked with only healthful choices. We will eat
what we bring into our home.
 Approach each new food experience with the attitude that, “this meal is taking me
closer to health than further away from it.”
Helpful Hints for the Holidays/Parties:
 Eat before you go to the party (Don’t go on an empty stomach, especially if it is
cocktails, appetizers or desserts that are being offered).
 Chew your food slowly (Doing so will increase the body’s acknowledgement of the foods
coming in and more quickly signal the brain of the contents of your consumption).
 Make your contribution to the Potluck a healthy choice that way you will have a good
choice for yourself and may start a trend!
Planning ahead is the key to success:
 When cooking meat make extra for leftovers or to include in the next day’s dinner plan.
idealbody cleanse
Prepare vegetables ahead of time making them easy to grab - i.e. celery sticks, broccoli,
cauliflower, carrots, etc.
Prepare your own salad dressings and spice mixes when you have some free time in the
kitchen so that they will be ready when you need them.
Use some time during the weekend to plan, shop and prepare for the upcoming week.
Use some time in the evening to plan and prepare for the following day. Make lunch for
the next day.
Make things easier for your digestive system:
 Chew food thoroughly.
 Eat small portions and avoid overeating.
 Increase water consumption to one quart per 50 pounds body weight per day,
preferably between meals. Drinking a lot of water with your meal will dilute your
digestive juices.
 When emotionally upset, eat less.
 Eat a variety of raw vegetables.
 Avoid distractions while eating, such as TV, radio, reading, and driving. Set your table
and engage in conversations with family or friends.
Be a wise consumer:
 Read labels! This is the most important thing in avoiding harmful ingredients.
 Be adventurous. Learn to enjoy a wide variety of foods.
 There’s a whole world of new foods to try.
 Limit your consumption of sweet treats. Prepare wholesome snacks that will satisfy
those cravings.
 Avoid “junk foods” containing high fats, loads of sugar and empty calories.
Take Care of YOU!
 Lower the outside stresses in your life. Try Yoga, meditation or taking a nice walk
 Make time for yourself and do something you love every day.
 Be good to yourself. Your decision to improve the quality of your life through healthier
food choices and meal planning is a very significant step towards better health.
 You are in control. Be proud of yourself, trust yourself!
idealbody cleanse
Menu Plan Overview
There is a specific pattern to the way the meal plan has been created for you. You are free to
create your own meal plan, in fact I have left two days in week one and week three for you to
do just that. You can make your own favorite meal, enjoy left-overs from a previous day or
create something new. Just remember to follow the specific guidelines for foods that are
allowed and not allowed on the program as well as during specific times in the program as
outlined below.
On the following pages we have provided you with a balanced and delicious meal plan, a
complete shopping list and a preparation guide to save you time during meal prep. Remember
it is impossible to create a meal plan that fits everyone’s tastes, time frame and sensitivities. If
this meal plan does not meet your needs you are free to create your own. Just keep in mind
that this one is balanced to help maintain steady blood sugar levels, and stimulate and nourish
the body during the cleansing process. Keep in mind if you choose to create your own meal
plan or modify the one provided you will get optimal results by following the specific guidelines
outlined in the next few pages.
Prepare Phase: Week One
Week one is a time of preparation. You are preparing your body for week two, when the most
detoxifying and cleansing will take place in your body.
During this first week you will eliminate specific foods from your diet. These foods include:
 Dairy
 Gluten: wheat, rye, barley
 Soy
 Corn
 Sugar: refined sugar, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), agave, pure maple syrup,
molasses, artificial sweeteners, etc.
If you are following your own menu plan make sure that your meals meet these guidelines and
that you also follow the Allowed/Not Allowed chart on the following page.
Purify Phase: Week Two
Week two begins a deeper process, a purifying process as the body begins to eliminate toxic
compounds through the 5 detoxification systems. We will be aiding your body in this
idealbody cleanse
purification process by eliminating foods that are harder for the body to process during this
time. If you have chosen to take the supplements to aid you detoxification you will begin that
protocol now. During week two you will eliminate certain food groups from your diet in a
systematic way. On day 5-7 there is an optional juice fast planned.
Day 1-3
 Avoid beans and legumes
Day 4
 Avoid beans and legumes
 Avoid grains
Day 5-7 Juice Fast, optional
 Avoid beans and legumes
 Avoid grains
 Avoid nuts and seeds
 Avoid meat
The Juice Fast is designed to give your digestive system a
break. Without the fiber attached the nutrients in the
juice are immediately absorbed into your blood stream.
During the juice fast you will drink 6 juices, in the order
listed on the menu plan. If you are including the detox
supplement Opti-Cleanse GHI you should mix 1 scoop in
your first juice and 1 scoop in your last juice of the day.
*If you choose not to juice during days 5-7 then your
meals should be simple and easy to digest. Following the
list of foods to avoid for these three days, thoroughly cook
all foods and blend them into soups or enjoy clear broths
and fresh brewed tea.
Process Phase: Week Three
Week three begins the final stage of processing and eliminating toxins. Continue taking your
detoxification supplements as prescribed. During this week we will gradually begin adding back
into your menu plan allowed foods that we eliminated last week. These foods will be
reintroduced in a systematic way as follows:
Day 1-2
 Avoid beans and legumes
 Avoid grains
 Avoid nuts and seeds
 Avoid meat
Day 3
 Avoid beans and legumes
 Avoid grains
 Avoid meat
Day 4
 Avoid beans and legumes
 Avoid grains
Day 5
 Avoid grains
Day 6-7 No more restrictions, except for items on the Not Allowed chart on the following page.
idealbody cleanse
Food Group
Allowed Foods
Meat and Legumes
Free range organic poultry and eggs,
grass fed organic beef, wild caught
fish, all legumes, beans and lentils
Pork, cold cuts, processed & canned
meats, shellfish and farmed raised
fish. No soy products.
Dairy Products
Dairy alternatives: unsweetened
almond milk, unsweetened coconut
Dairy products including, buttermilk,
cheese, ice cream, pudding, yogurt,
etc. Soy milk products.
Quinoa, Brown/Wild/Basmati Rice,
Amaranth, Millet, Buckwheat,
Gluten Free Oats
All gluten containing grains (wheat,
spelt, kamut, barley and rye) Corn,
white rice.
All Vegetables (except potatoes)
Organic vegetables either fresh or
frozen are best.
Canned vegetables. Potatoes in all
their varieties (sweet potatoes are
All Fruits (preferably low-glycemic).
Organic fruit either fresh or frozen
(unsweetened) is best
Canned fruits. Bottled fruits, jam, jelly
or syrups. Dried fruit containing
added sugar and sulfites. Highglycemic fruits, especially grapes,
banana and melon.
Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil,
unrefined cold pressed coconut oil,
avocado oil, organic butter, raw
nuts (except peanuts) and raw
Any refined oils, hydrogenated oils
(vegetable, canola, sunflower,
safflower oils, margarine, shortening,
commercial salad dressings and
spreads and mayonnaise) Nut butters
with added oil and sugar. Roasted
nuts or seeds.
Clean filtered water, freshly homeprepared vegetable juices, homeprepared fresh fruit juice diluted
50/50 with water. Home-prepared
fresh herbal teas.
