Prepayment and the USDA Voucher Program USDA Rural Development Multifamily Housing Programs AHMA and ARHC Conference April 2015 What Happens When An Owner Prepays? • ‘Prepayment’ means that the USDA Rural Development loan (mortgage) is being paid off early. • Owners of USDA Rural Development financed projects receive a subsidy on the interest on their USDA loan which allows them to set rents lower than if they had a bank loan. When an Owner pays off their USDA loan, the subsidy on interest goes away. • Some units in a USDA Rural Development financed projects also receive Rental Assistance (RA) subsidy for the tenants. Rental Assistance pays all or part of the rent for tenants who live in these units. When an Owner pays off their loan, Rental Assistance is no longer available to tenants. What Happens When An Owner Prepays? • A tenant’s lease states the amount of rent due each month. • The amount stated on the lease usually does not take into consideration the amount of Rental Assistance (RA) received by the tenant. • RA is paid directly to the landlord by Rural Development, and tenant pays the difference. For example: – Rent shown on lease – Rental Assistance paid by RD – Amount paid by tenant $600 -$300 $300 • When the loan is paid off, Rental Assistance goes away. What are a Tenant’s Options When An Owner Prepays? • Letter of Priority Entitlement (LOPE Letter) • Transfer Rental Assistance to another Rural Development Project • Use RD Voucher and stay in current apartment • Use RD Voucher and go to different rental • Stay in current rental and pay rent without benefit of Rental Assistance or Voucher (rent will likely increase) • Look for other subsidized or unsubsidized housing options Letter of Priority Entitlement (LOPE) Letter of Priority Entitlement (LOPE Letter) •A LOPE letter moves you to the top of the waiting list at another Rural Development financed project. •You have one year from the date of Prepayment to apply for a LOPE letter. Contact the local USDA office for a LOPE letter. •To obtain a list of Rural Development financed properties where the LOPE letter can be used, go to the USDA Rural Development website: Select ‘Multi-Family Housing Rentals.’ A map of the Unites States appears. Select the State and then the County where you want to live A list of RD financed projects in that County will come up Select a project for more information about that project Contact information for the project is listed – call for information on vacancies, etc. Let them know you have a LOPE letter. Transfer Rental Assistance to Another USDA Rural Development Project • Tenants receiving USDA Rental Assistance (RA) on date of prepayment may transfer their RA to another USDA property. • This must be done within 4 months of the date of prepayment! • You can use your LOPE letter to go to the top of the waiting list at another Rural Development financed project, and then transfer the RA to an unsubsidized unit. Follow instructions in previous slides for finding an RD financed project. • After finding a unit, contact the USDA Rural Development Washington State Office or the Local Office to transfer Rental Assistance. • If you move again, the Rental Assistance will not move with you – it stays with first project you moved to. Stay in Current Apartment Stay in current apartment with Voucher •With owner’s concurrence, terminate the existing lease and sign a new lease that includes provision for the RD Voucher Program (RDVP). •Remain at current residence under terms of existing lease and upon expiration of lease, sign a new lease that includes provision for payment of the RD Voucher. •The Voucher cannot begin until a new lease is signed. •If you use RD Voucher to stay in current apartment, and you decide to move later, you can take the voucher with you. Stay in current apartment without Voucher •Landlords are not required to accept RD Vouchers. Move to a Different Rental Use RD Voucher and look for another rental. •New Landlord needs to be willing to accept the RD Voucher •Find new rental within 60 days of receipt of Voucher. Can request a 60 day extension. •Use anywhere in the United State and its territories •The Voucher will move with you anywhere you go as long as you remain eligible for the RD Voucher. Find Another Rental without using the RD Voucher •Look for another subsidized rental (such as Section 8, Low Income Tax Credit, etc.) or move to a non-subsidized rental. •If you decline the RD Voucher, you will never have the opportunity again. RD Projects that have ProjectBased Section 8 Some RD Projects have ‘Project-based’ Section 8 Assistance •Tenants receive Section 8 assistance instead of Rural Development Rental Assistance •Tenants receiving ‘Project-based’ Section 8 assistance at the time of Prepayment may, – elect to remain in that property and continue to receive Section 8 rental assistance, or – they may apply for a USDA voucher. Purpose of the RD Voucher Program • The USDA Rural Development Voucher Program (RDVP) was authorized by Congress to provide some protection against expected rent increases for tenants who live in USDA Rural Development financed properties that pay off their USDA loans early. • RD Vouchers