HA ARRY Y AIN NLAY HIGH SC CHOO OL Grade G 10 1 Reg gistratiion Infformattion Boooklett Harry Ainlay A High h School: www.ainla w ay.ca/progrrams Edmontton Public Schools: www.epsb. w .ca/schoolss/register/ Find a school s tooll: www.epssb.ca/schoo ols/findascchool/fast/ HARRY AINLAY HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 GRADE 10 REGISTRATION INFORMATION BOOKLET AND PLANNING TOOL EPSB Student at an Attendance Area Junior High Have a parent log in to their parent SchoolZone account and select Harry Ainlay as their preferred school for the 2015-2016 school year. Harry Ainlay staff will be visiting the following schools to complete course selection: Avalon (FIM), D.S. MacKenzie, Kenilworth (FIM), McKernan (FIM), Vernon Barford, Riverbend, Grandview and Allendale. To prepare for Pre-Registration, select your courses and record them on the back page of this Registration Booklet. You will be selecting your courses based on your current junior high marks. If your mark, in a core subject, changes by June, you can make course changes in the general office at Harry Ainlay at the end of June or in July during summer school (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.). We need to know if you have a sibling at Ainlay or if you are a twin. Please identify this on top of the course selections on the last page of this booklet (sibling must be attending Harry Ainlay in 2015-2016). EPSB Student at a Non-Attendance Area School Have a parent log in to their parent SchoolZone account and select Harry Ainlay as their preferred school for the 2015-2016 school year. If you attend another Edmonton Public High School or an Edmonton Public Junior High School that is not mentioned above, please attend a course selection session at Harry Ainlay on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 or Thursday, April 9, 2015 between 3:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Any students selecting courses during these times are all given equal preference. You will need to bring your completed Registration Booklet and a student ID with your legal name. Students New to EPSB (Out of District) If you do not attend an Edmonton Public School you will need to visit Harry Ainlay to complete the preenrolment process. We have set aside Wednesday, March 25, 2015 and Thursday March 26, 2015 from 3:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. for this process. See www.ainlay.ca for complete registration information and required documentation. *If the number of students who want to attend Harry Ainlay exceeds available space, applicants from outside the school’s designated attendance area will be chosen by random selection. Students who are not successful in the random selection process will be notified by April 24, 2015 and will be accommodated by their attendance area high school. See www.epsb.ca for details. Page 3 of 12 HARRY AINLAY HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 10 PRE ENROLLMENT SPRING 2015 General Courses English Social Studies Mathematics Science Physical Education/CALM Option (such as a second language) Option Option Credits 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 Credit total should be 40 - 45 credits French Immersion Credits French Language Arts 10-1 (or pre-IB) 5 Études sociales 10-1 5 Mathématiques 10C 5 Sciences 10 5 English 10-1 (or pre-IB) 5 Physical Education 10/CALM 8 Options - Students may take two options worth 5 credits each Credit total should be 40 - 45 credits International Baccalaureate (IB) Full Diploma Program Credits English 10-1 pre-IB 5 Social Studies 10-1 pre-IB 5 Math 10C pre-IB 5 Math 20-1 IB 5 Science 10 pre-IB 5 Physical Education 10/CALM 8 International Language 10 pre-IB 5 Options - Students may choose one 5 credit option Credit total should be 44 - 45 credits Prerequisite: a course that is required prior to selecting the next course level. Most grade 11 & 12 courses require a prerequisite. Credit earned: credits awarded upon successful completion of a course. Pass/Fail: achieving a final mark of 50% in any course is a pass. Page 4 of 12 Course Offerings at Harry Ainlay All courses are 5 credits unless otherwise noted. The prerequisite to take a course at the next grade level is 50%. A course mark of 60% is recommended if selecting 10-1 programming and a course mark of 80% if selecting pIB programming English Minimum requirement for high school diploma is English 30-1 or English 30-2. Students require