Dairy beverages, coffee, prepared
teas/tea bags, soda, sweetened
beverages, commercially prepared
fruit or vegetable juices, alcoholic
Stevia powder (no other added
ingredients) and raw honey
Refined sugar (cane/beet),
pasteurized honey, molasses, maple
syrup (pure or imitation), agave, HFCS
and all other artificial sweeteners.
Celtic, Sea, Himalayan or Redmond’s
Real Salt, Fresh and dried herbs,
spices (organic is best)
Iodized salt, commercially prepared
herb and spice mixes (they generally
have added sugars and preservatives)
Home-prepared with allowed foods.
Packaged, boxed foods and bottled
Oils, Nuts and Seeds
Herbs and Spices
Prepared Foods
Foods to Avoid
idealbody cleanse
Prepare Phase: Week One Menu
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Begin each morning with a Lemon Tonic pg. 30 to flush your cells and stimulate your digestive system!
pg. 30-31
Super Power
Porridge pg. 33
Almond Milk
pg. 32
pg. 30-31
Apple with Sun
Butter pg. 52
Berry Pudding
pg. 53
Cleansing Tea
pg. 56
Goodies pg. 53
Apple Shakers
pg. 53
Cleansing Tea
pg. 56
Goodies pg. 53
Power Salad
pg. 34
Poppy Seed
Vinaigrette pg.
pg. 35
Powered Up
pg. 36
Left over
Chunky Fajita
Left over
Bean Salad
Power Salad
pg. 34
Sweet Lemon
pg. 35
Sun Butter
pg. 52
pg. 54
Powered Up
pg. 36
Powered Up
pg. 36
Veggie Sticks
Spicy Kale Chips
pg. 55
Bean Salad
pg. 41
Sirloin Salad
pg. 46
Lemon Pepper
Salmon pg. 43
Special pg. 44
Trail Mix
pg. 52
Veggie Scramble
Pg. 32
pg. 30-31
Chicken pg. 37
Herbed Pilaf
pg. 39
Chunky Fajita
Chili pg. 40
Super Green
Salad pg. 41
Prep. for tomorrow
Use this section to take notes for items that you
may need to prepare in advance. This will help
save you time.
Chicken or
stock, after
evening meal.
Pg. 37-38
Sunflower seeds
in the morning
for sun butter
Wash Kale and
allow to dry for
Soak steel cut
oats and
almonds over
night for
porridge and
almond milk in
the morning.
idealbody cleanse
Week One Shopping List
The following is a list of ingredients that corresponds with the outlined menu that we have
created for week one. This is just a list of ingredients. You may already have some of the
staples on hand. If you are following the meal plan or using some of the recipes provided
make sure that you read through the recipes and make a shopping list that reflects the
quantity of items that you will need to purchase for the week.
Roma tomatoes
Cherry/grape tomatoes
Romaine lettuce
Red leaf lettuce
Green leaf lettuce
Swiss chard
Red cabbage
Fresh Basil
Green onion
Red pepper
Butternut squash
Crimini mushrooms
Raw cashews
Raw walnuts
Raw pecans
Raw almond
Pine nuts
Almond butter
Raw sunflower seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds
Raw sesame seeds
Flax seeds
Chia seeds
Hemp hearts
Poppy seeds
Garbanzo beans
Cannellini beans
Kidney beans
Great Northern beans
Free range ground beef
Whole chicken
Wild caught salmon
Steel Cut oats
Rolled oats
Brown Rice
Braggs™ Raw Apple Cider
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed
coconut Oil
Raw honey
Vegetable/Chicken Stock*
Pure vanilla extract
Coconut water
Unsweetened organic apple
Raw cacao powder
It is always best to have whole spices
and grind them when you are ready to
use them. Grind with a coffee grinder or
mortar & pestle.
Bay leaf
Black pepper
Celery seeds
Chili powder
Cinnamon, ground & Sticks
Dried mustard
Fennel seeds
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Redmond Real salt (sea salt)
Red pepper flakes
idealbody cleanse
Purify Phase: Week Two Menu
Begin taking Detoxification Supplements this week as prescribed on page 10
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Begin each morning with a Lemon Tonic* to flush your cells and stimulate your digestive system!
Pg. 32
Power Smoothie
pg. 30-31
Super Power
Porridge Pg. 33
Almond Milk
Pg. 32
pg. 30-31
Trail Mix
pg. 52
Sun Butter
pg. 52
Cleansing Tea
Pg. 56
Protein Goodies
pg. 53
Power Salad
pg. 34
Poppy Seed
Vinaigrette pg.
Left over
Creamy Broccoli
pg. 57
pg. 53
pg. 57
pg. 57
pg. 57
Veggie Lettuce
Wraps pg. 35
Pumpkin Pesto
pg. 36
Left over
Squash Soup
Taste Bud
pg. 58
Taste Bud
pg. 58
Taste Bud
pg. 58
Sandwich pg.
Pesto pg. 36
pg. 58
pg. 58
pg. 58
Daily Digest
pg. 59
Daily Digest
pg. 59
Daily Digest
pg. 59
Daily Detox
pg. 59
Daily Detox
pg. 59
Daily Detox
pg. 59
Wash all fruit
and veggies for
juice in the
If you choose not
to juice your meals
should be simple
and easy to digest,
and follow the list
of foods to avoid
for these 3 days.
Thoroughly cook all
foods and blend
them into soups or
enjoy clear broths
and fresh brewed
Trail Mix
pg. 52
Celery Sticks
Sun Butter pg. 52
pg. 57
pg. 57
Spicy Kale
Chips pg. 55
Broccoli Soup
pg. 44
pg. 44
Millet Salad
pg. 45
Butternut Squash
Soup pg. 46
Use this section to take notes for items that you
may need to prepare in advance. This will help
save you time.
Prepare Trail
mix and
crackers the
night before or
in the
Sunflower seeds
in the morning
for sun butter
Soak almonds
for almond milk
in the morning.
Prepare all of your juices for the day first thing in the
morning. Label the jars and drink one every 2-3 hours.
Italian Burger
Wraps pg. 42
BHC Salad
pg. 42
seeds in the
morning for
Wash all fruit
and veggies
for juice in
the morning.
Wash all fruit
and veggies for
juice in the
idealbody cleanse
Week Two Shopping List
The following is a list of ingredients that corresponds with the outlined menu that we have
created for week two. This is just a list of ingredients. You may already have some of the
staples on hand. If you are following the meal plan or using some of the recipes provided
make sure that you read through the recipes and make a shopping list that reflects the
quantity of items that you will need to purchase for the week. (See next page for 3 day juice
fast ingredients.)
Roma tomatoes
Cherry/grape tomatoes
Romaine lettuce
Spring Mix
Green leaf lettuce
Red cabbage
Fresh Basil
Green onion
Red Onion
Red pepper
Butternut squash
Green Beans
Raw cashews
Raw walnuts
Raw pecans
Raw almond
Pine nuts
Almond butter
Raw sunflower seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds
Raw sesame seeds
Flax seeds
Chia seeds
Hemp hearts
Poppy seeds
Free range sirloin steak
Steel Cut oats
Rolled oats
Brown Rice
Braggs™ Raw Apple Cider
Braggs™ Liquid Aminos
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed
coconut Oil
Raw honey
Vegetable/Chicken Stock*
Pure vanilla extract
Coconut water
Unsweetened organic apple
Raw cacao powder
Maca powder
Black olives
Canned organic unsweetened
coconut milk
Dijon mustard
Spike or Mrs. Dash, salt free
seasoning mix
It is always best to have whole spices
and grind them when you are ready to
use them. Grind with a coffee grinder or
mortar & pestle.
