AIPN Newsletter Winter 2014 - Australian Injury Prevention Network

Volume 17, 2
Winter 2014
President’s Report
Dear AIPN members,
Big news this edition:
Follow us for the latest
information on injury prevention
and safety promotion in
The AIPN is a professional organisation
bringing together all Australians and
New Zealanders concerned with injury
issues. Please feel free to contact us
for more information.
AIPN undertakes to collate
information from contributors, and
has not been responsible for the
research reported in this newsletter.
We are tweeting!
@_AIPN represents injury prevention and safety promotion
researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers around Australia,
raising the profile and influencing change in the area of public health.
If you missed them, you can find our latest tweets at https://
Here is a sample:
Inside this edition
‘Gangs, Violence, and a Flood of Migrant Children an
President’s report
In our own backyard
Membership renewal
Drowning prevention summit
Three conferences in one
Forum insight
Australasian Mortality Data
Interest Group Conference
Farm safety forum
Australian Community Workers
Upcoming conferences
@IP_BMJ blog http://
Data linkage: overcoming a potential injury prevention obstacle an
@IP_BMJ blog
The @RCHMelbourne Farm Safety Forum 15 August 8.30-4 http://
safety_centre_workshops/Trauma … Farm Safety Flyer.pdf
Please retweet as you see fit!
Happy reading!
Australian Injury Prevention Network
Incorporated in Victoria
ABN 23 676 617 704
AIPN Website:
AIPN Secretariat
PO Box 21211
Little Lonsdale Street
Email: [email protected]
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In our own backyard
Injury Prevention Aotearoa welcomes your registration for the national injury
prevention conference In our own Backyard at Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand
on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 November 2014.
This will be the injury sector’s time to share knowledge, research, and initiatives that will inspire us and help
us all to work more effectively towards the betterment of preventing and reducing injury in Aotearoa. As the
title suggests we are focusing this conference on New Zealand and the wealth of knowledge and expertise
we have in our own backyard.
The registration fee for the two-day programme is $350 with day tickets also available.
For more information, see
Key dates
Abstracts and registrations - now open
Abstracts close - Friday 15 August 2014
Scholarship applications close - Friday 29 August 2014
Early-bird registrations close - Friday 19 September 2014
Standard registrations close - Friday 17 October 2014
Membership renewal
It is the time of year when Memberships are due for renewal.
Individual and institutional memberships are available. For more information, visit
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Drowning Prevention Summit
Australian Water Safety Council National Drowning Prevention Summit 2014
The Australian Water Safety Council (AWSC) will host the
Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 August 2014 at the PARKROYAL Darling
Harbour, 150 Day Street, Sydney, Australia. The Summit will bring a
vital focus to the Australian Water Safety Council’s goal of
‘Reducing drowning deaths by 50% by 2020’. A series of
symposiums will provide a forum for those working in the water
safety and drowning prevention sector to review the progress of the Australian Water Safety Strategy 201215, with the expectation that the Summit will identify the critical steps needed to achieve this goal.
Who Should Attend
The AWSC invites everyone with a commitment to reducing drowning through research, policy or practice.
• Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Organisations
• State and Territory Water Safety Council Members
• Policy Makers at all levels of Government
• Local Government Representatives
• Managers of Aquatic Venues
• Researchers and Students
• Community Health Professionals
• Lifesavers, Lifeguards, Swimming and
Water Safety Instructors
• Rescue and Emergency Services Personnel
IMPORTANT DATES Abstracts for poster presentations
close - Friday 28 June 2014
Abstract notification to authors by Secretariat - Friday 4
July 2014
Summit Registrations Close – Friday 18 July 2014
Summit Dates – Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 August 2014
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Three conferences packed into one!
Be Active 2014
be active 2014 will incorporate the:
Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport (ACSMS),
National Physical Activity Conference (NPAC),
National Sports Injury Prevention Conference (NSIPC).
Together the three conferences will focus on current research and practice in areas relating to the
promotion of, and safe participation in, all kinds of sport, exercise and physical activity. be active 2014 will
provide an interactive educational forum of the highest standard, promoting the latest physical activity and
health developments amongst key and influential industry professionals.
be active 2014 will be held at the National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia , 15 – 18 October 2014.
Abstract submissions - closed
Abstract notification of acceptance - May 31
Early bird registration - closes July 31
Author registration closes - August 31
For more information contact the Conference Secretariat on [email protected] or see
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Forum insight
Beyond the Safe City Social Innovation Forum, 5-6 March 2014
The City of Melbourne's vision is for our city to be bold, inspirational and sustainable - a place where
everyone feels safe, connected and able to participate in city life at any time of the day or night. A key part
of this process is the next strategy for a safe city. The draft strategy outlines the vision, principles, themes
and actions for the next four years. Read the draft strategy here:
On the 5th and 6th of March, the City of Melbourne in collaboration with Doing Something Good, hosted a
two day Beyond the Safe City Social Innovation Forum. Cr Foster welcomed the participants which included
residents, business owners, academics, policy makers, city workers, urban planners, architects, designers,
students, community leaders, and health, safety and security professionals. This was a key component of
our community engagement plan to help us develop the next strategy for a safer city newly titled Beyond
the Safe City Strategy 2014-17. The draft strategy
will be presented to Future Melbourne Committee in
(In attendance: Peter Crowley from City of Moonee
Valley, Meegan Brotherton from Australian Safe
Communities Foundation and Barbara Minuzzo The
Royal Children’s Hospital Safety Centre.)
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Forum insight continued….
The City of Melbourne’s application to be redesignated as
an International Safe Community was successful, and the
official announcement was made at the Beyond the Safe
City Social Innovation Forum. Applications are assessed by
the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre on
Community Safety Promotion. The City of Melbourne has
enjoyed this status since 2000.