English 30-1 for most post-secondary institutions. Grade 10 English 9 Grade 11 60+ Grade 12 English 10-1 pIB English 20-1 IB English 30-1 IB English 10-1 English 20-1 English 30-1 English 10-2 English 20-2 English 30-2 English 9 Math Minimum requirement for high school diploma is a 20-level Math. Post-secondary institutions accept both Math 30-1 and Math 30-2. Check with the post-secondary institution that you are interested in to see which course is required. Grade 10 Mathematics 9 Math 10 C pIB Grade 11 Grade 12 Pre‐Calculus Math11IB (20‐1) Pre‐Calculus Math12IB (30‐1) Strongmathstudent& interestedintaking Calculus Mathematics 10 C Interestedinpursuing post‐secondarywithout Calculus WorkPlace Math10‐3 PrinciplesofMath12 (30‐2IB) Pre‐Calculus Math11 (20‐1) Pre‐Calculus Math12 (30‐1) Principlesof Math11 (20‐2) Principlesof Math12 (30‐2) Mathematics20‐3 Page 5 of 12 Mathematics30‐3 Math31IB (Calculus) Pre‐Calculus12 (30‐1IB) Math31 (Calculus) Social Studies Minimum requirement for high school diploma is Social 30-1 or Social 30-2. Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Social Studies 9 Social Studies 10-1 pIB Social Studies 20-1 IB Social Studies 30-1 IB Social Studies 9 Social Studies 10-1 Social Studies 20-1 65+ 30-1 Social Studies Social Studies 10-2 Social Studies 20-2 Social Studies 30-2 Science Minimum requirement for high school diploma is a 20-level science. Science 30 is accepted in many post-secondary faculties. Grade 10 Science 9 Science 10 pIB Science 10 Science 9 Science 14 Grade 11 Grade 12 60+ Biology 20/35 IB Biology 30 IB Chemistry 20/35 IB Chemistry 30 IB Physics 20/35 IB Physics 30 IB Biology 20 Biology 30 Chemistry 20 Chemistry 30 Science 20 Science 30 Physics 20 Physics 30 Science 24 Physical Education/CALM Students must complete Phys Ed 10 and CALM for an Alberta high school diploma. All other Phys Ed classes (not including Phys Ed 10) can be used towards the 10 credits required for options. Grade 10 Phys. Ed. 9 Grade 11 Phys. Ed. 20 Phys. Ed. 10/CALM Page 6 of 12 Grade 12 Phys. Ed. 30 International Languages – Choose as an option All language courses listed can be used towards the 10 credits required for options. Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 French 10-9y French 20-9y French 30-9y French 10-9y pIB French 20-9y IB French 30-9y IB FLA 10-1 pIB FLA 20-1 IB FLA 30-1 IB German 10-3y German 20-3y German 30-3y German 10-3y pIB German 20-3y IB German 30-3y IB Completed Jr. High French as a Second Language Completed French Immersion and are choosing IB A 30-level language course is the minimum acceptable level required by post-secondary institutions. Japanese 10-3y Japanese 20-3y Japanese 30-3y Japanese 10-3y plB Japanese 20-3y IB Japanese 30-3y IB No Previous Spanish Spanish 10-3y Spanish 20-3y Spanish 30-3y Spanish 20-3y IB Spanish 30-3y IB Spanish 10-6y Spanish 20-6y Spanish 30-6y Spanish 10-6y pIB Spanish 20-6y IB Spanish 30-6y IB Spanish 10-3y pIB Completed Jr. High v Spanish French Immersion – 3 year course chart for FIM Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 French Language Arts 9 FLA 10-1 pIB FLA 20-1 IB FLA 30-1 IB French Language Arts 9 FLA 10-1 FLA 20-1 FLA 30-1 Etudes sociales 9 Etudes sociales 10-1 Etudes sociales 20-1 Etudes sociales 30-1 Mathématiques 9 Mathématiques 10C Mathématiques 20-1 Mathématiques 30-1 Mathématiques 20-2 Mathématiques 30-2 Biologie 20 Biologie 30 Chimie 20 Chimie 30 Physique 20 Physique 30 Sciences 9 Sciences 10 Page 7 of 12 Mathématiques 31 Options Use the selection box to choose your top 4 choices (numbered 1 to 4). Refer to online booklet for course descriptions. http://ainlay.ca/programs/under Detailed Course Description Booklet 2015-2016 Selection Selection Fine Arts Art 10 Description Introductory course into fine arts, exploration of media, techniques and an assortment of artistic styles. Art 10 pIB Introductory course into fine arts, exploration of media, techniques and an assortment of artistic styles. Drama 10 Introductory course for students interested in studying all aspects of theatre. Drama 10 pIB Introductory course for students interested in studying all aspects of theatre. Guitar 10 Beginning guitar with no previous music or guitar experience. Music 10A Introductory Band For those students who did not have the opportunity to experience band at the junior high level and wish to do so now. Music 10C Choral Music Ensemble singing in a variety of vocal styles. Performances and