Black pepper
Chili powder
Cinnamon, ground & Sticks
Dried mustard
Fennel seeds
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Redmond Real salt (sea salt)
Red pepper flakes
idealbody cleanse
Week Two Juice Fast Shopping List
The following is a list of ingredients that corresponds with the outlined three day juice fast that
we have created for week two. This is a list of ingredients and quantities for one person to
process all juices for the three days.
The Juice Fast is designed to give your digestive system a break. Without the fiber attached
the nutrients in the juice are immediately absorbed into your blood stream. During the
juice fast you will drink 6 juices, in the order listed on the menu plan. If you are including
the detox supplement Opti-Cleanse GHI you should mix 1 scoop in your first juice and 1
scoop in your last juice of the day.
There are 6 juices that you will be drinking throughout the day. Follow the outlined menu
for week 2 and drink the juice in the order listed. Label your jars 1-6 according to the
As a reminder it is best if you can purchase organic produce for all of you juice recipes.
Remember the nutrients from the juice are going to enter straight into your blood stream and
we don’t want to add any more toxic substances that your body will need to get rid of.
If you don’t have a juicer and don’t have access to a juicer you can use a high powered blender
to blend your fruits and veggies into juice. Add about ¼ cup water and blend until smooth.
Then drain the juice through a fine sieve to extract the pulp.
3 orange
1 pineapple
1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
5 oz. spinach
2 bunches parsley
1 bunch cilantro
2 cucumbers
6 carrots
3 beets
9” ginger root
1½ cups fresh mint
3 cups raw almonds
Hemp hearts
Pure vanilla extract
Redmond Real Salt, sea salt
3 dates, medjool
Spirulina powder
15 apples
10 lemons
3 grapefruit
idealbody cleanse
Process Phase: Week Three Menu
Continue taking Detoxification Supplements this week as prescribed on page 10
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Power Smoothie
Pg. 30-31
Power Smoothie
Pg. 30-31
Power Smoothie
Pg. 30-31
Power Smoothie
Pg. 30-31
Veggie Scramble
Pg. 32
Allowed Seasonal
Veggie Sticks
Berry Pudding
Pg. 53
Sun Butter
Pg. 52
Power Smoothie
Pg. 30-31
Power Salad
Pg. 34
Sweet Lemon
Pg. 35
Left over
Veggie Delight
Left over
Tomato Basil
Power Salad
Pg. 34
Poppy Seed
Pg. 35
Left over
Wild Rice Wraps
Spicy Kale chips
Pg. 55
Spicy Kale Chips
Pg. 55
Pumpkin Pesto
Pg. 36
Powered Up
Hummus pg. 36
Veggie sticks
Cleansing Tea
Pg. 56
Protein Goodies
Pg. 53
Veggie Delight
Stew Pg. 48
Super Green
Salad Pg. 41
Tomato Basil
Soup Pg. 48
Veggie lettuce
Wraps Pg. 35
Powered Up
Hummus Pg. 36
Begin each morning with a Lemon Tonic* to flush your cells and stimulate your digestive system!
Wild Rice Wraps
Pg. 49
Black Bean Fiesta
Salad Pg. 51
Cilantro Ranch
Dressing Pg. 50
Use this section to take notes for items that you
may need to prepare in advance. This will help
save you time.
Vegetable Stalk
prior to today.
Wash kale and
allow to dry
before making
Soak pumpkin
seeds in the
morning for
Prepare cilantro
Ranch dressing in
the morning or at
idealbody cleanse
Week Three Shopping list
The following is a list of ingredients that corresponds with the outlined menu that we have
created for week three. This is just a list of ingredients. You may already have some of the
staples on hand. If you are following the meal plan or using some of the recipes provided
make sure that you read through the recipes and make a shopping list that reflects the
quantity of items that you will need to purchase for the week.
Roma tomatoes
Cherry/grape tomatoes
Romaine lettuce
Red leaf lettuce
Green leaf lettuce
Red cabbage
Fresh Basil
Fresh thyme
Green onion
Red onion
Yellow onion
Red pepper
Sweet potato
Pine nuts
Raw sunflower seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds
Flax seeds
Chia seeds
Hemp hearts
Garbanzo beans
Black beans
It is always best to have whole spices
and grind them when you are ready to
use them. Grind with a coffee grinder or
mortar & pestle.
Organic chicken breast
Wild Rice
Braggs™ Raw Apple Cider
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed
coconut Oil
Raw honey
Vegetable/Chicken Stock*
Coconut water
Unsweetened organic apple
Rice wine vinegar
Sesame oil
28oz. canned organic tomatoes
Sundried tomatoes
Maca powder
Black pepper
Celery seeds
Chili powder
Cinnamon, ground & Sticks
Fennel seeds
Italian seasoning
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Redmond Real salt (sea salt)
Red pepper flakes
White pepper
idealbody cleanse
Breakfast Recipes
Lemon Tonic
½ fresh lemon
8 oz. warm water
⅛- ¼ tsp. Cayenne pepper
1 tsp. raw honey, optional
 Squeeze juice of ½ of lemon into a glass. Add warm water, cayenne pepper to taste and raw
honey if desired, stir and drink.
A Tonic is defined as: a medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigor or well-being. Not
only will this give you a “feeling” it will actually do the job! The Lemon tonic will boost your
immune system, help balance your pH by bathing your cells with an alkaline flush, stimulate
your digestive system, flushes out toxins and will begin to hydrate and prime the lymph system.
Following the Power Smoothie Guidelines will help you have great tasting smoothies every time.
Mix and match your leafy greens and green veggies. The fruits listed are approved for the
duration of the Ideal Body Cleanse. Once you have completed the cleanse feel free to add any
other fruits that you would like. The following recipes will help get you started.
idealbody cleanse
Very Berry Power Smoothie
2 cups unsweetened coconut milk
2 cups spinach
1 cup strawberries
1 cup pineapple
½ cup blueberries
½ cup raspberries
1 tsp. vanilla
Super Food Additions
 In a blender combine coconut milk and spinach and blend for 30 seconds. Add in remaining
ingredients and blend until smooth. Serves 2
Rainbow Power Smoothie
2 cups water
1 cup spinach
1 carrot, scrubbed clean
1 stalk celery
½ cup purple cabbage, shredded
½ cup blueberries
½ cup pineapple
1 cup strawberries
1 orange, peeled
Super Food Additions
 In a blender combine water, spinach, carrot and celery and blend for 30 seconds. Add in
remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Serves 2
Energy Power Smoothie
2 cups coconut water
2 kale leaves
¼ bunch of parsley
1 stalk celery
1 apple, cored
1 lemon, peeled
1 cup cherries, pitted
Super Food Additions
 In a blender combine coconut water, kale, parsley and celery and blend for 30 seconds. Add
in remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Serves 2
idealbody cleanse
Almond Milk
1 cups almonds
4 cups water
1 Tbsp. vanilla, optional
 Soak almonds overnight. Drain and rinse almonds and place in blender.
