Arborg Ag Society Quilt Show Quilt Entry Form A separate entry form is requested for each submitted quilted article. You may make copies of this form. The final deadline for turning in your entry forms is July 03, 2015. Please submit the entry forms as early as possible and it is suggested that you make a copy of the form for your own records. Submit your entry forms by email, mail or in person. Please do not enter quilts that were shown in previous Arborg Quilt Shows. Mail entries forms to: Janice Skene Box 964 Arborg MB R0C 0A0 Email entries forms to: [email protected] Drop entries forms off at: Family Fabrics 356 #1 River Road, Riverview Mall Arborg MB Please Print: Quilt entered by: Name _________________________________________ Email address: _________________________ Phone Number _______________ Quilt information: Name of Quilt _________________________________________________ Designed by __________________________ Pieced/appliquéd by __________________________ Quilted by _______________________________ Quilt size: Width ___________________ See other side Length________________________ Page 2 Please write a short paragraph to tell the story of your quilt. (Limit to 50 words, may be edited for clarity and length.) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Deadline for entries: July 03 2015 ______ I will pick up my entered article(s) on July 19 from the Silver Community Hall between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. Person named here will pick up my entry. _______________________________ During show hours, Arborg Quilters will patrol the display area. After show hours, the facility will be locked. The Arborg Ag Society will not be responsible for any damage, loss or theft. Please check your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance for coverage. Keep a photo and description of your entries to substantiate any possible claim. I agree to release the respective agents and members of the Arborg Ag Society from all liability for any loss, damage, theft, or destruction to any article entered by me in the Arborg Ag Society Quilt show July 18 and 19, 2015. I understand that I bare and agree to assume the risk of loss to my property and it is up to me to properly insure my property against any and all risks of loss. Entrant’s Signature __________________________ Date: _______________ You will be given your claim form(s) when you drop off your article(s) at Silver Community Hall on July 17 between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m.
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