festivals occur throughout the year. Music 10 CB Concert Band A full ensemble experience for students with previous band experience. Performances and festivals occur throughout the year. Music 10 P Symph. Band Percussion 10 credit course, requires previous band experience. This PERCUSSION SECTIONAL course is automatically paired with full SYMPHONIC BAND. Music 10B Symph. Band Brass 10 credit course, requires previous band experience. This BRASS SECTIONAL course is automatically paired with full SYMPHONIC BAND. Music 10W Symph. Band Woodwind 10 credit course, requires previous band experience. This WOODWIND SECTIONAL course is automatically paired with full SYMPHONIC BAND.. Physical Education Athletic Injury Management 15 (Introductory Health Services Sports Medicine) Description For students interested in Athletic Therapy, Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine or Nursing. Provides a base in anatomy, injury management, first aid/CPR. Sports Performance 15 (Introductory Recreational Leadership) For students with a passion for athletics, sports and fitness. Combines classroom and activity based learning. CALM 20IB Only for IB students. All other students will have CALM incorporated into their Phys Ed class. Page 8 of 12 Selection CTS Communication Technology 10 Description Students develop skills in photography, video production and digital design in an engaging, hands-on learning environment. Computer Science 10 Program stories, animations and games using Scratch, Python, GameMaker. Web/app development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AppInventor. Construction Technology 10 Students are immersed into a modern cabinet shop to produce furniture with power tools. Cosmetology 10 Allows students to understand and express creativity through hair design, skin care and personal style. Design Studies 10 Design studies in an exploratory course focusing on the development of both hand drawing and computer automated design skills. Fabrication & Welding 10 In Welding 10 you will learn to use hand tools and machinery to fabricate some cool projects using brass, copper and steel. Fashion Studies 10 This course is focused on sewing techniques to produce garments and accessories. Fashion Studies 10 is also offered in the morning at 8:00 a.m. Foods 10 Students develop basic kitchen skills, examine the nutritional value of foods and learn proper food preparation techniques and cooking methods. Forensics 25 Includes the collection and analysis of evidence from crime scenes, finger printing, polygraphing and DNA analysis. Science 10 pre-requisite. Legal Studies Intro. 10 A survey of Canadian law and process: criminal, employment, buying/selling/contracts, torts, relationships/family, the environment. Mechanics 10 An exploratory course that examines vehicle repair, service, maintenance and ownership in Alberta. Robotics 10 Provides students with practical hands-on experience in an interactive technical lab environment, complemented with virtual, online simulations. Leadership 15 Leadership skills for personal development through activities and projects at the school and in community . Develop study skills. Learning Strategies/Reading 15 Selection Selection Skills Centres Culinary Arts (10 credits) Description Students learn the skills required to cover all stations in a professional kitchen. Engineering Technology A half day, 10 credit semester course, located at J. Percy Page. Scheduled Outside of Class Schedule Advanced Acting 15 Description Scheduled afterschool. Apply through Drama teacher in September. Leadership 15 Seminar Leadership skills for personal development through activities and projects at the school and in the community. Musical Theatre 15 Scheduled in the mornings. Page 9 of 12 Planning Page Post-Secondary Requirements Checklist Completed? Graduation Requirement 100 credits minimum English 30-1 or English 30-2 Social Studies 30-1 or Social Studies 30-2 Mathematics at the 20-level Science/10 credits in any Science courses CALM (Career and Life Management) Physical Education 10 10 credits in any 30-level course (not including English or Social Studies) 10 credits in any combination of the following option courses: Career and Technology Studies (CTS) Fine Arts (Drama, Art, Music or Dance) Second Languages Physical Education 20 and/or 30 Registered Apprenticeship Program courses Some courses do not meet this requirement. This is noted in the course charts. Student 