 Add water and vanilla and blend until smooth.
 Place a mesh milk sack or fine mesh sieve into a large glass bowl. Pour almond mixture into
milk sack and allow milk to drain into the bowl, squeeze and “milk” the sack to get all of the
liquid out. Milk can be stored in a glass mason jar in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Veggie Scramble
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
½ cup zucchini, thinly sliced
½ cup green onions, chopped
½ cup red pepper, julienne
1 clove garlic, crushed
4 eggs
½ cup cooked quinoa
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
4 grape/cherry tomatoes, halved.
 In a skillet over medium heat, melt the coconut oil. Add the zucchini, green onions, red
pepper and garlic. Sauté in oil until veggies are tender crisp.
 In a mixing bowl combine the eggs, cooked quinoa, parmesan cheese, sea salt and pepper.
Whisk together until well combined. Pour over veggies in the frying pan and cook until eggs
are done, stirring occasionally. Stir in the tomatoes and heat for about 1 minute. Serve
Serves 2
idealbody cleanse
Super Power Porridge
3 cups water
¼ tsp. sea salt
1 cup steel cut oats, soaked overnight
2 Tbsp. ground flax and or chia seeds
1 Tbsp. raw honey
½ - 1 tsp. cinnamon
¼ cup chopped nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews) optional
1 apple, cored and diced
½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
 Over medium high heat, bring water and sea salt to a boil in a medium sauce pan. Stir in the
steel cut oats. Reduce heat to low and cover pan with a lid. Allow to cook for 10-20 minutes
(depending on how chewy you like your cereal). Make sure to stir it every few minutes.
Remove from heat.
 Stir in the ground flax and chia seeds, raw honey, cinnamon, chopped nuts, diced apple, and
 Place porridge into 4-6 bowls. Top each serving with an equal amount of almond milk.
Serves 2
idealbody cleanse
Lunch Recipes
Power Salad
4 cups greens: Romaine, spinach, red leaf, green leaf, Spring Mix (any combination of these)
1 cucumber, diced
1 cup sprouts: sunflower or broccoli
1 cup veggies: carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, mushrooms, purple cabbage, jicama, beets,
zucchini, etc.
¼ cup olives or ½ of an avocado
½ cup beans: garbanzo, cannellini, kidney, Great Northern, etc.
¼ cup raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds
 In a large bowl combine all ingredients and toss together. Add in ¼ cup dressing and toss
well. Be creative with this salad and make a new combination each time you prepare it.
Serves 2
Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
¾ cup olive oil
¼ cup Braggs™ Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
¼ tsp. paprika
½ tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. raw honey
2 large strawberries, fresh or frozen
1 tsp. sesame seeds
1 Tbsp. poppy seeds
(Raw apple cider vinegar provides enzymes and minerals that aid in digestion)
 Combine the olive oil, raw apple cider vinegar, paprika, onion powder, dry mustard, raw
honey and strawberries together in a blender.
 Blend until smooth and creamy. Add the sesame seeds and pulse for 30 seconds. Stir in the
poppy seeds.
 Dressing can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight glass jar.
Contents may separate after being stored; shake well before servings.
idealbody cleanse
Sweet Lemon Vinaigrette
Juice and zest of 2 lemons
½ cup olive oil
2 Tbsp. honey
¼ tsp. pepper
¼ tsp. thyme
 Blend all ingredients in a blender until creamy.
 Store in the refrigerator in an airtight glass jar.
Contents may separate after being stored; shake well before servings.
Cucumber Sandwiches
1 large cucumber, washed and sliced into ½” circles
1 carrot, grated
Powered Up Hummus (recipe below)
 Spread Powered Up Hummus onto sliced cucumber and top with shredded carrots.
Serves 1
Veggie Lettuce Wraps
2 large Romaine Lettuce leaves
1 Carrot, grated
1 cucumber, cut into long thin slices
Sprouts, sunflower or broccoli
½ avocado, cut into thin slices
¼ cup Powered Up Hummus (recipe below)
 Wash and dry the lettuce. Prepare carrots and cucumber.
 Spread hummus onto lettuce and top with avocado, cucumber, carrots and sprouts. Roll in
the sides like a taco and enjoy!
Serves 1
Powered Up Hummus
idealbody cleanse
2 cloves garlic, peeled
½ cup water*
1½ cups cooked garbanzo beans (or 1 can rinsed & drained)
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
¼ cup raw sunflower seeds
1 Tbsp. tahini
1 medium zucchini, sliced
½ avocado
3 Tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp. paprika
1½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp. ginger root, grated
*3 Tbsp. garlic water
 In a small sauce pan bring the ½ cup water to a boil, add in the garlic and boil uncovered for 3
minutes. Take garlic out of water and set aside to cool. Reserve water from boiling garlic.
 In a food processor or blender combine all ingredients and process until smooth.
 Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with veggies or crackers.
Pumpkin Pesto
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked
½ bunch cilantro, washed
½ bunch parsley, washed
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 jalapeno, minced (seeded for less heat)
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. salt
Water if needed
 Soak pumpkin seeds for at least 2 hours. Drain and rinse
 Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until desired consistency. If you need a
little more liquid add in water 1 Tbsp. water as needed while processing.
idealbody cleanse
Dinner Recipes
Roasted Chicken
1 whole chicken
Fresh ground pepper & sea salt
Preheat oven to 425°
Rub chicken inside and out with sea salt and pepper. Roast in oven for 45-55 minutes,
basting frequently with its drippings. Chicken will be golden brown and very juicy, and
leg will move easily when it is ready.
Chicken Stalk
2-3 full chicken carcasses
64 oz. cool water
1 Tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar
1 small onion
1 large carrot
1 large stalk celery
1 Tbsp. sea salt
1 tsp. thyme
1” fresh ginger, grated
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced in half
½ bunch parsley
 Place chicken carcass in a large stock pot. Pour in water and add vinegar. Let sit for 30
minutes to allow acid to allow nutrients to become more available.
 Prepare vegetables. Cut root end off of onion, remove outer paper of onion, cut into
quarters. Wash and cut celery and carrots into three pieces.
 Add vegetables sea salt, thyme and ginger to the pot. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce to a
simmer for 8-24 hours. The longer it simmers the richer the flavor will be.
 During the last 30 minutes of simmering add in the parsley and garlic.
 Remove from heat and cool slightly. Strain with a fine mesh sieve to remove all bones,
vegetables and herbs.
 Store in glass jars in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze for later use.
idealbody cleanse
Vegetable Stalk
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
½ lb. crimini mushrooms
64 oz. cool water
1 small onion
6 large stalk celery
6 large carrot
1 small turnip, peeled
2 leeks
2” fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. whole peppercorns
5 sprigs fresh thyme
5 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 bay leaf
4 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced in half
1 bunch parsley
 In a medium skillet over medium heat melt the coconut oil. Sauté the mushrooms until they
begin to soften and releasing juices. Place mushrooms in a large stock pot. Pour in water.