(Left: Cr Foster with
Meegan Brotherton)
Melbourne was the first Australian capital city to be designated as an International Safe Community, and it
remains the only Australian capital city and the first in the southern hemisphere to achieve and maintain this
The re-designation affirms the City of
Melbourne’s commitment to building and
promoting a safe and inclusive community
and our desire to be a continuing member
of the International Safe Community
(Above: City of Melbourne staff, Local Police, Meegan Brotherton)
Here is a storify feed of the conversations that took place during the forum:
There is also the option of watching a video:
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Australasian Mortality Data Interest Group (AMDIG)
The Australasian Mortality Data Interest Group will be hosting their annual
conference in Sydney, 18-19 November 2014.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Mortality data in the information age”. The 2014 conference will
bring together leading professionals from Australia, New Zealand and other countries for two days of
discussion and networking about current issues surrounding mortality data, with particular emphasis on the
Australasian region.
Based around the theme of “Mortality Data in the Information Age”, the conference aims to:
Present a selection of the latest research findings associated with mortality data
Highlight innovations in examining and presenting data
Identify international developments in mortality data
Provide a forum for mortality data professionals and researchers to exchange information and forge
constructive partnerships
Highlight the links between research and the development of health policy
Key Dates
23 May Call for abstracts open
28 July Early bird registration opens
08 August Abstract submission deadline
29 August Abstract notification to authors
05 September Acceptance by authors
10 October Early bird registration closes
11 October Standard registration opens
13 November Standard registration closes
For more information, see
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Farm Safety Forum
Keeping kids free from harm on the farm, 15 August 2014, Melbourne.
Please join us in this multidisciplinary forum where we will provide a comprehensive overview of the
ongoing challenges in keeping children free from injury in the rural community. We will also investigate the
strategies and identify what further work needs to be done to protect children on farms.
WHEN Friday 15 August 2014, 8.30am – 4.00pm.
WHERE Ella Latham Auditorium, Ground Floor, The
Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville.
PARKING Extremely limited parking is available in and
around the hospital. Alternatively Trams 55 and 59
stop directly outside the hospital.
REGISTRATION RSVP your name, workplace & any
dietary restrictions via email to [email protected] by Friday 8 August 2014. For further enquiries call
9345 5085. The PowerPoint presentations will be made available on The Royal Children’s Hospital Safety
Centre website after the completion of the workshop. The entire event will also be recorded and available
on the website.
Australian Community Workers Conference and Exhibition
The 2014 Australian Community Workers Conference and Exhibition will be held in
Melbourne, 10-11 September.
Bringing together a faculty of prominent industry experts, the event will provide timely and in-depth
insights for community work practitioners and their companies into the fields of organisational, community
and professional development. Reflecting the theme of 'Many occupations, one profession', the event will
not only enhance the knowledge and skills-base of community workers, but will also bring together the
whole sector for knowledge-exchange and network-building.
Further information can be found at
Page 8
Various Injury Prevention Conferences, 2014
XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014,
24-27 August 2014
The XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany. See for more information.
Safety in Action 2014: Sydney Safety Conference,
2-3 September 2014
The Safety in Action conference will be held in Sydney, Australia. See
safety-conference/sydney-safety-conference for more information.
Occupational Safety in Transport Conference,
18-19 September 2014
The Occupational Safety in Transport Conference at the Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise, Australia. See http:// for more information.
be active 2014
15-18 October September 2014
The be active conference will be held in Canberra, Ausstralia. See
conference/ for more information.
Injury Prevention Network of Aotearoa New Zealand (IPNANZ) Conference,
6-7 November 2014
The IPNANZ national conference will be held at Te Papa, Wellington. The conference theme is “In our own
backyard”. See for more information.
2014 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference,
12-14 November 2014
The RSRPE conference will be held in Melbourne. The conference theme is “It always seems impossible
until it’s done” . See for more information.
6th Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,
16-18 November 2014
The 6th Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, with the
theme “The highs and lows of fall prevention”. See .
Australasian Mortality Data Interest Group Conference,
18-19 November 2014
The Australasian Mortality Data Interest Group Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia. The them for
the conference is “Mortality data in the information age”. See
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World Cup-inspired pictures
Given the World Cup activities which have excited soccer-lovers everywhere, here
are some soccer-related injury photos. Warning: you may cringe…
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The National peak body for all age and all cause injury prevention and control in Australia
Kerrianne Watt (President)
[email protected]
Alexia Lennon (Secretary)
[email protected]
Lara Harvey (Treasurer)
[email protected]
Erica Davison
[email protected]
Tim Driscoll
[email protected]
Rebecca Ivers
[email protected]
Kirsten Vallmuur
[email protected]
Sophie Pointer
[email protected]
Bridie Scott-Parker (Editor)
[email protected] .au
[email protected]
The Australian Injury Prevention
Network welcomes people from a
wide range of backgrounds who
have an interest in injury
prevention and safety promotion.
The AIPN offers 5 membership
types covering most individual and
corporate needs.
Sheree Bekker (Student
To apply for or renew your
membership, please go to the
website to download a
membership form or complete
your application online.
AIPN Secretariat
C/- Centre for Accident Research and Road
Safety, Queensland (CARRS-Q)
Queensland University of Technology
K Block, 130 Victoria Park Road
Kelvin Grove
Do you have any articles, news, stories or
information on injury prevention research,
publications or activities?
For inclusion in the Winter edition of the
newsletter, please submit any articles, news or
stories to the Newsletter Editor
Dr Bridie Scott-Parker at
[email protected] by 15 August 2014.
Queensland, 4059
Email: [email protected]
This edition of Injury Incidence has been
edited by Dr Bridie Scott-Parker.
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