3 Year Plan Grade 10 Courses English Mark Credit 5 Grade 11 Courses English Mark Credit 5 Grade 12 Courses English Mark Credit 5 Social Studies 5 Social Studies 5 Social Studies 5 Mathematics 5 Mathematics 5 Mathematics 5 Science 5 Science 5 Science 5 Phys. Ed./CALM 8 1) 1) 1) 2) 2) 2) 3) 3) 3) 4) 4) Total Credits Total Credits Total Credits Page 10 of 12 HARRY AINLAY HIGH SCHOOL Student Name: ___________________________Jr. High School: _____________________________ EPS I.D. #:___________________________ Please check all that apply: Sibling at Ainlay for 2015/2016 school year Twin for 2015/2016 Refer to online booklet for course descriptions. http://ainlay.ca/programs/Detailed Course Description Booklet 2015-2016 Grade 9 Marks A/80% B/60% C/50% Credits English ELA 10-1 pIB or ELA 10-1 Below Grade Level ELA 10-2 ELA 10-1 ELA 10-2 Transitions or ELA 10-4 5 SST 10-1 pIB or SST 10-1 SST 10-1 SST 10-2 MAT 10C pIB* or MAT 10C MAT 10C MAT 10-3 Launch and/or MAT 10C SCN 10 pIB or SCN 10 SCN 10 Current Mark:_____ Social Studies Current Mark:_____ Mathematics Current Mark:_____ Science Current Mark:_____ (with teacher recommendation) SCN 14 or SCN 10 (with teacher recommendation) Take in place of an option: Must be combined! SST 10-2 Transitions or SST 10-4 MATH 10-3 Transitions or MAT 10-4 SCN 14 Transitions or SCN 10-4 Learning Strategies/ Reading 15 5 5 5 6 *Must be combined with MAT 20-1 IB in place of a 5-credit option. PHYS. ED. 10/CALM Male Female 8 OPTIONS – Choose 15 Credits 5 Credit Course 10 Credit Course Languages Fine Arts CTS Fine Arts French 10-9y French 10-9y pIB German L & C 10-3y German L & C 10-3y pIB Japanese L & C 10-3 y Japanese L & C 10-3y pIB Spanish L & C 10-3y Spanish L & C 10-3y pIB Spanish L & C 10-6y Spanish L & C 10-6y IB Art 10 Art 10 pIB Drama 10 Drama 10 pIB Guitar 10G Music 10C Choral Music Music 10CB Concert Band Music 10A Introductory Band Communication Tech. 10 Computer Science 10 Construction Tech. 10 Cosmetology 10 Design Studies 10 Fabrication & Welding 10 Fashion Studies 10 Foods 10 Forensics 25 Legal Studies 10 Mechanics 10 Robotics 15 Leadership 15 Learning Strategies/ Reading 15 Music 10P Symph. Band Percussion Music 10B Symph. Band Brass Music 10W Symph. Band Woodwind Athletics Athletic Injury Mgmt. 15 (Intro Health Services Sports Med) Sports Performance 15 (Introductory Recreational Leadership) Credit Course Outside of Class Fine Arts (5 Credits) Advanced Acting 15 (after school) Musical Theatre 15 (early morning) Other (5 Credits) Leadership Seminar 15 Skills Centres Culinary Arts Harry Ainlay Engineering Technology J. Percy Page THESE CREDITS DO NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR TOTAL CREDIT LOAD Refer to online booklet for course descriptions. http://ainlay.ca/programs/Detailed Course Description Booklet 2015-2016 Total Credits (minimum 40) ___________ School Signature: _____________________________ *BRING WITH YOU TO OSCR REGISTRATION* Page 11 of 12 What do you want to do… There are many activities for students to enjoy at Harry Ainlay. As a member of the Student Council, students are eligible to participate in all of them! Clubs/Events Ainlay MS Bike Tour Amnesty International Anime Ainlay Soba Bowl A Walk Around the World Awards Board Battle of the Bands Blood Donor Clinic Cappies Chess Club Citadel Club Class Executive Council Concert Band Culture Fest Dance Club Dodgeball for Dafur Encounters with Canada Games Club Grad Council GSA H.A Handball Cup History Movie Club Interact Club Improv Troupe Jazz Choir Jr. High Leadership Conference Kiva Club Knitting Club Link Crew Me To We Model United Nations One Act Play Festival Pi Day Reach For the Top Science Olympics Skills Canada S.A.D.D. Student Council Symphonic Band Technical Theatre Titans International Titans of the Round Table Touch of Class Travel Club Tri-Prov (Basketball) TVT (Volleyball) Video Team Yearbook Yoga Club Web Design Team And many more… There is also the opportunity to start a new club! Athletics Badminton Basketball – Jr (Men & Women) Basketball – Sr (Men & Women) Cheer Cricket Cross Country Curling Football - Jr Football - Sr Golf Handball – Jr (Men & Women) Handball – Sr (Men & Women) Rugby – Sr (Men & Women) Soccer – Jr (Men ) Soccer – Sr (Men & Women) Indoor Soccer Swim Track & Field (Indoor & Outdoor) Page 12 of 12 Volleyball – Jr (Men & Women) Volleyball – Sr (Men & Women) Waterpolo Wrestling
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