 Prepare vegetables. Cut root end off of onion, remove outer paper of onion, cut into
quarters. Wash and cut celery, carrots, turnip and leeks in fourths.
 Add ginger, sea salt, peppercorns, thyme, rosemary and bay leaf to the pot. Bring to a boil.
Cover and reduce to a simmer for 8-24 hours. The longer it simmers the richer the flavor will
 During the last 30 minutes of simmering add in the parsley and garlic.
 Remove from heat and cool slightly. Strain with a fine mesh sieve to remove all vegetables
and herbs.
 Store in glass jars in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze for later use.
idealbody cleanse
Cooking Quinoa
Step 1:
Most quinoa on the market is now pre-rinsed, if you are unsure you’ll want to start off by
soaking your quinoa for 15 minutes. After soaking, rinse for two or three minutes using a fine
metal strainer. Even if I am using pre-rinsed quinoa I still rinse it for 2-3 minutes.
Step 2:
Add one part quinoa and one and a quarter parts liquid. Bring to a boil and then reduce to
simmer. Cover and cook 10-15 minutes, depending on the consistency you want. The longer
you let it simmer the fluffier the quinoa will be. Remove from heat and let sit covered for an
additional five minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.
Quinoa Herbed Pilaf
1¾ cups chicken or vegetable stalk
1½ cup quinoa
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 green onion, minced
2 tsp. dried thyme
¼ tsp. dried marjoram
1 tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
¼ cup fresh parsley, minced or 2 tsp. dried
Prepare the quinoa according to “Cooking Quinoa” directions.
In a skillet over medium heat, combine the coconut oil, garlic and green onion. Sauté for
about 2 minutes, then add thyme, marjoram, sea salt and pepper.
In a serving bowl combine the prepared quinoa and sautéed mixture. Stir in the fresh
Serves 6
idealbody cleanse
Chunky Fajita Chili
Fajita Spice Mix
1 can Great Northern Beans
4 cups water
1 cup butternut squash, cubed
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 red pepper, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. Fajita Spice Mix
4 cups organic chicken stalk
1 large carrot, sliced
1 medium zucchini, cubed
2 cups left over Roasted Chicken
2 cups Roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped
2 cups spinach, chopped
½ cup Fresh cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1 lime
1 avocado, diced
1 Tbsp. cumin
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¼ tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. cayenne pepper
 Mix all of the above
ingredients together and
store in an airtight
 Rinse and drain beans, set aside.
 In a stock pot add the water and butter nut squash. Bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes,
until squash is tender. Remover squash and 1 cup water and place in blender. Add 1 cup
cooked beans and blend until smooth. Set aside.
 In a frying pan over medium heat melt the coconut oil. Add the onions, garlic and red pepper
and Fajita Spice mix, sauté until tender and golden.
 Add the chicken stalk to the pureed squash and blended mixture and bring to a boil. Add in
the carrots, zucchini, and sautéed mixture. Boil for 5 minutes. Reduce heat and simmer.
Simmer until veggies are tender, about 10 minutes.
 Dice chicken and add it to the pot. Stir in tomatoes, spinach, cilantro, and remaining beans
and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in lime juice and serve garnished with diced avocado.
Serves 4-6
idealbody cleanse
Super Green Salad
1 head Red Leaf Lettuce
2 cups spinach
1 bunch asparagus
1 cup sunflower sprouts
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ - ½ tsp. sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper to taste
 Wash lettuce and spinach and set aside to dry.
 Cut tough ends off of asparagus, cut stalks into 1” pieces. Bring a sauce pan of water to a boil.
Place asparagus in sauce pan and blanch until bright green, about 3-5 minutes. Remove from
water and plunge into cold water and drain.
 In a salad bowl break lettuce and spinach into bite-sized pieces, toss in the asparagus and
sunflower sprouts.
 In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt and pepper. Toss into
Serves 2-4
Bean Salad
1 can Black-eyed Peas, drained
1 can Great Northern beans, drained
1 can Kidney beans, drained
2 green onions, diced
1 medium zucchini, diced
1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. fresh basil, minced
1 tsp. dried oregano
2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, minced
1 avocado, diced
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
2 cups coarsely chopped spinach
idealbody cleanse
Drain beans and place in a large serving bowl. Prepare green onions, zucchini and tomatoes
and toss into beans.
Add minced garlic, basil, oregano, parsley and avocado. Zest lemon and squeeze juice over
avocado and gently toss.
Drizzle in olive oil, add sea salt and pepper and spinach and toss.
Serves 4-6
Italian Burger Wraps
1 pound ground organic free range beef
2 Tbsp. pine nuts, finely chopped
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 clove garlic, minced
¼ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
In a large bowl combine the ground beef, pine nuts, sea salt, oregano, garlic and pepper.
Using a fork, gently combine the beef and seasonings. Divide meat and form into four patties.
Grill for 4 to 6 minutes. Turn and cook for 4 to 6 more minutes.
Serve wrapped in large Romaine lettuce leaves. Garnish with Roma tomatoes and avocado.
Serves 4
BJC Salad (Beet-Jicama-Carrot)
3 medium beets
1 medium jicama
3 medium carrots
¼ - ½ cup Italian Dressing (recipe below)
 Wash and peel beets, jicama and carrots. Grate beets, jicama and carrots, place in a salad
bowl and toss in Italian Dressing.
idealbody cleanse
Italian Dressing
¼ cup Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
⅔ cup olive oil
¼ tsp. raw honey
2 Tbsp. water
1 Tbsp. garlic powder
1 Tbsp. onion powder
2 Tbsp. oregano, dried
1 tsp. pepper
¼ tsp. thyme, dried
1 tsp. basil, dried
2 Tbsp. parsley
¼ tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
 Combine all ingredients together into a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Store in
the refrigerator in an airtight container. Contents may separate after being stored; shake well
before serving.
Lemon Pepper Salmon
4 (6 ounce) wild caught salmon fillets
4 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
½ tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. thyme
½ tsp. dill weed
 Preheat oven to 350° Wash and pat salmon dry, set aside.
 Place coconut oil in a glass baking dish. Place in oven and allow oil to melt. Spread oil around
to coat the entire dish.
 Place salmon in the dish, flip over and brush to ensure it is coated with melted coconut oil.
Don’t worry if the oil starts to harden.
 Sprinkle fish with the lemon zest, pepper, sea salt, thyme and dill weed. Squeeze lemon juice
evenly on each fillet.
 Bake for 8-10 minutes, turning once, until fish flakes easily with fork. Serves 4
idealbody cleanse
Ratatouille Special
1 small butternut squash
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
8 crimini mushrooms, diced
½ tsp. curry powder
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. coriander
1 Tbsp. Braggs Liquid Aminos™ (Liquid protein concentrate containing essential amino acids, great alternative to Soy Sauce)
1 medium zucchini, cubed
1 bunch Swiss chard, wash and slice into thin strips
 Preheat oven to 400° Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
 Peel and dice butternut squash into small ½” cubes, about 3 cups. Place prepared squash on
parchment paper and roast in the oven for 20 minutes while you prepare the rest of the
 Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the coconut oil and allow to melt. Sauté the
onion, and garlic until onion is tender. Stir in the spices and the mushrooms and sauté until
soft. Add the zucchini and sauté until bright green.