are available to all eligible tenants living in the USDA financed property at the time of prepayment for as long as there are funds available. • The RD Voucher helps tenants by providing a subsidy to help with rent payments. Who is Eligible for an RD Voucher? Three basic qualifications for the RD Voucher: 1. Low-income household (income below 80% of area median income) 2. Tenant of property on the date of prepayment 3. US Citizens, US non-citizen national, or qualified alien. •Tenants who were not previously receiving RD Rental Assistance are also eligible to receive a RD Voucher if they meet the above three basic qualifications. What is the Amount of the RD Voucher? • The voucher is based on comparable market rents for similar unsubsidized apartments. • The RD Voucher amount is the difference between the comparable market rent for similar apartments and the tenant’s portion of the rent on the date of prepayment. • For example: Comparable Market Rent Minus Tenant Portion of Rent Amount of the Voucher $800 $300 $500 • If utilities are charged to the tenant separately, the RD Voucher will not cover the payment of utilities even if the tenant previously received a utility allowance from USDA. How do I get an RD Voucher? • Tenants will receive a Voucher Determination Letter with an RD Voucher obligation form after prepayment. This letter will advise tenants of the amount of their voucher and next steps. • Return the RD Voucher obligation form, proof of citizenship and verification of income within 10 months of prepayment. • If eligible, tenant will receive an RD Voucher and will need to locate a rental unit within 60 days of receipt of voucher (or stay at current rental if owner will accept a Voucher). Upon request, an additional 60 days may be granted. • If staying in current rental, tenant and landlord may agree to terminate existing lease and sign new lease, OR, they may sign a new lease upon expiration of existing lease. RD Voucher payments can begin only when the new lease begins. • Landlord must agree to use Voucher Program lease provisions and the proposed rental unit must pass Rural Development inspection. More about RD Vouchers • The Voucher obligation form along with citizenship and income information must be returned within 10 months of Prepayment! • Household size and/or income are not factors in determining the amount of the voucher. • Vouchers may be used at the tenants current apartment (if Owner will accept the Voucher) or may be used at any other rental anywhere in the Unites States and its territories that tenant choses to move to - if the new Landlord will accept the Voucher and unit passes inspection. This includes manufactured housing. • If not sure if you want to stay or go, you can use voucher at current apartment now, and then if you decide you want to move at a later date, you can take the voucher with you when you move. More about RD Vouchers • Vouchers cannot be used for rental units that already receive subsidy, such as RD Rental Assistance, Section 8, or other public subsidy. • Vouchers are renewed annually based upon availability of funds. Tenants must return requested info on time to continue Voucher. • Participation in the RD Voucher Program is voluntary – no tenant is required to accept a Voucher. • Tenants need to comply with ‘Obligations of the Family’ section of the Voucher in order to retain the Voucher subsidy. • If a tenant chooses to stop using the Voucher, moves to a property where the Voucher is not accepted, or becomes ineligible for the Voucher program, the Voucher will be terminated. • Once terminated, the Voucher will never be available again. More about RD Vouchers • The amount of the RD Voucher will not increase, regardless of increases in rent. • The amount of the RD Voucher will decrease if tenant moves to a property where rent is less than the voucher. – For example, Voucher is for $500 and tenant moves to a property where rent is $400. Voucher would decrease to $400. – Once Voucher decreases, it will never increase. • An increase in household income above 80% of median household income for the area will disqualify a tenant household from continued use of Voucher Program. • Only one voucher can be used per rental. More about RD Vouchers • Voucher is issued to the primary tenant only. • In the event of death of primary tenant, the Voucher would pass to the co-tenant. • If Voucher holder leaves the household, the voucher will not be transferred to remaining household members. • If Voucher holder is incarcerated for less than 3 months, Voucher payments will continue for the household. If incarceration lasts more than 3 months, the Voucher will be terminated. • Voucher may be terminated for certain criminal activities and alcohol abuse. More about RD Vouchers • RD Vouchers are handled by Quadel Consulting Corporation. • Contact Quadel with questions about specific rental situations at: 866-258-1167 • Tenants may appeal the income-eligibility determination or the voucher amount determination. • Median household income is calculated for every county in the country, and may be different from the county where you currently live. Before moving to a new area, check