 Reduce heat to low. Remove the squash from the oven and toss into pot with other
vegetables, the squash should be tender. If it isn’t allow to cook in the pot. Stir in prepared
Swiss chard and Braggs Liquid Aminos™ allow to simmer for 5 minutes.
Serves 4-6
Creamy Broccoli Soup
2 cups water
1½ cups raw cashews
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 stalks celery, diced
2 carrots, sliced
4 cups broccoli, florets and stalks
4 cups vegetable stock
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. maca, optional (Root plant known as Peruvian Ginseng, as an adaptogen it aids with hormone function and enhances energy.)
1 large handful of spinach
idealbody cleanse
 In a large bowl combine water and cashews and allow to soak with preparing the soup.
 In a large stock pot over medium heat, melt the coconut oil. Sauté the onion and garlic until
onions are golden. Add in the celery and carrots and sauté until celery is bright green. Add in
the broccoli, vegetable stock, cayenne, sea salt and maca bring to a boil. Cover and reduce
heat to low, simmer for about 10 minutes.
 Add cashews and water to soup. Place soup in a blender and blend in batches until all soup is
smooth and creamy.
Serves 4-6
Mediterranean Millet Salad
1 cup cooked millet
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
2 medium zucchini, cut into ¼ inch slices
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 head green leaf lettuce
2 cups spinach or arugula, coarsely chopped
1 cup sprouts, sunflower or broccoli
½ cup black olives, sliced
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ - ½ tsp. sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper to taste
Prepare millet. Rinse ½ cup millet, place in a medium sauce pan with 1¼ cups water. Bring
to a boil. Reduce heat cover and simmer about 20 minutes.
In a medium sauce pan over medium heat melt the coconut oil. Sauté the zucchini with the
basil and oregano just until zucchini turns bright green. Allow to cool slightly.
Prepare greens and olives. Break lettuce and spinach into bite-sized pieces, toss in a large
serving bowl.
In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt and pepper. Toss into
salad with the zucchini.
Serves 2-4
idealbody cleanse
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
1 butternut squash (4 lbs.)
2 red onions, quartered
2 stalks celery, sliced
2 carrots, sliced
2 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
2 apples, cored and quartered
4 cups organic chicken stock
4 cups water
2 tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. fresh ground nutmeg
1 tsp. curry powder
1 Tbsp. fresh ginger, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp. maca, optional (Root plant known as Peruvian Ginseng, as an adaptogen it aids with hormone function and enhances energy.)
1 can organic coconut milk, unsweetened
1 tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven to 400°
Peel squash, slice lengthwise and remove seeds. Cut into cubes.
In a large bowl add the cubed squash and prepared, onions, celery and carrots. Drizzle with
olive oil and toss until coated.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread veggies onto the baking sheet. Bake in
the oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven toss in the prepared apples and bake for 20
more minutes.
While veggies are roasting combine the chicken stock, water, cinnamon, nutmeg, curry
powder, ginger, and garlic into a large stock pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer.
Add in the roasted veggies and simmer 20 minutes.
Stir in the coconut milk and sea salt. In small batches blend until smooth.
Serves 6
Sirloin Salad
Garlic Green Beans (See recipe below)
12 oz. sirloin steak
2 tsp. coconut oil
1 small red onion, sliced
4 cups Spring Mix
2 cups baby spinach
3 large button mushrooms, cut into matchsticks
idealbody cleanse
Dijon Dressing (see recipe below)
Prepare Garlic Green Beans and set aside. Prepare Dijon dressing and set aside.
While beans are cooking, grill the steak according to taste. Cut steak into thin diagonal strips
and set aside.
In a small skillet, over medium heat melt the coconut oil and sauté the onions until they are
tender and golden.
In a large serving bowl combine the spring mix, spinach and mushrooms. Add the prepared
steak and Garlic Green Beans. Toss together. Drizzle ½ cup Dijon Dressing over salad. Toss
Serves 4
Garlic Green Beans
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. garlic, minced
4 cups fresh green beans cut into 2-inch pieces
½ tsp. dried thyme
½ tsp. sea salt, seasoned salt, or salt-free seasoning
Fresh ground black pepper
2 cups organic vegetable stalk
1 cup water
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, add coconut oil, garlic and beans. Sauté
beans while stirring constantly. Cook until beans turn bright green.
Stir in the spices, stalk and water. Bring to a boil, cover tightly and reduce heat to mediumlow.
Allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes or until beans are tender. Remove from heat, drain stalk
and toss beans with lemon juice.
Dijon Dressing
¾ olive oil
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
¾ tsp. Spike, salt free seasoning
¼ tsp. sea salt & fresh ground black pepper
In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil and lemon juice together until well blended. Add
remaining ingredients and whisk until combined. Toss into salad.
idealbody cleanse
Veggie Delight Stew
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 medium onion, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
2 carrots, diced
1 medium zucchini, diced
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp. maca, optional (Root plant known as Peruvian Ginseng, as an adaptogen it aids with hormone function and enhances energy.)
4 cups vegetable stock
1 cup kale, finely chopped
 In a stock pot over medium heat melt coconut oil. Sauté onion and garlic until onion is
 Add celery and celery until it turns bright green. Add carrots, zucchini and spices and sauté
until zucchini turns bright green.
 Add vegetable stalk. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes or until all veggies
are tender.
 Stir in kale just before serving to allow it to just wilt. This soup is also wonderful blended until
creamy, for those of you who don’t enjoy chunky soup.
Serves 4-6
Tomato Basil Soup
¼ cup + 2 Tbsp. coconut oil
16 ripe Roma tomatoes
6 garlic cloves, peeled
1 Tbsp. sea salt
1½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 medium yellow onions chopped
¼ cup pine nuts
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 (28-ounce) canned tomatoes, with juice
4 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
¼ cup sundried tomatoes
1 tsp. maca, optional (Root plant known as Peruvian Ginseng, as an adaptogen it aids with hormone function and enhances energy.)
4 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock
idealbody cleanse
 Preheat the oven to 400°
 Place ¼ cup coconut oil in a glass baking dish. Place in oven and allow oil to melt.
 Slice tomatoes in half lengthwise and scoop out seeds. Place tomatoes in a large bowl. Add
the peeled garlic, ¼ cup melted coconut oil, sea salt, and pepper.
 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the tomatoes mixture in 1 layer on a
baking sheet and roast for 45 minutes.
 In a large stockpot over medium heat, add the 2 Tbsp. Coconut oil and sauté the onions with
the red pepper flakes until the onions start to brown.
 Add pine nuts and sauté until golden. Add the canned tomatoes, basil, thyme, sundried
tomatoes, maca and stock. Stir in the oven-roasted tomatoes and garlic, including the liquid
on the baking sheet.
 Bring to a boil and simmer uncovered for 40 minutes.
Serves 6
Wild Rice Wraps
1 head of Romaine lettuce, washed and dried
2¼ cups water
1 cup wild rice
4 boneless, skinless organic chicken breasts, diced
1 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
1 Tbsp. Braggs Liquid Aminos™ (Liquid protein concentrate containing essential amino acids, great alternative to Soy Sauce)
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. minced fresh ginger
1 clove garlic, minced
3 minced green onions, bulb only
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
1/8 tsp. white pepper
1 tsp. raw honey
½ cup chicken stalk
1 Tbsp. Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw apple cider vinegar provides enzymes and minerals that aid in digestion)
½ tsp. sea salt
½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
Prepare the rice: In a medium sauce pan bring water to a boil, add wild rice. Bring to boil again,
cover, lower heat, and simmer 60 minutes or until liquid is all absorbed.
 In a medium mixing bowl add the diced chicken, rice wine vinegar, Braggs Liquid Aminos™,
idealbody cleanse
toasted sesame oil.
 In a skillet over medium heat add the coconut oil and stir in the chicken mixture. Stir-fry until
chicken is opaque.
 Add in the ginger, garlic, green onions, red pepper flakes and white pepper. Stir in honey,
chicken stalk, raw apple cider vinegar and sea salt.
 In a serving bowl combine the chicken mixture and the prepared wild rice and stir in cilantro.
 Fill large romaine lettuce leaves with chicken and wild rice filling.
Serves 6
Cilantro Ranch Dressing
1 cup raw cashews, soaked
½ cup water
1 tsp. Zest & 1 Tbsp. juice of 1 lime
2 tomatillos, husked and cut into quarters
1 clove garlic, minced
1 jalapeno pepper, diced (remove seeds for less heat)
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. dill
½ bunch cilantro, stems removed
½-1 tsp. sea salt
 In a large bowl place cashews and cover with water. Soak for two hours or more. Drain off
water and rinse cashews.
 In a blender combine soaked cashews, ½ cup water, zest and juice of lime, tomatillos, garlic,
jalapeno, Italian seasoning, onion powder and dill. Blend until smooth and creamy. Add
more water by Tbsp. if needed.
 Add the cilantro and pulse to gently chop, don’t over blend it. Salt to taste.
 Store in an airtight jar and allow to chill so flavors can combine.
idealbody cleanse
Black Bean Fiesta Salad
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
½ red onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. coriander
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
¼ cup water
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced into tiny cubes
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 tsp. sea salt
1 head red leaf lettuce
1 large handful of spinach
1 cup grape tomatoes, halved
Cilantro Ranch Dressing (see recipe above)
 Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Melt coconut oil. Sauté onion until soft. Add in the
garlic and spices and sauté for a couple minutes to release flavors.
 Stir in the water and diced sweet potato. Cover and cook about 10 minutes, stirring every
few minutes until sweet potato is soft. Uncover, stir in the black beans and sea salt. Turn off
heat, allow to slightly cool while you prepare the salad.
 Wash and dry lettuce and spinach and tear into bite sized pieces. In a large serving bowl
combine the greens and prepared tomatoes. Toss in the bean mixture and serve drizzled with
Cilantro Ranch Dressing.
Serves 4
idealbody cleanse
Snack Recipes
Sun Butter
3 cups raw sunflower seeds, hulled
2 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
½ tsp. sea salt
 Preheat oven to 350°
 Spread sunflower seeds onto a baking sheet in a single layer and roast in oven for 10-15
minutes, stirring every 5 minutes until seeds are golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool
 Place roasted seeds in a food processor and blend/pulse for 10 minutes. You may need to
scrape down the sides and continue blending.
 While blending slowly drizzle in oil and sprinkle in salt. If needed you can add more oil.
 Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
Roasted Trail Mix
1 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp. raw honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 cups raw nuts (cashews, walnuts, pecans and/or almonds)
2 cups raw seeds (pumpkin and/or sunflower)
1 cup freeze dried apples (without added sugar and sulfites)
½ tsp. sea salt
 Preheat oven to 350° Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
 In a small sauce pan over medium low heat melt the coconut oil. Add the honey and
cinnamon and whisk together until melted and well combined.
 In a large bowl mix together the nuts, seeds and dried apples. Drizzle in the Coconut mixture
and toss until well coated. Spread mixture evenly onto parchment paper lined baking sheet
and sprinkle with sea salt.
 Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool before eating.
idealbody cleanse
Apple Shakers
1 apple
Juice of ¼- ½ of a lemon
¼ tsp. cinnamon
 Wash and cut apple into wedges.
 Place in a bowl and squeeze in lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon.
 Gently toss until apples are coated.
Berry Pudding
1½ cups Almond Milk (see recipe in breakfast section)
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
2 Tbsp. flax seeds
2 Tbsp. unsweetened organic apple sauce
1 Tbsp. raw honey
1 tsp. vanilla
½ cup fresh or frozen berries, any kind
 If you don’t have a high powered blender pre-grind your chia and flax seeds in a coffee
 Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
 Pour pudding mixture into 4 small serving bowls, about ½ cup per serving.
 Place in refrigerator and allow to set for 1 hour.
Protein Goodies
1 cup almond butter
2 Tbsp. raw honey
1 tsp. vanilla
1 Tbsp. water
1 cup rolled oats
2 Tbsp. flax meal
2 Tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut
1 Tbsp. raw cacao powder, optional
1 tsp. cinnamon, optional
 In a small sauce pan over low heat add the nut butter, vanilla, honey and water. Allow to
soften and stir until blended.
 Stir in the rolled oats, flax meal, coconut, cacao powder and cinnamon and mix well.
idealbody cleanse
 Remove from heat and roll into tablespoon sized balls, be careful it’s not too hot to touch.
 You can roll in more shredded coconut, cacao powder or cinnamon mix with some more flax
meal to coat the outside of each ball if desired.
 Place on a parchment lined plate and chill for 1 hour in the freezer. Place in an airtight
container and store in the freezer. When you're ready to enjoy a treat remove two Goodies
and allow to thaw for a few minutes before eating.
Serving Size = 2 Goodies
Awesome Crackers
2 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
½ cup water
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup cooked quinoa
¼ cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked for at least 1 hour
¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked for at least 1 hour
2 Tbsp. hemp hearts
2 Tbsp. flax seeds
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds
1 tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. fresh ground pepper
1 tsp. thyme, optional
1 tsp. oregano, optional
 Preheat oven to 350° Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
 Place coconut oil in an oven safe dish and allow oil to melt while oven preheats.
 Place 1 Tbsp. chia seeds in the water and allow them to begin absorbing the water and
forming a gel.
 Place the remaining ingredients along with remaining 1 Tbsp. chia seeds into a food processor
and blend until smooth. When coconut oil is melted slowly pour in while processor is
blending on low speed. Scrap down the side a couple of times allowing everything to blend
together well.
 Put batter on prepared baking sheet. Cover with another sheet of parchment paper and use
your hands or rolling pin to spread batter evenly on the baking sheet.
 Bake on center rack for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and score into 48 crackers. Bake for
15-20 more minutes until crackers begin to turn golden brown. If edges get done first remove
them from pan and place on a cooling rack. Rearrange remaining center crackers evenly on
pan, turn off oven and allow the remaining crackers to brown in the oven until oven is cool.
 Let crackers cool completely and store in an airtight container.
idealbody cleanse
Spicy Kale Chips
1 bunch Kale
1 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
¼ tsp. cumin
¼ tsp/ garlic powder
¼ tsp. chili powder
Pinch of cayenne
¼ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
 Preheat oven to 350° Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
 Wash and thoroughly dry kale. Pull leaves off of the center ribs and place into a large mixing
 Place coconut oil in a glass bowl and melt in the oven. Whisk in the spices. Pour over the kale
and massage with your hands until all leaves are well coated. Spread kale leaves onto the
parchment paper in a single layer. Bake one pan at a time for 10-15 minutes until crisp, but
still green.