the median household income for that area - if you are over the income limits for the area, you will not be eligible for the voucher program. Tenant Responsibilities - Vouchers • Return required forms & provide true/complete documentation on time. • Use the apt for tenant/family and as tenant’s only residence. Tenant may not have an ownership interest in the property they are renting. • Pay tenant’s portion of rent on time & don’t damage property. • Comply with the lease including provisions of the Voucher Program. • Allow RD to inspect at reasonable times and after reasonable notice. • No subletting or assigning the lease. • No criminal activity. No alcohol abuse that causes a disturbance or is harmful to other residents. • Notify Quadel and owner before moving or terminating the lease. Contact Quadel at [email protected] or call 1-866-258-1167. • Promptly give Quadel a copy of any eviction notice. Commonly Asked Questions Q: What does the RD voucher do? A: The voucher is a subsidy to help pay the rent for eligible tenants after the RD loan is paid off. Q: How much is the voucher worth? A: The amount of the voucher is the difference between the net tenant contribution for rent and the Comparable Market Rent for a unit. EXAMPLE: If an eligible tenant pays $300 a month, and the Comparable Market rent is $800, the voucher amount for that tenant will be set at $500. Q: Can I take the voucher amount and spend it any way I want? A: No. The voucher is good only for rent; it is paid directly to the landlord. Commonly Asked Questions Q: If I move, and if the rent is higher than my current rent, will the voucher amount be increased? If any may be A: No. The amount of the voucher will never increase. you move to a higher rent unit, you will have to pay increase in rent. If you move to a lower rent unit, the voucher amount is not changed, but your contribution be lower. However, the amount of the voucher cannot more than the rent. Q: Can two or more of us pool our vouchers and rent a really nice place? A: No. Only one voucher can be used per lease. Commonly Asked Questions Q: Can I take the voucher with me if I move to another rental? A: Most likely. The Voucher can be used in any rental situation anywhere in the United States if the owner will accept the Voucher, the unit passes RD inspection, and you are under the low income limit for that area. The only exception is Section 8 housing, RD Rental Assistance units and other publicly subsidized units. This is because these units are already subsidized. Q: Is the RD Voucher only for tenants who receive Rental Assistance from the USDA? A: No. All tenants with incomes less than 80% of area median income are potentially eligible to receive a voucher, regardless of whether or not they are currently receiving Rental Assistance. Commonly Asked Questions Q: How long will voucher payments be made? A: The Voucher is worth 12 monthly payments. RD will continue to renew the voucher for an additional 12 months so long as funding is available and the tenant remains below 80% of area median household income (low income). Q: If there is a change in household income, will it affect the voucher amount? A: It depends. Initial eligibility for the voucher is based on household income being at or below 80% of the area median household income (low income). The amount of the voucher will not change if income goes down or up. However, if at the time of renewal, household income is more than 80% of area median household income, tenant will be ineligible to receive further assistance. Commonly Asked Questions Q: If I move to a new area, can I loose my voucher if I am over the low income limit for that area? A: Yes. Look before you leap! There are two ways to find the low income limit for an area where you are considering moving. Go to the Rural Development website: Select ‘Multi-Family Housing Rentals.’ A map of the US appears. Select the State and then the County where you want to live A list of RD financed projects in that County will come up Select the project you are interested in Select ‘Contact Servicing Office.’ Call or email the office and ask them for the LOW INCOME LIMIT for the County where you want to live. NOTE: If you select ‘View Income Limit’, it will show you the ‘MODERATE’ income limit. What you need is the LOW INCOME LIMIT. Find Low Income Limit On-line The second way to find the low income limits for an area is to look them up on-line. Go to the Rural Development website: Select ‘Housing Assistance’ Select ‘Income & Housing Eligibility’ Under ‘Income Eligibility’ Select ‘Single Family Housing’ Select the State from drop down list Select County from drop down list Enter Household Member Information Select ‘Next’ Enter Monthly Gross Income Select ‘Finish’ If it says you are ELIGIBLE for the Section 502 Direct Housing Loan Program, then you are under the low income limit for that county & eligible for the Voucher If it says you are INELIGIBLE for the Section 502 Direct Housing Loan program, then you are over the low income limit for that County and are NOT eligible for the Voucher. The maximum income for the County is also given
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