 Store in an airtight container. Eat like potato chips or crush and sprinkle over salads or
idealbody cleanse
Tea Recipes
Peppermint Ginger Tea
4 cups water
1 cup packed fresh mint leaves, stems removed.
2” piece of ginger peeled and sliced into quarters.
Raw honey, optional
 In a medium sauce pan add the water and bring to a boil. Tear and crush the mint leaves with
your hands and add to the boiling water along with the sliced ginger. Cover and remove from
heat. Allow tea to steep for 20-30 minutes. .
 Pour tea through a sieve and into a mug. Stir in 1 tsp. honey per serving. Four 8 oz. servings.
Smooth Digest Tea
4 cups water
1 cup packed fresh mint leaves, torn and crushed with your hands
3” piece of ginger peeled and sliced into thin circles
1 Tbsp. fennel seeds
4 cinnamon sticks (Allow cinnamon sticks to dry out, use in 1-2 more batches of tea.)
Raw honey, if desired
 In a medium sauce pan add the water and bring to a boil. Add in the mint leaves, sliced
ginger, fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks.
 Cover and remove from heat. Allow tea to steep for 20-30 minutes. Pour tea through a sieve
and into a mug. Stir in 1 tsp. honey per serving. Four 8 oz. servings.
Detox Tea
4 cups water
1 tsp. whole cumin seeds
1 tsp. whole fennel seeds
1 tsp. whole coriander seeds
1 tsp. cardamom seeds
1 tsp. whole cloves
Raw honey, if desired
 In a medium sauce pan add the water and bring to a boil. Add in the mint leaves, sliced
ginger, fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks.
 Cover and remove from heat. Allow tea to steep for 20-30 minutes.
 Pour tea through a sieve and into a mug. Stir in 1 tsp. honey per serving. Four 8 oz. servings.
idealbody cleanse
3 Day Juice Cleanse Recipes
#1 Morning Satisfaction
½ cup soaked almonds
¾ cup water
1 date, pit removed
¼ cup hemp hearts
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
 Soak almonds overnight.
 Drain and rinse almonds and place in blender. Add water and blend until smooth.
 Place a mesh milk sack or fine mesh sieve into a large glass bowl. Pour almond mixture into
milk sack and allow milk to drain into the bowl, squeeze and “milk” the sack to get all of the
liquid out.
 Rinse out blender and return strained milk to the blender along with remaining ingredients.
Blend well.
 Transfer milk into a pint-sized mason jar with a lid. Label the lid with the number 1. Give it a
gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
#2 Morning Energizer
1 apple
3 kale leaves
2 ribs of celery
1 large handful of spinach
½ of a cucumber
⅓ of a bunch of parsley
1 lemon
2 Tbsp. water
 Thoroughly wash all produce, trim off any decaying areas. If your lemon is organic you can
juice with the peel, if not carefully cut off the peel leaving as much of the pith (the white part)
as possible. The bunch of parsley will be for 3 different juices during these three days.
 Juice produce into a container that will hold about 4 cups. Juice produce in the order listed.
(The water gives your juicer a little cleanse.) Transfer juice into a pint-sized mason jar with a
lid. Label the lid with the number 2. Give it a gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
idealbody cleanse
#3 Taste Bud Tango
1 grapefruit
1 orange
1 lemon
2 Tbsp. water
1½ tsp. Spirulina powder
 Thoroughly wash all produce, trim off any decaying areas. If your produce is organic you can
juice with the peel, if not carefully cut off the peel leaving as much of the pith (the white part)
as possible.
 Juice produce into a container that will hold about 4 cups. Juice produce in the order listed.
(The water gives your juicer a little cleanse.)
 Place spirulina a pint-sized mason jar and add the juice and lid. Shake well to mix in the
spirulina. Label the lid with the number 3. Give it a gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
#4 Immune Booster
2 carrots
1 apple
1 beet
2” piece of ginger root
1 lemon
2 Tbsp. water
 Thoroughly wash produce, trim off any decaying areas. If your lemon is organic you can juice
with the peel, if not carefully cut off the peel leaving as much of the pith as possible.
 Juice produce into a container that will hold about 4 cups. Juice produce in the order listed.
(The water gives your juicer a little cleanse.)
 Transfer juice into a pint-sized mason jar with a lid. Label the lid with the number 4. Give it a
gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
idealbody cleanse
#5 Daily Digest
¼ of a pineapple, peeled and cored
½ cup fresh mint springs, lightly packed
1” piece of ginger
1 apple
2 Tbsp. water
 Thoroughly wash produce, trim off any decaying areas.
 Juice produce into a container that will hold about 4 cups. Juice produce in the order listed.
(The water gives your juicer a little cleanse.)
 Transfer juice into a pint-sized mason jar with a lid. Label the lid with the number 5. Give it a
gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
#6 Daily Detox
2 apples
⅓ bunch of parsley
⅓ bunch of cilantro
1 lemon
2 Tbsp. water
 Thoroughly wash produce, trim off any decaying areas. If your lemon is organic you can juice
with the peel, if not carefully cut off the peel leaving as much of the pith as possible. Juice
produce into a container that will hold about 4 cups.
 Juice produce in the order listed. (The water gives your juicer a little cleanse.)
 Transfer juice into a pint-sized mason jar with a lid. Label the lid with the number 6. Give it a
gentle shake before drinking.
Serves 1
idealbody cleanse
What Happens Next?
As you complete your idealbody cleanse process, we hope that you have taken the time to
reflect on your experience.
What did you like most about it?
What would you do differently next time?
Do you feel that you engaged fully?
What are the habits that you feel you could implement into your lifestyle?
We’ve tried to make it a point to remind you often that the exposure to toxins from our
environment is an ongoing problem. This isn’t a “one and done” event. You need to continue
to improve your health habits so that you can enjoy an “ideal” life.
Healthy Options for You
There are several ways that you can continue to gain value from Dr. Jerry and Tammie.
Jump Start to Wellness program – a 28 day guide to balanced, healthy living, this eBook
and self-directed program is a perfect follow up to the idealbody cleanse. We will
continue to expand your health horizons with a nutrition and exercise approach that is
geared to be a sustainable model for daily living.
Connect with Tammie! Tammie teaches live and on-line cooking classes, offers personal
1-1 mentoring. For more healthy eating inspiration and resources along with more
AMAZING recipes go to www.TammieDuggar.com
Connect with Dr. Jerry! If you have a health situation that is bothering you and you
would like to have a consultation with Dr. Jerry, go to www.iamwellness.com and learn
more about the services that are currently available in our office. Dr. Jerry regularly
works with patients throughout Utah, Idaho, Nevada and in several other States and
consults via phone with patients in Canada and Europe.
Whatever you do, we encourage you to take this momentum and continue to focus on your
health! We’ll be here cheering you on!
“Your health is your greatest wealth.” –Virgil
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any
man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which
temple ye are.” – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
idealbody cleanse